[SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-01-29 Thread peterw

I've just uploaded the first release of a plugin I call SaverSwitcher.

SaverSwitcher allows you to configure multiple screensavers for each of
the three screensaver modes (Off, Stopped, and When Playing). You can
configure up to 5 screensavers for each mode, and have SaverSwitcher
cycle through them. For instance, you can use SaverSwitcher to have
your Squeezeboxes alternate between the classic Now Playing and
Date/Time screensavers while music is playing, and alternate between
SuperDateTime and the RSS Feeds screensavers when the Squeezebox is

You can designate how long (roughly) each screensaver should be active
in each mode. For instance, while playing music show Now Playing for 1
minute and then Date/Time for 10 seconds, and while "off", show
SuperDateTime for 30 seconds and RSS Feeds for 2 minutes. 

Suggestions and comments are most welcome.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-01-30 Thread peterw

I just uploaded a new version with the "new song" logic. It can handle
both transitions to new songs served by the local Slimserver and
updated metadata from Internet Radio streams.

I also fixed a number of bugs where SaverSwitcher would fail to restore
screensaver preferences. If you've been using the first release you
should double-check your players' screensaver choices after you upgrade
SaverSwitcher & restart Slimserver.

Matthew -- take a look at Public.pm and let me know what you think, if
you're hoping to make your plugin "play well" with SaverSwitcher.

Koen -- I'm afraid you can't configure the choices via the web
interface. With major changes to the web interface API coming in
Slimserver 7.0, and considering the way SaverSwitcher stores its
preferences, I probably won't get around to web preferences until 7.0
is released, if then...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-03 Thread peterw

Version 1.2 had a bug in the "reset" logic that could be triggered if
two players attached to the same Slimserver were using
SaverSwitcher-controlled screensavers at the same time.

I just uploaded version 1.3 with a fix for that bug.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-04 Thread peterw

I just uploaded a new release, 1.4. This release has better "new song"
logic. With 1.2 and 1.3, SaverSwitcher would tend to display the new
song info several seconds before the song actually started playing.
This new version uses information about the client's buffer for better
timing when a new song starts on a streamed station. 




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-06 Thread peterw

If there's a particular stream/station you have trouble with, let me
know & I'll try it out.

You should get pretty good debugging info (and lots of it!) by enabling
the d_plugin debugging -- every 5 seconds or so you should see a log
entry reading
SaverSwitcher: currently playing "some tab-delimited string here"
with the string ending in "URL" for a stream or "FILE" for a local

It should definitely notice changes in local songs, as the
$song->path() component will change. Streams are trickier, but I
believe the Slim::Music::Info::getCurrentTitle() API the plugin uses
should pick up any changes in metadata from the stream. Some streams --
like my local NPR station's Live365 feed -- don't publish metadata,

Are you running into situations where SaverSwitcher doesn't notice a
change but pressing the Now Playing button on the remote brings up the
correct/current song info?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-06 Thread peterw

My callback routine had a nasty bug -- I think due to not yet following
Fred's advice on the subscription API usage -- that could cause
Slimserver to crash with an error like

Can't call method "id" on an undefined value at
.../SaverSwitcher/Plugin.pm line 492.

Version 1.5 should fix that.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-07 Thread nicketynick

Is it already possible to cycle through screensavers with a remote
keypush? If not, how hard would it be to configure SaverSwitcher to do
this? ie. I usually have "Now Playing" on, but sometimes want to check
the weather conditions/forecast.
Thanks for the great work!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-07 Thread peterw

nicketynick;178550 Wrote: 
> Is it already possible to cycle through screensavers with a remote
> keypush? If not, how hard would it be to configure SaverSwitcher to do
> this? ie. I usually have "Now Playing" on, but sometimes want to check
> the weather conditions/forecast.
> Thanks for the great work!

That's a great idea! Please try this version and let me know what you

In "off" mode, pretty much any key will work. I recommend pressing the
"0" button -- if the Slim Devices Now Playing saver is running, that
may be the only button that will work.

This new feature seems to play well with SuperDateTime. It doesn't work
so well with my FuzzyTime saver (conflicts with the code that makes
FuzzyTime display the real time for 2 seconds), but I think that's a
problem with FuzzyTime's function mapping code, and probably not a
major problem (FT's "show real time" function works fine when FT is the
only saver for a given mode).

Thanks for the suggestion!

)p( Peter -- I made a small change to the code that kicks off the
intermittent check for new songs that might make it a bit more



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-10 Thread dazbarber

I've had big problems with the latest version.  I found that the display
sometimes garbled when switching from analogue VU to Now Playing
(screensaver during playing) and it was very difficult to disable the
switching screensaver (even though it was selected only for
'screensaver while playing' at one point, it still affected
'screensaver while stopped'.  

It seemed fine with earlier versions though.  

