[pmwiki-users] OT: Telemarketers without a Clue

2007-05-01 Thread Sandy
I got a call a few secs ago:

May I please speak to the person who does your company websites" (barely 
comprehend the English)

-- Speaking

May I have your name, please,

-- I tell him first name

I represent (very halting, lots of space between phrases) (can't 
understand company name)

-- Okay (or similar non-committal, I'm listening phrase)

(Lots and lots of pauses here. Either he's being polite and giving me 
pauses in which to hang up, or he's having trouble reading the script. 
Might be the latter, there was a lot of typing noise in the background)
We are a website consulting company, based in Chicago, gives large 
number (like 150ish) sites they've done, international and all!

-- During pause I ask him if he knows what my business is.

He pauses a few seconds and hangs up.

Damn. I wish he'd stayed on longer. I wanted to learn more about the 

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Recipe stability (was: Why all this zapping?)

2007-05-02 Thread Sandy
Endorsements is a good word. One of the reasons I joined this list was 
to get a feel for the contributors, but that's a luxury many new users 
don't have. They'd still have to get a feel for the endorsers, but more 
names means more chance of recognizing one.

Let's make one thing clear:

A proper evaluation of a recipe involving security or private data can 
take several hours of a senior programmer's time, and setting up 
examples and explaining them takes even more time, time that could be 
spent paying the rent. It's frustrating to be told little more than, "It 
won't work," but, no matter how friendly and helpful the community, 
there will always be recipes that don't get evaluated, simply because no 
expert has that much time to invest in a recipe they don't expect to use.


Martin Fick wrote:
> I like the idea of endorsements!
> -Martin
> --- "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This does bring up another thought...  as opposed to
>>having "ratings" or "voting" on recipes [1], what if
> we
>>called them "endorsements"?  
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] [pmwiki-devel] Announce: pmwiki-social

2007-05-02 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> The pmwiki-users mailing list has never been intended to be
> strictly "focus on code".  It's an open mailing list for any and 
> all discussions related to PmWiki.  It's perfectly okay for those
> discussions to range beyond the PmWiki realm from time to time.
> If people on the list feel that they want to talk strictly code,
> pmwiki-devel exists for that.
> Are there really a significant number of people on pmwiki-users
> who are wanting a separate forum for totally non-PmWiki-related 
> topics?  So far we seem to have two votes in favor of this.
> Pm

I'm in favour of keeping the users list focused on PmWiki and website 
development. Not tightly, nazi-ish, strictly, but not a free-for-all, 


- For some, this list is required reading. Yes, it's possible to start 
ignoring threads, but that's harder with some newsreaders than others. 
Also, even if you choose to ignore 50%, you still have to screen it.

- For new users, a busy list is intimidating. They don't know what to 
read and what not to read, so end up reading it all. Information overload.

- PmWiki posts are more likely to slip through the cracks if there is a 
busy discussion. As is, 2-4 questions from _new_posters_ get missed each 
month. Some get re-asked, others dropped.

- We have enough (insert noun) when we focus on the product. Now add in 
off topic rants, debates and misunderstandings.

- It's a haven from the news and drama happening elsewhere in the world 
and online.

Having said that, I do appreciate the chance to be off topic 
occassionally. A laugh that has to be shared that this audience would 
appreciate. A technical question that, while not about PmWiki, fits 
better here than my other lists. I enjoy reading the profiles and 
heading over to folks' websites. I like feeling there's someone in the 
cubicle "next door".

So, my vote is this list remain relaxed and mostly-on-topic. Friendly, 
helpful, welcoming. Sociable, but not social.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Warning messages (Was: (:include:) directive not working fully)

2007-05-03 Thread Sandy

> I think this is a user case examplifying the need for "warning" or 
> "error" messages. What I'd like is some mechanism that allows you to 
> render pages with some extra 'debug' options set, so that you get 
> warning messages in a case like this, i.e. if an anchor that's supposed 
> to be there is missing.
> It's not that I'd like the messages to be enabled all the time, just 
> that the ability to enable them now and then.

I like this concept. Wasn't there something similar for skins that are 
missing new(ish) sections?

I like the "bottom (or top) of main wiki text", set apart with, maybe, a 
box. If it's debugging skins, we can't rely on them having a special 
section in which to show "this skin is missing the bit where this 
message displays."

Icing on the cake is we can set the flag through the wiki, without going 
through config.php. I expect we can find more warnings that can be set, 
and sometimes we won't be FTPing.

Thought of showing only for auth=edit, but, again, if we're testing how 
something works in auth=readonly,...

Just some preliminary thoughts for the pool.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Experimental captcha recipe

2007-05-08 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> The captcha code allows captchas to be simply displayed as text,
> instead of as a graphic.  In fact, this is the default, unless
> $EnableCaptchaImage is set.  One can also use {$CaptchaValue}
> in the markup.
> It's also possible to configure the image's alt= tag to contain
> the captcha value but this somewhat defeats the purpose of
> having a captcha.  :-)

What about "type the string in backwards" or "type only the letters"? 
Next layer, randomly select which method to use.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] pagelists link= with pages generated externally

2007-05-10 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 10:00:40PM +0200, Christophe David wrote:
>> Did you also remove the .pageindex file?
>>   No. That was it.
>>   (A ReindexAll function and/or action would be nice.)
> Agreed it would be nice -- unfortunately, it's not the simplest
> thing to implement at the moment.  Doing a re-index currently
> would require loading and re-saving each page, which would
> take a fair amount of time.  Or, we'd need a marker in the
> page files that says "no need to reindex this one"

Can the program delete .pageindex. It would save having to go through 
the FTP (or unix or whatever)? Permission could be tied to having 
permission to do something equally dangerous. (Not terribly dangerous, 
except as a way to slow down the site.)

Then again, is there anything that needs this that doesn't already 
require FTP access?


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Page can't be edited

2007-05-14 Thread Sandy
I get this error message when I do a minor edit.

Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /Fanfic/Msue 
could not be found on this server.

Apache/1.3.37 Server at cricket.onebit.ca Port 80

pages are:

The only difference between the pages is that the first is slightly more 
child friendly. (Not that the first was more than junior-teen, but a 
friend had a 10-year-old who wanted to read it.)

Using some sort of clean URL and farm scheme, with CPanel, not sure 
which recipe. I'll fire up the FTP program tomorrow and get the 
config.php and farmconfig.php; so much for one quick change before going 
to sleep!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] [pmwiki-devel] CSS whiz needed...

2007-05-18 Thread Sandy
The Editor wrote:
> Thanks bunches for both links.  Very helpful.  But neither seem to
> give a list of what style attributes can be assigned to which html
> markups.  Ex: can you put a border around a ? Does float mean
> anything in a span--or is it only for divs? etc.
> If anyone has an idea where to get that information I'd be thankful!
> Cheers,
> Dan

If in doubt, test it. Also check out www.w3schools.com, I think there's 
a chart in there somewhere. You can use most styles on most tags, but 
some are only for inline level, some only for block level.

Yes, you can put a border around a .

Not sure if float does anything for a span, but if you want to move 
things out of the flow, it's probably because they're block-level, so it 
should be a div, which are very floatable.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] registration form

2007-05-29 Thread Sandy
Crisses wrote:
> On May 28, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> Then let's get feedback on what I did.  Mine is specifically a how-to- 
> lock-the-site-down, which is different than a how-to on general  
> use...having the generic documentation is very useful as well, so  
> maybe there should be a bunch of HowTos in the documentation attached  
> to the theory/documentation of a feature.
> For example:
> lockdown for a one-password private-edit-only site (this can be  
> config.php alone)
> lockdown the admin for an open-edit site (this can be config.php alone)
> lockdown for a closed-edit site (this is what I think I did in my  
> Cookbook/QuickStartForAuthUser)
> etc.

If the "main" or "theory" document included walk-throughs for even the 
most common variations, it would be too long and confusing.

I got sucked into edit mode. The final results are here
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/QuickStartForAuthUser-comments1. I 
didn't want to mess with the original just yet.

I'd also add CMS to the title.

I moved the "assumed user knowledge" half a step back. Made each step 
consistent: Description, starting with a verb. Then details.

One question: does the order of assigning ID/pwd and group membership in 
Site/AuthUser matter?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Site.* permissions

2007-05-29 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> In fact, this brings up a larger question of what to do with the
> Site.* group in general... should we change the PmWiki default so that
> viewing pages in the Site group is restricted to admins?  There
> are three options that I see:
> Option 3:  Introduce a new SiteAdmin group that contains pages
> specifically intended for the site administrator.  This group could
> have a read password that limits viewing to the admin by default, and
> the pages listed in option 2 would move to this new group.
> The downside of this approach is that it complicates upgrading a bit
> in terms of moving existing Site.* pages to the new Site group, as
> well as introducing a new group to the distribution.

I vote for 3, for reasons already expressed by others. No more listing 
which pages to unlock/lock, just say "the entire group". Most of the 
teething pains would be undoing existing work-arounds.

Quick bit of brainstorming.

Create two new groups rather than one new and one existing. Add checking 
code so page cannot exist in both. Old Site Group keeps existing 
permissions, and admins will be able to move pages out one at a time.

If Site/ is called (say from an older skin or a sidebar or an included 
recipe), first check both new groups, then revert to Site group.

Tool to check each page for old-usage would be fairly easy, but what 
about skins and included recipes? Thinking ugh.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] registration form

2007-05-29 Thread Sandy
 > One question: does the order of assigning ID/pwd and group
 >  membership in
 > Site/AuthUser matter?

Marguerite Floyd wrote:
> Was the question directed to me?  Nope, the order doesn't matter to me.

It was a general post to the group, not to you specifically. You may 
have your mailing list account set to send mail that's in response to 
your posts to a different account. The question was me being lazy, 
identifying something to be checked but not checking it myself.

> I went to the link -- though I didn't do a word-by-word comparison, this 
> looks like the same thing I was doing yesterday.  Could you please show 
> me what's different?

No difference in what to do, just added some stuff to make the page 
easier to find and to make it easier to read.



> On 5/30/07, *Sandy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Crisses wrote:
>  > On May 28, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>  > Then let's get feedback on what I did.  Mine is specifically a
> how-to-
>  > lock-the-site-down, which is different than a how-to on general
>  > use...having the generic documentation is very useful as well, so
>  > maybe there should be a bunch of HowTos in the documentation attached
>  > to the theory/documentation of a feature.
>  >
>  > For example:
>  > lockdown for a one-password private-edit-only site (this can be
>  > config.php alone)
>  > lockdown the admin for an open-edit site (this can be config.php
> alone)
>  > lockdown for a closed-edit site (this is what I think I did in my
>  > Cookbook/QuickStartForAuthUser)
>  > etc.
>  >
> If the "main" or "theory" document included walk-throughs for even the
> most common variations, it would be too long and confusing.
> I got sucked into edit mode. The final results are here
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/QuickStartForAuthUser-comments1. I
> didn't want to mess with the original just yet.
> I'd also add CMS to the title.
> I moved the "assumed user knowledge" half a step back. Made each step
> consistent: Description, starting with a verb. Then details.

> Sandy
> ___
> pmwiki-users mailing list
> pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com <mailto:pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com>
> http://www.pmichaud.com/mailman/listinfo/pmwiki-users
> -- 
> __
> www.scritches.com <http://www.scritches.com>
> everything for the bird
> __
> ___
> pmwiki-users mailing list
> pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
> http://www.pmichaud.com/mailman/listinfo/pmwiki-users

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] reposting re registering, etc.

