Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread pippin

Bryan Jan;343182 Wrote: 
> Hi Pippin,
> Is there any mean to tell iPeng to scroll the name of the album or name
> of the song horizontally just like the SB3 did?  I guess this is due to
> the width of field display.
> Under iPeng environment, when I browse Beethoven's symphony all I can
> see is the list of 
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> When I finally found by trial & error the Beethoven: Symphony No.5 by
> Wiener Philharmoniker conducted by Karajan, the trackname is also a
> list of movements but with the dots "." instead of the actual
> movement name.
> Please advise,
> Bryan

Yep, that's what happens if you add all the Composer etc. information
to the Title, which isn't really needed in SC.
Scrolling doesn't work. I did try it but it doesn't work on iPhone (it
does _something_ but completely breaks the performance of the browser).
The one alternative is to change the .css file:
in slimserver.css (.../Plugins/iPeng/HTML/slimserver.css)
If you replace the three occurrences of


  white-space: nowrap;

in the "a.tapblock*" tags with


  white-space: normal;

That should do the trick.
It may not look good but should give you the full title as long as you
have at least a few spaces in it.


see iPeng at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-09-23 Thread tomtom331

Hi bpa,
i changed the path in line 63 to my cmd.exe and it works!! 
great job! thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread Phil Meyer
>Thanks, it will be fixed in next release.
>In case you need an urgent fix, you can use this patch:
Thanks - but I avoided any trouble by changing the time forwards a few hours.

I found another problem though.  I tried to purge old statistic data but got 
the following (line occurs twice in log):

[08:47:52.4149] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::refreshTracks (1231) Database 
error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and 
(utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-09-23 Thread tomtom331

again me,
i noticed one thing. not every cd will be found through the lookup on
cddb database. but the non-working cds are definitly in the database.
Just a little remark.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread Phil Meyer
Hmmm, thought I'd try clearing all statistics and then restoring them.

However, after I hit "Remove All Data", I waited a couple of minutes and then 
checked library statistics - I still had trackstat statistics.  I didn't see 
anything in the log (no errors or success message).

Perhaps my library statistics menu is looking at the wrong table?
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread Phil Meyer
My track_history table is empty - all stats are in track_statistics table.

I can see old (invalid url's) and new (fixed url's) stats rows in that table.

Is that correct - track_history is a redundant table?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Wonky MusicInfo Display under 7.2

2008-09-23 Thread Michael Herger
> But now I get that basic layout multiplied three time horizontally and
> then mashed all together because it's not truncating properly.

The basic layout or just one item? Could you please upload a screenshot? And 
verify your configuration. What player type are you using?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread Bryan Jan

thanks Pippin, that's a quick reply.

will try tonight.


Bryan Jan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread erland

Philip Meyer;343196 Wrote: 
> >Thanks, it will be fixed in next release.[color=blue]
> I found another problem though.  I tried to purge old statistic data
> but got the following (line occurs twice in log):
> [08:47:52.4149] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::refreshTracks (1231)
> Database error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT)
> and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

The solution is to either run the SQL mentioned in the bug report or to
completely delete the MySQL database by deleting the Cache/MySQL
directory (assuming you are using the bundled MySQL instance and
haven't connected SqueezeCenter towards your own MySQL database).

Philip Meyer;343202 Wrote: 
> Hmmm, thought I'd try clearing all statistics and then restoring them.
> However, after I hit "Remove All Data", I waited a couple of minutes
> and then checked library statistics - I still had trackstat statistics.
> I didn't see anything in the log (no errors or success message).
> Perhaps my library statistics menu is looking at the wrong table?

