Re: Missing openpty / stropt.h

2006-02-09 Thread Robbert Haarman
> > [complaints about missing openpty]

> try libutil.

Thanks, now at least I can build a simple test program. Somehow, I 
thought it was standard practice for manpages to mention it when linking 
against libraries is required, but apparently I was wrong. Now to figure 
out why Gambit is still not using openpty, despite detecting that it 
lives in -lutil...

Missing openpty / stropts.h

2006-02-09 Thread Robbert Haarman
Correction: I should have written "stropts.h", not "stropt.h". Please 
excuse me.

Missing openpty / stropt.h

2006-02-09 Thread Robbert Haarman
Building Gambit ( on OpenBSD fails 
due to a missing stropt.h header file. However, this file is only looked 
for when HAVE_openpty is unset. OpenBSD 3.8 includes a manpage for 
openpty, however, the function does not appear to be included in the C 
library. Is there some other library that has to be included to get this 
functionality? None seems to be mentioned in the manpage.

Re: PHP4 packages

2006-02-01 Thread Robbert Haarman
> Given all of the PHP packages seem to require PHP5, where do I go to find
> PHP4 packages/ports, or how do I modify the existing requirements?

There's a PHP4 port in the tree (/usr/ports/www/php4). It requires 
Apache to build. There's an older (4.4.1) port that doesn't require 
Apache on



Re: strcmp vs strncmp question

2005-11-14 Thread Robbert Haarman
Can we please cut patrick some slack? I Googled, I followed the 
offensive link that was suggested, and I searched the archives of 
several OpenBSD mailing lists, and there is indeed nothing that 
obviously points out what's wrong with strcmp. I can very well imagine 
patrick did the same thing and decided just to ask.

Also, please keep in mind that people who are trying to contribute to 
the project in one way or another may not be as willing to do so if you 
fling this kind of offense at them. Everybody makes mistakes; it's not 
like patrick was purposefully trying to waste anyone's time.

In the meantime, we're a few posts down the road from the original 
question, and I haven't seen any answer; neither on the list, nor on the 
Net. I suppose it has something to do with strcmp continuing to compare 
until it finds a char with value 0, but I can think of many situations 
where this wouldn't occur (it certainly shouldn't be an issue if all 
strings are always 0-terminated).

So, I second patrick's question, and I would ask that someone either 
answer the question or provide a link to an answer. If it is indeed such 
a frequently asked question, it shouldn't be too hard to find a FAQ 
entry or mailing list post that answers it, right?



Re: snprintf() revisited, please comment

2005-08-23 Thread Robbert Haarman
Perhaps this is a silly question or has been covered already, but I'm 

> - find out overall length of n parts that shall be reassembled in some
>   way and add 1 for the terminating NUL
> - if re- or malloc()'ing the required buffer size failed, then

If you're allocating memory anyway, why wouldn't you use asprintf 
instead? That should basically do all the steps you listed for you. If 
need be, you can always add an asprintf implementation for those 
platforms that don't provide it natively. Is there anything against this 

-- Bob

Re: NEW: GNU Smalltalk and Portable Forth Environments ports

2005-08-14 Thread Robbert Haarman
> Before submitting a "new" port you should at least check if we
> don't have it in the -current ports tree.  pfe is in lang/pfe.
> You waisted your time.  Any you waist the time of people, that
> not knowingly we have it in tree, test pfe.

Of course. I did check, but I apparently overlooked it. Please
accept my apologies.

Also, I discovered that the gtk flavor of GNU Smalltalk needs gawk
and gtk+2 to build. I've changed the port to reflect this, as well
as made some changes to the PLIST. The new port is attached.

-- Bob

Description: Binary data

NEW: GNU Smalltalk and Portable Forth Environments ports

2005-08-13 Thread Robbert Haarman

I have created OpenBSD ports for GNU Smalltalk
( and the Portable Forth
Environment ( Both are attached for
those who want to test. Comments welcome.

