Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-07 Thread bayard1music

Hello Jim and others,

Had another attempt to run once I understood it doesn't effect the
overall install and that one can revert to normal operation. 

Perhaps some quirk of my browser / cache but on a third attempt it seems
to be behaving and appears to offer the options I expected. I confess
I've not really touched the sytem for a year or so and am not a
programmer/linux expert although technically competent by dint of
hardware electronics experience , early microprocessors (worked at Psion
on manufacturing test sytem design and DAB radio)

I've reinstalled the server more than once but each time I've done so
everything including the O/S , Server etc has moved on a few iterations
and scope for issues to catch the newbie out.

Last a couple of times I recall I had to install Perl , which was a new
requirement as I understood things. 

I've a manual script/procedured that I've put together and includes
modifying the  fstab file:

/dev/sda1 /media/music vfat rw,user,umask=000,uid=112,gid=65534 0 0

This came from an early blog/article on installing Squeezeboxserver on a
Pi. It's worked for me . In truth I beleive it gives permission to the
server to access the music stored on my external hard drive. Is this

I'd welcome any comments about the simplest route to install today and
access music on an external device (1 Terabyte Hard Drive with 1700 Flac
CDs). Thanks once again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

Shozzer wrote: 
> If you are using a PC I would be inclined to install Squeezelight-X from
> the MS Store (free download) as you can switch easily between the
> standard skin and Material skin (if you have the latter installed). If
> you have removed Material I would try installing it again to see if that
> cures the problem. All the controls you require are available as
> standard. There is an option to either show or exclude favourites via an
> option in the Settings / Interface option.
> Steve

Hello Steve,

Thanks again. I may well try once more if you believe it should work.
I'm using a PC indeed plus Squeezer on an Android Phone. It looks very
slick but seemed slightly non functional as my images hopefully showed
up. I'll give it one more go.

Thanks Alan 

I've using a Logitech Touch , Audiolab 6000A (in Preamp Mode) and Active
Acoustic Energy Speakers in the living room. In the office another
Logtiech Touch , with SMSL A300 amp/QAcoustics 3020i and Topping E30.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

OK, thanks for all that help just now. Seems to be back to my old

I've used this for 10 years or so , with two Touch Units and and today
two Squeezebox Radios. Unfortunately not as familiar or versed with all
of the sytems options as it's worked fine as is with no need to change.
I do like the look of the Material Skin and would pursue if it worked as
I think it should. What do you think happened here for me, the missing
Queue options and the  loss of the 'server settings'. I'd be keen to
give it another go now i know how to revert . That revert perhaps should
be on the front page of the material skin info. just in case it doesn't
work for others ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

See attached screenshot.

|Filename: Snap 2022-12-06 at 11.43.03.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

Hello Steve, 

I agree I'm not sure I'd want to remove it as it looks good. But unless
I've done something wrong I don't seem to have the options to set up the
Que, don't have Favourites either but don't have the options (server) to
As as principal you want something removal outside of the plug in
perhaps in the event there's an issue. I fear your going to tell me I've
got to re install the squeezeboxserver from scratch.
See screenshots.


|Filename: screen3.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

Hello Steve, 

I agree I'm not sure I'd want to remove it as it looks good. But unless
I've done something wrong I don't seem to have the options to set up the
Que, don't have Favourites either but don't have the options (server) to
As as principal you want something removal outside of the plug in
perhaps in the event there's an issue. I fear your going to tell me I've
got to re install the squeezeboxserver from scratch.
See screenshots.


|Filename: Snap 2022-12-06 at 11.16.56.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

How do I remove this 'material skin'. I don't seem to have the menu
option to remove. I think this needs setting up on a seperate Pi for me
and checking out before switching. I assumed I could just revert but now
don't have access to remove the plug in. Thanks

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Material Skin not showing the queue controls on my Desktop PC

2022-12-06 Thread bayard1music

Just stumbled across this fine new interface for the Squeezebox Server.
I've now installed on my Raspberry Pi 2,  But for me, I can't see any of
the Queue controls i.e. clear playlist , save playlist, as shown in the
manual on page

I seem to have only 'no shuffle' and 'no repeat' So at present this
isn't useable for me as I can't add or remove albums as I see it . 

I might be doing something wrong but have the remainder of the
intereface apparently working as it should do. 

Version: 8.3.0 - 1667251155 @ Fri 04 Nov 2022 09:16:39 AM CET
Hostname: raspberrypi
Server IP Address:
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.05
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

Can anybody give me some advice as to why this might be the case. I
admit I've just installed but expected the controls to bre present. 
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

|Filename: Snap 2022-12-06 at 09.59.44.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2021-03-24 Thread bayard1music


Thanks can you clarify what you mean in this context by 'free' are you
referring to the Plugin an an entity or a Spotify licence which my
family has? Sorry to dig further.

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2021-03-23 Thread bayard1music


So far looking good, I've created the Client ID as suggested. So far no
error messages or stalling of tracks. Will proceed on the basis that all
is well now.

Can anybody explain why this works and or fixes the issue. Basically why
is it necessary? 

Thanks again for a great forum and support.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.0 - integrate local library with your Spotify collection (LMS 8+)

2021-03-22 Thread bayard1music

Hello Michael, 

Guess this is the right thread to add to. I'm also having difficulty
running Spotify via my Touch units and Squeezebox radio. My testing so
far has been carried out with my office based Touch unit with direct
ethernet connection. LMS is at version 8.1.2 - 1614990085 Spotty is
4.4.8 running on an Debian Buster on a Raspberry Pi 2 single board
computer.  Touch firmware is Firmware: 8.0.1-r16844 

Connection is 100Mbs Virgin download , typically not with known issues
(for me).