2007-05-30 Thread Sandy
Marguerite Floyd wrote:
> I'm reposting in case this got lost in the shuffle.  Am I asking too
> much of pmwiki?  Or do I just not know where to look?
> Or should I just chuck it in and use one password for everyone and
> quit worrying myself to death about it?  Then worry about spam or
> nasty postings if/when they happen . . .
> PS: You folks are great; I'm almost starting to understand what's going on. 
> ;-)
> Here's what I posted last night:
> "1. I would like anyone at all to read/view the site.
> 2. I would like anyone who wants to edit content, put stuff on the
> calendar, or make a comment about content to register.  And while
> they're registering to click a box/button saying they've read the
> disclaimer.
> 3. I would then like a handful of people to be "editors," who have the
> authority to clean up content if necessary, remove inaccurate stuff,
> add important stuff.  These would be the same as, I guess, moderators.
>  Using Authuser I can just add those folks' names and passwords.
> But how do I deal with the folks in #2?
> Sorry I'm getting myself so confused and, thus, confusing y'all."
> www.belovedparrot.com

I think the others have answered most of your questions, but one more 
thing to add.

You can assign different access levels to individual pages, and to 
groups of pages. Very versatile, if a bit of a learning curve.

Check out

If you're using AuthUser, you can put id:name or @usergroup in addition 
to the password.

As for posting content vs editing existing content, wikis don't separate 
the two.

However, in the spirit of trying to get PmWiki to do everything (usually 
a successful endeavor, I might add), several have written Forum recipes. 
I like CommentBoxPlus, but I'm not sure if it's kept up with the recent 
core changes. Some of the others have security issues; it's rather a 
complex programming task, Pm has spent months working through the ins 
and outs.

Personally, I'd go with your option 1.

Many sites put their password on their login form; spam robots don't 
read too well. Or you can be more complex and say "take only the letters 
from this sequence". I'd use a different password for the Site-group 
pages (see other discussion about splitting that group), so folks can't 
experiment with the sidebar and such.

You can also use the Notify recipe (or its successor) to email you when 
a change is made, so you can catch things before they get too bad.

Pmwiki.org is open for all to edit, and the spam seems fairly minimal. 
(Or it gets caught before I see it.) There's a single password, 'quick', 
that's well-publicized in this group. Pm uses one of the blocklist 
programs to catch most of the spam. There are more details written about 
it somewhere.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Conceptual challenges from ZAPwiki...

2007-06-02 Thread Sandy
Henrik wrote:
> Two points:
> 1. Would it make sense to move this thread to the pmwiki-devel forum?

It would make sense to move it to a ZAPwiki forum. I'm sure a tasteful, 
rare advertisement here would be acceptable. Also advertise outside the 
PmWiki community, so that people who are not here could also participate.

> 2. I get a bit concerned when Patrick feels compelled to repeat points 
> previously made, particularly in relation to a challenge to his 
> legitimacy, or the legitimacy of his technical positions.

Especially from someone who admits he doesn't know much about Apache, 
PHP or security, and bypasses PmWiki's built-in security then is 
surprised when holes open up. Dan has not earned my trust in his abilities.

Pm, by virtue of his explanations, quick, public and thorough responses 
to security risks, and the knowledgeable and helpful following he has 
gathered, has earned that trust.

Kudos to Dan for attempting projects as ambitious as ZAP and ZAPwiki. 
He's come a long way. But this is a PmWiki group, not a ZAP group, not a 
"Learn PHP, Apache and security" group.

Programming at Pm's level takes years of experience and learning in many 
environments and a variety of projects. Dan has made it out of the 
shallow end of the pool -- which is quite an accomplishment, well beyond 
my own ambitions -- but if Pm says there might be a kraken in the ocean, 
I'll err on the safe side.

Dan has given much back to the community: The ZAP/Acme package, and the 
recipes that use it. Alternate ideas for how things can be done. 
Questions that made people think.

But ZAPwiki is a separate program. Therefore, it should cut the apron 
strings. Let it exist on its own merits and attract its own following.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Does anyone know how to disable copying of links in my wiki?

2007-06-05 Thread Sandy
I don't know of a way to do it in PmWiki directly, but some software 
(which may have a PmWiki link) puts in a watermark, which can be a logo 
or your site name. So anyone who does copy it (or hotlink), will be 
advertising to the world that they stole it.


Martin Fick wrote:
> I am pretty sure that you cannot control this.  If
> someone views data in a page, they can do whatever
> they want with it.  Even if there were some way to
> disable this in some browsers, this certainly would
> not be universal,
> -Martin
> --- Karina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am putting together a large link section, and
>> would like to make the links 
>> uncopyable by right clicking etc.  Anyone know how
>> to do that?
>> Best,
>> Karina
>> ___
>> pmwiki-users mailing list
>> pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
> http://www.pmichaud.com/mailman/listinfo/pmwiki-users
> Be a PS3 game guru.
> Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.
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pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] recognizing read protection

2007-06-07 Thread Sandy
To see a summary of passwords for each page, try

Worth looking at the second version at the bottom as well; the links go 
directly to the ?action=attr page.


Ben Wilson wrote:
> Forgive me for not giving enough information, but I believe there's a
> Cookbook recipe that allows you to list pages with their permissions.
> Ben Wilson
> On 6/7/07, Jabba Laci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use PmWiki to manage my personal homepage. Some pages that I don't
>> want to share with everyone are password protected. The problem is
>> that as more and more pages are created, it is more and more difficult
>> to keep in mind which pages are protected.
>> I would like to do the following. When a page is read protected, I
>> want to print some warning message on the top of the page. This way it
>> would be very easy to notice if I forgot to protect a private page.
>> So my question is: how to ask whether the current page is read
>> protected or not? I would imagine something like this:
>> (:if isPageReadProtected:)
>> (: printPageReadProtectedMessage :)
>> (:endif:)
>> Thanks,
>> Laszlo
>> ___
>> pmwiki-users mailing list
>> pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
>> http://www.pmichaud.com/mailman/listinfo/pmwiki-users

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] recognizing read protection

2007-06-07 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 11:38:10AM -0400, Ben Wilson wrote:
>> Forgive me for not giving enough information, but I believe there's a
>> Cookbook recipe that allows you to list pages with their permissions.
> Starting with 2.2.0-beta52 it's in the core, at the Site.AuthList page.
> (This may change to SiteAdmin.AuthList soon, however.)
> Pm

I've added a note to that effect to the documentation. One of these days 
I'll study (:pagelist:) properly. It's very powerful!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] neverending registration question

2007-06-07 Thread Sandy
Marguerite Floyd wrote:
> WHERE can I find the recipe or option that displays a registration
> form?  You've been great about showing me how to set passwords and
> display login boxes, but WHERE is the page I can link to that requires
> the user to put in their name???  It's not much use to display a box
> asking for a password when there's no display anywhere asking for a
> user name to begin with.
> When you register with sites there's a page where you have to put in
> your name, userid, chosen password, etc.  Where in pmwiki.org can I
> find this page OR if there is no page like that, where's a recipe or
> code to connect up a designed page with the pmwiki system?
> Thanks!

I can see how you'd be frustrated. So close,...

First of all, the core does not support user self-registration. It's 
often requested, and there are some recipes, but it's not in the core 
... yet. (I suspect Pm's work on forms will eventually lead to this, as 
well as other nifty things.)

Second, the default installation does not support user names. All access 
is by password, and it's on the honour system that people sign their 
changes. Under that system, registration consists of sharing a password, 
so self-registration is over-kill.

The core has AuthUser, which adds the usual name/password pair, and user 
groups. I tried logging in to your site. (I like the layout!) It asks 
for a password but not a user name. This means that you have not 
activated AuthUser. It still does not have self-registration.

The Crisses have just written a how-to for the basic AuthUser, where the 
database is maintained by the wiki in Site.AuthUser .
Yes, the procedure seems rather round-about, having to set temporary 
access to set the permanent access, but that's the way it works at the 

Warning: I don't know how the other user registration and authentication 
recipes work, but I do know some of them don't coexist nicely with 
AuthUser, especially the ones which were originally written before AuthUser.

Anticipating your next question, How do I ensure people sign their 
contributions honestly?
After the line in config.php that turns on AuthUser, add the following:
$Author = $AuthId;

htpasswordform requires that you use .htpasswd and .htgroup files for 
storing the passwords, and add a line to Site.AuthUser to tell it to get 
the info from .htpasswd and .htgroup. There may be more to it -- I 
haven't done it myself but others have.

Hope this helps,


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] recognizing read protection

2007-06-07 Thread Sandy
Tegan Dowling wrote:
> I can't speak for Laszlo for sure -- but I know what he asked for 
> resembles what I want:  does this page have a read-attribute set?
> Because if this page does not have a read attribute set (not on the 
> page's ?action=attr nor inherited from the group's 
> GroupAttributes?action=attr), then I want to know that at a glance, when 
> I'm on the page as an admin.
> Certainly, most of what I want to protect, I'll protect by placing in a 
> read-protected area.  But sometimes I'll want to read-protect a page 
> within an unprotected group. OR sometimes I may unprotect 
> (read-attribute = nopass) a page within a read-protected group, and it 
> would be good for me, as an admin, to see something right on the page 
> that could alert me to the fact that I'm looking at / working on such a 
> page.
> I've lived without this, and I can continue to do so, but Laszlo has 
> asked if there's any kind of condition that can be inquired about from 
> within a page to determine it's read-protection-status.  I'd use it if I 
> knew about it.  Is there such a thing?

Is there a variable that can be displayed in the sidebar, and surrounded 
by (:if:) to only show if you've admin privileges?


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Wiki On A Stick

2007-06-07 Thread Sandy
Worked beautifully the second time 'round. First time I downloaded the 
PHP program, not the installer. Oops.

Made one change to the documentation myself, but will leave the 
following for someone who knows more about the guts than I do:

The instructions say to add the contents of abyss.conf.txt to abyss.conf 
. There is no abyss.conf file to add it to; making one consisting of 
abyss.conf.txt worked.

Many thanks!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Wannabe farmer questions

2007-06-08 Thread Sandy
Donald Z. Osborn wrote:
> Thanks for this. Have managed to get things working partway. However the 
> first (and so far only) farmwiki won't let me edit or approve sites (the 
> preloaded pmwiki.org <http://pmwiki.org/> site).
> The wiki.d file is 777
> Is there anything in the farm's local/config.php that one shouldn't have 
> (to avoid conflict? with the wiki home config.php?
> Don

By default, you need to have edit authority, or maybe admin, to approve 
urls. That way, people with mere edit authority won't be able to add 
spam that works.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Clean URLs, backwards compatability

2007-06-08 Thread Sandy
I'm using one of the CleanURL recipes for my farm. (Not sure which one, 
but it works.) Combination of URL rewriting and using CPanel to set the 

The address www.cricket.onebit.ca works fine, and has been for ages.

But I was looking at some old profiles on other sites. One still had
When I go to that URL it gives me Error 404 Not Found.

Is there an easy way I can get both to work?

The www.onebit.ca/cricket/.htaccess consists of the following, and 
nothing else:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^$   index.php  [L]
RewriteRule ^index.php$  index.php  [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?n=$1  [QSA,L]

Thanks in advance,

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Enforce author

2007-06-13 Thread Sandy
Simon wrote:
> marc wrote:
>> Patrick R. Michaud said...
>>> On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 11:45:33PM +0100, marc wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For a site not using authuser, I've forgotten how to enforce an entry in 
>>>> the author field when editing. Could someone please remind me. Thanks.
>>> $EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1;
>> Thanks, Patrick. A search didn't uncover it.
> A search for /Author Required/ returns a generous list of pages.
> Oddly, the second page on the list (which is deprecated)
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/AuthorTracking
> provides the information you were seeking.
> I agree it could be easier to find.
> I suggest that you add a reference to it from the area is seemed natural 
> for you to look for it.

