Re: Simple Script issue..??

2008-12-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
kill `ps aux|grep -v grep|grep kicker|cut -b10-15`
Gone...   :)


wayne writes: 

 ps -A | grep $1 | cut -c1-5 | grep -o [0123456789]* | kill 
 I want to run the above script whack like this:   whack  kicker
 which should kill the process kicker
   But it chokes at the kill part and I do not know what I'm 
 doing.  and doing wrong  :-) 
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Re: bitten by python

2008-12-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Google your exact errors and versions for quick solutions!)
I Dogpile them...   :)

What I have found time and again, is that Google brings me MILLIONS of 
answers (which is as good as none) 

Dogpile will search Google (and an array of other search engines) and bring 
you back 4 to 5 pages of results (in a bad day) 

Somehow Dogpile prioritizes the hits in a way that if I haven't found what I 
am looking for in the 3rd page, most likely it won't be on the 4th or the 
Search pattern is wrong, fine-tune your pattern and search again... 

I seldom go beyond the 2nd page when drop in exact errors, I generally get 
my answer in the first 10 lines.

PS: Anybody has a boot with initramfs cookbook?   :( 



Lisa Kachold writes: 

 (Google your exact errors and versions for quick solutions!) 
 Solution is stated as: (verify your versions) 
 tar zxvf Zenoss-Plugins-2.0.4.tar.gz 
 cd Zenoss-Plugins-2.0.4 
 python ./ build 
 python ./ install 
 tar zxvf setuptools-0.6c7.tar.gz 
 cd setuptools-0.6c7 
 python ./ install --list-plugins 
 # | | (503)754-4452
 Catch the January PLUG HackFest!   Kristy Westphal, CSO for the Arizona 
 Department of Economic
 Security will provide a one hour
 presentation on forensics 1/10/09 at 
 Subject: bitten by python
 Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 09:50:56 -0700 
 I haven't any experience with python and I'm gathering that what should
 be simple isn't happening for me. 
 I'm trying to install an ssh monitoring package on a Macintosh. The
 instructions are here (and very simple) 
 step 1:
 # python build
  UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'package_data'
 copying zenoss/ -

 copying zenoss/plugins/ -

 copying zenoss/plugins/ -
 copying zenoss/plugins/ -
 copying zenoss/plugins/ -

 copying zenoss/plugins/ -
 copying and adjusting scripts/ -

 changing mode of build/scripts-2.3/ from 644 to
 Step 2
  python install

initramfs anyone?

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello there... 

I'm trying to create a universal kernel for my machines and apparently
initramfs is the way to go. 

I'm dizzy reading about it and I can't still find the beginning of the

Does anybody have a initramfs cookbook? 

Something that a dumb guy like me can read and say: 

This is where it starts and ends and the guts in between...
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Re: MySQL premium services?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use Postgres...   :) 

Joshua Zeidner writes: 

   Has anyone here used MySQL premium services?  Did you think they are a
 good value? 
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Re: PostgreSQL vs. MySQL, was: MySQL premium services?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are many possible reasons why to choose one over another, my specific 
one is last...
I have never run personal tests against any, so I'll repeat you what I have 
read over the years: one used to be faster, the other one lacked features 
(depending of who you asked), my understanding is that both are now catching 
up with each other in performance and features. 

The final single reason why I went Postgres was backups.
Back in the day when I did my research (this may have changed) you could not 
take a hot backup in MySQL without purchasing a commercial product, as 
opposite as Postgres that you can simply hot-backup a fully consistent 
database with pgdump. 

Besides, MySQL leans more and more towards a commercial product ala Red Had, 
where Postgres is one of those OSS bastions. 

