[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotify Plug-in for QNAP?

2009-08-07 Thread nicoleif

I have Spotify account and would like to use it on SC (I have a Classic
and a Controller)via my Qnap TS-119. Is a plug-in available?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC and 7.4

2009-08-07 Thread luga00

thanks, I upgraded to a newer version of 7.4 which has both the
extension downloader and plugins on the same page and everything worked
fine first time.

Thanks for all the help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread ModelCitizen

bonze;445226 Wrote: 
 I'g left all AAC options as they were
 Should they all be disabled except faad/flac?

According to this post, yes.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread ModelCitizen

I have installed iPlayer 0.9beta2 on my Windows 7.3.3 SC and disabled
all AAC file types options but faad/flac.

I am finding usage of the main BBC stations quite flaky on my
Controller (controlling an SB3). Some live streams connect some of the
time and some don't some of the time (Controller reports
Connecting). There appears to be no pattern that I can see.
Whether the stream happens to connect or not appears random. However,
when streams do connect the connection time is quite short.

Also, sometimes I have to go up a menu level (or even two) before I can
connect to another live stream (and sometimes not).

The only constant is that BBC Asian Radio sounds like a very bad AM

BTW. How can I verify that I am actually receiving high quality AAC
streams as WAV?



On average people have fewer than two feet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread bpa

I think somne of those connection problems are related to SC - in an
earlier Triode post - he says that he had to put a patch into 7.4 to fix
one connection issue.

Not sure about the WAV point - the audio format is AAC which is
transcdoed into Flac to be played by the player. If you check the
running processes you should see faad running when an AAC stream is
being decoded.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread Triode

Yes - the connecting problems and need to back up the menus are SC
issues.  Please install the latest 7.4 as it should resolve these.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread bonze

ModelCitizen;446537 Wrote: 
 According to this post, yes.
 MCBut it still works for me without anything disabled.


TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3 - SqueezeCenter Version: 7.4 - 28002
3 x wireless SB3 + a Duet

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2009-08-07 Thread Rick B .

I doubt this has anything to do with Canadian law. I'm thinking that
Sirius Canada has made some kind of technical change that GoCubs could
probably accomodate if he had the time/inclination to do so.

Sirius Canada has been very helpful to GoCubs in the past, even giving
him an ID to use for his development.

Sure wish GoCubs would return - or at least formally tell us he has
given up.

I will make a contribution to him if he does return and fix this.

Rick B.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Extending IR Blaster

2009-08-07 Thread benc

Anyone got any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SrvrPowerCtrl - End of Day action

2009-08-07 Thread gharris999

rickwookie;446620 Wrote: 
 Yeah I though of exactly those two options too!
 After thinking some more about it, obviously it's only worth waking for
 the EOD action if it's custom (so not just to shut it down again) but
 ultimately there are custom actions that may also be irrelevant for a
 shutdown system, so the extra checkbox gives ultimate flexibilty while
 not wasting power (and hdd wear, etc.) to wake just to wait 40 minutes
 and then shut down again. Maybe put it by the custom command text box as
 something like 'wake system to perform this action'.
The one non-custom action available in the drop-down list that, it
seems to me, is worthy of a wake-up is the 'Restart Server' action.  I
know that some folks pride themselves on the fact that their linux
servers have been up for years at a time without a reboot.  I'm not one
of them.  I like to see my server rebooted once a day.  But, certainly,
that could be accomplished in a custom script.

My own custom EOD script updates the OS, updates a couple of different
svn branches of SqueezeCenter code, reboots the server and then, shortly
thereafter, a SC wipe-and-rescan gets initiated.  So, all my chores get
performed daily between 2  3 am.

Can you think of an example of a custom script action that wouldn't be
worthy of a wake-up?  If I can get away without having to add another
pref, I'd prefer that.

Another tweak to the EOD behavior that I'm thinking of trying is this:

If the EOD idle timeout is set to zero, then the custom script gets
executed just once within that EOD period.  All other EOD idle
invocations would ignore the custom script and fire the selected 'stock'
action instead.  This would allow the custom script to fire once and
perform the big chores.  Then, with SC restarted, the next EOD action
could be a quick suspend.  Thus the server would be awake for a shorter
time for the chores.