Also, put the words that you looked for on the page you found the 
answer. You can use the (:keyword:) markup if it doesn't fit well with 
the visible text. The more synonyms that are there to be found, the 
better chance the next person will find it.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Backups

2007-06-14 Thread Sandy
jdd wrote:
>> I need to do backups to the local computer without any access to
>> the command-line/shell. Something like: ?action=backup. It's a
>> Linux Box.
>> I have looked at pmwiki/backup and pmwiki/backupandrestore.
>> Restoring is not a problem, I can email the administrator and have
>> him to the restore.
>> Any suggestion?
> copy with konqueror through ftp?
> jdd

I use my ftp client to copy the entire pmwiki directory to my hard 
drive, and the farm directories. Doesn't take long. (Assuming I can get 
multi-threading working properly again; new computers are a pain). One 
could argue that the 1MB of program needn't be copied, but it takes 
longer to deselect them than to just take everything.

Does your administrator have a backup utility? Ours has one that will, 
on our request, email a zip file of our entire account to an address of 
our choice. (Let's hear it for large yahoo accounts!)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] password protection not working

2007-06-14 Thread Sandy
Roderick Dornan wrote:
> I cannot get the password protection of pmwiki working. Environment is 
> Windows XP with Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2 and pmwiki 2.1.27.
> I have set the site admin password (and read and edit) in the config.php 
> file and restarted apache. I have tried setting an individual page 
> password. There is never a prompt for a password.

I don't recognize your name, so I'll assume you're starting from scratch.

Is config.php in the /local directory? The sample-config.php is (last I 
checked) in a different directory by default.

Setting an individual page password should work, though.

Have you tried logging out fully, and closing your browser completely, 
between setting the password and testing it? (Although I thought the 
most recent version cleared everything after a password was changed, to 
facilitate testing.)

If those don't work, ask again.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Clean URLs, backwards compatability

2007-06-14 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 03:17:46PM -0400, Sandy wrote:
>> I'm using one of the CleanURL recipes for my farm. (Not sure which one, 
>> but it works.) Combination of URL rewriting and using CPanel to set the 
>> subdomain.
>> The address www.cricket.onebit.ca works fine, and has been for ages.
>> But I was looking at some old profiles on other sites. One still had
>> www.onebit.ca/cricket
>> When I go to that URL it gives me Error 404 Not Found.
>> Is there an easy way I can get both to work?
> Easiest may be to force a redirect to the correct location.  
> Perhaps something like the following in 
> www.onebit.ca/cricket/.htaccess:
>   RedirectMatch permanent /cricket http://www.cricket.onebit.ca/
> Pm

Success exactly as suggested. Many thanks!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] 2.2.0: add Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter

2007-06-16 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 05:43:12PM -0400, The Editor wrote:
>> On 6/15/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> I prefer 'Site.SiteHeader'.
>> For what it's worth, I found AllGroupHeader counterintuitive, and
>> would also prefer Site.SiteHeader.
> Part of the advantage of AllGroupHeader is that it makes it
> clearer that (:nogroupheader:) will suppress Site.AllGroupHeader.
> It isn't nearly as clear that (:nogroupheader:) would/should 
> suppress Site.SiteHeader.  
> Pm

I'd expect Site.SiteHeader to have stuff that's currently part of the 
skin, and as such not easy to suppress. (Depending on one's view of skin 
vs content.)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] 2.2.0: SiteAdmin group migration

2007-06-16 Thread Sandy
DaveG wrote:
>> They will see it the next time they visit the site, which generally
>> should be immediately after performing the upgrade.  I don't know
>> of any better way to handle this.
> There may not be. I was just pointing out the fairly obvious need to 
> include very prominent 'visit your site' in the upgrade instructions.

Would they have to log in with admin privileges (and for which page) to 
see it?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] 2.2.0: add Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter

2007-06-18 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:15:56AM +0200, Roman wrote:
>> On 6/17/07, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>   Site.DefaultGroupHeader
>>>>   - to be used if a group has no 'GroupHeader'
>>> This has some merit, instead of AllGroupHeader.
>> Please, no. If original suggestion to include AllGroupHeader or
>> SiteHeader in the core has anything in common with my recent question
>> regarding (:messages:) (see
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.pmwiki.user/43988/match=messages+allgroupheader)
>> then I must disagree with DefaultGroupHeader. To include (:messages:)
>> at the top of each page would still require to use AllGroupHeader
>> recipe (or to remmember to put (:messages:) to the top of each
>> GroupHeader).
> More likely, add (:include Site.DefaultGroupHeader:) to the top of
> each GroupHeader.
> I'll write more about this a little later.
> Pm

If we had a DefaultGroupHeader, we'd still need something that appears 
at the top of ALL pages [1]. I'm thinking the site name and logo, 
contact, main links. The DefaultGroupHeader, to me, sounds like an easy 
way to have multiple groups share an existing bit of code at the top; 
would and "include" directive work instead?

[1] except, of course, those pages where it was turned off, and can also 
turn off for all in the group


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] page history question

2007-06-18 Thread Sandy
The Editor wrote:
> On 6/18/07, Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Often someone opened a page for editing,
>> did no changes, and saved it again.
>> This appears as an empty entry in the page history,
>> and also on the RecentChanges page.
>> Can it be configured that it will not appear in the page
>> history and in RecentChanges and AllRecentChanges?
>> Can this be done on pmwiki.org?
>> Often I check a page because there is a RecentChanges entry,
>> only to find that there is no change at all, but an empty
>> page history entry. I'd like to avoid these checks.
>> Or is something else going on?
> I'm guessing there are changes in the attributes, particularly the
> lastmodified field, and maybe author. Probably these changes prompt
> the entry. But it would be good I suppose if PmWiki could avoid
> recording these changes. Unless there's cases where a user might want
> to "touch" a file for some reason... But even then, perhaps PmWiki
> could skip the recent changes entry. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
> Cheers,
> Dan

I can see some admins wanting to be notified if those attributes are 
changed. So, if that's what triggered the change, maybe those details 
should be added to the history. May want to be a bit vague or limit full 
details by view level. E.g., Password changes are important to the 
admin, not the average viewer.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Page redirect

2007-06-18 Thread Sandy
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:16:38 -0500
> "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Perhaps better would be to use an ErrorDocument handler:
>> ErrorDocument 404 /wiki/Main/SiteMap
>> This says that all requests resulting in 404 Not Found should be
>> redirected to the SiteMap.
> What's the difference between:
> Main/SiteMap
> and
> Site/SiteMap

They are two different pages, with different content.

Pages in the Site group, by convention, are referred to from several 
other pages. Things like the site-wide sidebar and the search form.

Main is the first group created by a default install.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] 2.2.0: add Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter

2007-06-19 Thread Sandy
H. Fox wrote:
> On 6/18/07, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I guess we can leave
>> the existing implementation alone, and have all sites
>> customize to whatever they wish as recipes.
> FWIW I would like to see it in the core, mainly as a place for
> sitewide wikistyles.  For (just one) example, it's a way authors can
> define sitewide wikistyles and do
>Lorem ipsum.
>Dolor sit amet.
> with the style of their divisions customized to taste.
> Hagan

Can a GroupHeader include a page that has the sitewide wikistyles?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] New PmWiki skin

2007-06-26 Thread Sandy
SkinsGallery looks like it was a huge amount of work, but it will save a 
lot of time for new users later!

I've changed one thing: Added "as of June 2007" to the title.


Ian MacGregor wrote:
> Seems it's already been fixed. Thank you Hagan :)
> Ian MacGregor
> On Sunday 24 June 2007 10:31:57 am Doug Johnson wrote:
>> SkinsGallery is REALLY useful.  Minor issue, the link between jhmpskin
>> and jhskin are reversed (jhskin picture links to jhmpskin)
>> Ian MacGregor wrote:
>>> I have released a new skin for PmWiki. This skin is called Rounded. It is
>>> a soft blue and white skin with rounded corners:
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/RoundedSkin
>>> Don't forget to tell everyone about the Skins Gallery page:
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SkinsGallery
>>> Regards,
>>> Ian MacGregor

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Changes not being saved - more information

2007-06-26 Thread Sandy
Kevin Hayes wrote:
> I got no response last time, so I'll post again, with a bit of new
> information. This is a possible show-stopper with this wiki, as I have
> a number of very novice users and they can't work with it
> consistently.
> I'm having a tricky and annoying problem with one of my wikis.
> On some pages, changes are not being saved. No error message, just no
> save, nothing in history. Other pages are fine. I can also create new
> pages with no problems, but then can't guarantee further edits are
> saved. It may relate to the amount of text being pasted
> in, but this isn't consistent either.
> New - it definitely relates to the amount of text in the page being
> saved. Too much (I haven't quantified it yet) and the changes aren't
> saved, history shows nothing happening.

I had a similar problem. Very frustrating. (I managed to catch Pm on 
chat and he diagnosed it in seconds.)

In my case, I narrowed it down to the word "open" about 300 words in. 
Earlier or later was fine, but not there.

Diagnosis: php security module was being over-cautious. It could be a 
php script trying to open a file it shouldn't!!

Work-around: replace the offending word with op[=en=] . The extra 
characters tell PmWiki to send the contents through without interpreting 
them. (Normally used for showing wiki-text in the documentation.)

Full fix: Set up a separate page showing the problem in the wiki for my 
host's support team and send them details of problem and diagnosis. Not 
sure what they did, but it my access logs show it took them 20 minutes 
and four tries.

Hope this helps,


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Site.AuthList Questions

2007-06-26 Thread Sandy
Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Aloha, Patrick:
> Thanks for including this in the core.
> 1) I upgraded
> 2) went to Site.AuthList
> 3) All we we are  **  everywhere.
> 4) click to login
> 5) enter the "topmost" password  that I have set for the site... in
> farmconfig.php
> $DefaultPasswords['admin'] ='$1$px1OwiFE* (etc)
> instead of re-rendering the page with visible passwords, PMwiki drops me
> back into the login form.
> should AuthUser.php be installed for this to work (I never installed
> AuthUser.php but can and probably will)
> Sivakatirswami

I think AuthUser.php is now included in the core.

I had thought AuthTable showed the same information as action=attrib, 
but it doesn't look like it. Seems to this non-programmer a 
straight-forward job to turn the attrib's into a table.

Back to AuthUser. On the attrib pages, it shows either  for an 
classic-style password, or id:George or @GroupOne , which is much more 

It will also allow you to add / remove individuals without affecting 
others, and track authors more accurately.

Downside is that each person must be given a name and password, and 
you'll have to update SiteAdmin/AuthUser for each person. And then 
you'll have to stick people into user groups. (Each person can be in an 
unlimited number of user groups.) But you'd have to do much of this with 
any of the other methods.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Site.AuthList Questions

2007-06-28 Thread Sandy
Tegan Dowling wrote:

> If, however, you use ?action=login to take the user to the login screen, 
> and the user enters that password, the wiki will indeed authenticate the 
> user, but won't take the user back to the page they were on when they 
> clicked the link.  Instead, the login screen remains -- confusing even 
> expert users into thinking that the password has failed.

What about the way Pmwiki.org does Site/PageActions? Only the actions 
you are allowed to do show, so if you're not allowed to do anything, you 
see nothing. Maybe add "Current user can do the following on this page."

