Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

2024-04-06 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt
I also appreciate the heads-up on this as I literally do have better things to 
do than spend an hour every day reviewing security exploit mailing lists. 😉

Coming from a FreeBSD background this is why I have never liked the "yum 
install" and apt-get" things that the Linux userbase take for granted.  Under 
FreeBSD you have ports and you install Unix software the way God intended Unix 
software to be installed, "make install"
Then you actually get CHOICES on how to build.  Why does xz need to run the 
test sets anyway during building?  How stupid!  90% of what it's being built on 
ix s86 it's going to result in the same binary.

Note that this has happened before:

The most troubling aspect is that there's too little supervision of changes in 


-Original Message-
From: PLUG  On Behalf Of MC_Sequoia
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 3:21 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group 
Subject: Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

Firstly, thank you for making me aware of this! 

"It also helps that it really only made it to the public through Debian 
unstable and testing."

According to this article,, xz 
is a "core Linux compression utility". I wasn't aware. 

So any unstable/testing distro is vulnerable. "Red Hat was first to break the 
news of the boobytrap."

Here's the pkg & version info for those who want to do a quick system check.

Package: xz-utils
Version: 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1

Refer to full Debian bug report =>

The most troubling aspect of this malware is this: 

"I count a minimum of 750 commits or contributions to xz by Jia Tan, who 
backdoored it.

This includes all 700 commits made after they merged a pull request in Jan 
2023, at which point they appear to have already had direct push access, which 
would have also let them push commits with forged authors. Probably a number of 
other commits before that point as well."

So there might be more malware lurking and there might be more security 

Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

2024-04-06 Thread Nat Taylor
Looks like there is no xz-utils in Arch, and it's not installed by default
in Pop_OS, FWIW...

On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 2:24 PM Ted Mittelstaedt 

> I also appreciate the heads-up on this as I literally do have better
> things to do than spend an hour every day reviewing security exploit
> mailing lists. 😉
> Coming from a FreeBSD background this is why I have never liked the "yum
> install" and apt-get" things that the Linux userbase take for granted.
> Under FreeBSD you have ports and you install Unix software the way God
> intended Unix software to be installed, "make install"
> Then you actually get CHOICES on how to build.  Why does xz need to run
> the test sets anyway during building?  How stupid!  90% of what it's being
> built on ix s86 it's going to result in the same binary.
> Note that this has happened before:
> The most troubling aspect is that there's too little supervision of
> changes in projects.
> Ted
> -Original Message-
> From: PLUG  On Behalf Of MC_Sequoia
> Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 3:21 PM
> To: Portland Linux/Unix Group 
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info
> Firstly, thank you for making me aware of this!
> "It also helps that it really only made it to the public through Debian
> unstable and testing."
> According to this article,
> xz is a "core Linux compression utility". I wasn't aware.
> So any unstable/testing distro is vulnerable. "Red Hat was first to break
> the news of the boobytrap."
> Here's the pkg & version info for those who want to do a quick system
> check.
> Package: xz-utils
> Version: 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1
> Refer to full Debian bug report =>
> The most troubling aspect of this malware is this:
> "I count a minimum of 750 commits or contributions to xz by Jia Tan, who
> backdoored it.
> This includes all 700 commits made after they merged a pull request in Jan
> 2023, at which point they appear to have already had direct push access,
> which would have also let them push commits with forged authors. Probably a
> number of other commits before that point as well."
> So there might be more malware lurking and there might be more security
> fallout.

Re: [PLUG] attack on sshd via xz

2024-04-06 Thread King Beowulf
On 4/5/24 10:36, wes wrote:
> I'm surprised to see that no one has mentioned this on PLUG yet, though
> it's been flying around the rest of the tech sphere on the internet pretty
> heavily over the last week. I will share it here in case any list member
> hasn't seen it yet elsewhere and if anyone is interested in this subject.
> The short version is, someone (potentially many someones) attempted to
> insert malicious code into the Linux pipeline which would have resulted in
> them being able to log in to any system running that code without
> authorization. The attempt was caught before it reached any major level of
> distribution and stopped, but the fact that it even got that far is
> alarming.
> Here is a NYT article covering the sequence of events in a pretty
> approachable way:
> And for those who do not feel motivated to create an account on the NYT
> website:

Interestingly, for those of us that use Slackware64-15.0 Linux (stable), 
the xz debacle was a non-issue. Even for Slackware64-current, it was a 
non-issue, but to be on the save side, xz was rebuilt and patched with 
clean code:


Fri Mar 29 20:39:11 UTC 2024

a/xz-5.6.1-x86_64-2.txz:  Rebuilt.
   Seems like a good idea to build this from a git pull rather than the signed
   release tarballs. :-)
   The liblzma in the previous packages were not found to be vulnerable by the
   detection script, but I'd rather not carry the bad m4 files in our sources.
   Here's a test script for anyone wanting to try it:
   if hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"' /lib*/ | grep -q 
f30f1efa554889f54c89ce5389fb81e700804883ec28488954241848894c2410 ; then
 echo probably vulnerable
 echo probably not vulnerable

Sat Mar 30 18:08:12 UTC 2024
a/xz-5.6.1-x86_64-3.txz:  Rebuilt.
   [PATCH] CMake: Fix sabotaged Landlock sandbox check.
   We don't build with CMake (yet), but it doesn't hurt to apply this.

Ya'll can keep yer fancy pants linux distros with yer systemd, dpkg/apt/yum and 
other silliness.

The Year of the Slackware Linux Desktop 1993 - 2024


Re: [PLUG] attack on sshd via xz

2024-04-06 Thread MC_Sequoia
"Ya'll can keep yer fancy pants linux distros with yer systemd, dpkg/apt/yum 
and other silliness."

Thanks! I will! It wasn't a problem for me! =)

Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

2024-04-06 Thread MC_Sequoia
"The most troubling aspect is that there's too little supervision of changes in 

Nope! It's far less about supervision and far more about process. Especially in 
the FOSS world, which relies heavily on peer review & the user community to 
ferret out bad code as happened in this cause by someone doing database 
benchmark tests and noticed the SSH logins were taking much longer than normal.

If you've ever found yourself supervising a bad process, you'd know this beyond 
a shadow of a doubt. 

I can't tell you the number of jobs, where as a technical person, I did way 
more work fixing bad & broken processes than I did fixing bad & broken workers, 
with the exception of the occasional incompetent, lazy or bad worker who 
doesn't want to follow process or is unable to. In which case, you set them 
free to find another job! =)

Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

2024-04-06 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt
Ah but I suspect in all of your supervision of employees you never had an 
employee who was under contract from the Russian military, and probably being 
paid millions of rubles or whatever they are using there, at the same time you 
were supervising them, who's job was to pwn the project for his actual 
employers needs instead of your needs.

Such an employee would have been the perfect one to supervise, and he would 
have also insured that the process was working perfectly as well.  The very 
last thing he would want is for you to get involved to fix something.

FOSS operates because it's NOT crapped up by 6 committee meetings and a dozen 
code reviews which your typical programmer hates with a passion.  The process 
works or Linux wouldn't be good enough today to run mission critical stuff.   
In this case it was one PERSON operating in that working environment who's job 
was to subvert it.  Letting him into the party to play with the toys was not 
done properly, or as a bad actor he would have been screened out.  It's not 
process - it's absolutely the supervision.

A commercial org with Agile development and code review and process up the 
wazoo ...well that's Microsoft.  And their process doesn't deliver any better 
code as witnessed by all the problems with the March security update


-Original Message-
From: PLUG  On Behalf Of MC_Sequoia
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 5:28 PM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group 
Subject: Re: [PLUG] - attack on sshd via xz => More XZ Libs malware info

"The most troubling aspect is that there's too little supervision of changes in 

Nope! It's far less about supervision and far more about process. Especially in 
the FOSS world, which relies heavily on peer review & the user community to 
ferret out bad code as happened in this cause by someone doing database 
benchmark tests and noticed the SSH logins were taking much longer than normal.

If you've ever found yourself supervising a bad process, you'd know this beyond 
a shadow of a doubt. 

I can't tell you the number of jobs, where as a technical person, I did way 
more work fixing bad & broken processes than I did fixing bad & broken workers, 
with the exception of the occasional incompetent, lazy or bad worker who 
doesn't want to follow process or is unable to. In which case, you set them 
free to find another job! =)