FYI in case you care to send an email supporting the Gov of Wisconsin

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

PatCA  said...

   He has mentioned the positive emails in his pressers, so send one!



   Phone: (608) 266-1212

   2/19/11 5:12 PM

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Interesting chart of the combined ACT and SAT scores by state on average

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

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Good for them - Tea Partiers in Ill chase the WI Dems out of Rockford

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

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Althouse on the Tea Party in Madison - also video of doc giving out sick slips to protesters

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

One of the commenters saw some doctors there and one was a professor at 
the Univ of Wisconsin School of Medicine - I would think that the State 
Medical Board could cause them some real problems for handing out those 
sick slips to defraud the govt.

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I would want to see a copy of this executive order - if true, an abomination

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

Obama infects federal work forces with 'British disease'
Comments (2) "BookmarkShare PrintPrint
By: Examiner Editorial 01/29/11 8:05 PM

AP file photo, February 1979 Widespread strikes by militant trade 
unions, including garbage collectors and miners, during the late 1970s 
crippled Great Britain's economy and led to Margaret Thatcher's election.
AP file photo, February 1979 Widespread strikes by militant trade 
unions, including garbage collectors and miners, during the late 1970s 
crippled Great Britain's economy and led to Margaret Thatcher's election.
Britain's economy nearly came to a standstill in the late 1970s as a 
result of a contagion known as the British disease -- endless work 
stoppages, slowdowns and strikes called by militant trade unions. 
Company owners and managers had to secure prior approval from union 
bosses before carrying out even the most routine workplace tasks. As a 
result, productivity plummeted, and exports of once-popular British 
products like cars and motorcycles dropped sharply or disappeared 
entirely. Economic growth stagnated, investors fled overseas, and the 
country's standard of living declined. The fever was broken only after 
voters awarded Margaret Thatcher with a massive Tory landslide in 1979. 
She then "broke" the unions during the ensuing miners strike, enabling 
her to push major reforms through Parliament, including new limits on 
trade unionism and its power in the management of British firms.

Sadly, an executive order signed by President Obama in 2009 has injected 
a massive dose of the British disease into the daily operation of the 
federal government. Executive Order 13522 is innocuously titled 
"Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government 
Services." The reality is that the only thing improved will be the 
ability of federal employee union bosses to tell managers of government 
departments and agencies what they can and cannot do. What makes this an 
even more extraordinary turn of events, however, is the fact the Obama 
administration has empowered union bosses to exercise this new power 
behind closed doors without fear of exposure via the Freedom of 
Information Act.

The Obama executive order established the National Council on Federal 
Labor-Management Relations, which oversees implementation of the new 
policy with labor-management forums within federal departments and 
agencies. The forums are the formal vehicle by which the union bosses -- 
who may or may not be federal employees -- will impose their will on 
federal managers, including Cabinet secretaries and independent agency 
heads. According to a recently distributed guidance memorandum signed by 
Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry and Office of 
Management and Budget Deputy Director Jeffrey Zients, federal managers 
must "allow pre-decisional involvement with unions in all workplace 
matters to the fullest extent practicable, without regard to whether 
those matters are negotiable subjects of bargaining."

Use of the term "pre-decisional" means documents produced prior to a 
specific policy decision are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA. And 
requiring federal managers to involve union bosses on all matters 
regardless of whether they are negotiable under the law effectively 
gives them a veto on virtually any workplace issue. Such power 
represents the essence of the British disease and thanks to Obama, it's 
now established policy in the federal workplace. It took the trade 
unions less than two decades to bring Britain to her knees. It probably 
won't take America's federal employee unions that long to accomplish the 
same result in government.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: 

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Re: The Truth:

2011-02-19 Thread robert prezioso
Hey wes
Capitalism is now only for the top of the chain here is a small article on
how I feel this country has been given over to the rich by the government .

*How far are we from becoming a nation force to live in a socialist

Think about what is happening in this country , we the people are going
broke and the government wants to force more taxes and charge us if we do
not have health care .  That seems to take freedom of choice away from the
people who are suppose to be in charge of the government. Most  communist
societies started this way Russia,  Cuba ,Venezuela in other words the
government is taking control of what we should be in control *Our Lives.*

* *
This did no begin with this administration but it is being taken farther in
this Administration than ever before. We as Americans are allowing it . I
tell you now if we do not stop what they are doing now all the rights our
fore father have fought for are going to disappear faster than you
thing.  Voting
almost means nothing now pretty soon it will mean nothing at all .We as a
people not separate national colors and creed must come together and form a
new political party to fight the coming storm of political take over. I
really hope you see the plight this government has put the people in. The
politicians are no longer True Americans they are traitors to the *Original
Constitution of the United States Of America .   Please leave comment*
* Please if you get a chance go on this sight and see if you agree  with
some of the things I have to say ***

* *

The Author  Bob Prezioso

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Wes  wrote:

> > Capitalism is the system in which people are free to use their
> > private property without outside interference.
> You're not free to kill with a gun or a knife even though you may have
> a right to keep and bear it.
> > Who determines what is 'good' and what is 'wrong'?
> >  From WHENCE is such derived?
> The people and/or the gov't decides right and wrong (would you have it
> any other way)? I would say the Bible is the main source when
> determining right and wrong but many don't agree.
> > People wanting to dictate what others do with their property AND/OR
> > interfere with their use of said property ... using FORCE to
> > accomplish such *IS* socialism.
> Right socialism and capitalism are the same thing. You can take your
> property to mars and do as you please there but if you want to live
> under Team America you're going to do as we say. How's that sound?
> On Feb 17, 6:45 pm, MJ  wrote:
> > >Socialism and Capitalism are the same thing only the volume is turned
> > >up more on one side and less on the other.
> >
> > Capitalism is the system in which people are free to use their
> > private property without outside interference.
> >
> > >Gov't's job is to
> > >facilitate good and punish wrong.
> >
> > Who determines what is 'good' and what is 'wrong'?
> >  From WHENCE is such derived?
> >
> > >Gov't should see to it that people
> > >can win for their own team but punish them if they don't provide for
> > >their own team members because that leads to Socialism which doesn't
> > >work.
> >
> > People wanting to dictate what others do with their property AND/OR
> > interfere with their use of said property ... using FORCE to
> > accomplish such *IS* socialism.
> >
> > Regard$,
> > --MJ
> >
> > There is simply no other choice than this: either abstain from
> > interference in the free play of the market, or to delegate the
> > entire management of production and distribution to the
> > government.  Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no middle
> > way. -- Ludwig von Mises
> --
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Re: The Tea Party is it a real party? No

2011-02-19 Thread robert prezioso

I see some of your point but the two party system is destorying our country
and aslong as you keep replace rep  and dem with the same you are not
improving this government . Are these so called new people will to give up
their 15.00 plus salary to really help the people of course not . How
many of these tea party people came to the reception give for them by the
tea party not many . Once these fools are in they cannot be fired  so they
will not do what you want and the last time I cahecked red and blue make
green and that is all they are about until we are able to control them
again.  The Tea Party is justreplace one crook with another  without even
athought what they are doing.

Thanks for  debate


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Keith In Köln wrote:

> Hello Rory!
> I maybe have a different perspectiveI think maybe Bruce might agree
> with me to a degree.
> It's my belief that the Tea Party is really a majority of Americans, from
> all walks of life, and crossing racial, ethnic, economic, and politcal party
> lines.
> The mainstream media, the Republican Party, and most especially those who
> hold very far left of center viewpoints, predominately from the Democratic
> Party have done everything within their power to portray the Tea Party
> movement as something far different.  Something sinister, crazed, and not at
> all what the majority of Americans are really demanding, which is a return
> to a fiscally conservative government that abides by the Constitution of the
> United States, secures its borders and guarantees the ability for a thriving
> free market economy.
> The Tea Party, in my humble opinion was never designed or intended to be a
> political party per-se.   The Tea Party was meant only to sweep those
> politicans who are not receptive to this Nation's demands, from office.
> Again, in my humble opinion, I don't think we have seen the last of this
> movement, nor the last of a house cleaning in Washington and other State
> legislations.
>   On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM, THE ANNOINTED ONE  > wrote:
>> It is a loose knit group of like minded middle class people that
>> simply want a return to a Constitutional Republic.
>> The winners are, Senate:
>> PA- Pat Toomey
>> KY- Rand Paul
>> FL- Marco Rubio
>> WI- Ron Johnson
>> UT- Mike Lee
>> House:
>> Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more
>> due to undecided races):
>> Sandy Adams, FL-24
>> Justin Amash, MI-03
>> Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
>> Dan Benishek, MI-01
>> Rick Crawford, AR-01
>> Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
>> Robert Dold, IL-10
>> Renee Ellmers, NC-02
>> Tom Graves, GA-09
>> Tim Griffin, AR-02
>> Michael Grimm, NY-13
>> Paul Gosar, AZ-01
>> Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
>> Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
>> Nan Hayworth, NY-19
>> Randy Hultgren, IL-14
>> Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
>> Raul Labrador, ID-01
>> Jeff Landry, LA-03
>> Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
>> Kristi Noem, SD
>> Rep. Mike Pence, IN
>> Rep. Tom Price, GS
>> Jon Runyan, NJ-3
>> David Schweikert, AZ-5
>> Robert Schilling, IL-17
>> Tim Scott, SC-1
>> Steve Southerland, FL-02
>> Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
>> Scott Tipton, CO
>> Todd Young, IN-09
>> Tim Walberg, MI-07
>> Allen West, FL-22
>> Continue reading on Election 2010: Tea Party winners and
>> losers - GOP future - Portland Progressive |
>> On Feb 19, 12:43 pm, rorywolf  wrote:
>> >  The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all they
>> > are doing is putting the same old parties back in.  It take no proof
>> > to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a
>> > true Party that have candidate and a way to change the way of doing
>> > political business even just a little. It is just my opinion, but I
>> > think that they are a danger because they really are not making a
>> > change the people they put in will turn on them just as all the rest
>> > have turn the backs on the people. Until we are able to fire a
>> > politician without them finishing a term this country's government
>> > will always win, So if you would like me change my mind show me what
>> > they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought
>> > they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
>> > to the realization that they did nothing but show they can replace a
>> > rep with a dem nothing else.
>> >
>> > The Author
>> --
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> --
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Fwd: Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

 Original Message 
Subject:Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir
Date:   Sun, 20 Feb 2011 02:11:36 +
From:   Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir 

 Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir 


Posted: 18 Feb 2011 09:35 PM PST


Chicken Takeout.

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Craig's list ad from Chicago

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

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Tentative Settlement Awards $500K To Daughter Of Man Killed By Everett Officer

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley
*Tentative Settlement Awards $500K To Daughter Of Man Killed By Everett 

"Officer Steve Klocker testified that right before firing, Meade said, 
'Enough is enough -- time to end this.'"


Jury Acquits Everett Officer Of Murder, Manslaughter

"Everett police Officer Steven Klocker, also at the scene that night, 
testified he was 'kind of at a loss' when Meade opened fire. 'I was 
wondering what I missed to bring it to that extreme level of force,' 
Klocker testified."


We have been duped into thinking government aggression is okay.

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!*

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Cops Rape More Than Two Times Rate Of General Public

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Rapists With A Badge

"...there is one weapon you have at our disposal to help prevent 
yourself from becoming a victim of a badged rapist; the video camera. 
Use it. Every time you interact with a police officer, you should record 
that interaction. If they want to know why you are recording them, tell 
them the truth, 'I fear for my safety. You could be a rapist.'"


"It isn't the abuse of power that's the problem, it's the power to abuse."
- Michael Cloud

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!*

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Gaddafi recruits “African mercenaries” to quell protests

2011-02-19 Thread aday mustapha
Gaddafi recruits “African mercenaries” to quell protests

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Morocco braces for protests as unrest moves westward

2011-02-19 Thread aday mustapha
Morocco braces for protests as unrest moves westward

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Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

2011-02-19 Thread NoEinstein
Folks:  The following was prompted by a direct email to me.  (See
below.)  I'd like to share it with you.  — John A. Armistead —


Dear Robert (Prezioso):

My first essay 'title-set" on Political Forum was: "Start the
Revolution!  Government is out-of-touch with the People!"  Apparently,
even the concept of there being a revolution tired most people out.
They want others to fight their battles for them—even while this
country is going-down-the-tubes.

The absolute shortest way to correct our broke government and corrupt
institutions is by ratifying my STRONG New Constitution.  It's true
that IF our elected officials had sincerely adhered to the ideals of
the Founding Fathers, that are expressed in the original Constitution,
we wouldn't have many of today's problems.  Unfortunately, Congress
and the White House pay lip-service to the Constitution while ignoring
most of it, most of the time.  They are our elected dictators, not our
elected representatives.

Our bad government is mostly just a huge personnel problem.  The bad
personnel began  making big promises to the lazy minorities in society
in order to get enough votes to keep getting elected.  It's easy to
fault the "fat cats" when the lazy outnumber the former a hundred to

Please understand that I have my own agendas which prevent me from
being an active supporter of your "Save the Country" effort.  If
enough people, like you, will start talking about straightening out
government, the powers-that-be will come tumbling down.  I'll capsule
your long reply so that others can read it, too.

Sincerely,  — John A. Armistead  —  Patriot

- Original Message -
From: robert prezioso
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 1:23 AM
Subject:  I agree there is no answer for that Constitution.

