Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-20 Thread c-ellerby

Wow, this plugin was great. I spent hours trying to get Alien working
when I ran SB6.5 yet this one just dropped in with SC7.2 and worked in
minutes. I'm running on 7.2 which I thought wasn't supposed to work,
but seems to be all okay for me. I guess there'll be some issues I
haven't picked up on yet mentioned in this thread but working fine so

The biggest hassle for me was getting Squeezecenter running on
Terastation which took for ever!

Thanks for the good work Triode,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-10-01 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;231654 Wrote: 
> Don't forget the powerline network is a shared network (i.e. the 100Mbps
> is shared amongst all powerline adaptors) unlike a wired network with a
> switch.
> Also just like Wireless - powerline network can drop down to quite low
> value, sometime it varies according to type of traffic - do a file
> transfer test to your kitchen site and check netstats.

After some testing with iperf I found that the throughput was wowfully
low via the powerline adapters on the socket I'd been using. Infact the
performance around the house is very poor, in the region of just 4Mbps
on the better sockets  obviously not performing anything like they
should do. At least at 4Mbps I can stream SB ok so I think that moves
me forward but I'll have to dig around to find out why the performance
is so low.

As you said, it looks like the Slimserver is working fine, just some
small oddities such a restart not working properly but overall it seems

Thanks once again for your assistance ... have to write it up for a
mate of mine now to save him going through the same pain!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-10-01 Thread c-ellerby

I suspect this is network related then, although 1.5Mbps really
shouldn't be a major issue, despite being a lot more than I expect for
a WAV stream. Not an area of expertise for me as you have probably

I've tested with the Terastation and SB plugged directly into 100Mbps
switch and all works well, no stuttering which confirms the Tera is up
to the job. When I switch to wireless at 95% strength all is ok. When I
switch to wireless in the kitchen at 30% if stutters badly which was
sort of expected, but when I switch to my powerline network I expected
much better results as they run at 100Mbps. I get stuttering badly on
the powerline, although slightly more variable results. Possibly I'll
have to work on which power sockets to use and whether I use a
plugboard, I should be able to take a look with wireshark to get a
better idea of what's going on.

Thanks for the pointers so far, I'll let you know how I get on.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-10-01 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;231452 Wrote: 
> You should restate your current setup as I am confused.  In post #2 I
> said that the Terastation will not have enough power to re-encode a BBC
> Realaudio stream and it looks like you are encoding a stream and getting
> choopy output - as expected.
> Also , I do not understand the reference to WMA rate since WMA should
> be going straight to SB.
> SO please give details of your setup and what you are trying to
> achieve.

The aim is to play BBC radio via the RTSP -> WAV, WAV -> WAV as you
originally recommended. The point about WMA bit rates is my mistake and
me simply grasping at straws for performance optimisations, and that one
is clearly off the mark .. so drop that one!

My impression currently is that if I go from RTSP to WAV then the
Terastation should have a chance to manage that. If I look at the CPU %
used by slimserver and mplayer it's down in the 35% region and nothing
much else seems to be happening of significance. I also had good
playback on Saturday for hours so it certainly can hack it ... as long
as I get the config right.

Here's an extract of the latest playback:

2007-09-30 13:40:14.4259 Matched Format: wav Type: wav Command: - 
2007-09-30 13:40:14.4290 openSong: remoteURL command - type wav format
2007-09-30 13:40:14.4319 openSong: remoteURL stream format : wav
2007-09-30 13:40:14.6108 00:04:20:12:4b:28 New play mode: play
2007-09-30 13:40:14.6703 Use of uninitialized value in hash element at
line 977,  line 2.
2007-09-30 13:40:14.6764 Use of uninitialized value in hash element at
line 798,  line 2.
2007-09-30 13:40:14.6880 00:04:20:12:4b:28: Current playmode: play
2007-09-30 13:40:14.8838 Buffering... 0 / 20480
2007-09-30 13:40:15.6882 Buffering... 0 / 20480


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-30 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;231259 Wrote: 
> What the modified custom-convert.conf file does is send WAV to STDOUT
> but an unmodified mplayer will also send text messages to STDOUT so you
> may get bursts of noise in the output stream - usually at start and
> finish.
> The mplayer-stdout patch redirects all text messages from mplayer to
> STDERR and not STDOUT. The conf file then redirects all STDERR output
> to /dev/null.

OK, so the text output acted like noise going into the audio stream I

It appears I was a little premature in declaring success as I think I'm
suffering from performance type isues. I'm getting fragmented playback
(buffer underrun), but it's confusing as yesterday I think I was
streaming fine at 320kbps yet now it's not working. I'm working through
a variety of possible performance parameters including chunks read, WMA
bitrate and CPU priority level. Given I didn't tune any of this
yesterday I'm a little confused at how it worked fine then. Any advice
on what parameters to concentrate on tuning?

The only problem I experienced yesterday was poor playback over
wireless which was also odd as regular MP3 (192kbps encoded) works
fine. I switched to wired and all was well for AlienBBC .. until

I'm further confused by the fact a /etc/inint.d/slimserver restart
leads to AlienBBC playing nothing but static, after a reboot it plays
fine. Guess this is a seperate issue, possibly something more that
could be done with the shutdown script. Can't fix everything at once



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-29 Thread c-ellerby


I built the files yesterday and at last success :), I now get sound for

I'm not 100% sure whether I needed to rebuild in any special way to
produce mplayer-stdout, I just rebuilt as normal to produce a new
mplayer and created a link to that version named mplayer-stdout. Do I
have a need to use the original mplayer, can't see that I do if my
Terastation can't stream to /dev/fd/3?

