Re: Format

2009-05-15 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Matthew A Coulliette wrote:
 The toilet paper should come over the top of the role, so that it hags 
 down in front of the role and away from the wall. ;-)

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Re: Format

2009-05-13 Thread Bishmer Sekaran

 Most 'top posters' are too lazy to actually clean up the e-mail below to
 just retain the pertinent items to which they are responding to, leaving
 the challenge to the next reader to figure it out.

This is what happens when people have no Usenet chops. The storied 
customs and traditions of the internet fall by the wayside for 
unthinking and clumsy new vulgarities.
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Re: Looking for Laptop Suggestions

2009-05-12 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
 4. Lisa picked up on a good point - my daughter is deathly afraid I 
 will get her a black box computer for college. I mean a real black 
 box - square corners, matte black. We don't agree on shoes, and we 
 don't agree on the need for a fashionable laptopso I have to 
 through in that as a requirement as wellno square corners and 
 matte/shiny black finish. Must have color...I suggested spray paint, 
 but didn't get very far.;-)

Black is my favourite colour for computers and electronic equipment :(
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Re: Tempe Stammtisch tonight

2009-04-21 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
der.hans wrote:
 moin moin,

 this month Free Software Š…tammtisch in Tempe is tonight.

 We'll start 19:00 at Boulders on Broadway.



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Okay, I'm about done with the monkey show over here. Time to knock some 
back, see you guys in a few.
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Re: now I have a reason to learn backtrack3

2009-04-17 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
mike havens wrote:
 people areasking me how to find out their wep passwords. can you teach 
 me how to help these people?


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If they have physical access to the wireless AP, it's probably easier to 
reset it via the AP interface. The sort of people who forget their own 
passwords are also the sort of people who won't change the router admin 
pword away from the defaults.

If they don't have physical access:
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Re: Got a text formatting/database question - the political backstory

2009-04-15 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Jim March wrote:
 MS-Access is banned from voting
 systems (ain't approved)
This is a very refreshing change from the status quo! Out of curiousity, 
what are the approved DBs for voting systems?
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Re: Got a text formatting/database question - the political backstory

2009-04-15 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
der.hans wrote:

 Will you be at Stammtische again on Tuesday?


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Re: ISO file to boot CD?

2009-04-15 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
architect Mike Enriquez wrote:
 I am trying to understand how to take an ISO file and create a boot CD 
 from it.
 I don't understand how Lunix relates to ISO files but Linux is 
 mentioned at several web sites. I understand TAR files but can anyone 
 understand how this relates to anything.
 Does anyone on the list know  of some good discussions sites on this 
 subject as it relates to Linux and Windlows.
 Mike Enriquez

Which distro? GNOME and KDE have really easy GUIs to do this. You can 
usually context-click the iso and burn from there.

 From the command line:

cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=X,X,X src.iso 

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Re: Ubuntu 9.04

2009-04-13 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Stephen wrote:
 I guess you agoold investigate the old rule of /home being its own
 partition again


 On 4/13/09, James Finstrom wrote:
 Hello All,

 So I have been fighting the urge to re-install until the final release but
 my geekyness got the best of me and I decided to nuke my laptop and install
 Ubuntu 9.04 beta. Well It went pretty smooth, I Have a Dell Vostro 1000 and
 it works out of the box including the display, wireless card everything.
 During the install it detected my previous install and offered to migrte my
 user account, files and settings. I did a backup but thought sure why not
 one less step. Well the migration didnt happen but its cool because i
 planned on manual migration anyway. I still have some playing to do but so
 far I 3 the new ubuntu..

 James Finstrom
 Rhino Equipment Corp. ~


Stephen is bang on target here. I have /home on its own drive and it's 
glorious. Root can get corrupted, destroyed, resized or anything, and 
all my personal files and data remain intacta. It's also fun for when 
you want to try out other distros or a BSD or something.
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Re: O.T. email management ?

2009-04-07 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Eric Shubert wrote:
 I have come to appreciate imap. It allows me to access my email from a
 variety of clients (t-bird, squirrelmail, blackberry) without any sort 
 of conflict. No more pop3 for me!

 I have multiple email accounts, and use thunderbird. It handles multiple 
 accounts (identities) nicely for me, w/out getting them mixed together. 
 The integrated newsreader is nice as well. I use for accessing 
 email lists that way, so lists don't complicate my other email.