You seem to realize that our government has over-stepped its rights
over the people of this country.  As I look at it, the way this
happened is we are too worried about who is getting what from the
government.  On the one hand—the government hand—it keeps us separated
so we may not be able to protect ourselves from the attacks on us
every day by the political machines.  Do Not Get Me Wrong!  I Love
This Great Country, and I did service the military.  But I feel that
the government has been taken away from the people and is now only for
themselves.   Just look at what they get paid for doing nothing.  They
don't even work all year, and the expenses are all on us.  Every rep.
and sen. gets paid from $150,000 to almost $200,000 a year for doing
things that we would be put in jail for.

If you get a chance, go to my free site.  Hey, everybody has to rant
and vent when it comes to the government.  I want to start a new
political party to take the government back for the people and restore
the original constitution of the United States which truly gave us the
power, and where the words: "We The People" mean something.  The link,
below, is the site.  Please email any comments that could help me
improve the content of my site.  You seem to be one of the more down-
to-reality people that I have encountered so far in this forum.
Please check this out at:

Thanks for reading, even if you do not go to the site.

Bob Prezioso
On Feb 13, 11:26 pm, NoEinstein  wrote:
> Love thy neighbor, or love thy criminals.
> Polls taken throughout Barack Obama’s tenure as our elected dictator
> show that a consistent 40% to 45% think he is doing OK as… President.
> That contrasts with as few as 16% of Americans who approve of Obama’s
> handling of the US economy.  Why isn’t there a parallel between those
> two polling questions?  Can one’s rating as President not take into
> account both overall performance and specific performance?
> In 2004 I had heard glowing reports of an attractive Black man from
> Chicago who, supposedly, was delivering rousing speeches.  So, I made
> it a point to listen when Obama addressed the Democratic Convention
> that year.  My reaction wasn’t favorable.  The words of the speech
> were OK, but Obama was stony-faced and emotionless.  He talked in a
> modified monotone—dropping his voice at the end of sentences as though
> his energy had drained out.  The most noticeable aspect of his
> bearing, as a speaker, was the regularity with which he turned his
> head from side to side while reading teleprompters.  Though he was
> articulate sounding, Obama didn’t seem to be enjoying the message he
> was delivering.  Where there is real passion, usually there are
> changes in speaking tone, changes in body language, and apt
> gesturing.  Obama showed none of those.  Whoever that ‘attractive
> Black man from Chicago’ was, he was keeping the true identity of the
> speaker hidden from public view.  That fact made me feel very uneasy,
> mostly, because other people, apparently, were only seeing the
> slender, suave and handsome man, and not seeing the likely psychosis
> lurking below that man’s sur

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

2011-02-19 Thread NoEinstein
MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. A. A. —
On Feb 19, 10:27 am, MJ  wrote:
> And yet two (2) times a reply is provided.
> HOWEVER, we have YET to see this panacea Constitution.
> Pity.
> Regard$,
> --MJThe power of the statists to exercise unrestrained force against people 
> goes to the essence of all political systems.  Being defined  even by 
> political “scientists”  as an entity that exercises a monopoly on the use of 
> violence within a given geographic area, the state must continue to exercise 
> such unquestioned powers, particularly at times when its credibility and 
> respect are in rapid decline.  The people employed to carry out such powers  
> be they police officers, TSA employees, militarists, bureaucrats of various 
> stripes, etc.  are the kinds of sociopaths who are eager to exercise such 
> unrestricted violence against others.  The state is the playground bully writ 
> large, and state officials are unwilling to hold their bullies accountable 
> for their wrongs because, to do so, would be to deny the very monopoly status 
> that defines their system. -- Butler ShafferAt 10:00 AM 2/19/2011, you 
> wrote:MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. A. A. —
> >
> On Feb 18, 10:00 am, MJ  wrote:
> > 
> > And yet three (3) times a reply is provided.
> > HOWEVER, we have YET to see this panacea Constitution.
> > Pity.
> > Regard$,
> > --MJThe power of the statists to exercise unrestrained force against people 
> > goes to the essence of all political systems.  Being defined  even by 
> > political “scientists”  as an entity that exercises a monopoly on the use 
> > of violence within a given geographic area, the state must continue to 
> > exercise such unquestioned powers, particularly at times when its 
> > credibility and respect are in rapid decline.  The people employed to carry 
> > out such powers  be they police officers, TSA employees, militarists, 
> > bureaucrats of various stripes, etc.  are the kinds of sociopaths who are 
> > eager to exercise such unrestricted violence against others.  The state is 
> > the playground bully writ large, and state officials are unwilling to hold 
> > their bullies accountable for their wrongs because, to do so, would be to 
> > deny the very monopoly status that defines their system. -- Butler 
> > ShafferAt 09:51 AM 2/18/2011, you wrote:MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. 
> > A. A. —
> > >
> > On Feb 17, 11:24 am, MJ  wrote:
> > > Hoping for a Patriot Act setting?
> > > Why are you so FEARFUL of allowing others to see it?
> > > HERE is the US 
> > > Constitution:
> > >  (at the time of its ratification) reviewed, discussed, etc.
> > > Your FEAR of allowing the Members of this Group READ it is quite telling. 
> > > Your incessant and endless fallacious replies tell an even greater story.
> > > Regard$,
> > > --MJ "...whatever power you give the State to do things for you carries 
> > > with it the equivalent power to do things to you." -- A. J. NockAt 11:00 
> > > AM 2/17/2011, you wrote:Dear J. A.:  You have a bossy tone.  My New 
> > > Constitution will be voted
> > > on, up-or-down, without discussion.  "A 'camel' is a HORSE designed in
> > > a committee!"  The following reply to MJ also applies to you:
> > > Folks:  This MJ fellow has a friendly salutation, "Regard$".  But he
> > > is shallow-minded to suppose that my New Constitution is like a book
> > > to be reviewed.  The functionality of my document has withstood the
> > > tests of events in the news that raise one's ire.  If there is some
> > > apparent injustice, I check to see if that same injustice would
> > > prevail under my New Constitution.  Over thirteen plus years, changes
> > > were required in the wording, until, finally, few if any injustices
> > > being told in the news would prevail.  The latter thirteen year
> > > process was my objective "review".  No person on Earth could be more
> > > objective than me, in what I've written, and why.  — John A. Armistead
> > > —  Patriot
> > > >
> > > On Feb 16, 4:36 pm, Jonathan Ashley 
> > > wrote:
> > > > John,
> > > >
> > > > Post your "New Constitution" and engage in meaningful discussion or quit
> > > > complaining.
> > > >
> > > > On 2/16/2011 1:35 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > No, MJ.  Go jump in a lake!  No reader of my posts wants to hear the
> > > > > dribble of a loser like you.  Quotations of others just don't impress
> > > > > the reader.  So, learn and leave.  � John A. Armistead � Patriot
> > > > > On Feb 15, 9:56 am, MJ  wrote:
> > > > >> It is an endless circle of fallacy spew ... yet
> > > > >> NO posting yet of this 'fabulous' Constitution.
> > > > >> Go figure.
> > > >
> > > > >> Regard$,
> > > > >> --MJ
> > > >
> > > > >> It is amazing how many people think that they can
> > > > >> answer an argument by attributing bad motives to
> > > > >> those who disagree with them. Us

Re: The Truth:

2011-02-19 Thread Wes
> Capitalism is the system in which people are free to use their
> private property without outside interference.

You're not free to kill with a gun or a knife even though you may have
a right to keep and bear it.

> Who determines what is 'good' and what is 'wrong'?
>  From WHENCE is such derived?

The people and/or the gov't decides right and wrong (would you have it
any other way)? I would say the Bible is the main source when
determining right and wrong but many don't agree.

> People wanting to dictate what others do with their property AND/OR
> interfere with their use of said property ... using FORCE to
> accomplish such *IS* socialism.

Right socialism and capitalism are the same thing. You can take your
property to mars and do as you please there but if you want to live
under Team America you're going to do as we say. How's that sound?

On Feb 17, 6:45 pm, MJ  wrote:
> >Socialism and Capitalism are the same thing only the volume is turned
> >up more on one side and less on the other.
> Capitalism is the system in which people are free to use their
> private property without outside interference.
> >Gov't's job is to
> >facilitate good and punish wrong.
> Who determines what is 'good' and what is 'wrong'?
>  From WHENCE is such derived?
> >Gov't should see to it that people
> >can win for their own team but punish them if they don't provide for
> >their own team members because that leads to Socialism which doesn't
> >work.
> People wanting to dictate what others do with their property AND/OR
> interfere with their use of said property ... using FORCE to
> accomplish such *IS* socialism.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> There is simply no other choice than this: either abstain from
> interference in the free play of the market, or to delegate the
> entire management of production and distribution to the
> government.  Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no middle
> way. -- Ludwig von Mises

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Tailgating Cop Injured, Rear-Ended Victim May Go To Prison

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

Tailgating Tax-Feeder Is Injured, Mundane May Go to Prison

Posted by William Grigg on February 16, 2011

Last June, Brian Hitchcock was rear-ended by a police motorcycle driven 
by Officer Anthony Parente of the Hermosa Beach, California Police 
Department. Parente had pulled behind Hitchcock at a stoplight; when the 
light changed, he pulled in even tighter and inexplicably hit his siren 
and running lights. When Hitchcock reflexively stopped, Parente plowed 
into the back of the BMW. The officer was thrown head-over-heels, 
landing in the backseat of the open convertible with his boots sticking 
in the air.

"Do you need any help?" Hitchcock asked the stunned and shaken officer, 
who told the driver that he needed his radio. Transmitter in hand, 
Parente spoke two words that may end up ruining Hitchcock's life: 
"Officer down."

Hitchcock clearly wasn't at fault; by Parente's own admission, the 
officer was less than two feet from the BMW's rear bumper when he 
activated the siren.

"I stopped and he ran into me," Hitchcock told the Daily Breeze 
newspaper. "That happens all the time. Generally, they cite the person 
who rear-ends somebody." Oh, but things are different when a member of 
the sanctified brotherhood of government coercion is the party at fault 
in a tailgating-related accident.

The Los Angeles County DA's office found no evidence that Hitchcock 
caused the accident by intentionally stopping short. Yet Parente's 
vindictive comrades, in collaboration with the Hermosa City Prosecutor, 
are trying to have Hitchcock sent to prison for "criminal assault" --- 
which in this case consists of being rear-ended by an inattentive, 
mis-behaving tax-feeder.

Though the charge itself is outrageous, the Stasi-inspired tactics used 
to pursue Hitchcock are repellent and terrifying --- and a useful 
illustration of the bottomless sense of privilege that increasingly 
typifies our sanctified guardians of public order.

First came public defamation, notes Paul Teetor of LA Weekly: "A press 
release issued by the Redondo Beach Police Department framed the 
incident as the fault of a driver who appeared to stop short in order to 
injure a police officer --- a far more sensational angle than a cop 
rear-ending a car because he turned on his siren while tailgating." When 
the County DA failed to find evidence of culpable misbehavior on the 
part of Hitchcock, the police took a page from the Stalin/Beria 
playbook: They began prying into his personal life and political 
opinions in search of "socially dangerous" attitudes.

"Police reports and witness statements show that a month-long 
investigation by Redondo Beach Police into Hitchcock's background found 
no evidence of anti-police bias," observes Teetor.  "After that, Redondo 
Beach Detective Mike Strosnider invited Hitchcock to a let's-be-friends 
lunch at Subway on the pretext that the investigation was over. It 
wasn't. Strosnider secretly recorded the lunch in hopes of capturing 
incriminating comments, but came up empty, according to his own report."

After failing to show that Hitchcock was an "anti-police vigilante," the 
heroes in blue pursued a different approach, emphasizing that his 
actions must be considered assault because they left the intrepid 
Officer Parente fearing for his life: "Parente, 6'1? and armed with his 
duty pistol, claimed to be so afraid of Hitchcock --- a gray-haired, 
fairly out-of-shape man in a Hawaiian shirt --- that Parente feared 
Hitchcock would snatch the shotgun from his fallen motorcycle." Parente 
enhances this account with spurious details --- disputed by objective 
witnesses on the scene --- intended to make it appear that Hitchcock had 
been driving erratically at the time of the collision.

Parente has revealed himself to be a perjurer and a coward, but for some 
reason --- most likely the prospect of a lucrative "disability" claim 
--- he adds impotence to that self-portrait, claiming that the "soft 
tissue" injuries he sustained resulted in "intimacy problems with my 
spouse." Since injuring himself in an accident he caused, Parente has 
been on paid vacation. If he and his comrades have their way, 
59-year-old Hitchcock, who suffers from Type 2 diabetes, will spend 
three years in prison.

"Cops are out of control. Cops lie, trick and cheat. Cops are 
unaccountable. They're drunk with power. And they avoid accountability 
by hiding behind the victims of 9/11."

- George Donnelly

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!

