Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: muso (beta)

2010-03-30 Thread wowo

Has anyone got Muso working on a Linux computer (Ubuntu 9.10)?
If so, how can I do this?


*Squeezebox*: 3 Classic
*SSODS*: 4.2
*SqueezeboxServer*: 7.5.0 - r29584 (Beta)
*Plugins*: Album Review 2.9.0; Biography 2.9.0; Custom Browse 2.10;
Custom Scan 2.7.4; Trackstat 2.10
*NAS*: Synology DS107+ DSM 2.2-0959
*Tag*: MusicBrainz 0.12; Mp3tag v2.45a
*Windows Frontend*: Moose 072
*Other programs*: Album Catalog Creator v2.0.5 
'' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SqueezeIR - A Generic Infra-Red Remote Control Applet for the Duet's SBC

2010-03-30 Thread hcanning

indifference_engine;528633 Wrote: 
> Is it the controller in general that stops working or just the applet? 
> Can you still get into the SqueezeIR settings menu?  If so, does the
> 'Reload configuration' option solve the problem?  Is there anything in
> the var\messages log?

No, yes, no, dunno (haven't looked yet) ;)

Interestingly it did it again for me last night, but started working 5
minute or so later! Don't worry about it :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iTunes Update not working correctly under OSX

2010-03-30 Thread steffen

I just wanted to leave the information that even an update to 10.6.3 did
not solve the problem. There's still a -1753 in the logs :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Move Trackstat

2010-03-30 Thread jazztime

Erland, thanks for helping, and thank you for your great plugins. I did
a new restore, and now it seems that all the ratings are okay. But I
still do not see the ratings in the web interface on my Mac (7.5) as I
did in WIndows (7.4)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Move Trackstat

2010-03-30 Thread erland

jazztime;529112 Wrote: 
> But I still do not see the ratings in the web interface on my Mac (7.5)
> as I did in WIndows (7.4)
Where do you expect to see them ?

If you expect to see them in the track lists in the normal browse
menus, you will need to configure a Title Format that contains one of
the TrackStat keywords.

Or are you saying that they aren't shown in the TrackStat browse menu ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: muso (beta)

2010-03-30 Thread wonder boy

Think I've exhausted all my options, really disappointed because when it
worked I thought it was just a great application to go with my
squeezeboxes. Have tried restoring remote laptop and reinstalling MUSO
but get same error as before.

12457 songs parsed
0 songs added
0 songs updated
12457 scanning errors

So I tried restoring server and reinstalling sbs 7.4.2 but get exactly
the same response from MUSO, goodness knows what it can be, think I
will stick with web UI unless anyone has anymore suggestions?

wonder boy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-03-30 Thread epoch1970

These guys have studied exactly what I have in mind: "An Empirical Study
of the Potential for Context-Aware Power Management" [
] - There's a few more in google scholar.
They are using a bayesian classifier to predict on the next most
desirable status for a machine, the idea being saving power when nobody
pays attention, and waking up before anyone cares. Same perceived
comfort, less watts. 
Creative use of a microphone as a presence sensor (Touch, hint.)
Unfortunately for them, they missed focusing on a quality music server,
and taking into account time of day / day of week.


Daily dose delivered by: 2 SB Classic (fw 130), 1 SB Boom (fw 50) •
SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 (Debian 5.0) with plugins: ContextMenu,
SaverSwitcher by Peter Watkins • Server Power Control by Gordon Harris
•  WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld • IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) •
FindArt, CDplayer by bpa • BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode •
PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • TrackStat by Erland Isaksson.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-03-30 Thread pippin


I believe it's MusicIP which is not working correctly with non-ASCII
characters (some aren't "foreign" where I live :) )


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Weather Screensafer for Radio/Touch/Controller

2010-03-30 Thread dimab

Well, you may be right, but I'll describe what's my incentive to use
PWS's data: I'm living in the city centre near the seashore, and there
is a PWS located about 1 km from my home, giving pretty good
correlation to my whether conditions; the airport on the other hand is
some 30 km further to the land and in the countryside. The temperature
differences between the two locations can be sometimes as much as 5C -
which is pretty substantial. Another reason is the update intervals:
the official one is updated every hour, when the PWS - every few
minutes or even every few seconds, depending on the station. These slow
updates can increase the difference even more - especially in the early
morning or late evening.
As to the usage permission: I think if you'll take the "query=lat,lon"
field at the end of the  string of the PWS and use it in the
form of
which is officially permitted also, you will not violate any T&Cs
mentioned there. But again, I'm not a lawyer, so if I'm wrong - please
disregard it altogether.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2010-03-30 Thread jilic

I just purchased a squeezebox v3 and installed the add-in for the
squeeze server on my HP EX495 home server.

The SuperDateTime plugIN is installed on the plug-ins page of the
server but I see no way to access the plug-in on the player?

All of the settings for the plug-in are programmed and I have tried
switching libraries to the my music library which is streamed from the
home server ...but when I access the settings page on the player and
check the screensaver or wallpaper options under my music or under
mysqueezebox on the player I do not see an option for the plug-in to

I also checked under applets and did not see anything there either.

Any help is most appreciated!  would love to display the local
weather forecast on the screen of the player via zip code!


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