Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Michael Herger

I need some more information to help you. What does not work? Are you
able to browse content in LMS/Spotty?

Please answer these two questions.

 From your log it looks as if you've been able to authenticate.

That's still true, because eg.:

   [21-07-14 21:38:45.0043] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::stopHelper 
(174) Shutting down Connect daemon for 00:04:20:1b:8e:82 (pid: 23973)
   [21-07-14 21:38:45.0045] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::Daemon::stop (139) 
Quitting Spotty Connect daemon for 00:04:20:1b:8e:82

Spotty would not even start a daemon if authentication had failed. 
Here's it's stopping them, which means it did work.

What system are you running LMS on? How does Settings/Advanced/Spotty 
look like?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Michael Herger

I set the Spotty file types as in post #9 here, in other words...


Your attachment isn't accessible any more.

So, playing Spotty on my SB3 or Radio or DAC32 and choosing info shows

Is that correct? Is PCM better than FLAC?

No. It has a lower impact on the machine running LMS, but other than 
that I'd recommend FLAC.

Also, the few times I've played Spotty on any of those players, the
first seconds have stuttered somewhat, and then settled down, which it's
not done before I changed these settings. Doesn't seem like coincidence,
does it?

What kind of player is this? Can you try FLAC to see whether this is any 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Michael Herger

I changed my docker install of LMS to host networking and we can both
see the spotify connect players now. I'm wondering if it was necessary
but it seems to work. Haven't tested actual playing yet.

Which Docker image are you using?

Spotty uses mdns which indeed does only work in the same network. I 
think you'd have to expose port 5353/UDP on the host to make this work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread ilikeyoureyes

ilikeyoureyes wrote: 
> That is what I believe to be the case. Although right now in LMS it is
> showing me "Failed to get access token" PLease check Settings/
> Advanced/Spotty Spotify for Squeezebox in the web interface. From my
> experience a month ago trying to figure this out, whoever last played on
> a device is who got to see that device in spotify connect. Now I'm
> seeing something different altogether where under the plugin, account
> import, both accounts are showing as the same instead of different
> names. I tried resetting anything spotty related by removing
> spotty.prefs and cache/spotty.db* but it didn't seem to make a
> difference. Maybe I'm really messing up the works. 
> Nevertheless, it does seem to me that it is using the application I'm
> providing the client ID for, because when I'm at work I still see the
> device available through spotify connect (on a complete different
> network). But again only a device that I last used.
> EDIT: deleted accounts re-added, and yes, whoever played on a device
> last is what I see in spotify connect through my phone at work, on a
> different network than LMS. The change is pretty immediate as to which
> devices are shown in spotify connect. Not sure if it matters, but in the
> plugin we are authenticated using our usernames & passwords. I did not
> get "Spotty authentication" to show up for us.

I changed my docker install of LMS to host networking and we can both
see the spotify connect players now. I'm wondering if it was necessary
but it seems to work. Haven't tested actual playing yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] problem with popping sounds in squeezelite

2021-07-14 Thread Man in a van


I have a similar setup (Raspberry pi Buster Desktop-32 bit) and
experience no popping on headphone playback of flac files stored on a
CIFS nas (actually this is a usb disk attatched to an AirDisk Q2, but
the same thing )

I ripped my files using dBPowerAmp (I'm not sure, but does the EAC also
add .cue files ?)

For squeezelite install, I now just use the package manager and update,
but it works out the same way.

I would look first at the power supply, is LMS installed on the problem
rpi ? I use either the official rpi foundation one or a 4 amp MeanWell. 

Check by removing the extra usb stick (maybe also using the usb 2

I can't think of anything else at the mo 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread whitman

I've always been somewhat baffled by the file type settings, so wanted
to be sure I have this right. 

I set the Spotty file types as in post #9 here, in other words...


So, playing Spotty on my SB3 or Radio or DAC32 and choosing info shows

Is that correct? Is PCM better than FLAC?

Also, the few times I've played Spotty on any of those players, the
first seconds have stuttered somewhat, and then settled down, which it's
not done before I changed these settings. Doesn't seem like coincidence,
does it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] problem with popping sounds in squeezelite

2021-07-14 Thread rbl

Man in a van wrote: 
> @rbl
> What sort of flacs ? How were they ripped?
> Where are they stored ?
> How did you install squeezelite ?
> Buster Desktop or Lite ?
> Which power supply for the rpi ?
> When does the popping occur, how often, has it always been present or is
> it recent ?
> Anything in the logs ? (server and maybe scanner)
> ronnie

- the FLACs were ripped from CDs using Exact Audio Copy
- they are stored on a 256GB USB 3.0 stick stuck in the side of the Pi4
- I downloaded the latest armhf from .
Unzip it, and then "sudo mv squeezelite  /usr/bin/squeezelite". I have
checked it is the latest version running.
- Buster desktop
- using a Samsung USB charger rated at 2.0A output. The Pi4 is doing
nothing else, it just sits there running LMS/Squeezelite.
- the popping seems to come and go, but when it occurs it is a very soft
popping, random, but about once a second. It is not very noticeable
- I can't see anything that looks interesting in the server log. The
scanner log is empty, perhaps as I upgraded LMS from the April version
today but didn't rescan the library (doing that now).

