Re: Truth as Treason

2013-08-08 Thread GregfromBoston
I'll try again.  Manning was ACQUITTED of Aid and Comfort and Snowden 
hasn't seen a court room.  Are you ok?

On Thursday, August 8, 2013 10:38:33 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> You MISSED the first part ... "Treason against the United States shall 
> consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, 
> giving them Aid and Comfort." Since no such thing occurred with Manning 
> Snowden or the other guy ... there was nothing for which these 141 
> so-called witnesses to provide testimony.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> "This is their method. Find a simple jingoistic phrase,"Blame America 
> First" then just keep hammering away at all rational arguments that 
> contradict their ideology. That way no counter argument need be made. The 
> phrase will be remembered by the unthinking mass emulating Pavlov's 
> salivating dogs." -- Tommy Montgomery
> At 10:25 AM 8/8/2013, you wrote:
>  *No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two 
> Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.* No such 
> thing occurred with Manning, Snowden OR the other guy.
> --
> There were 141 witnesses against Manning AND he confessed to 10 of the 22 
> charges.  He wasn't convicted of Treason anyway.  Snowden hasn't been 
> tried, let alone convicted.  He's hiding in Russia.  Hello!
> -- 
> -- 
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Re: Truth as Treason

2013-08-08 Thread GregfromBoston
*No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two 
Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.* No such 
thing occurred with Manning, Snowden OR the other guy.
There were 141 witnesses against Manning AND he confessed to 10 of the 22 
charges.  He wasn't convicted of Treason anyway.  Snowden hasn't been 
tried, let alone convicted.  He's hiding in Russia.  Hello!

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IRS wants out of ObambiCare

2013-07-27 Thread GregfromBoston
The ACA enforcement agency's union (NTEU) has filed for a waiver exempting 
its members from exchanges.

Now what's that tell ya?

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Re: McDaniel/Tampa Tribune: How the Supreme Court got it wrong on gay marriage

2013-07-01 Thread GregfromBoston
How bout we get the gubmint out of the marriage biz altogether.  I don't 
give a flying fuck if the State thinks I'm married or not.

On Monday, July 1, 2013 7:46:33 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> Mr. McDaniel eloquently states what I believe most Americans think and 
> perceive:
> How the Supreme Court got it wrong on gay marriage
> Special to The Tampa Tribune 
> Published: June 30, 2013 
> The Supreme Court has ruled on gay marriage, but this highly complex and 
> emotional issue is far from being settled. The attempt to reshape or 
> redefine marriage will be met with fervent and persistent opposition.
> Just as 40 years after Roe v. Wade abortion opponents continue to fight 
> for the pro-life agenda, pro-traditional marriage supporters will fight on 
> as well.
> The reality is there are many reasoned and logical arguments against gay 
> marriage.
> This debate is not about marriage equality, though the reframing of the 
> argument is a brilliant move by gay marriage supporters. It is semantics 
> more than substance. If the issue is simply equal rights, then the debate 
> would be centered on civil unions and not gay marriage.
> Homosexuals should have all the civil rights that allow them to be in a 
> relationship with another person. They should not be discriminated against 
> and should be treated equally as other groups. But that is not the same 
> thing as being married. Redefining marriage from its historic, traditional 
> understanding is a wholly different enterprise.
> Saying it is unfair that gays cannot marry is just the same as saying it 
> is unfair that one does not have a higher IQ to be a scientist or lacks 
> exceptional height to be an NBA player. These are God-given realities not 
> open to human alteration.
> Just because one does not support gay marriage does not make him 
> homophobic. Such a message is completely false and highly offensive to 
> people of faith. The idea that you hate homosexuals because you disagree 
> with gay marriage is the kind of lazy thinking that infects this country in 
> so many public debates. Only someone with limited, linear thinking comes to 
> such a simplistic conclusion.
> The reality is that Evangelicals, Catholics, orthodox Jews and Muslims 
> have strong beliefs that define the nature of marriage as solely uniting a 
> man and women. This does not mean they hate gay people.
> As a Christ follower, I want to show love to all people as Jesus taught me 
> to. I also want to be faithful to the teachings of the Bible. They provide 
> boundaries that define my life. I cannot allow those boundaries to be 
> violated.
> This is just healthy living not hateful living. To say that Pope Francis, 
> Rick Warren, Joel Osteen and many other faith leaders are homophobic is 
> simply absurd.
> If you redefine marriage, you open a huge door that can lead to other 
> types of marriage. It is foolish to argue that people will marry their dog 
> or horse, but other marriage arguments can be made. For instance, if a 
> couple are infertile and they want to have children, why not let a spouse 
> marry another spouse who is fertile? Or what about the bisexual who wants 
> both a male and female spouse? Is it not fair to give marriage equality to 
> them as well?
> Once you destroy traditional marriage you allow for a variety of other 
> marriages. If this seems implausible, the idea of gay marriage was equally 
> far-fetched just 30 years ago.
> Only a marriage between a man and a woman can create a child. No same sex 
> relationship can ever procreate. In order to have children, something must 
> be done that is unnatural.
> If there are then children, how are those children raised? Masculinity can 
> never bestow femininity and vice-versa. A man cannot tell a girl how to be 
> a woman; a woman cannot tell a boy how to be a man. This is why it takes 
> both a mom and dad to raise a healthy, well-adjusted child.
> Government recognizes marriage because it benefits society to meet the 
> needs of children.
> Our leaders should create policies supporting marriage, not redefining it. 
> Promoting traditional marriage does not discriminate against anyone. You 
> can love whomever you choose, but that does not mean demanding your 
> relationship be recognized as a marriage.
> The latest polls (taken within their margin of error) show the country is 
> evenly split on gay marriage.
> But the majority of people in every state are certainly not for gay 
> marriage, and the majority of states presently ban gay marriage.
> The Supreme Court cannot change what people think and in time the damage 
> of redefining marriage will be revealed.
> Richmond, Va., Pastor Rick McDaniel is an author, international 
> communicator and church builder who has written four books and holds three 
> degrees, includi

Re: All 292 Conservative given special treatment, only 6 out of 20 Liberal groups were

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
>From a liberal banana head:

"So far, all the reports from the IG concerning the 'targeting' of tpers 
were done at the direct request of Issa and the GOP to limit it to those 
groups so as to create the appearance of a scandal."

Yes, the Treasury dept is lying in writing at the orders of republicans to 
make the boss look bad.  W!!  They're out their

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:52:22 PM UTC-5, jgg1000a wrote:
> Is this proof enough for our Biff???   Or does the IRS have to say this in 
> a letter...  Oops I am sorry Biff, they did.

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Re: Bill Clinton's DOMA is dead

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Good point, since I have asserted no such thing.  It does not exist.  Cool

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:51:48 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> Only when believing the fantasies of Chief Usurper Marshall as already 
> shown for you.
> You could have equally asserted that AIVS2C1: "The Citizens of each State 
> shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the 
> several States" supported your erroneous claim. One cannot support what 
> does not exist.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> It is a very dangerous doctrine to consider the judges as the ultimate 
> arbiters of all constitutional questions. It is one which would place us 
> under the despotism of an oligarchy. ... The Constitution has erected no 
> such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the 
> corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has 
> more wisely made all the departments coequal and cosovereign within 
> themselves.  
> -- Thomas Jefferson to Jarvis, 1820
> At 11:20 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> Its the judicial check on the legislature and quite clear in the 
> constitution as I cited directly
> On Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:41:58 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote: The Court has 
> elevated itself OVER the Constitution ... what you cite denotes UNDER. 
> Furthermore, 
> each Senate, Representative and President swear an oath to uphold the 
> Constitution ... how can they uphold what the Court can declare by whim?
> Regard$, --MJ
> You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all 
> Constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which 
> would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as 
> honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same 
> passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. ... Their 
> power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not 
> responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The 
> Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever 
> hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would 
> become despots.   -- Thomas Jefferson
>  At 10:30 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising 
> under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, 
> or which shall be made, under their authority;
> On Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:08:36 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote: So ... if 
> something is ONLY unconstitutional because the supreme Court says so ... 
> then, in reality, the Constitution itself is meaningless. Why 'revere' or 
> follow it? Why be concerned about it at all? We have a Government 
> comprised of a Legislature and Executive that does as it pleases -- no 
> limitations! On occasion, the Court (appointed by the Executive and 
> affirmed by part of the Legislature) slaps at the Legislature and Executive 
> using -- not the plain words of the Constitution, but incantations and 
> whole cloth creations -- but that does not necessarily change anything. 
> Constitutional, 
> of course, is of or by the Constitution and has NOTHING to do with 
> proclamations and edicts by the Judiciary. The Court USURPED this 
> *magical* power to "say what the law is" in 1803 ... and Boobus Americanus 
> has faithfully drop to his knees ever since. Regard$, --MJ On this 
> construction I have hitherto acted; on this I shall ever act, and maintain 
> it with the powers of the government against any control which may be 
> attempted by the judges, in subversion of the independence of the executive 
> and Senate within their peculiar department. I presume, therefore, that in 
> a case where our decision is by the Constitution the supreme one, and that 
> which can be carried into effect, it is the constitutionally authoritative 
> one, and that that by the judges was coram non judice, and unauthoritative, 
> because it cannot be carried into effect. I have long wished for a proper 
> occasion to have the gratuitous opinion in Marbury v. Madison brought 
> before the public, and denounced as not law; and I think the present a 
> fortunate one because it occupies such a place in the public attention. I 
> should be glad, therefore, if in noticing that case you could take occasion 
> to express the determination of the executive that the doctrines of that 
> case were given extrajudicially and against law, and that their reverse 
> will be the rule of action with the executive. -- Thomas Jefferson Bergh 
> 11:213. (1807.)
>  At 08:34 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> Notwithstanding ... Republicans Voted this in ... Mr. Bill merely signed 
> it. - He "merely" signed it after campaigning on it, writing section 3, and 
> then signing it with much hoopla.  And, it passed the House 342-67, the 
> Senate 85-14.  Yea, republicans . . . Yikes Question(s): YESTERDAY ... 
> was DOMA constitutional?  - Yes How about when it was passed? Signed?

Re: Bill Clinton's DOMA is dead

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Its the judicial check on the legislature and quite clear in the 
constitution as I cited directly

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:41:58 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> The Court has elevated itself OVER the Constitution ... what you cite 
> denotes UNDER.
> Furthermore, each Senate, Representative and President swear an oath to 
> uphold the Constitution ... how can they uphold what the Court can declare 
> by whim?
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all 
> Constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which 
> would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as 
> honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same 
> passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. ... Their 
> power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not 
> responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The 
> Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever 
> hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would 
> become despots. 
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
> At 10:30 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> The judicial power shall extend to *all cases, in law* and equity, *arising 
> under this Constitution, the laws of the United States*, and treaties 
> made, or which shall be made, under their authority;
> On Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:08:36 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> So ... if something is ONLY unconstitutional because the supreme Court 
> says so ... then, in reality, the Constitution itself is meaningless.
> Why 'revere' or follow it? Why be concerned about it at all?
> We have a Government comprised of a Legislature and Executive that does as 
> it pleases -- no limitations! On occasion, the Court (appointed by the 
> Executive and affirmed by part of the Legislature) slaps at the Legislature 
> and Executive using -- not the plain words of the Constitution, but 
> incantations and whole cloth creations -- but that does not necessarily 
> change anything.
> Constitutional, of course, is of or by the Constitution and has NOTHING to 
> do with proclamations and edicts by the Judiciary.
> The Court USURPED this *magical* power to "say what the law is" in 1803 
> ... and Boobus Americanus has faithfully drop to his knees ever since.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> On this construction I have hitherto acted; on this I shall ever act, and 
> maintain it with the powers of the government against any control which may 
> be attempted by the judges, in subversion of the independence of the 
> executive and Senate within their peculiar department. I presume, 
> therefore, that in a case where our decision is by the Constitution the 
> supreme one, and that which can be carried into effect, it is the 
> constitutionally authoritative one, and that that by the judges was coram 
> non judice, and unauthoritative, because it cannot be carried into effect. 
> I have long wished for a proper occasion to have the gratuitous opinion in 
> Marbury v. Madison brought before the public, and denounced as not law; and 
> I think the present a fortunate one because it occupies such a place in the 
> public attention. I should be glad, therefore, if in noticing that case you 
> could take occasion to express the determination of the executive that the 
> doctrines of that case were given extrajudicially and against law, and that 
> their reverse will be the rule of action with the executive.
> -- Thomas Jefferson Bergh 11:213. (1807.)
>  At 08:34 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> Notwithstanding ... 
> Republicans Voted this in ... Mr. Bill merely signed it. - He "merely" 
> signed it after campaigning on it, writing section 3, and then signing it 
> with much hoopla.  And, it passed the House 342-67, the Senate 85-14.  Yea, 
> republicans . . . Yikes
> Question(s):
> YESTERDAY ... was DOMA constitutional?  - Yes
> How about when it was passed? Signed? -  Yes
> Did it ONLY become unconstitutional ... taday? - Yes, because SCOTUS says 
> so.  Thats what they do.  Congress could have repealed it a decade ago, yet 
> all those dems (who voted for it) decried it, never lifted a fucking 
> finger, including the great gay rights champion, Barney Frank, who refused 
> to co-sponsor a bill to repeal it
> -- 
> -- 
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Thanks f

Re: A Map Of All The States And Their Best-Known Brands

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
I reckon Gillette is a pretty good choice for Massachusetts.  World Shaving 
Headquarters and the Patriots home.

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:01:45 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:

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Re: Bill Clinton's DOMA is dead

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
The judicial power shall extend to *all cases, in law* and equity, *arising 
under this Constitution, the laws of the United States*, and treaties made, 
or which shall be made, under their authority;

On Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:08:36 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> So ... if something is ONLY unconstitutional because the supreme Court 
> says so ... then, in reality, the Constitution itself is meaningless.
> Why 'revere' or follow it? Why be concerned about it at all?
> We have a Government comprised of a Legislature and Executive that does as 
> it pleases -- no limitations! On occasion, the Court (appointed by the 
> Executive and affirmed by part of the Legislature) slaps at the Legislature 
> and Executive using -- not the plain words of the Constitution, but 
> incantations and whole cloth creations -- but that does not necessarily 
> change anything.
> Constitutional, of course, is of or by the Constitution and has NOTHING to 
> do with proclamations and edicts by the Judiciary.
> The Court USURPED this *magical* power to "say what the law is" in 1803 
> ... and Boobus Americanus has faithfully drop to his knees ever since.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> On this construction I have hitherto acted; on this I shall ever act, and 
> maintain it with the powers of the government against any control which may 
> be attempted by the judges, in subversion of the independence of the 
> executive and Senate within their peculiar department. I presume, 
> therefore, that in a case where our decision is by the Constitution the 
> supreme one, and that which can be carried into effect, it is the 
> constitutionally authoritative one, and that that by the judges was coram 
> non judice, and unauthoritative, because it cannot be carried into effect. 
> I have long wished for a proper occasion to have the gratuitous opinion in 
> Marbury v. Madison brought before the public, and denounced as not law; and 
> I think the present a fortunate one because it occupies such a place in the 
> public attention. I should be glad, therefore, if in noticing that case you 
> could take occasion to express the determination of the executive that the 
> doctrines of that case were given extrajudicially and against law, and that 
> their reverse will be the rule of action with the executive.
> -- Thomas Jefferson Bergh 11:213. (1807.)
> At 08:34 AM 6/27/2013, you wrote:
> Notwithstanding ... 
> Republicans Voted this in ...* *Mr. Bill merely signed it.* - He "merely" 
> signed it after campaigning on it, writing section 3, and then signing it 
> with much hoopla*.  And, it passed the House 342-67, the Senate 85-14.  
> Yea, republicans . . . Yikes
> Question(s):
> YESTERDAY ... was DOMA constitutional?  - Yes
> How about when it was passed? Signed? -  Yes
> Did it ONLY become unconstitutional ... taday? - Yes, because SCOTUS says 
> so.  Thats what they do.  Congress could have repealed it a decade ago, yet 
> all those dems (who voted for it) decried it, never lifted a fucking 
> finger, including the great gay rights champion, Barney Frank, who refused 
> to co-sponsor a bill to repeal it

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Re: Bill Clinton's DOMA is dead

2013-06-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Notwithstanding ... 
Republicans Voted this in ...* *Mr. Bill merely signed it.* - He "merely" 
signed it after campaigning on it, writing section 3, and then signing it 
with much hoopla*.  And, it passed the House 342-67, the Senate 85-14.  
Yea, republicans . . . Yikes

YESTERDAY ... was DOMA constitutional?  - Yes
How about when it was passed? Signed? -  Yes
Did it ONLY become unconstitutional ... taday? - Yes, because SCOTUS says 
so.  Thats what they do.  Congress could have repealed it a decade ago, yet 
all those dems (who voted for it) decried it, never lifted a fucking 
finger, including the great gay rights champion, Barney Frank, who refused 
to co-sponsor a bill to repeal it

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Bill Clinton's DOMA is dead

2013-06-26 Thread GregfromBoston

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Re: Thank you for your service, Mr. Snowden

2013-06-14 Thread GregfromBoston
*Read the other 1080 words

Not a chance

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Now that Tim Tebow is a Patriot

2013-06-13 Thread GregfromBoston
He is being audited by the IRS

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Re: Desperate Neocons Dig Up the Rotted, Smelly Corpse of Lincoln . . .

2013-06-10 Thread GregfromBoston
This guy is one bitter, screaming loon, and writes like shit while accusing 
others of the same.  Bill Buckley?  This idiot couldn't shine his shoes.