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Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread Wes
I found your 3rd party - The American beer drinkers Party - - here's their platform - On
most issues, both sides are wrong, and even if one side seems right,
they probably have ulterior motives. -

On Feb 19, 12:05 pm, robert prezioso  wrote:
> Bruce
> First it is great to hear from somebody with some sense and thanks for
> replyingh . The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all
> they are doing is putting  the same old parties back in .  It take no proof
> to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a true
> Party that have canidate and a way to change the way of doing political
> business even just a little.It is just my opinion ,but I think that they are
> a danger because they really are not making a change the people they put in
> will  turn on them just as all the rest have turn the backs  on the people .
> Until we are able to fire a politician without them finishing a term this
> country's government will alway win, So if you would like me  change my mind
> show me what they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they
> thought they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
> to the realization that  they did nothing but show they can replace a rep
> with a dem nothing else.
> Thanks for reading
> bob
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:16 AM, frankg  wrote:
> > Bob,
> > I thought you were doing pretty good until you got to the end.
> > Republicans and Democrats are co-conspirators in the destruction of
> > this company. They (collectively) reminds me of my brother-in-law, who
> > loves nothing more than enter a room of people, talk some shit, get
> > everyone all riled up, and then split -- always  with a huge shit-
> > eatting grin on his face.  I do believe this is the method the two
> > major parties use to keep the country in flux, pitting the two sides
> > against one another and then sit back and watch the population
> > implode.  The best way to stop it is vote 3rd party and get them all
> > out of office, even if that means a Tea Party candidate. You know the
> > two main parties are destroying the country, yet you already
> > immediately start hating on the Tea Party. I'd love to see your
> > evidence to back up those rather grievous charges against that
> > party.
> > On Feb 18, 10:46 pm, robert prezioso  wrote:
> > > I really enjoyed reading your article .  I agree to a point . That is the
> > > following
> > > **
> > > *Remember one thing both parties want us to be at odds so they will
> > always
> > > be in control . Never blame one party because both conspire to cheat us
> > > together .*
> > > **
> > > *Republicans and Democrats have already accused each other of favoring a
> > > government shutdown when funding expires and the two sides are
> > maneuvering
> > > for political advantage in anticipation of talks on a short-term
> > extension
> > > that will be needed.*
> > > This is what was in the news today our government accusing each other.
> > This
> > > seem the way our government run by blaming each other they are able to
> > steal
> > > from the government funds and make the people pay for whatever mistakes
> > they
> > > make.
> > > Each party have private companies supporting them giving them kickbacks,
> > oh
> > > excuse me campaign contributions.  So neither party has any reason to lie
> > > and say the American people have spoke.   They should just tell the truth
> > > and say out lobbyists and private companies have paid for this or that.
> > > The political machine is running on stolen fuel and bribes from companies
> > in
> > > and out of our great country. If we as a people keep ignoring all that is
> > > happen and believe in foolish parties such as the Tea Party we will lose
> > > this country. The budget they are fight over is not for the people it for
> > > themselves their pocket , their backroom deals , to keep all the True
> > > Americans from ever see the life they have . To never really work and to
> > be
> > > able to spend everybody’s money except their own.  They never work a full
> > > year and are always traveling on our dime and living in house and
> > townhouse
> > > paid for by the taxpayers.
> > >  .Bob Prezioso
> > > On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Bruce Majors  > >wrote:
> > > > equality is evil
> > > > most Democrats need to have their assets seized and returned to the tax
> > > > serfs
> > > > then you and the other parasites, from Obama and Daschle on down need
> > to be
> > > > stripped of your citizenship and expelled from the country for your
> > crimes
> > > > you have chosen to be subhuman so you must be treated accordingly
> >  > > On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Wes 
> > wrote:
> > > >> everyone in my world has more than enough, are you saying that's not
> > > >> possible? anyway things could still be shared a lot more equally.
> > > >> (Thou 

Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread Wes
> Each party have private companies supporting them giving them kickbacks, oh
> excuse me campaign contributions.

The GOP Great Ole Party of Wes K. takes no contributions from anyone
and will not accept bribes, but nobody votes for me because I don't
actually run. People need money to get elected and saying only what's
right (Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God.
) get's u hated by all. Do I have your vote?

On Feb 18, 9:46 pm, robert prezioso  wrote:
> I really enjoyed reading your article .  I agree to a point . That is the
> following
> **
> *Remember one thing both parties want us to be at odds so they will always
> be in control . Never blame one party because both conspire to cheat us
> together .*
> **
> *Republicans and Democrats have already accused each other of favoring a
> government shutdown when funding expires and the two sides are maneuvering
> for political advantage in anticipation of talks on a short-term extension
> that will be needed.*
> This is what was in the news today our government accusing each other. This
> seem the way our government run by blaming each other they are able to steal
> from the government funds and make the people pay for whatever mistakes they
> make.
> Each party have private companies supporting them giving them kickbacks, oh
> excuse me campaign contributions.  So neither party has any reason to lie
> and say the American people have spoke.   They should just tell the truth
> and say out lobbyists and private companies have paid for this or that.
> The political machine is running on stolen fuel and bribes from companies in
> and out of our great country. If we as a people keep ignoring all that is
> happen and believe in foolish parties such as the Tea Party we will lose
> this country. The budget they are fight over is not for the people it for
> themselves their pocket , their backroom deals , to keep all the True
> Americans from ever see the life they have . To never really work and to be
> able to spend everybody’s money except their own.  They never work a full
> year and are always traveling on our dime and living in house and townhouse
> paid for by the taxpayers.
>  .Bob Prezioso
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Bruce Majors wrote:
> > equality is evil
> > most Democrats need to have their assets seized and returned to the tax
> > serfs
> > then you and the other parasites, from Obama and Daschle on down need to be
> > stripped of your citizenship and expelled from the country for your crimes
> > you have chosen to be subhuman so you must be treated accordingly
> > On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Wes  wrote:
> >> everyone in my world has more than enough, are you saying that's not
> >> possible? anyway things could still be shared a lot more equally.
> >> (Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose
> >> shall those things be) ???
> >>  16And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain
> >> rich man brought forth plentifully: 17And he thought within himself,
> >> saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my
> >> fruits? 18And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and
> >> build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
> >> 20But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be
> >> required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast
> >> provided? 21So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not
> >> rich toward God. 16And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The
> >> ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:
> >>
> >> On Feb 17, 6:14 pm, BB47  wrote:
> >> > On Feb 17, 3:46 pm, Wes  wrote:
> >> > > Nobody should be expected to work and not afford a car (plus repairs),
> >> > > rent, health insurance, retirement and also little things that make
> >> > > life worthwhile (Cable TV could be one). Why do you want to pay people
> >> > > less than they need, you can't or you won't? you always act like their
> >> > > friends till it comes to payday then you're more of a rapist.
> >> >  Just picture a world filled with YOUs.  Everyone complaining to each
> >> > other that you should buy the other a car and everything else on your
> >> > list.  Think about that for a little while.  Spend some time
> >> > surrounded by multiple yous'
> >> > Insane isn't it?
> >> > What you fail to see is that all that stuff you ask for costs WAY more
> >> > than you "put in" at a low end job.
> >> > Therefore you are forcing someone else to buy it for you with THEIR
> >> > work.  Can you see how unfair that is?
> >> > It is mathematically impossible to make your scenario work.
> >> >    You act like all those things are your right!  Just by being born
> >> > and able to say "welcome to Walmart"  get

Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread Wes
I'm not a democrat and i'm glad to see daschle go what i want is for
people to get their needs met from their jobs so they don't reach out
to Socialism. Are you against Socialism, are you against Cutthroat

On Feb 18, 8:28 am, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> equality is evil
> most Democrats need to have their assets seized and returned to the tax
> serfs
> then you and the other parasites, from Obama and Daschle on down need to be
> stripped of your citizenship and expelled from the country for your crimes
> you have chosen to be subhuman so you must be treated accordingly
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Wes  wrote:
> > everyone in my world has more than enough, are you saying that's not
> > possible? anyway things could still be shared a lot more equally.
> > (Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose
> > shall those things be) ???
> >  16And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain
> > rich man brought forth plentifully: 17And he thought within himself,
> > saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my
> > fruits? 18And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and
> > build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
> > 20But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be
> > required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast
> > provided? 21So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not
> > rich toward God. 16And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The
> > ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:
> >
> > On Feb 17, 6:14 pm, BB47  wrote:
> > > On Feb 17, 3:46 pm, Wes  wrote:
> > > > Nobody should be expected to work and not afford a car (plus repairs),
> > > > rent, health insurance, retirement and also little things that make
> > > > life worthwhile (Cable TV could be one). Why do you want to pay people
> > > > less than they need, you can't or you won't? you always act like their
> > > > friends till it comes to payday then you're more of a rapist.
> > >  Just picture a world filled with YOUs.  Everyone complaining to each
> > > other that you should buy the other a car and everything else on your
> > > list.  Think about that for a little while.  Spend some time
> > > surrounded by multiple yous'
> > > Insane isn't it?
> > > What you fail to see is that all that stuff you ask for costs WAY more
> > > than you "put in" at a low end job.
> > > Therefore you are forcing someone else to buy it for you with THEIR
> > > work.  Can you see how unfair that is?
> > > It is mathematically impossible to make your scenario work.
> > >    You act like all those things are your right!  Just by being born
> > > and able to say "welcome to Walmart"  gets you a car, retirement,
> > > health care, cable TV, repairs, the whole life? (which costs hundreds
> > > of thousands of dollars)
> > > How can you think that? That is just crazy.  Somebody had to earn that
> > > money.  Somebody that did everything way better than you did and your
> > > low skill job.  You don't deserve their hard work.
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
> > * Visit our other community at
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread Wes
> If everyone in your world has more than enough then why are you
> complaining?
> Why is it when you say "share" what you really mean is "get more from
> others?"

MY World doesn't exist - please listen to this song about another
world. - - (if i could
make the earth and my dreams the same)

Yes i want more from others- i'm basically saying that employers
should give more in order to prevent Socialism - Why not, they can't
or they won't?

On Feb 17, 7:00 pm, BB47  wrote:
> On Feb 17, 4:33 pm, Wes  wrote:
> > everyone in my world has more than enough, are you saying that's not
> > possible? anyway things could still be shared a lot more equally.
> If everyone in your world has more than enough then why are you
> complaining?
> Why is it when you say "share" what you really mean is "get more from
> others?"

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State Dept helps set up pro-Islam think France

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
 State Dept helps
set up pro-Islam think
*creeping * | February
19, 2011 at 3:00 PM | Categories: Creeping

An update on this post - Obama State Dept coaching future politicians in
Muslim enclaves of Paris. via In France, US advocacy for Muslim rights
raises more than a few hackles - Yahoo! News. Pushing for democracy in the
Middle East bad, pushing for Islam in Europe (and everywhere U.S.
taxpayer expense) good. A [...]

Read more of this

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Houston: Residents Videotaping Officers Worries HPD's Chief

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley
If everyone proactively videotaped their respective police departments 
in action, would we be able to stop the ever-increasing oppression we face?

Houston: Residents Videotaping Officers Worries HPD's Chief

"Officers are telling me that they're being provoked," the chief said. 
"Even when they try to write a simple traffic ticket, people are jumping 
out with cell phone cameras scanning their badge numbers and their name 
tags. And I've asked them to remain calm and treat people with respect 
and dignity."

"We have been duped into thinking government aggression is okay."

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!

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Re: The Tea Party is it a real party? No

2011-02-19 Thread Keith In Köln
Hello Rory!

I maybe have a different perspectiveI think maybe Bruce might agree with
me to a degree.

It's my belief that the Tea Party is really a majority of Americans, from
all walks of life, and crossing racial, ethnic, economic, and politcal party

The mainstream media, the Republican Party, and most especially those who
hold very far left of center viewpoints, predominately from the Democratic
Party have done everything within their power to portray the Tea Party
movement as something far different.  Something sinister, crazed, and not at
all what the majority of Americans are really demanding, which is a return
to a fiscally conservative government that abides by the Constitution of the
United States, secures its borders and guarantees the ability for a thriving
free market economy.

The Tea Party, in my humble opinion was never designed or intended to be a
political party per-se.   The Tea Party was meant only to sweep those
politicans who are not receptive to this Nation's demands, from office.

Again, in my humble opinion, I don't think we have seen the last of this
movement, nor the last of a house cleaning in Washington and other State

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM, THE ANNOINTED ONE wrote:

> It is a loose knit group of like minded middle class people that
> simply want a return to a Constitutional Republic.
> The winners are, Senate:
> PA- Pat Toomey
> KY- Rand Paul
> FL- Marco Rubio
> WI- Ron Johnson
> UT- Mike Lee
> House:
> Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more
> due to undecided races):
> Sandy Adams, FL-24
> Justin Amash, MI-03
> Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
> Dan Benishek, MI-01
> Rick Crawford, AR-01
> Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
> Robert Dold, IL-10
> Renee Ellmers, NC-02
> Tom Graves, GA-09
> Tim Griffin, AR-02
> Michael Grimm, NY-13
> Paul Gosar, AZ-01
> Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
> Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
> Nan Hayworth, NY-19
> Randy Hultgren, IL-14
> Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
> Raul Labrador, ID-01
> Jeff Landry, LA-03
> Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
> Kristi Noem, SD
> Rep. Mike Pence, IN
> Rep. Tom Price, GS
> Jon Runyan, NJ-3
> David Schweikert, AZ-5
> Robert Schilling, IL-17
> Tim Scott, SC-1
> Steve Southerland, FL-02
> Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
> Scott Tipton, CO
> Todd Young, IN-09
> Tim Walberg, MI-07
> Allen West, FL-22
> Continue reading on Election 2010: Tea Party winners and
> losers - GOP future - Portland Progressive |
> On Feb 19, 12:43 pm, rorywolf  wrote:
> >  The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all they
> > are doing is putting the same old parties back in.  It take no proof
> > to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a
> > true Party that have candidate and a way to change the way of doing
> > political business even just a little. It is just my opinion, but I
> > think that they are a danger because they really are not making a
> > change the people they put in will turn on them just as all the rest
> > have turn the backs on the people. Until we are able to fire a
> > politician without them finishing a term this country's government
> > will always win, So if you would like me change my mind show me what
> > they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought
> > they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
> > to the realization that they did nothing but show they can replace a
> > rep with a dem nothing else.
> >
> > The Author
> --
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John Fund on the Wisconsin Union Battle

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

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Good interview with Paul Ryan by Paul Gigot

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson

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Cops Trick Photographer Into Stopping For Them

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Cops Trick Photographer Into Stopping For Them
By George Donnelly

I love watching these "true crimes" type videos of peaceful people 
pushing the alarm button on post-9/11 tyranny. It's impossible to hold 
[cops] thugs accountable anymore because you could be a terrorist doing 
video surveillance. So convenient. And the judges have their backs. In 
this video, secret service thugs outside the white house got so much 
mileage out of this, it looked like they trained some new apprentices 
too. But this is no fun for the photographer and, sadly, he was tricked. 
He didn't have to talk to them or hand over his [driver's license] papers.

