Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] FLAC 1.4.2 support?

2022-10-29 Thread gordonb3

If you really want to be able to play 32 bit flac (or 24 bit for that
matter as that does not play as well on Touch/Radio/Receiver) you can
always configure LMS to transcode flac to pcm before streaming to the
player. Do note though that if you have multiple players playing
different streams this may require you to get a more powerful machine
for running LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-08-13 Thread gordonb3

cpd73 wrote: 
> No, material does not require a restart of LMS - just reload Material in
> your browser, as Material does not get any event when the language has
> changed. (This is the same as for the Default skin).
> Having Material use a different language setting from LMS would not
> work, as some strings come from LMS. Therefore you would have a mixture
> of languages.
Right. I guess the phone's browser must have been misbehaving then as it
kept displaying English after I changed the server language setting.

Either way, I figured the skin referenced the json language files inside
its tree for the browser to display the desired language, but it turns
out that the i18n directives in the web pages are handled by the web
server component. As for running a second instance to tackle the
language issue, `compiling` the web pages to a fixed language seems like
a much better idea to me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-08-11 Thread gordonb3

cpd73 wrote: 
> Material uses LMS's language setting. Settings -> Server -> Basic
> Settings -> Language   You will need to refresh Material for any
> language change to take affect on its pages.
Ah... That is somewhat of an issue. Because I myself am more comfortable
with the interface being in English whereas my kid (who uses the mobile
device and thus for whom I installed Material) rather sees Dutch. It
would be nice if the language could be selected per device, but checking
the cookies that my own machine sends to LMS it seems that in the main
interface language is a global setting as well, be it that the main
interface allows changing the language on the fly whereas Material
requires a restart of LMS?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-08-11 Thread gordonb3

I installed this interface for use on a mobile, like it very much but
I'm having trouble finding where to change the interface language. The
option does not appear to be available through the settings page.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] slimserver-vendor and perl 5.34

2021-06-14 Thread gordonb3

Try `bubba` overlay (layman). It contains an ebuild for LMS 8.0 and
required CPAN modules not available in the regular portage tree. As this
build follows the Gentoo method it will keep in sync with world updates
(may require running with `--bdeps=y` or run `perl-cleaner --all`

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-14 Thread gordonb3

fpo wrote: 
> SO_KEEPALIVE is optional under Windows. I can't see that squeezelite has
> SO_KEEPALIVE enabled on the socket. It seems LMS will just reset the
> socket after some default timespan, at least I see a "TCP Reset" frame
> from the host.

Except that 10053 points to either the client or some network component
closing the socket. If LMS closed the connection you would have seen a

Should also note that retransmit requests are not done by the receiver
(i.e. the peer waiting for some response) but the sender. Since the
socket is created as "non blocking", not receiving an ACK from the
server likely causes the app to go into a loop until finally giving up
(and generating the 10053), which explains the 100% CPU you're seeing.

Is your switch capable of port mirroring? If so you could bind your Pi
to receive the same data as the windows machine and use tcpdump to
verify what wireshark is telling you on the Windows machine. This would
allow you to see whether it is the outgoing traffic being blocked, or
the incoming.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-13 Thread gordonb3

That sort of rings a bell...

You might find some interesting pointers here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-08 Thread gordonb3

Yeah, that was one of the two returns I expected to see.

The `vague description`is somewhat of a trademark for Microsoft - I
guess it helps them sell courses in understanding WTF might be going on
and in fact most people that do are very proud to be able to call
themselves MCSE when they pass. What you need to understand here is that
this error is a client-side generated error. Effectively what it means
is that something between your application and the server, but not the
server itself, actively says 'NO'.

Yes that is still pretty vague, but if that Pi you own is connected
through the same switch to the LMS host that pretty much confines the
issue to the Windows machine and you'll most likely be looking at some
kind of malware blocker.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-06 Thread gordonb3

foopydog wrote: 
> >> Do note that RAID 5 is a three disk configuration, so one of your
> disks must function as a spare. Does SSM tell you which one is which,
> i.e. which one is the spare?
> Actually that's not correct. Raid-5 has one-disk redundancy, but there
> is no concept of a "spare". Think of it like this: There are 4 disks in
> the array, all are equal to each other, and when a file is written to
> the array, the parity is calculated, and stored alongside the file, and
> it's distributed across disks. Then, if any one of the four disks fails,
> a new disk is inserted, and all the missing files are reconstructed, one
> by one, based on the parity. 
The only four disk RAID configuration I know of is Raid 1+0, aka RAID
10, which combines striping with mirror. RAID 5 distributes disk blocks
in a 2/3 ratio across three disks, meaning that (unlike with RAID 1) no
disk holds a complete copy of the data. A bonus is that this improves
disk read speed because the data must be read from two disks. A fourth
disk is always a spare with RAID 5, but I guess that a smart controller
might rotate the roles on a regular base to get the best out of disk
life time.