On Friday, June 7, 2013 9:00:00 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> *Desperate Neocons Dig Up the Rotted, Smelly Corpse of Lincoln . . . 
> *Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo  on June 7, 2013 07:54 AM 
> . . . yet again in an amateurish rehash of nineteenth-century Republican 
> Party propaganda (a.k.a., "Straussianism") in the form of a *National 
> Neocon Review* cover story titled "Defending Lincoln."  The way to become 
> politically relevant and win over America's youth, says Rich Lowry (who 
> apparently will always look like he just started shaving last week) is to 
> continue to libel and smear Ron Paul and "the fever swamp of 
>" while composing boring, poorly-written, long-winded 
> apologies for the abolition of civil liberties, crackdowns on free speech, 
> the imprisoning of dissenters, pervasive spying by the state, the 
> deportation of political opponents, massive taxation and debt to pay for it 
> all, centralized, monopolistic government, crony capitalism,  and above 
> all, never-ending aggressive wars all around the world in the name of 
> "making all men free."
> This of course is all in keeping with the ideology of *National Neocon 
> Review's* founder, "former" CIA employee William F. Buckley, Jr., who 
> wrote in the January 25, 1952 issue of* The Commonweal* magazine that 
> what America needed was "the extensive and productive tax laws that are 
> needed to support a vigorous anti-communist foreign policy . . . . we have 
> got to accept Big Government for the duration -- for neither an offensive 
> nor a defensive war can be waged . . . except through the instrumentality 
> of a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores . . . . [including] large 
> armies and air forces, atomic energy, central intelligence, war production 
> boards, and the attendant centralization of power in Washington."  (See 
> Murray Rothbard, "Buckley Revealed" at:  
> This is what it meant to be a "National Review Conservative" (a.k.a., 
> fascist) in Buckley's time as now.  The legitimacy of the 
> Welfare/Warfare/Police state does not rest upon the Constitution but upon 
> the myths and legends of Abraham Lincoln perpetrated by Republican Party 
> hacks and propagandists like Rich Lowry.

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Re: to Heller decision 5th anniversary, now, also online

2013-06-05 Thread GregfromBoston
Man did the anti-gun loons shoot themselves in the head on this one or 
what?  Bwa hahaha ha ha ha!

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 11:34:09 AM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
> ---
> [image: Meetup]  
>   New Meetup 
> Heller decision 5th 
> anniversary
> Washington D.C. Libertarian Meetup
>  Added by bruce 
>   Tuesday, June 4, 2013
> 1:00 PM 
>  Cato Institute
> 1000 Massachusetts Ave
> Washington, DC 20001 
>I'm going 
> Change your 
>   Featuring Alan Gura, Gura & Possessky, Lead Counsel, District of 
> Columbia v. Heller; Robert Levy, Chairman, Cato Institute, Co-counsel, 
> District of Columbia v. Heller; Clark Neily, Senior Attorney, Institute for 
> Justice, Co-counsel, District ...
> Learn 
> more
>   Sponsored by Bruce Majors, Libertarian for 
> Congress
> , Becky's Bath Salts , Upper 
> Cervical Chiropractic 
> Fredericksbg
> , Bruce Majors, Keller Williams Eal 
> Estateand Bruce 
> Majors, Keller Williams Eal 
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Re: Obama wants to jail people like me who criticize Islam online, but Muslims in prison for threatening non-Muslims online are allowed to post extremist rhetoric on the internet from jail

2013-06-05 Thread GregfromBoston
How about NO computer access for prisoners, ever?  Thats how it was when I 
was in the can, and all outgoing and incoming mail got read.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:17:28 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> Under free-speech guarantees in the U.S. Constitution, federal 
> authorities cannot impose blanket bans on such postings by convicts, 
> although email access is limited for prisoners, and messages inciting 
> violence are prohibited. 
> On Jun 4, 10:59 am, Travis  wrote: 
> > ** 
> >BareNakedIslam posted: "American Islamist militants jailed for 
> > threatening violence over the Internet are still posting political 
> writings 
> > - while serving time in federal prison. Jesse Curtis Morton, a convert 
> to 
> > Islam who writes under the name Younus Abdullah Muhammed (photo ab" 
> >   New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM* 
> >   Obama wants to jail people 
> like 
> > me who criticize Islam online, but Muslims in prison for threatening 
> > non-Muslims online are allowed to post extremist rhetoric on the 
> internet 
> > from jail<
> > by 
> > BareNakedIslam  
> > 
> > American Islamist militants jailed for threatening violence over the 
> > Internet are still posting political writings - while serving time in 
> > federal prison. Jesse Curtis Morton, a convert to Islam who writes under 
> > the name Younus Abdullah Muhammed (photo above), is serving a prison 
> term 
> > of more than 11 years in a Pennsylvania federal prison after pleading 
> > guilty in 2012 to […] 
> > 
> > Read more of this 
> > post<
> >   *BareNakedIslam * | June 3, 
> 2013 
> > at 11:40 pm | Categories: Islam in 
> > America<
> > URL: 
> > 
> >  Comment<
> >See all comments<
> > 
> >  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> > Subscriptions<
> > 
> > *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:

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Re: Heller decision

2013-06-05 Thread GregfromBoston
Hey mate, if they wanna line up for dope slaps, its fun to watch.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 3:28:18 PM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> Hey Greg!
> Geesh, how I wish you were right, but the predominance of 
> "Moonbats/Progressives/Anti-Americans/Communists/Socialists/Democrats"  
> have a tendency to ignore the laws if they are not convenient on their 
> March to Utopia.   
> I've seen a number of "Progressives"  totally ignore the dictates of *
> Heller* as well as the Chicago case that followed *Heller* shortly 
> thereafter.  *See* TommyTomTomForNews.
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 3:58 PM, GregfromBoston 
> > wrote:
>> The anti-gun nuts in DC who pushed this drove a spike through their 
>> collective heads.   Gone forever is the ridiculous claim that the 2nd amend 
>> only applies to well regulated militias.  It is, "an *individual right*, 
>> *unconnected* with service in a militia".  Done.  Nice job guys.  Thanks.
>> On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:20:39 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
>>> *Mr. Palmer and a companion were attacked by a skinhead gang in 
>>> California who stated their intent to kill them.  When Palmer pulled a gun 
>>> out of his backpack the skinhead leader stepped back and said "Do you have 
>>> a license for that?" before retreating.  You can read the other affidavits 
>>> on line*
>>> SHELLY PARKER, et al.,) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) DISTRICT ) OF COLUMRIA, 
>>> et al., ) ) Defendants. ) )
>>> Case No. 03-CV-02 13-EGS
>>> [image: page81image3788]
>>> I, Tom G. Palmer, am competent to state, and if called upon would 
>>> testify to the following basis on my personal knowledge:
>>>1. I reside in the District of Columbia. 
>>>2. I own various firearms located outside 
>>> the District of Columbia, including handguns and long guns, and 
>>> presently intend to possess a functional handgun and long gun for 
>>> self-defense within my own home, but I am prevented from doing so only by 
>>> the defendants’ active enforcement of unconstitutional policies complained 
>>> of in this action. I am aware that I face criminal penalties if I possess 
>>> a handgun, or any other functional firearm, at home.
>>> 3. In the summer of 1982, when I was living in California, I was 
>>> assaulted because I am gay. I successfully warded off the assault with a 
>>> handgun. I was walking with a co-worker to dinner when a group of young men 
>>> started yelling at us, “faggot,” “homo,” “queer,” “we’re going to kill 
>>> you,” and “they’ll never find your bodies.” and so on. After they had 
>>> followed us for about 100 feet, we started running. Fortunately I was able 
>>> to pull my handgun out of my backpack, and our assailants backed off. This 
>>> experience has confirmed for me that I can defend myself with a handgun, 
>>> and that I am far less effective in my ability to defend myself and act in 
>>> concert for the common good without the use of a handgun.
>>> 4. Being deprived of a handgun limits my ability to defend myself and my 
>>> ability to act in concert with others for the common good, as a handgun 
>>> could often be better suited for such uses than a rifle or shotgun. Being 
>>> deprived of a functional rifle or shotgun likewise limits my ability to 
>>> defend myself and my ability to act in concert with others for the common 
>>> good.
>>> I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and 
>>> correct.
>>> Executed this the 13th day of March, 2003
>>> /s/ Tom G. Palmer__ Tom G. Palmer 
>>> [image: page81image6904]
>>  -- 
>> -- 
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Re: Heller decision

2013-06-04 Thread GregfromBoston
The anti-gun nuts in DC who pushed this drove a spike through their 
collective heads.   Gone forever is the ridiculous claim that the 2nd amend 
only applies to well regulated militias.  It is, "an *individual right*, *
unconnected* with service in a militia".  Done.  Nice job guys.  Thanks.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:20:39 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
> *Mr. Palmer and a companion were attacked by a skinhead gang in 
> California who stated their intent to kill them.  When Palmer pulled a gun 
> out of his backpack the skinhead leader stepped back and said "Do you have 
> a license for that?" before retreating.  You can read the other affidavits 
> on line*
> SHELLY PARKER, et al.,) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) DISTRICT ) OF COLUMRIA, 
> et al., ) ) Defendants. ) )
> Case No. 03-CV-02 13-EGS
> [image: page81image3788]
> I, Tom G. Palmer, am competent to state, and if called upon would testify 
> to the following basis on my personal knowledge:
>1. I reside in the District of Columbia. 
>2. I own various firearms located outside 
> the District of Columbia, including handguns and long guns, and presently 
> intend to possess a functional handgun and long gun for self-defense within 
> my own home, but I am prevented from doing so only by the defendants’ 
> active enforcement of unconstitutional policies complained of in this 
> action. I am aware that I face criminal penalties if I possess a handgun, 
> or any other functional firearm, at home.
> 3. In the summer of 1982, when I was living in California, I was assaulted 
> because I am gay. I successfully warded off the assault with a handgun. I 
> was walking with a co-worker to dinner when a group of young men started 
> yelling at us, “faggot,” “homo,” “queer,” “we’re going to kill you,” and 
> “they’ll never find your bodies.” and so on. After they had followed us for 
> about 100 feet, we started running. Fortunately I was able to pull my 
> handgun out of my backpack, and our assailants backed off. This experience 
> has confirmed for me that I can defend myself with a handgun, and that I am 
> far less effective in my ability to defend myself and act in concert for 
> the common good without the use of a handgun.
> 4. Being deprived of a handgun limits my ability to defend myself and my 
> ability to act in concert with others for the common good, as a handgun 
> could often be better suited for such uses than a rifle or shotgun. Being 
> deprived of a functional rifle or shotgun likewise limits my ability to 
> defend myself and my ability to act in concert with others for the common 
> good.
> I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
> Executed this the 13th day of March, 2003
> /s/ Tom G. Palmer__ Tom G. Palmer 
> [image: page81image6904]

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Re: Boston Bombing: The Action Is in the Reaction

2013-05-29 Thread GregfromBoston
Instead,  the Public cheered law enforcement for what a wonderful job they 

Friggin awesome wasn't it

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Re: Boston Bombing: The Action Is in the Reaction

2013-05-29 Thread GregfromBoston
MBTA police didn't arrest him, so I stopped reading after the first sentence

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Re: Lois Lerner leaving Senate hearings

2013-05-23 Thread GregfromBoston
Here is the word striking fear through 1600.


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Re: Jesus vs the Paedophile Prophet Mohammed

2013-05-22 Thread GregfromBoston
Jesus Christ is the number 2 prophet of Islam.  Moses and Abraham kinda 
share the 3 spot.  Think about that.

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 7:13:31 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>BareNakedIslam posted: "Comedian Steven Crowder mocks Islam. Save your 
> death threats, muzzies, they won't be posted here. 
>   New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM* 
>   Jesus vs the Paedophile 
> Prophet 
> Mohammed
>  by 
> BareNakedIslam   
> Comedian Steven Crowder mocks Islam. Save your death threats, muzzies, 
> they won't be posted here.
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *BareNakedIslam * | May 21, 
> 2013 at 10:30 pm | Categories: Laughing at 
> Islam|
>  URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 

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Re: Fla. Gov. Scott vetoes sheriff’s $1 million ‘snitch on your neighbor’ program

2013-05-22 Thread GregfromBoston
If it rains the day before you put grass seed, its the Jews fault, mate.

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:36:41 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> I am no Zionist, but as we have discussed, I have no qualms with anyone 
> who wants to go and prop up in the desert.
> Yes, I am all for Florida tax dollars invested to generate business within 
> the State of Florida.
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:34 PM, plainolamerican 
> > wrote:
>> I have no qualms with this whatsoever.
>> ---
>> as you are an zionist xian who supports israel.
>> I am all for foreign investment in Florida.
>> ---
>> and for FL tax dollars invested in israel?
>> On May 22, 11:07 am, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
>> > I have no qualms with this whatsoever.  I am all for foreign investment 
>> in
>> > Florida.
>> >
>> > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:03 PM, plainolamerican <
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > wrote:
>> > > And your point is?
>> > > ---
>> > > Governor Rick Scott has been recognized by the Consul General of the
>> > > Israeli consulate and multiple chapters of the Jewish Federation for
>> > > his Florida Families First Budget, which directs Enterprise Florida to
>> > > invest $100,000 to create an international economic development office
>> > > in Tel Aviv, Israel.
>> >
>> > > On May 22, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
>> > > > And your point is?
>> >
>> > > > Scott has been an extremely effective governor, especially durinmg 
>> this
>> > > > hard economic boondoggle.
>> >
>> > > > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:52 AM, plainolamerican <
>> > >
>> >
>> > > > > wrote:
>> > > > > In 1987, Scott co-founded Columbia Hospital Corporation, the 
>> largest
>> > > > > private for-profit health care company in the U.S. He resigned as
>> > > > > Chief Executive of Columbia/HCA in 1997 amid a controversy over 
>> the
>> > > > > company's business and Medicare billing practices; the company
>> > > > > ultimately admitted to fourteen felonies and agreed to pay the 
>> federal
>> > > > > government over $600 million.
>> >
>> > > > > On May 22, 7:52 am, Keith In Tampa  
>> wrote:
>> > > > > > I like our Governor!
>> > > > > > He's truly a conservative, and not a RINO...I only wish the
>> > > majority
>> > > > > of
>> > > > > > Republicans and Floridians in general would realize this!
>> >
>> > > > > > On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:40 AM, GregfromBoston <
>> > >
>> > > > > >wrote:
>> >
>> > > > > > > Since when can Sherrif's pass law?
>> >
>> > > > > > > On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:20:07 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
>> >
>> > > > > > >> **
>> > > > > > >>Steve posted: " DOESN'T this program kinda remind you of 
>> how
>> > > the
>> > > > > > >> gestapo might have been started? 
>> --**
>> > > > > > >> --**--
>> > > > > > >>http://www.bizpacreview.comMay 20, 2013 by Joe Saunders 
>> Gov.
>> > > > > Rick
>> > > > > > >> S"Respond to this post by replying above this line
>> > > > > > >>   New post on *Fellowship of the Minds*
>> > > > > > >> <
>> > > > >  Fla.
>> > > > > > >> Gov. Scott vetoes sheriff’s $1 million ‘snitch on your 
>> neighbor’
>> > > > > program<
>> > > > >
>> > > .>
>> > > > > by
>> > > > > > >> Steve <
>> > >
>> >
>> > > > > > >>  DOESN'T this program kinda remind you of how the gestapo 
>> might

Re: DOJ Labeled Fox News Reporter James Rosen a ‘Criminal Co-Conspirator’

2013-05-22 Thread GregfromBoston
Its Fox so the left is fine with it.  Bradley Manning and Julian Assange 
are heroes though.

On Monday, May 20, 2013 8:43:40 PM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>Sard posted: "Fox News Executive Slams Obama DOJ For Naming Reporter 
> James Rosen A 'Criminal Co-Conspirator' "In fact, it is downright chilling. 
> We will unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up 
> until now has always been a free press.” Via Fox N"   
>   New post on ** 
>   DOJ Labeled Fox News Reporter 
> James Rosen a ‘Criminal 
> Co-Conspirator’
>  by 
> Sard   
> Fox News Executive Slams Obama DOJ For Naming Reporter James Rosen A 
> 'Criminal Co-Conspirator' "In fact, it is downright chilling. We will 
> unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up until now 
> has always been a free press.” Via Fox News: The Justice Department 
> obtained a portfolio of information about a […]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *Sard * | May 20, 2013 at 9:00 
> pm | Tags: 4th 
> Amendment,
> Barack Hussein 
> Obama,
> Civil 
> Rights, 
> DoJ , Eric 
> Holder , 
> Fox News , 
> Free Press, 
> James M. 
> Rosen, 
> White 
> House| 
> Categories: American 
> Culture,
> American 
> Sovereignty,
> Bill of 
> Rights, 
> Calumny , 
> Communications,
> Communism, 
> Conservatism,
> Crime , Cultural 
> Marxism,
> Fascism , 
> First 
> Amendment,
> Founders , 
> GOP , House of 
> Representatives,
> Indoctrination,
> Legal/Judicial,
> Main-Stream 
> Media,
> Marxism , 
> National 
> Security,
> Obama Lies, 
> Politics , 
> Prejudice, 
> Presidential 
> Campaign,
> Progressive 
> Movement,
> Senate , Social 
> Engineering,
> Social 
> Justice,
> Socialism, 
> Tea Party, 
> Totalitarianism,
> Tyranny , U.S. 
> Constitution|
>  URL: 
> ht

Re: Fla. Gov. Scott vetoes sheriff’s $1 million ‘snitch on your neighbor’ program

2013-05-21 Thread GregfromBoston
Since when can Sherrif's pass law?

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:20:07 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>Steve posted: " DOESN'T this program kinda remind you of how the 
> gestapo might have been started? 
> --
>   May 20, 2013 by Joe Saunders Gov. Rick 
> S"Respond to this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* 
>   Fla. 
> Gov. Scott vetoes sheriff’s $1 million ‘snitch on your neighbor’ 
> program
>  by 
> Steve   
>  DOESN'T this program kinda remind you of how the gestapo might have been 
> started? 
> --
> [image: 
> Gov.Scott]
> Gov.Scott
>   May 20, 2013 by Joe 
> Saunders
> Gov. *Rick Scott * on Monday 
> vetoed almost $368 million in state spending before signing the budget for 
> next year, including $1 million for a violence prevention and mental 
> health  initiative sought by 
> the* Palm Beach 
> CountySheriff
>  Ric Bradshaw
> *.
> Bradshaw’s program would have established a hotline for residents to call 
> when they suspected an individual might be planning a violent act.
> If a call were deemed cause for concern, that person might be visited by 
> deputies trained to deal with mental health issues.
> In interviews, he cited such incidents as the shootings at Sandy Hook 
> Elementary 
> Schoolin
> Connecticutand
>  a movie 
> theater  in Auroroa, Colo., 
> as instances where a watchful eye and trained help might have prevented 
> tragedy.
> *But the proposal drew fire from conservatives when a widespread quote 
> from a Palm Beach Post 
>  story 
> fueled fears of government taking action against people because of how they 
> think, not how they’ve acted.*
> *“We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the 
> government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,” Bradshaw said in the 
> article.*
> *“What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is 
> everything OK?’”*
> Scott also turned down a 3 percent tuition increase for state college and 
> university students.
> Rest 
>  *Steve *| 
> May 21, 2013 at 5:14 am | Tags: 
> Bradshaw , 
> Connecticut , 
> Florida , Mental 
> Health , Palm 
> Beach County 
> Florida,
> Palm Beach Post, 
> Rick Scott , United 
> States  | 
> Categories: 2012 
> Election, 
> 2014 Election , 
> Conservatives , 
> conspiracy , 
> Constitution , False 
> flag , Gun 
> Control/2nd Amendment, 
> Insanity , 
> Liberals/Democrats/Left,
> Media , New 
> Age, 
> New World Order , 
> Obama 

Re: A gay objectivist makes a shocking confession

2013-05-21 Thread GregfromBoston
I'm not familiar with the show, but others I've talked to seem to be.
Caves have internet but no TV?

