Re: Mail server in each office, i.e. Distributed Domain

2011-09-02 Thread Mihira Fernando

On Saturday 03 September 2011 6:10:54 am Daniel Mare wrote:
> We have Head Office and Small Office.
> In Head Office, we have Mac OS X 10.6.7 Mail server (i.e. postfix).  For
> people in Head Office, traffic to and from the mail server is over the fast
> LAN - no problems.
> In Small Office, we have two employees, let's call them Snail and Shoe.
> Currently Snail and Shoe use the mail server in Head Office.  When Snail
> emails Shoe, the message travels all the way to Head Office saturing the
> slow link upstream.  Shoe then downloads the email from Head Office, which
> then saturates the slow link downstream.
> If Snail and Shoe are on the same LAN in the small office, there shouldn't
> be any reason for the message to travel all the way back to head office, so
> my question is:
> How do I set up a local email server in Small Office using the same email
> domain?
> If Snail sends an email to Shoe, it would go to a local email server in
> Small Office.  The local email server in Small Office would then check if
> Shoe is located in Small Office, if not, it would pass the message on the
> Head Office, but in this case, seeing that Shoe is in the local Small
> Office, the local mail server would then keep the message in Small Office. 
> Shoe will then download it from Small Office's local mail server, saving
> the slow link from saturation.
> How do I do set up the servers this way?

Use sub domains with aliases created for the branch office accounts in the 
main domain.
You'll need transport maps set for each branch office subdomain as well.

Re: Error with Dovecot LDA when recipient address is incomplete

2011-06-23 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 06/23/2011 02:26 PM, Nikolaos Milas wrote:


We are using Postfix 2.8.3 with Dovecot 2.0.13 on CentOS 5.6.

The problem we have is that sometimes, due to mail sender's error when 
composing a message, the sender attempts to send an email to "" 
(without specifying the user part of the address). This results in a 
Postfix error due to Dovecot LDA use:

Jun 22 21:05:31 vmail postfix/pipe[31862]: CC89FC4D210: to=<>, 
relay=dovecot, delay=0.41, delays=0.24/0.013/0/0.15, dsn=5.3.0, 
status=bounced (command line usage error. Command output: 
/usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda: option requires an argument -- d 
Usage: dovecot-lda [-c ] [-a ] [-d ] 
[-p ][-f ] [-m ] 
[-e] [-k] )

Postfix is configured as:

dovecot   unix  -   n   n   -   -   pipe
   flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda 
-f ${sender} -d ${user}

Obviously this happens because in this case there is no ${user} data.

Can we somehow configure Postfix to directly bounce such mails 
(missing the user part of the address) without attempting to forward 
them to Dovecot LDA?


Wont adding :

 reject_unknown_recipient_domain,  reject_unverified_recipient

to  smtpd_recipient_restrictions  solve this issue ?


Re: always_bcc for sepcific sender and recipient only

2011-06-09 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 06/10/2011 10:40 AM, kshitij mali wrote:

Hi All,
i want only specific list of sender and specific list of recipient 
email need to archive how to achive with it
where always_bcc will rediect all email . please any one can help me 
with syntax or exmaple .


Use :
sender_bcc_maps -
recipient_bcc_maps -

Re: Can't get email from external domain

2011-05-31 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 05/31/2011 12:18 PM, Kurniawan Junaidy wrote:

hi folks,

I am using postfix on my vps ubuntu lucid 10.04. The problem is i 
can't get email that sent from external domain like ymail or gmail and 
there is no log information about incoming email.