PS something that most people tend to overlook is that the disks entered
into a RAID configuration are usually the same brand and size and also
bought at the same time, thus with a high probability of being from the
same manufacturing batch and consequently with a high probability of
failing around the same time. RAID is not a substitute for backups and
you wouldn't be the first one to lose a substantial amount of data on
account of a second disk failing during RAID reconstruction.

> >> If after some time (probably about 5 minutes or so) you see a red X
> appear over the mapped drive 
> Good suggestion, but I confirmed that there is no network outage. I know
> that when you unplug the ethernet cable, or reboot the NAS, I would see
> those "red X" showing that the drive-mapping had become disconnected,
> and when the connection is restored, you only need to click on the
> drive-mapping, to reactivate it. That feature works as expected, but in
> this case, there is no network outage. That is, when SqueezeLite loses
> audio, I can immediately navigate to samba shares, and the network
> connectivity continues normally. I have examined both windows and
> synology systems during the outage, but everything is normal. Thus we
> can say that the SqueezeLite client is the only cause of the outage. 
Actually, you would see this behaviour when you create a drive mapping
between two Windows workstations (10/8/7 - non server). It's a sort of
OS license-/resource saving mechanism of the workstation that acts as a
`server` to forcibly close the connection if it hasn't seen any activity
on it for some time. When you click the deactivated mapping it instantly
reconnects, but of course if you have something more vital going on like
a database connection, that will have been broken and the application
will need to be restarted. We see that issue a lot on tiny businesses
(<5 computers).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-04 Thread gordonb3

Oh... That's pretty interesting. Apparently the Synology shell is
something of a virtualization layer on top of the actual OS. Shame that
the SSM tool does not display vital drive information like LCC, but with
a 20 minute sleep setting I would not expect issues with park/unpark.
Should this be the case anyway you should definitely be able to identify
it by a ticking sound coming from the unit. Do note that RAID 5 is a
three disk configuration, so one of your disks must function as a spare.
Does SSM tell you which one is which, i.e. which one is the spare? Two
types of logic might apply here, just follow the numerical order or skip
one of the centre two disks to reduce heat exchange between the disks,
so drawing any conclusions from it will most likely prove wrong, but I
would be very suspicious if the spare happened to be sda.

That said, I think we may have gotten off-track here a bit as I was
wondering if you could verify this behaviour with the Duet you own and
then noticed that you had mentioned to run piCorePlayer as well and not
seeing the issue there. That impluiues that the problem is on the client
side, not the server. It may be interesting to verify TCP connectivity
on other protocols, in particular SMB. Do you have active drive mappings
to the Synology on the Windows client? If not, create one and keep an
Explorer window with folder listing open without clicking the mapped
drive. If after some time (probably about 5 minutes or so) you see a red
X appear over the mapped drive this means that the TCP connection has
actively been disconnected, which should not happen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezeLite on Windows pausing, interruption, dropout of audio every 5 minutes

2021-01-03 Thread gordonb3

Would have been nice if the log had displayed the winsock error code
rather than print `unknown` trying to be more verbose about it. Is
SqueezeLite a 64-bit app? I've seen applications report 8-byte length
winsock errors that need to be masked 0x to resolve to a usable
10xxx decimal error code. The `sendHELO`entries in the log do give some
indication though that these will likely be 10053 (Abort) and/or 10060
(Timeout). You could probably trace this with wireshark or a similar TCP
dumping tool.

I'm not real sure how Synology handles things internally, but is it
possible that your hard drives are set to park when they are not in use?
Note that if you have installed `green` drives they will actually do
that themselves without the OS telling them. Run `smartctl -a /dev/sda`
on the Synology (... sdb, sdc - however many drives you have installed
and which ones contain any music files) and check the
`Load_Cycle_Count`- if that's a really high number you are in trouble
and the disk may in fact be near to EOL. If you configured RAID you may
also want to run `btrfs device stats` to see if it reports any errors.

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