However, I do like the ability to change screensavers by pressing a
button.  Could it be made to allow the user to change to a nonactive
screensaver by pressing a button (ie by setting screensaver 2 to
'disable' as far as time length is concerned but still allowing a 2nd
screensaver name to be selected - only screensaver 1 would show
automatically but a button press would bring up screensaver 2)?

Thanks for all your work on this.



dazbarber's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8088
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-10 Thread peterw

Here's a quick stab at a fix:


Peter -- I really ought to test my stream/file fix on Windows, but it
works on Linux... the new logic is a path starting with two or more
alphanumerics and a colon ("http:", "lastfm:", etc.) is a URL.
Hopefully that would allow for Windows to use paths like c:/music for

Daz -- I don't have any trouble with the screen scrambling in those
transitions. It wasn't very smart about recognizing when the music
stopped, however. That should be fixed.

I like the idea about calling specific screensavers. That would take a
bit of work & thought, though.


peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-10 Thread peterw

Peter -- thanks for the confirmation. I've updated the link on the main
SaverSwitcher web page to point to version 1.7.

Daz -- I'm working on your suggestion for choosing inactive
screensavers, and hope to have it done in the next few days.



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-11 Thread peterw

dazbarber;179401 Wrote: 
> I've had big problems with the latest version.  I found that the display
> sometimes garbled when switching from analogue VU to Now Playing
> (screensaver during playing) and it was very difficult to disable the
> switching screensaver (even though it was selected only for
> 'screensaver while playing' at one point, it still affected
> 'screensaver while stopped'.

I ran into the garbled display problem today. I believe it was due to
network problems. I was listening to an HTTP stream just fine in the
kitchen when my wife started using the microwave, knocking out my WiFi
connection. Lo and behold, I saw a scrambled display -- a mix of
Analogue VU and Now Playing. When the microwave finished, the SB
rebuffered the stream and things normalized.

When Stopped -- I believe 1.7 may resolve that problem (1.7 recognizes
when the music has stopped playing) -- but are you using "None" for the
When Stopped screensaver? The "None" screensaver is a tricky thing. It's
not really a screensaver, but a special case that means no screensaver
makes any update to the client display. With 1.6, SaverSwitcher
wouldn't notice when the music stopped, and would keep switching
screensavers on the quiet client if the client's When Stopped
screensaver is "None". 1.7 is a little bit better, but if When Stopped
is set to None, you'll see the last When Playing saver after the music
stops. I don't know how easy it would be to make the client switch to
displaying the screen that was up before When Playing kicked in, I
haven't had time to investigate that.


peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-12 Thread peterw

dazbarber;179401 Wrote: 
> However, I do like the ability to change screensavers by pressing a
> button.  Could it be made to allow the user to change to a nonactive
> screensaver by pressing a button (ie by setting screensaver 2 to
> 'disable' as far as time length is concerned but still allowing a 2nd
> screensaver name to be selected - only screensaver 1 would show
> automatically but a button press would bring up screensaver 2)?

Daz, please check out version 1.8, which I just uploaded

You can use "1" through "5" to choose any screensaver, whether there's
a real duration set or the saver has "Manual" for the duration (the
phrase "Disabled" doesn't make sense now). If you use the 1-5 buttons
to pick a particular saver, SaverSwitcher will use that saver until the
Squeezebox exits that screensaver mode**, though SaverSwitcher will
still flash back to the first saver (for however many seconds the first
saver is configured) when a new song starts playing. The "0" button only
cycles through "active" screensavers. More details on the web page.

This version also checks the client capabilities. So if you set When
Playing to automatically alternate between Now Playing, SuperDateTime,
and Analog VU and then play something on a Squeezebox1, SaverSwitcher
is smart enough to skip the Analog VU (since the SB1 has no visualizer
capability) and only use Now Playing and SuperDateTime for that player
-- while still using all three on SB2/SB3/SoftSqueeze/Transporter


** Caveats apply: the code still doesn't always recognize when a player
drops out of the screensaver. For instance, pause the music briefly and
you'll see a normal menu; press play and after the screensaver delay
you'll be back in the manually selected saver.


peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-13 Thread peterw

mflint;175620 Wrote: 
> My idea was to run different screensavers according to a set timetable.
> Example: I'd like my "is my train running on time" screensaver* to be
> displayed between 7:30 and 8:00 each weekday morning, and 'GoalRush '
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32165) to run between
> 15:00 and 17:00 each Saturday.
> ...
> * not complete yet!

You might want to look at my latest version. You can manually switch to
savers that aren't normally used. For instance, you could set Date and
Time as the only active "Off" saver (#1; give it a duration of a minute
or something), and set TrainInfo(?) as a "Manual" saver (#2). In the
mornings you could press "2" on the remote to switch to TrainInfo until
you press "1" or "0" to return to Date and Time. It's not as good as
what you envision, but if you've not found time to code your solution,
you might find this new function valuable (my thanks to nicketynik and
Daz Barber for the suggestions). Similarly, you could set GoalRush as
#3, Manual, and manually activate it with the the "3" key on Saturday



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-14 Thread dazbarber

peterw;180020 Wrote: 
> Daz, please check out version 1.8, which I just uploaded
> http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/SaverSwitcher.html
> Thanks Peterw - this works perfectly and is just what I imagined!
Thank you for your efforts with this - much appreciated.


dazbarber's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8088
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-19 Thread nicketynick

I'm having trouble configuring this - the player just sort of freezes at
the "Screensaver when playing" screen when I try to configure. 
Server version: SlimServer Version: 6.5.0 - 9916 - Windows XP - EN -
Also running SuperDateTime plugin - maybe not playing nice?



Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-19 Thread dazbarber

Peterw - check your PMs.




dazbarber's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8088
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-21 Thread nicketynick

nicketynick;181675 Wrote: 
> I'm having trouble configuring this - the player just sort of freezes at
> the "Screensaver when playing" screen when I try to configure. 
> Server version: SlimServer Version: 6.5.0 - 9916 - Windows XP - EN -
> cp1252
> Also running SuperDateTime plugin - maybe not playing nice?
> Thanks!

Just thought I'd give this a little bump.  Is there anything I can do
to clarify the problem?  The configuration menu just goes unresponsive
once I get to the "Screensaver when playing" screen - I can back out by
pushing left, but nothing at all happens if I push up, down, or right.
Am I misunderstanding the instructions?


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-21 Thread peterw

Sorry I missed the first post. You could try enabling d_plugin debugging
and see if the log gives any hints, but I'm skeptical; I think I
commented out the menu debugging in most of the public releases. What
version of SaverSwitcher are you running? You might try a newer
release. http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/SaverSwitcher.html has a
changelog, and you can get past releases at

If you don't mind "starting over" with your configuration and some
manual config editing, you could shut down Slimserver and edit
slimserver.pref, removing at least the
"SCREENSAVER.plugin_SaverSwitcher-screensaver-savers" line, if not all
the lines beginning with "SCREENSAVER.plugin_SaverSwitcher-"

SuperDateTime should not be a problem; I use it, too. The only
screensaver I recall trouble with is XDateTime, as it does not adhere
to the new specifications for localization (uses an API that expects a
localization string name).


peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-21 Thread nicketynick

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the response.  I had installed version 1.11 - I see you
posted 1.12 in the last few days with the changelog noting "better UI
in N/9 screens". I think this is where I'm getting stuck, isn't it? 
I'll give this one a try. Will I be able to just paste over the
previous directory and restart the server, or is something more
complicated a better idea?
What would I accomplish by "removing at least the
"SCREENSAVER.plugin_SaverSwitcher-screensaver-savers" line"? I haven't
a clue how things work at this level


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-21 Thread peterw

I fear that 1.12 will probably not solve your problem -- the UI
improvement is on the "n/9 Screemsavers" level of the menu, which you
can't get to. (Does it help at all to right-arrow through on the Off or
Stopped screens?)

To troubleshoot further, I probably need to get you a copy of the
plugin with more verbose & flexible debugging support. I'm not sure
when I'll have time to tackle that. Lots of Academy Award movies to
watch before Sunday. :-) 

slimserver.pref -- Slimserver stores global and per-client preferences
in a text file. If stopping & restarting slimserver does not fix your
menu problem, I think you may want to stop slimserver, back up that
text file, edit it to remove the global SaverSwitcher settings (*not*
the per-client settings on lines that begin with whitespace), and
restart Slimserver. (If stopping & starting Slimserver doesn't fix the
problem, that suggests there's something messed up with the persistent
global SaverSwitcher preferences.)


If you do remove the SaverSwitcher lines and that does solve the
problem, I'd be interested to see what those lines looked like. The
"players" lines should be empty, or tab-delimited lists of IP addresses
( or MAC addresses (aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff). The "savers" lines
should each have 9 NN:savername pairs, tab delimited.


peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-23 Thread nicketynick

Well, I'm truly confused now.  I opened up the .pref file in Notepad,
and couldn't find any
SCREENSAVER.plugin_SaverSwitcher-screensaver-savers lines in it...
is there an app that would make this file easier to read?
I think I'll just try shutting down the server again see what
happens - I must be doing something silly.  Any ideas how I can figure
out what it is?


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-23 Thread mflint

peterw;180415 Wrote: 
> You might want to look at my latest version. You can manually switch to
> savers that aren't normally used. For instance, you could set Date and
> Time as the only active "Off" saver (#1; give it a duration of a minute
> or something), and set TrainInfo(?) as a "Manual" saver (#2). In the
> mornings you could press "2" on the remote to switch to TrainInfo until
> you press "1" or "0" to return to Date and Time. It's not as good as
> what you envision, but if you've not found time to code your solution,
> you might find this new function valuable (my thanks to nicketynik and
> Daz Barber for the suggestions). Similarly, you could set GoalRush as
> #3, Manual, and manually activate it with the the "3" key on Saturday
> afternoons.
> -Peter
> http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/SaverSwitcher.html

Peter... It took a week to get around to it, but I've just installed
the plugin. It work exactly as you described, and is certainly more
flexible than the idea I imagined.