Questioned, not Detained

At the very beginning, one thug says the photog is being detained. But 
when the photog asks the supervisor if he's indeed being detained, he 
evasively replies, yes, "you are being questioned." Aha! That is totally 
different. But the photog apparently didn't notice. Who can blame him? 
Multiple cops moving around you and asking questions is very stressful. 
But that was the cue to walk away. That stop was entirely voluntary. 
Cops can ask questions of anyone, anytime. They can lie their asses off. 
If the subject thinks he's being stopped, they don't have to disabuse 
him of that notion. The photog could have left right then and there.

Don't Talk to the Cops!

But he didn't. That was a mistake. There is no reason to talk to cops. 
Talking to cops can not help you. It can only lead to you 
self-incriminating, giving them a reason to escalate the situation or 
filling their databases with your personal data. Don't talk to the cops! 
This is a very hard rule to follow, because the cops are trained to get 
you to talk, but an important one nonetheless. I myself have stupidly 
broken this rule.

Skillful Use of the Streisand Effect

Here are some other interesting takeaways from the conversation:


  1. *The photog claimed the thugs needed reasonable suspicion to talk
 to someone. This is incorrect. Cops can strike up conversation
 with anyone. If the person voluntarily complies (consents) to the
 convo, the cops can just keep on asking questions until they find
 something they can use to escalate the encounter to where they
 actually have legal power to do something to you.*
  2. *One of the thugs said the photog was acting in a suspicious
 manner and was going to ask some questions. But you have no
 obligation to stand there (as long as you are not formally
 detained), listen to them or answer them.*
  3. *They take pictures for their files and databases. Nothing good
 can come from it so under no circumstances should you cooperate.
 Sometimes, however it is unavoidable. Avoid attempts to sucker you
 into voluntarily complying by claiming some kind of moral
 equivalency (e.g., if I take off my glasses, will you take off
 yours?). They have radically more power than you do, so your photo
 in their hands is dangerous. Their photo in your hands is nowhere
 near as dangerous. In unusual cases it can cost them their job,
 but that's it.*
  4. *The photog should be commended for continuing his photography
 during the encounter. The foolish thugs unwittingly played into
 the Streisand Effect. To wit, by harassing the photog, more video
 of the thugs was taken and it has reached more eyeballs.*
  5. *Never voluntarily confirm your current address. That makes it too
 easy for the thugs to mount a campaign of harassment where you are
 most vulnerable. If you're in custody, you may be obligated to do
 this in order to be released. But on a voluntary stop like this,
 there is no good reason whatsoever to confirm your current address.*
  6. *Some states have stop and identify statues. Know which arbitrary
 rule they have in your area. According to Wikipedia, Washington,
 DC does not have this. In this case, assuming this was a voluntary
 stop (sure seems like it!), the photog voluntarily handed over his
 papers. Don't do that. Of course, I was once arrested in
 Pennsylvania for refusing to hand over my papers to a thug in the
 absence of a stop and identify statute. So take my advice with a
 grain of salt. What is written on the books is not the law. The
 law is what cops say it is.*
  7. *"We're not going to tell you what constitutes suspicious," said
 one of the thugs. I ROFLed. This is straight out of Kafka! Can
 these people hear themselves?*
  8. *When a cop says, "I'm just askin'," he is lying. Every time. When
 you hear a cop say that, raise shields big time.*
  9. *Notice how the cops got flustered when it looked like the photog
 was friends with someone important. They immediately broke off
 contact. This is not only entertaining to watch, but i

Re: The Tea Party is it a real party? No

2011-02-19 Thread THE ANNOINTED ONE
It is a loose knit group of like minded middle class people that
simply want a return to a Constitutional Republic.

The winners are, Senate:
PA- Pat Toomey
KY- Rand Paul
FL- Marco Rubio
WI- Ron Johnson
UT- Mike Lee

Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more
due to undecided races):
Sandy Adams, FL-24
Justin Amash, MI-03
Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
Dan Benishek, MI-01
Rick Crawford, AR-01
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
Robert Dold, IL-10
Renee Ellmers, NC-02
Tom Graves, GA-09
Tim Griffin, AR-02
Michael Grimm, NY-13
Paul Gosar, AZ-01
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
Nan Hayworth, NY-19
Randy Hultgren, IL-14
Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
Raul Labrador, ID-01
Jeff Landry, LA-03
Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
Kristi Noem, SD
Rep. Mike Pence, IN
Rep. Tom Price, GS
Jon Runyan, NJ-3
David Schweikert, AZ-5
Robert Schilling, IL-17
Tim Scott, SC-1
Steve Southerland, FL-02
Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
Scott Tipton, CO
Todd Young, IN-09
Tim Walberg, MI-07
Allen West, FL-22

Continue reading on Election 2010: Tea Party winners and
losers - GOP future - Portland Progressive |

On Feb 19, 12:43 pm, rorywolf  wrote:
>  The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all they
> are doing is putting the same old parties back in.  It take no proof
> to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a
> true Party that have candidate and a way to change the way of doing
> political business even just a little. It is just my opinion, but I
> think that they are a danger because they really are not making a
> change the people they put in will turn on them just as all the rest
> have turn the backs on the people. Until we are able to fire a
> politician without them finishing a term this country's government
> will always win, So if you would like me change my mind show me what
> they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought
> they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
> to the realization that they did nothing but show they can replace a
> rep with a dem nothing else.
> The Author

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Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

The Tea Party WAS a movement (decentralized), when the Establishment
could not kill it, it sent the Rs to 'co-opt' it. The 'Centralized'
version of the Tea Party that (useful idiot) Palin claimed to lead is
largely a Media creation. At this point the entire charade has been
'de-toothed' and brought into (largely) the Republican fold.
I am guessing the next (decentralized) conglomeration of the ORIGINAL
movement will NOT be so easily co-opted.
So we see state-worshiping "liberals" applauding
anti-government protesters in Cairo, and Tea Party "rebels"
urging support for the socialist regime they're trying to overthrow. --
William N. Grigg

First it is great to hear from
somebody with some sense and thanks for replyingh . The problem with the
Tea Party is that they are not a party all they are doing is
putting  the same old parties back in .  It take no proof to
show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a true
Party that have canidate and a way to change the way of doing political
business even just a little.It is just my opinion ,but I think that they
are a danger because they really are not making a change the people they
put in will  turn on them just as all the rest have turn the
backs  on the people . Until we are able to fire a politician
without them finishing a term this country's government will alway win,
So if you would like me  change my mind show me what they actually
did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought they were doing
good and in the begin I love the party but then came to the realization
that  they did nothing but show they can replace a rep with a dem
nothing else. 

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Soros concubines make fun of old people, while defending bureaucrats' pensions, and serving as concubines to an 80 year old billionaire

2011-02-19 Thread Bruce Majors
 Soros concubine leftovers on the pro-Walker, anti-tax predator rally
by Bruce Majors  on Saturday,
February 19, 2011 at 2:39pm

*Retired bureaucrats and their pensions good, retired taxpayers and tea
partiers sub-human objects of ridicule?*

*From ThinRegress, a Soros site:*

AConnecticutYankee 21 hours ago

", Now Orchestrating Pro-Walker Protest"

i'm sure all five participants will make an enormous impact.


36 people liked this. Like Reply

Patty 21 hours ago in reply to AConnecticutYankee

LOL! I can just see the old ladies with walkers and old men with oxygen
tanks being helped out of the Corporate buses right now.

18 people liked this. Like Reply

Ritorna Vincitor 20 hours ago in reply to Patty

LOL! "Take that, you young... um. you young er... um..

How did I get here?"

9 people liked this. Like Reply

 ·  · 

   - **
  Bruce Majors  Funny how their
  master is such a spry young thing himself!

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Re: 12 Things You Need to Know About the Uprising in Wisconsin

2011-02-19 Thread dick thompson
And of course Alter would never lie to you - not ever - you can  take 
that to the bank if Alter would let the little people keep enough money 
to get to the bank - I would not trust a thing that appeared on his 
website.  He is a moonbat of the highest degree and definitely not 
somebody I would believe when it comes to anything he can twist against 
a conservative - that is his whole MO

On 02/19/2011 09:43 AM, MJ wrote:

  Where was the fact that businesses are FORCED by Government to
  'negotiate' and 'accept' these Gangs in the first place?

  *12 Things You Need to Know About the Uprising in Wisconsin

  *What's happening in Wisconsin is not complicated. At the beginning
  of this year, the state was on course to end 2011 with a budget
  surplus of $120 million.
  As Ezra Klein explained
  newly elected GOP Governor Scott Walker then " signed two business
  tax breaks and a conservative health-care policy experiment that
  lowers overall tax revenues (among other things). The new
  legislation was not offset, and it turned a surplus into a deficit."

  Walker then used the deficit he'd created as the justification for
  assaulting his state's public employees. He used a law cooked up by
  a right-wing advocacy group

  called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC likes
  to fly beneath the radar, but I described the organization in a 2005
  article  as "the connective
  tissue that links state legislators with right-wing think tanks,
  leading anti-tax activists and corporate money." Similar laws are on
  the table in Ohio and Indiana.

  Walker's bill would strip public employees of the right to bargain
  collectively for anything but higher pay (and would cap the amount
  of wage hikes they might end up gaining in negotiations). His
  intentions are clear -- before assuming office, Walker threatened to
  decertify the state's employees' unions (until he discovered that
  the governor doesn't have that power).

  But he's spinning the measure as something else -- a bitter pill
  state workers must swallow in order to save Wisconsin's government.
  So the first things you need to know are:

  1. Wisconsin's public workers  have already "made sacrifices to help
  balance the budget, through 16 unpaid furlough days and no pay
  increases the past two years," according to the Associated Press
  The unions know their members are going to have to make concessions
  on benefits, but they rightly see the assault on their fundamental
  right to negotiate as an act of war.

  2. There are already 13 states that restrict public workers'
  bargaining rights and it hasn't helped their bottom lines. As Ed
  Kilgore notes
  "eight non-collective-bargaining states face larger budget

  shortfalls than either Wisconsin or Ohio," and " three of the 13
  non-collective bargaining states are among the eleven states facing
  budget shortfalls at or above 20%."

  3. This isn't just about public employees. What even a majority of
  the protesters don't know is that Walker's law would also place all
  of the state's Medicaid funding in the hands of the governor.  State
  senator Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton -- one of the Dem law-makers who
  fled the state to block a vote on the bill -- told
   local media
  that this amounted to "substantial Medicaid changes" that put "the
  governor, all of a sudden... in charge of Medicaid, which is
  SeniorCare, which is BadgerCare ...and he has never once said what
  he intends to do” with those programs. But the provision led
  journalist Suzie Madrak to conclude
  that "the end game for all this is to defund state Medicaid programs
   and make it
  impossible to serve as part of the new health care safety net."

  4. Health-care costs, rather than workers' greed, are what has
  driven up the price of employees' benefits. But generally speaking,
  those public sector health-care costs have grown at a slower clip

  than in the private sector.

  5. Public employees' pensions account for just 6 percent of state

  This has nothing to do with the state's fiscal picture. Aside from
  potentially undermining Wisconsin's public health-care system, it's
  really about destroying the l

The Tea Party is it a real party? No

2011-02-19 Thread rorywolf
 The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all they
are doing is putting the same old parties back in.  It take no proof
to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a
true Party that have candidate and a way to change the way of doing
political business even just a little. It is just my opinion, but I
think that they are a danger because they really are not making a
change the people they put in will turn on them just as all the rest
have turn the backs on the people. Until we are able to fire a
politician without them finishing a term this country's government
will always win, So if you would like me change my mind show me what
they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought
they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
to the realization that they did nothing but show they can replace a
rep with a dem nothing else.

The Author

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Fed Gangsters Always Looking For A Chance To Violate The Constitution

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley
Fed Gangsters Always Looking For A Chance To Violate The Constitution 
(video: 6:04)

I have no idea what the "law" is these days now that the Washington DC 
gangsters have extended the PATRIOT Act.

Note: This video was filmed in June of 2001 BEFORE 9-11.

At that time, the Federal gangsters were using the "War on Drugs" and 
the fact that Amtrak was federally owned to search bags of any 
passengers they didn't like the looks of.

