Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.0.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-04-08 Thread genseng

Having trouble with playback. I get periodic stops of music during
playback. I have the most success with starting it from a browser
(, selecting the device and starting playback.
Sometimes restarting the logitechmediaserver.service will fix it,
sometimes not. Sometimes I can go days without a problem. 

Hardware is a linux based HTPC using an Intel i7 4700K (i.e. not a NAS).
Have no quality issues streaming Netflix so I don't think it's a
throughput issue. Would appreciate help troubleshooting if there's
anything I should be looking at. I've looked in the logs but nothing
jumped out at me related to spotty.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-04-29 Thread genseng

ad6922 wrote: 
> Most important error messages (in my eyes):
> Version  ‘ GLIBC_2.7’  not found
> Version  ‘ GLIBC_2.17’  not found
> Spotifyd:: relogin (219) requesting relogin
> Information about the setup:
> LMS 7.8.1 running on Qnap TS-459 pro firmware 4.1.3 - 2015/04/08
> Spotify triode plugin version v2.3.9
> Tries to get it working with LMS 7.6.1. and 7.5.5 but both versions also
> give me the GLIBC messages.
> I did install 7.6.1 and 7.5.5 by deinstalling LMS, but not sure if maybe
> there is some functionality left from 
> 7.8.1.
> Any help is still appreciated. I still hope that i get this working
> again

It looks like you may have some missing libraries. Any chance you could
install a test LMS server on a laptop or a desktop to rule out the Qnap
configuration? What was wrong with 7.8? Is 7.9 an option?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-26 Thread genseng

I picked up a Nexus 6 which is humongous next to my HTC One. Any way to
enable tablet mode in phablets? I already have the tablet mode purchased
for occasional use in a 7" tablet but I use my phone as controller far
more often. I know I might be able to change the screen DPI of my phone
to trick Squeeze Ctrl but I'm not interested in very small text on my
other apps. I tried searching the thread but didn't see any suggestions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-27 Thread genseng

Setting the LCD density to 380 (option didn't show at 390) had the
desired effect on Squeeze Ctrl, which looks great IMO, but text in other
areas is too small. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-27 Thread genseng

wt0 wrote: 
> How does jukebox view look?
> Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
What screen is jukebox view?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-27 Thread genseng

Ha I've never used it or knew it existed until now! 

Looks one to me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-28 Thread genseng

wt0 wrote: 
> The album pop-up is little tight, but OK. The Nexus 6 seems like the
> lower bound of what tablet mode could work on, but it's also the only
> phone that big.
> Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

It's not the only phone (Galaxy Mega, Z Ultra and a pile of Chinese
ones), however the phablet standard appears to have settled on 5.5-5.7
inch screen for this year and when I filter for reviews "on the same
device" (i.e. the Nexus 6) I only see two others. I don't have access to
a device in the 5.5 to 5.7 inch range size to test it with. As I said,
changing the LCD density affects too many other applications (in bad
ways) to make the change just for tablet mode worth it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-05-29 Thread genseng

wt0 wrote: 
> The converse is also true. Changing the LCD density also affects the
> dimensions of the elements in Squeeze Ctrl, which means that if I "just"
> enable tablet mode on phablets everything (title bars, icons, text,
> etc.) would look too big. 
That's a very good point. Nav bar and status bar were quite a bit
smaller making the screen that much bigger. 

Quite happy with the phone interface on my phone as it is. Also this
phone does a lot better with the interface and maintaining battery life
while running Squeeze Ctrl. No doubt I'm a satisfied customer. 👍

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-06-03 Thread genseng

Matt S wrote: 
> One possible interpretation of that tweet is that the database and
> interface as of 6/1 will persist for an undetermined amount of time. 
> Your library information as of 6/1 can still be used for Smart Mix, but
> nothing new.  Has anyone received any errors from trying to scan/update
> new music since 6/1?  I haven't tried.
Yeah I scanned in 6/1 and no longer works. Haven't tried checking error

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-06-05 Thread genseng

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I scanned new tracks on 6/2 and export to smartmix worked as normal. 
> Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Looks like I may have only purged the old data. A rescan on June 4 and
it's working again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-06-09 Thread genseng