Good work - I'll be keeping this one. :-)

Cheers, Matthew


mflint's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2102
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-23 Thread peterw

nicketynick;182978 Wrote: 
> Well, I'm truly confused now.  I opened up the .pref file in Notepad,
> and couldn't find any
> SCREENSAVER.plugin_SaverSwitcher-screensaver-savers lines in it...
> is there an app that would make this file easier to read?
> I think I'll just try shutting down the server again see what
> happens - I must be doing something silly.  Any ideas how I can figure
> out what it is?

That sounds quite odd; sounds like that must not have been the right
file. Notepad (or Write/WordPad) should be fine for editing it,

I just uploaded a new "beta" version for you that adds a couple
- some logic to remove obviously invalid SaverSwitcher prefs (in case
yours got messed up somehow) and to make sure each of the three types
has all 9 slots filled (pads the end of each list with "manual"
- *lots* of logging, especially for the code that handles the player
menu portion. It'll log tons of stuff *regardless* of the d_plugins
debugging setting.

If this version works for you, you'll probably want to do one of two
things to stop the logging: either stop Slimserver and re-install
version 1.12 and try it again, or edit the SaverSwitcher/Plugin.pm
file, in the SETTINGS section, commenting out the new setTypes('all')
and setLevel(100) lines (put a "#" at the start of each line) and
uncommenting the setTypes('none') and setLevel(0) lines (remove the
"#"), and restart Slimserver.

If this version does not work for you, please email or private message
me with the lines you see in the server log
(http://yourhost:9000/log.txt) when you have trouble, and hopefully
that will help me troubleshoot further.

I probably won't be able to do any more on this until after the weekend
is over.

Here's the link:



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread nicketynick

oh, crap, I'm about to panic - Slimserver doesn't seem to want to start
after dropping in the beta - it's just constantly "Slimserver
Starting". I'm going to try to stop it and try version 11


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread erland

Would it be possible to add an option that turned off the 0-9 button
logic when the screensaver is activated ?

The problem I am having is that I am using TrackStat which allows
rating on currently played track by holding a 0-9 button down for a
while. When SaverSwitcher is activated it changes screen saver instead
of getting into the TrackStat logic that changes rating.

I fixed the problem temporary in my own setup by just commenting out
the addDispatch row in the initPlugin function.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread nicketynick

I'm running again on version 11. (whew!)

The log file has a whole bunch of these, with various line numbers
(988,946,986,1094). Does this help?

Request: Command [00:04:20:06:32:92->button] (Bad dispatch!)
Param: [_buttoncode] = [exit_right]
Param: [_time] = [4076420.679]
Param: [_orFunction] = [1]
ERROR: Request: Error when trying to run function coderef
[Slim::Control::Commands::buttonCommand]: [Undefined subroutine
&CGI::escape called at C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server/Plugins/SaverSwitcher/Plugin.pm line 904.


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread peterw

nicketynick;183443 Wrote: 
> I'm running again on version 11. (whew!)
> The log file has a whole bunch of these, with various line numbers
> (988,946,986,1094). Does this help?
> Request: Command [00:04:20:06:32:92->button] (Bad dispatch!)
> Param: [_buttoncode] = [exit_right]
> Param: [_time] = [4076420.679]
> Param: [_orFunction] = [1]
> ERROR: Request: Error when trying to run function coderef
> [Slim::Control::Commands::buttonCommand]: [Undefined subroutine
> &CGI::escape called at C:\Program
> Files\SlimServer\server/Plugins/SaverSwitcher/Plugin.pm line 904.
> ]

I'm very glad to hear you're OK again.

Yes, that helps tremendously! I'm surprised and embarassed by that.
Would you mind downloading the beta again & letting me know if it runs
without such complaints (the only changes since the previous beta are
switching back to normal logging and adding the simple "use CGI;" line
that I apparently forgot).

If the current "beta" works, that's great, it'll become version 1.13.
If not, I'll have to do more work on the CGI::escape and CGI::unescape
calls; not a big deal, but I'd rather use the normal CGI routines than
(re)write my own.




peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread peterw

erland;183441 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to add an option that turned off the 0-9 button
> logic when the screensaver is activated ?
> The problem I am having is that I am using TrackStat which allows
> rating on currently played track by holding a 0-9 button down for a
> while. When SaverSwitcher is activated it changes screen saver instead
> of getting into the TrackStat logic that changes rating.
> I fixed the problem temporary in my own setup by just commenting out
> the addDispatch row in the initPlugin function.

Sure, that sounds reasonable. If only there was a better way to handle
these button mapping conflicts... sigh.



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread nicketynick

Almost there!  With the new beta, I'm able to fully configure, and it
works great when the screensavers are timed, but I don't seem to be
able to make the Manual function work (press 0, right?) My 0 button
might be mapped with something from a different plugin? How can I
figure this out?