I keep seeing error messages in the Plugin , i.e. "Access Rate limit
exceeded for: me/player?market=from_token; retry after 6 seconds." 

Typically a track from the que will play but then stop.

I've seen reference in this on this thread and have adjusted from
320Kbps to 160kps . 

Is there anything else I try at this point , or is there a fix in the
wings ? 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-01-02 Thread bayard1music


I'm obviously doing something wrong here ?

I've upgraded the server to LMS 8.0.1 and have selected the community
firmware plug in and enabled in 'Advanced' tab.

Now on the Squeezebox Radio I've installed the 'Patch Installer' and
attempted to select the 'compare versions check' (I understand necessary
to correctly compute that there is a later version than the current

However I'm met with this patch is not 'compatible with server 8' (sorry
from memory)

I've seen a thread here:

So am I correct I need to temp' connect the radio first to an earlier
LMS (than 8) in order to first install the patches ? It's sort of
contrary to the initial intro to installing the updated radio firmware
if I'm now correct.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-01-01 Thread bayard1music

kidstypike wrote: 
> Here . . 
> 32777

OK got it! Sorry just hardly ever used these plugins , once every 3
years ;-) or so. I've ticked that now. Thanks , will try that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-01-01 Thread bayard1music

slartibartfast wrote: 
> There is a tick box in the community Radio firmware plugin.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk


Not sure where you mean ? I've enabled the community radio firmware
plugin as shown below:

Are you referring to some thing else ? 


|Filename: Snap 2021-01-01 at 14.40.26.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2021-01-01 Thread bayard1music


Forgive me if this is already covered. 

I've just replaced my rasberry pi server with Logitech Media Server
Version: 8.0.1 - 1608617100

I've installed the community radio plugin on the server.

I've also installed the 'Version Comparison' Patch on the Squeezebox
radio and ticked the 'reload after upgrade' option box too on the

When I attempt a manual software upgrade on the Squeezebox Radio it says
'it's up to date' and offers only 7.7.3 to over write.

I've previously reset the radio and powered it down. 

Is there something I need to do for this to work please?

If possible a 'tidy' list of all steps would possibly help.

I'm keen to try out some of the fixes in particular your fix to the ICY

Thanks again for all your good work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-04-14 Thread bayard1music

bpa wrote: 
> The implementation of "DASH" is apparent in the BBCiPlayer Plugin
> Settings.  
> To get best, make sure you have in BBCiPlayer Plugin Settings  "Live
> Stream Preference" and "On-demand Stream Preference" set to "DASH > HLS
> > MP3 > FlashAAC"

OK, thanks again for the clarification. I thought this was a 'bpa'
Plugin today not Triode ? That's added to my misunderstanding? 

Still , it seems to be running now for the first time , excellent help

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-04-14 Thread bayard1music

slartibartfast wrote: 
> 1.6.4 is the DASH plugin
> Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

As above , confusion abounds (for me) I've been looking for the plugin
to appear at the bottom of the 'Plugin' page as instructed in the
original text at the top of this thread. Also as per my title believed
it had 'DASH' in the title. Hopefully you can understand some of my
confusion here. Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-04-14 Thread bayard1music

Man in a van wrote: 
> Try this:
> Untick the Systemline  plugin BBC iPlayer v1.5, maybe delete it from the
> repositorybox as well.
> Tick the box to update plugins automatically.
> Click Apply
> Click restart when it appears.
> You might have to delete cache.db But maybe not.
> ronnie

Hello Ronnie,

Thanks for your help. So far no result.

I've tried everything above apart from deleting 'BBC iPlayer v1.5' from
the repository as don't know how to do this? Can you explain please.

So far (a) still no sign of the DASH plugin (b) I've still got the two
iPlayer plugins Active i.e. BBC iPlayer (v1.6.4) and BBC iPlayer Extras
(v2.3.0) - does this matter?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2019-04-14 Thread bayard1music


Not sure what I'm doing wrong if anything. I've attempted to install
using the following:

This thread deal with BBCiPlayer 1.6 (and higher) and BBCiPlayerExtra
2.0 (and higher)

Install instructions;
* Open LMS Web UI - Settings / Plugins tab
* at bottom of Plugins tab find the box "Additional Repositories" 
* Add the following repo URL to the "Additional Repositories" and click
* LMS may need restarting.
* At bottom of Plugins tab - there should be a section "bpa - BBCiPlayer
with BBC DASH support" with entries for BBCiplayer and BBCiPlayerExtra.
Check the box on left hand side and click Apply.
* LMS may need restarting.
* If successful BBCiPlayer and BBCiPlayer plugins should appear in the
"Active Plugins" list

I can get as far as seeing 'bpa - BBCiplayer with BBC DASH support' on
the screen, but no plugins are listed.
i.e. I cannot see BBiplyaer and BBCiplayerExtra.
I've carried out a full restart to the Raspberry Pi with no effect

I've still got a number of old plugins , I assume these have to be

It would be of help if the full names of these plugins was listed , with
version numbers at time of writing. 

OK a couple of images included to help (I hope).

I'm running Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1530185314 on a
Rasberry Pi. with Stretch on a Pi Version 2

Thanks in advance for any help.

|Filename: Snap 2019-04-14 at 16.38.03.jpg  |

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