Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2021-04-04 Thread Stig Nygaard

MAXM wrote: 
> I uninstalled LMS and the 28 Perl-Version and installed the 24
> Perl-Version. Where can I find a version of LMS for a DS1517 (ARM 7)?
> EDIT: I think I got it...

I was going to suggest you used pinkdot's LmsUpgrade instead (It will
give you a LMS version 8). They used to be available at , but it seems
pinkdot has taken them offline now. But maybe if you ask him?

PS. Remember to turn off auto-update of both Perl and DSM on your NAS.
It is probably okay if you are offered a DSM 6.2 update, but you should
probably avoid the future DSM 7.

'*rockland*.dk' ( - '**/user/rockland'
( - '*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
( -
*Server:* LMS 8.1.1 ('LmsUpdate'
( - 1610364019 @
Jan 14 2021 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:* 'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\"
touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(, SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(* for a better ** desktop
browser experience...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2021-04-04 Thread SamY

MarSOnEarth wrote: 
> Both. There is an "Volume Step" setting in Material Skin. It's a
> drop-down with '1', '2', '5', and '10'% choices, with mine set at '5%',
> BUT which was promptly ignored when the player's volume was set to
> 'fixed'; hence the 1% increment you saw. Then, I switched the player to
> 'variable' volume, and the '5%' step was respected. Squeezer app I was
> playing with also observed the '5%' setting.

Yeah. Squeezer is hard-coded at 5%. If you don't mind paying $5.99
(refundable within 48 hours), I recommend trying Squeeze Ctrl. It has
just about everything I would want in a SB client, including
configurable volume change increments. If you read my earlier post,
there are instructions on setting it up to work with the volume fixed at

> I wish that setting was in dBs. Then the {+|-}3 would mean
> 'current-output-power {*|/} 2', but then, I also want VU meters on my
> amps (and I don't have them either:().

Ha ha! I hear you...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2021-04-04 Thread MAXM

I ran into the same issue by updating all the packages on my DS.
I uninstalled LMS and the 28 Perl-Version and installed the 24
Perl-Version. Where can I find a version of LMS for a DS1517 (ARM 7)? I
can’t use a docker-version, because docker is not supported on the

Thx, MAX.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2021-04-04 Thread MarSOnEarth

SamY wrote: 
> Everything looks good in the log. I noticed that your volume change
> increments started out at +/-1 but changed later to +/-5.  Is that a
> configurable setting in your client, or did you change to a different
> client?
Both. There is an "Volume Step" setting in Material Skin. It's a
drop-down with '1', '2', '5', and '10'% choices, with mine was set at
'5%', BUT which was promptly ignored when the player's volume was set to
'fixed'; hence the 1% increment you saw. Then, I switched to 'variable',
and the '5%' step was respected. Squeezer app also observed the "5%"

SamY wrote: 
> Just curious. Personally, I would always use a minimum of 3 for the
> increment, although the LMS web client currently uses a non-configurable
> value of 2.
I wish that setting was in dBs. Then the {+|-}3 would mean
'current-output-power {*|/} 2', but then, I also want VU meters on my
amps (and I don't have them either:().

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2021-04-04 Thread cortegedusage

staresy wrote: 
> I am using 8.2, I have removed playmp4 and re-started.
> So, I can't get anything to play. For example, if I try, My
> Apps/Mixcloud/Categories/Ambient/Quiet Music April 4 for example, ie the
> 1st item in the list, my SB Touch or Radio displays "Error, unable to
> play type for: Quiet Music April 4"
> Same on any stream on mixcloud.

Do you by any chance have your players synced?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread Jaca

expectingtofly wrote: 
> I've created a plugin that integrates into the Global Player API.
> It makes available :
> >   >   > 
  - Live Radio (For all the Global brands)
  - 7 Day Catch up for all Global stations
  - Playlists (100's of looping stations playing genre playlists)
  - Podcasts Directory (with search)
  > > > 
> The range of content they supply is very good (especially the podcast
> directory and playlists).  The bit rates of much of the content is
> disappointing.   Their mobile app does make higher bit rates available
> with a sign-in.  Sign-in should also make available the ability to
> subscribe to catchup and podcasts.  So I will look into improving the
> plugin with a sign-in capability and hopefully gain access to the
> higher bit rates.
> It is  available from the main 3rd party plugin repository.Wow that's great 
> news, thank you [emoji106]

Just installed it and thought it would be nice if possible to be able to
save presenters from catch up or podcasts in favourites.. It seems
already possible for episodes but once you listen to one you don't need
it in favs.. Level up for folder/presenter would be better.. I don't
know if that applies to "sign in" requirements you mentioned.

Anyway great job, thanks!