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-25 Thread nicketynick

I'm really enjoying all the flexibility this plugin gives you.  I've
started experimenting with RSS feeds for the first time, now that they
would only be a keypress away - is there any way to set up different
screensavers (say 6,7,8&9) with a different feed? (There's no way to
'navigate' through the available feeds when they're playing, is
I guess in a nutshell, I'm hoping my SB3 will soon have 9 'viewing
channels' (or more? -greedy, greedy!)


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-26 Thread matrixed99

I was just about to post a similar message. I second the notion. This is
a great plugin, and it would be amazing if there was a way to assign
different RSS feeds to separate screensavers. And thanks Peter, for a
truly useful plugin.


matrixed99's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-26 Thread peterw

nicketynick;183590 Wrote: 
> I'm really enjoying all the flexibility this plugin gives you.  I've
> started experimenting with RSS feeds for the first time, now that they
> would only be a keypress away - is there any way to set up different
> screensavers (say 6,7,8&9) with a different feed? (There's no way to
> 'navigate' through the available feeds when they're playing, is
> there?)
> I guess in a nutshell, I'm hoping my SB3 will soon have 9 'viewing
> channels' (or more? -greedy, greedy!)

Thanks for the kind words.

I think that would require changing/patching the RSS screensaver, or
making a new RSS screensaver that would use the current saver's
configuration. I don't think SaverSwitcher could accomplish what you &
matrixed99 want all by itself for a setup with multiple players, and
trying to do that with even just one player would not be pretty. For
instance, the web RSS feed configuration would be messed up whenever
the client was displaying any specific RSS feed.

Making a new RSS screensaver is probably the best route. Start with
rssnews.pm, remove most of the strings and most of the preference
handling code (let the normal RSS screensaver deal with all that), and
call addSaver() multiple times to register savers "RSS  Feed #1", "RSS
Feed #2", etc. When this screensaver kicks in, it should be able to
look at the client mode() to determine which feed to use (whether it
was called for #1, #2, etc.) and only display that feed.

Second best might be writing a patch for the default Slimserver RSS
screensaver & convincing Slim Devices to include that with Slimserver
7.0. I expect they'd rather have a single screensaver that allowed
users to use the arrow keys to change RSS feeds than have the UI list
separate RSS feeds.



peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-02-26 Thread nicketynick

peterw;183825 Wrote: 
>  I expect they'd rather have a single screensaver that allowed users to
> use the arrow keys to change RSS feeds than have the UI list separate
> RSS feeds.
> -Peter

Using the arrow keys to change RSS feeds is what I envisioned being
able to do, or said another way, its what I expected to be able to do
intuitively, but I guess it doesn't work that way!
It might be time for me to go buy a Perl for Dummies book..


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-04 Thread peterw

erland;183441 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to add an option that turned off the 0-9 button
> logic when the screensaver is activated ?
> The problem I am having is that I am using TrackStat which allows
> rating on currently played track by holding a 0-9 button down for a
> while. When SaverSwitcher is activated it changes screen saver instead
> of getting into the TrackStat logic that changes rating.

I just released SaverSwitcher 1.14, which allows you to toggle the
button control via the Plugins player UI. It also includes code for the
"1/9" screensaver being Manual/Disabled -- fixing a CPU hogging bug and
allowing users to "opt out" of the song transition screensaver





peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-07 Thread dazbarber

The latest version is now installed on my system and it works perfectly
apart from minor glitches when the WeatherDateTime screensaver is

When this saver is visible I sometimes have trouble getting out of
screensaver mode and on one occasion I had the WeatherDateTime
screensaver superimposed on the analogueVU screensaver (or was it the
other way around)?

Thanks again for your hard work!



dazbarber's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8088
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-12 Thread Jack Coates
Hey Peter,

I'm running 1.14 on 6.5.1 and seeing a minor problem... basically,
when SaverSwitcher has started, it seem to claim more button presses
than I'd expect. I can't change music, or pause/restart; I have to use
Now Playing to get out of the screen saver. I'm not using erland's
plugins, so I don't think it's a conflict with those...
"I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-12 Thread peterw

Jack Coates;187377 Wrote: 
> I'm running 1.14 on 6.5.1 and seeing a minor problem... basically,
> when SaverSwitcher has started, it seem to claim more button presses
> than I'd expect. I can't change music, or pause/restart; I have to use
> Now Playing to get out of the screen saver. I'm not using erland's
> plugins, so I don't think it's a conflict with those...

Sorry to hear that. I don't see that behavior here on 6.5.0 or 6.5.1.

SaverSwitcher should only interfere with the digit buttons (0 to 9) as
it compares the IR code "name" from Slim::Hardware::IR::lookupCodeBytes
to the regular expression "^[0-9]$", and passes all IR events for all
other buttons to the original IR handling code.

Is it possible that another plugin is interfering? 

