Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread tucalong

For some odd reason spotify-plugin didn't work today, upgradet
squeezeserver to 7.6.1 and plugin to latest version.
It seems to me that plugin can't login in to spotify...anyway here's
debug log:


  [10:27:09.852343] main:460 new connection
  [10:27:09.854383] main:501 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [10:27:09.854489] process_status:1270 process status
  [10:27:28.125400] main:460 new connection
  [10:27:28.127839] main:501 req: playlists.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [10:27:28.127999] log_message:71 log: 08:27:28.127 I 
[offline_authorizer.cpp:170] Unable to login offline: no such user
  [10:27:28.128237] log_message:71 log: 08:27:28.128 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:33.128772] log_message:71 log: 08:27:33.128 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:33.128903] log_message:71 log: 08:27:33.128 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:33.129037] log_message:71 log: 08:27:33.129 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:38.129121] main:544 could not login within 10 seconds
  [10:27:38.137483] log_message:71 log: 08:27:38.137 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:38.137580] log_message:71 log: 08:27:38.137 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:38.137737] log_message:71 log: 08:27:38.137 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:43.143877] log_message:71 log: 08:27:43.143 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:43.144075] log_message:71 log: 08:27:43.144 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:43.145293] log_message:71 log: 08:27:43.145 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:48.150836] log_message:71 log: 08:27:48.150 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:48.150947] log_message:71 log: 08:27:48.150 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:48.151104] log_message:71 log: 08:27:48.151 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:53.155885] log_message:71 log: 08:27:53.155 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:53.156027] log_message:71 log: 08:27:53.156 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:53.156183] log_message:71 log: 08:27:53.156 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:27:58.161386] log_message:71 log: 08:27:58.161 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:27:58.161526] log_message:71 log: 08:27:58.161 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:27:58.163251] logged_in:41 logged in error: Can not connect to Spotify
  [10:27:58.163338] logged_out:51 logged out
  [10:28:43.029909] main:460 new connection
  [10:28:43.033678] main:501 req: playlists.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  [10:28:43.033848] log_message:71 log: 08:28:43.033 I 
[offline_authorizer.cpp:170] Unable to login offline: no such user
  [10:28:43.034157] log_message:71 log: 08:28:43.034 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:28:48.038994] log_message:71 log: 08:28:48.038 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:28:48.039211] log_message:71 log: 08:28:48.039 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:28:48.039407] log_message:71 log: 08:28:48.039 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:28:53.035023] main:544 could not login within 10 seconds
  [10:28:53.035157] main:1512 timeout process_playlists
  [10:28:53.035200] process_playlists:848 process playlists: user
  [10:28:53.035241] process_playlists:862 playlists loaded: 0 of -1
  [10:28:53.035373] sockprintf:322 unabled to write to socket: 9 errno: 32 
Broken pipe
  [10:28:53.035425] sockprintf:322 unabled to write to socket: 9 errno: 32 
Broken pipe
  [10:28:53.035473] sockprintf:322 unabled to write to socket: 9 errno: 32 
Broken pipe
  [10:28:53.035521] sockprintf:322 unabled to write to socket: 9 errno: 32 
Broken pipe
  [10:28:53.043932] log_message:71 log: 08:28:53.043 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:28:53.044056] log_message:71 log: 08:28:53.044 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:28:53.044209] log_message:71 log: 08:28:53.044 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:28:58.048967] log_message:71 log: 08:28:58.048 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:28:58.049117] log_message:71 log: 08:28:58.049 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:28:58.049264] log_message:71 log: 08:28:58.049 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:29:03.053843] log_message:71 log: 08:29:03.053 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:29:03.053970] log_message:71 log: 08:29:03.053 E [ap:3672] Connection 
error:  117
  [10:29:03.054128] log_message:71 log: 08:29:03.054 I [ap:1372] Connecting to 
  [10:29:08.059340] log_message:71 log: 08:29:08.059 E [ap:1308] AP Socket 
Error: Timeout reached (2)
  [10:29:08.059471] log_message:71 log: 08:29:08.059 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread hander

Firstly, many thanks to Triode and anyone else who has contributed to
the development of this plugin. I absolutely love it. And apologies if
this is answered elsewhere. I have searched ...

Triode 2.0.3 on SB Server 7.6.1 - r33110
Squeezebox Classic

Some tracks don't play. SB just says 'Connecting ...' and never plays.
'Old Man' by Neil Young is an example (in fact, I think, any Neil Young

If I fire up the same track directly from the Web interface, it shows
as playing, with the clock ticking, but on the SB it still says
'Connecting ...' and never shifts from there.

Has anyone had the same problem? Is this Spotify-related? Many thanks
if anyone can help!