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Re: Congressional Reform Act of 2013

2013-05-21 Thread GregfromBoston
Yea that'll happen.  Lets see the congressional dems just rush to support 
their cow.

On Monday, May 20, 2013 8:44:07 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> Warren Buffet is asking for the Congressional Reform Act of 2013. 
> 1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while 
> in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. 
> 2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. 
> All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social 
> Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social 
> Security system and Congress participates with the American people. It 
> may not be used for any other purpose. 
> 3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all 
> Americans do. 
> 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional 
> pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 
> 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in 
> the same health care system as the American people. 
> 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American 
> people. 
> 7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void 
> effective 12/31/13. The American people did not make this contract 
> with Congressmen/women. 
> Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in 
> Congress is an honor not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned 
> citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home 
> and back to work. 

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Re: President Lucifer’s Prayer Police

2013-05-20 Thread GregfromBoston
“It pains me to say I can’t speak to that one either,” Miller replied.

Not as much as it pains the rest of the country

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Re: Minnesota 12th State to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

2013-05-17 Thread GregfromBoston
All while Obama and the great champions of gay rights democrats haven't 
done a fucking thing about it.

Gay couple - We were legally married in Minnesota.

Fed - No you weren't.  Fuck you.

On Friday, May 17, 2013 12:21:43 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

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Re: U.S. embassies push “gay pride” in countries that outlaw homosexual acts

2013-05-17 Thread GregfromBoston
Great.  Obambi promoting gay pride abroad while he and his fellow champions 
of gay rights do absolutely nothing about DOMA.

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Re: WHO in Boston: Bombing Story Mysteries

2013-05-16 Thread GregfromBoston

We’re told that a fire broke out at almost exactly the same time as the 
Marathon bombing, a short distance away at the JFK library. 

That was a mechanical fire and MILES away.

On Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:27:37 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> *WHO in Boston: Bombing Story Mysteries
> *By Russ Baker  on May 14, 2013 
> Most of the national and international media have left Boston -- and 
> essentially moved on from the Marathon bombing story. But at WhoWhatWhy, 
> we’re just getting started.
> Why? Because we see a lot of problems with what we’ve been told so far. 
> We’ve been disappointed that the media have failed to demonstrate healthy 
> skepticism while passing along, unchallenged, the (self-serving) assertions 
> of “the authorities.”
> It is the job of journalism not only to report what authorities say, but 
> also to confirm their claims, and address anomalies, errors, 
> inconsistencies, outright lies, and cover-ups, large and small.
> When it comes to falsehoods of all types, we’ve seen plenty of doozies, 
> and you don’t have to go all the way back to the Tonkin Gulf incident­which 
> helped pave the way for the escalation of the Vietnam conflict. Most people 
> now understand that circa 2002-2003, the George W. Bush Administration 
> knowingly 
> exaggerated and 
> deceivedin
>  order to justify a desired invasion of Iraq.
> Things have not markedly improved with the Obama Administration. The 2011 
> “raid that killed Bin Laden” at Abbottabad, Pakistan, went a long way 
> toward bolstering Obama’s “toughness cred,” and was probably a factor in 
> his being re-elected. Yet staggering inconsistencies 
> in official accounts of 
> the raid have never been properly reconciled. The current scandal du jour 
> is over the Obama Administration’s putting out fake story lines on Benghazi 
> to divert attention from how it handled facility security in that troubled 
> location.
> Yet even partisans on the attack in each of these cases typically fail to 
> get at the real story -- which, in the case of Benghazi, has to do with how 
> the entire “humanitarian intervention” in Libya was, as we 
> reported,
> a cover for a deadly geo-strategic gamble that has opened a can of worms 
> from which have sprung untold Al Qaeda types.
> ***
> So what about the Boston Marathon bombing, in which innocent people died 
> seemingly at the hands of anti-American monsters?  While some insist that 
> under these circumstances everyone, including the media, should prove their 
> patriotism by shutting their eyes and ears, we hope you agree that 
> especially at such times it’s important to ask the tough, even unpopular 
> questions. The Boston story, as we previously 
> noted,
> is full of question marks and high-stakes implications­all the more reason 
> to dig beneath the screen of official handouts. And, in the coming weeks, 
> that’s just what WhoWhatWhy plans to do.
> For now, here are some examples of the things we wish to better understand:
> *Race Security
>  *We have been told­and see evidence­of a security presence unprecedented 
> at such athletic events. This includes the claims by Alastair Stevenson, a 
> college cross-country coach and frequent marathoner, that he heard 
> announcements of security drills that day and saw beefed up security. It 
> also includes the presence of personnel from the private contractor Craft 
> International, first in the crowd watching the runners, then, after the 
> bombs went off, actively involved in the crime scene investigation. Is 
> there an explanation for this? What exactly were these security people 
> deployed against?
> *The JFK Library Fire
> *We’re told that a fire broke out at almost exactly the same time as the 
> Marathon bombing, a short distance away at the JFK library. Although 
> initial reports indicated a possible explosion, we have since been told 
> that it was just an “accident.” We’ve had very few details since then, 
> though the museum did reopen after a number of days.
> *MIT Cop
> *We originally heard from reporters that a police officer from MIT was 
> killed during a confrontation with the Tsarnaev brothers. Later, around the 
> time of a highly publicized funeral for the “hero cop,” the authorities 
> quietly revised their story; in the new account, the officer was shot while 
> sitting in his car, perhaps during an attempt to take his gun, though we’ve 
> seen no evidence of this. No explanation of why the Tsarnaev brothers would 
> even have been on the campus, or want

I know, fire a guy who is retiring next month anyway, leave his pension in tact, and I'm "tough on crime"

2013-05-16 Thread GregfromBoston
Who's buying this crap?

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Re: Obama thinks liberals are stupid

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
Obama thinks you are stupid.

And to all the dolts who bought that ridiculous video bullshit, he's right.

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Re: IRS Gave Leftists Conservative Groups' Confidential Docs

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
Hey Keith. I was referring to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney 
blaming Bush.  Its what they do.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:27:48 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> Good Morning Greg,
> I don't doubt that the IRS was just as conniving and corrupt during the 
> Bush Administration, but nothing in your article leads one to believe 
> thisIs there somethng else that you are aware of; e.g.; "The Smoking 
> Gun",  which shows that the IRS under the Bush Administration was 
> politically influenced?
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:20 AM, GregfromBoston 
> > wrote:
>> It's Bush's fault.
>> I wish I were kidding
>> On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:04:55 PM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
>>> All Democrats lack principles and ethics.
>>> ** **
>>> B
>>> ** **
>>> Progressive-Group-Says-IRS-**Gave-Them-Confidential-Docs-**
>>> On-Conservative-Groups<>
>>> Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups' Confidential Docs***
>>> *
>>> --
>>> Email Article 
>>> Print ArticleSend a 
>>> Tip<>
>>> by Wynton Hall <> 14 May 
>>> 2013, 7:59 AM PDT 
>>> 1205<>
>>>  post 
>>> a 
>>> comment<>
>>> The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica 
>>> says<>the
>>>  Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed 
>>> conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the 
>>> progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups 
>>> whose tax-exempt status was pending. 
>>> The commendable admission lends further evidence to the lengths the IRS 
>>> went during an election cycle to silence tea party and limited government 
>>> voices.
>>> ProPublica says the documents the IRS gave them were “not supposed to be 
>>> made public”:
>>> The same IRS office that deliberately 
>>> targeted<>
>>>  conservative 
>>> groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election 
>>> released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to 
>>> ProPublica late last 
>>> year<>...
>>> In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits 
>>> last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica 
>>> applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had 
>>> not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We 
>>> made 
>>> six<>
>>>  of 
>>> those<>public,
>>>  after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were 
>>> newsworthy.)
>>> The group says that "no unapproved applications from liberal groups were 
>>> sent to ProPublica.”
>>> According to Media Research Center Vice President for Business and 

Re: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
Who care's about Bovard abd his piece.  It's the White House blaming Bush.  

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:42:00 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> Bovard's piece mentions: Obama FDR LBJ JFK Nixon Clinton No mention of 
> Bush -- I or II -- much less 'blaming'.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> "The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest 
> liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them 
> the truth." -- H.L. Mencken
> At 10:26 AM 5/15/2013, you wrote:
> Nah.  Just blame Bush.
> Right on cue
> On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:06:28 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
>  Good Column.   Another Federal Agency that is broken beyond repair, the 
> IRS needs to be decimated, depleted and deleted.  
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:09 AM, MJ  wrote:
>  "As David Burnham noted in "A Law Unto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse of 
> Power" (1990), "In almost every administration since the IRS's inception 
> the information and power of the tax agency have been mobilized for 
> explicitly political purposes.""
> May 14, 2013, 8:18 p.m. ET 
>  A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting 
>  One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive or 
> lie to Congress.
>  Many Republicans are enraged over revelations in recent days that the 
> Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative nonprofit groups with a 
> campaign of audits and harassment. But of all the troubles now dogging the 
> Obama administration -- including the Benghazi fiasco and the Justice 
> Department's snooping on the Associated Press -- the IRS episode, however 
> alarming, is also the least surprising. As David Burnham noted in "A Law 
> Unto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse of Power" (1990), "In almost every 
> administration since the IRS's inception the information and power of the 
> tax agency have been mobilized for explicitly political purposes."
> President Franklin Roosevelt used the IRS to harass newspaper publishers 
> who were opposed to the New Deal, including William Randolph Hearst and 
> Moses Annenberg, publisher of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Roosevelt also 
> dropped the IRS hammer on political rivals such as the populist firebrand 
> Huey Long and radio agitator Father Coughlin, and prominent Republicans 
> such as former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Perhaps Roosevelt's most 
> pernicious tax skulduggery occurred in 1944. He spiked an IRS audit of 
> illegal campaign contributions made by a government contractor to 
> Congressman Lyndon Johnson, whose career might have been derailed if Texans 
> had learned of the scandal. 
> President John F. Kennedy raised the political exploitation of the IRS to 
> an art form. Shortly after capturing the presidency, JFK denounced "the 
> discordant voices of extremism" and derided people who distrust their 
> leaders­President Obama didn't invent that particular rhetorical line. 
> Shortly thereafter, JFK signaled at a news conference that he expected the 
> IRS to be vigilant in policing the tax-exempt status of questionable (read: 
> conservative) organizations. 
> Within a few days of Kennedy's remarks, the IRS launched the Ideological 
> Organizations Audit Project. It targeted right-leaning groups, including 
> the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, the American Enterprise Institute and 
> the Foundation for Economic Education. Kennedy also used the IRS to 
> strong-arm companies into complying with "voluntary" price controls. Steel 
> executives who defied the administration were singled out for audits.
> A 1976 report by the Senate Select Committee on Government Intelligence on 
> the Kennedy program noted: "By directing tax audits at individuals and 
> groups solely because of their political beliefs, the Ideological 
> Organizations Audit Project established a precedent for a far more 
> elaborate program of targeting 'dissidents.'" 
> After Richard Nixon took office, his administration quickly created a 
> Special Services Staff to mastermind what a memo called "all IRS activities 
> involving ideological, militant, subversive, radical, and similar type 
> organizations." More than 10,000 individuals and groups were targeted 
> because of their political activism or slant between 1969 and 1973, 
> including Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling (a left-wing critic of the Vietnam 
> War) and the far-right John Birch Society. 
> The IRS was also given Nixon's enemies list to, in the words of White 
> House counsel John Dean, "use the available federal machinery to screw our 
> political enemies."
> The exposure of Nixon's IRS abuses during congressional hearings in 1973 
> and 1974 profoundly weakened him during the uproar after the Watergate 
> hotel break-in. The second article of his 1974 impeachment charged him with 
> endeavoring to obtain from the IRS "confidential information contained in 
> income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in 

Re: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
Nah.  Just blame Bush.

Right on cue

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:06:28 AM UTC-5, KeithInTampa wrote:
> Good Column.   Another Federal Agency that is broken beyond repair, the 
> IRS needs to be decimated, depleted and deleted.  
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:09 AM, MJ >wrote:
>>  *"As David Burnham noted in "A Law Unto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse 
>> of Power" (1990), "In almost every administration since the IRS's inception 
>> the information and power of the tax agency have been mobilized for 
>> explicitly political purposes.""
>> May 14, 2013, 8:18 p.m. ET 
>> *A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting 
>> **One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive 
>> or lie to Congress.
>> Many Republicans are enraged over revelations in recent days that the 
>> Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative nonprofit groups with a 
>> campaign of audits and harassment. But of all the troubles now dogging the 
>> Obama administration -- including the Benghazi fiasco and the Justice 
>> Department's snooping on the Associated Press -- the IRS episode, however 
>> alarming, is also the least surprising. As David Burnham noted in "A Law 
>> Unto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse of Power" (1990), "In almost every 
>> administration since the IRS's inception the information and power of the 
>> tax agency have been mobilized for explicitly political purposes."
>> President Franklin Roosevelt used the IRS to harass newspaper publishers 
>> who were opposed to the New Deal, including William Randolph Hearst and 
>> Moses Annenberg, publisher of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Roosevelt also 
>> dropped the IRS hammer on political rivals such as the populist firebrand 
>> Huey Long and radio agitator Father Coughlin, and prominent Republicans 
>> such as former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Perhaps Roosevelt's most 
>> pernicious tax skulduggery occurred in 1944. He spiked an IRS audit of 
>> illegal campaign contributions made by a government contractor to 
>> Congressman Lyndon Johnson, whose career might have been derailed if Texans 
>> had learned of the scandal. 
>> President John F. Kennedy raised the political exploitation of the IRS to 
>> an art form. Shortly after capturing the presidency, JFK denounced "the 
>> discordant voices of extremism" and derided people who distrust their 
>> leaders­President Obama didn't invent that particular rhetorical line. 
>> Shortly thereafter, JFK signaled at a news conference that he expected the 
>> IRS to be vigilant in policing the tax-exempt status of questionable (read: 
>> conservative) organizations. 
>> Within a few days of Kennedy's remarks, the IRS launched the Ideological 
>> Organizations Audit Project. It targeted right-leaning groups, including 
>> the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, the American Enterprise Institute and 
>> the Foundation for Economic Education. Kennedy also used the IRS to 
>> strong-arm companies into complying with "voluntary" price controls. Steel 
>> executives who defied the administration were singled out for audits.
>> A 1976 report by the Senate Select Committee on Government Intelligence 
>> on the Kennedy program noted: "By directing tax audits at individuals and 
>> groups solely because of their political beliefs, the Ideological 
>> Organizations Audit Project established a precedent for a far more 
>> elaborate program of targeting 'dissidents.'" 
>> After Richard Nixon took office, his administration quickly created a 
>> Special Services Staff to mastermind what a memo called "all IRS activities 
>> involving ideological, militant, subversive, radical, and similar type 
>> organizations." More than 10,000 individuals and groups were targeted 
>> because of their political activism or slant between 1969 and 1973, 
>> including Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling (a left-wing critic of the Vietnam 
>> War) and the far-right John Birch Society. 
>> The IRS was also given Nixon's enemies list to, in the words of White 
>> House counsel John Dean, "use the available federal machinery to screw our 
>> political enemies."
>> The exposure of Nixon's IRS abuses during congressional hearings in 1973 
>> and 1974 profoundly weakened him during the uproar after the Watergate 
>> hotel break-in. The second article of his 1974 impeachment charged him with 
>> endeavoring to obtain from the IRS "confidential information contained in 
>> income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in 
>> violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or 
>> other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a 
>> discriminatory manner." Congress enacted legislation to severely restrict 
>> political contacts between the White House and the IRS.
>> In the following decades, the IRS regularly sparked outrage by abusing 
>> innocent taxpayers, but there was not much controversy about the agency's 
>> politicizing

Re: IRS Gave Leftists Conservative Groups' Confidential Docs

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
It's Bush's fault.

