Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Is musicip still working?

2021-03-02 Thread Matt Drown

The windows musicIP analyzer doesn't like files with non roman
characters in tags, and refuses to deal with them, It doesn't like FLAC
files at 48khz, and there are at least a few other cases it's gets picky
about.  As you found out, it doesn't like to analyze over network drives

My workflow, just for the history.
Copy files to local drive temp space.
Drop into windows musicip, and analyze.
Archive all analysis.
Delete from musicip.
Move files with analysis embedded over to linux NAS.
Have linux headless musicip server scan the files and add them to the
NAS musicip database.  (I have a thread about dealing with 64bit inodes
concerning this)

It's not the smoothest, but after the initial 80k file
scan/archive/move/import cycle, it's pretty simple when new music shows

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Is musicip still working?

2021-03-06 Thread Matt Drown

mamema wrote: 
> i'm now finished with my fingerprinting task and want to use musicip
> - headless server running
> - musicip plugin enabled
> - LMS imported musicip information
> - dynamic mix plugin enabled
> - Sugarcube spicefly plugin enabled (requested evaluation license
> several days ago, rebooted etc. Author contacted, nothing, no license,
> is this still working?)
> As i'm using mainly the UPNP bridge and the webinterface, where is the
> musicip mix menu?

Can you get to the headless server webserver on your network, and does
it have values listed in "Mixable Songs"?  Default port is 10002
Can LMS access the headless server over the network (or localhost)?  On
the same port.
Dynamic Mix plugin isn't used with Sugarcube, and I think it's
effectively deprecated.  I don't think I ever got that working
satisfactorily, it's not installed on my server.
Does Sugarcube show up in advanced settings->license manager?  Does
sugarcube show up in My Music?  And does it show up in a per-player

The sugarcube method doesn't import any of the muscip info into LMS, it
uses the headless server to make queries against the independent
database.  You need to ensure that the directory structure is the same
(or use the Sugarcube file renaming to fix).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-03-07 Thread Matt Drown

Make sure you have it set the "SugarCube Mix Mode" to "Standard MusicIP"
and not "Freestyle" on the player config page.  I haven't used the genre
restrictions, so not sure how well it works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-03-07 Thread Matt Drown

Check out this thread -

I asked about settings awhile back, and there are some good examples.

Also, on reply #17, Cparker mentions that MusicIP doesn't deal with
multiple genre's, so that may be your issue. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] What are you using for Android?

2021-03-08 Thread Matt Drown

Orange Squeeze is what I found first and have used for things.  Material
direct web works also.

I installed Squeezer also to play with, but haven't used it much.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sugarcube - Settings clarification

2021-03-19 Thread Matt Drown

sugarcube has it's own "version" of adding things to the queue, listed
in the player config.

So if you have
*PlayerConfig->DSTM->Sugarcube=enabled* at the same time that
*PlayerConfig->Sugarcube->Dynamic Queueing=enabled*, then you have two
things adding music to the end of the tracklist.

At least that's my understanding, I haven't played with it recently

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP or ... for dyanmic playlists?

2019-12-28 Thread Matt Drown

I recently (re)-discovered LMS and clients, and am enjoying it.  I'm
currently going through a large collection of files and fixing tags to
"mostly" be good.  Part of what I'm looking to do is create dynamic
playlists somewhat intelligently.  MusicIP was the first thing I found
that interfaces in, and I've started that process, but I think it's
going to take a couple weeks or more to generate musicip info for my
first batch of flacs (around 30k files).

Before I start burning through large amounts of time/cpu power, are
there any other alternatives at this point that work?  Happily listen to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP or ... for dyanmic playlists?

2019-12-29 Thread Matt Drown

Playing with the + don't stop the music plugin now (thanks!),
while the "spare" server is analyzing for muscip .  Hopefully after I
have a reasonable size of tracks with analysis I can see how well that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP or ... for dyanmic playlists?

