[political-research] [Fwd:] Re: new fetzer/wood response to jones on pianos etc]

2006-11-24 Thread Rosalee Grable

 Original Message 
Subject:[911InsideJobbers] Re: new fetzer/wood response to jones on 
pianos etc
Date:   Fri, 24 Nov 2006 20:10:12 -
From:   Lynn Ertell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A primer on the standards of classical scientific method;  as contrasted with 
the methods 
of its principle antagonists.

This is what real education looks and feels like.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Total Information" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On grand pianos and terminal velocities
> by James H. Fetzer with Judy Wood and Anonymous Scholar
> 22 November 2006
> http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/GrandPiano.html
> Steve reports here that a "poll" taken on the Scholar's forum showed 60%
> favored a web site run by a 5-person committee, 32% favored voting on what
> appears by all members, and 8% favored the current arrangement, where I
> manage the site with advice from the steering committee. This result might
> be a bit more impressive if he had observed that only 25 out of some 400
> members of the society cast votes, each weighing in at 4%.
> Posting by a committee is guaranteed to produce mediocre and uninteresting
> posts. Only the most widely accepted views are going to be represented.
> Votes by the whole society would be absurd. It would take forever to secure
> a quorum, for example, and most of those that eventually appear would be out
> of date by the time they were put up on the web site. Based upon my
> experience, the ideas under consideration have little merit.
> Steve does not mention that I advanced a proposal to resolve tensions within
> the society just yesterday, which, I suggest, are more deserving of being
> taken seriously. They are these:
> . . . . . . .
> All,
> Here are my proposals, which I invite all of you to consider:
> (1) Steve and Kevin will strengthen the editorial board of the society's
> journal by adding up to a dozen highly-qualified hard science types,
> possibly drawn from the membership of SPINE;
> (2) The editors will be more even-handed in processing papers that represent
> non-standard points of view, where there is some evidence of partiality to
> positions preferred by the editors;
> (3) The web site will be overhauled to clearly demarcated be- tween proof
> that the official account is wrong and attempts to explain how it was done,
> which is overwhelmingly more difficult;
> (4) The founder will make an effort to emphasize problems with the official
> account and be very careful in his discussions of the state of research to
> not create false impressions thereof.
> (5) All parties will cease and desist from attacks upon each other, where
> objective discussion of the merits of different theories about the case
> should be done in a respectful manner.
> We need resources to overhaul the web site, which may require some time and
> effort. Suggestions are welcome. Perhaps we can recruit professionals who
> will assist us in doing this. I will be glad to undertake the supervision of
> the project with advice from a new set of co-chairs or the steering
> committee. Perhaps this list would be willing to serve as that committee.
> Jim
> P.S. Steve and I have been invited to appear together at The
> National Press Club on Wednesday, 10 January 2007. I
> suggest we both accept the invitation and do our thing.
> . . . . . . .
> I have accepted the invitation to speak at The National Press Club, and I
> hope that Steve will as well. We could focus on what happened to the World
> Trade Center and discuss some of our differences in point of view. For
> example, after studying Judy's work, I am convinced that the problem we
> confront in explaining what happened is vastly greater than just what
> happened to WTC-1 and WCT-2, even if we toss in WTC-7! That still leaves out
> WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6! Take a look at Judy's photographs and
> diagrams. It will blow you away!
> Moreover, thermate increasingly appears to be an inadequate cause of the
> devastation of the complete World Trade Center. EVEN IF IT WERE GOOD AS GOLD
> REGARDING WTC-1 AND WTC-2, we would still be left with a monumental task in
> explaining the devastation to WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6, which, to the
> best of my knowledge, Steven Jones has never addressed. His evidence of the
> use of thermate also seems to be undermined by the discovery that thermate
> appears to have been used to bring down what little remained after the
> towers went "poof"! But if that is the case, then its presence is
> explainable on grounds other than its use to destroy the Twin Towers and it
> too, as a framework for explaining the evidence, goes "poof"!
> Now it is certainly true that I used the figure of 30 seconds to
> characterize the time of free fall for a piano from atop a 110 story
> building. Steve has made a great to-do over this, posting his own
> calculations that the correct time for such an event should have been 11
> seconds! (I was actuall

Re: [political-research] [Fwd:] Re: new fetzer/wood response to jones on pianos etc]

2006-11-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
> A primer on the standards of classical scientific method;  as contrasted 
> with the methods
> of its principle antagonists.>
> This is what real education looks and feels like.

VMANN:  scientific knowledge is not possible, as the empirical method only 
"disproves" previous theories; hence it is incapable of producing positive 
knowledge.  (see below.)  it is also based upon metaphysical axioms 
(presuppositions) which have been disproven for hundreds of years (see 
farther below).  how's that for an education in "science?"  the "religion of 
the age!"
The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics) (Paperback)
by Karl Popper

An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (Oxford Philosophical Texts) 
by David Hume