[political-research] Iraq: the people have their say. And it's bad news for Tony Blair (Independent)

2006-10-24 Thread tim_howells_1000

Iraq: the people have their say. And it's bad news for Tony Blair 
By Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor 
Published:24 October 2006 
72 per cent predict that Iraq will descend into civil war if British and American troops withdraw 

61 per cent believe Britain's experience in Iraq makes them less likely to support military intervention 
72 per cent say that Tony Blair's support for George Bush calls into question his political judgement 
62 per cent believe that British troops should be withdrawn from Iraq as soon as possible 
72 per cent believe that the war in Iraq is unwinnable 
Demands for an urgent Commons debate on pulling British troops out of Iraq were stepped up last night at Westminster after an opinion poll found that 62 per cent of voters support a withdrawal before the country has been made stable. 
The poll dealt a blow to efforts by Tony Blair to shore up his strategy of keeping British forces in Iraq "until the job is done". In talks in Downing Street with the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Barham Salih, Mr Blair again said Britain had to "hold its nerve". 
More at link ...




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[political-research] Settlements growing, despite vow to U.S.

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Settlements growing, despite vow to U.S.

A secret, two year investigation by the defense establishment shows that there has been rampant illegal construction in dozens of settlements and in many cases involving privately owned Palestinian properties. .. 

Source: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=778767contrassID=1subContrassID=1




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[political-research] Interview with David Ray Griffin

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

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[political-research] Time for the Neocons to Admit It? The Iraq War Was Wrong From the Start

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Time for the Neocons to Admit It? The Iraq War Was Wrong From the Start

The good ship Neocon is going down. She has struck the Iraqi rocks, the engine room is awash, and on the deck in anxious pursuit of something to float them away is a curious assembly. The former hawks of press and politics now scramble for the status of visionaries let down by functionaries. This is a lifeboat that will not float 

Source: http://digg.com/political_opinion/Time_for_the_Neocons_to_Admit_It_The_Iraq_War_Was_Wrong_From_the_Start




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[political-research] With Demand Red-Hot for Text Analytics, Attensity Expands Suite

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

With Demand Red-Hot for Text Analytics, Attensity Expands Suite - Enterprise Systems

If black is the new blonde, then text mining is—in a similar sense—the latest and greatest of killer apps. ... ... 

Source: http://www.esj.com/business_intelligence/article.aspx%3FEditorialsID%3D8153




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[political-research] Brutality and Reality: The American-Israeli Arrangement

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Brutality and Reality: The American-Israeli Arrangement - Atlantic Free Press


As a side note – or maybe even a main note – I'm not one of those who subscribe to the Israel made us do it meme that seems to loom large in the dissident blogosphere. I just can't buy the idea that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the gang are somehow being jerked around by wily Zionists – as if they wouldn't be following their unitary executive-global domination-war profiteering agenda even if Israel didn't exist. I think this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the American ruling class – and yes, Virginia, there is an American ruling class and a pretty vicious, voracious, self-serving lot they are, too. The idea that these factions of gargantuan wealth and privilege – much of it, as with the Bushes, going back for generations – could be induced to act against their own narrowly defined but passionately held interests by the arguments of third-rate hacks like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, or Douglas Feith seems fairly risible.

Source: http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/content/view/89/32/

[Comment: but: powerful components of the American ruling class, including the Bush 41 circle, opposed the Iraq War and the neocon Global War on Terror, but were run over like a steamroller by Israel's assets in the mainstream media, think tanks and two major political parties. How does one explain this?]




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[political-research] A Deeply Stupid Neocon War

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Jon Carroll:

The principal sin of the neoconservatives is overbearing arrogance. It is not 
so much that they have been wrong. It is that nobody has ever convinced them 
that they've ever been wrong. 

I didn't say that. Oh, I said stuff like it a few times, but that particular 
quote come from David Keene, who is the chairman of the American Conservative 
Union. Like a lot of people on the rightish side of the political spectrum, he 
bought the rhetoric, he accepted the brilliance of Donald Rumsfeld's idea for a 
brand-new downsized smart army, he hung in there when things appeared to be 
going wrong -- and now he's angry

This war was an unnecessary failure. If we had not invaded Iraq, if we had just 
let the U.N. inspectors do their work, if we had neutralized Saddam Hussein by 
other means, the world would be better. It's not that we fought the right war 
in the wrong way; we fought a deeply stupid war in a deeply stupid way. 

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[political-research] Humans living far beyond planet's means: WWF

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

BEIJING (Reuters) - Humans are stripping nature at an unprecedented rate and 
will need two planets' worth of natural resources every year by 2050 on current 
trends, the WWF conservation group said on Tuesday.

Populations of many species, from fish to mammals, had fallen by about a third 
from 1970 to 2003 largely because of human threats such as pollution, clearing 
of forests and overfishing, the group also said in a two-yearly report.