Note three things:

1. The calm dignity of the protest

2. Passengers of all ages, races and economic backgrounds were listening 
and embracing the message

3. Federal gangsters when caught on film skulked around like the 
sub-moron bullies they are

Now, of course, thanks to Michael Chertoff's PARTIOT Act, the TSA, and 
Homeland Security, violations of the Fourth Amendment like this and much 
worse have been institutionalized and are a regular daily occurrence.

We've fallen a long, long way in a very short period of time.

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!

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10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Don't Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World


"It isn't the abuse of power that's the problem, it's the power to abuse."
- Michael Cloud

Don't rely on an overpriced attorney. Learn how you can control judges 
and lawyers  yourself!*

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Re: The poor are not getting poorer

2011-02-19 Thread robert prezioso

First it is great to hear from somebody with some sense and thanks for
replyingh . The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all
they are doing is putting  the same old parties back in .  It take no proof
to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a true
Party that have canidate and a way to change the way of doing political
business even just a little.It is just my opinion ,but I think that they are
a danger because they really are not making a change the people they put in
will  turn on them just as all the rest have turn the backs  on the people .
Until we are able to fire a politician without them finishing a term this
country's government will alway win, So if you would like me  change my mind
show me what they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they
thought they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
to the realization that  they did nothing but show they can replace a rep
with a dem nothing else.

Thanks for reading


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:16 AM, frankg  wrote:

> Bob,
> I thought you were doing pretty good until you got to the end.
> Republicans and Democrats are co-conspirators in the destruction of
> this company. They (collectively) reminds me of my brother-in-law, who
> loves nothing more than enter a room of people, talk some shit, get
> everyone all riled up, and then split -- always  with a huge shit-
> eatting grin on his face.  I do believe this is the method the two
> major parties use to keep the country in flux, pitting the two sides
> against one another and then sit back and watch the population
> implode.  The best way to stop it is vote 3rd party and get them all
> out of office, even if that means a Tea Party candidate. You know the
> two main parties are destroying the country, yet you already
> immediately start hating on the Tea Party. I'd love to see your
> evidence to back up those rather grievous charges against that
> party.
> On Feb 18, 10:46 pm, robert prezioso  wrote:
> > I really enjoyed reading your article .  I agree to a point . That is the
> > following
> > **
> > *Remember one thing both parties want us to be at odds so they will
> always
> > be in control . Never blame one party because both conspire to cheat us
> > together .*
> > **
> > *Republicans and Democrats have already accused each other of favoring a
> > government shutdown when funding expires and the two sides are
> maneuvering
> > for political advantage in anticipation of talks on a short-term
> extension
> > that will be needed.*
> >
> > This is what was in the news today our government accusing each other.
> This
> > seem the way our government run by blaming each other they are able to
> steal
> > from the government funds and make the people pay for whatever mistakes
> they
> > make.
> >
> > Each party have private companies supporting them giving them kickbacks,
> oh
> > excuse me campaign contributions.  So neither party has any reason to lie
> > and say the American people have spoke.   They should just tell the truth
> > and say out lobbyists and private companies have paid for this or that.
> >
> > The political machine is running on stolen fuel and bribes from companies
> in
> > and out of our great country. If we as a people keep ignoring all that is
> > happen and believe in foolish parties such as the Tea Party we will lose
> > this country. The budget they are fight over is not for the people it for
> > themselves their pocket , their backroom deals , to keep all the True
> > Americans from ever see the life they have . To never really work and to
> be
> > able to spend everybody’s money except their own.  They never work a full
> > year and are always traveling on our dime and living in house and
> townhouse
> > paid for by the taxpayers.
> >
> >  .Bob Prezioso
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Bruce Majors  >wrote:
> >
> > > equality is evil
> >
> > > most Democrats need to have their assets seized and returned to the tax
> > > serfs
> >
> > > then you and the other parasites, from Obama and Daschle on down need
> to be
> > > stripped of your citizenship and expelled from the country for your
> crimes
> >
> > > you have chosen to be subhuman so you must be treated accordingly
> >
>  > > On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Wes 
> wrote:
> >
> > >> everyone in my world has more than enough, are you saying that's not
> > >> possible? anyway things could still be shared a lot more equally.
> >
> > >> (Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose
> > >> shall those things be) ???
> >
> > >>  16And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain
> > >> rich man brought forth plentifully: 17And he thought within himself,
> > >> saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my
> > >> fruits? 18And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and
> > >> build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
> >
> >

Not to Kick Her While She's Down, But ...

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Not to Kick Her While She's Down, But ...
By Larken Rose

Yet another story of fascist police state lunacy is now spreading 
around, this one about a mother of three being detained, interrogated, 
taken captive ("arrested"), and so on. This one was a joint effort 
between various levels and agencies of jackbooted thugs. I highly 
suggest you read the whole ridiculous story, before reading the rest of 
this article. You can find that story by clicking HERE.

Now, plenty of people are blasting the psychotic fascists for their 
behavior, and rightly so. I'm guessing you don't need me to tell you 
that what happened to the woman was bad. (Duh.) However, one thing about 
the story jumped out at me, and it may be something that most people 
won't consider.

The woman's horrible sin of taking a picture of a retired helicopter 
was, as the story says, so she could use the image on her "support the 
troops" web page. Of course, plenty of people will notice the irony of 
her patriotism leading to her being treated as a criminal and a 
terrorist. But I have a slightly different take.

Here we have an American, going about her life in America, not harming 
or threatening anyone, or even breaking any "law." And the unthinking 
American jackboots, who pretend to be acting on behalf of the American 
"government," assault, detain and torment this American. In America.

I don't mean to kick her while she's down, but I wonder if the thought 
has yet occurred to this woman that had she been a foreigner, in a 
foreign land, being accosted by American troops--those troops she so 
proudly supports (or at least used to)--she would probably have fared a 
lot worse than she did. Or does she imagine that when American 
mercenaries are accosting foreigners, in foreign lands, the agents of 
"authority" are nicer, and show more respect for individual rights, and 
are more courtesy and reasonable? Does she still assume, as so many 
Americans are determined to assume, that American soldiers only accost 
and assault bad people?

To be fair, allow me to add a confession. Many years ago I used to have 
F.O.P. and Sheriff's Department stickers on my car, as a big supporter 
of "law enforcement." I imagined, based upon my nationalistic, 
authoritarian indoctrination, that cops were the good guys. Oh, and I 
"supported the troops," too. Because I was still laboring under the 
delusion that soldiers and police are there to serve the people, protect 
the innocent, and stop the nasty people. (Don't laugh too loud, because 
I bet you once thought that, too!)

Now that she has survived her ordeal, and apparently all the idiotic 
charges against her have been dismissed, I wonder if the woman will 
rethink her view of those who carry out the will of the American 
"government." Or will she continue to imagine that supporting 
unthinking, authoritarian, control-freak mercenaries -- I mean 
"supporting the troops" -- is still a good thing to do?

(P.S. In contrast, my hat is off to Josh Stieber, who had the courage to 
realize that as one of the "troops," he was not one of the good guys. 
Josh did something few people have the strength to do: go against 
popular opinion, and even against "authority," in order to do the right 
thing. If anyone has an address for where I could send Josh a free copy 
of my new book, "The Most Dangerous Superstition," I'd appreciate it. I 
can be reached at "")

(P.P.S. Come to think of it, if anyone has an address where I could send 
a free copy of the book to the woman who was accosted by fascists for 
taking a picture of a dead helicopter, I'd be happy to do that, too. It 
seems that coming face to face with authoritarian thuggery does help 
some people to reconsider their belief systems.)


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Libya shuts off internet

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

Libya shuts off internet
February 19, 2011 by
Jeffrey Tucker

It’s a persistent pattern, tried in Egypt and

now again in Libya. First the government tries old-fashioned guns and
bullets; then it tries shutting down access to the modern world by
turning off the net. Here is a demonstration of just how powerful the
government believes that information truly is. If the people have access,
the people eventually revolt and win. 

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The Revolution of 1935

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

The Revolution of 1935
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 
by Gregory Bresiger
[Post July 10, 2002]
This article is excerpted from Gregory Bresiger’s large monograph,
The Revolution of
1935: The Secret History of Social Security, published in the Mises
Institute series Essays in Political Economy. You can
download the
entire monograph.
A second American revolution occurred almost
70 years ago. On August 14, 1935, after very little public or
congressional debate, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the
Social Security Act into law on. Many of his allies were disappointed
because they wanted more than the act provided;
FDR assured them much more was coming.[1]
He said, on signing the bill into law, that Social
Security "represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being
built but is by no means complete."[2] In the
midst of the Great Depression, and with most of his New Deal initiatives
failing to restore the economy, FDR hoped that the federal government,
through programs such as Social Security, would temper and control the
business cycle. Social Security, FDR said, would
"flatten out the peaks and valleys of deflation and
Social Security was representative of national
planning schemes, some of which had been tested during World War I and
regained popularity with intellectuals after the crash of 1929. Many
intellectuals believed the government could wage war on poverty and, by
using the techniques of wartime planning so popular with progressives
during World War I, manage the business cycle.[4]
Social Security was a Keynesian device meant to
ensure that buying power would remain strong in times of high
unemployment. By Keynesian, I mean a kind of thinking pre-dated John
Maynard Keynes by centuries but that he would popularize with his
writings in the 1920s and 1930s. Keynes had rediscovered it in his
reading of the philosopher Bernard
Mandeville,[5] whose “Fable
of the Bees” was considered an example of how deficit spending could
restart an economy.[6]
This philosophy held that, by using fiscal and
monetary policies, a government could inject inflation into a weak
economy and thereby work miracles. Keynes, for all his brilliance, was
merely another member of this inflationist school that dated back
centuries.[7] And although Keynes seemed to have
little direct influence when he met with FDR, he
did influence many of the president’s key economic
advisers.[8] The latter, in turn, helped change
FDR’s economic thinking, so Keynes’s thought
became influential in the 1930s. One of the founding fathers of Social
Security has said that the contribution of Keynes was not appreciated,[9]
but Keynes’s philosophy helped justify a massive welfare state.
Myriad additional programs followed over the
years because of the initial triumph of the Social Security Act. One of
FDR’s newspaper friends called the act “a
monumental achievement,”[10] even as he
complained that the benefit amounts were “miserably inadequate.”[11]

This one new program helped bring about a
fundamental change in American culture and government: The federal
government that pushed ahead with Social Security took on many new powers
and radically changed our economy.[12]
Most important of all, Social Security
transformed American culture in ways the authors of the original Social
Security Act may not have expected: The foundational social
insurance[13] program, among other things,
discouraged savings, expanded the state’s reach into the family, and
redistributed income in ways no one imagined (quite often from the
working poor and the lower middle class to the upper middle class -- the
latter tend to have more political clout as exercised through
organizations such as the AARP). It also created
a huge unprecedented peacetime bureaucracy, a bureaucracy that
frequently--and quietly--pushed for more expansion of the program under
the guise of serving the people. Many of the leaders of the program
became quietly political, despite their ostensibly apolitical civil
service status.[14]
The program had another profound effect on
American culture: It created the institution of mass retirement. Social
Security, along with other modern welfare state programs, encouraged the
concept of golden years in which individuals would stop working. Some of
the best and wisest people in our society would vegetate; they would do
fewer things, write fewer letters, and, most important, work less. Some
physicians call this “the theory of disengagement.”[15]
The program was designed to foster senior
inactivity by a clause that would allow recipients to earn only what one
Social Security advocate called “pin money.”[16]
To make more than pin money would mean a penalty to anyone receiving
Social Security. This idea was added to the original bill by the labor
unions, which until the 1930s had been highly suspicious of welfare state
measures such as social insurance.[17] FDR and his allies readily agreed
to the penalty notion, given that they had little expectation that

Belgium: 249 Days Without A Government

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Citizens Celebrate 'World Record' Belgian Waffling

Belgium has now gone 249 days without a government. At 174 days Paul 
Belien wrote, "Daily life continues as before... People have come to 
wonder why a country needs a government. The situation of anarchy (in 
the original [Greek] meaning of anarchía, 'without a government or 
ruler') has not led to anarchy (political disorder)."


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PA: Judge Guilty of Racketeering in Kickback Case

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

*Is this just an anomaly?

PA: Judge Guilty of Racketeering in Kickback Case


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Shit Your Pants Chili

2011-02-19 Thread Travis

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"Democracy Burkas"

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
   The Looking Spoon Blog 


A Modest Proposal: Make Democrats Wear "Democracy

Posted: 18 Feb 2011 11:59 AM PST

If there is any question how the party that accuses the GOP as constitution
and democracy tramplers would handle respect for the will of the people let
this be the answer.

Law enforcement officers are searching for Democratic senators boycotting a
Senate vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair plan Thursday in an attempt
to bring the lawmakers to the floor to allow Republicans to act on the bill.

As Republicans denounced the move, one Democratic senator said that he
believed most of the members of his caucus are in another state

The bill would help balance the state budget by cutting benefits for public
workers and stripping them of almost all their union bargaining rights.

More here  at the
Journal Sentinel

If my memory serves me correctly the same tactic was used when the Texas
GOP's redistricting made Dems cry a few years back. In Congress the GOP is
the party of "no." Call me crazy, but I think that's a lot less cowardly
than being the party of "no show."

It's getting really old hearing these people carp on and on about how the
right flouts democracy when it's the left that ignore public opinion polls
and the anger of their own constituents. Now Dems in Wisconsin don't even
want to respect the decisions of the people their electorate put into power.