I go Postgres (with what I knew then)


Joshua Zeidner writes: 

   you know I do see many of the advantages with Postgres, but the
 information is patchy.  Can you link me some dependable comparisons?  Many
 claim that MySQL is faster. 
   Its not for a personal project, I need to provide real justification to
 management.  The PostGIS extension is one of the major gains on the Postgres
 side, but MySQL is catching up there. 
 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Use Postgres...   :) 

 Joshua Zeidner writes: 

Has anyone here used MySQL premium services?  Did you think they are a
  good value?
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Re: MySQL premium services?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wars are GOOD!!!
I didn't know about this one!   :)
I'll do some readings while I shop for grenades on ebay...   8)


Bryan ONeal writes: 

 Oh Yha! DB War!  I say use IBM DB2 9.5C.  It's free, stable, well
 supported by the community, has an all you can eat support plan for
 $3K/yr/server and a number of built in features that make it an
 excellent enterprise platform. 
 On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 16:53 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use Postgres...   :)  
 Joshua Zeidner writes:  
Has anyone here used MySQL premium services?  Did you think they are a
  good value? 
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Re: PostgreSQL vs. MySQL, was: MySQL premium services?

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Back then when I researched the issue (about a year or so ago), you had to 
take the server down to get a consistent backup with the tools provided by 
I haven't updated my research since...


Charles Jones writes: 

 The final single reason why I went Postgres was backups.
 Back in the day when I did my research (this may have changed) you could not 
 take a hot backup in MySQL without purchasing a commercial product, as 
 opposite as Postgres that you can simply hot-backup a fully consistent 
 database with pgdump. 
 man mysqldump  :-)
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LFS nuts anyone? Here is another nut :)

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you are an LFS freak, I want your input. 

In my (control freak) quest to own the Ultimate Linux, I have devised a 
script that creates packages as you build LFS, and then it can be used to 
manage the machine by installing or removing packages. 

A Package Manager of sorts, but that's an over-ambitious classification. 

You can download, which will present you a configuration file 
for you to edit, and will build for you an LFS machine. 

The machine you will get (with dbg packages) will mirror an LFS machine as 
if you had follow the book, and it comes with build scripts and build logs. 

Nuff said, If you've made it this far is because you are probably another 
LFS freak, please give it a test drive at 

I've written a lot of documentation, most of your questions will be answered 
Let me know what you think!

PS: Sometimes the scripts may be broken, it's a work in progress...
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Re: LFS nuts anyone? Here is another nut :)

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perspective is everything...   :)
I've done enough LFS's to recite them from memory, I still learn something 
every time I try...
My final goal is to have a script to manage my LFS inventory (most of my 
servers are LFS) but I've found that my script may have other applications.
THANKS!!!   :)

PS: It'd do me a GREAT service if you just glanced over and told me if it 
at least makes any sense.
I'm not the best technical writer... 



Dazed_75 writes: 

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you are an LFS freak, I want your input. 

 In my (control freak) quest to own the Ultimate Linux, I have devised a
 script that creates packages as you build LFS, and then it can be used to
 manage the machine by installing or removing packages. 

 A Package Manager of sorts, but that's an over-ambitious classification. 

 You can download, which will present you a configuration file
 for you to edit, and will build for you an LFS machine. 

 The machine you will get (with dbg packages) will mirror an LFS machine as
 if you had follow the book, and it comes with build scripts and build logs. 

 Nuff said, If you've made it this far is because you are probably another
 LFS freak, please give it a test drive at 

 I've written a lot of documentation, most of your questions will be answered
 Let me know what you think!

 PS: Sometimes the scripts may be broken, it's a work in progress...
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 I tried and got a significant way through the LFS book but found I was
 not learning enough to justify the time.  Since my sole purpose in
 doing this was learning more about how Linux works, I set the project
 aside thinking I might come back later and try again.  If I can find
 some time it might be instructive to look at what you have done.
 Another possibility is that it might remove some of the drudgery and
 still let me learn. 
 Thanks for the effort.  I wish I could give you some feedback now
 since that seems to be your immediate goal. 
 Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only
 animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and
 what they ought to be.
   - William Hazlitt
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Re: OT: Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack

2008-11-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The real problem is that nobody wants to trust something that you get 
 for free. There's a certain irrational sense of security to be had by 
 paying for something rather than downloading it from the internet. 

I can (sorta anyway) understand that...
What BLOWS mi mind, is that there is a system out there in the world, that 
has been universally recognized as secure, that is actively backed up by 
brilliant minds and scientists well beyond most human beings expectations, 
that is completely open and verifiable, etc, etc, etc... 