Here's the log:
[12:01:45.478] main:1401 Now playing: Old Man
[12:01:45.493] log_message:71 log: 11:01:45.493 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(5, 1, streams)
[12:01:45.493] log_message:71 log: 11:01:45.493 E
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 500
[12:01:46.008] log_message:71 log: 11:01:46.008 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(0, 1, streams)
[12:01:46.008] log_message:71 log: 11:01:46.008 E
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 1000
[12:01:47.074] log_message:71 log: 11:01:47.074 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(0, 1, streams)
[12:01:47.074] log_message:71 log: 11:01:47.074 E
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 2000
[12:01:49.126] log_message:71 log: 11:01:49.126 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(0, 1, streams)
[12:01:49.126] log_message:71 log: 11:01:49.126 E
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 4000
[12:01:53.164] log_message:71 log: 11:01:53.164 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(0, 1, streams)
[12:01:53.164] log_message:71 log: 11:01:53.164 E
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 8000
[12:02:01.209] log_message:71 log: 11:02:01.209 E [ap:3900]
ChannelError(0, 1, streams)
[12:02:01.209] log_message:71 log: 11:02:01.209 E
handleApErrorCode. Fatal Error 106
[12:04:38.001] main:501 req: prefetch.json res:
spotify:track:2UVSP6BlF8AgQOpzfDUVL2 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[12:04:38.001] main:715 prefetching track: No error


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] WD MyBook Live NAS

2011-09-15 Thread Peter75

Hi everyone.

I bought a MD MyBook Live 1TB yesterday and got it to work with the
how-to from this thread. Everything runs fine. Then I added some new
songs and deleted some others to/in my Library an started a scan. After
that I have a lot of entries in my Library which are dead (some double
albums, some wrong titles etc.). So i started the installation inkl.
clean uninstall before again and was wondering about the database. All
the wrong titles (...) are still there, so the database was not deleted
dureing this process.

So, as i am a complete newbie to this, i have no idea how to solve this
problem. Can i clean the cache and the prefs manually? Or can i do a
real clean uninstall (i guess directorys who are not empty will not be
deleted using /etc/init.d/squeezeboxserver stop apt-get remove --purge

Maybe some one can help me. I hope you understand my problems as my
english is not so good.

Thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread paul44birch

Hi Pippin
I said I would come back with the specific error text details. I get a
red drop down tab and the message read:(Server) Server returned error
invalid clientld.  

This has happened a few times since my last post.  Also other symptoms
are that the functions are a bit hit and miss ie I press pause or play
and nothing happens, so have to repeat several times or when playng all
functions stop so I cannot stop or adjust volume, so have to restart the

I use an ipod touch 8gb which is only used as a remote for the
squeezebox. It has few other apps but no music etc.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread pippin

Interesting. That message means that the player you are trying to use is
no longer connected to the server.
What kind of server do you have and which version? Could it be that
it's scanning your library?
Could you send me a diagnostics mail from within iPeng (tap the e-mail
link in Help)?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread rgro

Hi Pippin,

I have a small problem which is vexing me.  I suspect it's something
simple, but I just can't quite figure it out.  When I'm selecting an
album from either Genre or Artist, the tracks are displayed and I
can select any track and it will play that track just fine.  However,
when I select an album from Music Folder, the tracks are displayed
and no matter which track I select to play, it always plays track #1. 
The only way I can get a specific track (other than #1) to play is to
touch and hold that track which brings up the context menu and then
touching Play will play that track.

I don't think this used to be the case. I've double checked that I do
not have the shuffle or repeat functions enabled and have duplicated
this a number of times on different albums, so I know it's not a tag
issue, either.  Is there a setting somewhere that I've inadvertently
changed, or is this a little bug?




System information

Main: PS Audio Quintet  Vortexbox  Touch (wired) via spdif coax 
Rega DAC  LFD LE IV amp  VA Mozart Grands  REL Acoustics R305.  

Home Theatre:  SBR (Wired)  Pioneer VSX 919  Energy Take 5 Classic

SBS 7.6.1 r33149 running on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 1.9.  Touch
w/Hardware V.5.  Touch: FW 7.6.1 r9486.  Duet: FW 77 r9486.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread paul44birch

I seem to have inseted a frown face by mistake in my message above.  The
line should say: 

I get a red drop down tab and the message reads (Server)Server returned
error invalid clientld.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread paul44birch

I am using ipeng to control a Transporter connected via ethernet to a BT
hub Server is SBS 7.6.1 r33149 running on a windows XP HP desktop.

Could you give me a bit more of a clue as how I send you a diagnostics
mail from within iPeng?

Also quick message to rgro: I see you are using an LFD LE 1V amp.  How
is it as I am looking at getting one or maybe a Naim nait XS


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-09-15 Thread erland

verypsb;657832 Wrote: 
 Sorry if this has been mentioned before. In the latest sbs/lms releases
 trackstat is listed on top in the menu. Can this be changed?

