Re: [political-research] Re: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Video Fakery Prison Planet

2007-10-31 Thread Rosalee Grable

Planehuggers ARE the "most likely suspects for 911" -- The ones who were 
not killed were given positions in the coverup , like 911 Actor Perp 
Gary Welz, who was repurposed as a "911 Scholar" in the aftermath.

Fortunately he was confronted with his lies, and he recanted his 
planeseeing abilities.
the Big Takeover, part two - the 9/11 network scam

911 Flatline

Sean McBride wrote:
> The main problem with the no-planers: vicious fanaticism and 
> intolerance.  They have expended much more energy in attacking the 
> most effective voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement than in going after 
> the most likely suspects for 9/11.  We don't know that they are a 
> COINTELPRO-style op, but we do know that this is precisely what such 
> an op would look like.
> 9/11 truth seekers should keep an open mind about competing theories 
> concerning the who, how and why of 9/11 until all the facts are in, 
> and treat opposing views with civility as part of the truth-seeking 
> process.  The no-planers have attempted to disrupt and destroy this 
> amity at every turn.
> The HOW of 9/11 strikes me as a minor detail -- I am much more 
> interested in the WHO, WHY and what's next on the dance card in the 
> campaign to instigate World War IV.
> */John Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> At 10/31/2007  11:00 AM, you wrote:
>> Most likely because the no planers are a hoax.  Attempting to
>> rationalize with them is impossible - it seems that when they
>> have fixated on this issue they aren't able to listen to any
>> reason or logic.
>> The evidence that no planers are way out in left field is fairly
>> overwhelming and anyone who looks at thier evidence - objectively
>> - can see this.
>> It seems that the rest of the Truth Movement is trying hard to
>> either show the no-planers some reason - mostly they wont listen
>> - and since thier lineo f thought does *_NOTHING but hurt _*the
>> truth movement, I suspect this is why AJ isn;t putting up with
>> the garbage. 
>> The whole theory does more harm than good.
>> Even if it is correct (and I havent seen any evidence save fuzzy
>> video to say it is) the no planers are doing more harm than good
>> in trying to further the movement. Even f they are correct, the
>> believablility factor is such that anyone who was on the edge of
>> considering 9/11 as an inside job, immediatley is turned off by
>> this far out theory.
> I will second Andy Long.
> My father was "into" conspiracy theories like the Money Masters.
> He was right about a great many things, as I realized after he
> passed away. But unfortunately, he had also picked up a couple
> poison pills.
> He used to try like anything to win me over to the alternative
> viewpoint. I'd listen politely, and he would make some yardage,
> but then he would mention the Nephelin, the shape-shifting
> reptilians.
> Well, a course in biology was part of my education, and creatures
> that can change their shape between human and reptile are just too
> big a stretch.
> My very strong reaction was to throw out everything else he had
> said and stick with my mainstream vanilla conformity.
> Decades of work out the window!
> TV fakery might not even be as big a stretch as Nephelins, but if
> you have tried as hard as I have to explain basic stuff like free
> fall speed and explosive demolition, and see people rationalize,
> change the subject, appeal to authority and every other fallacy in
> the book, instead of facing what's clear as a sunny day, so that
> you still can't make a bit of headway - well, let's put it this way:
> It's so hard to get a day in court with the brainwashed public,
> that you definitely want to present ONLY your best evidence when
> you get a chance to make your case.
>> Any no-planers who are truely in this to help out and strengthen
>> the movement can see this - its obvious - so those who continue
>> despite this fact are then thrown in a catagory (correct or not)
>> of "disinfo" artists - thier intent is viewed as trying to hurt
>> the progression, not help.
>> So, I imagine until the no-planers can step up with some evidence
>> that passes critical thinking tests, they will continue to be
>> viewed as the 'bad guys' of the truth movement.
>> Right or wrong, its how I read the situation.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Ray Antoky 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:31 AM
>> Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Vi

Re: [political-research] Re: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Video Fakery Prison Planet

2007-10-31 Thread Sean McBride
We seem to have a major cognitive glitch here -- you are failing to address any 
of the main points I've made on this topic.