And then there is this other system, that has been proven cumbersome and 
vulnerable, that features characteristics highly dependant on commercial 
interests, claiming a 5-years cycle of (WoW!!!) innovation that nobody (not 
even them) has been able to pinpoint (compare that to last 5 years of your 
favorite Ubuntu flavor), and that was invisibly and unaccountably evaluated 
by this team of (insert here here your favorite radical political or 
religious affiliation known to disagree with US), and we have Mr. Bill 
Gates in the flesh, known for a trajectory of fair business practices, 
transparency and sharing of knowledge, to come out of that secret vault that 
holds that inaccessible code and say: Yeah; it's the most secure system I 
have ever seen.. 

I'll go get all my wife's naughty pictures and store them in one of those 
computers right now...
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Re: OT: Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack

2008-11-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The first Ubuntu I ran was 5.04
They come out every 6 months.
You do the math, my fingers are busy with the keyboard...:)


mike havens writes: 

 On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 (compare that to last 5 years of your favorite Ubuntu flavor)
 Has Ubuntu been around five years already?
 I remember when I first heard of it and at the next PLUG east side
 meeting Dennis had a bunch of copies.
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OT: Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

It gives me the chills to phantom that the guvement trusts Micro$haft to 
handle our private country business...
Could anybody please grab a phone a find some intelligent guy in the White 
House and/or the Pentagon and explain them that there are alternatives? 

And while I am ranting, it blows mi mind that the same guvement that sued 
Micro$haft with YOUR MONEY, forces you to do official business over the WEB 
via a browser, and forces you to use (can you guess!?) #$* M$ Internet 
Explorer.  Ask our beloved Friendly Aviation Association (FAA)
Go figure...

PS: I am very well aware that Military Intelligence is an oxymoron...   
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Is anybody having display issues with the latest Kubuntu ?

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At first I thought: well...   Those #$% Nvidia drivers...
But then I saw it happening with ATI boards.
Anecdotally I can say that I have seen it happening in just about each and 
everyone of the 15-something computers (desktops and laptops) that I have 
installed Kubuntu onto. 

And it SUCKS...:( 

Mostly with Firefox, but also with Konsole and other applications, suddenly 
the display inside a particular window quits (it goes black)...
After resizing it a random amount of times (but mostly after shrinking it) 
the display comes back alive and well. 

Keyboard and mouse input are taken (at least some times) cuz you can see 
some reactions after the display comes back, but it is ungodly ANNOYING!!! 

Is anybody experiencing something like that, or is it the little gnome 
following me again with the camera and laughing at my expenses? 

I mean, it would be funny...
If it wasn't happening to me...   :(
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Re: who wants a career-oriented resource?

2008-11-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'd may want to get involved in this...
What are the specs?

Joshua Zeidner writes: 

 BTW- there are many stated reasons why the PLUG list is not 'strictly
 ie. see my interview with Alan:
 I am very interested in building a career-oriented resource for OSS
 professionals.  Who else wants this? 
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Re: Disk wiping recommendations

2008-11-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
you could also boot some Linux CD and:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/DRIVE2WIPE
Easy...   :)


eculbert writes: 

 Resending an email from Nathan that he posted here almost 4 years ago. I used 
 it on a few and afterwards, the system didn't even know any device was 
 attached as I hadn't specified a starting block, it wiped block zero. It is 
 the 'w' that writes. Without the w, it just verifies the blocks.
 destroying hard drives (intentionally)
 Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:36 AM
 Nathan England [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Add sender to Contacts
 -Inline Attachment Follows- 
 If the hard drive still works, boot knoppix on the machine, then run
 'badblocks -svvw /dev/hda1' or whatever the drive is. That will zero
 everything in the disk. I've not found a recovery utility yet that will find
 anything after that. 
 Ed/ke7feg  Now that Novemeber is here, April can wait! 
 On 2/23/2007 the morse code requirement was dropped for getting 
 a ham license. Now just pass the written exams which are on the 
 web at for questions and 
 --- On Fri, 11/7/08, Josh Coffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 From: Josh Coffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Disk wiping recommendations
 To: plug
 Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 8:21 PM
 Hi all, 
   Could anyone please post recommendations on wiping data
 off of a hard
 drive?  I'm getting rid of my old desktop and want to
 make sure its clean
 before the recipient gets it (not that they would have a
 clue how to
 retrieve data).  It's just a precaution. 
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Re: VOIP, SIP phones