On the topic of PSU, I put another USB stick in the Pi a month ago or
so. Is it possible that tipped it over the edge? Not sure when the
problem started as I  usually only listen to radio on the Pi4. But the
popping noise has never happened on the SB3s (even when sync'd to the

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 707 -> B&W surround

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-07-14 Thread cpd73

georgew wrote: 
> I am wondering if it could be possible and easy to have a shortcut
> tapping on artist name of the playing track (either on the bar down
> either on full screen ) to go to artist page of lms library or of
> Spotify (choosing on settings) and the same for album. now we can access
> this from options menu of a track, but a lot players have this shortcut
> and it's convient.

Already implemented for local tracks. Don't use and online services so
have no idea if this could be done, or how to implement,

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Chestroled

mherger wrote: 
> > I see the Authentication service on my Spotify App but seems it
> cannot
> > connect correctly :
> I need some more information to help you. What does not work? Are you 
> able to browse content in LMS/Spotty?
> From your log it looks as if you've been able to authenticate.

Unfortunately nothing, and this is what going upset me a little bit... I
dont understand what's going wrong, really ! 

Restarted everything a lot of times, fresh install again, and so on.

I've never encountered problems with this solution before. 


[21-07-14 21:30:57.8166] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v8.0.0, 1605166211, Thu Nov 12 09:01:57 CET 2020) perl 5.024000 - x86_64-linux
  [21-07-14 21:31:01.4848] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (421) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:29:ba:b8, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [21-07-14 21:35:04.3277] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(90) Checking Spotty Connect helper daemons...
  [21-07-14 21:35:04.3278] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(116) This is not the sync group's master, and not the first slave with Connect 
either: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:35:04.3279] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(116) This is not the sync group's master, and not the first slave with Connect 
either: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:35:04.3280] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(120) This is the sync group's master, or a standalone player with Spotify 
Connect enabled: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:35:04.3282] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(116) This is not the sync group's master, and not the first slave with Connect 
either: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5446] Plugins::Spotty::AccountHelper::renameCacheFolder 
(145) Trying to rename __AUTHENTICATE__ to 
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5447] Plugins::Spotty::AccountHelper::renameCacheFolder 
(147) Error: No newId found in '__AUTHENTICATE__'
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5449] Plugins::Spotty::AccountHelper::renameCacheFolder 
(147) Backtrace:
  frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
 line 147)
  frame 1: Plugins::Spotty::AccountHelper::renameCacheFolder 
 line 174)
  frame 2: Plugins::Spotty::Settings::Auth::cleanup 
line 60)
  frame 3: Plugins::Spotty::Settings::handler 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Web/ line 1155)
  frame 4: Slim::Web::HTTP::generateHTTPResponse 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Web/ line 912)
  frame 5: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Web/ line 707)
  frame 6: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Networking/IO/ line 122)
  frame 7: (eval) (/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Networking/IO/ 
line 118)
  frame 8: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Networking/IO/ line 167)
  frame 9: (eval) (/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Networking/IO/ 
line 167)
  frame 10: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop 
(/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/ line 728)
  frame 11: main::idle (/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/ line 678)
  frame 12: main::main (/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/ line 1211)
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5634] Plugins::Spotty::Helper::_findBin (192) Trying 
helper application: 
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5688] Plugins::Spotty::Helper::_findBin (195) Found helper 
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5691] Plugins::Spotty::Helper::_findBin (192) Trying 
helper application: 
  [21-07-14 21:35:09.5740] Plugins::Spotty::Helper::_findBin (195) Found helper 
  [21-07-14 21:36:04.3288] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(90) Checking Spotty Connect helper daemons...
  [21-07-14 21:36:04.3289] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(116) This is not the sync group's master, and not the first slave with Connect 
either: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:36:04.3291] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(116) This is not the sync group's master, and not the first slave with Connect 
either: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82
  [21-07-14 21:36:04.3292] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::DaemonManager::initHelpers 
(120) This is the sync group's master, or a standalone player with Spotify 
Connect enabled: 00:04:20:1b:8e:82

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] problem with popping sounds in squeezelite

2021-07-14 Thread Man in a van


What sort of flacs ? How were they ripped?

Where are they stored ?

How did you install squeezelite ?

Buster Desktop or Lite ?

Which power supply for the rpi ?

When does the popping occur, how often, has it always been present or is
it recent ?