I wish I were kidding

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:04:55 PM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> All Democrats lack principles and ethics.
> ** **
> B
> ** **
> Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups' Confidential Docs
> --
> Email Article 
> Print ArticleSend a 
> Tip
> by Wynton Hall  14 May 
> 2013, 7:59 AM PDT 
> 1205
>  post 
> a 
> comment
> The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica 
> saysthe
>  Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed 
> conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the 
> progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups 
> whose tax-exempt status was pending. 
> The commendable admission lends further evidence to the lengths the IRS 
> went during an election cycle to silence tea party and limited government 
> voices.
> ProPublica says the documents the IRS gave them were “not supposed to be 
> made public”:
> The same IRS office that deliberately 
> targeted
>  conservative 
> groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election 
> released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to 
> ProPublica late last 
> year...
> In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits 
> last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica 
> applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had 
> not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We 
> made 
> six
>  of 
> thosepublic,
>  after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were 
> newsworthy.)
> The group says that "no unapproved applications from liberal groups were 
> sent to ProPublica.”
> According to Media Research Center Vice President for Business and Culture 
> Dan Gainor, ProPublica’s financial backers 
> includetop
>  progressive donors:
> ProPublica, which recently won its second Pulitzer 
> Prize,
> initially was given millions of dollars from the Sandler Foundation to 
> “strengthen the progressive infrastructure”–“progressive” being the code 
> word for very liberal. In 2010, it also received a two-year contribution of 
> $125,000 each year from the Open Society Foundations. In case you wonder 
> where that money comes from, the OSF 
> websiteis
> It is a 
> networkof
>  more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has 
> contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts.
> On Friday, the House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to hold a 
> formal hearing on the IRS conservative targeting scandal. IRS Commissioner 
> Steve Miller and Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. 
> Russell George are slated to testify.
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **

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Re: Enough is Enough: Abolish the income tax

2013-05-15 Thread GregfromBoston
Abolishing the IRS is one thing, but the income tax would take 2/3's of 
congress and 38 states to go along, and that ain't gonna happen.  Ever

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 8:08:22 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> *Enough is Enough: Abolish the income tax
> *Murray Sabrin
> May 13th, 2013
> The revelations that the Internal Revenue Service has been giving extra 
> careful review of the tax- exempt applications of Tea Party groups and 
> other “patriotic” organizations should raise the obvious question, doesn’t 
> an income tax lead to all kinds of abuses?
> In a free society there would be no income tax, no IRS, no tax exempt 
> applications, no need to spend huge sums of money each year hoping to get 
> the political elites to reduce their power over the economy and the 
> American people’s income and wealth. In addition, the federal government 
> would be limited, so subsidies, corporate welfare, foreign aid, etc., would 
> also be abolished.  Since the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment, in 1913, 
> authorizing the federal government to levy an income tax on the American 
> people, the income tax has become not only a mechanism to create a multi 
> trillion welfare-warfare state but it is also been used for political 
> purposes to “scrutinize” closely groups critical of the federal government.
> According to Reuters, the “director of exempt organizations for the IRS, 
> apologized for what she called the ‘inappropriate’ targeting of 
> conservative groups for closer scrutiny, something the agency had long 
> denied. The director’s apology is hollow. The fact the American people have 
> created and continue to create hundreds of organizations to educate and 
> rally the public against the federal government’s overreaching economic 
> power speaks volumes about how far our nation has drifted into widespread 
> statism.
> The income tax, which initially exempted 98% of the American people with 
> rates ranging from 1% to 7%, has become a tool of redistribution and social 
> engineering, and an encroachment of free speech. Moreover, the country 
> prospered without a federal income tax for more than 100 years; during the 
> Civil War when President Lincoln got the Congress to pass temporarily an 
> excise tax­effectively and income tax.
> We do not need an income tax to pay for so-called government services, 
> most of which is about robbing Peter to pay Paul.  In fact, the American 
> people would be better off without having to fill out the 1040 and other 
> forms and maintaining all the records necessary to comply with the tax 
> code.  The income tax is a huge “deadweight” on the economy.  A national 
> sales tax would not solve the problem either.
> Although income tax rates are down from the obscene rates of the 1970s, 
> they have been creeping up for upper income Americans, and income taxes 
> paid by the American people will continue to increase as more and more 
> deductions are either eliminated or capped in coming years.
> The only honorable solution to the tax-exempt organization application 
> fiasco and the continued assault on the American people’s income and wealth 
> and the unsustainable welfare-warfare state is to abolish the income tax 
> lock stock and barrel; and the sooner the better.

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Re: Does Jay Carney Believe His Own Bull Sh*t?

2013-05-14 Thread GregfromBoston
Its Bush's fault.

5 years and counting.  Amazing

On Monday, May 13, 2013 5:57:30 PM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> *Does Jay Carney Believe His Own Bull 
> Sh*t?*
> May 13, 2013 06:52 am | Jeff Dunetz
> ** **
> *[image: 
> cid:05CC2CD3-7AFF-4CC4-967C-0EB3061A47E1]*
> ** **
> Friday was another tour de force for White House Press Secretary Jay 
> Carney.  He tap danced around the brand spanking new IRS scandal by 
> pointing out the head of the agency was a Bush appointee (true) and that 
> the IRS was an independent agency (false, its part of the Treasury Dept.).
> *"I.R.S. is an independent enforcement agency," said Carney. "The -- 
> which I believe, as I understand it, contains only two political appointees 
> within it. The individual who is running the I.R.S. at the time was 
> actually an appointee from the previous administration."*
> Backed against a wall because of the Jonathan Karl revelation about 12 
> versions of the Benghazi talking points, at the same press update he blamed 
> the scandal on Mitt Romney and John McCain for making it political. Carney 
> has long passed the line where he was "spinning" for the president and now 
> operates out of some mythical area where fantasy become reality.
> Typical Jay Carney, but it makes one wonder...does he really believe his 
> own Bull Sh*t? Most of the time he looks as if he really believes the lies 
> he is spewing in the name of the President, even when he is giving spin so 
> ridiculous that one expects him to break out laughing and announce "*April 
> Fools!."*
> The guy was an award winning journalist. Carney was *Time'*s Washington 
> Bureau Deputy Chief from 2003 to 2005, and Chief from September 2005 until 
> December 2008. He was assigned to the magazine’s Washington Bureau in that 
> tenure while also being able to write about politics and national affairs. 
> Carney has also worked for *CNN*  as a special correspondent--we are 
> talking strong MSM credentials.  
> Does Carney go home at nigh upset that he has sold his soul for a chance 
> to be near the seat of power?  Is the guy upset that he has to repeat the 
> same lies over and over again--without making it seem like a joke? Do you 
> wonder if he wants to say *"Hey guys you ever hear the one about the 
> Benghazi talking points?*" before he repeated the same story long proven 
> to be false:
> *“Those talking points originated from the intelligence community.  They 
> reflect the IC’s best assessments of what they thought had happened,” 
> Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on November 28, 
> 2012.  “The White House and the State Department have made clear that the 
> single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those 
> two institutions were changing the word ‘consulate’ to ‘diplomatic 
> facility’ because ‘consulate’ was inaccurate.”*
>  Did Jay Carney mean it when he  got a bit cranky because of a series of 
> pointed questions asking if the president should be traveling 
> less/scheduling fewer golf trips rather than taking away the American 
> People's access to *their*White House? After all some of those same 
> reporters might remember that Reporter Jay Carney *criticized George Bush 
> for taking 
> vacations*.
> Did he believe it when he said that the New Egyptian President believed in 
> *religious 
> tolerance*?
> Or when he said that Bush did not believe that Jerusalem was Israel's 
> Capital even though* that was not 
> true*
> ?
> I wonder if Carney believes himself when he blames things on Bush, The 
> CIA, The Secret Service, everyone but his boss--the man in charge.  
> In 2016 the Obama administration will be done with...and Jay Carney will 
> have to find a new job.  Does he believe his own Bull Sh*t enough to try to 
> get a job working with the people he's lied to for 4+years?  After all when 
> a reporter sells his soul, the only thing a journalist has--his honesty to 
> be close to the seat of power, eventually he will have to pay up.  Pretty 
> soon Carney will have to stop lying and start paying the price for his own 
> "Bull Sh*t" whether he believes it or not, because the rest of us do not 
> believe it in the least.
> Please email me at **  to be put onto my 
> mailing list. Feel free to reproduce any article but please link back to *

Re: Repeal the Federal Income Tax

2013-05-10 Thread GregfromBoston
I hear ya man, but it would take a constitutional amendment to repeal a 
constitutional amendment, which has happened exactly once in 223 years,

On Friday, May 10, 2013 12:55:35 PM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> *Repeal the Federal Income Tax
> *by Jacob G. Hornberger  
> May 10, 2013 
> The *New York Times* reports that 37-year-old Grammy-winning singer and 
> songwriter Lauryn Hill just drew a 3-month jail sentence for income-tax 
> evasion. She pled guilty to failing to file tax returns for three years. 
> She told the judge that she was unable to pay the taxes after dropping out 
> of the music business to take care of her children but that she did plan to 
> ultimately pay the taxes. Federal Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo 
> rejected her lawyer�s plea for probation. In addition to the three months 
> of jail time, the magistrate added on another three months of home 
> confinement. According to the *Times,* Arleo �scolded her in court for 
> being slow to square her accounts with the government.�
> I wonder how many Americans realize that this type of moral injustice 
> could never have happened in the United States for the first 125 years of 
> American history. That�s because our ancestors rejected income taxation, 
> along with the welfare-warfare state way of life that the income tax funds.
> Think about that for a moment: For more than a century, the American 
> people were free to keep everything they earned. No income tax returns, no 
> tax deductions, no IRS, no April 15 deadlines, and other such nonsense. 
> Instead, Americans were free to keep everything they earned and there 
> wasn�t anything the feds could do about it.
> That�s what Americans once called freedom.
> There was also no Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, aid 
> to dictators, or any other welfare. That�s because our American ancestors 
> rejected the concept of mandatory charity. They believed that charity meant 
> nothing if it was the result of government coercion.
> Compare the way of life that our American ancestors lived -- one without 
> income taxation -- to the one in which we have all been born and raised. 
> Under our system, the government, as a practical matter, owns everyone�s 
> income and decides how much everyone is going to be permitted to keep. 
> While the percentage that the government lets people keep is currently 
> about 70 percent, there is nothing to prevent the government from lowering 
> that to 50, 30, or even 10 percent. The government makes the call. In fact, 
> if Social Security and Medicare payments to the Baby Boom generation 
> continue soaring, young people today might well find themselves earning, 
> say, $50,000 and be allowed to keep only, say, $10,000 of it. The best way 
> to think about this is by considering an allowance that a parent gives his 
> children.
> Modern-day Americans consider their system to be �freedom� even though 
> it�s exactly opposite to what our ancestors knew was freedom. Modern-day 
> Americans apparently believe that if they convince themselves they are 
> free, it will be reality. I suppose that�s why they keep singing �Thank 
> God I�m an American because at least I know I�m free� or why they 
> continue to proudly praise the troops overseas for �defending our 
> freedom.�
> What a joke. There is no way that a people can be considered free in a 
> society in which the government wields the power to tax their income. The 
> modern-day American mindset brings to mind the words of Johann Goethe: 
> �None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they 
> are free.�
> Among the most tragic parts of living in the welfare-warfare state is how 
> the state makes people who violate its ridiculous economic and tax 
> regulations feel like they are bad people. You see this especially with 
> respect to the war on immigrants, where undocumented workers are made to 
> feel bad for coming here to make some money to send back to their families. 
> And you see it in the drug war, where drug addicts are made to feel bad for 
> ingesting substances that government officials don�t approve of. And you 
> see it in income tax violations, where people like Lauren Hill are made to 
> feel bad about placing a higher priority on her children than on funding 
> the welfare-warfare state with income taxes.
> In actuality, none of these people needs to feel bad because in a moral 
> sense none of them has done anything wrong. The people who are deserving of 
> scolding are Judge Arleo and others of her ilk for enforcing these immoral 
> welfare-warfare state laws.
> What Americans need to do is confront reality: We are not living in a free 
> society. We are living in a welfare-warfare state, one funded by a 
> gigantic, intrusive system of income taxation, which is enforced by one of 
> the most powerful agencies in history.
> Moreover, the sys

Re: The Long History of Lies about Iran

2013-05-10 Thread GregfromBoston
by Muhammad Sahimi 

I stopped right there

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Re: Muslim Curses Navy Seals At Funeral

2013-05-10 Thread GregfromBoston
Allah IS the God of Moses.  Moses is a Muslim prophet, and a BIG one, as is 
Christ, by the way.

So, other than an asshole, he is also an idiot.

On Friday, May 10, 2013 6:20:46 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>burkasrugly posted: "Fellow infidels, If this isn't political 
> correctness gone wild on steroids, then what is it? Outrageous!  The 
> curse the imam said is also printed below the video.  The imam starts 
> talking at the 19:37 point -  Burkasrugly";Respond 
> to this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *actjonesboroar* 
>   Muslim Curses 
> Navy Seals At 
> Funeral
>  by 
> burkasrugly   
> Fellow infidels,
> If this isn't political correctness gone wild on steroids, then what is 
> it? Outrageous!  The curse the imam said is also printed below the 
> video.  The imam starts talking at the 19:37 point -  Burkasrugly
> Here is the curse on the Navy Seals spoken by the imam:
> Amen. I shelter in Allah from the devil who has been cast with stones.
> In the name of Allah the merciful forgiver.
> The companions of “THE FIRE”
> (The sinners and infidels who are fodder for the hell fire)
> ARE NOT EQUAL WITH the companions of heaven.
> The companions of heaven (Muslims) are the WINNERS.
> Had he sent this Koran to the mountain, you would have seen the mountain 
> prostrated in fear of Allah.
> (Mocking the GOD of Moses)
> Such examples are what we present to the people, so that they would think.
> (repent and convert to Islam)
> Blessings are to your God (Allah) the God of glory and what they describe.
> And peace be upon the messengers (prophets) and thanks be to Allah the 
> lord of both universes (mankind and Jinn).
> Until next time,
> Burkasrugly
>   *burkasrugly *| 
> May 10, 2013 at 3:30 am | Tags: Imam 
> curses Navy 
> Seals, 
> Navy Seals  | 
> Categories: Radical Islam| 
> URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
>  Thanks for flying with   

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Re: another state guarantees equal rights to gays

2013-05-10 Thread GregfromBoston
Meanwhile, the democrat champions of gay rights and marriage have done jack 
doodle for years.  Of course it was a dem thing to begin with, so there you 

On Thursday, May 9, 2013 3:54:13 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A pivotal vote Thursday in the Minnesota House 
> positioned that state to become the 12th in the country to allow gay 
> marriages and the first in the Midwest to pass such a law out of its 
> Legislature. 
> The 75-59 vote was a critical step for the measure, which would allow 
> same-sex weddings beginning this summer. It's a startling shift in the 
> state, where just six months earlier voters turned back an effort to 
> ban them in the Minnesota Constitution. 
> The state Senate plans to consider the bill Monday and leaders expect 
> it to pass there too. Gov. Mark Dayton has pledged to sign it into 
> law. 
> "My family knew firsthand that same sex couples pay our taxes, we 
> vote, we serve in the military, we take care of our kids and our 
> elders and we run businesses in Minnesota," said the bill's sponsor, 
> Rep. Karen Clark, a Minneapolis Democrat who is gay. "... Same-sex 
> couples should be treated fairly under the law, including the freedom 
> to marry the person we love." 
> Read more: 

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Re: WANTED DEAD ONLY: President Barack Hussein Obama

2013-05-10 Thread GregfromBoston
I wouldn't put that subject line up mate.  Pretty much a sure thing it got 
flagged somewhere in Fed-land

On Friday, May 10, 2013 6:21:51 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>BareNakedIslam posted: "New Muslim Jihadist magazine, ‘Azan — A Call 
> to Jihad,’ published an image of the U.S. president with a target over his 
> face and proclaimed that an award for this bounty would be given in the 
> hereafter. ABC News  President Barack Obama appears with a bul"   
>   New post on *BARE NAKED ISLAM* 
>   WANTED DEAD ONLY: President 
> Barack Hussein 
> Obama
>  by 
> BareNakedIslam   
> New Muslim Jihadist magazine, ‘Azan — A Call to Jihad,’ published an image 
> of the U.S. president with a target over his face and proclaimed that an 
> award for this bounty would be given in the hereafter. ABC News  President 
> Barack Obama appears with a bull’s-eye on his head in a new 
> English-language magazine published online […]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *BareNakedIslam * | May 10, 
> 2013 at 3:49 am | Categories: 
> URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 

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2013-05-09 Thread GregfromBoston
to accuse republicans is enough.  Convicting democrats is irrelevant.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 12:36:35 PM UTC-5, GregfromBoston wrote:
> John Sampson has been added to the list of recently indicted New York 
> elected officials
> -
> Come to Massachusetts, its not a list, its a parade, and not indictments, 
> convictions and in jail, including 3 CONSECUTIVE House Speakers.  City, 
> County (suicide before conviction), and State, acrossthe baord, and every 
> blessed one of them a democrat.

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Re: Boston bomber body will NOT be buried in Arlington National Cemetery!

2013-05-09 Thread GregfromBoston
"A" state is taking him, and they are not divulging which one, which is a 
good idea

On Thursday, May 9, 2013 8:15:17 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:
> **
>Dr. Eowyn posted: "The body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a suspect in the 
> 4/15 Boston Marathon bombings, has been refused burial by several 
> cemeteries in America. There is a rumor on the net that the corpse will be 
> buried in the hallowed grounds of the Arlington National Cemete"Respond 
> to this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* 
>   Boston bomber 
> body will NOT be buried in Arlington National 
> Cemetery!
>  by 
> Dr. Eowyn   
> The body of *Tamerlan Tsarnaev*, a suspect in the 4/15 Boston Marathon 
> bombings, has been refused burial by several cemeteries in America.
> There is a rumor on the net that the corpse will be buried in the hallowed 
> grounds of the Arlington National 
> Cemetery(ANC) where veterans and military 
> casualties from each of America's wars 
> are interred.
> [image: Arlington National 
> Cemetery]
> *The rumor is NOT true.*
> What is true is that a US Air Force veteran named *Julie Frein* said she 
> is willing to give up her burial plot in ANC for Tsarnaev.
> [image: Julie 
> Frein]
> As reported by 
> Fox45,
> Frein, who lives in Anne Arundel County, said she feels the terrorist 
> suspect should be able to be laid to rest and just wants it to all be over: 
> "I feel sympathy for [his family] in that as long as this issue is open, 
> they can't have closure."
> When asked how she thought Americans would react to Tsarnaev being buried 
> in a national cemetery, Frein replied, "Well the country would just have to 
> get over that, wouldn't they? Because nobody, nobody deserves to rot above 
> ground."
> Frein had served in the USAF for two years; her husband in the US Navy for 
> 20 years.
> Thankfully, the folks at Arlington National Cemetery are saner than Julie 
> Frein.
> On Tuesday, May &, 2013, this message was posted on ANC's Facebook 
> page
> :
> We have been receiving calls about the interview a veteran did regarding 
> giving up her space at a veteran cemetery to the Boston Bombing suspect so 
> he can be buried. We want to make it clear that *this suspect is not 
> eligible to be buried at Arlington -- a veteran can't transfer their 
> eligibility to another person.* Please pass this along to those who are 
> concerned!
> H/t FOTM's Miss May and CSM
> *~Eowyn*
>   *Dr. Eowyn * | 
> May 9, 2013 at 5:28 am | Tags: desecration of 
> veterans,
> Julie Frein , 
> Tamerlan 
> Tsarnaev , 
> USAF  | Categories: Boston 
> Marathon bombings , 
> Idiots , 
> Islam, 
> Military , 
> Terrorism, 
> United States  | URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
>  Thanks for flying with   

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Re: I'm running for Congress in 2015

2013-05-09 Thread GregfromBoston
You'll be a year late

On Thursday, May 9, 2013 9:58:34 AM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
> But first I am getting gay married and then having an affair with Ricky 
> Martin.