If the shoe were on the other foot the left would say it was just another
example of a long list of non-existent ways the right hates the will of the

This is not civil disobedience, our representatives are given the privalege,
and often times paid hansomely, to be entrusted by the public to set and
vote on policy. With that comes no guarantee that they can and will get
their way...ESPECIALLY when their party is in the minority.
If there aren't enough burkas in the country we can borrow from the Robert
Byrd collection

All of that said, I'd like to suggest a modest proposal that all Democrats
be required to wear "democracy burkas" from now on. These are basically
burkas modified to have the American flag on them. On the outside people see
"AMERICA!" This is obviously symbolic, which leads me to phase two of my
modest proposal:

Change the Democratic Party slogan from "Change that Matters" to "Never
judge a book by its cover"

I know this sounds an awful lot like the markings Jews had to wear in Nazi
Germany, but its not...the Jews didn't deserve to be singled out. Besides if
we ever go overboard and round them up we're just going to send them to San
Francisco anyway.

They'll like that. Put peanut butter on a spoon and let a dog lick it
forever like they just entered heaven. Thats a liberal in San
Francisco...wearing their Democracy Burka.

I know it sounds crazy, insane, and should be rejected on it's face, but
after seeing Obama's $1.6 trillion deficit
next year I think this is just as deserving of the nation's
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Re: Posters from the Wisconsin Union Picketers - so much KLASS

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

Spoken like a true statist!

On 2/18/2011 2:54 PM, Cold Water wrote:

Well Jonathan...   I guess the only thing worse than government is no 
government at all and by extension no laws at all.  With all due 
respect, I have read your "stuff" and you sir, are NUTZ.


[] *On Behalf Of *Jonathan Ashley

*Sent:* Friday, February 18, 2011 04:47
*Subject:* Re: Posters from the Wisconsin Union Picketers - so much KLASS

*It baffles my mind! I have never understood how anyone can claim to 
have "great respect" for any office of any government. All governments 
by nature of their very existence regulate, restrain, and control 
their "subjects" (that's you and me). How can any thinking individual 
have any respect for that. *

On 2/18/2011 1:37 PM, Cold Water wrote:

I **really** hate to admit it (because I have great respect for the 
office of the POTUS) but I cannot even stand to hear the man's voice 
these days.  The minute he comes on the tee-vee I switch the channel 
to Animal Planet.


[] *On Behalf Of *dick thompson

*Sent:* Friday, February 18, 2011 03:00

*Subject:* Re: Posters from the Wisconsin Union Picketers - so much KLASS

Very true - and they are very close since both the surrogates and 
Obama are total waste of air and space.

On 02/18/2011 02:49 PM, Cold Water wrote:

Obama's surrogates.


[] *On Behalf Of *dick thompson

*Sent:* Friday, February 18, 2011 02:43
*To:* ; Michael 
Kerwin; ; TheAnchoress; ; ; 
; BizzyBlog (Tom Blumer); 

*Subject:* Posters from the Wisconsin Union Picketers - so much KLASS

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The Orangutan and the Hound

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
*The Orangutan and the Hound ...*
*If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will !!!*
*** **Orangutan and the

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Rights Activist Julian Heicklen Rousted From Bed And Arrested

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Ashley

Rights Activist Julian Heicklen Rousted From Bed And Arrested

News from the liberterrain...

78-year-old libertarian rights activist Julian Heicklen and his wife 
were rousted from their bed in Teaneck NJ at 6 AM Friday morning by 
federal officers serving Heicklen an arrest warrant for failure to 
appear at an arraignment on charges of jury tampering.

After dropping to the floor as he usually does in refusal to participate 
in his own arrest agents called for an ambulance and had Heicklen 
transported to a local hospital where he received a medical exam.

He was then handcuffed and convoyed to the US District Court in New York 
City in a four-car caravan, an action typically reserved for hardened 

Heicklen remained silent through it all, including his initial 
appearance in the courtroom, but later agreed to a standby counsel.

After accusing the court of violating several Constitutional amendments 
the judge eventually released him on a $2,500 bond on condition that he 
appear in court in Newark NJ on Thursday and US District Court in 
Manhattan on Friday.

Heicklen returned home later that evening.

The arrest was not only expected but anticipated. As reported in a 
Libertarian News Examiner article, January 24: has Julian Heicklen been 
arrested yet? Heicklen wanted to use his trial for jury tampering as a 
forum to publicize the right of jury nullification as expounded by the 
Fully Informed Jury Association.

However, during his court appearance Heicklen was told that his trial 
for jury tampering will not be a jury trial because the penalty is 6 
months or less.

Heicklen, according to one supporter, contends that this is contrary to 
Article III, Section 2 of the US Constitution.

Law enforcement officers gained entry to the Heicklen home by pounding 
on the front door at around 6 AM until Heicklen's daughter, the only 
person awake at the time, responded.

Four federal officers used the ruse that Heicklen's car had been broken 
into and then barged into the home when she opened the door.

Officers then proceeded to the family's bedroom where they woke Heicklen 
and his wife, Susan, and placed him under arrest.

This report is based on communications from Antonio "Bile" Musumeci. 
Full details and breaking news are posted at Tyranny Fighters.

Bile's "Stolen Video" interview with Julian Heicklen and the raw footage 
of Bile's arrest for the "crime" of photography can be seen at Blog of Bile.

For more information on this flagrant government violation of individual 
rights visit:

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Obama-Sponsored UN Treaty Threatens Second Amendment

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
 Obama-Sponsored UN Treaty
Threatens Second Amendment 
*Harold * | February 19, 2011
at 10:25 am | Categories:
Executive ,
Gun Rights ,
Legislative ,
Sovereignty , U.S.
Constitution ,
Nations  | URL:

Doug Book 2/18/2011 In 2006, the United Nations decided it was time to
explore “the feasibility, scope and draft parameters for a comprehensive,
legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for
the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons.” The Bush
administration voted against the creation of this proposed Arms Trade
Treaty, believing that such [...]

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Obama regime in secret talks with Senior Taliban Officials

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
[[  Obummer just loves to kiss muzzieshit asses.  ]]

 Obama regime
in secret talks with Senior Taliban
*Scotty Starnes
*| February
19, 2011 at 8:35 AM | Tags:
Afghanistan ,
Hillary Clinton
, President
Obama ,
troop surge  |
Categories: Political

How does a country lose a war? Put Democrats in control.


THE administration of President Barack Obama has entered into *direct,
secret talks with senior Afghan Taliban officials*, The New Yorker magazine

The talks were characterised in the story as an attempt by the Obama
administration "to assess which figures in the Taliban's leadership, if any,
might be willing to engage in formal Afghan peace negotiations, and under
what conditions".

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll wrote that several sources,
which were not identified in the story, briefed him about the talks.

Earlier on Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that only a
political solution will end the war in Afghanistan.

"We will never kill enough insurgents to end this war outright," Ms Clinton
said during a speech in New York.

Ms Clinton voiced hope for splitting off rank-and-file Taliban from al-Qaeda
extremists in Afghanistan.

She said the surge in US-led troops over the past year was *part of a
strategy to "split the weakened Taliban off from al-Qaeda and reconcile
those who will renounce violence and accept the Afghan constitution"*.

In other words, Pantsuit just told Americans that Obama never had the goal
of winning the war.

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The Arab revolution has just begun

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
 The Arab revolution
has just 
*Ronin * | 19 February,
2011 at 6:50 am | Categories: Freedom of

*This is a very well written article and does a decent job of highlighting
the complexity of the Arab revolt. Many in the US continue to paint all the
protesters with a single brush.*

*This revolt was a long time coming, for generations the youth of islam have
been cannon fodder to push the agendas of old men and clerics. Instead of
fearing a take over by islamists the Arab leaders fear the loss of power. It
is not as simple as just power and treasure, these are Arabs, and blood will
flow no matter who wins.** *

*We have seen the muslims at their worst, lets see if the youth can save
themselves and refuse to die for a seventh century cult. I for one would
love to see them enter this century. It may not happen, they can be beaten
back down and they will currently steer well clear of US style democracy, a
system that helped oppress them and keep violent regimes in power. We let
them down and they know it.*

*My advice to the protesters is fight hard. Change is needed, where you go
from here will affect your grandchildren, 21 or 7th century, freedom or
continued slavery. Your life, your pick, choose wisely.***

Keeble McFarlane, 19, Feb 2011, the Jamaica Observer
What happened in Tunisia and Egypt in the past few weeks is nothing less
than a Magnitude 8 social and political earthquake whose after-shocks are
still rocking the countries of the Arab world and beyond. A week after Hosni
Mubarak accepted the inevitable and quit as president of Egypt, the throngs
of young demonstrators armed with cellphones who filled Tahrir Square in
Cairo, focus of the protest movement, are gone. But the square is still busy
with sightseers from all over the country who want to see the place which
caused a dictator to be toppled after 30 years. It's also a place of
commerce, where vendors do a brisk trade in memorabilia such as T-shirts
commemorating the more than 300 people who died during those momentous 18
days and sell boxfuls of small red, white and black Egyptian flags.

Over in Tunisia, epicentre of the uprisings, some people are taking
advantage of their new-found freedom to free the country. During the days of
Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, the secret police allowed only visitors to use the
Mediterranean beaches. Now, smugglers are doing a roaring trade in
transporting would-be emigrants to the Italian island of Lampedusa to seek
entry into the European Union.

The caretaker government in Egypt appears to be making good on its promise
to steer the country to a new model of governance. There was a promising
sign of this early in the week with the appointment of a prominent jurist to
head the committee drafting amendments to the constitution. Tariq al-Bishri
is a respected intellectual with a record of independence from the old
regime. It shows that the Egyptian military may just be taking seriously its
promises to shepherd the country towards democracy.
*-The naysayer will find flaws in their democracy but it took us hundreds of
years and we still do not have a true democratic system nor are our own
freedoms a guarantee.** *

But the inventive and stubborn demonstrators who forced change in both
countries need to maintain their surveillance of the caretaker groups and
make sure to keep their feet to the fire. Otherwise, their magnificent
efforts would have been in vain and would dash the hopes of protesters in
neighbouring countries who have taken their cue from the events in Tunis and
Cairo. From Morocco in the west through to Bahrain in the east, protesters
have taken to public places to make essentially the same arguments Mikhail
Gorbachov advanced in Russia a quarter-century ago - glasnost and
perestroika (openness and restructuring). Simply, they want jobs, better
wages, improved living conditions, dignity, respect, freedom and an end to

Over the years the United States and its Western allies have talked the talk
about freedom, democracy and all that, but haven't walked the walk when it
actually came to who was in power. They gladly traded democracy away when an
autocrat delivered stability and guaranteed the safety of western interests.
The biggest bogeyman of all was radical Islamism which, they feared, could
produce a string of Irans in the region. Well, as we have been witnessing in
these protests, the arguments are about bread and butter, respect and
dignity and

Clinton giving $150M to Egypt as Qaradhawi "prays" for "re-conquest" of Jerusalem

2011-02-19 Thread Travis
-- Forwarded message --
From: Creeping Sharia 
Date: Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 9:45 AM
Subject: [New post] Clinton giving $150M to Egypt as Qaradhawi "prays" for
"re-conquest" of Jerusalem

 Clinton giving
$150M to Egypt as Qaradhawi "prays" for "re-conquest" of
*creeping * | February
19, 2011 at 10:45 AM | Tags: Barack
clinton , Creeping
dhimmi ,
hamas ,
Legal ,
Media ,
News ,
Politics ,
Religion ,
travel  | Categories:
Alerts , Creeping
Sharia ,
Legal ,
News ,
Religion ,
Sharia , Stealth
Jihad  |

That's $150,000,000 of U.S. taxpayer dollars. To assist with economic
recovery in a country whose people generally hate America, want more Islamic
sharia law, and celebrate "democracy" by raping "Jew" reporters. Taxation
for Islamization. Hat tip Infidel Bloggers via US pledges $150 million to
help Egypt's transition: The United States will spend $150 million to [...]

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Brutal Bahrain Crackdown May Be a Prelude to Broader Action

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

Brutal Bahrain Crackdown May Be a
Prelude to Broader Action
Gulf Nations Unlikely to Accept a Free
by Jason Ditz, February 18, 2011
The tiny island nation of Bahrain is the

home to a major uprising at this point, and while government censorship
is making it difficult to get the full picture, a brutal crackdown
earlier today

near the hospital has left massive numbers of casualties and a
growing sense of fury amongst the nation’s Shi’ite majority.
The situation in Bahrain now appears to be a test case for tyrants across
the region, as a monarch that is clearly opposed by a strong majority of
the population struggles to cling to power through international support
and determined, grim violence.
Which was tried in Tunisia, unsuccessfully, and tried in Egypt even more
unsuccessfully. One would think the lesson that violence just makes
demonstrators all the angrier is lost in Bahrain’s first, and potentially
last king, but the island nation’s differences from massive nations like
Egypt have some holding out hope that brutality can “work” in this
 regional analysts note a massive amount of opposition amongst Bahrain’s
Gulf neighbors to the notion of a free nation where the majority of the
population is Shi’ite. With the Saudis in particular fretting an
uprising amongst their own Shi’ites if the ones on the island suddenly
take a liking to individual freedom.
The US, likewise,

is struggling to ensure “stability” in the region, but as with Egypt
is so far behind the curve that their ability to sway the situation
appears to be extremely minimal. The hawkish US leadership needs Bahrain
as a naval base far more than Bahrain needs it.
And Bahrain is so tiny that a foreign nation like Saudi Arabia probably
could just overrun it and massacre the Shi’ites into quieting down, or
failing that massacring them into a voting minority. A number of analysts
see this as a likely reaction from nations that fear a free Bahrain
almost as much as they fear freedom in their own nations.
But in the 21st century massacres don’t go unreported, and even if the US
stands back and lets someone else slaughter the king back into a position
of strength, the global outcry over such an incident is likely to be even
more destabilizing to the region’s tyrants than the natural thirst for
freedom already is. In the long run, there are no good solutions for how
to keep a dictator in power when the people want him gone.