2019-12-29 Thread Matt Drown

Roland0 wrote: 
> Based on tags: Dynamic Playlists plugin
> Based on music classification: 'LMS Essentia'
> (
> Based on similarity: 'LMS Musly'
> (

Thanks!  looking into Essentia & Musly now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP headless on Centos??

2020-01-07 Thread Matt Drown

I have it running successfully on a centos7 system.  There's a gotcha if
you are running XFS on a large FS for your storage which will cause
issues.  Quick indication that it's "broken" is getting the message
"error loading html" when you connect to the server.  Or if you point it
at music and it doesn't seem to work.  I'll post up a message shortly
with how to deal with it.

What problems are you having?

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Headless + Linux + XFS + large file systems issues and solution

2020-01-07 Thread Matt Drown

I wanted to put up a post for future search engines.  In all cases
below, when I am talking about MusicIP, I mean MusicIp headless on a
linux box.  I used a windows box and the GUI to scan/generate muscip
tags and archive them into the music files.

I recently installed MusicIP on a Centos7 box, with music stored on a
large file system, and encountered problems.   Searching didn't turn up
any solution, but after a little investigation, I was able to figure out
the issue, and get it working.

If you have MusicIP working, you can skip this post.   If you've
installed the headless server, and you get "Error loading html." when
you visit http://host:10002/, or that works, but every time you enter a
directory to scan to create a musicip database, it doesn't appear to do
anything, then this may help.

Root cause:  MusicIP is a compiled binary with older code.  It
references files with "32 bit inodes" which in some cases have been
replaced by "64 bit inodes" on newer filesystems that are large (in the
case of Centos7, the default XFS greater than 1 tb will get 64bit
inodes).  The program doesn't deal with the 64bit returned value, and
fails in a relatively silent way.  You already need to install the 32bit
libraries to get musicip running, but that's been documented in things
I've already found.

The normal fix for this is to recompile with more modern libraries, but
they are not available to best of my knowledge as this is abandoned
commercial software with no source code.

My fix was to install the headless client into /opt/musicip, which is
located on a small partition, so not using the inode64.  You can follow
the normal instructions from the musicip setup, just ensure you are on a
"smaller", less than a 1tb sized drive.  You are on the wrong size
filesystem if running the app gives you the "Error loading html."
instead of the normal html page.

I then mounted my music via a NFS "loopback" mount my music with
NFS_INO64 turned off, as described here - - this converts the 64bit file
references to 32bit for you. I'm sure there is a performance impact of
some sort, but it's been minor enough that I haven't seen any issues.

You need to enable the NFS server, and edit /etc/exports, and add your
music collection



Disable the inode64, as detailed in the redhat link above:


echo "options nfs enable_ino64=0"  > /etc/modprobe.d/nfs.conf

I am not documenting how to enable and startup an NFS server right now,
there are numerous searching instructions for that.  You may need to
reboot at this point to ensure the module change above works (advanced
users can just unload the modules and reload it).

Then you can create a directory and mount it:


mkdir /music
  mount -t nfs localhost:/path/to/music /music

I'm assuming your music files have all the music-ip data stored in tags
already from the GUI app.

Now run the musicip server, validate it works at http://hostname:10002/,
and enter "/music" into the scan for music.  It should change the screen
slightly and show you that it's scanning.  When it's done, you should be
able to use the "search songs" to see it find songs in your collection.

Following any of the other directions out there should be good at this
point.  If you have questions, or spotted something wrong please feel
free to post.

Hope that helps someone in the future.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Headless + Linux + XFS + large file systems issues and solution

2020-01-08 Thread Matt Drown

Roland0 wrote: 
> Have you tried the LD_PRELOAD method documented 'here'
> ( Would be significantly
> simpler... just start MusicIP with preloaded, and it should
> work...

Hadn't tried that.  But my first test of it, and it seems to work,

So two solutions for future search engines to find.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP / SugarCube settings suggestions?