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2013-05-09 Thread GregfromBoston
Good for them!  I'm missing the Obama part though.  I believe it was his 
predecessor who set up DHS to improve communication across agencies, feds, 
state and local.  And of course the left hemmed and hawed over that one.  
Seems to be working.  Shhh

On Monday, May 6, 2013 3:50:35 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
> Apparently they are easier to tack than Moslems 
> On Monday, May 6, 2013, Greg Dempsey wrote:
>> ** 
>> *(above): Buford “Bucky” Rogers*
>> [image:]
>> (above): Buford's Facebook Page is Full of Paramilitary Images – 
>> The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced on Monday that it had 
>> arrested a Minnesota man for plotting a “localized terror attack.”
>> A press 
>> releasefrom
>>  the Minneapolis Division said that “special agents of the Federal 
>> Bureau of Investigation, in conjunction with the Montevideo Police 
>> Department; the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office; the Bureau of Alcohol, 
>> Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; the Minnesota State Highway Patrol; the 
>> Bloomington Police Department; the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office (South 
>> Dakota); the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and members of 
>> CEE-VI (Cooperative Enforcement Effort), executed a search warrant at 1204 
>> Benson Avenue, Lot #8, in Montevideo, Minnesota. 
>> [image:]
>> Several guns and explosive devices were discovered during the search of 
>> the residence” on Friday.
>> [image:] 
>> Buford “Bucky” Rogers, 24, was arrested for unlawful possession of a 
>> firearm by a felon. An Associated Press 
>> reportsaid
>>  that he had previously been convicted for felony burglary in 2011 and 
>> a misdemeanor charge of dangerous handling of a weapon in 2009.
>> “The FBI believes that a terror attack was disrupted by law enforcement 
>> personnel and that the lives of several local residents were potentially 
>> saved,” the FBI said in a statement.
>> *[image: Society of Hatchets (1)]*
>> **
>> *(above): According to a photos on his Facebook page, including his 
>> tattoo, Buford is a Juggalo *
>> *— a **member **of the cult-like following of the **Psychopathic 
>> Records*
>> * music label, *
>> *aka "The Hatchet Family." –*
>> A federal affidavit obtained by the AP indicated that Molotov cocktails, 
>> pipe bombs and a Romanian AKM assault rifle had been recovered from 
>> Buford’s residence at the mobile home park in Montevideo. 
>> [image: 
>> *FBI arrests Minnesota ‘militia type’ for plotting ‘localized terror 
>> attack’ – what are your comments?**Greg Dempsey*
>> **
>> *Voice of the Pe**ople* 
>> ===
>> *FBI arrests Minnesota ‘militia type’ for plotting ‘localized terror 
>> attack’*
>>  By David Edwards
>> Raw Story
>> Monday, May 6, 2013 14:03 EDT
>> ...Rogers reportedly told authorities that he had fired the assault rifle 
>> on at least two occasions at a Granite Falls gun range. 
>> The FBI declined to say if Rogers was acting alone or if other arrests 
>> were expected. 
>> FBI sources described Rogers as a “militia type” to ABC’s Pierre 
>> Thomas
>> .
>> “‘Bucky’ Rogers, MN man allegedly working on terror plot, formed group w/ 
>> anti-govt tendencies called ‘Black Snake Militia’ per Montevideo PD,” ABC 
>> News producer Matthew Jaffe 
>> reported. 
>> **
>>  __._,_.___
>>   Reply via web 
>> post
>>   Reply 
>> to sender   Reply to group  Start a New 
>> Topic
>>   Messages 
>> in this 
>> topic

Re: Comments? Questions?

2013-05-07 Thread GregfromBoston
Arrest them all, and Bill Maher is a dunce.  I remember when he was funny a 
long time ago.  DC is not gun free.  They tried to be, and SCOTUS dope 
slapped them and drove the biggest spike through the anti-gun nut's skull 
in history, for which I thank the DC liberal fools daily

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2013-05-07 Thread GregfromBoston
John Sampson has been added to the list of recently indicted New York 
elected officials

Come to Massachusetts, its not a list, its a parade, and not indictments, 
convictions and in jail, including 3 CONSECUTIVE House Speakers.  City, 
County (suicide before conviction), and State, acrossthe baord, and every 
blessed one of them a democrat.

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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-07 Thread GregfromBoston
Catholics have no claim on Italian either, I assume you have heard of the 
Latin Mass and the fact that Latin has been the officail language of the 
Holy See and continues to be to this day

On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:54:41 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> If the Pledge were recited in French, would it be French 
> indoctrination? 
> --- 
> to the extent of the language. 
> ok ... I'll replace the word indoctrination with language and customs? 
> His answer would have been the same. 
> How bout Latin and Catholic indoctrination? 
> --- 
> don't you mean Italian? 
> catholics have no claim to latin. 
> On May 6, 2:42 pm, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > If the Pledge were recited in French, would it be French indoctrination? 
> > How bout Latin and Catholic indoctrination? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:02:17 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > 
> > > because I didn't think you would ever condone islamic indoctrination 
> > > in American schools. 
> > 
> > > so you don't dislike all muslims and would not prevent their 
> > > immigration and political involvement in America? 
> > 
> > > On May 6, 1:05 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > > > Why does this make you say, "Wow"? 
> > 
> > > > On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:34 PM, plainolamerican 
> > > > wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one. 
> > > > > --- 
> > > > > sometimes you just have to say wow. 
> > 
> > > > > On May 4, 9:22 am, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > > > > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this 
> one. 
> > 
> > > > > > On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:56 AM, GregfromBoston < 
> > > 
> > > > > >wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > > > I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem 
> if 
> > > they 
> > > > > had 
> > > > > > > a Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic 
> speaking 
> > > > > > > Christians and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its 
> > > Deum.  In 
> > > > > > > Polish its Bog. 
> > 
> > > > > > >  -- 
> > > > > > > -- 
> > > > > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. 
> > > > > > > For options & help seehttp:// 
> > > 
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> > > > > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more. 
> > 
> > > > > > > --- 
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> Google 
> > > > > Groups 
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> it, 
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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-07 Thread GregfromBoston

On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:54:41 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> If the Pledge were recited in French, would it be French 
> indoctrination? 
> --- 
> to the extent of the language. 
> ok ... I'll replace the word indoctrination with language and customs? 
> His answer would have been the same. 
> How bout Latin and Catholic indoctrination? 
> --- 
> don't you mean Italian? 
> catholics have no claim to latin. 
> On May 6, 2:42 pm, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > If the Pledge were recited in French, would it be French indoctrination? 
> > How bout Latin and Catholic indoctrination? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:02:17 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > 
> > > because I didn't think you would ever condone islamic indoctrination 
> > > in American schools. 
> > 
> > > so you don't dislike all muslims and would not prevent their 
> > > immigration and political involvement in America? 
> > 
> > > On May 6, 1:05 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > > > Why does this make you say, "Wow"? 
> > 
> > > > On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:34 PM, plainolamerican 
> > > > wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one. 
> > > > > --- 
> > > > > sometimes you just have to say wow. 
> > 
> > > > > On May 4, 9:22 am, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > > > > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this 
> one. 
> > 
> > > > > > On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:56 AM, GregfromBoston < 
> > > 
> > > > > >wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > > > I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem 
> if 
> > > they 
> > > > > had 
> > > > > > > a Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic 
> speaking 
> > > > > > > Christians and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its 
> > > Deum.  In 
> > > > > > > Polish its Bog. 
> > 
> > > > > > >  -- 
> > > > > > > -- 
> > > > > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. 
> > > > > > > For options & help seehttp:// 
> > > 
> > 
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> > > > > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more. 
> > 
> > > > > > > --- 
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> Google 
> > > > > Groups 
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> it, 
> > > send 
> > > > > an 
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> > 
> > > > > -- 
> > > > > -- 
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> > 
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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-06 Thread GregfromBoston
If the Pledge were recited in French, would it be French indoctrination?  
How bout Latin and Catholic indoctrination?

On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:02:17 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> because I didn't think you would ever condone islamic indoctrination 
> in American schools. 
> so you don't dislike all muslims and would not prevent their 
> immigration and political involvement in America? 
> On May 6, 1:05 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > Why does this make you say, "Wow"? 
> > 
> > On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:34 PM, plainolamerican 
> > wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one. 
> > > --- 
> > > sometimes you just have to say wow. 
> > 
> > > On May 4, 9:22 am, Keith In Tampa  wrote: 
> > > > I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one. 
> > 
> > > > On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:56 AM, GregfromBoston <
> > > >wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem if 
> they 
> > > had 
> > > > > a Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic speaking 
> > > > > Christians and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its 
> Deum.  In 
> > > > > Polish its Bog. 
> > 
> > > > >  -- 
> > > > > -- 
> > > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. 
> > > > > For options & help seehttp://
> > 
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> > > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more. 
> > 
> > > > > --- 
> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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Re: Gay Basketball Players vs Real Heroes

2013-05-05 Thread GregfromBoston
But the real heroes are the men and women who quietly put their lives on 
the line to protect fellow Americans from radical Islamic jihadists.

MANY of whom are gay.

Does Obama get credit for getting rid of DADT?  Yes.

Now try this on.  Does Clinton get credit for creating DADT?


Why?  Because the then DEMOCRAT congress had just re-codified the outright 
ban on gays in the military for another ten years, and yes boys and girls, 
that would be beyond anything W could do.

Clinton's DADT was an end around his own party's anti-gay crap.  It was all 
he could do at the time.

HOWEVER!  Clinton CAMPAIGNED on DOMA, lobbied for it, DELIVERED, and WROTE 
the operative section 3, and the great champions of gay rights like Obambi 
and Barney Frank have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to change it or repeal it  

Oh wait.  Obama told DOJ not to enforce DOMA.  Great.  They can't, don't 
and never have enforced DOMA, Treas does, and anyone who fell for that one 
needs thorazine stat.

Google Dean Hara DOMA, and then tell me its the republicans fault.  Fear 
not, I know you won't.

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Re: NY Times helps al Jazeera recruit 18,000 job applicants

2013-05-05 Thread GregfromBoston
And Al Gore buys a bottle of Dom

On Sunday, May 5, 2013 12:55:22 PM UTC-4, Travis wrote:
> **
>creeping posted: "The New Duranty Times aids al Jihad TV in finding 
> suckers traitors employees for 12 U.S. bureaus. via FFA: The New York Times 
> appears to be vying for a kissing cousin relationship with Al Jazeera 
> America aka CurrentTV. The New York Times published a r"Respond to 
> this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *Creeping Sharia* 
>   NY Times helps al 
> Jazeera recruit 18,000 job 
> applicants
>  by 
> creeping   
> The New Duranty Times aids al Jihad TV in finding suckers traitors 
> employees for 12 U.S. bureaus. via FFA: The New York Times appears to be 
> vying for a kissing cousin relationship with Al Jazeera America aka 
> CurrentTV. The New York Times published a report titled “Al Jazeera Hires 
> First Anchor for New U.S. Channel” [...]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *creeping * | May 
> 5, 2013 at 10:15 AM | Tags: Creeping 
> Sharia, 
> dhimmi , 
> islam, 
> Life , 
> Media, 
> Muslim , New 
> York, 
> News , 
> Politics, 
> Religion , 
> Sharia, 
> Technology  | 
> Categories: Alerts , Creeping 
> Sharia , 
> Media, 
> News , 
> Politics, 
> Religion , 
> Sharia, 
> Stealth Jihad  | URL: 
> Comment
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> comments
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Re: Criminal Government

2013-05-05 Thread GregfromBoston
By the way MJ, I didn't mean you as in YOU, but the idiot author of the 

On Saturday, May 4, 2013 10:06:50 AM UTC-4, GregfromBoston wrote:
> Unsurprisingly, neither President Obama nor the ex-presidents assembled to 
> celebrate the event
> ---
> Well that's a happy load of bullshit.  All 5 living presidents, including 
> Obama were there.  Do you have a TV?  Read a news paper this century?

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Re: Obama Continues His War on the Fourth Amendment

2013-05-05 Thread GregfromBoston
Uhm, we don't need legislation to force anyone to comply with a court 
order.  We already have it.  Black letter law.

On Sunday, May 5, 2013 8:42:03 AM UTC-4, Travis wrote:
> **
>Harold posted: "Andrew Napolitano5/2/2013Source . White House 
> wants legislation enacted that will punish Internet service providers who 
> fail to cooperate with FBI requests and court orders. Here they go again. 
> The Obama administration has asked its allies in Congr"Respond to 
> this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
>   Obama Continues His War on 
> the Fourth Amendment  by 
> Harold   
> Andrew Napolitano 5/2/2013 Source . White House wants legislation 
> enacted that will punish Internet service providers who fail to cooperate 
> with FBI requests and court orders. Here they go again. The Obama 
> administration has asked its allies in Congress to introduce legislation 
> that would permit the feds to continue their march through the Fourth 
> Amendment [...]
> Read more of this post 
>   *Harold * | May 5, 2013 at 
> 8:03 am | Categories: CIA , 
> Corruption , Criminal 
> Activity, 
> DHS , 
> Executive, 
> FBI , 
> Government, 
> Internet , Police 
> State, 
> Privacy Rights , 
> Progressives, 
> Propaganda , 
> Sovereignty, 
> States Rights , U.S. 
> Constitution| URL: 
>  Comment See 
> all comments   
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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-05 Thread GregfromBoston
Thats when I was in HS too.  I said those who left out the God part was 
zero, but then this is uber liberal Massachusetts and God is a right wing 
thing right?  Hey wait a minute...

On Sunday, May 5, 2013 7:27:06 AM UTC-4, brine wrote:
> When I was in High School, most people in class were silent for the part 
> "under God", but said the rest of the pledge daily ... this would be early 
> to mid-70s!!!
> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 5:18 PM, GregfromBoston 
> > wrote:
>> That controversy is quite old and going absolutely nowhere.  What's the 
>> National Motto again?  What does every session of congress begin with, and 
>> who begins it?  Its funny, in Massachusetts they took Moses out of the 
>> court houses, but Lady Justice, a Roman and Greek goddess can stay, and 
>> they begin each day with, "God bless the Commonwelath of Massachusetts".  
>> Its hilarious.  Massachusetts is the most liberal *and* Catholic state 
>> in the country.  "Ok, take Moses down and maybe these idiots will just shut 
>> the fuck up and go away.  Meanwhile, Moses sits dead center at the apex of 
>> the Supreme Court of the United States, let them celebrate their victory"
>> And when Obama leaves it out of the Pledge, and "Creator" out of the 
>> friggin Declaration, he looks just as stupid as they do.
>> On Saturday, May 4, 2013 3:21:25 PM UTC-4, brine wrote:
>>> Would there be a controversy if "under God" which was added in the 50s 
>>> to combat the Godless Commies was removed ... that way, no matter what 
>>> language, you don't have to say God!!!
>>> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Keith In Tampa wrote:
>>>>  I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one.
>>>> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:56 AM, GregfromBoston wrote:
>>>>> I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem if they 
>>>>> had a Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic speaking 
>>>>> Christians and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its Deum.  In 
>>>>> Polish its Bog.
>>>>>  -- 
>>>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> brine
>>  -- 
>> -- 
>> Thanks for being part

Re: North Korea asks Mongolia for food aid as it braces for new famine

2013-05-04 Thread GregfromBoston
The brilliant new N. Korean regime has lost its only ally, China, when 
China finally woke up and realized these lunatics don't need missiles to 
nuke China, they can throw them.  Well played guys.  60 years of support 
from a super power and now you are begging for food from a country that 
still uses yaks to plow its fields.

Wouldn't ya love to see the US just park an Aegis in Seoul Harbor and an 
email that says, "Launch assholes, you won't make it a mile, and then we'll 
sit back and let China annihilate you"

On Saturday, May 4, 2013 6:28:36 PM UTC-4, Travis wrote:
> Watch Obama step up and volunteer US aid.
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> Pyongyang asks Mongolia for food aid as it braces for new famine 
> People in North Korea continue to starve and Pyongyang has now asked 
> Mongolia for food aid, according to report from Ulaanbaatar. 
> The request was delivered on April 16 to Mongolian president Tsakhiagiin 
> Elbegdorj by North Korea's new ambassador Hong Gyu during a credentials 
> presentation ceremony. 
> North Korea has long suffered from food shortages and its leaders put 
> overwhelming emphasis on maintaining a million-strong military at the 
> expense of the communist nation's economic development. 
> The latest harvest season rendered a mere 5.8 million tons of grain in 
> North Korea, far short of the 6.3 million tons needed. 
> The request came at a time when China, Pyongyang's long-time suppliers of 
> vital materials including foods and oil, is put on magnified international 
> spotlight to go along with much tighter international sanction measures 
> imposed after North Korea's brazen gambits of missile and nuclear bomb 
> tests. 
> ** **

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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-04 Thread GregfromBoston
That controversy is quite old and going absolutely nowhere.  What's the 
National Motto again?  What does every session of congress begin with, and 
who begins it?  Its funny, in Massachusetts they took Moses out of the 
court houses, but Lady Justice, a Roman and Greek goddess can stay, and 
they begin each day with, "God bless the Commonwelath of Massachusetts".  
Its hilarious.  Massachusetts is the most liberal *and* Catholic state in 
the country.  "Ok, take Moses down and maybe these idiots will just shut 
the fuck up and go away.  Meanwhile, Moses sits dead center at the apex of 
the Supreme Court of the United States, let them celebrate their victory"

And when Obama leaves it out of the Pledge, and "Creator" out of the 
friggin Declaration, he looks just as stupid as they do.

On Saturday, May 4, 2013 3:21:25 PM UTC-4, brine wrote:
> Would there be a controversy if "under God" which was added in the 50s to 
> combat the Godless Commies was removed ... that way, no matter what 
> language, you don't have to say God!!!
> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Keith In Tampa 
> > wrote:
>> I actually agree with the principal and the students on this one.
>> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:56 AM, GregfromBoston 
>> > wrote:
>>> I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem if they 
>>> had a Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic speaking 
>>> Christians and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its Deum.  In 
>>> Polish its Bog.
>>>  -- 
>>> -- 
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>>  -- 
>> -- 
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> -- 
> brine

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Re: al Jazeera America plans bureaus in 12 U.S. cities

2013-05-04 Thread GregfromBoston
And Al Gore says, "Cha-ching!"

