Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2018-03-17 Thread rmariger

I'm trying to install server power control on a windows 7 machine.   I
downloaded the zip file from
as instructed in earlier posts from 2017.  I unzipped the folder and
copied it to   C:\Program Files\Squeezebox\server\Plugins\SrvrPowerCtrl.
The instructions said I could get SCPowerTool.exe from the same place
I got the plugin files, but I can't find it there.  A google search led
me to a 2010 version at   I put that
file in  C:\Windows\System32.  Then I tried to test the program as
suggested in the instructions: in command window with admin rights, I

SCPowerTool.exe --standby --wakeup=-60

I got a message NSIS error, error launching installer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2018-03-21 Thread rmariger

Wirrunna wrote: 
> I had a dig around in my downloads and found the attached file which may
> help

Many thanks to Wirrunna.   The file you sent worked.  And while the test
of srvrpowertool.exe worked when the file is in the C:\Windows\System32
folder, the file must be in C:\Windows for it to be available to the
plugin on my Windows 7 machine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Version 0.8

2007-02-10 Thread rmariger

I have little experience with plugins, although I have successfully
gotten customscan and custombrowse working.  

I installed this plugin and I see no evidence it exists other than that
it is in the list of plugins that are on the server settings--plugins
page (it is checked).  I have restarted slimserver after installation,
and I also asked it to load plugins on the fly.  But the plugin is not
in the list of plugins on the slimserver home page, as are my other
plugins.  And no lyrics show up on my display. (I am experimenting with
one flac song that has lyrics in the flac tag.)

But even if the plugin did show up on the slimserve home page, I'm not
sure I understand your instructions.  You say to "navigate to the
plugin then press the right arrow key on the remote."

What do you mean by navigating to the plugin?  Must that be done with
the remote, or is/can it be done in the web interface?

Sorry for bothering you undoubtedly stupid questions.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Version 0.8

2007-02-11 Thread rmariger

I discovered the plugins menu on my remote.  (I haven't used my remote
much at all up till now.)  Works great.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Browse plugin

2007-02-17 Thread rmariger

This is a great piece of software. Thanks!

I have one question and two suggestions:

(1)  Question:  I have successfully set up a menu using
customscan/custombrowse that narrows from Artistlist to
Artist/Albumlist to Artist/Album/Conductorlist to
Artist/Album/Conductor/Songlist.  That is a four-step narrowing of

After narrowing songs in this manner, I’d like to be able to click on a
song from step 4 and get a CDlist (I have a tag called “CD” and in my
case only one CD would match a particular Artist/Album/Conductor/Song),
and then click on a CD (the only CD in my case) to get a songlist.  That
is, the final two steps would be  Artist/Album/Conductor/Song/CDlist and

Is this possible?  I think it would be very useful for classical
collections.  Most people advocate organizing classical by works rather
than CDs.  For example, I have a CD that includes Beethoven’s 4th and
5th symphonies with conductor Ferencsik.  I have divided the CD into
two albums, one for the 4th and one for the 5th.  However, I’m thinking
there will be instances when I want to play the CD in its entirety.  I
might narrow down to the songs in Beethoven’s 5th conducted by
Ferenscik and at that point wonder what CD it is from.  I could then
click on any of the 4 songs (movements) of the 5th and have the CD
revealed.  And if I want to play the CD, I could then click on the CD
to get all the songs on the CD.  

2. Suggestion:  With regard to 4-step narrowing of songs referred to
above, the conductorlist does not include “none.”  Would it be possible
to include a “none" category for each customtag?  This would be helpful
for identifying missing tags.

3. Suggestion:  It might be helpful to point out that the 4-step
narrowing scheme I alluded to above requires that artist, album, and
conductor be included in the list of custom tags to be scanned by
customscan.  I initially assumed that because the standard slimserver
software scans artist and album, it wasn’t necessary to specify them as
custom tags.

Thanks again for writing these programs.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Browse plugin

2007-02-18 Thread rmariger

erland;181434 Wrote: 
> The real solution here would be to make it possible to add custom tag
> in the track details part of the menu. This way it would also be
> possible to right click in the "Now Playing" menu to get the CD of the
> currently playing track and right click again to the all tracks on the
> CD. I have this on the todo list and my intention is to try to
> implement it, I just have to find some time to do the work.

I agree this is the perfect solution.  (I assume, however, that you
could right-click on the track in the left-hand-side browse window, not
just the "playing now" list.)  I think this feature would be widely and
greatly appreciated by classical buffs.  I am just getting started
tagging my classical collection but I am aware that there is a lot of
frustration among classical buffs at the difficulty of managing
classical music in slimserver.  It seems to me that most of the
difficulty arises from tension between organizing by CD and organizing
by Work.  The example I gave with Beethoven's 4th and 5th did not do
justice to the dilemma.  Many CD's feature a Performer, the Works
performed are not always complete, and every track is by a different
composer.  In that case, organizing by Work makes a lot less sense than
organizing by CD (or Performer).  But you want to be consistent because
there are lots of cases where it is a toss-up as to whether it is
better to organize by CD or Work.   With the solution you propose—being
able quickly find all the songs sharing the same CD or performer or ? as
a particular song—would allow one to have a consistent tagging scheme
without compromising the ease of making a sensible playlist.