It won't help if the user is on a page they have only read permission 
for, but it will help for the pages they can do more on.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] PITS vs. JITS

2007-07-10 Thread Sandy
Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Kathryn Andersen wrote:

>> I use AuthUser with HtpasswdForm and settings to require author names
>> and to force the author names to be the same as the logins.
>> Advantages:
>> - self-registration makes it easier for both the users and the admin

Note: AuthUser alone does not have self-registration. As Kathryn said, 
her setup includes HtpasswdForm.

> "Self-registration" implies anyone can create a new user
> but if you don't want your site to be public...
> How do you limit who can actually create a new user?
>   I think of self-registration like a Yahoo group
> where anyone can do it. But on our wiki I need to be
> able to decide who can get inbut we don't
> want to force a double authentication requirement
> for those who are already registered.
> Sivakatirswami

How about a "Welcome stranger" page?

Does the registration system have a "hold for approval" setting. I run 
some non-wiki lists where the user does most of the registration 
themselves, then I get an email saying my approval is needed. Approval 
then consists of me logging in and clicking "approve NewGuy".


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] HTML to pmWiki

2007-08-27 Thread Sandy
Thomas Gemperli wrote:
> Hi
> On 16.08.2007, at 08:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Has anybody any experience by converting regular HTML pages to pmWiki?
>> Is there even some tool support available?
> Yes, there is a perl tool:
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-WikiConverter/bin/html2wiki
> An example:
> $ html2wiki —dialect=PmWiki —encoding=iso-8859–1 page.php > page.wiki
> You can generate a filelist of your site (find ... ) and loop  
> html2wiki in your shell (for i in $list; do ... ), an easy way to  
> convert a whole website. The result is often helpfull, you don't have  
> to write an existing page from the scratch.
> Thomas


The second one is more limited, but also safer. You give it a list of 
HTML codes to pass through. The first one, I'm not sure if it'll pass 
through something dangerous or not (I trust the programmer, but I don't 
see anywhere if this was a quickie utility for her own site, or 
something more robust.)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] How to change title window tag on pmwiki website

2007-08-27 Thread Sandy
H. Fox wrote:
> On 8/25/07, Karina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using pmwiki on my website.  And I'd like to change the window title tag
>> throughout the site (but i'll take even just on the main page ) Right now, 
>> the
>> header is:
>> PmWiki | Main / Mysite.org
>> I'd like it just to say:
>> Mysite.org
>> This is also affecting my yahoo ranking, because i cannot rank
>> as "Mysite.org".  I'm instead being downlisted because my title appears
>> as "PmWiki | Main / Mysite.org "
> Modify the appropriate line in the skin template file.  If you are
> using the default skin, see the 'Modifying the "pmwiki" skin' section
> of this page:
> Try this line:
>$WikiTitle : {$Titlespaced} $ActionTitle
> and be sure to set $WikiTitle in config.php
>$WikitTitle = 'Mysite.org';
> Hagan

What about $WikiTitle in config.php?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] meta key words

2007-08-27 Thread Sandy
It can take some time (try months) for the search engines to notice your 

You can register your page (and even changes) with Google. I think it's 
called SiteMap. Read what Google has to say about it as well.


Jeff wrote:
> Thank you for the link Pedko,
> That is the info I was looking for. I did perform a search but must have 
> danced around that page rather than finding it. Hopefully I will do a better 
> keyword search the next time. :)
> Jeff
> ___
> Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com
> The most personalized portal on the Web!

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] restricting edits?

2007-08-31 Thread Sandy
Chris Carter wrote:

> Q. I don't know if this is a technical issue or a site management 
> issue.  I'm spending lots of time creating pages with links, fonts, 
> outlines, page sections, etc. that look just right. Is there any way to 
> password protect (or otherwise restrict) edits on my original 
> text/formatting?  I just want people to be able to add information below 
> each heading/section, without the ability to mess up my formatting.  If 
> there is no technical solution, does one have to just monitor page edits 
> on a daily basis? 

> Thanks.
> Chris

What do you refer to by "creating pages with links, fonts, outlines, 
page sections, etc."? Depending on what you mean, there are different 

1. Much of this sounds like it should be in the skin or site-wide 
sub-pages.  (The contents of any box in the skin is edited just like a 
page, but I call them sub-pages because they normally appear as part of 
a page.)

2. If it truly is content (stuff that varies between pages), then 
password protect the entire site (in config.php) and add CommentBox or 
CommentBoxPlus to pages where others can add information.

3. If you are repeating a lot of the formatting commands, consider 
adding them to the skin.

Do you have a URL you could show us?

I'm assuming you're familiar with "skin" and "page" and "content". If 
not, ask again and we'll give you the newbie tour. (Or point you to it.) 
It's only scary when you dive into the middle.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] PmWiki and ISYS

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
marc wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm involved with a company that uses ISYS
>   http://www.isys-search.com/
> for their document management.
> They'd like to add their PmWiki site to ISYS, but since it scans the 
> source files, this will clearly not work.
> Is the best way forward to periodically create a static web-site from 
> PmWiki and scan this? Or is there a better way?

You can create a static web-site from PmWiki using wget. You can also 
create a PDF of it. Lots of info in the cookbook.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Hiding the edit button (:if auth admin:)

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 08:45:59PM -0400, Sameer Kumar wrote:
>> How about Opera?? Is there a key combination that would work in Opera?
> According to the sites I searched (google for "opera accesskey"),
> it looks like hitting Shift+ESC enables accesskeys.  So, hitting
> Shift+ESC followed by 'E' should be enough to activate editing
> from Opera.
> Pm

I never did get this to work reliably. I'm using FireFox, and FireFox 
keeps grabbing the codes itself.

Not to mention all the other browsers out there. So, if it works for 
your client it's a great main method, but you should have another method 
as backup, in case he's on the road or his current computer dies. (Not 
that clients' computers ever die.)

Maybe create a page Admin/, but don't link to it from any other page on 
the site. That way, he just has to type www.mysite.com/Admin . Once he's 
logged in, ifauth should work.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Educational Uses of PM Wiki

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

>>3.)  Also, can I create a page in another application other than PM WIki.
>>WHich script should I run to do that?

If you write in HTML, you can use:

Otherwise, try one of several recipes beginning with "Include" on

But I'd definitely try Pm's first.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Search for empty links? Stub tag?

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
Donald Z. Osborn wrote:
> These have got to be dumb question with easy answers but I can't find them:
> How to search for links that do not yet have pages? (It would help me 
> follow up on things and it might be useful to have a page of "pages 
> needing to be created")
> Is there a way to tag or flag pages for further input, and then to 
> generate a list of those on another page? (Here too the idea is to 
> facilitate focus on areas needing work)

The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked,...

I still use RefCount
But I suspect PageList can now do it all.

I, and the PmWiki site, use categories and PageList for this.

Quick overview:

There is a special group called Categories. A page linked to 
Category.One will be in category ToDo.

A page can be in many categories at once, just keep adding links.

There is a shortcut. [[!ToDo]] is the same as [[Category.ToDo]].

You do not have to create the page Category.One.

To list all the pages in a category, use PageList.
(:pagelist link=Category.To.Do:)
This is a list of all pages that link to Category.ToDo.

If you want to get fancy, you can add a line to config.php to 
automatically create a page in Category when you link a page to a new 
category. Then in Category.PageFooter, you add
(:pagelist link=
Okay, my memory's getting fuzzy here. You want it to show links to the 
page being shown, not the PageFooter. Something about a star.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] INSTANT UPDATE: EditMore... NEW RECIPE: ShortCutsMarkup...

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
Mike Shanley wrote:
> Expanded and Improved!
> Now you can create a list of tags--that is, categories that you can't 
> see on the page--and enforce it if you like.
> ...
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/EditMore
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ShortCutsMarkup

Is there an example of this in action?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Farms

2007-09-07 Thread Sandy
Mark Trumpold wrote:
> Hi All
> If I make a farmconfig I place that in the wiki 1 That will be the home
> wiki. I leave the local config there right?
> Thanks
> M

The config file in the home directory is for the home (first) wiki. You 
will need a separate config file for each of the fields (assuming you 
want to change anything from the farmconfig file, like the field's name 
or skin).

Each field directory is very similar to the main one, but it doesn't 
have all the source code and some of the pointers in the config files 
have to point all the way back to the original directory. You'll also 
have a different .htaccess file if you're using clean URLs.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Hiding the edit button (:if auth admin:)

2007-09-10 Thread Sandy
H. Fox wrote:
> On 9/7/07, Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 08:45:59PM -0400, Sameer Kumar wrote:
>>>> How about Opera?? Is there a key combination that would work in Opera?
>>> According to the sites I searched (google for "opera accesskey"),
>>> it looks like hitting Shift+ESC enables accesskeys.  So, hitting

>> I never did get this to work reliably. I'm using FireFox, and FireFox
>> keeps grabbing the codes itself.
> I don't think Firefox 2.x uses any key combination that could be an access 
> key.
> Note that, e.g. where the accesskey is e, in Firefox 1.x the key
> combination was Alt-e and in Firefox 2.x it's Shift-Alt-e .
> Hagan

Yep, that works on PmWiki, now to stick it into a skin again.


Still, shouldn't count on the client, traveling or subject to the whims 
of his IT department, supplemented by Murphy, knowing which arcane 
keystroke combination he needs for the particular version of the browser 
he's using today. All he wants to do is fix a typo; looking it up in 
Google, assuming he knows what to look for, can turn a five-minute job 
into a real hassle.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] MySQl Plug In

2007-09-14 Thread Sandy
David Fionda wrote:

> By the way, anyone know how large wikis can get with PM Wiki and still have
> goo d performance?

The short answer is: Huge!

The slightly longer answer is: Limited only by your server.

The more detailed answer is this thread: 
In that thread, the record is the TAMU-CC Student Wiki, which had over 
200,000 pages running from a single wiki. There's also advice on what to 
do if things start to get sluggish.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] UPDATE: EditMore v1.2

2007-09-19 Thread Sandy
Mike Shanley wrote:
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/EditMore
> *New and Improved!*
> DEMO at
> http://demo.upisup.com

I like, I like!! As soon as updating the wiki moves higher up the list, 
this one is going in.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] The structure of pmwiki

2007-10-11 Thread Sandy
Matthias Günther wrote:

> version=pmwiki-2.2.0-beta57 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
> agent=Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.5 (like Gecko)
> author=
> charset=ISO-8859-1
> csum=
> ctime=1162005298
> host=
> name=Site.InfoBar
> rev=2
> targets=Site.InfoBar,Site.Search
> text=>>id=info-left%3c%3c%0a* %25item rel='nofollow' class='home noborder'
> accesskey='$[ak_home]'%25[[ {$ScriptUrl}?action=home | $[Home] ]]%0a(:if 
> !authid
> :)%0a* %25item rel='nofollow' class='login' accesskey='$[ak_login]'%25[[
> {*$FullName}?action=login | $[Login] ]]%0a(:ifend:)%0a(:if authid :)%0a* 
> %25item
> rel='nofollow' class='l
> What is that? It's like chinese for me :-). Can someone explain this for me. 
> And
> I found out that the pmwiki source contains also such files in the folder
> wikilib.d . 

Sitegroup.infobar isn't intended for direct editing. It's actually a 
pmwiki page, Sitegroup/InfoBar . It's much easier to edit the page 
through pmwiki, and the program will look after all that hidden stuff 
for you.

(I assume you can get to a specific page directly; if not, let us know, 
and send us the URL of your main page. Details vary, depending on 
whether and how you did CleanURLs.)

A tmpl file is actually an HTML file with extra 

Re: [pmwiki-users] FCK Editor Install

2007-10-11 Thread Sandy
David Fionda wrote:
> Hi All   
> I  decided to try to install the FCK Editor in my wiki.