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The Logic of Outsourcing

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

The Logic of Outsourcing
by Gary North
Recently, I wrote an
article on why every business that has an in-house staff of video
production specialists should shut down the department. I argued that it
would be far better to encourage the staffers to create their own video
production company. Then the business can let the newly created company
bid on projects.
There is no question that this would be better for the business. But
would it be better for the now-unemployed staffers? If they are talented,
yes. If they are not, yes. 
Why "yes" in the second case? Because unemployment, like one's
looming execution, focuses one's attention marvelously. The earlier that
a person who is unsuited for a career finds out that a salaried position
has been shut to him, the better it is for him. He has time to shift
gears. He can find a new line of work.
With respect to the first case, where a talented person loses his job,
starting a small business could be his liberation from the limited
opportunities he was given in his salaried job. I speak from experience.
In 1976, I got fired. It was the first time I ever got fired. For six
months, I scrambled. I had money saved. I had no debt. I had a frugal
wife. I had a small newsletter publishing business that brought in money.
But it was tough going.
Six months later, a subscriber hired me. His name was Ron Paul. He had
just been elected to Congress. I became his research assistant.
Four months later, Dr. Paul got fired by about 150 swing voters out of
180,000. On January 1, 1977, I was back on the street again. I thought of
something my friend Steve Gillette had written a decade earlier, which
had made him a pile of money. 

I'm back on the street again
Gotta stand on my own two feet again
I'm walking that lonely beat again
Remembering when, woah-oh, remembering when
Fortunately, I still had my newsletter. Within a few weeks, I got
hired by Howard Ruff to work with "The Ruff Times." He had
started his newsletter a few months after I started "Remnant
Review." His operation was taking off. I got to enjoy the ride. I
stayed with him until late 1979, when I quit to run my own business full
time. I also quit my one-semester job teaching free market economics at
Campbell College. I never worked for anyone else again, other than for my
Had I not been fired, my career would have been very different. It would
not have been nearly so profitable financially. I would not have the
audience I have now. I think my ex-boss had made a mistake. I was
learning the basics of direct-mail advertising, all by myself. He lost me
about a year and a half before I finally learned how to write copy that
sells. I had been writing the ads for his publications. He never found
another copywriter. 
In the list of the best things that ever happened to me, getting fired
twice in one year probably rank in the top five. Winning 3 million 1986
dollars in the FCC lottery for cellular phone spectrum was lower. Those
two gut-wrenching events forced me to branch out on my own. Like a young
bird that gets pushed out of the nest, I had to fly. So, I flew.
If I had been in debt, my goose would have been cooked. I understand the
pressure that people feel today when their mortgages are more than the
market value of their homes. They face eviction if one of the
breadwinners gets fired. Mobility is gone, too. In both cases when I lost
jobs, I moved. 
I also had a second income. A small home business that was not tied to
geography let me move to where I got offers. 
Leverage – debt – always brings uncertainties. Before the Federal
Reserve's master of leverage, Alan Greenspan, sucked tens of millions of
American families into a debt trap that Ben Bernanke then sprang on them,
leverage was seen as a one-way ticket to Easy Street. Then came the
detour. A lot of people did not see the detour sign, and either crashed
or went off the road into a ditch.

In the two jobs from which I was fired, there was no
profit-and-loss statement. The first job was working for $1,000 a month
for a non-profit foundation. The second was working for Congress. There
was no profit-and-loss system based on open entry and customer
satisfaction. I was at a competitive disadvantage. I could not prove my
worth to the organizations by way of a profit-and-loss
I can now.
I say this to anyone who has recently been fired. I say it also to anyone
who is thinking about firing someone. The person who counts most is the
customer. He wants people to serve his wants, because he is paying to be
served. He who pays the piper calls the tune, at least in a free market.

To the person who has lost his job, I say this. There are customers out
there who would like to hire you . . . at some price.
To the person who is considering firing someone, I say this. There is a
customer out there who wants a better deal, and if you don't give it to
him, he will hire someone else.
Customers bid with money. People respond to offers of money. No

Another U.S. Veto of Palestinian Rights

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Another U.S. Veto of Palestinian
Posted by Sheldon Richman at 8:22
 From the

New York Times:

The Obama administration vetoed a United Nations Security Council
resolution on Friday condemning Israeli settlement building in occupied
territory as illegal, choosing not to alienate Israel and risking the
anger of Arabs... But the American ambassador, Susan E. Rice, said the
veto should not be misconstrued as American support for further
settlement construction, which the United States opposes [!]. The issue
should be resolved through peace negotiations, she said, and not mandated
by a binding resolution. 
What nonsense! Israel has shown no interest in negotiations that
take the rights of Palestinians seriously. It hasn't even been willing to
halt all settlement construction during negotiations. Its occasional
so-called freezes were never more than slow-downs. Keep in mind that the
settlements are being built on

stolen land. (Also see

The Obama administration, like its predecessors, sure has a funny way of
showing it supports freedom and human rights in the Middle East. We can
be sure that the Egyptian people and the rest of the Arab and Muslim
world is paying attention.

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Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

And yet two (2) times a reply is provided.
HOWEVER, we have YET to see this panacea Constitution.
The power of the statists to exercise unrestrained force
against people goes to the essence of all political systems.  Being
defined  even by political “scientists”  as an entity that
exercises a monopoly on the use of violence within a given geographic
area, the state must continue to exercise such unquestioned powers,
particularly at times when its credibility and respect are in rapid
decline.  The people employed to carry out such powers  be they
police officers, TSA employees, militarists, bureaucrats of various
stripes, etc.  are the kinds of sociopaths who are eager to exercise
such unrestricted violence against others.  The state is the
playground bully writ large, and state officials are unwilling to hold
their bullies accountable for their wrongs because, to do so, would be to
deny the very monopoly status that defines their system. -- Butler

At 10:00 AM 2/19/2011, you wrote:
MJ is undeserving of a
reply.  — J. A. A. —
On Feb 18, 10:00 am, MJ  wrote:
> And yet three (3) times a reply is provided.
> HOWEVER, we have YET to see this panacea Constitution.
> Pity.
> Regard$,
> --MJThe power of the statists to exercise unrestrained force against
people goes to the essence of all political systems.  Being
defined  even by political “scientists”  as an entity that
exercises a monopoly on the use of violence within a given geographic
area, the state must continue to exercise such unquestioned powers,
particularly at times when its credibility and respect are in rapid
decline.  The people employed to carry out such powers  be they
police officers, TSA employees, militarists, bureaucrats of various
stripes, etc.  are the kinds of sociopaths who are eager to exercise
such unrestricted violence against others.  The state is the
playground bully writ large, and state officials are unwilling to hold
their bullies accountable for their wrongs because, to do so, would be to
deny the very monopoly status that defines their system. -- Butler
ShafferAt 09:51 AM 2/18/2011, you wrote:MJ is undeserving of a
reply.  — J. A. A. —
> >
> On Feb 17, 11:24 am, MJ  wrote:
> > Hoping for a Patriot Act setting?
> > Why are you so FEARFUL of allowing others to see it?
> > HERE is the US
Constitution: conventions
(at the time of its ratification) reviewed, discussed, etc.
> > Your FEAR of allowing the Members of this Group READ it is
quite telling. Your incessant and endless fallacious replies tell an even
greater story.
> > Regard$,
> > --MJ "...whatever power you give the State to do things
for you carries with it the equivalent power to do things to you."
-- A. J. NockAt 11:00 AM 2/17/2011, you wrote:Dear J. A.:  You have
a bossy tone.  My New Constitution will be voted
> > on, up-or-down, without discussion.  "A 'camel' is a
HORSE designed in
> > a committee!"  The following reply to MJ also applies
to you:
> > Folks:  This MJ fellow has a friendly salutation,
"Regard$".  But he
> > is shallow-minded to suppose that my New Constitution is like a
> > to be reviewed.  The functionality of my document has
withstood the
> > tests of events in the news that raise one's ire.  If
there is some
> > apparent injustice, I check to see if that same injustice
> > prevail under my New Constitution.  Over thirteen plus
years, changes
> > were required in the wording, until, finally, few if any
> > being told in the news would prevail.  The latter thirteen
> > process was my objective "review".  No person on
Earth could be more
> > objective than me, in what I've written, and why.  — John
A. Armistead
> > —  Patriot
> > >
> > On Feb 16, 4:36 pm, Jonathan Ashley

> > wrote:
> > > John,
> > >
> > > Post your "New Constitution" and engage in
meaningful discussion or quit
> > > complaining.
> > >
> > > On 2/16/2011 1:35 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > No, MJ.  Go jump in a lake!  No reader of
my posts wants to hear the
> > > > dribble of a loser like you.  Quotations of
others just don't impress
> > > > the reader.  So, learn and leave.  � John
A. Armistead � Patriot
> > > > On Feb 15, 9:56 am,
MJ  wrote:
> > > >> It is an endless circle of fallacy spew ...
> > > >> NO posting yet of this 'fabulous'
> > > >> Go figure.
> > >
> > > >> Regard$,
> > > >> --MJ
> > >
> > > >> It is amazing how many people think that they
> > > >> answer an argument by attributing bad motives
> > > >> those who disagree with them. Using this kind
> > > >> reasoning, you can believe or not believe
> > > >> anything about anything, without having to
> > > >> to deal with facts or logic. -- Thomas
> > >
> > > >> At 12:47 AM 2/15/2011, you wrote:
> > >
> > > >>> Dear MJ:  Your tact and your manners, in
general, aren't on a par
> > > >>> with
> > > >>> your lib

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

2011-02-19 Thread NoEinstein
MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. A. A. —
On Feb 17, 8:12 pm, MJ  wrote:
> And yet you provide IT ... too bad you cannot provide this Constitution of 
> yours.
> Regard$,
> --MJYou can't reason somebody out of something they weren't reasoned into. -- 
> L. Neil SmithAt 08:10 PM 2/17/2011, you wrote:MJ doesn't deserve a reply.  — 
> J. A. A. —
> >
> On Feb 17, 11:20 am, MJ  wrote:
> > And we get MORE fallacy ... it is becoming ENDLESS.
> > When will he quit TALKING about this Constitution he imagines to be a 
> > panacea and actually OFFER it for review?
> > Do you HEAR what you say?
> > Regard$,
> > --MJ"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading 
> > reality" -- Alyssa RosenbaumAt 10:49 AM 2/17/2011, you wrote:Folks:  This 
> > MJ fellow has a friendly salutation, "Regard$".  But he
> > is shallow-minded to suppose that my New Constitution is like a book
> > to be reviewed.  The functionality of my document has withstood the
> > tests of events in the news that raise one's ire.  If there is some
> > apparent injustice, I check to see if that same injustice would
> > prevail under my New Constitution.  Over thirteen plus years, changes
> > were required in the wording, until, finally, few if any injustices
> > being told in the news would prevail.  The latter thirteen year
> > process was my objective "review".  No person on Earth could be more
> > objective than me, in what I've written, and why.  — John A. Armistead
> > —  Patriot
> > >
> > On Feb 16, 8:47 am, MJ  wrote:
> > > At 11:10 PM 2/15/2011, you wrote:Dear Anointed One (Obama?): My first job 
> > > in rewriting our Constitution
> > > was to transcribe the former into my computer. Try doing that, and you
> > > will realize how few really important things are covered in that
> > > Why not SHOW everyone the 'money' -- so to speak.
> > > What are you afraid of in doing so?
> > > Regard$,
> > > --MJGovernment as well as religion has furnished its schisms, its 
> > > persecutions and its devices for fattening idleness on the earnings of 
> > > the people. --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Clas, 1815.
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
> > * Visit our other community at
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> --
> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> For options & help see
> * Visit our other community at
> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
For options & help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

