Re: [PLUG] AMD hex core CPU and motherboard combination

2011-07-24 Thread Rich Shepard
On Sat, 23 Jul 2011, Wayne E. Van Loon Sr. wrote:

 I am about to buy some components to put together some AMD hex core CPU
 boxes, 6 or 7 of them. Does anybody have recommendations for good
 performance VS cost combinations?


   For hardware questions like this I've received consistently good advice
from the staff at ENU in NE Portland; I'm sure their western store does just
as well.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-24 Thread Rich Shepard
On Sun, 24 Jul 2011, Bill Barry wrote:

 Have you tried rebooting your modem?


   I had not. I just power cycled it (an old Fujitsu model without a power
switch so I pulled the plug, paused, reset the plug). No difference.


PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] Setting ADSL Bandwidth

2011-07-24 Thread Russell Senior
 Robert == Robert Munro writes:

Robert On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 06:16:47 -0700 (PDT) Rich Shepard wrote:
  Last Monday I upgraded my Aracnet account to the maximum bandwidth
 that Frontier reports for my location (3M down, 768K up). The
 change was supposed to take no longer than 48 hours. It is now a
 week and my bandwidth has not incresed (according to
 Isn't such a change a matter of a few keystrokes by the Telco?
 Aracnet/SpiritOne tech support sent Frontier a query on Thursday
 but has not had a response since then. I'm trying to understand
 where the problem might be.

Robert Aracnet/SpiritOne is your ISP and Frontier (formerly Verizon,
Robert perhaps) is the ILEC (telco) or maybe it's a CLEC or DLEC,
Robert leasing your circuit from a telco (like Qwest, for example)
Robert and reselling that to your ISP.

Robert In my admittedly limited experience (as Speakeasy is my ISP,
Robert and Covad is the CLEC under the telco, Qwest), provisioning an
Robert ADSL line takes a lot longer than 48 hours. That work must be
Robert scheduled by the companies and that can take more than one
Robert week, perhaps up to two or three weeks.

Robert As I understand it, your telco pair terminates in a local
Robert telco office, where the voice bandwidth is split off to the
Robert POTS circuits, and higher frequency ADSL bandwidth is
Robert terminated at the local DSLAM (essentially, a rack of ADSL
Robert cards hooked to an edge router, sitting on a fast link).

Robert If the ILEC (or CLEC/DLEC) that owns your ADSL card at the
Robert DSLAM has to switch that out for a faster one, that could
Robert account for a provisioning delay, such as you seem to be
Robert experiencing.

Robert I only know this because Speakeasy made the entire process
Robert transparent, both when I initially ordered my ADSL line and
Robert again later, as I moved.  It showed me the work orders,
Robert schedules and confirmations of work done.

Robert You now know everything I do about ADSL provisioning (well,
Robert except for fact that apparently the backhaul on my line uses
Robert ATM from my DSLAM to Speakeasy's Seattle POP, which sort of
Robert blew my mind when I heard that).

Robert Perhaps Aracnet/SpiritOne will share its record of orders,
Robert etc., to the ILEC/CLEC/DLEC with you. That's what I'd ask for,
Robert if I had the problem.

Robert This sort of thing makes me hesitate to think about changing
Robert my ISP, or even ordering a higher speed link. I can't afford
Robert my ADSL link to fail, though I might consider a backup or a
Robert dual-homed setup for reliability.


Russell Senior, President
PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Qwest no more?

2011-07-24 Thread Michael C. Robinson
I understand that Qwest is supposedly becoming CenturyLink.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] PLUG at OSCON -- This week

2011-07-24 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:54:46 -0700
David Mandel dijo:

Thank you John.
You should be able to get an exhibitor pass.
Also, Russell is correct about the setup times.

I just registered, and I got the Exhibitor sticker. I also wandered
through the hall and found our booth - right next to Free Geek. I
didn't see Personal Telco, but they were still making booths.

If you get down there and register yet today you get free pizza and a
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