IMAP is definitely the way to go with multiple devices accessing 
multiple accounts from multiple locations.
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2009-04-06 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
James Finstrom wrote:
 I was at the park and swap today and the advantage of being a linux
 geek is the ability touse it as an excuse.

Hey, where/when is this park and swap? A friend at work was telling me 
about it and I love looking over old HW and SW so I really want to go.
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Re: router opinions wanted

2009-04-03 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Robert Holtzman wrote:

 Is it possible to disable a wireless router's transmitter and use it 
 with cable? I thought I might like to try it as hard wired but 
 retain the capability of going wireless later. I've run a lot of 
 searches on this question and haven't seen anything
You should be able to do this with even the stock firmware the 
manufacturer provides. It's usually labelled Radio Broadcast or 
Enable Wireless
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Re: looking for db recommendation

2009-03-31 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
mz wrote:
 I'm migrating from M$ WinXP to openSUSE 11.0. At the moment I'm looking 
 for a db for simple personal use.

 I have a music collection db in M$ Access. There are about 1900 records 
 w/ six variables. The collection is mostly vinyl LPs (i.e., entered by 
 hand) with another 2000 LPs not yet in the db. If possible, I'd like 
 to do a simple import w/ minimal clean up to avoid re-entering the 
 existing records.

 What are the recommendations for a db and how best to accomplish the 

 Mark Z.
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It won't be a popular answer, but Postgres! Stable and rock-solid
means you'll never lose data, and the documentation and community
are pretty top-notch IMHO. For such a small number of records, it will
also be more than speed-competitive with the lighter DBs.

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Re: looking for db recommendation

2009-03-31 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Bryan O'Neal wrote:
 I don't think any one doubts postgresqls ability to run his db effectively,
 instead we doubt its ease of use.  MS Access it is not ;) 

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Bishmer
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 1:12 PM
 To: Main PLUG discussion list
 Subject: Re: looking for db recommendation

 mz wrote:
 I'm migrating from M$ WinXP to openSUSE 11.0. At the moment I'm 
 looking for a db for simple personal use.

 I have a music collection db in M$ Access. There are about 1900 
 records w/ six variables. The collection is mostly vinyl LPs (i.e., 
 entered by
 hand) with another 2000 LPs not yet in the db. If possible, I'd like 
 to do a simple import w/ minimal clean up to avoid re-entering the 
 existing records.

 What are the recommendations for a db and how best to accomplish the 

 Mark Z.
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 It won't be a popular answer, but Postgres! Stable and rock-solid means
 you'll never lose data, and the documentation and community are pretty
 top-notch IMHO. For such a small number of records, it will also be more
 than speed-competitive with the lighter DBs.

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Postgres' difficulty is somewhat overstated. IMO it's easier to get 
started with postgres than to say, learn mod_perl on Apache or configure 
sendmail. Steps for Mark to switch to postgres:

1) Acquire and start postgres - Easy in SUSE, they even have a page for 

2) Export data from Access (Access-Excel-csv is easiest? Seems like 
it's more convoluted, ie would be faster than Access- csv since this is 
M$ we're talking about)

3) Create his new db - Copy the same format as previously, just in ANSI 
SQL. Probably something like

Artist text,
Album text,
Year integer,
Genre text,
Rating integer,
Lastquality datatype

4) COPY Records FROM filename WITH CSV;
See also:

Not so bad at all!
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Re: IE's Death Imminent

2009-03-20 Thread Bishmer Sekaran
Joe wrote:
 It's still on the edge of being a rumor (though more are starting to
 confirm it), but it seems like IE8 is going to be the last IE ever. M$
 is looking to replace IE with Gazelle, a new browser they are writing
 from the ground up. Some are reporting that it will use Webkit for
 rendering, but that hasn't been confirmed (and I personally don't think
 it's too likely).

 It all sounds very nice, but they also did the whole ground up rewrite
 with vista, and we all know how well THAT turned out. In any event,
 while I have my doubts about it being much of an improvement in the end,
 I look forward to a world without IE!!

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Are they really going to abandon the Internet Exploder name for 
Gazelle? It sounds more likely that Gazelle is just a codename for 
the project that will be marketed as IE9.
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