Re: sxsw criticisms (preachy)

1999-02-17 Thread Jim_Caligiuri

I just wanted to say I have no arguments with either of  Kip's or Erin's
stance on this. yeah the music biz can suck, but if you go into it with
your eyes WIDE OPEN, it'll suck less. Do the people at these conferences
make a lot of money? A qualified yes. They are running a business,
providing a service. Whether or not you think it's worth the price they ask
you to pay is an individual choice. I know I'm speaking in cliches, but you
only get out of it what you put into it. a positive attitude (hell, any
kind of ATTITUDE) goes a long way (I'm surprising even myself here g) at
these things.
I've rambled enough.
JC, smilin'
NP: Damnations-Half Mad Moon

Re: sxsw criticisms (preachy)

1999-02-17 Thread Erik Gerding

 I'm willing to accept this, but I still have some problems 
withthe underlying concept of the beastie. 

we do to.

That being said, I'd enjoy the heckout of playing the Broken 
Spoke on Friday night, sure and I would.(Congrats, 


After I posted I checked the snail mail and received an application for 
New Music West 1999 in Vancouver B.C. this May. Immediately I 
went in to thinking,.okay, now if we can play Seattle on the way up 
and Bellingham on the way down, maybe we can pay for gas and food. And if 
we.. Wait a minute. I'm not going to go through this again. I 
look at the app. and of course there is nothing mentioned about what the 
showcasing acts (about 150) get in return. So I call them up and ask what the 
deal is and to my amazement she says each band will have a choice of a 
wristband for everyone in the band and one pass to the conference or $100. 
I thought.h, where did they get that idea? And that's Canadian Dollars 
we're talking about, and like at SxSW I don't get a wristband as the manager. 
They will also cover the border fee to cross into Canada. I said There's a 
fee now? she said there is a fee for those who cross the border to work in 
Canada. hmm.She then went on to tell me the line about all the good 
schmoozing you can do and all the industry types that will be there and blah 
blah blah.

Well, like I said though, .okay, now if we can play Seattle on 
the way up and Bellingham on the way down, maybe we can pay for gas and food. 
And if we stay at. 