Did you get this working at all? The last I'd heard, this wasn't working 
at all. I'm leery of any wysiwyg editors for pmwiki; there's always an 
advanced feature I want, and usually flipping between wysiwyg and 
editing the code directly breaks something. Also, the editor would have 
to be upgraded every time pmwiki's formats are.

This will be one of the benefits of Creole. With many wikis using the 
same syntax, there will be several wysiwyg editors, some of which may be 
pretty good, rather than needing a different version of the editor for 
each wiki.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] .SideBar content

2007-10-12 Thread Sandy
drew wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Am currently developing a small website that will use a horizontal menu 
> bar per SimpleTab skin. Each menu bar selection will open its our group 
> page and custom sidebar.
> I have created empty group.sidebar files but am unsure what their source 
> code must look like - is there some minimal content requirement? Can I 
> simply copy an existing site.sidebar and edit it as needed?
> Thanks for all suggestions
> -drew

First, you should create and edit group.sidebar files from within the 
wiki. It's not strictly required, but it's an awful lot easier!

(If you really do want to create them with a text editor, look here:

Yes, copying the source of an existing sidebar is the best way to start. 
  Use ?action=source to see the code.

Also, base yours on a sidebar that already looks good in the skin you 
choose. The way they separate list items and put in bullets, etc., is a 
combination of skin (html and css) and wiki code. So wiki code that 
looks good in one skin might not look good in another.

Hope this helps!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Question about menus

2007-10-12 Thread Sandy
Andrei Pandelescu wrote:
> Hello, 
> Just started using pmwiki to help organize my work documentation but
> encountered a bit of a problem that I seem not to be able to find an
> answer to in the instructions. 
> Problem is - i can't find the place I can change the menu items from,
> for the left-hand menu. 
> Please - if you could help me - it will mean a great deal as this is the
> 4th day of tries :)
> Much appreciated,
> Andrei

Do you mean the menu items in the left-hand menu? In the default 
install, there's an "Edit SideBar" link; just click on that. Depending 
on how you set it up, it may ask you for a password; that's another topic.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] OT: Annoying Phone Call claiming to be from Google Adware

2007-10-17 Thread Sandy
This might be a bit of a rant, so be warned.

I just got a call from someone in a noisy phone-farm, with a definite 
accent, asking to talk to "the person who manages my company website".

I assume her bosses got our number from our domain name registration, 
but they didn't bother to give her the name of the Admin contact, or our 
company name, or the domain name (all of which takes one whois command; 
if I know how to do it, I'm sure Google does too). I don't think I gave 
our phone number when I registered with Google as a Site Manager (for 

She claimed to be a junior account something, and wanted to sell me the 
services of a Google Ad-something Professional. I didn't bother 
listening too clearly; impatience won over curiosity. May have been 
Adsense, may have been Advertising. But she had to ask if we were 
already using Google Ad-something!

Does anyone know if Google really has stooped this low? Cold-calling 
everyone with a domain name? The least they could do is give their 
caller more information. Like, check their own records about whether I 
already have an account with them? For all they know, I'm already paying 
them big bucks for platinum-titanium service.

My gut feeling is that it's someone fudging their intro spiel, trying to 
make me pay them money to give me advice that Google gives on their site 
for free, but my gut's been wrong before.

Anyone else get a similar call? Maybe someone who had more patience or 



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Italian translation of PmWiki

2007-10-17 Thread Sandy
Arrigo Marchiori wrote:
> Dear everybody,
> I got no answer since then, neither by e-mail neither from the pages
> (I'm watching the RecentChanges page). Therefore, I'm writing here, so
> that you can tell me if I'm doing something wrong!

Most people only watch the pages they're actively interested in, so 
making changes to a wiki page does not automatically mean the right 
people will see it. So, yes, it's best to write to the group, at least 
until you know people are watching those pages.

It's good to hear that another language is being added!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] html2wiki

2007-10-18 Thread Sandy
Mark Trumpold wrote:
> Hi all
> I looked at the cookbook and it seemed somewhat unclear but is there an easy
> way to convert html to php?
> Thanks
> Mark

HTML to PHP, or HTML to PmWiki? PHP is the programming language that 
takes the PmWiki(is there a correct name?) and translates it to HTML.

So you're probably looking for HTML to PmWiki.

If you have a lot, try IncludeUpload and EnableHTML.

IncludeUpload allows you to upload and then include an HTML file in a 
page; I don't think it checks for safety, so if there's malicious 
JavaScript, you're in trouble. Also, I don't know if it strips out 
things like the  tags; if it doesn't, you'll get two of them in 
the output, which is bad. A good tool if you're the only one preparing 
the HTML file. Not so good if you let everyone use it.

EnableHTML is safer, but more restrictive. You state which HTML tags you 
want to allow. You can then combine those tags with PmWiki text when 
editing. Any tags you don't list will look funny on the final page, but 
at least you won't run any scripts by accident.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] html2wiki

2007-10-19 Thread Sandy
Kathryn Andersen wrote:

>> A good tool if you're the only one preparing 
>> the HTML file. Not so good if you let everyone use it.
> It was written with the intent to make things easier if you already have
> HTML files that you don't (yet) want to convert to PmWiki format.  It
> was NOT intended to replace PmWiki pages altogether.  It's more oriented
> towards using PmWiki as a CMS rather than a free-for-all wiki.
> There are trade-offs in using it.
> Kathryn Andersen
> (author of IncludeUpload)


I don't want imply this recipe isn't great; it fills a real need. (And 
if I ever stop procrastinating and start writing again, I'll use it on 
my own site. One less conversion to deal with. Now if only Word or 
OpenOffice would produce nice, clean HTML,...)

I'm just over-cautious about recommending something which someone might 
assume it's safer than it was designed to be.

I've added your comments here to the page under "Warning", as well as 
clarifying that  is stripped out.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Newbie Alert!!! - basic site security?

2007-10-19 Thread Sandy
> On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:47:37 +0200
> Johnny Ernst Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>> For the second method you enable the module AuthUser.
>> Then you define your users and your user groups in the page 
>> SiteAdmin.AuthUser
>> Finally you set the proper permissions for your users and groups
>> in config.php
>> Se here:
>> <http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/AuthUser>
>> With this method you can give indvidual permissions to
>> individual people.
> ...
> Very interesting, but do you a link or an explanation on how to
> apply a user group such as @office to a subgroup of pages such
> as: /Administration/* and @management only has access to /Mgnt/*?

To add an ID or a group to a page (or group of pages), see here:


You really should read those two pages; most of it may not apply, but it 
will get you going. The pages also discuss some advanced options which 
you may not need.

In a nutshell:

You go to the MyPage?action=attr , where MyPage is the URL for the page 
in question. That screen allows you to enter passwords to the page.

You enter the ID or the group in the same way you enter passwords, 
except you use the following format:

The page "GroupName.GroupAttributes" adds passwords to the page group 

(Yes, Group can mean a group of users, or a group of pages.)

Passwords for the entire site should be set in config.php.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] www.netregistry.com.au

2007-10-22 Thread Sandy
Jamie Mckean wrote:
> Hello All
> NetRegistry has installed the PMwiki and have been heavily utilising 
> it's features for over 6 months now with great success.

That's good to hear.

> There are a few 
> problems that we are facing which we require help with.

That's less good, but typical. That's why this group exists.

> 1. configuring the advanced search for PM wiki 
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PageLists
> I have tried adding this feature to NetRegistry's wiki however i am 
> having some trouble getting it to work correctly
>  From what i can tell we need to insert the new strings into the file 
> pagelist.php.

Can you give us a more specific example of what you're trying to do?

Other than that,
(Big, red, bold, stars...)
Never, ever, change a php file you got with the source distribution. If 
you do, you will have to redo the change every time you upgrade.

> 2. After our team deletes an entry from the wiki, it is deleted 
> successfully. When searching for a keyword the deleted pages still show 
> up in the search results.

Try deleting wiki.d/.pageindex and .lastmod .



pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] PmWiki and GoDaddy

2007-10-23 Thread Sandy
One of the neighbours has started a very small business and purchased a 
domain name and hosting from GoDaddy.

If she tires of their "Website Tonight", should I encourage her to try 
PmWiki there, or move her domain elsewhere?

How do they handle updates?
How do they handle the cookbook?
Is there anything else I should be aware of but haven't thought to ask?



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] www.netregistry.com.au

2007-10-29 Thread Sandy
Sandy wrote:
> Jamie Mckean wrote:
>> Hello All
>> NetRegistry has installed the PMwiki and have been heavily utilising 
>> it's features for over 6 months now with great success.
>> 2. After our team deletes an entry from the wiki, it is deleted 
>> successfully. When searching for a keyword the deleted pages still show 
>> up in the search results.
> Try deleting wiki.d/.pageindex and .lastmod .
> Cheers!
> Sandy


  Jamie Mckean wrote:
 > Hi Sandy
 > As you already probably know NetRegistry is on of Australia's largest 
webhosting and domain Registrars. We have currently been using the wiki 
for the last 6 months and it is a fantastic wiki software.
 > The problem however is that our team relies heavily on the huge 
amounts of data that has been inserted into the wiki to help our team 
with their technical support role.
 > We are constantly deleting entries from the wiki to keep our 
information up to date, however when using the search function that 
comes with pmwiki all the deleted entries are still showing up.
 > I have tried your recommendation
 > deleting wiki.d/.pageindex and .lastmod
 > However when searching for deleted content it still shows up.
 > For instance
 > I created a side bar
 > %sidehead% Notes
 > * [[Notes/Personal Notes]]
 > In the side bar i have
 > * [[Personal Notes/Geoff]]
 > * [[Personal Notes/Jane]]
 > * [[Personal Notes/Daniel]]
 > * [[Personal Notes/Karla]]
 > When i delete one line i.e karla in the edit mode
 > * [[Personal Notes/Geoff]]
 > * [[Personal Notes/Jane]]
 > * [[Personal Notes/Daniel]]
 > and click save, the record karla is gone.
 > However when i go to the search bar and type karla
 > the search comes up with
 > Results of search for  karla:
 > PersonalNotes /
 > karla
 > still shows up
 > i deleted the file
 > wiki.d/.pageindex and .lastmod
 > rm: cannot remove `.lastmod': No such file or directory ( this has 
already been deleted so this is a good response)
 > rm .pageindex (i assume this page is recreated everytime i do a search)
 > The only way i have found to successfully delete the file is directly 
on the server by going to wiki.d/PersonalNotes.Karla and deleting this file.
 > I understand that this is a floor in pm wiki's design and it will be 
fixed in the next release. In the mean time is there any way around this 
 > Your assistance would help many people with their jobs and will be 
greatly appreciated.
 > As for the advanced search function i will write up another e-mail 
and forward more information to you.


First, you should reply to the list as a whole, not just me. That way 
others can step in as well. (This email is going directly to you, and to 
the list.) Also, there's a preference on this list against top-posting. 
(One of the interfaces won't allow it, others prefer to see the quotes 
in order. It also reduces the habit of quoting the quotes of the quotes.)

Deleting the line [[PersonalNotes/Karla]] removes the link to Karla's 
page, but doesn't affect the actual page.

Try deleting the page through the wiki by the contents of the page 
PersonalNotes/Karla with the word "delete"? This will delete the file in 
wiki.d. Any links to the page will now be broken, but can be found with 

The only wiki-generated files you should delete directly through the OS 
are the ones I listed earlier. (.pageindex and .lastmod) Even those will 
automatically regenerate, but sometimes it takes a while for the 
regeneration to be triggered. (I remember vague plans to be able to 
trigger regeneration from within the wiki, but not what happened to 
those plans.)