On Saturday, May 4, 2013 10:55:23 AM UTC-4, Travis wrote:
> **
>creeping posted: "The silent invasion of jihad-supporting Islamists is 
> coming to your state. Aided and abetted by elected officials. via The first 
> 12 Al Jazeera America bureaus - Al Jazeera executives have 
> been touring the country and rolling out announcemen"Respond to this 
> post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *Creeping Sharia* 
>   al Jazeera 
> America plans bureaus in 12 U.S. 
> cities
>  by 
> creeping   
> The silent invasion of jihad-supporting Islamists is coming to your state. 
> Aided and abetted by elected officials. via The first 12 Al Jazeera America 
> bureaus - Al Jazeera executives have been touring the country 
> and rolling out announcements of new bureaus ahead of Al Jazeera America's 
> launch later this year. First it was a [...]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *creeping * | May 
> 4, 2013 at 8:50 AM | Categories: 
> Alerts, 
> California , 
> Colorado, 
> Creeping Sharia , 
> Florida , 
> Illinois, 
> Louisianna , 
> Media, 
> Michigan , New 
> York, 
> News , 
> Politics, 
> Stealth Jihad , 
> Tennessee , 
> Washington| URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
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> Subscriptions.
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Re: Criminal Government

2013-05-04 Thread GregfromBoston
Unsurprisingly, neither President Obama nor the ex-presidents assembled to 
celebrate the event

Well that's a happy load of bullshit.  All 5 living presidents, including 
Obama were there.  Do you have a TV?  Read a news paper this century?

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Re: Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah'

2013-05-04 Thread GregfromBoston
I see no problem here at all, just as I would have no problem if they had a 
Jewish kid recite it and use Yahweh or Adonai.  Arabic speaking Christians 
and Jews all refer to God as Allah.  In Latin, its Deum.  In Polish its Bog.

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Re: 4 Out of 5 US Ambassadors Killed in Line of Duty Were Slain by Muslims

2012-12-31 Thread GregfromBoston
"Jesus Christ, I mean, I hire a new Ambassador, and the first thing he does 
is leave the country!"  President Tug Benson, Hot Shots Part Deux
On Monday, December 31, 2012 9:42:27 AM UTC-6, Travis wrote:
> **
>creeping posted: "Muslims are working hard to add another to their 
> list. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula (AQAP) has offered a reward of 
> $160,000 in gold for the death of America's ambassador to Yemen or any US 
> soldier stationed in the country. Daniel Greenfield, who h"Respond to 
> this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *Creeping Sharia* 
>   4 Out of 5 US 
> Ambassadors Killed in Line of Duty Were Slain by 
> Muslims
>  by 
> creeping   
> Muslims are working hard to add another to their list. Al-Qaeda in the 
> Arabian Penninsula (AQAP) has offered a reward of $160,000 in gold for the 
> death of America's ambassador to Yemen or any US soldier stationed in the 
> country. Daniel Greenfield, who has been on a mission lately, writes that 4 
> Out of 5 US [...]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *creeping * | 
> December 31, 2012 at 8:55 AM | Tags: Creeping 
> Sharia, 
> islam , 
> Jihad, 
> law , 
> Legal, 
> Life , 
> Media, 
> Muslim , 
> Politics, 
> Random , 
> Religion, 
> Sharia , 
> terrorism| Categories: 
> Alerts , Creeping 
> Sharia, 
> DC , 
> Jihad, 
> Legal , 
> Media, 
> News , 
> Obama, 
> Politics , 
> Sharia| URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
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Re: A P. C. Holiday Yea Yeah (Bite ME)

2012-12-01 Thread GregfromBoston
More importantly, all of the Sacred Music from Bach to Bernstein was never 

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Re: North Carolina School Orders 6-Year-Old Girl to Remove God from Veteran’s Day Poem

2012-12-01 Thread GregfromBoston
the Jews believe in God too.  The same one in fact.

On Friday, November 30, 2012 1:38:11 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> North Carolina School Orders 6-Year-Old Girl to Remove God from 
> Veteran’s Day Poem 
> --- 
> because the fear the jews at the ACLU. 
> it's not like they haven't sued many schools systems already. 
> Their clients end up moving out of the neighborhood. 
> On Nov 29, 5:55 pm, Travis  wrote: 
> > ** 
> >doctorbulldog posted: "Here's a tip for all you brainwashed educators 
> > out there:   Just because a student is attending a federal 
> indoctrination 
> > center does not mean that said student abdicates his/her religious 
> rights 
> > once he/she walks through the doors: School Orders 6-yea"Respond to 
> > this post by replying above this line 
> >   New post on *Doctor Bulldog & Ronin* 
> >   North 
> Carolina 
> > School Orders 6-Year-Old Girl to Remove God from Veteran’s Day 
> > Poem<
> > by 
> > doctorbulldog  
> > 
> > Here's a tip for all you brainwashed educators out there:   Just because 
> a 
> > student is attending a federal indoctrination center does not mean that 
> > said student abdicates his/her religious rights once he/she walks 
> through 
> > the doors: School Orders 6-year-old to Remove 'God' From Poem By Todd 
> > Starnes - Fox Radio News A North Carolina [...] 
> > 
> > Read more of this 
> > post<
> >   *doctorbulldog 
> > *| 29 
> > November, 2012 at 5:13 pm | Categories: Abuse 
> > of Power , 
> > Christians, 
> > Christians under attack , 
> > Education , 
> > Indoctrination, 
> > Insanity , 
> > Overreaction, 
> > Parenting , 
> > Religiocide, 
> > Religion  | URL:
> > 
> >  Comment<
> >See all comments<
> > 
> >  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> > Subscriptions<
> > 
> > *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
> >  Thanks for flying with  

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Re: Egyptian Court Sentences American Pastor Terry Jones to Death Over Anti-Muhammad Video

2012-12-01 Thread GregfromBoston
"Miss me yet?" - Hosni Mubarek

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Re: The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out of the Game

2012-12-01 Thread GregfromBoston
It is also a legal contract that the Fed cannot recognize.  all the grand 
and wonderful talk about the progress of gay rights and gay marriage 
doesn't mean a fucking thing as long as that is true, and it is as true now 
as it was when DOMA became law.

On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:38:56 PM UTC-5, KeithInKöln wrote:

> Again,  it boils down to literally re-defining the term, "Marriage".   
> Marriage is an ecclesiastical function,  whereas civil unions performed by 
> government is not.   The government should get out of the marriage 
> business, not the Church.  If you can find a Church to marry you, then more 
> power to you.
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:10 PM, MJ >wrote:
>> DOMA is unconstitutional ... of course it has essentially NOTHING to do 
>> with what the author of the piece was relating.
>> Regard$,
>> --MJ
>> "The real threat to the institution of marriage is not homosexuals 
>> wanting heterosexuals to recognize their same-sex marriages, it is 
>> Christians standing in a church and saying 'for better for worse, for 
>> richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till 
>> death us do part' and then getting divorced a few years later," -- Laurence 
>> Vance
>> At 10:22 AM 11/29/2012, you wrote:
>> Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from
>> recognizing you, no matter what state you live in.
>> The Defense of Marriage Act was passed both houses of Congress by
>> large majorities.
>> Section 3 of DOMA codifies the non-recognition of same-sex marriages
>> for all federal purposes, including insurance benefits for government
>> employees, Social Security survivors' benefits, immigration, and the
>> filing of joint tax returns.
>> On Nov 29, 7:58 am, GregfromBoston  wrote:
>> > I support same sex marriage 100%.
>> >
>> > My church does not.
>> >
>> > If you want to get married to someone of the same gender, my church is 
>> not
>> > an option.  There are lots of other options.  Deal with it and take one.
>> >
>> > Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from
>> > recognizing you, no matter what state you live in.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:04:34 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
>> >
>> > > *The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get 
>> Out of
>> > > the Game
>> > > *Posted by Ryan W. McMaken  on November 23, 2012 02:48 PM
>> >
>> > > George Weigel, who is almost always wrong on foreign policy matters, 
>> and
>> > > who was one of the despicable Catholic neocons who lectured John 
>> Paull II
>> > > for being against the Iraq War, is nevertheless right when he 
>> suggests in
>> > > a recent 
>> > > column<>thatthe
>> > >  Church remove itself from the "civil marriage business." As I've
>> > > explained in detail here <
>> >and
>> > > here <>, all 
>> Christians
>> > > should recoil from the thought of allowing a civil government to 
>> define
>> > > what is and what is not a "marriage." As I've noted to some fellow
>> > > Christians recently, I hope the government starts "marrying" people 
>> to dogs
>> > > and dogs to walruses and men to 9 women and women to 15 men. It will 
>> all
>> > > just illustrate how utterly ridiculous is the whole concept of 
>> government
>> > > marriage. Weigel recognizes that the Church should sever itself from 
>> the
>> > > nonsense ASAP:
>> >
>> > >  If the Church were to take this dramatic step [refusing to act as 
>> agents
>> > > of state marriage] now, it would be acting prophetically: it would be
>> > > challenging the state (and the culture) by underscoring that what the 
>> state
>> > > means by “marriage” and what Catholics mean by “marriage” are 
>> radically
>> > > different, and that what the state means by “marriage” is wrong.
>> >
>> > > Civil law shouldn't even touch upon the idea of marriage at all, and

Re: Happy Holidays!

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
Which ones?

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:45:10 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:


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Re: North Carolina School Orders 6-Year-Old Girl to Remove God from Veteran’s Day Poem

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
“We jointly decided that we must err on the side of caution to prevent 
crossing the line on the Establishment Clause of the Constitution,” 
Jesus H.  A six year old is violating Establishment?
Try this ya freaky dopes, the Esablishment Clause also includes free 
speech, and the school just trounced a six year old's

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Re: Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
conflict for sure.  He loves his dad
On Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:30:59 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> think Israel 
> --- 
> I often do. 
> Are you referring to his membership in the israeli military and the 
> conflict of interest? 
> On Nov 29, 11:23 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > No. 
> > 
> > think Israel 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:13:01 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > > No. 
> > > --- 
> > > to help raise money for a "super" political committee supporting 
> > > Obama? 
> > 
> > > On Nov 29, 10:35 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > > > No. 
> > 
> > > > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:33:18 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican 
> wrote: 
> > > > > because he did all the damage to America he could do at that time? 
> > 
> > > > > On Nov 27, 5:39 pm, GregfromBoston  
> wrote: 
> > > > > > Why do ya think Rahm got the hell out of Dodge so fast? 
> > 
> > > > > > It wasn't to be a Mayor. 
> > 
> > > > > > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:09:24 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican 
> > > wrote: 
> > > > > > > Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > > > > > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > > > > > > --- 
> > > > > > > “Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist, Benjamin M. Emanuel 
> who 
> > > was 
> > > > > > > a member of the Irgun, an underground terror organization in 
> > > Palestine 
> > > > > > > under the British rule, is someone who volunteered with the 
> > > Israeli 
> > > > > > > (not the US) army in 1991. It is not clear to what extent 
> Emanuel 
> > > will 
> > > > > > > influence foreign policy as Obama’s chief of staff and thus 
> keep 
> > > the 
> > > > > > > ‘special relationship’ that gave Israel a blank check for 
> endless 
> > > > > > > wars.” –Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D 
> > 
> > > > > > > know the enemy 
> > 
> > > > > > > On Nov 26, 10:24 am, GregfromBoston  
> > > wrote: 
> > > > > > > > Rahm's dad's bio was removed from Wikipedia the day after 
> Obambi 
> > > was 
> > > > > > > > elected in 2008, and has not returned.  Benjamin Emanuel 
> killed 
> > > > > > > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > 
> > > > > > > > To his credit, Rahm got the hell out of Dodge REAL FAST. 
> > 
> > > > > > > > On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:37:24 AM UTC-5, Travis 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > ** 
> > > > > > > > >Harold posted: "Joel B. Pollak11/25/2012Source . 
> > > Chicago 
> > > > > mayor 
> > > > > > > > > Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff in President Barack 
> > > Obama's 
> > > > > White 
> > > > > > > > > House, has written an op-ed in the Washington Post 
> advising 
> > > > > America, 
> > > > > > > and 
> > > > > > > > > Democrats in particular, to follow Chicago's example in " 
> > > > >  Respond 
> > > > > > > to 
> > > > > > > > > this post by replying above this line 
> > > > > > > > >   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
> > > > > > > > > <>  Rahm 
> Emanuel 
> > > to 
> > > > > > > America: 
> > > > > > > > > Do It the Chicago Way < 
> > > > >> 
> > > > > > > by 
> > > > > > > > > Harold <> 
> > 
> > > > > > > > > Joel B. Pollak 11/25/2012 Source . Chicago mayor Rahm 
> > > Emanuel, 
> > > > > > > former 
> > > > > > > > > Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White House, 
> has 
> > > > > written an 
> > > > > > > > > op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and 
> Democrats 
> > > in 
> > > > > > > pa

Re: Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
think Israel
On Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:13:01 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> No. 
> --- 
> to help raise money for a "super" political committee supporting 
> Obama? 
> On Nov 29, 10:35 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > No. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:33:18 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > > because he did all the damage to America he could do at that time? 
> > 
> > > On Nov 27, 5:39 pm, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > > > Why do ya think Rahm got the hell out of Dodge so fast? 
> > 
> > > > It wasn't to be a Mayor. 
> > 
> > > > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:09:24 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican 
> wrote: 
> > > > > Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > > > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > > > > --- 
> > > > > “Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist, Benjamin M. Emanuel who 
> was 
> > > > > a member of the Irgun, an underground terror organization in 
> Palestine 
> > > > > under the British rule, is someone who volunteered with the 
> Israeli 
> > > > > (not the US) army in 1991. It is not clear to what extent Emanuel 
> will 
> > > > > influence foreign policy as Obama’s chief of staff and thus keep 
> the 
> > > > > ‘special relationship’ that gave Israel a blank check for endless 
> > > > > wars.” –Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D 
> > 
> > > > > know the enemy 
> > 
> > > > > On Nov 26, 10:24 am, GregfromBoston  
> wrote: 
> > > > > > Rahm's dad's bio was removed from Wikipedia the day after Obambi 
> was 
> > > > > > elected in 2008, and has not returned.  Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > > > > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > 
> > > > > > To his credit, Rahm got the hell out of Dodge REAL FAST. 
> > 
> > > > > > On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:37:24 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > > > ** 
> > > > > > >Harold posted: "Joel B. Pollak11/25/2012Source . 
> Chicago 
> > > mayor 
> > > > > > > Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff in President Barack 
> Obama's 
> > > White 
> > > > > > > House, has written an op-ed in the Washington Post advising 
> > > America, 
> > > > > and 
> > > > > > > Democrats in particular, to follow Chicago's example in " 
> > >  Respond 
> > > > > to 
> > > > > > > this post by replying above this line 
> > > > > > >   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
> > > > > > > <>  Rahm Emanuel 
> to 
> > > > > America: 
> > > > > > > Do It the Chicago Way < 
> > >> 
> > > > > by 
> > > > > > > Harold <> 
> > 
> > > > > > > Joel B. Pollak 11/25/2012 Source . Chicago mayor Rahm 
> Emanuel, 
> > > > > former 
> > > > > > > Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White House, has 
> > > written an 
> > > > > > > op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and Democrats 
> in 
> > > > > particular, 
> > > > > > > to follow Chicago's example in designing their policies, 
> arguing 
> > > that 
> > > > > doing 
> > > > > > > so will help the economy and keep Republicans out of office. 
> [...] 
> > 
> > > > > > > Read more of this post < 
> > >> 
> > 
> > > > > > >   *Harold <>* | 
> > > November 
> > > > > 26, 
> > > > > > > 2012 at 7:14 am | Categories: Corruption< 
> > > > >>, 
> > > > > > > Criminal Activity <>, 
> > > Election 
> > > > > Fraud<>, 
> > > > > > > Elections/Voting <>, 
> > > Executive< 
> > > > >

Re: Is it ok for jews to have a christmas tree in their home?

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
the question was posed to jews
No it wasn't.
rough day?

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Re: Happy Holy Days

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
Hell, it makes it MORE religious
On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:11:22 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
> I am saying referring to Christmas as a Holy Day, doesn't make it 
> secular 
> --- 
> agreed ... nor does it make it any less religious 
> On Nov 29, 10:02 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > I am saying referring to Christmas as a Holy Day, doesn't make it 
> secular, 
> > as intended. 
> > 
> > And 
> > 
> > That calling clearly secular recognitions as Holy Days (such as Labor 
> Day) 
> > should piss the same people off, yet doesn't. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:24:48 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > > are you trying to separate the word holy from religion? 
> > 
> > > Holiness, or sanctity, is in general the state of being holy 
> > > (perceived by religious individuals as associated with the divine)[1] 
> > > or sacred (considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or 
> > > inspiring awe or reverence among believers in a given set of spiritual 
> > > ideas).[2] In other contexts, "objects are often considered 'holy' or 
> > > 'sacred' if used for spiritual purposes",[3] such as the worship or 
> > > service of gods. 
> > 
> > > On Nov 29, 7:51 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > > > Calling something a Holy Day takes religion out of it. 