For more than 20 years we have exceeded the earth's ability to support a 
consumptive lifestyle that is unsustainable and we cannot afford to continue 
down this path, WWF Director-General James Leape said, launching the WWF's 
2006 Living Planet Report.

If everyone around the world lived as those in America, we would need five 
planets to support us, Leape, an American, said in Beijing.

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[political-research] Introducing Knover- The Ultimate Place to Learn About People

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Introducing Knover- The Ultimate Place to Learn About People - Business Wire (press release)

Knover, taking its name from the site's underlying innovation as a knowledge rover, brings the best of text mining, associative search, and artificial ... ... 

Source: http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp%3FndmViewId%3Dnews_view%26newsId%3D20061024005052%26newsLang%3Den




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[political-research] Murdoch's FOXNEWS sics FBI on 9/11 scholars

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Murdoch's FOXNEWS sics FBI on 9/11 scholars

Sir Rupert Murdoch, agent of the Crown, is using his American propaganda outlet to urge the FBI to jail 9/11 dissidents. Murdoch's agent Bill O'Reilly has previously had the FBI jail an Arab engingeering professor named Sami 
Al-Arian.From Scholars for 9/11 Truth October 23, 2006: [Fox News Channel commentators] have maliciously compared the 9/11 scholars to terrorists and suggested that the... 

Source: http://www.total911.info/2006/10/murdochs-foxnews-sics-fbi-on-911.html




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[political-research] Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror

Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror Literary giant says 9/11 allowed to happen, slams Bush administration coup de 'tat of American freedom... 

Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1132




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[political-research] Sibel Edmonds Vindicated by Turkish Dirty Ops

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Sibel Edmonds Vindicated by Turkish Dirty Ops

October 24, 2006... 

Source: http://cryptome.org/edmonds-turks.htm




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[political-research] New 9/11 summary page

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

New 9/11 summary page

I would like to introduce a web page created for the purpose of introducing and summarizing 9/11 questions to newcomers who are not yet familiar with the topic. 
News of Interest.TV is a human interest website which combines summaries of important political information along with helpful interesting and entertaining content.
News of Interest.TV's 9/11 page makes use of select audio and video clips relying heavily on the works of Alex Jones, along with reprints of information from such websites as 
www.911truth.org and Alan Miller's website www.PatriotsQuestion911.com.
You may find website here:http://www.newsofinterest.tv/
News of Interest.TV's 9/11 page is here:http://www.newsofinterest.tv/911.html

Source: http://www.911blogger.com/node/4010




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[political-research] SEARCHING FOR MR BIGSKI

2006-10-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

http://madcowprod.com/SEARCHING FOR MR 
BIGSKI The biggest lie 
told about the September 11th attack was the first 
one: "19 hijackers moved through Europe 
and America unnoticed." WORLD 
EXCLUSIVE Oct 24 2006--Venice 
FL. by Daniel 
Hopsicker A 
Venezuelan man busted with forty-three pounds of heroin on a Lear jet 
belonging to the owner of the Venice FL flight school at which Mohamed Atta 
and his bodyguard Marwan Al-Shehhi were enrolled is a major kingpin in an 
international drug trafficking network run by the Russian 
Mob. Edgar Valles Diaz was arrested on 
Wally Hilliard's Lear jet (N351WB) at Orlando Executive Airport on July 25, 
2000, in what the Orlando Sentinel called "the biggest bust in Central 
Florida history." The paper quoted officials stating it was "the largest 
find of its kind in the southeastern United States in recent 
years." Court documents revealed that 
Valles Diaz was a major narcotics trafficker in his native Venezuela who had 
flown Hilliard's Lear jet for thirty-nine weeks in a row. Each flight 
originated in Venezuela, stopping in Fort Lauderdale and Orlando before 
flying to New York. According to one of 
the flight crew on the Lear jet, Valles Diaz would be greeted upon arrival 
by an organized crime figure from the Russian enclave in Brighton Beach 
named Igor Borisovich Rabaev. "When we 
landed in New York Valles-Diaz would be met by his 'boyfriend,'" a member of 
the Lear jet's flight crew stated. "He gets picked up at the airport by an 
Uzbek named Igor Rabaev, his heroin connection from Central 
Asia." www.madcowprod.com



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[political-research] Lani Kass: Israeli Defense Force veteran heading up Air Force Cyberpace warriors.