I'm not sure how well the "Remove All Data" works in 7.2 because
SqueezeCenter is able to remember statistics after rescans in 7.2 (and
7.1 I think), so even if you clear the TrackStat data it will use the
persistent data in SqueezeCenter after next refresh operation. I need
to check exactly how much I implemented regarding this, I had some idea
to remove the SqueezeCenter data from TrackStat but I'm not sure if I
ever implemented that. I'll check this when I get back home from work

Philip Meyer;343205 Wrote: 
> My track_history table is empty - all stats are in track_statistics
> table.
> I can see old (invalid url's) and new (fixed url's) stats rows in that
> table.
> Is that correct - track_history is a redundant table?
track_history should contain data if you have restored a backup, but I
think it might be handled in some other function in The
restore is handled in Backup/, so if you look in that you can
probably find the corresponding function to saveTrack that writes to
the history.

track_statistics: Contains current statistic information
track_history: Contains historical statistic information, basically a
history of each time a track was played.

track_history is used for some of the "... recently played" statistics
items shown in TrackStat interface.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-09-23 Thread bpa

"Inexact" cddb matching is also in the next release.

The current CDplayer version only shows exact matches with cddb.  CDDB
lookup is based on a checksum calculated from tracks and their duration
but for many similar cddb entries the calculation has small variations
so inexact matching  finds the "missing" entries but also some wrong


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spicefly SugarCube (Automatic MusicIP DJ)

2008-09-23 Thread tamanaco

cparker;341767 Wrote: 
> Cheers tamanaco

cparker, I got a couple responses from Michael Herger regarding the
foreign characters issue over at the Development forum. I lack the
specifics and the expertise to take the next steps. At your earliest
convenience, can you follow up with him and see if you guys can find an
angle to identify the exact source of the problem and maybe solve it.
I'd really like to see this issue solve and I'm "assuming" that you
also want your plugin to work in any language.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC providing MP3 access to Listen Again ?

2008-09-23 Thread andynormancx

I got an iPhone on Sunday and was excited today to find out that I can
now access BBC radion Listen Again content via the iPlayer:

It works perfectly on my iPhone, very handy (though some shows are
showing as "unavailable" at the moment).

The iPhone has no flash or RealPlayer support, as far as I can work out
it is accessing listen again via an MP3 stream. Does this mean life is
about to get a whole lot easier for AlienBBC ?


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC providing MP3 access to Listen Again ?

2008-09-23 Thread Paul Webster

It isn't regular MP3 stream as far as I can tell.

Here is an example URL

and it is described as "video/mp4" in their XML - so I assume that
there is some trickery behind.

Paul Webster

Paul Webster

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC providing MP3 access to Listen Again ?

2008-09-23 Thread andynormancx

On the iPhone it is played back by the Quicktime plugin within Safari,
so maybe the odd mime type is needed to get Quicktime to load it ?


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Itunes Update

2008-09-23 Thread govardha

It seems like with every upgrade of SC, the plugins need to be installed
over again.  I use SuperDateandTime & iTunesupdate and both had to be
installed after I upgraded to SC 7.2, I had also upgraded to iTunes 8.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2008-09-23 Thread gharris999

epoch1970;340901 Wrote: 
> I would love to be able to query your plugin and get either an activity
> status for the components  (squeezecenter, squeezeboxen) or a more
> synthetic active/idle indicator. I would love to be able to use your
> plugin's magic on suspend/shutdown/switch to SN (is there any other way
> to keep the clock to display, BTW ?) and maybe programmed alarms, if it
> can delegate the actual power actions (through idle status, red pill or
> blue pill ...) to that reboot-happy watchdog of mine.
> What do you think ?

I really think that SqueezeCenter's CLI mechanism currently provides
all this and more.  Trying to make SrvrPowerCtrl a conduit for this
kind of info would simply be reinventing an already extant wheel,

I would suggest taking a look at Max Spicer's for an
example of how to query SqueezeCenter via the CLI to get playback
status on all connected players from a perl script:

Max's script is intended to be run via a cron job, but there isn't any
reason you couldn't incorporate his method into your monitoring