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2021-04-04 Thread SamY

MarSOnEarth wrote: 
> My brain/fingers seem not cooperating tonight. I thought  I was
> attaching the corresponding server log, but it's not there in my post.
> Attaching it here
> ]

Everything looks good in the log. I noticed that your volume change
increments started out at +/-1 but changed later to +/-5.  Is that a
configurable setting in your client, or did you change to a different
client? Just curious. Personally, I would always use a minimum of 3 for
the increment, although the LMS web client currently uses a
non-configurable value of 2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Denon AVP Control Plugin

2021-04-04 Thread SamY

DavidBulluss wrote: 
> Good morning! I set the Squeeze CTRL vol incs @ 5 for all players. Log
> file attached is firstly for the Zone 1 AMP which did not respond at all
> to UP then DN mute control although it faithfully responded to the other
> two options. Secondly for Zone 2 AMP which did not respond to the UP
> then DN either, but faithfully responded to the other 2 options. It was
> a brief test period so will keep an eye on it. ;-)

Now THAT's an interesting log file. It's the first time I've seen one
where two different players were active at the same time, which makes it
a little more difficult to sort things out but also reassures me that
the plugin can successfully juggle multiple players at once. Everything
looks much better with the volume increment set at +/-5. As I said
previously, you should experiment with different settings and find one
that seems to work best for you with the SqueezeCtrl app. However, I
would not recommend going lower than 3 in your multi-zone setup.  One
thing I noticed is that you are using the plugin option in your main
zone to "sync on track changes", which made me think about what happens
when the AVR is muted while a track change takes place with the "sync on
track changes" option in effect. I'm going to have to do some testing
with that scenario and possibly update the logic for it. In the
meantime, and not only for the purposes of this testing, I suggest that
you turn that option off in the plugin menu. With all the recent changes
to ensure that the player and AVR get in sync at "power on" and stay in
sync until "power off", this option should only be needed if you are in
the habit of using the AVR remote (or front panel controls) to make
volume changes outside the realm of the Squeezebox environment.
Otherwise, it just adds unnecessary network and cpu overhead.

With regard to your experience using the hardware mute, the preferred
method of initiating it is by simultaneously pressing both volume
buttons and I can see from the log that your phone is capable of
handling that well. The interval between presses, in that scenario,
seems to be under 0.1 second.  Pressing the buttons one after the other
can be a crapshoot and is only needed when a phone either doesn't have
separate volume buttons (rocker switch) or the phone firmware interferes
with the client app getting both button press events. So, if the
hardware mute function is useful to you, just get in the habit of
pressing both buttons simultaneously and you should be fine. But thanks
for taking the time to test the other scenarios. I appreciate it.

Thanks and regards.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread expectingtofly

staresy wrote: 
> I see you've already done it, cheers, good work.

No changes yet.  I expect some of the catchup streams do have meta data.

Stuart McLean   


- *BBC Sounds* : 
- *Virgin Radio (UK)* : 
- *Times Radio* : 
- *Global Player (UK)* : 
For BBC Sounds help see the 'BBC Sounds Wiki'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread expectingtofly

staresy wrote: 
> I see you've already done it, cheers, good work.

No, no change yet.  Some of the streams may be providing it.  All the
playlist ones Dom

Stuart McLean   


- *BBC Sounds* : 
- *Virgin Radio (UK)* : 
- *Times Radio* : 
- *Global Player (UK)* : 
For BBC Sounds help see the 'BBC Sounds Wiki'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread staresy

expectingtofly wrote: 
> Yes, the live and playlist streams all provide nice meta data. 
> Unfortunately, the catch up streams don't seem to, I'll see if I can put
> something in its place.

I see you've already done it, cheers, good work.

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread expectingtofly

staresy wrote: 
> Nice one, very useful, this is shaping up quite nicely with all the
> radio plugins.
> One minor observation, on catch up there is no station logo or presenter
> image displayed, any chance of slipping something in other than the
> default radio mast?

Yes, the live and playlist streams all provide nice meta data. 
Unfortunately, the catch up streams don't seem to, I'll see if I can put
something in its place.

Stuart McLean   


- *BBC Sounds* : 
- *Virgin Radio (UK)* : 
- *Times Radio* : 
- *Global Player (UK)* : 
For BBC Sounds help see the 'BBC Sounds Wiki'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2021-04-04 Thread nickey

Hi Philippe,

0.130.2 works for me on raspbian 8 (which is pretty old now) and LMS
8.1.2 streaming from Europe.

Let me know if I can contribute to your IT costs in any way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Radio Paradise plugin 'now playing' info

2021-04-04 Thread NeverSimple

mherger wrote: 
> > If I play the 'Mellow Mix' > 'FLAC *regular *stream', through the
> Radio
> > Paradise plugin, the 'now playing' screen never refreshes, the music
> > itself is fine. Mine is stuck on the same info for weeks, maybe
> months.
> Can't reproduce this. I'm getting up to date meta data. Can you tell me
> what you'd get for

{"time":211,"artist":"Nick Drake","title":"River Man","album":"Five

So I went to check the Mellow mix - FLAC regular stream and . It now
shows me Nick Drake Wut? Next song (John Mayall, Sensitive kind:
great song!) did refresh correctly (albeit 15s early). Next song also

Don't know what triggered this. I'm sure it has never worked for me, at
least not after upgrading to LMS8. Updates to LMS8 (so reboots) and/or
new player firmware did not change that. Always was stuck on 'Sweet'
from 'Cigarettes After Sex' 

So don't know what happened but I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for
checking it. Love the plugin and use it a lot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread staresy

Nice one, very useful, this is shaping up quite nicely with all the
radio plugins.

