rickwookie;446620 Wrote: 
> Yeah I though of exactly those two options too!
> After thinking some more about it, obviously it's only worth waking for
> the EOD action if it's custom (so not just to shut it down again) but
> ultimately there are custom actions that may also be irrelevant for a
> shutdown system, so the extra checkbox gives ultimate flexibilty while
> not wasting power (and hdd wear, etc.) to wake just to wait 40 minutes
> and then shut down again. Maybe put it by the custom command text box as
> something like 'wake system to perform this action'.
The one non-custom action available in the drop-down list that, it
seems to me, is worthy of a wake-up is the 'Restart Server' action.  I
know that some folks pride themselves on the fact that their linux
servers have been up for years at a time without a reboot.  I'm not one
of them.  I like to see my server rebooted once a day.  But, certainly,
that could be accomplished in a custom script.

My own custom EOD script updates the OS, updates a couple of different
svn branches of SqueezeCenter code, reboots the server and then, shortly
thereafter, a SC wipe-and-rescan gets initiated.  So, all my chores get
performed daily between 2 & 3 am.

Can you think of an example of a custom script action that wouldn't be
worthy of a wake-up?  If I can get away without having to add another
pref, I'd prefer that.

Another tweak to the EOD behavior that I'm thinking of trying is this:

If the EOD idle timeout is set to zero, then the custom script gets
executed just once within that EOD period.  All other EOD idle
invocations would ignore the custom script and fire the selected 'stock'
action instead.  This would allow the custom script to fire once and
perform the big chores.  Then, with SC restarted, the next EOD action
could be a quick suspend.  Thus the server would be awake for a shorter
time for the chores.

This would suit my purposes, anyway.  I'm just not sure I've thought
through all the (potentially unintended) consequences here.

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