You can always initiate a SrvrPowerCtrl action from your script, again
via the CLI...e.g. to switch a particular player to SN and shutdown the
server from your perl script external to SC, adapt Max's code and send:


  sendAndReceive("srvrpowerctrl shutdown2SN Switching_to_SqueezeNetork 

..or some such.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2008-09-23 Thread gharris999

raven22;341317 Wrote: 
> Let me explain my request. In the evening i like to go to sleep with my
> boom playing songs via squeezecenter. Then during the night the server
> can be shutdown. However in the morning with the alarm set you don't
> get music since the server is not awakened fast enough via WOL. So if
> it were possible to shutdown and switch over to squeezenetwork every
> night at a certain time this would solve the problem because you can
> get awakened by a favorite radiostation in the morning.
A discrete shutdown time function might be a feature that could make it
into a future version.  But many folks have jumped off this particular
bridge before now.  Again, I would direct you to Max Spicer's script:  Small
modifications to that script will get you what you want. Something
along the lines of:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  # Example crontab entry:
  # Shutdown every 30 minutes from 1am to 5:30am
  # 0,30 1-5 * * * /usr/local/sbin/
  use strict;
  use IO::Socket;
  use POSIX qw(strftime);
  # Print debug output if true.  Higher values increase verbosity.
  my $debug = 9;
  # Turnoff players..
  my $turnoff = 1;
  # Fix up the $PlayerToSwitchToSN MAC address to match the real MAC address of 
  # player you want to switch to SN, as found at Settings->Status in
  # the SC web ui.
  my $PlayerToSwitchToSN = "00:04:20:06:29:30";
  # Change server details below if necessary
  my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => '',
  PeerPort => 9090,
  Proto=> 'tcp',
  Type => SOCK_STREAM)
  or die 'Couldn\'t connect to server';
  # Get the number of players
  my $playerCount = sendAndReceive('player count ?');
  $debug && print "$playerCount players found\n";
  # Interrogate current state of each player
  my $playersPlaying = 0;
  my @playerIds;
  for (my $i = 0; $i <  $playerCount; $i++) {
  # Get the player's internal id and store for future reference
  $playerIds[$i] = sendAndReceive("player id $i ?");
  $debug && print "Player $i has ID $playerIds[$i]\n";
  my $playerMode = sendAndReceive("$playerIds[$i] mode ?"); 
  $debug && print "Player ${i}'s mode is $playerMode\n";
  if ($playerMode eq 'play') {
  $debug && print "$playersPlaying/$playerCount players playing\n";
  if (!$playersPlaying) {
  $debug && print "Shutting down to squeezenetwork..\n";
  my $response = sendAndReceive("srvrpowerctrl shutdown2SN 
Switching_to_SqueezeNetwork $PlayerToSwitchToSN");
  $debug && print "$response\n";
  close $socket;
  # Send given cmd to $socket and return answer with original command removed 
  # front if present.  Routine nicked from code by Felix Mueller. :-)
  sub sendAndReceive {
  my $cmd = shift;
  return if( $cmd eq "");
  print $socket "$cmd\n";
  $debug > 1 && print "Sent $cmd to server\n";
  my $answer = <$socket>;
  $debug > 1 && print "Server replied: $answer\n";
  $answer =~ s/$cmd //i;
  $answer =~ s/\n//;
  return $answer;

In a windows environment, I would suggest looking at my SCCLITool:

Using that utility in a cmd file fired off periodically by the windows
task scheduler, one ought to be able to accomplish pretty much the same

In terms of server _wakeup_, if you are really hankering for wakeup
music from your own server, I would suggest playing around with the rtc
alarm wakeup facility that should be built into your server's BIOS. 
Most motherboards less than 5 years old have them, I believe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread Phil Meyer
>The solution is to either run the SQL mentioned in the bug report or to
>completely delete the MySQL database by deleting the Cache/MySQL
>directory (assuming you are using the bundled MySQL instance and
>haven't connected SqueezeCenter towards your own MySQL database).
I tried running the SQL to change collation, and still got the issue reported 
(twice).  After pressing the "delete unused statistic" button and seeing the 
error log lines, the web UI seems to hang - would it actually work and complete 
the purge anyway (left it half an hour and then killed it but maybe I should be 

I hunted around for other tables that had differing collations, and updated 
those (track_history and another table I think), but still got the issue 
reported twice.