-- Bob

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: mp3blaster ate my cpu

2005-06-19 Thread Robbert Haarman
> i recently installed mp3blaster on (-current June 8th)
> and whenever i play an mp3 it runns at 97% cpu (1.4ghz pentium M)

Same happens to me. Also mp3blaster sometimes does not display files
in the add files dialog, even though it can play them, and sometimes
even outright refuses to play a file, even if it's already in the
playlist. If I keep it playing long enough, it will eventually
segfault and dump core. I also can't modify the playlist from the
console, because somehow the function keys don't work, although I
guess that's not because of mp3blaster.

All in all, I've decided that there are too many issues to fix, and
gone looking for alternatives. I'm currently using mpd
( You can get various front-ends for it,
so probably there's also one you like. Or you could write your own;
the mpd protocol is really simple. You can find ports of mpd in the
archives of this list (past few days).



Re: NEW: mpd-0.11.5

2005-06-15 Thread Robbert Haarman
> Tarball attached.

Thanks. I looked at it, here are some comments:

 - There seem to be no flavors for enabling/disabling codecs yet
   you can probably just copy these from my port.
 - You have ossaudio in WANTLIB. Does OSS actually add something

Do you also have a port of mpc? If so, please send it to me. Using
netcat to control mpd is a bit cumbersome. ;-)

> To include iconv we use this: MODULES=converters/libiconv

Ok, thanks.

> >an mp3 flavor, as I can see people not needing MP3 support.
> >
> In my port, I've enabled all supported codec. I think it's better 
> to enable most of the supported codecs per default and put in some no_* 
> FLAVORS. (like no_flac) But that's just my opinion. Comments?

As long as the no_* flavors are there, I am fine with that. I just
didn't want to require people install FLAC and AAC libraries, even
if they only use Vorbis. I personally prefer positive flavors (flac)
over negative (no_flac) ones, but you are probably more familiar
with the OpenBSD way.

-- Bob

Re: NEW: mpd-0.11.5

2005-06-15 Thread Robbert Haarman

Thanks for your comments!

> I've made a port for mpd (and also some mpd-clients) already.
I'll > submit it in a few days, so maybe we can join our effords.

That sounds like a good idea. I checked for existing ports, but
didn't find any, that's why I made my own. Maybe you can send me
your ports so I can watch and learn? I'm still relatively new to
the ports system, especially the new features not in the porting

> $ make lib-depends-check
> /usr/ports/packages/all/mpd-0.11.5.tgz:
> Missing: id3tag.3 (/usr/local/bin/mpd): NOT REACHABLE
> Missing: iconv.4 (/usr/local/bin/mpd): NOT REACHABLE
> Missing: mad.2 (/usr/local/bin/mpd): NOT REACHABLE

I had not included these, because he mpd documentation does not
list these as dependencies. IIRC, mad and id3tag are included in
the distribution, so mpd will compile if these are not present on
the system. I was hoping to get some feedback on what would be the
best way to deal with this; my intuition says it's better to depend
on the external libraries and ignore the bundled ones.

I think I'll add a dependency on iconv, and move id3tag and mad in
an mp3 flavor, as I can see people not needing MP3 support.

> Missing system lib: c.37 (/usr/local/bin/mpd) > Missing system
lib: m.2 (/usr/local/bin/mpd) > Missing system lib: z.4
(/usr/local/bin/mpd) > Missing system lib: pthread.6 (/usr/local/bin/mpd)

These, I assume, would go in WANTLIB. As I understand it, WANTLIB
is for registering dependencies on libraries that are part of the
base system. I wonder why this was chosen over simply adding support
for this in LIB_DEPENDS. Anyway, this leads me to another question:
how to determine the version of a library to depend on? I should
think my port doesn't need the very latest version of the C library,
but how do I know which version is new enough?

-- Bob

NEW: mpd-0.11.5

2005-06-15 Thread Robbert Haarman

I've just created a port of MPD (Music Player Daemon -

The port is on my packages page (, but 
I've also attached it, for your convenience. Please test and comment.

-- Bob

Description: Binary data