Many thanks for your assistance. Now you've given me a few pointers as
to which direction I needed to go, I've seen loads of posts in this
forum around this subject with slight variations. Maybe could have
sussed it if I'd got my search criteria right!

Thanks again,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-26 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;229585 Wrote: 
> The main possibilities are
> 1. Mplayer has stopped 
> 2. Slimserver has timed out waiting for the data.
> To get more info in case of 1. - delete the "-really-quiet" from the
> custom-convert.conf RTSP entries, restart and re-run
> If it is 2. - set the Internet radio timeout to 30 secs. - under Server
> Setting/Network.

I reran again with changes to both the buffer and timeout values, set
at 30 seconds, just tried 60 seconds this morning too. No success.

I now notice in the debug that I get 'Failed to open /dev/fd/3' which I
guess is the feed into slimserver? i assume this is due to the
really-quiet being removed.

[AO PCM] Failed to open /dev/fd/3 for writing!

The log now seems to show pretty much the same decode as I get when I
run mplayer i..e. picks the COOK audio decoder. The extra info I now
seem to see is that that some data does actually get buffered, but the
stream seems to bail out before it reaches 100% when it starts

If this is not yet making any sense, then one possibly key point I have
just noticed is that everytime I boot up the Terastation  I notice the
following directory gets created:

drwxrwxrwx2 root root6 Sep 26 08:13

This must somehow be a legacy of my original Slimserver install which I
dumped once I'd sussed the later 6.5.5 install. I imagine this implies
there some 6.1.1 stuff left over but I can't see what it would be. The
/etc/init.d/slimserver points to my 6.5.5 install, could this be
something built into the compile process, perhaps a build directory
I've failed to remove?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-24 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;229566 Wrote: 
> After unchecking the boxes - did you click the "change" button to save
> the setting ?
> Also make sure the Wav->WAV (built-in) is checked.

Yes, I clicked change. 

I didn't have WAV->WAV checked though, I took you for your word and
unticked everything to make sure. However, I've ticked WAV->WAV this
time through and included the log output once more.

So, on the File Format tab I am only left with:

RTSP (file format) -> WAV (stream format) Decoder
WAV (file format) -> WAV (stream format) Decoder (built in)

This now looks similar to my first log file, with the buffer failing to
register any data.


|Filename: Slimserver Debug   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-24 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;229514 Wrote: 
> I think it is the issue.  
> Please run the debug with d_source and d_plugins with only RTSP->WAV
> checked. It would be best to get the log when run from a shell prompt
> and not in the background as debug output from will also be
> logged.

I've run the test again and specifically disabled all other file types
so the only one left ticked was RTSP->WAV and then grabbed a log with
--d_source --d_plugins. I'm not sure this is any different to what I
had last time from a logging perspective so I'm not sure I've given the
log details you were after, maybe too much rather than too little!

I get the impression it's still looking for FLAC or MP3 conversion even
though I've unticked all the other options. Is it really taking any
notice of my deselection?

I've attached slimserver1.txt as the debug of the playback, and
file-types.txt to try and show what was actually left selected. This
seems to show more conversions than I actually have ticked, so maybe
I'm reading it wrong,


|Filename:  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-24 Thread c-ellerby

bpa;229493 Wrote: 
> The Terastation probably won't have enough power to encode a Flac stream
> - so make sure in Server Setting/Filetypes only RTSP->WAV is checked and
> that RTSP->MP3 and RTSP->Flac are unchecked.

Not a big issue as I don't have lame or FLAC installed so the MP3 and
FLAC tick boxes can't be ticked anyhow. Useful point to note if I do
progress past this issue though, thanks.

Any ideas on the issues I'm seeing?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC on Terastation/SlimServer 6.5(5) - no sound

2007-09-24 Thread c-ellerby


I could do with some assistance getting AlienBBC working on a
Terastation (Linux PPC), I'm all googled out now so have to resort to a
forum query!

I've run through a full install of AlienBBC according to I've tested out
MPlayer ok (I think!), but when I try it on my SqueezeBox I get no
sound. The issue appears to be no data is received but not 100% sure

"2007-09-24 13:55:56.9521 Buffering... 0 / 20480" - repeated line in
log file

SS seems to try playing the BBC stream via FLAC and then WAV but no
FLAC  is found hence the following message appears.

"2007-09-24 13:55:55.9437drat, missing binary flac"

However, I would assume the RTSP/WAV file type should then work but I
suspect the entire chain of events ends with this final error:

"2007-09-24 13:55:58.8752 No pending chunks - we're dropping the
streaming connection "

I've tested directly against MPlayer and I believe the following shows
output success, although as I have no sound card to test against on the
Terastation I can't tell 100%:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mplayer
MPlayer 1.0rc1-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
CPU: PowerPC
Terminal type `ansi' is not defined.

Resolving for AF_INET...
Connecting to server[]: 554...
Cache size set to 640 KBytes
Cache fill: 18.75% (122880 bytes)
REAL file format detected.
Stream description: Audio Stream
Stream mimetype: audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio-live
demux_real: invalid chunksize! (0)
Clip info:
name: BBC Radio 1
author: BBC
copyright: (C) British Broadcasting Corporation 2007
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16be, 64.1 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 8010->176400)
Selected audio codec: [ffcook] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg COOK audio decoder)
[AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: No such file or
AO: [null] 44100Hz 2ch s16be (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
A:2276360.8 (632:19:20.8) of 0.0 (unknown)  9.5% 24%

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: play_audio


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