Thanks for reporting, it's caused by a API change in SBS/LMS, will be
fixed in next TrackStat version. I think the same problem probably also
occurs with Custom Browse and Dynamic Playlist.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread pippin

paul44birch;657921 Wrote: 
 Could you give me a bit more of a clue as how I send you a diagnostics
 mail from within iPeng?
Like this:
pippin;657914 Wrote: 
 (tap the e-mail link in Help)?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] irBlaster plugin help

2011-09-15 Thread

Set the Squeezebox volume to fixed.You can do this through the
squeezebox server software.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread pippin

rgro;657918 Wrote: 
 I have a small problem which is vexing me.  I suspect it's something
 simple, but I just can't quite figure it out.  When I'm selecting an
 album from either Genre or Artist, the tracks are displayed and I
 can select any track and it will play that track just fine.  However,
 when I select an album from Music Folder, the tracks are displayed
 and no matter which track I select to play, it always plays track #1. 
 The only way I can get a specific track (other than #1) to play is to
 touch and hold that track which brings up the context menu and then
 touching Play will play that track.

Indeed. Looks like they broke play_index again for Muic Folders in
7.6.1 :(


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-09-15 Thread rgro

pippin;657930 Wrote: 
 Indeed. Looks like they broke play_index again for Muic Folders in
 7.6.1 :(

Yup, that'd be it.  Glad (sort of) to know it wasn't me just being
dense!  Hopefully, it'll get fixed next release.



System information

Main: PS Audio Quintet  Vortexbox  Touch (wired) via spdif coax 
Rega DAC  LFD LE IV amp  VA Mozart Grands  REL Acoustics R305.  

Home Theatre:  SBR (Wired)  Pioneer VSX 919  Energy Take 5 Classic

SBS 7.6.1 r33149 running on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 1.9.  Touch
w/Hardware V.5.  Touch: FW 7.6.1 r9486.  Duet: FW 77 r9486.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread Triode

fraserm;657813 Wrote: 
 Hey Triode -
 Anyway, I noticed a 2.0.3 plugin available for installation.  When I
 tick it ready for upgrade, and select Apply, restart the server (and
 wait a minute as per the dialog), nothing much happens.  The plugins
 page reloads, and 2.0.3 is listed at the top again as an available
 Is there some trick to forcing the update to take?

I've seen two causes of this - first is my hosting provider having
problems, second is a process is still running on your server.  I
suggest completely rebooting the server and trying again, it looks like
my hosting provider is working.  If not, enable server.plugins debugging
on the logging page and see if this records any errors in the server log
when you try to upgrade.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread Triode

tucalong;657871 Wrote: 
 First off I want to thank Triode for a magnificent plugin, it really
 makes spotify/squeezebox intregation perfect :)
 but for some odd reason spotify-plugin didn't work today, upgraded
 squeezeserver to 7.6.1 and plugin to latest version. (I use Qnap TS-239
 turbo NAS)
 It seems to me that plugin can't login in to spotify...anyway here's
 debug log:

   [10:30:35.132446] main:400 error on bind listenfd: Address already in use


Have you tried rebooting the box - this error suggests there is more
than one spotifyd process running?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread Triode

hander;657886 Wrote: 

   Here's the log:
   [12:01:45.478] main:1401 Now playing: Old Man
   [12:01:45.493] log_message:71 log: 11:01:45.493 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(5, 
1, streams)
   [12:01:45.493] log_message:71 log: 11:01:45.493 E 
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 500
   [12:01:46.008] log_message:71 log: 11:01:46.008 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(0, 
1, streams)
   [12:01:46.008] log_message:71 log: 11:01:46.008 E 
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 1000
   [12:01:47.074] log_message:71 log: 11:01:47.074 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(0, 
1, streams)
   [12:01:47.074] log_message:71 log: 11:01:47.074 E 
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 2000
   [12:01:49.126] log_message:71 log: 11:01:49.126 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(0, 
1, streams)
   [12:01:49.126] log_message:71 log: 11:01:49.126 E 
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 4000
   [12:01:53.164] log_message:71 log: 11:01:53.164 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(0, 
1, streams)
   [12:01:53.164] log_message:71 log: 11:01:53.164 E 
handleApErrorCode. Error 106. Timeout: 8000
   [12:02:01.209] log_message:71 log: 11:02:01.209 E [ap:3900] ChannelError(0, 
1, streams)
   [12:02:01.209] log_message:71 log: 11:02:01.209 E 
handleApErrorCode. Fatal Error 106
   [12:04:38.001] main:501 req: prefetch.json res: 
spotify:track:2UVSP6BlF8AgQOpzfDUVL2 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
   [12:04:38.001] main:715 prefetching track: No error