I notice that all of the text columns in the track table have utf8_unicode_ci 
collation - is that the problem?

I don't use the bundled MySQL instance - I use my own MySQL instance.  I have a 
script that I use to create the database:


drop database squeezecenter;
create database squeezecenter character set utf8;
grant all on squeezecenter.* to  identified by '';
flush privileges;

I haven't needed to recreate my DB in some time - perhaps I should trash it and 
start again?

>track_history should contain data if you have restored a backup, but I
>think it might be handled in some other function in The
>restore is handled in Backup/, so if you look in that you can
>probably find the corresponding function to saveTrack that writes to
>the history.
Okay, I checked again and I do have valid data all three tables (track_history, 
track_statistics, track_persistent).

I'm not sure why there are three tables with data in - I assume one of either 
track_statistics or track_persistent isn't needed any more?

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Beat match?

2008-09-23 Thread charlesr

Had a search but couldn't see anything relevant.
Is there a beat matching plguin to replace crossfade?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC providing MP3 access to Listen Again ?

2008-09-23 Thread Triode

I can't figure the BBC here - they are not using heavy weight DRM, but
they don't appear to want to make native mp3 listen again streams
available.  So the native iPlayer uses mp3 streamed to a flash client. 
In this case I suspect it is like the iPhone video playback - its
actually a standard stream but the server is checking that the device
looks like an iPhone before it sends the stream.  (presumably its
possible to pretend to be an iPhone to get to the stream)

At the same time one of the BBC's own people is posting on their
Radiolabs blog about a hack which essentially extracts the mp3 stream
from the flash player (and then pipes it into iTunes).  See:

What we all want is a native mp3 stream so that listen again could work
natively with a Slim player...  Is it time to start lobbying for mp3 to
Slim players?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-09-23 Thread carp

bpa;343059 Wrote: 
> I think the issue is your windows installation is not in "c:\windows"
> and I have a bug which hardcoded a path in a file.

Maybe it is possible to use environment variables instead of a
hardcoded path? On my system (Windows XP Professional), there is an
environment variable named "ComSpec" which by default has a value of
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe". Another one, "SystemRoot" points to the
directory in which Windows is installed (value: "C:\WINDOWS"). If I
remember correctly the corresponding statement in Perl is



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2008-09-23 Thread jonhd

Fantastic plugin. Just the one problem for me - cannot see how to access
Suspend and/or Hibernate. The SB menu only offers Shutdown, Restart, and
Shutdown to SN. (Shutdown works just fine.)
Am running SC7.2, on Ubuntu (Hardy Heron). Have read through the entire
post, and the accompanying docs (have done all of the stuff like editing
sudoers, etc.). pm-suspend not currently working from the command line,
but pm-hibernate does, so it would be nice to able to use Hibernate
from SvrPowerControl.
I'm pretty sure the 'problem' is down to me being thick, BTW...

Still struggling with getting Wake on LAN working on my VIA EPIA box,
but that's another story, of course!

Cheers, Jon


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC providing MP3 access to Listen Again ?

2008-09-23 Thread Paul Webster

Triode;343444 Wrote: 
> At the same time one of the BBC's own people is posting on their
> Radiolabs blog about a hack which essentially extracts the mp3 stream
> from the flash player (and then pipes it into iTunes).  See:

I thought that they were using Flash proprietary RTMP with encryption
(in that iTunes example). My recollection was that you had to have
Flash on your machine.
The XML data shows the key to use - but not the RTMP encryption
algorithm - so I think that it doesn't make it easy to rip.
Clearly the iPhone integration is doing it in a different way - hence
the new entry in the XML.

Paul Webster

Paul Webster

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2008-09-23 Thread gharris999

jonhd: Re Suspend & Hibernate not appearing on the menus: Have you
enabled suspend and hibernate in the settings?  In the SC web UI, go to
Settings->Plugins->Server Power Control and set and clear the
appropriate check boxes.  I don't enable them on linux systems by
default because of my experience with suspend and hibernation on my
main linux box running Fedora 8: it just doesn't seem to work.  I'm
hoping that I'm in the minority here.  Maybe I should make the default
enabled in the next version.