Rosalee Grable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Planehuggers ARE the "most likely suspects for 911" -- The ones who were 
 not killed were given positions in the coverup , like 911 Actor Perp 
 Gary Welz, who was repurposed as a "911 Scholar" in the aftermath.
 Fortunately he was confronted with his lies, and he recanted his 
 planeseeing abilities.
 the Big Takeover, part two - the 9/11 network scam
 911 Flatline
 Sean McBride wrote:
 > The main problem with the no-planers: vicious fanaticism and 
 > intolerance.  They have expended much more energy in attacking the 
 > most effective voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement than in going after 
 > the most likely suspects for 9/11.  We don't know that they are a 
 > COINTELPRO-style op, but we do know that this is precisely what such 
 > an op would look like.
 > 9/11 truth seekers should keep an open mind about competing theories 
 > concerning the who, how and why of 9/11 until all the facts are in, 
 > and treat opposing views with civility as part of the truth-seeking 
 > process.  The no-planers have attempted to disrupt and destroy this 
 > amity at every turn.
 > The HOW of 9/11 strikes me as a minor detail -- I am much more 
 > interested in the WHO, WHY and what's next on the dance card in the 
 > campaign to instigate World War IV.
 > */John Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
 > At 10/31/2007  11:00 AM, you wrote:
 >> Most likely because the no planers are a hoax.  Attempting to
 >> rationalize with them is impossible - it seems that when they
 >> have fixated on this issue they aren't able to listen to any
 >> reason or logic.
 >> The evidence that no planers are way out in left field is fairly
 >> overwhelming and anyone who looks at thier evidence - objectively
 >> - can see this.
 >> It seems that the rest of the Truth Movement is trying hard to
 >> either show the no-planers some reason - mostly they wont listen
 >> - and since thier lineo f thought does *_NOTHING but hurt _*the
 >> truth movement, I suspect this is why AJ isn;t putting up with
 >> the garbage. 
 >> The whole theory does more harm than good.
 >> Even if it is correct (and I havent seen any evidence save fuzzy
 >> video to say it is) the no planers are doing more harm than good
 >> in trying to further the movement. Even f they are correct, the
 >> believablility factor is such that anyone who was on the edge of
 >> considering 9/11 as an inside job, immediatley is turned off by
 >> this far out theory.
 > I will second Andy Long.
 > My father was "into" conspiracy theories like the Money Masters.
 > He was right about a great many things, as I realized after he
 > passed away. But unfortunately, he had also picked up a couple
 > poison pills.
 > He used to try like anything to win me over to the alternative
 > viewpoint. I'd listen politely, and he would make some yardage,
 > but then he would mention the Nephelin, the shape-shifting
 > reptilians.
 > Well, a course in biology was part of my education, and creatures
 > that can change their shape between human and reptile are just too
 > big a stretch.
 > My very strong reaction was to throw out everything else he had
 > said and stick with my mainstream vanilla conformity.
 > Decades of work out the window!
 > TV fakery might not even be as big a stretch as Nephelins, but if
 > you have tried as hard as I have to explain basic stuff like free
 > fall speed and explosive demolition, and see people rationalize,
 > change the subject, appeal to authority and every other fallacy in
 > the book, instead of facing what's clear as a sunny day, so that
 > you still can't make a bit of headway - well, let's put it this way:
 > It's so hard to get a day in court with the brainwashed public,
 > that you definitely want to present ONLY your best evidence when
 > you get a chance to make your case.
 >> Any no-planers who are truely in this to help out and strengthen
 >> the movement can see this - its obvious - so those who continue
 >> despite this fact are then thrown in a catagory (correct or not)
 >> of "disinfo" artists - thier intent is viewed as trying to hurt
 >> the progression, not help.
 >> So, I imagine until the no-planers can step up with some evidence
 >> that passes critical thinking tests, they will continue to be
 >> viewed as the 'bad guys' of the truth movement.
 >> Right or wrong, its how I read the s