Just thought I'd say that Spotify artist radio may do the trick for me.
I'll likely need to start it I multiple times a day to get more variety,
plus it lacks some of the surprise that recommended music could pull out
as it leaves me to pick the starting artist. Would be nice if I could
mix multiple artists to get more variety. Maybe it's possible. Probably
belongs in the Spotify plugin discussion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-06-09 Thread genseng

mherger wrote: 
> > Just thought I'd say that Spotify artist radio may do the trick for
> me.
> > I'll likely need to start it I multiple times a day to get more
> variety,
> > plus it lacks some of the surprise that recommended music could pull
> out
> > as it leaves me to pick the starting artist. Would be nice if I could
> > mix multiple artists to get more variety. Maybe it's possible.
> Probably
> > belongs in the Spotify plugin discussion.
> I think Spotify's API does cover large parts of the needs a Spotify and 
> SmartMix user would have. But it's Spotify only.
> That said I am (among other services) a Spotify user. And I was an 
> active SmartMix user, obviously. And I'm missing Don't stop the Music 
> badly. I have a good level of motivation to investigate even a limited 
> feature set...
> -- 
> Michael
Ha, don't let me stop you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-02-19 Thread genseng

Thanks for bringing your app back.

A question about music export. It appears as though the transcoded
FLAC>MP3 files are missing track tags and album artist tags. I found
another thread that indicates this may be a server side issue. Just
started to look into it myself, have no idea of this is something you
can look at on the Squeeze Ctl end, or if you were even aware of it. The
problem is that apps I have for local music playback in Android use the
tags for sorting so I end up with things sorted alphabetically which is
annoying (Play Music, Shuttle+, CM Music). I have other ways to get
audio from my server over WiFi that would preserve tags, it's just that
searching my library in SCtl is much easier. Thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-02-19 Thread genseng

The problem described is with the transcode in Squeeze Ctl. So it seems
it doors not receive track number or album artist info from the server

I have a script that I use to mirror my (mostly) FLAC library to MP3 and
can connect on WiFi from my phone so I can already get what I need here.
Squeeze Ctl would add some convenience in making it easier to find the
album or two I want and might save me a little disk space if I get rid
of the mirror.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-10-31 Thread genseng

chrissy wrote: 
> Sorry to tell you that there is no such entry. I use squeeze ctrl in a
> German environment with German menu entries. Maybe something got lost.
What is the screen size of your device? The purchase option is only
presented to 7" and larger. I can force my phone to show the tablet
option (6" screen - discussed a few pages back) by changing the screen
DPI settings but I originally purchased in a tablet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-11-14 Thread genseng

jeztastic wrote: 
> I am using Chromecast Video, and as far as I know it is set up properly,
> everything else works fine on my device. A quick check in the Tidal app
> confirms the button is there. The Chromecast is on.
> Edit: originaly wrote audio but meant video..
It does not Cast audio, just track information like cover, song title,
artist, next track etc. I don't think it would do anything on a
Chromecast Audio. 

There is a 3rd party plugin for Chromecasts. I haven't tried it but you
might look into it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2016-11-14 Thread genseng

jeztastic wrote: 
> Sorry, I meant to write Video. 
> I have the Chromebridge plugin but having trouble getting it to work.
> I can see the button in phone mode but not tablet mode. When I connect
> Ctrl says it is working but nothing changes on the TV screen.
OK back to your problem, sorry, these are probably obvious but:
Have you tried rebooting since installing? 
Do you have the Chromecast aka Google Cast aka Google Home app installed
(why do they keep changing the name? )?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Google Music plugin

2017-04-02 Thread genseng

pbogus wrote: 
> You should be able to get more details from the server log in the GUI. 
> I was having some issues with some perl modules not being installed. 
> Here are my notes from an Ubuntu build:
> sudo pip install gmusicapi==10.0.1
> sudo cpan App::cpanminus
> sudo cpanm --notest Inline
> sudo cpanm --notest Inline::Python
> sudo cpanm --notest IO::Socket::SSL
> sudo cpanm --notest Crypt::SSLeay

Thanks! I was not able to load the plugin but running the above fixed it
for me as well. 

stovis wrote: 
> When I try to load the plugin in the LMS, I get the error, "Plugin
> Failed To Load". Any ideas?

The solution is in post '33'
of this thread. Worked for me this afternoon on the latest 7.9.1

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-15 Thread genseng

Thanks @mherger the transition to Spotty was painless!

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