The upshot---I cast a very enthusiastic vote in favor of this feature.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Browse plugin

2007-02-18 Thread rmariger

As I said, I am just getting started tagging my classical music, so I am
keen to do it carefully so I don’t have to redo it.  (I did about 20
CDs, changed course several times, and decided to sit back a while and
be careful about it.)  Of course, how one tags depends importantly on
the ability to parse the tag information in slimserver, which explains
yesterdays post and this post. 

I am now trying to decide on how to do genre.  For example, do I choose
“Classical;Concerto;Piano” or “Classical;Piano Concerto”?  I would
choose the former if it was easy to limit searches to the intersection
of “Concerto” and “Piano.”   Your Genres/Sub Genres template allows me
to this narrowing of songs:  

1. Genre1_list 
2. Genre1/Genre2_list 
3. Genre1/Genre2/artistlist
4. Genre1/Genre2/artist/albumlist 
5.  Genre1/Genre2/artist/album/songlist.

But as explained my posting yesterday, I’d like this sequence:

Steps 1-4 above
5’.  Genre1/Genre2/artist/album/conductorlist 
6.  Genre1/Genre2/artist/album/conductor/songlist.

This could be done with your multiplecustomtagstracks template if it
allowed for five levels rather than just four.  I perhaps naively was
thinking I could mindlessly alter the xml files to add a fifth level to
the filtering.  But I had much difficulty even identifying the files
that would need to be altered.  

I have no experience with XML, HTML, and SQL.  So I understand that you
don’t won’t to waste time with any back and forth on how I can customize
your templates.  But I have purchased some books and would like to gain
some understanding. To this end, could you provide a schematic of the
basic architecture?   That is, what files do what.  I promise not to
pester you with any follow-up questions.  

I infer that slimserver/plugins/customscan/menu
templates/multiplecustomtagstracks.cb.values.xml is the form which
solicits the inputs I enter when I create the custom menu, and those
inputs are then stored in XX/custombrowse/YY.xml, where XX is the
directory I select in the slimserver settings and YY is the file name I
select when I create the menu.  (What do the *.template files do in
slimserver/plugins/custombrowse/menu templates?)  So all I can identify
are xml files that solicit user inputs and the file into which those
inputs are stored.

Can I create a 5-level multiplecustomtagstracks menu by simply altering
an input file?  Don’t I need to alter the program that processes the
inputs?  If so, where is that program?

I note that earlier cutombrowse releases included notes in the readme
file on how to create custom menus but your latest build does not.  I
suppose you are trying to avoid novice questions like mine.  With
regard to the notes in an earlier version, you allude to files of the
form *.cb.xml.  I can find no such files---only files of the form
*.cb.values.xml.  (Those notes refer to xml files that appear to be
real programs—not just holders of inputs.)  

I will entirely understand if you choose to punt these questions.  




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Custom Browse plugin

2007-02-20 Thread rmariger

erland;181635 Wrote: 
> I'll add all menu types to the distribution that I feel can be useful
> for more than a single person, this is definitely the case with
> "Genres/Sub Genres incl Custom Tag".

Excellent.  Thanks.

erland;181635 Wrote: 
> The multiplecustomtagstracks template will not work exactly the same as
> "Genres/Sub Genres" does, the difference is that "Genres/Sub Genres"
> will list both artists and sub genres making it possible to choose
> tracks which just have a single genre, with the
> multiplecustomtagstracks the menu would only show track which have at
> least two genres. I'm also not completely sure if the
> multiplecustomtagstracks menu will work correctly if two levels are
> using the same tag, in this situationm level1=GENRE and level 2=GENRE.
> So I think it would probably be better to extend the
> subgenres(Genres/Sub Genres) menu type to also include a custom tag
> level.

The multiplecustomtagstracks template works, at least with my test
involving only a few songs and some fake tags.  I did not notice the
difference with respect to whether you can select a track with one
genre, but I trust that is true.

Thanks for the information on the program architecture.  I'm sorry I
did not find and consult your WIKI earlier.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Custom Browse plugin

2006-12-09 Thread rmariger

I am unfamiliar with SQL and my knowledge of programming in very
limited.  I have a need that I think your plugins (CustomScan and
CustomBrowse) can easily address, but I can’t figure it out.  I hope
you don’t mind a very elementary question.

I simply want to be able to browse starting from my custom tag field
“Mood” just like slimserver now allows one to browse starting from
“Genre.”  I would think it would be possible to simply edit one of the
current input files and do a simple substitution of “Mood” for “Genre.”
Is it that easy?  If so, I would appreciate step by step instructions. 
It might be instructive for other novices like me.

Also, I’m a little confused by your instructions for installing
CustomBrowse 1.13.2.  It states:  “Moved Custom Multiple Tags menu
templates to Custom Scan (You will need Custom Scan 1.9 and follow the
upgrade instruction for Custom Browse 1.13)”  I found no special
upgrade instructions for Custom Browse 1.13.  (The installation
instructions are the same as for all other versions---Unzip to the
Plugins directory in the Slimserver ).  I installed according to the
instructions---simply zipped both CustomBrowse 1.13.3 and CustomScan
1.10 to the Slimserver plugins directory.  



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