Anything in the logs ? (server and maybe scanner)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2021-07-14 Thread Dingo

I have four Sonos devices in different rooms. I recently re-installed
LMS (I'd deleted it when the last of my Logitech devices died on me, but
Plex just doesn't cut it), and UPnPBridge.

UPnPBridge doesn't see my Sonos devices - Sonos One, Sonos One SL, Sonos
Beam, two paired Symfonisk speakers, all running Sonos OS S2 Version
13.1.4. When I had LMS and UPnPBridge installed before, it saw the
devices I had then.

I'm running LMS 8.1.1, UPnPBridge 1.64 on Windows 10 Pro, Version 20H2.
I've attached the UPnPBridge log

UPnPBridge does see MediaMonkey as a player when I run it on the Windows

I'm obviously missing something with my Sonos setup, but what?

Thanks for any help.


|Filename: LMSlog.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-07-14 Thread georgew

I am wondering if it could be possible and easy to have a shortcut
tapping on artist name if the playing track (either on the bar down
either on full screen or play) to go to artist page on library or
Spotify (choosing on settings) and the same for album.

LMS 8.1 on rpi 4, picoreplayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] problem with popping sounds in squeezelite

2021-07-14 Thread rbl

ralphy wrote: 
> I would recommend using -o hw:CARD=D10,DEV=0 for the output device.
> If you are using the USB interface to the DAC try -a 120:4::0
> If you still experience pops/clicks then try -a 16384:4096

I have been getting popping noises on my Pi4 headphone output when
playing FLACs (not radio). To stop the popping I have tried both "-a
120:4::0" and "-a 16384:4096::0" and both seem to work!  A while ago I
had problems with the sound breaking up and I added "-a :::0" which
fixed it.  But can anyone explain what this actually is doing? The Wiki

-a :::Specify ALSA params to open output device, b =
buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f
sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)

Frankly I have no idea what this means, which buffer, whether the
specified numbers are in ms or bytes, what period, what is mmap, and
will there be a delay on the audio output as a result!? And more
importantly why do I need to specify this on my system which couldn't be
simpler, or Is there something more sinister going on? Surely defaults
should work on a simple system?

- Pi4
- Raspbian 10 (Buster)
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/squeezelite -o plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0 -n
Pi_SqueezeliteService -C 5 -a 120:4::0
- LMS 8.1.2 - 1624550702 @ Thu Jun 24, 2021
- Squeezelite v1.9.9-1386
- Also 2 other SB3s, but these were unsync'd during testing.

Any help/insight much appreciated!

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 707 -> B&W surround

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2021-07-14 Thread cpd73

rgdawson wrote: 
> SLX uses the value for lms-material::theme to style its own captionbar
> and controls to match, including whether toolbars are colored.  It uses
> lms-material::color also to match.  It uses lms-material:misc-colors to
> actually get the color RGB values.

To make thus more generic, what I plan to do is; if "?nativeUiChanges"
(horrible name, but consistent) is passed in the URL the Material will
invoke "updateUiSettings()" (passing a JSON string of new settings)
whenever the Material settings are changed. I assume that would fulfil
your use case?

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Michael Herger

As far as replay gain and volume normalization what exactly are the
correct settings now? Are the changes made on LMS only?

Enable normalization in the Spotty plugin (it's per player, see 
Settings/Player/Spotty in LMS). Then disable Spotty -> Ogg streaming 
(Settings/Advanced/File Types).

The next release will disable Ogg automatically when normalization is 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-07-14 Thread Kid Audio

mherger wrote: 
> > I see the Authentication service on my Spotify App but seems it
> cannot
> > connect correctly :
> I need some more information to help you. What does not work? Are you 
> able to browse content in LMS/Spotty?
> From your log it looks as if you've been able to authenticate.

As far as replay gain and volume normalization what exactly are the
correct settings now? Are the changes made on LMS only?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Radio Paradise Lossless Streamingv3

2021-07-14 Thread SamY

mherger wrote: 
> This is an issue in LMS which should be fixed in 8.2.

That's great news. Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2021-07-14 Thread rgdawson

cpd73 wrote: 
> I could add a callback for the colours, but why do you care about the
> theme?

SLX uses the value for lms-material::theme to style its own captionbar
and controls to match, including whether toolbars are colored.  It uses
lms-material::color also to match.  It uses lms-material:misc-colors to
actually get the color RGB values.

Before, SLX would read the them and color values from localeStorage and
if changed then it would update its own colors accordingly.  SLX would
do this check every time the was a mouse click anywhere in the browser
(because I did not know any other way at the time).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2021-07-14 Thread FatPete

philippe_44 wrote: 
> If you're confortable with these things, you can replace the
> file of
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/RaopBridge by
> this one

Hi Philippe

Good news - I've been testing this over the last hour, pausing the music
maybe a half-dozen times during phone calls, and so far I haven't had
any volume drops when resuming playback.

Thanks for the fix :D

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