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Re: The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out of the Game

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
It doesn't take tax dollars to repeal the fucking law.  Its their friggin 
Bambi's great stand in saying DOJ won't enforce DOMA???
You really are kidding right?
DOJ doesn't enforce DOMA to begin with  Its like telling the DOJ not to 
enforce Swedish law in Sweden.
OK.  Powerful stand there Mr. President.  The Swedes are really impressed

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:15:30 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> at least they tell you they are against it, rather than the dems who 
> tell you 
> how much they support it, and do fucking nothing every time the 
> opportunity 
> comes up. 
> the Republican-led House refused to let the tweets settle on President 
> Obama's same-sex marriage support proclamation before moving to hobble 
> it with a measure ensuring the Justice Department could not actively 
> oppose the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act. 
> An amendment to the Justice and Commerce Departments' $51.1 billion 
> spending bill, sponsored by Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS.) and approved by 
> 244 of his colleagues, prohibits the DOJ from using taxpayers dollars 
> in any future fight against DOMA. 
> On Nov 29, 10:09 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > Bill Clinton CAMPAIGNED on DOMA and delivered.  His White House WROTE 
> > section 3. 
> > 
> > The great gay rights advocate, Barney Frank (D-MA) refused to co-sponsor 
> a 
> > bill to repeal DOMA, while one of its more obvious victims LIVES IN HIS 
> > DISTRICT!  Obambi and a dem Senate has done exactly NOTHING. 
> > 
> > I support gay marriage, and disagree with republicans who do not, but at 
> > least they tell you they are against it, rather than the dems who tell 
> you 
> > how much they support it, and do fucking nothing every time the 
> opportunity 
> > comes up. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:22:01 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > > Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from 
> > > recognizing you, no matter what state you live in. 
> > >  
> > > The Defense of Marriage Act was passed both houses of Congress by 
> > > large majorities. 
> > 
> > > Section 3 of DOMA codifies the non-recognition of same-sex marriages 
> > > for all federal purposes, including insurance benefits for government 
> > > employees, Social Security survivors' benefits, immigration, and the 
> > > filing of joint tax returns. 
> > 
> > > On Nov 29, 7:58 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > > > I support same sex marriage 100%. 
> > 
> > > > My church does not. 
> > 
> > > > If you want to get married to someone of the same gender, my church 
> is 
> > > not 
> > > > an option.  There are lots of other options.  Deal with it and take 
> one. 
> > 
> > > > Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from 
> > > > recognizing you, no matter what state you live in. 
> > 
> > > > DEMOCRAT! 
> > 
> > > > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:04:34 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > *The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get 
> Out 
> > > of 
> > > > > the Game 
> > > > > *Posted by Ryan W. McMaken  on November 23, 2012 
> 02:48 PM 
> > 
> > > > > George Weigel, who is almost always wrong on foreign policy 
> matters, 
> > > and 
> > > > > who was one of the despicable Catholic neocons who lectured John 
> Paull 
> > > II 
> > > > > for being against the Iraq War, is nevertheless right when he 
> suggests 
> > > in 
> > > > > a recent column< 
> > >>that
> > > 
> > > the Church remove itself from the "civil marriage business." As I've 
> > > > > explained in detail here < 
> > >>and 
> > > > > here <>, all 
> > > Christians 
> > > > > should recoil from the thought of allowing a civil government to 
> > > define 
> > > > > what is and what is not a "marriage." As I've noted to some fellow 
> > > > > Christians recent

Re: Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:33:18 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> because he did all the damage to America he could do at that time? 
> On Nov 27, 5:39 pm, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > Why do ya think Rahm got the hell out of Dodge so fast? 
> > 
> > It wasn't to be a Mayor. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:09:24 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote: 
> > > Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > > --- 
> > > “Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist, Benjamin M. Emanuel who was 
> > > a member of the Irgun, an underground terror organization in Palestine 
> > > under the British rule, is someone who volunteered with the Israeli 
> > > (not the US) army in 1991. It is not clear to what extent Emanuel will 
> > > influence foreign policy as Obama’s chief of staff and thus keep the 
> > > ‘special relationship’ that gave Israel a blank check for endless 
> > > wars.” –Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D 
> > 
> > > know the enemy 
> > 
> > > On Nov 26, 10:24 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > > > Rahm's dad's bio was removed from Wikipedia the day after Obambi was 
> > > > elected in 2008, and has not returned.  Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > > > Palestinians for a living. 
> > 
> > > > To his credit, Rahm got the hell out of Dodge REAL FAST. 
> > 
> > > > On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:37:24 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote: 
> > 
> > > > > ** 
> > > > >Harold posted: "Joel B. Pollak11/25/2012Source . Chicago 
> mayor 
> > > > > Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's 
> White 
> > > > > House, has written an op-ed in the Washington Post advising 
> America, 
> > > and 
> > > > > Democrats in particular, to follow Chicago's example in "   
>  Respond 
> > > to 
> > > > > this post by replying above this line 
> > > > >   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
> > > > > <>  Rahm Emanuel to 
> > > America: 
> > > > > Do It the Chicago Way <
> > > by 
> > > > > Harold <> 
> > 
> > > > > Joel B. Pollak 11/25/2012 Source . Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, 
> > > former 
> > > > > Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White House, has 
> written an 
> > > > > op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and Democrats in 
> > > particular, 
> > > > > to follow Chicago's example in designing their policies, arguing 
> that 
> > > doing 
> > > > > so will help the economy and keep Republicans out of office. [...] 
> > 
> > > > > Read more of this post <
> > 
> > > > >   *Harold <>* | 
> November 
> > > 26, 
> > > > > 2012 at 7:14 am | Categories: Corruption< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Criminal Activity <>, 
> Election 
> > > Fraud<>, 
> > > > > Elections/Voting <>, 
> Executive< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Financial <>, Government< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > History <>, Legislative< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Local Law Enforcement <>, 
> > > Police 
> > > > > State <>, Politics< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Progressives <>, 
> Propaganda< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Racism <>, 
> Socialism/Communism< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Sovereignty <>, States 
> Rights< 
> > >>, 
> > > > > Unions <> | URL: 
> > > > > 
> > 
> > > > >  Comment <> 
> > >  See 
> > > > > all comments <
> > 
> > > > >  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions< 
> > >>. 
> > 
> > > > > *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
> > > > > 
> > > > >  Thanks for flying with <

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out of the Game

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
Bill Clinton CAMPAIGNED on DOMA and delivered.  His White House WROTE 
section 3.
The great gay rights advocate, Barney Frank (D-MA) refused to co-sponsor a 
bill to repeal DOMA, while one of its more obvious victims LIVES IN HIS 
DISTRICT!  Obambi and a dem Senate has done exactly NOTHING.
I support gay marriage, and disagree with republicans who do not, but at 
least they tell you they are against it, rather than the dems who tell you 
how much they support it, and do fucking nothing every time the opportunity 
comes up.

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:22:01 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from 
> recognizing you, no matter what state you live in. 
> The Defense of Marriage Act was passed both houses of Congress by 
> large majorities. 
> Section 3 of DOMA codifies the non-recognition of same-sex marriages 
> for all federal purposes, including insurance benefits for government 
> employees, Social Security survivors' benefits, immigration, and the 
> filing of joint tax returns. 
> On Nov 29, 7:58 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > I support same sex marriage 100%. 
> > 
> > My church does not. 
> > 
> > If you want to get married to someone of the same gender, my church is 
> not 
> > an option.  There are lots of other options.  Deal with it and take one. 
> > 
> > Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from 
> > recognizing you, no matter what state you live in. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:04:34 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote: 
> > 
> > > *The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out 
> of 
> > > the Game 
> > > *Posted by Ryan W. McMaken  on November 23, 2012 02:48 PM 
> > 
> > > George Weigel, who is almost always wrong on foreign policy matters, 
> and 
> > > who was one of the despicable Catholic neocons who lectured John Paull 
> II 
> > > for being against the Iraq War, is nevertheless right when he suggests 
> in 
> > > a recent column<
> the Church remove itself from the "civil marriage business." As I've 
> > > explained in detail here <
> > > here <>, all 
> Christians 
> > > should recoil from the thought of allowing a civil government to 
> define 
> > > what is and what is not a "marriage." As I've noted to some fellow 
> > > Christians recently, I hope the government starts "marrying" people to 
> dogs 
> > > and dogs to walruses and men to 9 women and women to 15 men. It will 
> all 
> > > just illustrate how utterly ridiculous is the whole concept of 
> government 
> > > marriage. Weigel recognizes that the Church should sever itself from 
> the 
> > > nonsense ASAP: 
> > 
> > >  If the Church were to take this dramatic step [refusing to act as 
> agents 
> > > of state marriage] now, it would be acting prophetically: it would be 
> > > challenging the state (and the culture) by underscoring that what the 
> state 
> > > means by “marriage” and what Catholics mean by “marriage” are 
> radically 
> > > different, and that what the state means by “marriage” is wrong. 
> > 
> > > Civil law shouldn't even touch upon the idea of marriage at all, and 
> > > simply allow people to engage in contracts with each other (or not do 
> so) 
> > > all they like. Marriage laws do little more than simply discriminate 
> > > against single people anyway by doling out certain legal privileges to 
> > > spouses that are denied to unmarried people. 
> > 
> > > Another reason to give up on the civil marriage game is to recognize 
> that 
> > > the Church actually threw in the towel on this decades ago when it 
> made 
> > > peace with no-fault divorce. According to Catholic theology, unless 
> the 
> > > marriage started out as unlawful (i.e., is incestuous or invalid for 
> > > another reason) marriage does not end until one of the parties dies. 
> Case 
> > > closed. No exceptions. It says this in numerous places in the New 
> > > Testament. Yet, the American bishops recognize the state's alleged 
> > > prerogative to define a "marriage" as a union between divorced people. 
> This 
> > > violates what th

Re: Happy Holy Days

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
I am saying referring to Christmas as a Holy Day, doesn't make it secular, 
as intended.
That calling clearly secular recognitions as Holy Days (such as Labor Day) 
should piss the same people off, yet doesn't.

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 10:24:48 AM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> are you trying to separate the word holy from religion? 
> Holiness, or sanctity, is in general the state of being holy 
> (perceived by religious individuals as associated with the divine)[1] 
> or sacred (considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or 
> inspiring awe or reverence among believers in a given set of spiritual 
> ideas).[2] In other contexts, "objects are often considered 'holy' or 
> 'sacred' if used for spiritual purposes",[3] such as the worship or 
> service of gods. 
> On Nov 29, 7:51 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > Calling something a Holy Day takes religion out of it. 

Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out of the Game

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
I support same sex marriage 100%.
My church does not.
If you want to get married to someone of the same gender, my church is not 
an option.  There are lots of other options.  Deal with it and take one.
Just remember it was a democrat who prevents the government from 
recognizing you, no matter what state you live in.

On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:04:34 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:

> *The Church Lost the Marriage Debate Decades Ago: It's Time to Get Out of 
> the Game 
> *Posted by Ryan W. McMaken  on November 23, 2012 02:48 PM 
> George Weigel, who is almost always wrong on foreign policy matters, and 
> who was one of the despicable Catholic neocons who lectured John Paull II 
> for being against the Iraq War, is nevertheless right when he suggests in 
> a recent 
> columnthat
>  the Church remove itself from the "civil marriage business." As I've 
> explained in detail here and 
> here , all Christians 
> should recoil from the thought of allowing a civil government to define 
> what is and what is not a "marriage." As I've noted to some fellow 
> Christians recently, I hope the government starts "marrying" people to dogs 
> and dogs to walruses and men to 9 women and women to 15 men. It will all 
> just illustrate how utterly ridiculous is the whole concept of government 
> marriage. Weigel recognizes that the Church should sever itself from the 
> nonsense ASAP: 
>  If the Church were to take this dramatic step [refusing to act as agents 
> of state marriage] now, it would be acting prophetically: it would be 
> challenging the state (and the culture) by underscoring that what the state 
> means by “marriage” and what Catholics mean by “marriage” are radically 
> different, and that what the state means by “marriage” is wrong.
> Civil law shouldn't even touch upon the idea of marriage at all, and 
> simply allow people to engage in contracts with each other (or not do so) 
> all they like. Marriage laws do little more than simply discriminate 
> against single people anyway by doling out certain legal privileges to 
> spouses that are denied to unmarried people. 
> Another reason to give up on the civil marriage game is to recognize that 
> the Church actually threw in the towel on this decades ago when it made 
> peace with no-fault divorce. According to Catholic theology, unless the 
> marriage started out as unlawful (i.e., is incestuous or invalid for 
> another reason) marriage does not end until one of the parties dies. Case 
> closed. No exceptions. It says this in numerous places in the New 
> Testament. Yet, the American bishops recognize the state's alleged 
> prerogative to define a "marriage" as a union between divorced people. This 
> violates what the Church has always taught. So, why is a fake and 
> adulterous marriage (as defined by Catholic theology) acceptable as long as 
> it's between a man and a woman? Yet, a fake and adulterous marriage is not 
> acceptable if between a man and a man? Apparently, the state can recognize 
> that a man who has been divorced 5 times is "married" if the state says so. 
> And the bishops have no problem with this. 
> None of these situations is morally acceptable for Catholics of course, 
> but the American bishops abandoned their consistency on this in the 60s 
> when no-fault divorce was accepted because the bishops were either too 
> eager to compromise or too asleep at the switch to take a stand back then. 
> So, you'll forgive the public for not noticing when the American bishops 
> recently decided that "oh, this time, we're going to stick to our guns." 
> It's time to cut the cord. Let's swallow our pride and say that we've been 
> wrong about marriage ever since that day centuries ago when we started 
> allowing civil authorities to decide who was married and who was not. It's 
> time to say that all civil law about marriage is null and void, and that we 
> don't care what the government has to say about it. Divorced people aren't 
> "married" any more than gay people are. If other private individuals wish 
> to define matters differently, they can have marriages in their own 
> churches or living rooms or where ever, and the state should be removed 
> from it just as the state should be removed from the activities all 
> consenting adults. 
> Some Catholic theorists will never give up on this quest to grant the 
> state free license to meddle in Catholic sacraments, however. Br. Thomas 
> More Garrett opposes Weigel's position as "irresponsible and claims the 
> following:
>  In effect, the Church would become responsible for introducing in this 
> country a practice mirroring that found 

Re: Indicative of GOP woes

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
When I need a laugh, I read Larry Vance.

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Re: Happy Holy Days

2012-11-29 Thread GregfromBoston
Calling something a Holy Day takes religion out of it.

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Re: Glenn Beck puts Obama bobblehead in ‘urine’

2012-11-28 Thread GregfromBoston
The artist was on the local news this morning.
He hasn't received a single tax dollar.  Let the faux outrage "flo"

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 12:44:28 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:

> I have 2 of these bobbleheads.  I could make one with colored water.  

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Re: 'Red Dawn' Then and Now: Critics Recoil at Pro-America, Anti-Communism Messages

2012-11-28 Thread GregfromBoston
You are a better man than I, Gunga Din
On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 8:39:01 AM UTC-5, KeithInKöln wrote:
> I think "Cult Classic"  is an accurate term..I remember thinking the 
> movie was pretty good, albeit cheesy..It just goes to show how our 
> culture has changed in thirty-something years.
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:37 PM, GregfromBoston 
> > wrote:
>> Cult classic?  Where, the Red Planet?
>> "Wolverines!"
>> He's an X-Man now.
>> What we really need is to do is drag that legendary thesbian, Eric 
>> Estrada out of mothballs and make a CHiPs movie.  Yea!
>> -- 
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Re: November 6, 2012, The Day Neoconservatism Died

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston
*Bullshit is better*

On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 12:34:16 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> *Neoconservatism is the ideology of Wilsonian perpetual war; of social 
> conservatism 
> --- 
> topped off with zionism. 
> know the enemy. 
> On Nov 27, 9:05 am, MJ  wrote: 
> > November 6, 2012, The Day Neoconservatism DiedNov 13, 2012 at 10:23 AM 
> > ByCreighton Harrington 
> > In the infancy of the campaign to remove President Obama from office, 
> there stood a homogeneous blob of characters to which Americans would 
> assuredly find a savior from the disaster that had become the Obama 
> presidency. 
> > The characters were numerous:Michelle Bachman, a midwestern female 
> firebrand;Rick Santorum, a hardcore bible thumper and Pennsylvanian 
> Catholic;Newt Gingrich, the architect of the '92 Republican 
> Revolution;Herman Cain, a "grassroots" African-American;Rick Perry, a 
> Texas-style Republican reminiscent of a certain past 
> Commander-In-Chief;John Huntsman, foreign policy expert-by-proxy; and, of 
> course,Mitt Romney, theonly hope. 
> > Indeed, with the characters laid in this poorly constructed play, it was 
> time for the Republican base to play their part, find their face, and send 
> their best to the White House. 
> > Unfortunately, they had been given a ruse and they had taken it like the 
> greatest of chumps. 
> > Despite the apparent depth of choice Republican primary voters seemed to 
> face, they saw but the various masks of the samedramatis personae. Behind 
> each visage, behind each rabble-rousing talking point, there stood but one 
> entity gasping for one final breath; hoping for one final 
> hurrah:Neoconservatism.And let me be clear by what this word means because 
> it gets thrown around so much that I fear people may forget that it isn't 
> some vague, incisive label to put upon those we dislike.Neoconservatism is 
> the ideology of Wilsonian perpetual war; of social conservatisma laRick 
> Santorum; of sacrificing liberty for "safety"; of centralization of 
> power.If you're lucky, they might pay lip service to fiscal responsibility, 
> but, when it the time comes that it actually govern, fiscal responsibility 
> takes a back seat and statism takes the reigns. 
> > And it was Neoconservatism that would have the day, but it would not be 
> without a fight. Standing in the face of this pitiful band of stale, tired 
> candidates; in the face of these echoes of Bushism, were two men whose 
> ideas represented not onlyrealconservatism, the kind the Republican party 
> of the twentieth century solidified itself upon through names like Barry 
> Goldwater, Robert Taft, and Howard Buffet, but they also represented the 
> only viable direction the party must go if it wished to survive. 
> > They would scream that Mitt Romney was "our last hope." 
> > Indeed, there were at least two. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson represented 
> everything the establishment feared; everything the Republican party once 
> was and what it could be again. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of the 
> Bush administration, the Republican party could have embraced the next 
> chapter in its political evolution. It could have accepted that the 21st 
> century was upon us. It could have chosenrealconservatism. It could have 
> won. 
> > Alas, it did not and tragically so, for now Obama has been reelected. 
> The blame for this lies not on the heads avaricious, do-gooder, bleeding 
> heart, gimme gimme liberals. The fault is, and always was, theRepublican 
> Party's own.The Republican Party made absolutely sure that the ideology of 
> peace, liberty, free markets, fiscal responsibility and, frankly, sanity 
> would not be given a voice in its ranks. They made absolutely sure the 
> world knew Republicans had a stance on social issues, even if those 
> positions were antithetical to their pro-states, small government 
> philosophy theypretendto promote. 
> > While Mitt Romney and Rick Perry were arguing over who mowed Mitt 
> Romney's lawn, Ron Paul was expressing, with prescient wisdom, that not 
> only is liberty right, but that it is the only way to win. The next 
> generation does not want endless war. It does not want social despotism.It 
> wants liberty.Yet, like the child who believes if they close their eyes and 
> cover their ears, then the truth can be ignored out of existence, the 
> Republican Party did not listen. Instead, they shoved Mitt Romney down our 
> throats. They picked the candidate who had virtuallynodifference with 
> Obama. They played it safe. They, again, tried to sound like Democrats and 
> beat the Democrats at their own game. They, again,rejectedreal 
> conservatism. 
> > Mitt RomneyisBarack Obama. 
> > Of course, Barack Obama is the worst president of the Post-WWII era. He 
> is the antithesis of liberty. He stands against everything America was 
> founded upon. Indeed, the entire Democratic Party has built itself as the 
> antithesis of freedom in American politics. 
> > Yet,they

Re: Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Why do ya think Rahm got the hell out of Dodge so fast? 
It wasn't to be a Mayor.
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:09:24 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:

> Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> Palestinians for a living. 
> --- 
> “Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist, Benjamin M. Emanuel who was 
> a member of the Irgun, an underground terror organization in Palestine 
> under the British rule, is someone who volunteered with the Israeli 
> (not the US) army in 1991. It is not clear to what extent Emanuel will 
> influence foreign policy as Obama’s chief of staff and thus keep the 
> ‘special relationship’ that gave Israel a blank check for endless 
> wars.” –Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D 
> know the enemy 
> On Nov 26, 10:24 am, GregfromBoston  wrote: 
> > Rahm's dad's bio was removed from Wikipedia the day after Obambi was 
> > elected in 2008, and has not returned.  Benjamin Emanuel killed 
> > Palestinians for a living. 
> > 
> > To his credit, Rahm got the hell out of Dodge REAL FAST. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:37:24 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote: 
> > 
> > > ** 
> > >Harold posted: "Joel B. Pollak11/25/2012Source . Chicago mayor 
> > > Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White 
> > > House, has written an op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, 
> and 
> > > Democrats in particular, to follow Chicago's example in "Respond 
> to 
> > > this post by replying above this line 
> > >   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
> > > <>  Rahm Emanuel to 
> America: 
> > > Do It the Chicago Way <> 
> by 
> > > Harold <> 
> > 
> > > Joel B. Pollak 11/25/2012 Source . Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, 
> former 
> > > Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White House, has written an 
> > > op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and Democrats in 
> particular, 
> > > to follow Chicago's example in designing their policies, arguing that 
> doing 
> > > so will help the economy and keep Republicans out of office. [...] 
> > 
> > > Read more of this post <> 
> > >   *Harold <>* | November 
> 26, 
> > > 2012 at 7:14 am | Categories: Corruption<
> > > Criminal Activity <>, Election 
> Fraud<>, 
> > > Elections/Voting <>, Executive<
> > > Financial <>, Government<
> > > History <>, Legislative<
> > > Local Law Enforcement <>, 
> Police 
> > > State <>, Politics<
> > > Progressives <>, Propaganda<
> > > Racism <>, Socialism/Communism<
> > > Sovereignty <>, States Rights<
> > > Unions <> | URL: 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  Comment <>   
>  See 
> > > all comments <> 
> > 
> > >  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions<
> > 
> > > *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
> > > 
> > >  Thanks for flying with <> 

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Re: 'Red Dawn' Then and Now: Critics Recoil at Pro-America, Anti-Communism Messages

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Cult classic?  Where, the Red Planet?
He's an X-Man now.
What we really need is to do is drag that legendary thesbian, Eric Estrada 
out of mothballs and make a CHiPs movie.  Yea!