See here for more details:

(Just in case you changed the $DeleteKeyPattern)

Hope this helps!


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Ban a domain?

2007-10-29 Thread Sandy
> Hi,
> Is there a way to ban a domain from accessing my wiki? I don't
> just want to ban them from posting, but I want to ban them 
> from reading/accessing the wiki.

If they're that insistent on reading, they can easily find a computer in 
a different domain. Every little library branch around here has internet 
terminals, and there are internet cafes everywhere (one friend updated 
his travel blog from the most unlikely places; we suspect one of them 
harvested his Yahoo email addresses, sigh. He's not terribly computer 
literate, so an easy victim.)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] newbie - login methods

2007-10-30 Thread Sandy
Duarte Carreira wrote:
> Hello.
> After the usual decision nightmare, I've settled with PmWiki! (at least 
> I think so...)
> One major objective is to have a somewhat secure wiki that allows our 
> team to login and edit pages. Everyone else can read.
> 1) only the team will be able to edit
> I used AuthUser and created a few users and put them in a Group. Then 
> setup a password like the manual said:
> |$DefaultPasswords| 
> <http://dnc1v2/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=PmWiki.SecurityVariables#DefaultPasswords>['edit']
> = array('@DIGC', '@admins');
> But I don't see any efect of this... everyone can edit everything.
> Unless I setup the Group security, by using the GroupAttributes page. 
> But this is not a login, it's only a password.
> So, summing up:
>  * how can I have a login that gives edit privileges to a group of users?
>  * how to insert the user's login on edited pages/blog entries?
>  * is it possible for PmWiki to recognize a user's windows login 
> automagically?
> Thank you all!
> Duarte Carreira

It looks like this call for help got buried in the group. I hope you're 
still with PmWiki.

Yes, you will be able to have a wiki that a team can login and edit, and 
everyone can read. Many of us have done that, including me.

To add an "allowed group" to a GroupAttributes page, you enter 
@UserGroupName  or  id:UserName  instead of a password.

When PmWiki was first developed, only passwords were used. AuthUser came 
about later. (Note to self, or anyone who tackles it first; this 
question is so common that the manual may need tweaking. The default 
text for action=attr should include it, too, now that AuthUser is part 
of the core.)

You link UserName and Password on the Site.AuthUser page. (Note: I'm not 
sure where that page ended up after Site group got split.) You put 
people into groups on the same page.

Search the documentation for $EnablePostAuthorRequired; you set it in 
config.php. I'm pretty sure it works for blog entries as well.

I'm not sure what you mean by "recognize a user's windows login 
automatically". The default is that it remembers the user until the 
browser is closed (or browser session is ended). Details are on the site 
or in the mailing list archives.

I hope this helps,


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Installing PmWiki...

2007-11-12 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> So, my question is:  what methods and tools are people typically 
> using to install PmWiki to a webserver?  I'll try to use the same
> or similar tools when creating the videos.

I don't have shell access. I can understand (or ask about) Unix 
commands, and then do the equivalent in another way.

I use SmartFTP, which handles CHMOD, but sometimes I do a quick edit 
through CPanel.

I use CPanel to control subaccounts. I notice CPanel writes to .htaccess 
files. I have done minimal editing on .htaccess files and haven't 
noticed a conflict, yet.

I don't know if CPanel (or its competitors) does mass uploads or CHMOD, 
but if it does I can see someone using it directly, cutting the FTP out 
of the sequence entirely.

(I'm very happy that PmWiki doesn't need a database. Learning to create 
and link one might be very easy, but learning too many things at once is 
a bad idea; you never know which step you made the mistake in.)



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] New skin - Maguila - reposting

2007-11-14 Thread Sandy
> I did a new skin for PmWiki called Maguila. 
> The files were uploaded and the page was filled with information about the 
> skin and is here -> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MaguilaSkin .
> Can someone install it ?
> CarlosAB

I like the way you show the overall layout, the skin-summary. That's an 
important step in designing a skin.

You did a lot of work to make it very compatible and flexible.

I also like the colours. Easy to read, and the sections are clearly defined.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Ideas for "simpler" config settings (EasyConfig?)

2007-11-16 Thread Sandy
Just some random ideas (good, bad, hasty, convoluted and otherwise), to 
add to the stuff stewing in the back-brains of those who might 
eventually work on it.

The forms processing may now be sophisticated enough to handle it.

Are those who can't edit a php file in the target client group?

List the variable and maybe a drop-down box of options. Maybe need two 
pages (data and form). Would be in SiteAdmin group, and locked down 
tightly. By default, only admin password.

For each item, add a "use value in config.php" option.

For each item, include "use default value", and one big "restore all 

If is an integer setting, list both the value and description. eg:
0 AuthUser Off
1 AuthUser On

If variable in config.php and easyconfig conflict, use this easyconfig. 
Do on variable-by-variable basis.
-- add variable to config.php to make config.php win at all times.

Will be much discussion over which variables should / should not be 
included in easy-config. For now, do the ones in sampleconfig, with same 
defaults. If this is done, might be able to eliminate sampleconfig.

Scope: farm or wiki? Two easyconfig pages, identical except for scope; 
same precedence as config.php / farmconfig / groupconfig (oops, that's 
three). (idea: Local wins, at same level easyconfig wins unless config 
for that level says no.)

Keep sampleconfig as example for those who can edit php but don't write 
it. Can leave out anything that's in easyconfig.

What about order of lines in config.php? It sometimes counts, esp with 
include instructions. I can see that getting complicated.

Include "create config.php file from this easyconfig page" option. Text 
file to be copied to right directory. Useful if need to

List all the skins in drop down. Increase the "wow! fast! easy! 
dramatic!" reaction.

Maybe encourage one of the skins with variable settings. Is there one 
that is configured with a form? Include link to this form.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] OT: Graphics program to add to my Xmas wish list

2007-11-19 Thread Sandy
Is there a student-priced program to make images of text, using nice 
fonts, colours, borders, effects, etc.?

(Yes, I will use restraint and  tags, but I critiqued a site for a 
friend yesterday, and the images really made a good impression, 
especially for the callouts.)

Thanks in advance!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] OT: Graphics program to add to my Xmas wish list

2007-11-20 Thread Sandy
Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 01:24:31PM -0500, Sandy wrote:
>> Is there a student-priced program to make images of text, using nice 
>> fonts, colours, borders, effects, etc.?
> Cheapest there can be: free!
> GIMP is the premier open source graphics program.
> http://www.gimp.org
> It includes plugins that can do some nifty effects on text automatically
> (or you could do it by hand, but that would be more complicated,
> naturally)
> Now we return you to your regular scheduled PmWiki-ing...
> Kathryn Andersen

Wow! I looked at the tutorials on flying logos and golden text. That
Lightening-Effects plugin would probably do the raised border with
rounded corners that caught my attention in the first place. A few more 
settings than I was looking for, but the tutorial and defaults look 
good. Well worth learning, and it will serve other needs as well.

And the price? Yep, student-priced, and proof that open-source works!

Thanks muchly!


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Slow page loading and web hosts

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Randy Brown wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Ian!
> FYI, pages that took 20 seconds to load on Slow-Daddy now load in < 1  
> second, without any change in code.
> Randy
> On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:27 AM, Ian Barton wrote:
>> Many decent hosting services will offer you a Satisfaction  
>> Guarantee, sort of like a 30 day trial. My hosting company 
>> (http://www.a2hosting.com 
>> ) does this. Why don't you open a new account on this basis.

I added that site to the "PmWiki Friendly Hosting" page.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Clean URLs (Another question from the newbie)

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Tom Hayden wrote:
> I am attempting to create "clean URLs" for my website. I am currently 
> developing on my home machine to get all the bugs worked out before I 
> transfer everything to the real site.

Uh, you may be learning a lot, but not necessarily what you need to learn.

Is your "real site" the same setup as your home machine? I know just 
enough about servers and such to know that 90% of the same, if they look 
similar, then they are (and all the experts think I'm paranoid for 
triple-checking things), but that last 10% is a doozy.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Login/Logout link

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Sameer Kumar wrote:
> I am using the Pmwiki skin on my installation. I currently only have a 
> site wide ‘edit’ password and no ‘read’ password.
> On the top right corner, as a part of the PageHeaderFmt, the skin 
> includes “Recent Changes” and the search box.
> I would like to remove the link for “Recent Changes” and replace it with 
> “Login”, which would change to “Logout” in case the reader has ‘edit’ 
> authorization.
> How can I do this in the skin.tmpl file? All help is greatly appreciated!

First, I would do it in the sidebar (or other included page, like 
PageActions), rather than directly in the skin.tmpl. (Early skins put 
this sort of thing in the tmpl file, but newer skins put it in included 
pages; it's much easier to edit them, and you can use markup and recipes 
and all sorts of neat goodies.)

(:if auth edit:)

Check out
http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ConditionalMarkup for related neat things.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Nifty css/php trick, but is it safe?

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
> Em Sexta 30 Novembro 2007 13:43, Tegan Dowling escreveu:
 you can also do that from within a skin.php file with
> less changes to your Pmwiki installation, like this:
> ## colors
> $highlight1 = '#ccc';
> $highlight2 = 'green';
> $bodytxt = '#ff';
> $headings = '#008400';

Oooh, that's worth putting in a recipe! (In my two whole skins, how many 
times have I tried to redefine "colour1" and missed a spot?)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Nifty css/php trick, but is it safe?

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
noskule wrote:
>> Ancilary questions:
>> Can anyone offer any improvements, or suggest whether this would or
>> would not make a good cookbook recipe?
> About the css generating off css. I use this on my wikis, without
> touching .htaccess in the following way, explained below.
> What I would be intressted in, but don't no how to realize is saving the
> color-values in wikipages in a per-group-customizatiuon basis for
> example in Group.GroupAttributes or group.CSS-Var or something like. So
> an author could easily change the values for example the header bg-color
> of the skin for diffrent groups.
> If one would do it with pagetextvariables it could even be changed with
> a form.
> My implementation looks like this:

Same as I said to the earlier post. This is a need that many skin 
developers would like having filled, and worth turning into a recipe.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Nested Categories

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Chris Lott wrote:
> Can anyone share examples of sites using PmWiki categories that are
> nested? I'd just like to see how others are implementing them...
> Thanks!
> c
> --
> Chris Lott

Try searching the docs for hierarchical categories. There are at least 
two recipes.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Sidebar wants to edit?

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Wayne Atkinson wrote:
> I have just this week installed pmwiki after using tiddlywiki for a 
> while. I
> am using the monobook skin although I think this problem started before I
> installed the skin.
> Whenever I use the search function the three lower links in my sidebar turn
> red and, on mouseover ,it seems the three links have changed so that it has
> action=edit as it's function. Sure enough, if I click one of the links it
> will bring up the edit page/box with no content. If I return to the home or
> refresh the page the links return to normal.
> The exact same thing happens to those same three links if I edit the
> sidebar. They go red until I save or cancel the sidebar edit.
> Does anyone have any idea of what could be causing this? BTW, I have tested
> this in Firefox and Opera.
> Thanks,
> Wayne

Sounds to me like the sidebar is corrupted.