In terms of getting WOL to work, on my own system with a EPIA board,
it's been enough to just add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:


#set correct wol settings
  /sbin/ethtool -s eth0 wol g

If that doesn't do it, one trick that folks seem to use in the fedora
world is to modify the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt script.  Adding:


/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
  /usr/sbin/ethtool -s eth0 wol g

to the script (using the right IP, of course) at the next-to-the-last
line. This seems to make the WOL ability "stick" in that the WOL
features are enabled for the nic just as the machine is powering down.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PowerSave: almost working...what am I missing?

2008-09-23 Thread CatBus

Oddly enough an uninstall/reinstall of SqueezeCenter did the trick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Wonky MusicInfo Display under 7.2

2008-09-23 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting Michael Herger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> > But now I get that basic layout multiplied three time horizontally and
> > then mashed all together because it's not truncating properly.
> The basic layout or just one item? Could you please upload a screenshot? And 
> verify your configuration. What player type are you using?

I just came here to search for the exact same thing - same issue
here, had it for a while.  I was running a slightly older version of
the plugin, and I updated it to the latest today to try to solve the
problem and it didn't. Running 7.2 on Linux, SB3.  Haven't tried it
on any of my other players yet, the SB3 is the one I use most often.

The player settings interface shows the settings exactly as I want
them - it's the player itself that is showing it incorrectly.

The SB3 doesn't seem to be reflecting my wishes for screensavers at
all, actually - when off it's blank, unlike the settings screen says
it should be, showing WeatherTime.  There's nothing in the standard
logs - haven't tried the debugging yet.
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: KitchenTimer - set multiple countdown timers

2008-09-23 Thread peterw

pre14 is now up. As of pre13, KitchenTimer does not use the
SqueezeCenter 7.2 alarm code. This makes it work better, and it should
work OK in SqueezeCenter 7.0 and 7.1, too.

As of pre14, there's a KitchenTimer screensaver mode. This is most
useful in conjunction with SaverSwitcher -- for instance, you can set
your Squeezebox to normally show only Date and Time, but alternate
between Date and Time and KitchenTimer if that player has any active or
paused timers. Details on the KT page:


free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime 
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread jotap_66

Hello Pippin:

I have been testing for several days the streaming using an itouch and
your plugin after you helped to me to configure it correctly...

The streaming is impressive...Thank you very much for your work...

When you helped to me, you talked about a download-transcode
feature...My question (sorry for asking and disturbing to you) is if
this feature must be implemented by you or by the SoftSqueeze program,
and if you have idea of when will be implemented...

Ah!! A last question, when using streaming, I can stream one song...and
then I must streaam another song...Is there any way to stream a disc or
a folder...

Thank you very much for your splendid work



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Updating trackstat after moving music sourcefiles around

2008-09-23 Thread erland

Philip Meyer;343440 Wrote: 
> I tried running the SQL to change collation, and still got the issue
> reported (twice).  After pressing the "delete unused statistic" button
> and seeing the error log lines, the web UI seems to hang - would it
> actually work and complete the purge anyway (left it half an hour and
> then killed it but maybe I should be patient?).
I suppose the MySQL process was using a lot of CPU during this time ?
Could indicate that something needs to be optimized.

Philip Meyer;343440 Wrote: 
> I hunted around for other tables that had differing collations, and
> updated those (track_history and another table I think), but still got
> the issue reported twice.
TrackStat modifies the collate/character set settings on its tables
(track_statistics/track_history) at startup according to the
SqueezeCenter tables (tracks). The problem is when the two standard
tables "tracks" and "tracks_persisistent" have different collate
values, in this case TrackStat converts its table according to the
"tracks" table with the result that it can't join against the
"tracks_persistent" table.

Philip Meyer;343440 Wrote: 
> I notice that all of the text columns in the track table have
> utf8_unicode_ci collation - is that the problem?
In a configuration that is affected by bug 9423, it will look like
- tracks_persistent: Table collate "utf8_unicode_ci", column collate
- tracks: No collate shown, which means that is, which means that it
uses the database default collate which is set to "utf8_general_ci".