2011-02-19 Thread NoEinstein
MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. A. A. —
On Feb 18, 10:00 am, MJ  wrote:
> And yet three (3) times a reply is provided.
> HOWEVER, we have YET to see this panacea Constitution.
> Pity.
> Regard$,
> --MJThe power of the statists to exercise unrestrained force against people 
> goes to the essence of all political systems.  Being defined  even by 
> political “scientists”  as an entity that exercises a monopoly on the use of 
> violence within a given geographic area, the state must continue to exercise 
> such unquestioned powers, particularly at times when its credibility and 
> respect are in rapid decline.  The people employed to carry out such powers  
> be they police officers, TSA employees, militarists, bureaucrats of various 
> stripes, etc.  are the kinds of sociopaths who are eager to exercise such 
> unrestricted violence against others.  The state is the playground bully writ 
> large, and state officials are unwilling to hold their bullies accountable 
> for their wrongs because, to do so, would be to deny the very monopoly status 
> that defines their system. -- Butler ShafferAt 09:51 AM 2/18/2011, you 
> wrote:MJ is undeserving of a reply.  — J. A. A. —
> >
> On Feb 17, 11:24 am, MJ  wrote:
> > Hoping for a Patriot Act setting?
> > Why are you so FEARFUL of allowing others to see it?
> > HERE is the US 
> > Constitution: 
> > conventions (at the time of its ratification) reviewed, discussed, etc.
> > Your FEAR of allowing the Members of this Group READ it is quite telling. 
> > Your incessant and endless fallacious replies tell an even greater story.
> > Regard$,
> > --MJ "...whatever power you give the State to do things for you carries 
> > with it the equivalent power to do things to you." -- A. J. NockAt 11:00 AM 
> > 2/17/2011, you wrote:Dear J. A.:  You have a bossy tone.  My New 
> > Constitution will be voted
> > on, up-or-down, without discussion.  "A 'camel' is a HORSE designed in
> > a committee!"  The following reply to MJ also applies to you:
> > Folks:  This MJ fellow has a friendly salutation, "Regard$".  But he
> > is shallow-minded to suppose that my New Constitution is like a book
> > to be reviewed.  The functionality of my document has withstood the
> > tests of events in the news that raise one's ire.  If there is some
> > apparent injustice, I check to see if that same injustice would
> > prevail under my New Constitution.  Over thirteen plus years, changes
> > were required in the wording, until, finally, few if any injustices
> > being told in the news would prevail.  The latter thirteen year
> > process was my objective "review".  No person on Earth could be more
> > objective than me, in what I've written, and why.  — John A. Armistead
> > —  Patriot
> > >
> > On Feb 16, 4:36 pm, Jonathan Ashley 
> > wrote:
> > > John,
> > >
> > > Post your "New Constitution" and engage in meaningful discussion or quit
> > > complaining.
> > >
> > > On 2/16/2011 1:35 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > No, MJ.  Go jump in a lake!  No reader of my posts wants to hear the
> > > > dribble of a loser like you.  Quotations of others just don't impress
> > > > the reader.  So, learn and leave.  � John A. Armistead � Patriot
> > > > On Feb 15, 9:56 am, MJ  wrote:
> > > >> It is an endless circle of fallacy spew ... yet
> > > >> NO posting yet of this 'fabulous' Constitution.
> > > >> Go figure.
> > >
> > > >> Regard$,
> > > >> --MJ
> > >
> > > >> It is amazing how many people think that they can
> > > >> answer an argument by attributing bad motives to
> > > >> those who disagree with them. Using this kind of
> > > >> reasoning, you can believe or not believe
> > > >> anything about anything, without having to bother
> > > >> to deal with facts or logic. -- Thomas Sowell
> > >
> > > >> At 12:47 AM 2/15/2011, you wrote:
> > >
> > > >>> Dear MJ:  Your tact and your manners, in general, aren't on a par
> > > >>> with
> > > >>> your library of worthy quotes from others.  Albert Einstein covered
> > > >>> for his Moron IQ by memorizing quotes, so he could say those things
> > > >>> when apt.  Your doing the same thing impresses few, I'm sure.  So, I
> > > >>> must decline to reply to you in the future.  You individual approval
> > > >>> of anything in my New Constitution certainly won't be part of the
> > > >>> ratification process.  � John A. Armistead �  Patriot
> > > >>> On Feb 14, 1:29 pm, MJ  wrote:
> > >  So you are going to ENDLESSLY spew fallacy?
> > >  Why not simply posit your Constitution
> > > >>> instead so it can be discussed and we might get somewhere?
> > >  Regard$,
> > >  --MJIt is amazing how many people think that they can
> > >  answer an argument by attributing bad motives to
> > >  those who disagree with them. Using this kind of
> > >  reasoning, you can believe or not believe anything
> > >  about anything, without having 

12 Things You Need to Know About the Uprising in Wisconsin

2011-02-19 Thread MJ

Where was the fact that businesses are
FORCED by Government to 'negotiate' and 'accept' these Gangs in the first

12 Things You Need to Know
About the Uprising in Wisconsin
What's happening in Wisconsin is not complicated.
At the beginning of this year, the state was on course to

end 2011 with a budget surplus of $120 million. As Ezra Klein

explained, newly elected GOP Governor Scott Walker then " signed
two business tax breaks and a conservative health-care policy experiment
that lowers overall tax revenues (among other things). The new
legislation was not offset, and it turned a surplus into a deficit."

Walker then used the deficit he'd created as the justification for
assaulting his state's public employees. He used

a law cooked up by a right-wing advocacy group called the American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC likes to fly beneath the radar,
but I described the
organization in a 2005 article as "the connective tissue that
links state legislators with right-wing think tanks, leading anti-tax
activists and corporate money." Similar laws are on the table in
Ohio and Indiana.
Walker's bill would strip public employees of the right to bargain
collectively for anything but higher pay (and would cap the amount of
wage hikes they might end up gaining in negotiations). His intentions are
clear -- before assuming office, Walker threatened to decertify the
state's employees' unions (until he discovered that the governor doesn't
have that power).
But he's spinning the measure as something else -- a bitter pill state
workers must swallow in order to save Wisconsin's government. So the
first things you need to know are:
1. Wisconsin's public workers  have already "made sacrifices to
help balance the budget, through 16 unpaid furlough days and no pay
increases the past two years," according to the

Associated Press. The unions know their members are going to have to
make concessions on benefits, but they rightly see the assault on their
fundamental right to negotiate as an act of war. 
2. There are already 13 states that restrict public workers' bargaining
rights and it hasn't helped their bottom lines. As Ed Kilgore

notes,  "eight non-collective-bargaining states face larger
budget shortfalls than either Wisconsin or Ohio," and " three
of the 13 non-collective bargaining states are among the eleven states
facing budget shortfalls at or above 20%."  
3. This isn't just about public employees. What even a majority of the
protesters don't know is that Walker's law would also place all of the
state's Medicaid funding in the hands of the governor.  State
senator Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton -- one of the Dem law-makers who fled
the state to block a vote on the bill --
local media that this amounted to "substantial Medicaid
changes" that put "the governor, all of a sudden... in charge
of Medicaid, which is SeniorCare, which is BadgerCare ...and he has never
once said what he intends to do” with those programs. But the provision
led journalist Suzie Madrak

to conclude that "the end game for all this is to
state Medicaid programs and make it impossible to serve as part of
the new health care safety net."
4. Health-care costs, rather than workers' greed, are what has driven up
the price of employees' benefits. But generally speaking, those public
sector health-care costs
ave grown at a slower clip than in the private sector.
5. Public employees' pensions account for just 6 percent of state
This has nothing to do with the state's fiscal picture. Aside from
potentially undermining Wisconsin's public health-care system, it's
really about destroying the last bastion of unionism in the American
economy: public employees. As Addie Stan

wrote on AlterNet's front page:

Walker is carrying out the wishes of his corporate master, David
Koch, who calls the tune these days for Wisconsin Republicans. Walker is
just one among many Wisconsin Republicans supported by Koch Industries --
run by David Koch and his brother, Charles -- and Americans For
Prosperity, the astroturf group founded and funded by David Koch. The
Koch brothers are hell-bent on destroying the labor movement once and for
Consider these facts:
6. Last year, more working people belonged to a union in the public
sector (7.9 million) than in the private (7.4 million), despite the fact
that corporate America employs five times the number of
wage-earners.  37 percent of government workers belong to a union,
compared with just 7 percent of private-sector employees. 
7. Whether in the public or private sector, union workers earn, on
percent more than their non-unionized counterparts. They also have
richer retirement and health benefits -- the “union compensation premium”
rises to almost 30 percent when you include those bennies. 
That workers can still negotiate from a position of strength somewhere in
the US is simply unacceptable to the right, and that's what this is
about. As you might expect, the tool they're 

BB murder case:non-bailable arrest warrants for Musharraf re-issued

2011-02-19 Thread positive news
*BB murder case:non-bailable arrest warrants for Musharraf re-issued*

Posted By Hafeez Sheikh On 19/02/2011




*Rawalpindi**:** *An anti-terrorism court on Saturday once again issued
non-bailable arrest warrants for former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in
Benazir assassination case.

Federal Investigation Agency(FIA) prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar submitted to
the court a report regarding compliance of previous arrest warrants, issued
in last hearing by the court.

He told the Judge Rana Nisar Ahmed that FIA Inspector Mustafa Kiani was sent
to Musharraf’ residence located at Chak Shehzad but the former president was
not present there as he had been living in London.

The judge sought residential address of Musharraf so that the red warrant
could be issued for him.

Article taken from The News Tribe, latest top breaking news Pakistan, blogs,
citizen journalism pakistan, South Asia, UK and Middle East -

URL to article:


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Re: David Horowitz Is Frantic About Ron Paul

2011-02-19 Thread Bruce Majors
He is also 72 and perhaps senile

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 6:53 PM, MJ  wrote:

> *David Horowitz Is Frantic About Ron Paul
> *Posted by Lew Rockwell  on February 18, 2011 02:42
> PM
> It’s almost funny. I mean the laughable smears by the PC brigade against
> Ron Paul, this time because he is against perpetual war in the Middle East,
> and perpetual foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc. For this, Ron is
> brandedby
>  former communist and current run-on sentencer David Horowitz as a
> “Vicious Anti-Semite and Anti-American and Conservatives Need To Wash Their
> Hands of Him.” A follow-up 
> articleby
>  the slightly less run-on but more wonderfully named David Swindle is
> entitled “The Anti-Semites Who Swarmed Us at CPAC and the Future of the
> Right.” On the other hand, also at CPAC, Bush conservative Ann Coulter
> said , in
> answer to a student question: “Dr. Paul is a very smart man and whenever he
> says anything I listen, unless it is about foreign policy, because I am
> afraid he might convince me.” Indeed, more and more Americans are being
> convinced by Ron Paul on peace as well as freedom, Austrian economics, and
> the Fed.
> *Horowitz Revisited
> *Posted by Butler Shaffer  on February 18, 2011
> 03:47 PM
>  Lew : I have
> long regarded David Horowitz as a weather-vane commentator. In the Leftish
> environment of the 1960s he wrote articles and books critical of the
> political establishment. When the political climate shifted Rightward, he
> found neoconservative policies more to his liking. I suspect that, if
> cannibalism ever becomes popular in America, he will start writing
> cookbooks! Perhaps “Serving Our Fellow Man” will be a forthcoming title.
> *Re: Horowitz Revisited
> *Posted by Stephan Kinsella  on February 18, 2011
> 05:12 PM
> Butler, Lew , you
> are so right about the loathsome Horowitz. It’s a good time to remind people
> of Justin Raimondo’s great, withering review of Horowitz’s memoir *Radical
> Son*, David Horowitz and the Ex-Communist 
> Confessional
> .
> --
> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> For options & help see
> * Visit our other community at
> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
For options & help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

give eligibility case another look

2011-02-19 Thread Bruce Majors

*Sent:* Friday, February 18, 2011 6:19 AM
*Subject:* Stunner! Supremes to give eligibility case another look

  Email not displaying correctly? View it in your

  *Stunner! Supremes to give eligibility case another look* In a stunning
move, the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another "conference" on a legal
challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, but
officials there are not answering questions about whether two justices given
their jobs by Obama will participate. Read the latest now on

 *Plus!* Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck today said Americans should be
alarmed over the revelations of The Islamic Antichrist in which author Joel
Richardson documents the similarities between the "bad guy" of the Bible,
the Antichrist, and the "good guy" of the Quran, the Mahdi.

The author contends they are, in fact, the same.

"You have to look at this, really ask yourself, 'Wow, is this true?'" Beck
said. Click here for details. 

 *Entertainment Today!* Entertainment-soaked culture damages kids' brains;
here's the antidote

Over consumption of media among children is an enormous concern. According
to a study I conducted in 2003, the average young man is involved in 33.25
hours a week of "screen time" (watching movies, playing video games, surfing
the Internet). Girls averaged ... Click to read

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*[image: WorldNetDaily] *  *Must Read News* 2012 CPAC to
reach out to 'social conservatives' 
 Almost all terrorists escaped from Egyptian
 Largest U.S. union stirring Algerian chaos?
 Egyptian Christians fear implementation of Islamic
 Guns at school: Not as scary as it sounds
 WND RADIO: 'A welcome sign for the American

 *Other Highlights* Red-light camera company sues over anti-camera vote
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Make WND your homepage today! 

 *Daily Blessing* Your daily dose of spiritual inspiration
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 *Today's Poll* Sound off on Wisconsin legislators hiding out to prevent a
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BB murder case:non-bailable arrest warrants for Musharraf re-issued

2011-02-19 Thread positive news
*BB murder case:non-bailable arrest warrants for Musharraf re-issued*

Posted By Hafeez Sheikh On 19/02/2011 (12:01 PM) In




*Rawalpindi**:** *An anti-terrorism court on Saturday once again issued
non-bailable arrest warrants for former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in
Benazir assassination case.

Federal Investigation Agency(FIA) prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar submitted to
the court a report regarding compliance of previous arrest warrants, issued
in last hearing by the court.

He told the Judge Rana Nisar Ahmed that FIA Inspector Mustafa Kiani was sent
to Musharraf’ residence located at Chak Shehzad but the former president was
not present there as he had been living in London.

The judge sought residential address of Musharraf so that the red warrant
could be issued for him.

Article taken from The News Tribe, latest top breaking news Pakistan, blogs,
citizen journalism pakistan, South Asia, UK and Middle East -

URL to article:


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