2008-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nathan writes: 

 I'm looking for a phone to use with skype, maybe others. I have a laptop that 
 has BIOS problems so it cannot be unplugged, so if the phone must connect to 
 a pc that is fine, but I would prefer some kind of wireless phone.  
 Does anyone use any of the USB skype phones with linux? What are your 
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Re: Free CodeWeavers software for one day

2008-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think it's cool that is swamped.
Tells you something about the demand...   :)



Jason Hayes writes: 

 The main website is temporarily down right now due to high traffic. However, 
 you get the software by going to 
 Enter your email twice and type agree in the box. They'll send a 
 registration code to that email. 
 Then go to, enter the registration code and 
 download your software. 
 Jason Hayes 
 On Monday 27 October 2008 19:27:55 mike enriquez wrote:
 Thanks for the info Josh.
 I will give this a try tomorrow.
 If anyone can find how they setup the free download please
 pass it on to the group.
 Thanks again
 Mike Enriquez
 - Original Message -
 From: Josh Andler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: PLUG Discuss
 Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 6:55 PM
 Subject: Free CodeWeavers software for one day 

  Hey all,
  So, thanks to a collapsing global economy and a bet that they lost,
  CodeWeavers will be giving away a product of your choice tomorrow for
  Linux or Mac.
  If CrossOver is of interest to you because of games or professional apps
  that Wine won't run yet (that you can't live without), tomorrow is the
  day to get your copy of CrossOver for free. :)
  Yeah, it doesn't necessarily further FLOSS software, but for some it
  makes the transition to Linux more doable.
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Re: Free CodeWeavers software for one day

2008-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't have use/desire/inclination/motivation/need or downright bravery to 
use Micro$haft software either, but it is certainly a tool to help you 
sell Linux to a good prospect.
Think globally...:)


James Finstrom writes: 

 I am in a bit of a deli-ma I downloaded it because the price was right
 but I honestly don't use nor have the desire to use any windows software...
 unusable free software makes me sad... 
 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I think it's cool that is swamped.
 Tells you something about the demand...   :)



 Jason Hayes writes: 

  The main website is temporarily down right now due to high traffic.
  you get the software by going to
  Enter your email twice and type agree in the box. They'll send a
  registration code to that email.
  Then go to, enter the registration code
  download your software.
  Jason Hayes
  On Monday 27 October 2008 19:27:55 mike enriquez wrote:
  Thanks for the info Josh.
  I will give this a try tomorrow.
  If anyone can find how they setup the free download please
  pass it on to the group.
  Thanks again
  Mike Enriquez
  - Original Message -
  From: Josh Andler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: PLUG Discuss
  Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 6:55 PM
  Subject: Free CodeWeavers software for one day
   Hey all,
   So, thanks to a collapsing global economy and a bet that they lost,
   CodeWeavers will be giving away a product of your choice tomorrow for
   Linux or Mac.
   If CrossOver is of interest to you because of games or professional
   that Wine won't run yet (that you can't live without), tomorrow is the
   day to get your copy of CrossOver for free. :)
   Yeah, it doesn't necessarily further FLOSS software, but for some it
   makes the transition to Linux more doable.
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Re: How to transfer files between computers on a network

2008-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open up a terminal and type:
ip addr show
and choose the adapter that connects to the network you want. 

