Re: Rappin' Radney

1999-04-28 Thread jon byrd

If one you can be "very" lukewarm about anything, that's how I felt on hearing
the record the 1st half dozen times-- and no twang!   A couple of songs (it's
been months ago now) grew on me, but the song 'The Lucky Ones' is a pop gem
from the git-go, IMHO of course.--jb

Don Yates wrote:

 On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Darren Stout wrote:

  That was the song that I thought was so great. Did you hear Radney's last
  album? I think this song is a lot more promising than anything on it.

 I don't remember that one doin' a whole lot for me either.  The last album
 of his I really dug was his solo debut, Del Rio Texas 1959.--don

Re: Most albums sold, per RIAA

1999-04-22 Thread jon byrd

Apples and oranges, folks.  Elvis sold singles in a singles world with far less
than 5 billion in it.  Go figure, again.


 In a message dated 4/22/1999 5:15:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
 OK...think about this for a minute!  Brooks has sold nearly twice as much as
 Elvis in 1/4 the time.
 Now that's a marketing machine!

Re: unsubscribe

1999-03-10 Thread jon byrd

I know it took me quite a while to get the hang of hangin' on.  I'm the guy who
after 6 weeks or so added up a couple of weeks and did a breakdown of who was
sending how much and about what.  Hard to believe I did that but it helped me
through my first couple of months of hardcore P2 use/lurking.  The
Twangfest/fluff list helps but to the uninitiated I simply say... stoke yur
technology and ride the Great Twang-huna!

Jeff Weiss wrote:

 At 09:02 AM 3/9/99 -0500, you wrote:

 Call me a sadist -- shudup Curry -- but I get a little thrill out of these.
 Just imagine the panic that must set in when someone subs because they
 heard about this list and in a day they get slammed with 200 messages, some
 of which might actually be on topic. this list, my friends, is not for the
 faint of heart.

 Now, back to your arguing.


Re: 1st half-ironic cover? (was sucking in the 70s)

1999-03-03 Thread jon byrd

Considering R. McG. ended up doing 700 Club commercials for Pat
Robertson I now wonder if there was ever any irony in it.