2006-10-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


October 24, 2006 -- US Air Force official's past raises 
eyebrows. On December 7, 2005, the US Air Force officially recognized 
"cyberspace" as one of its warfare domains -- along with air and outer space. In 
early November, Air Force officials will gather in Washington to form a new US 
Air Force Command -- the Air Force Cyberspace Command. It will have authority to 
launch wars in cyberspace. The new command is largely the brainchild of Dr. Lani 
Kass, director of the Air Force Cyberspace Task Force. 
Kass' past has many US government computer security officials puzzled and 
concerned. From 1979 to 1981, Kass served as a Major in the Israeli Defense 
Forces. This was at a time when Israel was targeting America's most closely held 
secrets through its Navy spy, Jonathan Pollard. After her service in the IDF, 
Kass integrated into the Washington national security establishment, the private 
sector serving as an entree. From 1982 to1985, Kass was Director of the 
Russian Research Center at Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Bethesda, Md. (an odd name 
considering that Russia was then called the Soviet Union by every national 
security entity). From 1985 to 2005, Kass was Professor of Military 
Strategy and Operations at National War College at National Defense University 
in Fort McNair, Washington.
Kass previously served in the Dick Cheney Defense Department, having worked 
from 1992 to 1993 as Special Assistant to the Director, Strategic Plans and 
Policy Directorate (J-5), Joint Staff at the Pentagon. She returned to the 
Pentagon under Defense Secretary William Cohen and continued to serve under 
Donald Rumsfeld. From 2000 to 2001, Kass was Senior Policy Adviser and Special 
Assistant for Strategic Initiatives to the Director, Strategic Plans and Policy 
Directorate (J-5) and from January 2006 to the present, she has been the Special 
Assistant to the Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, and Director of CSAF’s 
Cyberspace Task Force.
Lani Kass: Israeli Defense Force veteran heading up Air Force 
Cyberpace warriors.



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[political-research] Two post-election factions emerging in the White House -- only one will survive.

2006-10-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

The other is the faction coalescing around the other potential 
scapegoat -- George W. Bush. This is the most interesting faction as it consists 
of George H. W. Bush and his closest friends -- James Baker III, Lee Hamilton, 
former CIA Director Robert Gates, Alan Simpson, Sandra Day O'Connor, and other 
past luminaries of the George H. W. Bush administration. 


October 24, 2006 -- There is something afoot, in a very Shakespearean 
way, in the White House. Preparing for a post-election massacre of the GOP and 
the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary, two factions are 
emerging within the White House. One is the neo-con faction surrounding 
potential scapegoat Vice President Dick Cheney. This faction includes Cheney's 
own staffers and his and Rumsfeld's sympathizers in the Pentagon, National 
Security Council, State Department, and media and think tanks. The other is the 
faction coalescing around the other potential scapegoat -- George W. Bush. This 
is the most interesting faction as it consists of George H. W. Bush and his 
closest friends -- James Baker III, Lee Hamilton, former CIA Director Robert 
Gates, Alan Simpson, Sandra Day O'Connor, and other past luminaries of the 
George H. W. Bush administration. George W. Bush has had to admit that his 
presidency has been a failure and now must have his father and his father's 
friends bail him out. The Iraq Study Group of Baker and Hamilton, which is 
negotiating with the Iraqi Resistance, Iran, and Syria against the wishes of 
Cheney's faction, was a step in the direction of bailing out Junior.
This editor was recently approached by someone close to George W. Bush and 
White House Press Secretary Tony Snow who made it clear that George W. Bush was 
fighting elements "further to his right." Flabbergasted, I responded that I 
didn't think many people were further to the right than Bush. But that was 
before the impending scapegoating issue became clear. "Further to the right" 
means Cheney, some members of the Christian fundamentalist Right, and their 
Two post-election factions emerging in the White House -- 
only one will survive.
But with the long knives soon to be out for scapegoats -- what will happen in 
the White House will be one of the the nastiest political purges in U.S. 
history. Cheney, whose ideological fervor knows no bounds, is not about to 
concede that Iraq was a failure. He and his neo-con advisers do not intend to be 
scapegoated. The Bush faction, eager to protect the Bush family name during a 
series of intensive congressional investigations but more likely to admit to 
mistakes, does not intend to bear the brunt of blame for the Cheney faction's 
2007 may turn out to be a dangerous year for America. The scapegoating will 
not be limited to the two emerging White House factions. If Joseph Lieberman 
wins re-election and then decides to accept the invitation of replace Rumsfeld 
at the Pentagon, thus allowing a Governor Jodi Rell in Connecticut (a good 
reason not to re-elect her) to appoint a Republican replacement, that could tip 
a 50-50 Senate or a 51-49 Democratic Senate to either total Republican control 
or turn it over to Cheney's gavel-wielding tie breaking vote. Any such scenario 
could result in an American version of the infamous Dreyfus affair in France. 
America must be on guard against those with secret agendas to find scapegoats 
where they do not exist.



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[political-research] Altova Introduces Version 2007 of World’s Leading XML Tools with ...