If that doesn't work:
ifconfig -a 

Open up a command prompt ant type:

use scp as:
scp /file/to/copy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/copy/file/to
It's easy, even I can do it...   :)



Josef Lowder writes: 

 How do I get the 'ip' numbers for each computer from which
 and to which I want to transfer a file using 'scp'? 
 i.e. scp filename.jpg nnn.nnn.n.nn 
 On 10/22/08, Josef Lowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (1) scp *.jpg
  (2) sftp (if you have ssh running) then [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (3) From KDE Konqueror, in the location bar type:
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Re: How to transfer files between computers on a network

2008-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BTW, another easier way to do the static address thing is to assign 
addresses outside the DHCP range.
There is not a hard and fast rule to know what the range is (unless you look 
at the router configuration) but if your addresses start with, it is safe to assign to your 
computers (unless you plug 253 computers to the router...   :) 

If your address is, then find the computer in the network with 
the lowest address and use addresses below it. 

Make sure you don't duplicate the IP of the router (wich normally ends on 

Or follow the manufacturer's instructions, log in the router, find the range 
(under DHCP configuration) and be safe...   :)



Ryan Rix writes: 

 Eekers, thanks for the catch :) /me is used to writing to actual dir's after 
 so just assumed it would right to ~ in that case. 
 Thanks and best regards,
 Ryan Rix
 TamsPalm - The PalmOS Blog 
 I don't want to touch you too much baby, 'cause 
 making love to you might drive me crazy 
 On Wed October 22 2008 04:16:47 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is true but,
 Just a note: 

 scp *.jpg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Will copy all the files ending in .jpg to a directory named [EMAIL 
 THIS machine, if it exists, or it will abort with an error. 

 If you want to remote-copy, it has to have a colon : 

 scp *.jpg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 scp *.jpg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~

 PS: been bitten with that one before... 

 Ryan Rix writes:
  inet brd scope global eth0
  Yes, it's the first number after inet.
  inet brd scope global eth0
  again, first after inet.
  What I personally would do, though it's a bit of a pain to set up, is if
  your router supports DHCP reservations (dlink G router does here) you can
  give each compy a 'static' dhcp address.
  After you have them all rounded up you can add entries to /etc/hosts bedroom kitchen
  and such, till you're done on all the boxen
  then do /etc/init.d/networking restart
  and now you can refer to your targets as 'kitchen' or 'bedroom' or
  scp *.jpg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Note that if the username you are logged into on the source computer is
  the same as your target's username it can be safely dropped, and it's
  Thanks and best regards,
  Ryan Rix
  TamsPalm - The PalmOS Blog
  My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain: IBM
  On Wed October 22 2008 03:23:09 pm Josef Lowder wrote:
  On 10/22/08, enrique [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Linux: Open up a terminal and type:
ip addr show
and choose the adapter that connects to the network you want.
use scp as:
scp /file/to/copy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/copy/file/to
It's easy, even I can do it.
  Thanks Enrique ... but the problem is ... you are brilliant
  and I guess I just don't have all the wires connected.
  I did find that I have to use /sbin/ip addr show
  since 'ip' was not found.
  But below are the results I got from my two linux boxes,
  and I can't figure out which of all these different number
  sets is the 'ip' number for each machine.
  == from machine A
  $ /sbin/ip addr show
  1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet scope host lo
  2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
  link/ether 00:11:2f:06:65:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  inet brd scope global eth0
  == from machine B
  $ /sbin/ip addr show
  1: lo: LOOPBACK,UP,1 mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet scope host lo
  2: eth0: BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,1 mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen
  1000 link/ether 00:14:85:1e:5f:5e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  inet brd scope global eth0
  Furthermore, from your excellent example (thank you very much),
  scp /file/to/copy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/copy/file/to
  I still do not understand how to put which numbers where,
  and how the actual syntax should look.  Is it like this:
   scp /filenameA.txt/to/copy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/copy/filenameB.txt/to
  How would scp know in what directory or folder to put the file
  to be copied?
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Suse 9, [kacpid] and display of ps

2008-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WHAT DO THE BRACKETS mean? (down below) 

Hello there: 

I have a Suse 9 machine as:
# uname -r
# cat /etc/issue 

Welcome to SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586) - Kernel \r (\l).