You can't join text columns which have different collate settings and
TrackStat converts it's tables at startup to match "tracks". The result
is that TrackStat can't join with tracks_persistent which causes the
error messages.

In a clean 7.2 database started from a completely new database, you
will have:
- tracks_persistent: Table collate "utf8_unicode_ci", column collate
- tracks: Table collate none (which means utf8_general_ci), column
collate "utf8_unicode_ci".

The important stuff is the column collate and in this case the column
collate in "tracks" and tracks_persistent" matches and you can join the

So, modifying the TrackStat tables (track_statistics, track_history)
won't help because TrackStat will re-convert them at next startup. So
you need to correct the standard SqueezeCenter tables to make it work.

Philip Meyer;343440 Wrote: 
> I don't use the bundled MySQL instance - I use my own MySQL instance. 
> I have a script that I use to create the database:
> --
> drop database squeezecenter;
> create database squeezecenter character set utf8;
> grant all on squeezecenter.* to  identified by '';
> flush privileges;
> I haven't needed to recreate my DB in some time - perhaps I should
> trash it and start again?
I'm pretty sure the problem is the new "tracks_persistent" table. So it
should be enough to convert it to the same collate as the "url" column
in the "tracks" table, something like this:


  alter table tracks_persistent convert to character set utf8 collate

or if the url column in the tracks table has collate "utf8_unicode_ci"
(which I don't think it have):


  alter table tracks_persistent convert to character set utf8 collate

If you really want a clean start, dropping and re-creating the database
will also work. Just remember that if you do this you might loose
information that will take some time to re-create. As an example if you
use the "LastFM" or "Amazon" scanning modules in the Custom Scan plugin,
you will need to perform a rescan with these which will take some time.

However, a clean start is really the best solution if you like to avoid
future problems. At the moment you have a database that looks different
than the database of most SqueezeCenter 7.2 users. Your database will
might be different even if you run the convert SQL directives I
mentioned above, those directives only make sure the collate matches
but doesn't make sure they are the same as a clean installation.

Philip Meyer;343440 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure why there are three tables with data in - I assume one of
> either track_statistics or track_persistent isn't needed any more?
track_persistent is a standard SqueezeCenter table that was introduced
in 'enhancment #142' (,
this will eventually make the TrackStat specific track_statistics table

TrackStat needs to be modified so all its queries is using
track_persistent instead of track_statistics, but I don't like to do it
until enhancement #142 has been completely implemented. Hopefully this
happens before the SqueezeCenter 7.3 relelase, but it has been
postponed a few times before.

By the way, I just checked the code and if you want the his

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Wonky MusicInfo Display under 7.2

2008-09-23 Thread Michael Herger
> I just came here to search for the exact same thing - same issue
> here, had it for a while.

This has been an issue with some earlier version for 7.x (3.99.y), but  
should have been fixed a while ago. Did you ever try to re-configure it?  
The initial issue might go away with a configuration change.

Ah, and a screenshot might help understand (simplest if you can reproduce  
the issue with SoftSqueeze). As you can imagine I'm running MIS on half a  
dozen or so players of all kind (SliMP3-SB1-SB2-SB3-Transporter) just fine.

> The SB3 doesn't seem to be reflecting my wishes for screensavers at
> all, actually - when off it's blank, unlike the settings screen says
> it should be, showing WeatherTime.

Check the off brightness setting.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread pippin

jotap_66;343557 Wrote: 
> 1. When you helped to me, you talked about a download-transcode
> feature...My question (sorry for asking and disturbing to you) is if
> this feature must be implemented by you or by the SoftSqueeze program,
> and if you have idea of when will be implemented...
> 2. Ah!! A last question, when using streaming, I can stream one
> song...and then I must streaam another song...Is there any way to
> stream a disc or a folder...

1. It's a server enhancement, I understand it's currently targeted at
release 7.3
2. you have to turn off the screen saver to make it advance


see iPeng at

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