Does this happen with all screensavers, or only certain ones? For
instance, SaverSwitcher will ignore even 0-9 if the player is in an
"INPUT" mode. Some screensavers play better with SaverSwitcher than
others, for instance SuperDateTime will stay on the screen as long as
you're arrowing through its information.

Does the problem persist if you disable SaverSwitcher button control
(Plugins -> SaverSwitcher -> scroll down to Button control -> scroll to
toggle Enable/Disable)? SaverSwitcher should not interfere at all with
any button presses if button control is disabled (not that I'm
suggesting this as an answer, but it might help identify the cause of
your trouble).


free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-14 Thread cparker

Any chance of writing a web interface to configure the settings?  Using
the remote just locks up and stares at me doing nothing. :(



cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-14 Thread peterw

cparker;187931 Wrote: 
> Any chance of writing a web interface to configure the settings?  Using
> the remote just locks up and stares at me doing nothing. :(

I wasn't planning on any web UI until Slimserver 7.0.

Locks up? That sounds bad. You can't configure by going to

Plugins -> SaverSwitcher screensavers

to get menus like

Screensaver when playing -> +1/9 Screensavers (0:30) -> 30 seconds ->
Date and Time Screensaver

? and you're using version 1.14?

Are you willing to edit the Plugin.pm file to get some detailed
debugging? If you uncomment the following lines (remove the "#")


and restart Slimserver, you should get a good deal of info in the
Slimserver log (http://localhost:9000/log.txt) when you try to change
the setting, lines like

2007-03-14 21:37:09.1008 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: start at
xPos 0, yPos 0, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER   "
2007-03-14 21:37:09.1011 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: xPos 0, yPos
0, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER"
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7341 SaverSwitcher: right pressed
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7344 SaverSwitcher: right, hash at start is
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7345 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55 moveXRight
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7347 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: xPos 0, yPos
0, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER"
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7352 SaverSwitcher: moving right, look for good
position to start at
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7354 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55 in pos 0 or
1, start at yPos 0
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7355 SaverSwitcher: adding token "1/9" to
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7358 SaverSwitcher: setting
menuSaverNpos{00:11:22:33:44:55} to 0
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7362 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: xPos 1, yPos
0, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER1%2F9   "
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7367 SaverSwitcher:
2007-03-14 21:37:12.7421 SaverSwitcher: right, hash at end   is
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1809 SaverSwitcher: right pressed
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1812 SaverSwitcher: right, hash at start is
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1813 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55 moveXRight
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1815 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: xPos 1, yPos
0, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER1%2F9   "
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1820 SaverSwitcher: moving right, look for good
position to start at
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1822 SaverSwitcher:
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1853 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55 start at
duration value 30
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1855 SaverSwitcher: adding duration 30 to
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1859 SaverSwitcher: 00:11:22:33:44:55: xPos 2, yPos
30, menuSaverNpos 0, xHash "SETUP_SCREENSAVER   1%2F9   30  "
2007-03-14 21:37:14.1893 SaverSwitcher: right, hash at end   is



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-15 Thread cparker

peterw;187957 Wrote: 
>  and you're using version 1.14?
> Are you willing to edit the Plugin.pm file to get some detailed
> debugging? If you uncomment the following lines (remove the "#")
> #$log->setTypes('menu','prefs');
> #$log->setLevel(100);
> and restart Slimserver, you should get a good deal of info in the
> Slimserver log (http://localhost:9000/log.txt) 
> -Peter

Hi Peter

I'm not getting the timestamp on the log.txt file which isnt helping to
show the delay.  Not sure how to turn this on? 
But I'm pressing a button and nothing happens and then sometimes I get
a response but not enough to be able to set anything before it then
locks up again.

I've zipped up the log file, I enabled;

d_ir and d_plugins and removed the # from plugin.pm as requested

Following plugins running;
Auto Dim Display
Date and Spelled Time
Music Info Screen
Weather, Date and Time
Windows prevent standby
xPL Interface

SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11539 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 

Hope this is helpful??  Anything else I can do let me know! :)

|Filename: log.zip  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2549|


cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-15 Thread peterw

Please give me some time to look at that log file.

"In addition, I note that the Saverswitcher gets booted out of the
player screensaver configuration after a while for;"

That's normal. You're seeing how the plugin actually works. Once
invoked as a screensaver, it quickly changes the player's preference
for that screensaver mode, notes that that player really should use
SaverSwitcher, and sets a timer to run later and change the saver
again. Slimserver will see that the player's screensaver preference has
changed and will invoke the screensaver that appears to be the user's
new choice.

Some time after you interact with the player in a way that gets you out
of the screensaver mode, SaverSwitcher should notice that, reset the
player's preference to be SaverSwitcher, and then forget about that
player -- in case you then want to choose a single screensaver instead
of SaverSwitcher.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-15 Thread cparker

peterw;188169 Wrote: 
> Please give me some time to look at that log file.