This would suit my purposes, anyway.  I'm just not sure I've thought
through all the (potentially unintended) consequences here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SB3: TitleSwitcher + MusicInfoScreen example usage

2009-08-07 Thread exile

great idea!

i tried it on my system and it works well. my only question, why the
%% between the settings? I excluded those and it still works well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2009-08-07 Thread GoCubs

I've gone ahead and posted 5.8.8 to www.gregbrown.net.

What's new:
- Fixed SqueezeServer 7.4 compatibility issues.
- Fixed MLB/NBA refresh collision (Thanks Steve B and family.)
** Please support the plugin by starting all your Amazon.com shopping
via clicking through the Amazon.com links on www.gregbrown.net ***

Please note, I have configured this version as requiring 7.4 as the
minimum if you do a repo add/update.  It may work manually (non Repo)
with 7.3.3 but I don't have a working 7.3.x instance to test it on.  If
anyone can do me a favor and test it on 7.3.x it'd be greatly

I now have a SuperDateTime repository available to make
downloading/updating easy. This repo is usually updated faster than the
main repo provided by Slim Devices.

Please give it a shot by adding:
via Settings - Advanced - Extension Downloader

Sorry about me going MIA for a while.  There's a lot going on in my
personal life that comes first.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread ModelCitizen

Triode;446561 Wrote: 
 Please install the latest 7.4 as it should resolve these.
Gulp. I'm enjoying the stability and no hassle of 7.3.3 and have no
idea how stable 7.4 is, or even if it will remain stable.  :-(



On average people have fewer than two feet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-07 Thread ModelCitizen

bonze;446563 Wrote: 
 But it still works for me without anything disabled.
Hmm.. and is the transcoding achieving the best quality stream?



On average people have fewer than two feet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SB3: TitleSwitcher + MusicInfoScreen example usage

2009-08-07 Thread MrC

The %% was my patch to the code to allow me to use double quotes, and to
place text -after- the given string (i.e. the trailing double quote).

So, for example, the %% in this:



is replaced by what follows, which is ARTIST, yielding:



including the double quotes.  You can just configure your configuration
string as:



If it works as I specified, then Erland might have made some updates
that I'm unaware of.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeScrobbler 1.0 for SqueezeCenter 7.0

2009-08-07 Thread Volition

Hi There,
Looking for someone who has the power to fix this plugin.I wrote the
same thing for the native plugin. The way i look at it. the plugin that
can get this worked out first all the better. Anyways i prefer the
Submission of genres as tags with this one. Thoug i would like the love
this track  facility as well.

At the moment When scrobbling tracks with multiple artists. SC
scrobbles the whole tag.

e.g. Crosby, Stills  Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash

I use the artist that i would like scrobbled as the first part of the
Artist tag,

e.g. Crosby, Stills  Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash

I would like 'Crosby, Stills  Nash' Scobbled. I consider this a bug.

As Squeezecenter Offers the ability to have multiple items in tags, and
this helps with finding all artists contributions over a large data

I strongly believe the importance of fixing this issue is paramount as
we also have the ability to Scrobble to Last.FM and my scrobbles are
just wrong for those tracks.

So i was thinking we could attack this as such.

in the LastFM scrobble options page have an option submit first artist
for tracks with multiple artists have a check box.

The Code that exists would just need some code inserted that would have
the Psuedo code as such.

Needs a variable set up as artist.

Does the track have multiple artists?
No. -- Assign artist tag to variable.
Yes. -- Is the check box ticked on the lastFm options page?

No. -- Assign artist tag to variable
Yes. -- Cut Artists tag from beggining till it reaches the delimiter.

which is set in the Music Library Options page.

Assign this result to the variable, Artist
then follow the existing code to submit it.

Of course you could have another option to join the multiple artists;
Make; Crosby, Stills  Nash/David Crosby/Stephen Stills/Graham Nash
Crosby, Stills  Nash,David Crosby,Stephen Stills  Graham Nash
By counting the artists, inserting commas and ampersands where needed.
Depending on how people tag there files.

From what i've gathered at LastFm they will not be using a facility to
cope with the multiple artist problem specifically they are working at
fingerprinting songs which will help and i suppose at that point we will
be submitting the fingerprint id for songs.

Anyways any support would be appreciatted. I love scrobbling. I use to
find events in my area, find bands i haven't heard of close to those i
listen to. And the more accurate my scrobbles the better.


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