2020-01-24 Thread Matt Drown

I've got MusicIP server setup on centos box, with LMS running also. 
I've spent the horsepower saving musicip data into the 80k songs.  And
now I'm trying to configure plugins to do something useful.  I've gotten
past the technical hurdles of 64bit inodes, directory names, etc, I can
get suggestions directly from the musicip server running, but there's a
lot of knobs to tune, and trying to figure out some better docs on what
they do to generate something a little less chaotic then Lords of Acid
-> Ricky Martin -> Chemical Brothers.  (It does seem to sort of work, I
pick reggae, I get reggae suggestions, it's not random)

I'm also testing out SugarCube and finding that it seems to generate a
bunch of choices, then always picks the first one, and then keeps
putting it in the playlist if I scan forward on the song, which does
make testing entertaining.  Is this normal?  (I already spent too much
time trying to go through the search function and the 75+ pages here on
the forum post)

Hoping to get some people's favorite/default settings they use to listen
to music.  Any suggestions would be welcome.

(I haven't had a chance to install essentia/musly, they are on my todo
list still)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP / SugarCube settings suggestions?

2020-01-27 Thread Matt Drown

Thanks for the update to the plugin, and thanks for the settings
suggestion.  I've tuned up the "mix style" (similar to artist) to see if
that changes things a bit.  I have a large collection, but with 1/3 to
1/2 being compilations of tracks, and I wonder if that causes some
issues with the mixing.  Will see how that impacts the mixes, I
previously had that set to 0 as I wasn't concerned about track to track
being "like the artist".

I've now got it set to MixStyle=150, and MixVariety=3, and MixBy=Song. 
I had dynamic mode, and most everything else disabled, or off.

Anyone else have a "favorite" way to set musicip mixes?

Next step, fixing the UI to change the Next/Previous track to the
"proper" images, |< and >|, not << >>.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-01-30 Thread Matt Drown

I had a similar issues on Squeezelite-X (Win10) where playing songs
(appeared with mp3s and not flacs in minimal testing) just stopped
playing for multiple seconds, and then continued later (30 seconds not
uncommon).  Timer on the player kept running during the silence.  I
think the response was that it was probably a Squeezelite problem, and I
haven't pursued further at this time.

matman wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm having a weird issue both with both Squeezelite and Squeezelite-x
> since migrating to Windows 10.
> For some unknown reason Squeezelite and Squeezelite-x will simply stop
> playing at some random point in time and resume a few seconds later.
> It's definitely no server issue as my other linux-based players do not
> show the same behaviour and it only showed up since I'm running Windows
> 10.
> There's also no driver issue, it happens with all output devices, also
> with stock windows-drivers and/or installed AMD-Sounddrivers (HDMI).
> Network configuration remained the same and the computer is connected
> wired with 1 Gbps. Server and PC are in the same network.
> When playback stops one can even change playback for other players
> without any problems, so it appears that there's no connection issue.
> Before I was running Squeezelite on Windows 7 Pro x64 without having any
> issues.
> Anyone else ever had this or a similar problem?
> Best regards,
> Simon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Headless + Linux + XFS + large file systems issues and solution

2020-09-13 Thread Matt Drown

I've been running with the LD_PRELOAD method now without issues for more
than 6 months.  Works fine on a Centos7 box.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Headless + Linux + XFS + large file systems issues and solution

2021-10-11 Thread Matt Drown

Matt Drown wrote: 
> I've been running with the LD_PRELOAD method now without issues for more
> than 6 months.  Works fine on a Centos7 box.

And also on a Centos 8 box a year later :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-11 Thread Matt Drown

I went to try this and have it working on a x86 box with the following


#Startup Pulseaudio
  pulseaudio --start
  #Create the Radio "sink"
  pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Radio 
  #Run squeezelite, ensure that you have the pulse audio version
  squeezelite -o Radio
  #Run PAREC piped into ICES
  parec | ices ices-conf.xml


#ices.conf input section

I don't have metadata running, was looking to grab the info from the
json, but having some issues crafting up the correct messages, if anyone
has this working, please let me know.  I just want to extract current
playing title/artist, and dump into a file.

