Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2018-09-02 Thread geoperkins

BoomX2 wrote: 
> There is also a version of SDT that does not require a key. 
> Look back a couple posts for links to the repository or zip file for
> manual installation. 
> Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

Okay, that was a good tip. I didn't understand the previous reply
regarding finding a different source for the PlugIn, updated to use instead of  Now that I see you've
directed me to a different source for the PlugIn, I've tried that. It
seems to update the list of PlugIns within the LMS Server Settings, but
there is no PlugIn to select. Do I need a newer version of LMS? Is there
something else I need to do in order for the PlugIn to load (yes, the
service was restarted). Here is a screenshot (
LMSsettingsWeatherSuperDateTime.JPG) of what I see.

(Sorry, navigation in this is confusing, seems
like the parent/child thread relationship is just difficult to decipher.
I hope I am replying to the original thread and can find the answers.
Why does the forum always ask for a Title? I want the title to be the
thread I am currently replying to.)

|Filename: LMSsettingsWeatherSuperDateTime.JPG  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Weather, Date, and Time v2.2.2 via wunderground still working?

2018-08-28 Thread geoperkins

jarome wrote: 
> Use the part.

What do you mean by "use the part"? Could you be more

See attached screenshot of the settings page, where it is asking for an
API key. 25547

|Filename: Capture.JPG  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Weather, Date, and Time v2.2.2 via wunderground still working?

2018-08-26 Thread geoperkins

jarome wrote: 
> Try Super Date Time. It still works, but is not as pretty as WDT.

I downloaded the "Super Date Time" PlugIn, but it requires a Weather
Underground API key to work. Do you have a key I can use?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2018-08-26 Thread geoperkins

I have just installed the 'Super Date Time' PlugIn (from The Settings for this
PlugIn require a Weather Underground API developer key. However, when I
do a Google search for such a key all I find is the announcements
regarding Weather Underground's removal of the free API keys. See

Is there a public domain or known API key that will work with this
Squeezebox PlugIn?

Since WU is not offering a free API key for hobbyists, is anyone
updating 'Super Date Time' to use a different free weather service?

It is not clear whether the most basic level of Weather Underground API
is free or not, there is some confusing information on their website. I
went ahead and registered and filled in the "business" inquiring to
obtain a Weather Data Package, but it appears that is designed for one
of their sales people to harvest prospects and I am not likely to
generate sales revenue, so don't expect anything. I poked around on the
Weather Underground website and find it poorly organized and full of
broken links. Not impressive. :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Weather, Date, and Time v2.2.2 via wunderground still working?

2018-08-26 Thread geoperkins

I am confused, because after I updated to the last Logitect Media Server
version (7.7.6 - 1521467459 @ Thu Mar 29 16:46:01 WEDT 2018) there does
not seem to be any way to set a screen saver to display a weather
forecast. Frankly I don't go into these settings often enough to
remember what they were on the prior version. What do you mean by
"changing the station number in SDT" - what is SDT?

Should I be installing a different open-source release of the Squeeze
Server software, and would it have a weather screen saver app plugin for
the Classic player?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Weather, Date, and Time v2.2.2 via wunderground still working?

2018-07-27 Thread geoperkins

Finally getting around to attempting to troubleshoot. I found this
announcement on Weather Underground
"NOTE: As of May 15, 2018, Wunderground and IBM have stopped providing
free API keys. :(   In order to use the Wunderground API, you first need
your own API key. Getting an API key is quick and free. Go to Click 'Sign Up for

So I suspect that my symptom started around May 15 2018.

Today I updated from SqueezeBox Server from 7.2 to 7.7.6 and then
checked the logs and settings trying to see if the weather forecast
would show up on my SqueezeBox Classic, but it is not. :(

In the server log I see this error -

Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1311) Warning: Weather::Wunderground: ERROR No
response from weather server while loading data: ERROR while getting
: 500 Internal Server Error

When I open that URL in a web browser I get the following message on's web site:

An error occured: backend failure

So... Any ideas how to fix this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-11-15 Thread geoperkins

I used the extension downloader to install the beta SvrPowerConrol
plugin into Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 and it froze the Squeezebox Server
(squeezesvr.exe). I could not stop or restart the service using the
Squeeze Tray applet. I could not stop, restart the service using the
Windows MMC services. I had to use Task Manager and kill the process.
Then did an uninstall and a new re-install. A result of the re-install I
lost all of my settings, etc., which had to be manually re-entered.
Ouch. Needless to say, I will not be doing any more beta testing! :) I
am running Squeezebox Server on Windows XP SP3.  

I would really, really like to be green and manage my server standby
state based on the activity of the Squeezebox players. There is no
reason to be running the server 24x7 when the music players are not on.
Logitech, are you listening?!? This is definitely a consumer product
feature requirement. 

Thank you to the community for trying to fix the Logitech gap. I'll
continue to monitor this thread in hopes something stable results.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: FindArt plugin beta

2009-08-30 Thread geoperkins

I have SqueezeCenter 7.3.3 and successfully used the FindArt extension
on a couple of test albums. Then got busy for a week or so with other
things to do. Came back to SqueezeCenter with some spare time, thought
I'd download some album cover art for my player. I click to search for
album cover art, and now I consistently get HTTP error downloading
page error message - no cover.jpg art!!  I didn't change anything at
this end. I've restarted the WinXP server hosting SqueezeCenter and I've
powered off/on the SqueezeBox (firmware 127).

What happened to the FindArt plugin that it no longer can access the (USA) website???



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-08-30 Thread geoperkins

I have been waiting for a good power save utility for my SqueezeBox
music network since before Logitech bought SlimDevices. It is really
nice to see something on the cusp of realization. I am hopeful Logitech
will reward the author of this endeavor for the hard work. But for now
it is freeware and I can only hope out of the goodness of the collective
hearts of those working on PowerSave that you can help me. 

I have read this entire thread and also
Somewhere reference was made to detailed installation instructions (a
readme file), perhaps a link on the SqueezeCenter settings. I can't find
the instructions anywhere. What am I missing?

On the SC 7.3.3. Web GUI I see PowerSave (v7.0r1) [i] Settings with a
hyperlink for Settings, but no instructions. These settings are very
basic, namely, 
[x] Enable PowerSave
Set PowerSave Idle Time [15 Minutes] [v]
Set PowerSave Activation [PowerSave Always] [v]

I understand I need to set up WOL for my SqueezeCenter server to wake
after a suspend, and installation of a psshutdown.exe and possibly other
changes to my Windows XP system (PATH, etc.) but these details are not
clear (especially if they are buried in 10 pages of forum QA). 

This may be obvious to those of you who read source code and compile
your own systems. But for the rest of us, it just ain't so. And I
consider myself to be pretty technical, being paid for a career in
systems administration and support of 300 server + 5,000 PC user

I know the disclaimer that this is beta; but all the more reason for
good documentation that is easy to find.  Thank you.



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