Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread Michael Nordström

What would you say if I changed the requirements for the viewer to be
Palm OS 3.1 or later?

To use the multibyte support written by Matsumoto it is necessary to
use 3.1 or later. One could link the viewer with the PalmOSGlue
library to fix that, but that would increase the size quite a bit.

I guess the number of devices running 2.0 are less than 1% and it
would make more sense to strip out all the 3.x stuff from the viewer
to create a Lite version for those devices (they are already low on
memory). Anyone using 3.0 can upgrade to 3.3.

Any opinions?


Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread MJ Ray

 I guess the number of devices running 2.0 are less than 1% and it
 would make more sense to strip out all the 3.x stuff from the viewer
 to create a Lite version for those devices (they are already low on
 memory). Anyone using 3.0 can upgrade to 3.3.

Are you sure on that?  I'm fairly sure certain Palm 3s are non-flashable and
stuck on 3.1, while I know of some people using older Palm Pros which have
had memory upgrades added.

Is it possible to support multiple OS versions with #ifdefs, or is that
going to cause a lot of pain?

Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread Michael Nordström

On Sun, Nov 11, 2001, MJ Ray wrote:

 I'm fairly sure certain Palm 3s are non-flashable and stuck on 3.1,

Well, I said 3.1 would be the minimum, so being stuck on 3.1 is not
a problem.

 Is it possible to support multiple OS versions with #ifdefs, or is that
 going to cause a lot of pain?

Adding #ifdefs would not cause a lot of pain; to support and test an
unlimited amount of different versions will be a real PITA, though.


Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread David A. Desrosiers

 I guess the number of devices running 2.0 are less than 1% and it would
 make more sense to strip out all the 3.x stuff from the viewer to create
 a Lite version for those devices (they are already low on memory).
 Anyone using 3.0 can upgrade to 3.3.

My only concern would be that we are treading close to alienating
the Handspring users with the 3.1 or greater requirements. Can we make sure
we test those capabilities on the Handspring units?

The only units which do not support a multibyte ROM right now and
are OS3.1 or later are the IIIx, IIIe (not flashable, but running 3.3),
IIIxe, V, VII, VIIx, ALL of the Handsprings (none are flashable), the
original IBM Workpad (which is running 3.0, but is flashable), the two
Qualcomm units, the Symbol units (1500, 1700, and 1740, runs OS3.2 anyway
though), and the original TRGPro (but it runs 3.3 or 3.5.1, and is

We shouldn't be in the game of forcing or requiring users to join
the Palm Developer Pavilion to get access to PalmOS ROM images to flash
their own devices to allow Plucker to work if we move beyond OS3.1, but I
think as long as we hang at 3.1 for awhile, or provide lite versions, I
would be fine with that.


Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread David A. Desrosiers

 Adding #ifdefs would not cause a lot of pain; to support and test an
 unlimited amount of different versions will be a real PITA, though.

$ make [lite, full]
$ Is your handheld shown in the list below?
  [display a list of compatible handheld units here]

It may be more pain for those that compile, but they're expected to
know what they're doing for the most part. I've talked to people that say
that they compile all their stuff with the same three commands in a script:
'./configure; make; sudo make install', and it makes me laugh.

In any case, perhaps with a gui tool like Roberts, you pick which
handheld you use, and the appropriate viewer is selected, and the same can
be modeled in a script as well.


Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread Michael Nordström

On Sun, Nov 11, 2001, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
 Can we make sure we test those capabilities on the Handspring units?

The only thing I ever can make sure is that it works on my TRGpro and
Palm V.


Re: Change the Palm OS requirement

2001-11-11 Thread Max Bian

   The only units which do not support a multibyte ROM right now and

Multibyte character support?  I have a handspring (edge) and it works find with
chinese characters.  The characters are supported by software: CJKOS.

It is not necessary to have OS ROM support to get multibyte working. The
software can take the job.

 are OS3.1 or later are the IIIx, IIIe (not flashable, but running 3.3),
 IIIxe, V, VII, VIIx, ALL of the Handsprings (none are flashable), the
 original IBM Workpad (which is running 3.0, but is flashable), the two
 Qualcomm units, the Symbol units (1500, 1700, and 1740, runs OS3.2 anyway
 though), and the original TRGPro (but it runs 3.3 or 3.5.1, and is

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