Hope this helps someone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-11 Thread Matt Drown

d6jg wrote: 
> I have the json metadata working but not the Squeezelite piped to
> Icecast. Perhaps we could trade the two?

Paste in json docs, would love to see them.

Let me know if you have any issues with the above docs.   This is all
working on squeezelite on centos8-stream for me.  Ran it for 24 hours
without issue into streaming radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-11 Thread Matt Drown

For some reason my attempt at sending "macaddr title ?" in json wasn't
working, while sending other commands are.  I assume i'm mis-formatting
something in my json, any pointers?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-12 Thread Matt Drown

Here's what's working right now for me, including metadata updates to an
Azuracast radio.  It's slightly above "hack" status, but appears to be
working.  I get really small pops every now and again, and I haven't
narrowed it down to metadata updates, or something with buffering, or
just the inherent issues with flac->pcm->ogg->mp3 workflow here.  You
can listen at

To get it working, configure your ices.conf with the delta below.   Save
the, make it executable, and just run it in
the background, it doesn't output anything normally.  Then setup the
pulseaudio, squeezelite, and parec piped to ices.   Queue music up and
your should see things operating.   The script to do the metadata does
no error checking, so permissions, etc, may throw it off.  But it should
be pretty clear what it's doing.   I didn't bother getting rid of the
quotes in the Title/Artist, that's for the next iteration.

Any questions, feel free to ask.

ices-conf.xml file.  You need to make sure your PID file matches the
Metatdata update script below, and your input needs a file to read
metadata from.  This is not the complete config, just the items you need
to ensure you have.  Update the file names as needed.



Metadata Update bash script.
MAC needs to updated to the MAC address of the squeezebox client (you
can look at the LMS Settings->Information Tab to find it.
METATIME is how often to scan for metadata updates.
ICESPID is the pid file written, so we can send the USR1 signal to
retransmit the metadata.
METAFILE needs to match the ICES.CONF file above.
METATEMP is just used for temporary caching, we only update metadata on
song changes. 


  while [ 1 ]
  command='{"id": 1, "method": "slim.request", "params":["'$MAC'", ["'artist'", 
  artist=`eval "curl -q -s -X POST -d '"$command"' "$LMSIP":9000/jsonrpc.js"`
  echo $artist |grep -Po '"_artist":".*?"' | cut -d: -f 2 >$METATEMP
  command='{"id": 2, "method": "slim.request", "params":["'$MAC'", ["'title'", 
  title=`eval "curl -q -s -X POST -d '"$command"' "$LMSIP":9000/jsonrpc.js"`
  echo $title | grep -Po '"_title":".*?"' | cut -d: -f 2 >>$METATEMP
  diff -q ${METATEMP} ${METAFILE} >/dev/null
  if [ $status -ne 0 ] ; then
  kill -USR1 `cat ${ICESPID}`
  #echo "Updating Track Info"
  sleep $METATIME

Pulse Radio Setup - Squeezelite outputs audio to "Radio" channel, and
PAREC pulls PCM from it:


  #Startup Pulseaudio
  pulseaudio --start
  #Create the Radio "sink"
  pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Radio 
  #Run squeezelite, ensure that you have the pulse audio version
  squeezelite -o Radio
  #Run the script in the background  (the script above)./m
  ./ &
  #Run PAREC piped into ICES
  parec | ices ices-conf.xml

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-22 Thread Matt Drown

You can specify the LMS server from squeezelite command line if it isn't
showing up, obviously update the ip address to your server ip.


squeezelite -s -o Radio

When you run ICES it will generate the PID file, as long as you have it
specified in the ICES config file.   Then your metadata script will grab

I'm running ICES2.0.3, so yes, ICES2 is the correct one.

If running "PAREC" by itself doesn't do anything, then ICES won't be
able to send any sound.   PAREC by default will pull from the
pulse-audio and send PCM data out STDOUT onto your terminal window if
you just run it without "piping" it to ICES.