These errors come direct from the spotify library which I have no
internal knowledge of - so its a spotify error.  Suggest you try again
later to see if it is resolved.  I'm not sure there is much more we can
do about it.  If it persists then you could search for the
spotifycache folder and delete it, but I am not sure it will make any


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-09-15 Thread erland

copperstate;657965 Wrote: 
 Hi Erland,
 could I talk you into updating your great patch installer so that its
 patches (esp. the ir remote  highlight color patches) show up on the
 new Radio 7.7.0 firmware?
 Thanks a lot! :)
Not before 7.7 is officially released, applying patches on beta
firmware can easily be very unstable and cause a lot of
problems/support issues.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread fraserm

Triode;657959 Wrote: 
 I've seen two causes of this - first is my hosting provider having
 problems, second is a process is still running on your server.  I
 suggest completely rebooting the server and trying again, it looks like
 my hosting provider is working.  If not, enable server.plugins debugging
 on the logging page and see if this records any errors in the server log
 when you try to upgrade.

Reboot solved the issue, thanks!

By the way - if I have multiple devices, if I try to play both at once,
one of them plays short intro's to tracks, while the other one plays
through ok.  I assume that is Spotify imposing that right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-09-15 Thread Triode

fraserm;657975 Wrote: 
 Reboot solved the issue, thanks!
 By the way - if I have multiple devices, if I try to play both at once,
 one of them plays short intro's to tracks, while the other one plays
 through ok.  I assume that is Spotify imposing that right?

Yes - afraid they only allow one device at once to play on a given
account (presumably to stop you lending your account to another
person...)  The official Logitech support does not have this
restriction if all devices are registered to the same


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SMD, let's discover the music

2011-09-15 Thread MeSue

Looks interesting. Will this eventually work with Rhapsody (and other
services?) so I can have a combined library with both my local music
and my Rhapsody library in one menu? Will it provide a rating system
for non-local tracks?



1 Duet | 2 Booms | 1 Radio | 1 Touch | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Squeezebox Server 7.6 | iPod Touch  iPad w/
Find me on 'Last.FM' ( | 'Twitter'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SMD, let's discover the music

2011-09-15 Thread erland

MeSue;658004 Wrote: 
 Looks interesting. Will this eventually work with Rhapsody (and other
 services?) so I can have a combined library with both my local music
 and my Rhapsody library in one menu? 
Yes, that's one thing that's in the plan, I can't say for sure exactly
which services we will support at the moment.

We actually support an extremely preliminary integration of Spotify
tracks already now where you can add Spotify music to your library. You
do this, by open the context menu (More button (Radio/Touch/Controller)
or hold+play (Classic/Boom/Transporter) and select On Spotify and
then browse to the related Spotify album, track you like to import and
open the context menu from that and select Import from Spotify. This
is just a very preliminary implementation to show the concept, it will
got a lot better before we are finished.

The plan is to support this kind of integration of third party services
through a plugin system, where it's also possible for other third party
developers to add support for their favorite streaming service.

For playback of these streams we rely on standard Squeezebox Server, so
when you select to play a Spotify track through the SMD menu it will be
played back through Logitech's standard Spotify plugin or Triode's
third party Spotify plugin.

MeSue;658004 Wrote: 
 Will it provide a rating system for non-local tracks?
Rating support is definitely on the agenda, both for local and online
tracks like Spotify/Rhapsody and other services supporting playback of
individual tracks.

The main reason for supporting ratings is to support a user friendly
smart playlist functionality which is also something we would like to
support eventually.

However, it should also be said that we really need more core
contributors in the project who can contribute as developers if we like
to speed this up, because currently the progress is limited by the
amount of spare time the current core contributors have. With the
current progress it's going to take a while before we support all of
the above mentioned functionality.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-09-15 Thread erland

frank_from_hh;655663 Wrote: 
 Hi Erland,
 I have a question regarding CustomScan and 7.6.1. 
 I like to see the tag ALBUMARTIST in the title format used by the web
 interface. Since Squeezebox Server does not do this by itself I use
 CustomScan MixedTags and set the actual title format including the
 field CUSTOMSCAN_MIXEDTAG_ALBUMARTIST on the Interface page of the
 server settings. That worked very well until the update to 7.6.1 (I
 skipped 7.6). The field CUSTOMSCAN_MIXEDTAG_ALBUMARTIST is still
 available but always empty. Any idea why? I switched on logging and
 CustomScan seems to work fine.
I'm afraid this is caused by a bug introduced in 7.6.x and later
releases it's caused by the SQLite database. I'll correct it for the
next release but I'm not sure how quick that's going to happen since
I'm currently working on a new major version of Custom Scan and it's
probably going to take some time before that's ready. I'll see if I can
release a bug fix release on the previous version but no promises at the


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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