Sure no problem, let me know if there is anything I can activate to
help the debug process.



cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-17 Thread peterw

OK, that log looks pretty normal to me, and suggests that it might
simply be a documentation bug. :-) I see in the log that you navigated
to "Screensaver when off" -> "+1/9 Screensavers (1:00)" -> "60 seconds
(1:00)", and that looks great. In order to change the duration, you'd
need to use Up or Down while on that "60 seconds (1:00)" screen.
Instead, it looks like you pressed Left and moved back to the "+1/9
Screensavers (1:00)" level. To change the saver to use, while you're on
that "N seconds" or "N seconds (M:SS)" screen, use Right to see the
current saver for that X/9 position. When looking at the screensaver
name, use Up or Down to choose another screensaver.

For example, to change from 1/9 being Date and Time at 60 seconds to
using SuperDateTime at 30 seconds, you'd do something like

Up or Down to "Screensaver when off" 
Right to X/9, and Up or Down to "+1/9 Screensavers (0:60)" 
Right to "60 seconds (1:00)"
Down to "30 seconds"
Right to "Date and Time Screensaver"
Up or Down to "SuperDateTime Screensaver"

Then you could do something like this to confirm the change

Left to "30 seconds"
Left to "+1/9 Screensavers (0:30)"
Left to to "Screensaver when off" 
Right to X/9, and Up or Down to "+1/9 Screensavers (0:30)" 
Right to "30 seconds"
Right to "SuperDateTime Screensaver"

Note that any time you use Up or Down to change what's showing on the
level that shows "N seconds" or "N seconds (M:SS)" *or* the bottom
level that shows just a screensaver name, you update the preference,
and would need to Up/Down back to the previous value if you changed
your mind.

Also I see some "repeat" entries indicating that you held the button
down. The SaverSwitcher setup screens require short, single button
presses. I know that's not a great UI, but it's my workaround for a
problem I have with my setup. I use a universal remote control with my
Squeezebox 1, using the JVC DVD infrared codes, and the repeat events
fire too quickly for that setup. Without some extra code, the menu
scrolling is *much* too sensitive with the JVC codes; the easy "fix" is
simply to have the plugin require individual button presses.

I hope this helps -- if not, it would be great if you could send me
another log like that that includes entries for arrowing up/down at the
duration and screensaver menu levels. If this does solve your problem,
please let me know and I'll try updating the web page with better



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-18 Thread cparker

peterw;188467 Wrote: 
> OK, that log looks pretty normal to me, and suggests that it might
> simply be a documentation bug. :-)-Peter

Hi Peter

Thanks for all your help with this!  I battled with it for a while
completely removing the plugin, upgrading to the latest 6.5.2, the
randomness of it "seeming" to lock up still occured!

I got to the stage where the remote wasnt working at all!  

Then I took the remote apart and found the infrared led had broken its
soldering from the board!!  No doubt dropped at some point on its head.
Resoldered it back on and everything is now working!

So thanks so much for your great plugin and your time in debugging what
was actually a hardware failure.

Note to Logitech, maybe dont have the led sticking quite so far out the
front of the remote that its the first point of contact :)


cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-18 Thread peterw

Thanks for the update. I'm glad you soldered the problem. :-)


free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-26 Thread cparker

Hi Peter

This is a really cool plugin, I've found a couple of minor bugs which
you might be interested in? :)

1. Auto Dim Display, doesnt seem to work now

2. If saverswitcher has been running for about 3-4 days cycling
between, Weather Date Time plugin and TimeSpeller, it seems to crash if
you switch it on when its in the Weather Date Time plugin.  Not sure if
this is related to your plugin or not.

The display goes blank, but if you then go into the web page and reset
the screensavers as Saverswitcher for all three states, the display
comes back and everything works fine.
So not sure which plugin its related to!

Anyway, fantastic plugin, so thank you very much! :)


cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-26 Thread nicketynick

These sort of problems make me think that my problems in this thread:
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33247  may also be
related to SaverSwitcher not playing nice with other plugins. As much
as I love it, I think I'm going to shut it off and see if my crashes
What do you think peterw?  Could my "insane number of timers" have
anything to do with Saverswitcher?


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-26 Thread peterw

nicketynick;190369 Wrote: 
> These sort of problems make me think that my problems in this thread:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33247  may also be
> related to SaverSwitcher not playing nice with other plugins. As much
> as I love it, I think I'm going to shut it off and see if my crashes
> cease. 
> What do you think peterw?  Could my "insane number of timers" have
> anything to do with Saverswitcher?

It's conceivable, though I haven't seen that message since early
development of FuzzyTime, IIRC. 

I took another look at SaverSwitcher tonight and found a few places
where it wasn't crystal clear that old, unfired timers were definitely
being cancelled before new timers were set up. I've just released a new
"beta" that adds more killTimer code in those situations. 