I am trying to determine if the acpi daemon is running, but all I find is: 

# ps aux|grep acp
root 5  0.0  0.0 00 ?S   Sep22   0:00 [kacpid] 

There is no reference whatsoever to kacpid in /etc/init.d 

Also, WHAT DO THE BRACKETS in [kacpid] mean?
I have always wondered about those brackets and man ps doesn't really 

Appreciate any help.
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Re: Suse 9, [kacpid] and display of ps

2008-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks, that's what I thought...:)

Jon M. Hanson writes: 

 Those are kernel processes/threads.
 Jon M. Hanson (N7ZVJ)
 On Oct 22, 2008, at 5:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 WHAT DO THE BRACKETS mean? (down below) 

 Hello there: 

 I have a Suse 9 machine as:
 # uname -r
 # cat /etc/issue 

 Welcome to SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586) - Kernel \r (\l).

 I am trying to determine if the acpi daemon is running, but all I  
 find is: 

 # ps aux|grep acp
 root 5  0.0  0.0 00 ?S   Sep22   0:00  

 There is no reference whatsoever to kacpid in /etc/init.d 

 Also, WHAT DO THE BRACKETS in [kacpid] mean?
 I have always wondered about those brackets and man ps doesn't  

 Appreciate any help.
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Re: Reselling a machine

2008-10-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tough to sell a computer...   ;-)


Sean Roe writes: 

 Hi All, 
 I have a machine for sale on craigs list at the moment and since I havent
 gotten any calls on it I was wondering if I was asking too much for it.  I
 am asking $275 for it.  It has: 
 For Sale AMD x2 Dual Core 4600+ pc with the following: 
 AMD 4600 X2 with Thermaltake Volcano Cooler
 Gigabyte Motherboard
 2 Gig Ram
 ATI x1950 video card
 2 ea x 300 Gig drives
 Thermaltake 750w powersupply
 Additional exhaust fan
 16x DVD burner
 Keyboard and Mouse
 Win XP Pro license with documentation and original disk. 
 Am I asking too much for it? 
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Re: dd if=hda1 of=whatever ???????

2008-10-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OK, lets get this organized:
 it and then dd the primary drive. That way if I get a virus all I need
 to do is dd the file back ontoo the hard drive. So I suppose that I...
dd will read your HD/partition track by track and output it to of=MYOUTPUT 

You have to place MYOUTPUT somewhere and save it.
It is a file known as an ISO image. 

The cookbook is:
1.- boot machine in Linux
2.- run dd against the HD/partition you want to eventually recover, and save 
the output to a file, which implies:
2.1- if you have local space, use it.
2.2- if you don't have local space, use a different machine, which makes SSH 
the easiest transport mechanism.
3.- reverse the whole enchilada by dd(ing) back your ISO image to the 

Remember to dd the MBR too if you dd the partition instead of the whole 
drive, there are partitions considerations that you better understand before 
you use this technique. 

I'll leave away the details of how to do this until I understand what you 
really want to do, my previous instructions are totally unrelated to 
dual-boot, and using grub or lilo is irrelevant. 

My previous instructions will allow you to take an ISO image of your Window$ 
system so you can rebuild it afterwards.
Feel free to ask...:)



mike havens writes: 

 I believe you misunderstand... I'm not going to duel boot. I figure
 that I'll need to install grub or lilo because I'm not installing MS
 from their restore disk. 
 On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:31 PM, James Finstrom
 I find sadly windows runs better in virtual box on linux then directly
 installed. That said I would connect two drives and boot to a live cd
 like the kubuntu disk ad do the dd 

 Assuming that you have another machine with enough space to hold the Window$
 drive, you can:
 Boot both machines in Linux.
  From the one with the Window$ installation:
 dd if=/dev/?da0|ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat -  my-windoze.iso 

 But I would just install the last Kubuntu, setup Windoze in a virtual
 machine and replace the file every time it gets screwed.
 Good luck...


 mike havens writes: 