Try replacing the Site.SideBar with a fresh copy. (Fine print: make a 
backup of the current broken one first.)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Clean URLs (Another question from the newbie)

2008-01-08 Thread Sandy
Steve Glover wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 12:18 -0500, Sandy wrote:
>> Uh, you may be learning a lot, but not necessarily what you need to learn.
>> Is your "real site" the same setup as your home machine? I know just 
>> enough about servers and such to know that 90% of the same, if they look 
>> similar, then they are (and all the experts think I'm paranoid for 
>> triple-checking things), but that last 10% is a doozy.
> Gosh, yes. Even if it's just that the various paths are different on
> home and ISP servers
> (Thinks: would it make sense to factorise out the machine-specific code
> into an include file, so that when you copy over config.php, say, from
> one machine to another, you don't need to change all the paths?)
> Steve

I think it's possible to move all the path-setting statements to the 
same part of config.php, so at least you can see them all at once. 
Search the text file for "URL" and "$(wildcard)D" to make sure you have 
them all.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] List Categories

2008-01-10 Thread Sandy
Simon wrote:
> You can't.
> See http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Category/Category
> and vote for http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00447
> On 11/01/2008, Jorge Efrain Mamani C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How I can list all the existing categories. Only I see to list the pages
>> that connect to a category. Thanks

Sometimes you can.

The easiest way assumes you already set the line in config.php to create 
a Category/ page whenever a category is added.

##  By default, pages in the Category group are manually created.
##  Uncomment the following line to have blank category pages
##  automatically created whenever a link to a non-existent
##  category page is saved.  (The page is created only if
##  the author has edit permissions to the Category group.)
# $AutoCreate['/^Category\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now);

Then you add
(:pagelist group=Category :) to any page.

If you didn't set it up like that, searching for  [[!  will give you a 
list of all pages which are in any category. I'm pretty sure that as 
each page is edited and re-saved, the program will look through that 
entire page and create category pages. Best done while the wiki is still 

I thought the following would do what you want, but it didn't.
(:pagelist link=Category.* :)
Anyone have ideas why that wouldn't work?

I think this would be a useful feature, especially for asmins that add 
features in bits and pieces.

I see the point about pages that link to a Category/Subject page not 
necessarily belonging to the category; not a priority for me at the 
moment, but worth thinking about if anyone's playing in that section of 
the code.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] List Categories

2008-01-10 Thread Sandy
Simon wrote:
> You can't.
> See http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Category/Category
> and vote for http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00447
> On 11/01/2008, Jorge Efrain Mamani C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How I can list all the existing categories. Only I see to list the pages
>> that connect to a category. Thanks

I did some more looking and found this one:
There's a lot of programmer-speak in the comments, but I didn't read 
them carefully enough to see if it's broken, difficult to use, or just 
more ideas springing off the first one.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] PmWiki and Spam

2008-01-14 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 08:46:48AM -0500, Neil Herber (nospam) wrote:
>> After I installed "plain sight" passwords (revealed in a GroupHeader) 
>> all of my spam stopped.
>> See an example at: http://neil.eton.ca/wiki/index.php/Guest/Passwords
> I think this works for many typical sites, because people aren't
> likely to confuse the "here's the password for the site" as being
> the default configuration for PmWiki.  But the pmwiki.org site
> is the pre-eminent demo of the software, and so what people see
> on pmwiki.org is kinda what they expect for PmWiki.
> Pm

I think the goal of "on the site is same as out of the box" is laudable, 
but one that we may not be able to meet and still function.

"With a few minor changes, as described, and working well," is better 
than "If I use this engine, I'll have to fight spam 24/7/365."

Each place it differs from the default install, add a note stating this, 
and linking to a page that lists and explains those differences. This is 
where we could explain why the password is plain text.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Programs should be allowed to edit pages (Was: PmWiki and Spam)

2008-01-14 Thread Sandy

> However, I don't think captchas is a proper solution as I think it is 
> _valid_ that a script/program modifies a wiki page. A simple example of 
> this is when I use Emacs to edit wiki pages (pmwiki-mode)... then it's 
> Emacs rather than a browser that does the change.

Use of captchas or other protection would be up to the individual site. 
Sites that need to be updated by a program would have that turned off, 
either while the program is running, or permanently.

Does pmwiki.org need to allow programs to edit pages? What makes sense 
for the default installation? As I said in an earlier post, they don't 
have to be the same, but, if they are different, the differences should 
be noted.

 > Maybe what we need is editorial control over certain pages instead?
 > Or perhaps that they are saved as drafts until someone (anyone?)
 > approves the changes?

This is even less like the default behavior than a captcha; the editor 
will wonder why his change wasn't accepted. (Anyone notice how few 
people read Yahoo's "Your message must be moderated before it's put on 
the board" message?) On the other hand, it has the benefit of catching 
everything, even programs that can read captchas, and it might be easier 
for the "moderators" to go through a list like that.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Errors after site upgrade

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
I went from beta 35 or older to 65 (the most recent).

The upgrade included changes from Site to SiteAdmin and maybe relative 
to absolute references for page variables (I'm not sure if I have some 
page variables hiding in wait or not.)

I'm able to see most of the wiki just fine, but some directives are 
giving me errors.

A page with the pagelist directive gives:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: retrieveauthsection() in 
/home/mhschoen/public_html/pmwiki/scripts/pagelist.php on line 564

A call to the SiteAdmin/AuthUser page gives:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: retrieveauthsection() in 
/home/mhschoen/public_html/pmwiki/scripts/trails.php on line 59

I tried re-copying the scripts directory, but no luck (unless the copy I 
downloaded is corrupted).

I also deleted the wiki.d copies of Site.AuthUser and a few other pages, 
so they will default to wikilib.d.

I've also tried messing about with a few other things, not keeping 
notes, of course, but I haven't edited any php code since the upgrade.

It is possible I'm logged in as someone without permission, but that 
should give me a Login prompt, not an error.

The site is www.sandy.onebit.ca.

The site is a farm. The main field (www.onebit.ca/pmwiki) has been 
disabled. EnagleDiag is turned on.

Any ideas?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Errors after site upgrade

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 12:18:38PM -0500, Sandy wrote:
>> I went from beta 35 or older to 65 (the most recent).

> My guess is that the upgrade didn't update pmwiki.php.  This
> could be because it wasn't copied, or because pmwiki.php has
> been renamed to something like index.php and you're relying
> on that.
> If that's not the problem, let us know and I'll look into it
> further.
> Pm

Bingo! (I had just finished copying over /scripts from a fresh copy when 
this came in, so it was easy to test.)

I think that's the third time I made this mistake, in three upgrades, 
sigh. (Comes of relying on memory rather than reading the instructions. 
I'm still not comfortable with saying "copy the entire folder over top 
of everything I've got working, so I do it one folder at a time.")



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Errors after site upgrade -- more info

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
Sandy wrote:
> I went from beta 35 or older to 65 (the most recent).
> The upgrade included changes from Site to SiteAdmin and maybe relative 
> to absolute references for page variables (I'm not sure if I have some 
> page variables hiding in wait or not.)
> I'm able to see most of the wiki just fine, but some directives are 
> giving me errors.
> A page with the pagelist directive gives:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: retrieveauthsection() in 
> /home/mhschoen/public_html/pmwiki/scripts/pagelist.php on line 564
> A call to the SiteAdmin/AuthUser page gives:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: retrieveauthsection() in 
> /home/mhschoen/public_html/pmwiki/scripts/trails.php on line 59

I got this one working by deleting Site.AuthUser from the farm's 
wikidir.d . No progress on the pagelist one.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] printing and css

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
> Hi,
> I like to print my wiki pages using literary paragraphs without the
> emptyline between them and an intend in the beginning of the first line.
> I get the intend  but can't get rid of the empty line.
> My print.css has this:
> p
> {
> margin-top:0;
> text-indent: 1.2em;
> }
> Is there away to do this? I can do it with @media print markup in the css
> file. But as I like to copy my texts to txt files from the print view and
> for example do pdf's from them this does not satisfy me.
> Thanks,
> Taavi

Is it inheriting margins, borders or padding from another level? I like 
FireFox's WebDeveloper extension for this sort of thing, but I'm sure 
there are other tools out there.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] PmForms, error messages

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
Sandy wrote:
> I'm converting my site to use PmForms instead of MailForm and CommentBox.
> I've figured out the "require" statement.
> How do I make the messages more noticeable? I tried putting '''' around 
> them.
> (:template require from errmsg="$[Missing 'from' address]" :)
> (:template require subject errmsg="$[Missing message subject]" :)
> (:template require text errmsg="$[Message text required]" :)
> (:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[Captcha required]" :)''''
> {$$text}
> Thanks,
> Sandy
> (Off to stir supper.)

If there were unlimited programing time, or it were easy to do, I'd like 
"Error found -- please try again" (or something similar) to show above 
the specific messages. Something nice and bold. Also a  or at least 
some space between the error messages and the form. Personal pet peeve: 
Forms that look like they worked but didn't, and error messages that 
hide on me.

I like how it doesn't forget what I've typed in.

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] PmForms, error messages

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy
I'm converting my site to use PmForms instead of MailForm and CommentBox.

I've figured out the "require" statement.

How do I make the messages more noticeable? I tried putting '''' around 

(:template require from errmsg="$[Missing 'from' address]" :)
(:template require subject errmsg="$[Missing message subject]" :)
(:template require text errmsg="$[Message text required]" :)
(:template require if="captcha" errmsg="$[Captcha required]" :)''''


(Off to stir supper.)

pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] OT: Permanent redirects

2008-01-17 Thread Sandy

Is there any way to see what permanent redirects affecting my domain are 
recorded? Can they be undone?


I was trying to get a subdomain to point to a subdirectory, using 
CPanel, and then I played with CPanel's redirect page. I also copied an 
.htaccess file from a working subdomain that has cleanURLs, and what was 
supposed to be the line:
#RedirectMatch permanent /websites http://www.websites.onebit.ca/

So there are at least two ways a permanent redirect could have happened, 
and I just know I saved a typo or ten.

The first sign I had of a problem was when FireFox insisted that 
onebit.ca/websites was really websites.onebit.ca .

By this point, I'm not sure which direction gravity pushes, let alone 
what all I've looked at, touched, edited, copied, typoed, etc.

I think things have been fixed, at least on the server, and were in a 
bad state for only a few hours. CPanel's subdomain and redirect pages 
are clear. FireFox was fixed by clearing the private data. The .htaccess 
file has been deleted. The wiki field is in a new subdirectory, 
websites.onebit.ca doesn't exist, and onebit.ca/websites has a "being 
upgraded" note, at least until I'm ready to tackle it again.

But I'm still worried. I read this in the CPanel documentation:

Permanent - This tells the Internet traffic agents to go to the 
redirection address in the future, as the old address will never be used 

I've also read something similar in .htaccess documentation.

It seems very untidy to have old instructions hanging about in the 
ether, and is vaguely unsettling.

Thanks in advance,


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Highlighting a comment from PM

2008-01-18 Thread Sandy
David Spitzley wrote:
> For those who missed it in the original thread:
> David
>>>> "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/17/2008 11:28 PM >>>
> I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond quickly lately.  My wife
> went into the hospital early last week and was released yesterday.
> We still have quite a bit of treatment and recovery ahead of us, but 
> hopefully I should be able to respond to issues a little more
> quickly.
> ---
> Patrick, I'm really sorry to hear your wife is ill.  Let me offer my wishes 
> of a speedy recovery.

Same here. Family takes priority. We're ticking along pretty well; 
you've created a good culture.


pmwiki-users mailing list

[pmwiki-users] Anchor links and CSS

2008-01-20 Thread Sandy
I had the brilliant idea of setting

border:1px solid blue;
padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px;

Now when I move the mouse around, an empty box appears around [[#name]].

