REJECT and save a copy of spam?

2012-09-13 Thread Chris Adams
I'm configuring Postfix with SpamAssassin, using Spampd as a
before-queue filter.  I put "/^X-Spam-Flag: YES/ REJECT Spam detected"
in /etc/postfix/header_checks, and that works (spam is rejected during
SMTP as desired).

However, it would be nice to _also_ keep a copy of the rejected messages
somewhere for later analysis.  Either deliver them to a special local
user, hold in the queue, or whatever else is convenient.  Is there an
easy way to do this?

I guess I could modify Spampd to save a copy of spam messages, but I was
hoping there might be a way to configure Postfix to do this.

If it matters, this is Postfix 2.6.6 on CentOS 6.

Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: REJECT and save a copy of spam?

2012-09-14 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Wietse Venema  said:
> But this matters only if you really want to give a REJECT response
> to the remote SMTP client.

I would prefer to do that for this particular setup.  This is a
low-traffic domain, mostly just forwarding to other domains; there are a
couple of mailing lists and a ticket system; no mail gets normal local
delivery.  Nobody would normally be checking a spam box, so any messages
that hit would effectively disappear.

In the old setup (sendmail+mimedefang+SA), it has been useful that
"spam" is rejected so that legit senders get a notice, and that the
message gets saved (so I can review when somebody complains).

Thanks; I guess I'll take a look at amavis.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: REJECT and save a copy of spam?

2012-09-14 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Wietse Venema  said:
> Postfix supports Milter too. There are some differences but it might
> just work.

Oh yeah, I know that (I just wrote a milter for some servers at work
running postfix).  I was trying to avoid the extra overhead (and config
management work) of mimedefang/amavis since I was just looking for basic
spam blocking.

Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Cleaning out certain 4xx-errors

2012-09-15 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Wietse Venema  said:
> Maybe PLESK has an option to make "mailbox full" a hard error (to be
> honest, Postfix's own "mailbox full" action is not configurable).

Unfortunately, no, it isn't.  Plesk uses a milter to check delivery
status during SMTP (which is nice, since that way it doesn't queue and
cause back-scatter), but only returns a temporary error for over quota.
Worse, it doesn't check until the end of DATA, so if any one recipient
is over quota, the message is rejected (so you really don't want to turn
a Plesk over-quota message into a permanent error, at least for messages
with multiple recipients).

I wrote a milter for our Plesk servers to check quota at RCPT TO time
instead (and return a permanent error for over-quota) to fix the bad

Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Cleaning out certain 4xx-errors

2012-09-15 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, /dev/rob0  said:
> On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 06:50:38PM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> > I wrote a milter for our Plesk servers to check quota at RCPT TO 
> > time instead (and return a permanent error for over-quota) to fix 
> > the bad behavior.
> Unfortunately that only replaces one potential problem with another. 
> You're relying on SIZE in the MAIL command, which might be wrong or 
> might be omitted. The only sure way to know the actual size of the 
> mail is to receive the DATA.

I've found it to be a "good enough" solution.  My checker takes the SIZE
argument from MAIL FROM; if it isn't there, it assumes the largest
message the server allows.  It also adds a little to the size to allow
for local headers (local Received: line, From_ header if mbox, etc.).
This means that if the remote system doesn't set SIZE, it is possible
for some small messages to be rejected that could have just fit under
the quota.

Almost all legitimate servers set SIZE; the only place I typically don't
see it is from clients (and IIRC some do set it, but not from

This also doesn't handle multiple messages come in at a time (especially
if one is a large message from a slow remote system).

> P.S.: I complied with your Reply-To: and sent the Cc:. It will fail
> SPF, if you're checking that.

That's not me; that's the list.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Cleaning out certain 4xx-errors

2012-09-16 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Wietse Venema  said:
> Chris Adams:
> > > P.S.: I complied with your Reply-To: and sent the Cc:. It will fail
> > > SPF, if you're checking that.
> > 
> > That's not me; that's the list.
> I think he refers to this:
> Mail-Followup-To: Chris Adams ,
>   Postfix users 
> This sits among other headers that were added by your Mutt/
> mail reader.

Ah, that looks like a bug in mutt.  It isn't supposed to put the
sender's (my) address in there for configured mailing lists (the idea is
to prefer replies to the list without a direct CC).

Still not sure what that would have to do with SPF though.
Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: postscreen dnsbl weighting with new(est) spamhaus return codes -- experiences/data?

2015-08-06 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, PGNd  said:
> On quick investigation, @ spamhaus now says 
> ( return codes have changed:

Those are dbl response codes, not zen.  You are mixing the two up, but
they are very different.

Chris Adams 

relay access denied question

2016-05-03 Thread Chris Adams
Hello all,

I recently rebuilt a server for use with Mailman and Postfix. I have the server 
running, Mailman and Postfix installed. I am using Postfix 2.10.1.   I copied 
the file over from the old server to the new server.

When I post a message to one of the Mailman lists, I encounter an error related 
to Postfix and I can't quite figure out what setting in is causing 
this. It looks like all messages are being handled this way. I am wondering 
what is different in this new setup that would cause this.