One minor observation, on catch up there is no station logo or presenter
image displayed, any chance of slipping something in other than the
default radio mast?

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread expectingtofly

cpd73 wrote: 
> Thanks for providing a Material-like icon, looks great. However, I
> noticed it appears larger than others. Most icons, and this included,
> are 24px x 24px - but they have a border of about 2px before the icon
> starts. I've adjusted the icon slightly, and (to me at least) the size
> fits better.
> 34069

Thanks,  I thought something didn't look quite right about it!

Stuart McLean   


- *BBC Sounds* : 
- *Virgin Radio (UK)* : 
- *Times Radio* : 
- *Global Player (UK)* : 
For BBC Sounds help see the 'BBC Sounds Wiki'

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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2021-04-04 Thread staresy

bpa wrote: 
> The playMP4 plugiun is out of date and does not work for 8.*.* as LMS
> has native support for mP4
> If you are using 8.* remove PlayMP4 (I thought it wasn't enabled for
> 8.*)
> Be specific about what you are testing ans how you are trying to get it
> to play.

I am using 8.2, I have removed playmp4 and re-started.

So, I can't get anything to play. For example, if I try, My
Apps/Mixcloud/Categories/Ambient/Quiet Music April 4 for example, ie the
1st item in the list, my SB Touch or Radio displays "Error, unable to
play type for: Quiet Music April 4"

Same on any stream on mixcloud.

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread cpd73

Thanks for providing a Material-like icon, looks great. However, I
noticed it appears larger than others. Most icons, and this included,
are 24px x 24px - but they have a border of about 2px before the icon
starts. I've adjusted the icon slightly, and (to me at least) the size
fits better.



*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2021-04-04 Thread bpa

staresy wrote: 
> Hi,
> I've recently been trying to use the Mixcloud plugin to play some NTS
> radio archive feeds, I have installed the plugin, and the bpa playmp4
> plugin.
> I can find the streams I want via the plugin but can't get any of them
> to play, I get the error "unable to play file type for: stream name".
> I am trying to play on an SB radio and Touch. I think I need may need to
> install ffmpeg and do some configuring for transcode but would
> appreciate a pointer as I'm not sure how/what to do.
> I am running LMS on a Win10 machine.
> Thanks

The playMP4 plugiun is out of date and does not work for 8.*.* as LMS
has native support for mP4

If you are using 8.* remove PlayMP4 (I thought it wasn't enabled for

Be specific about what you are testing ans how you are trying to get it
to play.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2021-04-04 Thread staresy

I've recently been trying to use the Mixcloud plugin to play some NTS
radio archive feeds, I have installed the plugin, and the bpa playmp4

I can find the streams I want via the plugin but can't get any of them
to play, I get the error "unable to play file type for: stream name".

I am trying to play on an SB radio and Touch. I think I need may need to
install ffmpeg and do some configuring for transcode but would
appreciate a pointer as I'm not sure how/what to do.

I am running LMS on a Win10 machine.


location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : Global Player (UK) Plugin (Classic FM, Capital, Smooth, Heart, LBC etc.)

2021-04-04 Thread expectingtofly

I've created a plugin that integrates into the Global Player API.

It makes available :

- Live Radio (For all the Global Brands)
- 7 Day Catch up for all stations
- Playlists (100's of looping stations playing genre playlists)
- Podcasts Directory (with search)

The range of content they supply is very good (especially the podcast
directory and playlists).  The bit rates of much of the content is
disappointing.   Their mobile app does make higher bit rates available
with a sign-in.  Sign-in should also make available the ability to
subscribe to catchup and podcasts.  So I will look into improving the
plugin with a sign-in capability and hopefully gain access to the higher
bit rates.

It's available now from the beta repository .  It will be available
from the main 3rd party plugin repository later today at the next

Stuart McLean   


- *BBC Sounds* : 
- *Virgin Radio (UK)* : 
- *Times Radio* : 
- *Global Player (UK)* : 
For BBC Sounds help see the 'BBC Sounds Wiki'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ARD Audiothek

2021-04-04 Thread Weller

Thank you very much, Max!  It's great to have the ARD Audiothek now! I
have been using it for more than a week now on a nearly daily basis and
it works absolutely fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] XSqueezeDisplay Plugin - Does it still work?

2021-04-04 Thread bossanova808

The info is all directly from Kodi - if it is wrong or incomplete (the
timer carrying on), that is probably really a Kodi issue.  This plugin
just grabs what is given, basically.

This is the only Perl I've ever written and I am probably not all that
likely to make changes as it already covers everything I need it to do -
but happy to accept them if you can successfully make and test them - it
would probably be a case of coming up with the right JSON queries for
Kodi when used in Live TV / Radio modes, I guess.

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