 I hate windows! I hate it when I get a virus! Igot a brand new one
 last night I was happily tip-tapping away last night but when I got up
 in the morning everything was moving very s-l-o-w-l-y! After
 running clam nothing was discovered so I just reinstalled my system.
 So I figure that a good thing to do is to get the system like I want
 it and then dd the primary drive. That way if I get a virus all I need
 to do is dd the file back ontoo the hard drive. So I suppose that I
 will need to put grub in the boot loader. Does this soun doable? Who
 is gacious enough to help? WHich distro do you recommend? I was
 thinking of using PHLAK version?old but in my hands I have xubunt
 6.1, mepis 2003.10.02, Slax 4.2.0, and mepis 3.4-3 

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 Sent from my mobile device 

 James Finstrom
 Rhino Equipment Corp.
 All Rhino products are made in America, 100% Money Back Guarantee, and
 have a 5 Year warranty.
  Sometimes for it to just work you have to think outside the box!
 Phone: 1-877-RHINO-T1 ~ FAX: +1 (480) 961-1826
 IP: ~ FWD: 633686 

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Re: dd if=hda1 of=whatever ???????

2008-10-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Assuming that you have another machine with enough space to hold the Window$ 
drive, you can:
Boot both machines in Linux.
 From the one with the Window$ installation:
dd if=/dev/?da0|ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat -  my-windoze.iso 

But I would just install the last Kubuntu, setup Windoze in a virtual 
machine and replace the file every time it gets screwed.
Good luck...


mike havens writes: 

 I hate windows! I hate it when I get a virus! Igot a brand new one
 last night I was happily tip-tapping away last night but when I got up
 in the morning everything was moving very s-l-o-w-l-y! After
 running clam nothing was discovered so I just reinstalled my system.
 So I figure that a good thing to do is to get the system like I want
 it and then dd the primary drive. That way if I get a virus all I need
 to do is dd the file back ontoo the hard drive. So I suppose that I
 will need to put grub in the boot loader. Does this soun doable? Who
 is gacious enough to help? WHich distro do you recommend? I was
 thinking of using PHLAK version?old but in my hands I have xubunt
 6.1, mepis 2003.10.02, Slax 4.2.0, and mepis 3.4-3 
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Re: How to format an external hard drive?

2008-09-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have run NTFS systems before without any issue, the NTFS drivers can do RW 
without problem.
How old is your Mandriva?
Get Kubuntu...:)
Enrique A. Troconis 

PS: The instructions given to you that start fdisl -l are correct, so I'm 
omitting them. 


Josef Lowder writes: 

 I received a small 38-Gig external harddrive as a gift
 and it is apparently formatted with an ntfs file system. 
 It mounts automatically when I plug it in to my Mandriva
 system USB port, and I can read the files that are there,
 but I cannot write to it as it gives a message read only
 file system. 
 So, what would be the best way to format it as a fat 32
 so I can plug it in and use it on either my Linux system
 or on my xp laptop? 
 While I have not used it for anything, below are some of the
 files that I found on this HD: 
 Contents of external HD: 
 /dev/sda1  38G  212M   38G   1% /mnt/New_Volume
 /dev/sda1  38G  212M   38G   1% /mnt/New_Volume 
 # cd /mnt/New_Volume
 # ls -ltr
 dr-x--  1 root root 0 Feb 23  2006 System Volume Information/
 # cd System*
 # ls -ltr
 dr-x--  1 root root 0 Sep 21 16:19 RECYCLER/
 -r  2 root root 0 Feb 23  2006 MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase
 dr-x--  1 root root 0 Sep 21 16:18
 dr-x--  1 root root 0 Sep 21 16:18 RP471/
 -r  1 root root 1390 Sep 21 16:19 change.log
 # cat change.log
 ïÍ«ì\Device\HarddiskVolume9\System Volume
 \RP471\change.logdïÍ«à \Converted2d`ïÍ«à\RECYCLER`¼ïÍ«àx\
 RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-947519380-1418259369-3847320399-1006¼ÔïÍ« à\
 # ls -ltr
 dr-x--  1 root root 0 Sep 21 16:19
 dr-x--  1 root root 12288 Sep 21 16:19 De1/
 -r  1 root root65 Sep 21 16:19 desktop.ini
 -r  1 root root   820 Sep 21 16:19 INFO2 
 # cat INFO2
 E:\Converted2Ðt'@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 E:[EMAIL PROTECTED] S-1-5-21-947519380-1418259369-3847320399-1006]
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Re: I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...