Is there a way I can give the anchors a class and hide them? Or do I 
have to set the CSS for each of A.urllink, A.wikilink and A.selflink?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] printing and css

2008-01-20 Thread Sandy
> I wonder why margin-top and margin-bottom css-properties don't work for
> the print page. Margin-left and margin-right do work for the paragraph in
> print.css but not margin-top and margin-bottom.
> Taavi

Are the margins combining? Vertical margins don't add, they overlap, so 
you only see the largest. (That one got me for a while.)


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Anchor links and CSS

2008-01-20 Thread Sandy
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 11:53:50AM -0500, Sandy wrote:

>> Is there a way I can give the anchors a class and hide them? Or do I 
>> have to set the CSS for each of A.urllink, A.wikilink and A.selflink?
> Yes, you can give anchors a class... try:
>   Markup('[[#','<[[','/(?>\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*))\\]\\]/e',
> "Keep(TrackAnchors('$1') ? '' : \" class='anchor'>\", 'L')");
> Then you can do something like:
> A.anchor:hover { border:none; }
> Pm

Works great!



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Anchor links and CSS

2008-01-20 Thread Sandy
Sandy wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 11:53:50AM -0500, Sandy wrote:
>>> Is there a way I can give the anchors a class and hide them? Or do I 
>>> have to set the CSS for each of A.urllink, A.wikilink and A.selflink?
>> Yes, you can give anchors a class... try:
>>   Markup('[[#','<[[','/(?>\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*))\\]\\]/e',
>> "Keep(TrackAnchors('$1') ? '' : \"> class='anchor'>\", 'L')");
>> Then you can do something like:
>> A.anchor:hover { border:none; }
>> Pm
> Works great!
> Thanks!
> Sandy

Next question, so I can flesh out the manual a bit.

What other classes of links are there?

So far I've found:

A link to a page within the wiki

A link to a page outside the wiki

A link to the current page



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Converting From V1 to V2

2008-01-21 Thread Sandy
Risner, Travis (Dublin) wrote:
> Hi,
>  > I was handed a V1 pmwiki and recently converted it to V2.  Since I'm new 
> to pmwiki, I fumbled around a bit, but got it working.  Since the 
> documentation asked for notes on what went wrong, here is what I ran into:

I can't help with the compat1x.php, _ThisWiki_ syntax and the ampersand; 
I joined during V1.

> Maybe I am just missing it, but I don't see an edit button for applying 
> H1 markup (!) in the row of buttons above the edit area.  Since we are 
> repurposing the wiki and most of the new users are completely naive 
> about wiki markup, I would like to have  a button for this as well.  Is 
> there something I can put in the config.php to add this?

The H1 markup is purposefully left off. According to the standards, (W3 
or some other group that should know), there should only be one H1 on a 
page. The skins (should) use H1 for the page title. If you want a 
different title than the file name gives, use (:title MyTitle:).


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] OT: Permanent redirects

2008-01-21 Thread Sandy
Sandy wrote:
> Questions:
> Is there any way to see what permanent redirects affecting my domain are 
> recorded? Can they be undone?

Everything I know to check says that www.websites.onebit.ca (still under 
construction) should work. I'm worried that there was a permanent 
redirect with a typo up for a few hours, but when I discovered the typo 
I deleted it, without writing down what it was. (I've tried creating 
directories with the typos I suspect, with no luck.)

I'm using CPanel, and also editing the .htaccess files directly

Any ideas?


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] OT: Permanent redirects

2008-01-21 Thread Sandy
That's a relief!

One of the online references implied that the agents (browsers, robots, 
the entire DNS system) would look once at "A is permanently redirected 
to B" and then whenever anyone, including themselves, see a link for A 
they go to B, without ever rechecking A.

What does a temporary redirect do?

It also means there's something else going on, because 
www.websites.onebit.ca won't even give me a pmwiki error message; I get 
Server Not Found. I'll look at it again tomorrow.



DaveG wrote:
> The redirect permanent is simply an instruction to readers (like 
> browsers), and is only active whilst you have the instruction -- they 
> are not recorded, as such. If you remove the redirect from 
> .htaccess/cpanel then you're back to a no-redirect.
> Google will eventually revisit your site, see there is no redirect and 
> move on as normal.
>   ~ ~ David
> Sandy wrote:
>> Sandy wrote:
>>> Questions:
>>> Is there any way to see what permanent redirects affecting my domain are 
>>> recorded? Can they be undone?
>> Everything I know to check says that www.websites.onebit.ca (still under 
>> construction) should work. I'm worried that there was a permanent 
>> redirect with a typo up for a few hours, but when I discovered the typo 
>> I deleted it, without writing down what it was. (I've tried creating 
>> directories with the typos I suspect, with no luck.)
>> I'm using CPanel, and also editing the .htaccess files directly
>> Any ideas?
>> Sandy
>> ___
>> pmwiki-users mailing list
>> pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
>> http://www.pmichaud.com/mailman/listinfo/pmwiki-users

pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Conditional markup question

2008-01-22 Thread Sandy
Jan Erik Moström wrote:
> Second question for today: I'm creating my own skin and I want 
> to have a conditional markup, I only want to see the page 
> actions if I'm logged in. I looked at the ConditionalMarkup page 
> and as far as I understand I should be able to write
>  (:if authid:)
>  (:ifend:)
> in my template file. But I'm doing something wrong since this 
> gives me
>  (:if authid:)
>  +   View
>  +   Edit
>  +   History
>  +   Print
>  (:ifend:)
> So I'm obviously missing something, but what?

You're mixing your languages. The (:if:) directive goes in the 
wiki-code, not the .tmpl. The .tmpl is HTML (with CSS); I'm not sure if 
you can put PHP in it or not.

Here's the code I put in Site.SideBar.

(:if authid:)
User: {$AuthId}
(:if auth edit:)
(:if auth admin:)
[[{*$FullName}?action=attr|Page Attributes]]\\
[[Site.Site|Site Admin]]

I'm forever thinking I'm logged in as someone else, hence
User: {$AuthId}

I don't use PageActions at all, although I suppose you could do

(:if authid:)
(:include Site.PageActions:)



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Clarification on table editing question

2008-01-24 Thread Sandy
Gabriel Beal wrote:
> After I wrote the previous question I realized that I wasn't stating my 
> problem correctly.  The problem is caused by having a column that is a 
> continuation of another column, like this:
> ||Names|| || Numbers|| ||More Names|| || More Numbers||
> ||Names|| || Numbers|| ||More Names|| || More Numbers||
> ||Names|| || Numbers|| ||More Names|| || More Numbers||
> ||Names|| || Numbers|| ||More Names|| || More Numbers||
> I want to be able to insert a name and phone number into the 3rd and 4th 
> columns.  I know I could solve it by having just 2 really long columns, 
> but I was wondering if there is any solution using this set up.  It was 
> also suggested to me to maintain a separate plain text list and use a 
> perl script to wikify it.  I could go with that but ideally the list 
> would be editable by the non-technical people who are also using it.
> thanks,
> Gabriel

Some ideas. Not exactly what you're looking for, but may solve the problem.

1. Use three pages: one main and two sub-pages. Create a main page with 
two columns. In each column, (:include :) a sub-page. Each subpage would 
be half the alphabet in a single column. Include links to edit the 
sub-pages. It wouldn't divide the list exactly in half, but it's a start.

2. If the concern is usability rather than length of the page, create 
several anchors. At the top of the page put an index:
*[[PageName#AL|A to L]]
*[[PageName#AL|A to L]]

!!![[#AL]]Names A through L
|| the table ||  ||

!!![[#MZ]]Names M through Z
|| the table ||  ||

You can subdivide it as fine as you like.



pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Disabling History and Recent Changes views

2008-01-25 Thread Sandy
Steven Benmosh wrote:
> 1. How do I disable the History and Recent Changes links at the bottom 
> of the wiki from being read by users?
> It makes sense that creating a read password for action=diff would do 
> that, but I am not sure how that can be done, since this is not a 
> regular page. In theory, the admin should have access to the changes, 
> but I feel that on pages that I require an edit password, my changes 
> should not be viewed by regular users, because it gives out information 
> about unlisted pages or groups that are still in development.
> 2. I would also like to remove the links from the bottom to these pages, 
> but I am not sure where they came from. Are they part of a standard 
> footer which is stored somewhere on the wiki?
> Thanks,
> Z.

2. Removing the links depends on the skin being used. Some skins call 
Site.PageActions. Other embed it in the skin itself.

If it's in Site.PageActions, you can put
(:if auth admin :)
around the links you want only admin to have access to, or remove the 
links entirely and type ?action=diff into the URL bar manually.

If it's in the skin, edit the tmpl file.

1. I don't know how to disable access by people who know to type 
?action=diff, but I suspect it would take under three lines in config.php.

Are you using AuthUser? That might change the code.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Bug in (:title:) markup?

2008-01-25 Thread Sandy
Charles Little wrote:
> That could cause problems to existing sites, and doesn't correct anything, 
> merely covers it up.  This doesn't seem like a bug as much as a design flaw.. 
> Perhaps something needs to be added to the tag to allow the person doing the 
> markup to specify that this particular instance is an override.
> Thoughts? 

First, Pm never changes anything that affects the behaviour of existing 
sites without consulting this group; he does not change simply for 
change's sake. Even if it's unanimous that the new way is better, he 
always puts in a flag so you can still have the old behaviour. Just one 
of the many little things that makes PmWiki such a nice program for real 
world users.

Second, for nested pages, my vote would be the "outer" or main page 
wins. If A (:includes B:) and B (:includes C:), A would win.

Third, for non-nested pages, first makes more sense to me. I put 
(:title:) at the top of every page, with what my English teacher called 
the topic paragraph. However, I can't think of a case other than 
(:include:) where having more than one (:title:) is intended.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Re: [pmwiki-users] Passwords: Group Attributes and eg @_site_edit

2008-01-30 Thread Sandy
Rick Creighton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem setting read passwords using Group Attributes.  The 
> situation on the wiki is this:
> -There is no read password by default
> -I'm operating a shared password system (rather than AuthUser or 
> UserAuth, etc)
> -There are site-wide passwords for edit, upload, attr defined in config.php
> -I have defined more than one edit password, using the array command: 
> $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = array(crypt('alpha'), crypt('beta'));
> -There is a group within the wiki (let's call it PrivateGroup) which I'd 
> like to make readable only by people who know an edit password
> -I tried to implement this by entering @_site_edit as the read password 
> on PrivateGroup.GroupAttributes
> But it didn't work as I had hoped.  I got the following outcomes:
> -When I go to PrivateGroup.HomePage and enter an edit password, I cannot 
> read the page (though I can edit it)
> -When I go to PrivateGroup.GroupAttributes and enter an edit password, I 
> CAN read the page (and also edit it)
> -If I change the attributes of PrivateGroup.HomePage (and of each other 
> page in the group) individual, and set the read password to @_site_edit 
> then everything works as intended.
> My question is:
> Is this a feature of PmWiki (that you cannot use @_site_ with 
> GroupAttributes) or has something gone wrong with my particular 
> installation?
> If it's a normal feature of PmWiki, does anyone have any work-around 
> suggestions (other than editing the attributes of each page individually)?
> If it's a problem with my particular installation, does anyone have any 
> ideas where to look?
> Many thanks,
> Rick.

For a work-around:

You can set the read password on PrivateGroup.GroupAttributes. You will 
have to list all the passwords you want to allow.

I remember some discussion about having to retype the entire list if you 
want to add or remove a password. AuthUser is nice for this because you 
will see real letters rather than stars, which makes it easier.

Question for another person: Can AuthUser groups contain other groups? 
The manual says
 @writers: alice, bob
 carol: @writers, @editors
 @admins: alice, dave

but doesn't mention

@MyEditors: @writers, @editors, bob


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