Make sure that squeezelite is working, and you are sending audio there
(there will be no sound, but LMS will show you playing).

Hellsblade wrote: 
> The last three commands are giving me some problems;
> Squeezelite -o Radio did not show up in LMS  (i used the precompiled
> pulsaudio version from sourceforge squeezelite-pulse-
> No errors when executing the command. When I added -n pulse -z
> (daemonize) LMS finds it but i doesn't start playing when i add a
> playlist
> Metadata script starts and fills with a different macaddress/player, but
> first needed to do a touch on the pidfile. because it doesn't exist
> (yet)
> I could not find ices for the pi. so I installed ices2, but it can not
> read the input file (broken pipe).
> So i think I am close, but need a little help to configure ices2 and or
> squeezelite.
> Thanks in advance.
> Greetings Henk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-02-23 Thread Matt Drown

Here's my full ices config file, minus passwords. 


  AutoDJ In Effect
  RAD10X Robot

And Running:


$  parec -v | ices-2.0.3/src/ices  ices-conf.xml
  Opening a recording stream with sample specification 's16le 2ch 44100Hz' and 
channel map 'front-left,front-right'.
  Connection established.
  Stream successfully created.
  Buffer metrics: maxlength=4194304, fragsize=352800
  Using sample spec 's16le 2ch 44100Hz', channel map 'front-left,front-right'.
  Connected to device Radio.monitor (index: 1, suspended: no).
  Time: 14452.230 sec; Latency: -1209014 usec.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-03-01 Thread Matt Drown

Just an update, you don't need pulse audio if you just want to stream
out, just pipe squeezlite output directly to ices:


squeezelite -s -a 16 -o - | ices  ices-conf.xml

-s to point to the LMS
-a to specify 16bit pcm data
-o to send the output to stdout, make sure to leave the "-" in there

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-03-01 Thread Matt Drown

You could try adding "-r 44100" onto squeezelite, but I suspect there is
some difference in x86 (where I'm running it) and on your raspberry pi.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pipe Squeezelite to Icecast

2022-03-01 Thread Matt Drown

squeezelite is going to take any input and turn it into pcm uncompressed
16 bit audio.  (flac/mp3/ogg/etc)

ICES (not icecast) is going to read that and send ONLY ogg-vorbis
upstream.   The upstream either needs to deal with this, or you need to
use a different tool.

In my usecase Azuracast is my receiver, and accepts ogg-vorbis and
re-encodes to mp3.

If you need something other than ogg-vorbis streamed out of squeezelite,
you can't use ICES, you need another tool that accepts STDIN as input. 
Darkice appears to send mp3 data, but my metadata update script is only
going to push metadata via ICES.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-10 Thread Matt Drown

I've had LMS on x86 linux, with headless musicip running without a
problem for a couple years now.  My workflow with new music is to
actually load the music into the musicip windows application, analyze,
and then archive the analysis into the files, then move the files to the
server that's running the LMS, force the headless musicip to add the new
music, and all is well.

I just re-arranged the music collection a bit, changing directory
structures around.   As everything is archived in the files, I figured
just wipe the x86 linux headless setup database, and re-add.   Which was
fine, other than it's decided it needs to validate 1/3 of my collection
again.   As I spent a long time encoding/archive analysis in the files,
I was under the impression this should allow the musicip headless server
to just rebuild the database rapidly.

Validation is going, but as i have 1000's of files to re-validate, the
the number is moving down very slowly, I'm hoping there's something else
I can do.   (Which may be look at the bliss scanner)

Any suggestions?   Any easy way to determine from the headless musicip
what files are being validated?   I can check to see if by chance I
somehow didn't archive 1/3rd of my collections musicip fingerprints?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-15 Thread Matt Drown

Loaded everything up in windows version, and it doesn't have the same
issue.   So some difference in the headless linux x86 edition that isn't
reading the written analysis tags out of the files.

