Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 demo working 50%

2013-01-25 Thread Armin Burger
well, you have an Apache error caused by MapScript. Most of the cases 
this is related to some kind of segmentation fault. This however should 
also be listed in the apache log.

The single tiles for the country layer are accessible via firebug, you 
need to check the HTTP response there for such tiles. All other lower 
level debugging methods as described in the wiki applies also for 
p.mapper 5 to narrow down problems.

On 25/01/2013 11:43, Chris forum wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have reinstalled pmapper 5 from start, keeping only the minimal layers to
> display.
> It looks like Gmap or OSM have to be present, so I keep OSM and countries
> layers only.
> As before, countries don't show up on the map, only OSM does.
> No php or mapserver error.
> pm_debug.log shows:
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:10] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
>   55468034.09273208
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
>   P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
>   P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
>   Array
> (
>  [0] => -400
>  [1] => 300
>  [2] => 800
>  [3] => 1200
> )
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
>   EPSG:900913
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
>   55468034.09273208
> [25-Jan-2013 11:29:17] P.MAPPER debug info
>   Validation of search.xml file succeeded
> apache error log:
> /usr/sbin/apache2: symbol lookup error:
> /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ undefined symbol:
> php_output_get_level
> No error in Firebug, except that the following GET runs forever:
> http://myserver/pmapper/pmapper500/lib/query/search/?&action=optionlist
> Works well though if I run the link above in the browser:
> {"searchJson":{"selectname": "findlist", "events":
> "onchange=\"PM.Search.setSearchInput()\"", "options": {"0": "Search for",
> "countries": "Country"}}, "action":"optionlist", "divelem":"1"}
> config_default.xml and attached.
> MapServer version 6.0.3
> PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2
> Any idea what could be wrong on my setup?
> Thanx,
> Chris
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Chris forum  wrote:
>> Hi all
>> With a project running fine in pmapper 4.3.0, I am trying now to get demo
>> pmapper5 beta2 working.
>> Owner of /img/legend/ is www-data
>> I have modified the mapfile accordingly (SHAPEPATH, FONTSET, SYMBOLSET,
>> Vector demo data have been added at the right place, raster Shaded relief
>> also. Blue Marble has been remove from the config_default.xml file.
>> 900913 projection added to epsg file:
>> <900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
>> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs <>
>> When I run
>> http://myserver/pmapper/pmapper500/?config=default&resetsession=ALL in
>> Firefox, all I get is a blank map. Eventhough Countries, Cities and Rivers
>> layers are selected in the TOC.
>> OSM and Google sat are the only ones to work fine.
>> I don't get any error from both php and mapserver error logs, while
>> pm_debug.log is showing:
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>>   P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
>> proper function of PDF print.
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>>   P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
>> proper function of PDF print.
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
>>   Array
>> (
>>  [0] => -400
>>  [1] => 300
>>  [2] => 800
>>  [3] => 1200
>> )
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
>>   EPSG:900913
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
>>   Validation of search.xml file succeeded
>> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
>> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
>>   55468034.09273208
>> I then checked the mapfile ( alone, and I had to add an
>> EXTENT to be able to load it:
>> EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
>> Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the problem in pmapper5.
>> In Chrome, several small rose tiles are displayed, and when I inspect them
>> (developper tool), I find a bigger tile above them:
>> > src="lib/map/pmhighlight?&width=1105&height=732&bbox=-8816145.2489599,338156.198789,12816145.24896,14661843.801211&crs=EPSG%3A900913×tamp=13589532565">
>> Any idea where the problem could be?
>> Thanx,
>> Chris
>> ---

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 demo working 50%

2013-01-25 Thread Chris forum
Hi all,

I have reinstalled pmapper 5 from start, keeping only the minimal layers to
It looks like Gmap or OSM have to be present, so I keep OSM and countries
layers only.
As before, countries don't show up on the map, only OSM does.

No php or mapserver error.

pm_debug.log shows:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:10] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
 P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
proper function of PDF print.
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
 P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
proper function of PDF print.
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
[0] => -400
[1] => 300
[2] => 800
[3] => 1200

[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:17] P.MAPPER debug info
 Validation of search.xml file succeeded

apache error log:
/usr/sbin/apache2: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ undefined symbol:

No error in Firebug, except that the following GET runs forever:
Works well though if I run the link above in the browser:
{"searchJson":{"selectname": "findlist", "events":
"onchange=\"PM.Search.setSearchInput()\"", "options": {"0": "Search for",
"countries": "Country"}}, "action":"optionlist", "divelem":"1"}

config_default.xml and attached.
MapServer version 6.0.3
PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2

Any idea what could be wrong on my setup?


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Chris forum  wrote:

> Hi all
> With a project running fine in pmapper 4.3.0, I am trying now to get demo
> pmapper5 beta2 working.
> Owner of /img/legend/ is www-data
> I have modified the mapfile accordingly (SHAPEPATH, FONTSET, SYMBOLSET,
> Vector demo data have been added at the right place, raster Shaded relief
> also. Blue Marble has been remove from the config_default.xml file.
> 900913 projection added to epsg file:
> <900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs <>
> When I run
> http://myserver/pmapper/pmapper500/?config=default&resetsession=ALL in
> Firefox, all I get is a blank map. Eventhough Countries, Cities and Rivers
> layers are selected in the TOC.
> OSM and Google sat are the only ones to work fine.
> I don't get any error from both php and mapserver error logs, while
> pm_debug.log is showing:
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>  P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>  P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
>  Array
> (
> [0] => -400
> [1] => 300
> [2] => 800
> [3] => 1200
> )
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
>  EPSG:900913
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
>  Validation of search.xml file succeeded
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
>  55468034.09273208
> I then checked the mapfile ( alone, and I had to add an
> EXTENT to be able to load it:
> EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
> Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the problem in pmapper5.
> In Chrome, several small rose tiles are displayed, and when I inspect them
> (developper tool), I find a bigger tile above them:
>  src="lib/map/pmhighlight?&width=1105&height=732&bbox=-8816145.2489599,338156.198789,12816145.24896,14661843.801211&crs=EPSG%3A900913×tamp=13589532565">
> Any idea where the problem could be?
> Thanx,
> Chris

p.mapper - A MapServer PHP/MapScript Framework