May  3 16:59:58 mailmanserver postfix/smtpd[18060]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
localhost[::1]: 454 4.7.1 : Relay access denied; 
from= to= proto=ESMTP 

I can provide output of postconf -n if requested.

Many thanks.

Problem with smtpd_sasl_local_domain

2015-03-23 Thread Chris Adams
I'm setting up Postfix+Dovecot on CentOS 7 (prefer to use the
OS-provided versions, Postfix 2.10.1 and Dovecot 2.2.10).  I need to
handle SMTP AUTH for a couple of different domains where the customer
doesn't want to make their users change from "username" to

I have tried doing this with different listeners on different IPs in, like: inet n - n - 150 smtpd
-o mynetworks=$mynet,cidr:/etc/postfix/

That did not work, because Postfix doesn't appear to do anything with
the realm, verified both by process tracing and looking at the source
code.  The Postfix Cyrus SASL code passes the realm, but the Postfix
Dovecot SASL code only references it in a log entry (this appears to be
the case even with the latest Postfix 3.1 snapshot).

Am I missing something?  Is there another way to do this?
Chris Adams 

Re: Problem with smtpd_sasl_local_domain

2015-03-25 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Wietse Venema  said:
> Chris Adams:
> > I'm setting up Postfix+Dovecot on CentOS 7 (prefer to use the
> > OS-provided versions, Postfix 2.10.1 and Dovecot 2.2.10).  I need to
> > handle SMTP AUTH for a couple of different domains where the customer
> > doesn't want to make their users change from "username" to
> > "".
> > 
> > I have tried doing this with different listeners on different IPs in
> >, like:
> > 
> > inet n - n - 150 smtpd
> > -o
> > -o mynetworks=$mynet,cidr:/etc/postfix/
> > -o
> > 
> > That did not work, because Postfix doesn't appear to do anything with
> > the realm, verified both by process tracing and looking at the source
> > code.  The Postfix Cyrus SASL code passes the realm, but the Postfix
> > Dovecot SASL code only references it in a log entry (this appears to be
> > the case even with the latest Postfix 3.1 snapshot).
> You mean: Dovecot SASL logs but otherwise ignores the realm? In
> that case, the question is better asked on the Dovecot mailing list.

No, I meant what I said: it is Postfix that logs but otherwise ignores
the realm in the Dovecot SASL code path.

In the Postfix source, src/xsasl/xsasl_dovecot_server.c, in the
xsasl_dovecot_server_create() function, if args->user_realm is set, it
gets logged (if verbose logging is enabled).  It is not otherwise
referenced in the Postfix code that talks to Dovecot.

Chris Adams 

Re: port 25 465 and 587 confusion.

2015-04-05 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Muhammad Yousuf Khan  said:
> now the confusion part is my concept. does port 25 and 465 work together
> like FTP. port 21 and 20. like 1 port is for negotiate and another port is
> for data?

Port 25 is tradtiotional SMTP, aimed at server<->server communications
now (and blocked by some consumer ISPs to reduce spam).  It starts in
the clear but can support STARTTLS to switch to encrypted communication.

Port 587 is the "submission" port for SMTP.  It works the same as port
25 (including clear communications and STARTTLS support), but is
intended for client<->server communication for initial message
submission.  It should require SMTP AUTH (so only authenticated mail can
be submitted).

Port 465 was an early (non-standard) SSL-wrapped SMTP port.  All
communication is encrypted (similar to port 443 for HTTP).  This was
never an IANA-assigned use, and not that many things support it.  Its
use is deprecated, but MS Outlook (at least some versions) only support
SSL-wrapped SMTP on port 465 (they don't handle the standard way of
connecting to 587 and then issuing STARTTLS).

Chris Adams 

Re: postfix-policyd-spf-perl and troubles with Amazon? [SOLVED]

2015-05-06 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Scott Kitterman  said:
> Great.  Feel free to throw RFC 7208 Section 3.4 (Record Size) at them.  The 
> SHOULD fit in a UDP packet is there for a reason.

I see your RFC and raise you RFC 6891.  "[f]it in a UDP packet" does not
mean 512 bytes.
Chris Adams 

Re: Postfix + Courier or Dovecot?

2015-06-18 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Eric Broch  said:
> that courier chokes on large mailboxes, but I never experienced that. It
> always performed well for me.

I recently switched an install of about 55,000 mailboxes (mostly
telco/ISP customers) from Courier to Dovecot.  The mail spool is on a
backend accessed over NFS; the NFS network traffic dropped significantly
(from around 300 megabits per second to about 20 megabits per second)
after the switch.  Our backend has an SSD read cache to (mostly) keep up
with the load with Courier, and now with Dovecot, the SSD is essentially
unused (the working set fits in the storage array RAM cache).

Depending on your access patterns, Dovecot indexing can be a huge win.

Also, Dovecot management is far superior.  For example, we have mailbox
quotas, which with Courier were just stored in a file in the Maildir.
That file had to be regenerated periodically (scanning the whole
mailbox), and there was no quick way to check the quota status (it took
reading 55,000 files).  Dovecot can store quotas in a database, so
checking them now is one SELECT (that takes a fraction of a second)

Chris Adams