In parallel trying the bliss evaluation also.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-15 Thread Matt Drown

On windows, my database (which took 24 hours to read all the files from
the NAS)
132,173 Tracks (130,564 Mixable, 13 to validate)
When I select custom filter and show me all the files with "stored
analysis missing", it reports 1606 songs.  (Menu
This implies I should have 130k files with MusicIP data embedded in
them, correct?

When I start up the headless system and have it scan the files it
reports (this thankfully takes about 20-30 minutes as it's located on
the linux box acting as a NAS)
132,129 tracks
86,631 mixable
43,706 to validate

If I could figure out which 43k tracks I need to validate, maybe i could
figure out

If I copy the default.m3lib from windows to linux, and start up the
server, it complains about the cache being changed, and reloading causes
the server to crash.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-16 Thread Matt Drown

Can i copy the mp3llb database from the linux nas to windows and load it
up?  Going to try that tomorrow and see what happens.   Was trying to
avoid creating a situation where i was stuck scanning from windows again
due to length of time it takes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-16 Thread Matt Drown

Using 1.9 beta6 on windows.  It loads the linux mp3lib up, and displays
info, but crashes if I sort by filename, or if I sort by "missing
analysis".   I'm guessing I have some file that the linux version does
not like, international character or similar perhaps, and this is
crashing/ending the linux scan.  Or possibly some bad tags, I only found
a two messages in the log.txt on the linux side about "error decoding
id3 tag (missing BOM)".   I've re-written those files with
musicbrainz-picard, and re-running the scan now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-16 Thread Matt Drown

I may have tracked it down to id3v2.3 with utf-16 encoding, the default
behavior in musicbrainz (until i swapped to id3v2.4 utf-8).   Files
encoded this way fail on my linux setup, read fine on windows musicip.

In my brief tests (past 10 minutes) I haven't figured out how to
determine the encoding of tags (exiftool, musicbrainz, or mp3tag).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-16 Thread Matt Drown

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I have mp3tag set to write ID3v2.3 UTF-16 and musicIP is happy with them
> in Linux on my Pi.

Save them with id3v2.3 utf-16, rescan, needs to validate
Save the same files with id3v2.4 utf-8 rescan, no problem

MusicMixer_x86_1.8.tgz, on centos8-stream, running the 32bit inode hack
library (same behavior on 32bit nfs mount without library hack).


$ md5sum MusicMagicServer
  8dca56ee3937708ab5fdca27b967a696  MusicMagicServer
  $ sha256sum MusicMagicServer

As a brief test, i also unset LANG, to make sure there wasn't some
screwy glibc interaction going on.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-16 Thread Matt Drown

ID3v2.3 ISO-8559-1 reads correctly.
ID3v2.4 UTF16 does not.

All saving is being done in MusicBrainz Picard v2.7.3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP Question

2022-03-17 Thread Matt Drown

Matt Drown wrote: 
> ID3v2.3 ISO-8559-1 reads correctly.
> ID3v2.4 UTF16 does not.
> All saving is being done in MusicBrainz Picard v2.7.3

I let Picard re-save all ~130k music files (mp3/flac) with id3v2.4-utf8
tags, and ran the musicip linux x86 scanner again today, and it picked
up all the music again (just missing some expected ones, wrong bit-rate,

So I don't have a root cause, but i have it working again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-12-11 Thread Matt Drown

I've had a weird case here that with limited testing seems to occur.  I
had a number of albums that I encoded years ago at 128cbr/44 mp3.  When
I play them as albums I seem to get silence out of the player, usually
at the end of the song, sometimes not.  The song continues if I leave it
playing, after 30-60 seconds of silence.  Squeezeplayer-X continues to
increment the time played during the silence.  Switching to a
picoreplayer and playing the same album results in no silence.

I just re-encoded a bunch of the albums of flac, and playing that same
album off the new flac encoding works without fail on Squeezeplayer-X.

This may be some settings on the LMS, but wanted to ask/report it.

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