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Re: Is it ok for jews to have a christmas tree in their home?

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston
Fine with me.  I have a Menorrah ornament on my tree.  Christ was a Rabbi
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 3:24:24 PM UTC-5, plainolamerican wrote:
>  Jewish Education and Identity 
> November 25, 2012 
> By: Vicki Polin 
> Over the years with the increase of assimilation and the fact that 
> Christmas has been promoted as a secular holiday, many non-practicing 
> Jews and individuals from many non-Christian faiths have been 
> integrating the holiday into their families traditions. 
> Recently I started asking online the question, “Do you think it is 
> OKAY for people who are Jewish to have a Christmas tree in their 
> home?" I was astounded by the whole array of emotionally filled 
> responses I received from individuals from within every movement of 
> Judaism -- including those who consider themselves to be orthodox 
> through individuals who are unaffiliated. 
> “Susie Cohen” of Skokie, IL said: “For centuries Jews have been 
> displaced, raped, tortured and killed for holding onto their culture, 
> religion and belief system. –– For that reason alone, I would never 
> bring an x-mas tree into my home". 
> Another common theme in responses was that while growing up parents 
> decided to bring a Christmas tree into their homes because they didn’t 
> want their children growing up feeling like they were missing out on 
> something. At the same time individuals from within the same 
> demographics (those from rural communities and also large cities), 
> stated: “Their parents would haved drempt of bring a Christmas tree 
> into their homes because they didn’t want their children to loose 
> sight of what it meant to be a Jew.” 
> It was also interesting to hear from a group of people who answered 
> the question by saying: “we spend far too much time worrying about 
> what other Jews do in their homes, and not enough about how we do 
> Judaism in our own.” 
> Rabbi Asher Lopatin, who is the spiritual leader at Anshe Sholom Bnai 
> Israel Congregation in Chicago, stated that “a Christmas tree is a 
> Christian symbol and, to my understanding, brings a powerful Christian 
> atmosphere to any home that has one. Any Jewish home contemplating 
> having a Christmas tree should be honest about how powerful this 
> symbol is and whether they want the Judaism in their home - which 
> might be quite subtle at times - to be overpowered by such a strong 
> Christian symbol.” 
> Chicago Resident, David Blatt who considers himself to be an orthodox 
> Jew says: “Why not? Asian-Americans, who are often Buddhists like my 
> Japanese-American friend John, has had one for years. American Jews, 
> sadly have a strong anti-Christian bias but let's be honest: Who of 
> these two did a greater transgression: –– Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who 
> was busy molesting girls for years in the name of Torah -–– or Mr B, a 
> 50 something single guy, who just put up a small Christmas tree in his 
> studio high rise apartment?” 
> David's point when referring to Carlebach has to do the fact that we 
> are all human and being so we all have done things we shouldn't do. 
> Unfortunately, in our society many individuals have more issues with 
> having a Christmas tree then they do about the actions of a sexual 
> predator and the ramifications the crimes have on those they 
> victimize. 
> Los Angeles native, Alex Asher Sears, shared “I grew up in a mixed 
> faith home with a Jewish foundation but joy in celebrating the rituals 
> my non-Jewish family had, too. We had a tree from the time I was about 
> 10. 
> I also grew up learning that the tree was about the Solstice and that 
> the fact that these holidays occur around the same time of year was to 
> understand that religions probably have more in common than less. 
> I grew up understanding that all of these holidays in the way we 
> celebrate them with gifts was NOT a religious thing. This is a time of 
> year for reflection, celebration and doing for others. 
> What was more important was that “I learned to love the family 
> gatherings that took place round the menorah and also around the tree. 
> Both were important because they were our families rituals. We gave 
> them the meaning we wanted them to have. 
> If I marry a man who said no tree, I wouldn't be OK with it, because 
> the tree ties me to the rituals of my family. For me having a 
> Christmas tree means that when my grandmother talks about Christmas 
> morning as a little girl I can understand just as I do when my Bubby 
> tells me stories of Passover when she was a child. And I think they 
> each got great joy being able to celebrate those aspects of their 
> childhoods with their grandchildren and vice versa." 
> A few personal friends who converted to Judaism, stated that they 
> couldn’t imagine bringing a tree into their homes, especially for them 
> the tree represented the faith they walked away from. 
> New York psychologist, Michael J. Salamon stated: “I was raised to 
> belie

Happy Holy Days

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston


I would think that those so keen on taking the Christ out of Christmas 
would be more upset about referring to July 4th and Labor Day as National 
Holy Days.

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Re: November 6, 2012, The Day Neoconservatism Died

2012-11-27 Thread GregfromBoston
*Neoconservatism is the ideology of Wilsonian perpetual war; of social 
conservatism a laRick Santorum; of sacrificing liberty for "safety"; of 
centralization of power.*
*Bullshit is better*

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Re: Please Send a Holiday Card to a Prisoner

2012-11-26 Thread GregfromBoston
*Some will even work for free in order to get recognition and a thank you 
letter, which will be included in parole and clemency petitions (especially 
important to our lifer and death row artists). *
I don't think so.

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Re: Rahm Emanuel to America: Do It the Chicago Way

2012-11-26 Thread GregfromBoston
Rahm's dad's bio was removed from Wikipedia the day after Obambi was 
elected in 2008, and has not returned.  Benjamin Emanuel killed 
Palestinians for a living.
To his credit, Rahm got the hell out of Dodge REAL FAST.

On Monday, November 26, 2012 10:37:24 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:

> **
>Harold posted: "Joel B. Pollak11/25/2012Source . Chicago mayor 
> Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White 
> House, has written an op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and 
> Democrats in particular, to follow Chicago's example in "Respond to 
> this post by replying above this line  
>   New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"* 
>   Rahm Emanuel to America: 
> Do It the Chicago Way  by 
> Harold   
> Joel B. Pollak 11/25/2012 Source . Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, former 
> Chief of Staff in President Barack Obama's White House, has written an 
> op-ed in the Washington Post advising America, and Democrats in particular, 
> to follow Chicago's example in designing their policies, arguing that doing 
> so will help the economy and keep Republicans out of office. [...]
> Read more of this post 
>   *Harold * | November 26, 
> 2012 at 7:14 am | Categories: 
> Corruption, 
> Criminal Activity , Election 
> Fraud, 
> Elections/Voting , 
> Executive, 
> Financial , 
> Government, 
> History , 
> Legislative, 
> Local Law Enforcement , Police 
> State , 
> Politics, 
> Progressives , 
> Propaganda, 
> Racism , 
> Socialism/Communism, 
> Sovereignty , States 
> Rights, 
> Unions  | URL: 
>  Comment See 
> all comments   
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
>  Thanks for flying with   

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2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
It'll change.  Just not via secession.
Maybe we could make Brittish Columbia and the Yukon states, and make Alaska 

On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:49:18 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:

> So you believe the us is a thousand year reich.  It will never change
> Obama actually gave away some Alaska islands just last year
> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>> who said they make him look better???
>> Have faith in this.  Our great, great grandchildred, their parents and 
>> grand parents, children and grand children, will have never seen a state 
>> secede from the union.
>> All those confederate states only think they seceded.  They didn't, and 
>> the supreme court made sure they never think so again.
>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:18:15 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
>>> I don't have any faith in your judgement
>>> I don't think the secession petitions make Obama look better.  If they 
>>> do it is only to his base, which is about 30% of the population
>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>>>> Ok, its bad PR.
>>>> And that is absolutely all it is, and ever will be.  Vermont has been 
>>>> seceding for 30 years.  I ski there, and there is still an American flag 
>>>> above the Vermont one.
>>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:11:35 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
>>>>> Greg I find all your statement silly and they make me think you are 
>>>>> much dumber than I bet you really are
>>>>> The secession movement, even if it was no more than you think it is, 
>>>>> is a great rallying point and bad pr for the Shit in Chief
>>>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>>>>>> *With stickers, a petition and even a middle name, secession fever 
>>>>>> hits Texas – what are your comments?*
>>>>>> *-*
>>>>>> ** 
>>>>>> Its illegal, dumb, a waste of time and ain't never gonna happen.  
>>>>>> Ever.
>>>>>> How's that?
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> For options & help see**group**
>>>>>> /PoliticalForum <>
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>>>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>>>  -- 
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>>>  -- 
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2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
who said they make him look better???
Have faith in this.  Our great, great grandchildred, their parents and 
grand parents, children and grand children, will have never seen a state 
secede from the union.
All those confederate states only think they seceded.  They didn't, and the 
supreme court made sure they never think so again.

On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:18:15 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:

> I don't have any faith in your judgement
> I don't think the secession petitions make Obama look better.  If they do 
> it is only to his base, which is about 30% of the population
> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>> Ok, its bad PR.
>> And that is absolutely all it is, and ever will be.  Vermont has been 
>> seceding for 30 years.  I ski there, and there is still an American flag 
>> above the Vermont one.
>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:11:35 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:
>>> Greg I find all your statement silly and they make me think you are much 
>>> dumber than I bet you really are
>>> The secession movement, even if it was no more than you think it is, is 
>>> a great rallying point and bad pr for the Shit in Chief
>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>>>> *With stickers, a petition and even a middle name, secession fever 
>>>> hits Texas – what are your comments?*
>>>> *-*
>>>> ** 
>>>> Its illegal, dumb, a waste of time and ain't never gonna happen.  Ever.
>>>> How's that?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>>>> For options & help see 
>>>> * Visit our other community at 
>>>> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
>>>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
>>>  -- 
>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>> For options & help see
>> * Visit our other community at 
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>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.

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2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
Ok, its bad PR.
And that is absolutely all it is, and ever will be.  Vermont has been 
seceding for 30 years.  I ski there, and there is still an American flag 
above the Vermont one.
On Saturday, November 24, 2012 5:11:35 PM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:

> Greg I find all your statement silly and they make me think you are much 
> dumber than I bet you really are
> The secession movement, even if it was no more than you think it is, is a 
> great rallying point and bad pr for the Shit in Chief
> On Saturday, November 24, 2012, GregfromBoston wrote:
>> *With stickers, a petition and even a middle name, secession fever hits 
>> Texas – what are your comments?*
>> *-*
>> ** 
>> Its illegal, dumb, a waste of time and ain't never gonna happen.  Ever.
>> How's that?
>> -- 
>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
>> For options & help see
>> * Visit our other community at 
>> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.

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2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
*With stickers, a petition and even a middle name, secession fever hits 
Texas – what are your comments?*
Its illegal, dumb, a waste of time and ain't never gonna happen.  Ever.
How's that?

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Re: Liberals excited about arrest of Obama critic

2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
In a related story, an idiot was arrested in Florida too.

On Saturday, November 24, 2012 7:47:01 AM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:

> --
> *From:* Don Divine 
> *To:* MARK CARPENTER ; Hotel California <
> welcome_hotel@
>   --
> *From:* 
> *Subject:* Several of your righties and neo-Fascists better take a look 
> at this: you could be next
> *Bob Worn, Tom Helsal, Keith Caldwell, Lloyd McKinney Hunter, Jay Mills, 
> Elyse, Don Fredrick, Don Devine, Tony Passaro -- this means you.  You do 
> NOT have an absolute right to say whatever you feel like saying, and 
> Christopher Castillo can now vouch for that.* 
> Man arrested for threatening President Obama's life on Facebook 
>- November 17, 2012
>- By: Lou 
> Colagiovanni
>   [image: A Florida man was arrested for threatening President Obama.] 
>   A Florida man was arrested for threatening President Obama.
> <

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Re: Da Man....Larry Hagman

2012-11-24 Thread GregfromBoston
Tough to beat having a hot chick call you master and at your beck and call.

On Saturday, November 24, 2012 12:28:22 AM UTC-5, KeithInKöln wrote:

> My thoughts and prayers are with the Hagman Family tonight, as well as his 
> fellow actors at Lorimar Studios and the Dallas cast.No question, Larry 
> "J.R. Ewing"  Hagman was in fact a persona that influenced American 
> culture!  He was fun and no doubt will be missed.

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Re: Union Drinks

2012-11-23 Thread GregfromBoston
Bada bing bang BOOM!

On Friday, November 23, 2012 10:33:25 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:

> **
>Dr. Eowyn posted: " A SEIU union captain walks into a bar and is about 
> to order a drink to celebrate Obama’s victory when he sees a guy close by 
> wearing a "Romney for President" button and two beers in front of  him. The 
> union captain doesn't have to be an Einstein"Respond to this post by 
> replying above this line  
>   New post on *Fellowship of the Minds* 
>   Union 
> Drinks by 
> Dr. Eowyn   
> A SEIU union captain walks into a bar and is about to order a drink to 
> celebrate Obama’s victory when he sees a guy close by wearing a "Romney for 
> President" button and two beers in front of  him.
> The union captain doesn't have to be an Einstein to know that this guy is 
> a Republican. So, he shouts over to the bartender so loudly that everyone  
> can hear, "Drinks for everyone in here, bartender, but not for the 
> Republican."
> Soon after the drinks have been handed out, the Republican gives him a big 
> smile, waves at him, then says, "Thank you!" in an equally loud voice.
> This infuriates the union captain. So he once again loudly orders drinks 
> for everyone except the Republican. As before, this does not seem to bother 
> the Republican. He continues to smile, and again yells, "Thank you!"
> The union captain once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the 
> Republican. As before, this does not seem to bother the Republican. He 
> continues to smile, and again yells, "Thank you!"
> The union captain asks the bartender, "What the hell is the matter with 
> that Republican? I've ordered three rounds of drinks for everyone in the 
> bar but him, and all the silly ass does is smile and thanks me. Is he nuts?"
> "Nope," replies the bartender. "He owns the place."
> H/t FOTM's Maziel!
> *~Eowyn*
>   *Dr. Eowyn * | 
> November 23, 2012 at 5:01 am | Categories: 
> Humor| URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
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> Subscriptions.
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Re: Islam Versus Christianity

2012-11-23 Thread GregfromBoston
Isn't it odd that the 3 most major prophets of Islam after Muhammed are 
Jesus Christ, Abraham and Moses?
All Jews

On Friday, November 23, 2012 10:31:41 AM UTC-5, Travis wrote:

> **
>AAABTonto posted: "There is no compassion in Islam ... Allah is not 
> benevolent ... [youtube] 
> Nabeel Qureshi: A Short Testimony Luke 13 22  And he went through the 
> cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. 2"   
>   New post on ** 
>   Islam Versus 
> Christianity
>  by 
> AAABTonto   
> There is no compassion in Islam ... Allah is not benevolent ... Nabeel 
> Qureshi: A Short Testimony Luke 13 22  And he went through the cities and 
> villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. 23  Then said one unto 
> him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, 24  Strive 
> to enter [...]
> Read more of this 
> post
>   *AAABTonto * | November 23, 
> 2012 at 1:38 am | Categories: 
> 9/11, 
> American 
> Culture,
> American 
> Diplomacy,
> American 
> Patriotism,
> American 
> Sovereignty,
> Calumny , 
> Christianity,
> Conservatism,
> Egypt , 
> elitism , 
> First 
> Amendment,
> Foreign 
> Policy, 
> History , 
> Human 
> Rights, 
> Indoctrination,
> Iran , 
> Islam, 
> Islamic 
> Supremacy,
> Israel , 
> Lies , 
> Love, 
> Pakistan , 
> Political 
> Theory,
> Slavery , 
> Social 
> Engineering,
> Sovereignty,
> Terrorism, 
> Theocracy, 
> Totalitarianism,
> U.S. 
> Constitution|
>  URL: 
> Comment
>See all 
> comments
>  Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage 
> Subscriptions.
> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 

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Re: [The_Forum_] UN Demands Obama Administration Quash State’s Rights On Marijuana Read more:

2012-11-23 Thread GregfromBoston
"The Belgians are just so damned EVIL.  And they share a border with the 
Dutch" - Nigel Powers
They also don't prosecute weed possession.  Fix your own country, ya freaky 
deaky waffle boy.

On Friday, November 23, 2012 12:58:44 AM UTC-5, Bruce Majors wrote:

> ** 
>UN Demands Obama Administration Quash State’s Rights On Marijuana
>  __._,_.___
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