2008-09-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've got to thank all the GREAT people that has answered my request for 
help.  It is GREAT to be involved in an activity that agglutinates a 
community like this. 

I will probably not be able to help back the people that has helped me, but 
I will sure help forward people that, as me, gets stranded somewhere. 

Enrique A. Troconis 



 Hello group:  
 This is the short story:
 I live in Georgia (see  :) and my mother in law 
 lives in Chandler.  
 I set up for her a Linux computer that may have a hardware problem.  
 She has some limitations that prevent her from reaching the back of the 
 computer and plugging and unplugging cables.  
 I called the Geek Squad for help and they are more than willing to bill 
 me $250 to get there and tell me if they can boot (or not) the computer 
 from a CD.  
 I need someone to visit her, diagnosis whether we have a hardware problem 
 and if not, boot the machine with an Ubuntu CD (or whatever) so I can SSH 
 into and fix any other issue.
 I'll be more than willing to return the favor with flight instruction, 
 anything from a hang glider to a twin engine...   :)
 Enrique A. Troconis  
 PS: I can also help anyone with some geeky Linux stuff...
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Re: I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...

2008-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Man, you guys are GREAT!!!
I've gotten so many people willing to help that I will have to do something 
to return this favor to humanity
The lady is fairly crippled and we are fairly away...
She is around the corner of Riggs  McQueen. 

If I remember well, it is some sort of AMD motherboard with one or 2 GB of 
memory running Kubuntu.  Some time ago the machine refused to boot and I 
sent her a Kubuntu CD to boot it from so I could diagnose it, but the 
machine refuses to boot even with the CD. 

It could be a burnt MB, a broken CD drive or an ID-10-T, error, I don't 
Enrique A. Troconis 

PS: And I'll be glad to take anybody flying.
Anything for the addiction...   :) 


Dazed_75 writes: 

 And if Stephen does not work out, I am certain we could work it out (I
 am involved with the Sunland Village East group).  Without publicizing
 her address, perhaps you could give a closer indication of her
 location than just saying Chandler.  Also a minimum description of the
 hardware could help in choosing the right person. 
 I will try to check email later today. 
 On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Stephen P Rufle
 Do you still need help with this? I live in Chandler, so I could drop by
 your mother in law's. 

 Stephen P Rufle

 Hello group: 

 This is the short story:
 I live in Georgia (see  :) and my mother in law lives
 in Chandler. 

 I set up for her a Linux computer that may have a hardware problem. 

 She has some limitations that prevent her from reaching the back of the
 computer and plugging and unplugging cables. 

 I called the Geek Squad for help and they are more than willing to bill me
 $250 to get there and tell me if they can boot (or not) the computer from a

 I need someone to visit her, diagnosis whether we have a hardware problem
 and if not, boot the machine with an Ubuntu CD (or whatever) so I can SSH
 into and fix any other issue.
 I'll be more than willing to return the favor with flight instruction,
 anything from a hang glider to a twin engine...   :)
 Enrique A. Troconis 

 PS: I can also help anyone with some geeky Linux stuff...
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 Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only
 animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and
 what they ought to be.
   - William Hazlitt
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I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...

2008-09-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello group: 

This is the short story:
I live in Georgia (see  :) and my mother in law lives 
in Chandler. 

I set up for her a Linux computer that may have a hardware problem. 

She has some limitations that prevent her from reaching the back of the 
computer and plugging and unplugging cables. 

I called the Geek Squad for help and they are more than willing to bill me 
$250 to get there and tell me if they can boot (or not) the computer from a 

I need someone to visit her, diagnosis whether we have a hardware problem 
and if not, boot the machine with an Ubuntu CD (or whatever) so I can SSH 
into and fix any other issue.
I'll be more than willing to return the favor with flight instruction, 
anything from a hang glider to a twin engine...   :)
Enrique A. Troconis 

PS: I can also help anyone with some geeky Linux stuff...
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