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Altova Introduces Version 2007 of World's Leading XML Tools with ... - Business Wire (press release)

Altova SemanticWorks is the ground-breaking visual RDF/OWL editor for the Semantic Web, enabling users to visually design and edit RDF instance documents, RDF ... ... 

Source: http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp%3FndmViewId%3Dnews_view%26newsId%3D20061024005812%26newsLang%3Den




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[political-research] 902D Military Intelligence Group Overview

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

902D Military Intelligence Group Overview

October 24, 2006... 

Source: http://cryptome.org/902d-mig/902d-mig.htm




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[political-research] Factiva Taxonomy Warehouse

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Factiva Taxonomy Warehouse

Taxonomically speaking in KMWorld (Oct 23)Factiva has introduced an enhanced version of its Taxonomy Warehouse, a community directory and information source for taxonomies, thesauri and classification schemes. It is said to provide enterprises, as well as academic and government organizations, the information required to categorize internal and external data collections and ensure that relevant answers to search queries are found with speed and precision, Factiva reports.View and search the Taxonomy Warehouse at 
http://www.taxonomywarehouse.com/index.asp ... 

Source: http://taxonomy2watch.blogspot.com/2006/10/factiva-taxonomy-warehouse.html




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[political-research] Hariri Assassinated by Israel

2006-10-24 Thread Sean McBride

Hariri Assassinated by Israel

October 24, 2006 -- A senior French DGSE -- Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure -- intelligence officer has told WMR that Lebanon's ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was killed in a car bombing arranged by Israel's Mossad. The revelation from French intelligence is significant as the French government of Jacques Chirac joined the Bush administration and the neo-con policy establishments in Washington and Israel in blaming Syria for the attack. According to the DGSE officer, Israel and its American backers wanted to blame Syria for the assassination of the popular Lebanese leader in order to blame Syria for the attack thus forcing the popular Lebanese revolt that saw the withdrawal of Syrian forces. That left Lebanon defenseless for the Clean Break attack launched by Israel, with US support, against Hezbollah and Lebanon's infrastructure. Assass... 

Source: http://mparent.livejournal.com/13860766.html




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[political-research] Drug raid yields Los Alamos documents (AP)

2006-10-24 Thread better_off_said
Drug raid yields Los Alamos documents 
By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer
9 minutes ago

A drug bust at a trailer park in New Mexico turned up what appeared 
to be classified documents taken from the Los Alamos nuclear weapons 
laboratory, authorities said Tuesday.

Local police found the documents while arresting a man suspected of 
domestic violence and dealing methamphetamine from his mobile home, 
said Sgt. Chuck Ney of the Los Alamos, N.M., Municipal Police 
Department. The documents were discovered during a search of the 
man's records for evidence of his drug business, Ney said.

Police alerted the FBI to the secret documents, which agents traced 
back to a woman linked to the drug dealer, officials said. The woman 
is a contract employee at Los Alamos National Laboratory, according 
to an FBI official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of 
the sensitive nature of the case.

The official would not describe the documents except to say that 
they appeared to contain classified material and were stored on a 
computer file.

FBI special agent Bill Elwell in Albuquerque, N.M., confirmed that a 
search warrant was executed on Friday night, but he refused to 
discuss details.

We do have an investigation with regard to the matter, but our 
standard is we do not discuss pending investigations, Elwell said.

A spokesman for the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in Los Alamos, 
N.M., declined to comment.

Los Alamos has a history of high-profile security problems in the 
past decade, with the most notable the case of nuclear scientist Wen 
Ho Lee. After years of accusations, Lee pleaded guilty in a plea 
bargain to one count of mishandling nuclear secrets at the lab.

In 2004, the lab was essentially shut down after an inventory showed 
that two computer disks containing nuclear secrets were missing. A 
year later the lab concluded that it was just a mistake and the 
disks never existed.

But the incident highlighted sloppy inventory control and security 
failures at the nuclear weapons lab. And the Energy Department began 
moving toward a five-year program to create a so-called diskless 
environment at Los Alamos to prevent any classified material being 
carried outside the lab.

Even though Los Alamos is now under new management, Danielle Brian, 
executive director of the watchdog group Project on Government 
Oversight, said the lab has not done much to clean up its act.

Los Alamos has always seemed to be rewarded for its screw-ups, 
Brian said. We're waiting with bated breath to see if anything has 

The idea that police found classified documents at a home where a 
drug sting was being conducted is disturbing, she said.

The problem is when you actually have those materials that are 
supposed to be protected inside the lab and you find them outside 
the lab in the hands of criminals — that should worry everybody, 
Brian said.

The FBI and the U.S. attorney's office in Albuquerque 
were evaluating the information obtained as a result of the search 
warrant, Elwell said.

The federal charge of unauthorized removal and retention of 
classified material is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence 
of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.


Associated Press writers Seth Borenstein in Washington and Sue 
Holmes in Albuquerque contributed to this report.

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