I wish Slimserver would print a list of the current timers when it hits
"insane" levels. :-(

Please keep me informed as you troubleshoot.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-27 Thread cparker

Thanks for this Peter, I will try it out tonight and let you know how it
shakes out.



cparker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2083
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-27 Thread nicketynick

peterw;190460 Wrote: 
> Please keep me informed as you troubleshoot.
> -Peter

With SaverSwitcher disabled,I made it through an entire evening with 2
players running without the server crashing - haven't done that in a
long time. Also, the server response is quicker again.  I'll give it a
few more days to see if it was indeed the SaverSwitcher that was
causing trouble, and then try the new version and see what happens!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-27 Thread peterw

nicketynick;190538 Wrote: 
> With SaverSwitcher disabled,I made it through an entire evening with 2
> players running without the server crashing - haven't done that in a
> long time. Also, the server response is quicker again.  I'll give it a
> few more days to see if it was indeed the SaverSwitcher that was
> causing trouble, and then try the new version and see what happens!
> Thanks!

OK, thanks, and good luck. It sure sounds like SaverSwitcher was your
problem. :-( I'm shocked that it was crashing that often! I've got 3
Squeezeboxes over here, all mostly "off" and all using SaverSwitcher
for When Playing and When Off. I only have one active Off saver, though
-- SuperDateTime at 60 seconds. I'm decreasing that to 10 seconds to see
if that makes a difference.

What screensavers were you alternating between, and what were the
timings? I could imagine that a screensaver that required some time to
initialize (retrieve information from the internet, etc.) and did not
cache the information or had a memory leak, might cause trouble with
low duration values.

One way to get loads of debugging info from SaverSwitcher is to edit
its Plugin.pm file, remove the "#" comment characters from the lines



and restart Slimserver. You'll then get a lot of SaverSwitcher
information in the Slimserver log, more than you would get with the
d_plugins debugging.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-03-27 Thread nicketynick

peterw;190541 Wrote: 
> OK, thanks, and good luck. It sure sounds like SaverSwitcher was your
> problem. :-( I'm shocked that it was crashing that often! I've got 3
> Squeezeboxes over here, all mostly "off" and all using SaverSwitcher
> for When Playing and When Off. I only have one active Off saver, though
> -- SuperDateTime at 60 seconds. I'm decreasing that to 10 seconds to see
> if that makes a difference.
What do you have it switching to?
> What screensavers were you alternating between, and what were the
> timings? 
Player 1: when off, SuperDateTime & Fileviewer.pm, 10 seconds each
Player 2: when on, Now Playing & Fileviewer.pm, 10 seconds each

> I could imagine that a screensaver that required some time to initialize
> (retrieve information from the internet, etc.) and did not cache the
> information or had a memory leak, might cause trouble with low duration
> values.
Could be fileviewer then? It accesses a .txt file to get the data, not
sure how often.

> One way to get loads of debugging info from SaverSwitcher is to edit its
> Plugin.pm file, remove the "#" comment characters from the lines
> > 

  >   > 
  > #$log->setTypes('all');
  > #$log->setLevel(100);

> > 
> and restart Slimserver. You'll then get a lot of SaverSwitcher
> information in the Slimserver log, more than you would get with the
> d_plugins debugging.
> -Peter

I'll double-check, I think the version of SaverSwitcher I'm running is
logging to SS.

Thanks for your continued feedback Peter!



Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router

nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-07-29 Thread peterw

I've just uploaded an "alpha" release of SaverSwitcher for Slimserver
7.x, for any of you who are experimenting with 7.x. The link is near
the top of the regular info page.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade StatusFirst

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-07-30 Thread dolce24

Excellent work Peter.

Had my squeezebox for a couple of days now, and this is one of the best
plugins so far imo.

Keep up the good work


dolce24's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12517
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2007-10-15 Thread mflint

Hey all,

I've noticed that occasionally the screensaver stops being updated. I
haven't done extensive testing, but don't remember seeing the problem
before I installed the SaverSwitcher beta for SC7.

Has anyone else seen this?



'GoalRush , LiveDepartures and ArtistPlaylist plugins'

mflint's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2008-02-05 Thread gorman

Sorry, I'm not a developer but while looking at your SyncOptions plugin
I discovered this other gem and this led me to have a look at all your
work on plugins.

What's to say... you seem to be practically reading my mind in all

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


gorman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=56
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announcing SaverSwitcher: plugin that cycles through screensavers

2008-02-18 Thread peterw

mflint;235252 Wrote: 
> I've noticed that occasionally the screensaver stops being updated. I
> haven't done extensive testing, but don't remember seeing the problem
> before I installed the SaverSwitcher beta for SC7.
> Has anyone else seen this?

Matthew, sorry I didn't look into this sooner. There definitely was an
update bug in the earlier SC7 alphas, as I only recently discovered
myself (I was late to start running SC7 on my main system, waiting for
some must-have plugins from other developers).

The latest alpha should fix that problem.

Gorman -- thanks for the kind words.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
AllQuiet BlankSaver BottleRocket FuzzyTime SaverSwitcher SleepFade
StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock

peterw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2107
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32230

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