Here is my postfix configurations:

*smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
biff = no

# appending .domain is the MUA's job.
append_dot_mydomain = no

# Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings
#delay_warning_time = 4h

readme_directory = no

# TLS parameters
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/smtpd.crt
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/smtpd.key
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache

# See /usr/share/doc/postfix/TLS_README.gz in the postfix-doc package for
# information on enabling SSL in the smtp client.

myhostname =
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
myorigin = /etc/mailname
mydestination =, localhost, localhost.localdomain, 

relayhost =
mynetworks = [:::]/104 [::1]/128
mailbox_size_limit = 0
recipient_delimiter = +
inet_interfaces = all
inet_protocols = all
home_mailbox = Maildir/
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth-client
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
broken_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = 

smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem
mailbox_command =
#mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" DEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/ 
#mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -c 
/etc/dovecot/conf.d/01-dovecot-postfix.conf -n -m "${EXTENSION}"

broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes*

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

dig -t mx shows :   300 IN  MX  10


Is the IP of your VPS ?
If it is,  show the postconf -n as requested in the welcome mail.

Re: Which Linux have the most recent Postfix ?

2011-05-23 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 05/23/2011 12:32 PM, Robert Schetterer wrote:

agree, however
  somebody can search by it own here

taking it one step further :

shows :
Arch Linux: current
Ark Linux: dockyard
Debian GNU/Linux: unstable, testing
Fedora: rawhide
FreeBSD: 9, 8
Gentoo Linux: unstable
 Lunar Linux: moonbase
Mandriva Linux: cooker
PLD Linux Distribution: 3.0
openSUSE: factory
T2 SDE: snapshot
Ubuntu: snapshot
Vine Linux: VineSeed


Re: [OT] Google 7720 Error [thread resumed due to useful data]

2011-05-17 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 05/17/2011 03:05 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

I'd hazard a guess that there's much more to Dr. Venema than
Postfix, more than... queue the Transformers jingle.

Is Dr. Venema hiding the all spark ? :P


2011-05-02 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 05/02/2011 04:17 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 02.05.2011 12:37, schrieb Mihira Fernando:

On 05/02/2011 03:31 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

has anybody out there ever sent a message to them successfull?

they are blcoking all our servers independent from the network-range
including messages to postmaster and FAIK it is rfc-ignorant answer
with 451 the whole time for all messages until "maximal_queue_lifetime"
is reached


Have you tried filling out that form they have given?

yes after google-translate what the want from me and from
english to polish also with google-translate

how stoopid can anybody be to make server-answers form a spamfilter
with 451 in polish and a form nobody out there can read followed
by a RED SUCCESS MESSAGE (finding out success after google translate again)

They are most likely to be catering only to Poland.  I've seen Russian 
servers doing the same thing.


2011-05-02 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 05/02/2011 03:31 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

has anybody out there ever sent a message to them successfull?

they are blcoking all our servers independent from the network-range
including messages to postmaster and FAIK it is rfc-ignorant answer
with 451 the whole time for all messages until "maximal_queue_lifetime"
is reached


Have you tried filling out that form they have given ?


[OT] Re: How to send Maximum Mails using Postfix

2011-04-22 Thread Mihira Fernando

How can I send 10 mails using postfix in 5 minutes.
Get 2 postfix smtp servers and send 1 mail to each of them every 
minute. :P

Re: mysql GPL/postfix IPL incompatibility

2011-02-28 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 03/01/2011 04:23 AM, mouss wrote:

postfix is the default MTA in NetBSD. so it seems "some" of the "BSD
folks" have no problems with the current licence;-p
Speaking of default MTAs, Postfix is the default MTA on Ubuntu Server as 


Re: Fax and SMS Forwarding

2010-11-29 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 11/29/2010 03:15 PM, Schwalbe, Oliver wrote:

Hi community,
i have set up a windows based GFI faxserver to send and receive fax 
and sms messages.
the fax and sms connectors ( and for this 
faxserver are hostet on a other external exchange server.

fax and sms messages are sended with smtp protocol.
every time my suse mailserver (11.0) received a mail from a user 
account for the following domains  or 
 (x are fax- or celltel.-numbers)

this mails must be redirected to the exchange server.
How can i implement this function?
redirect-table is only an information tool.
kind regards

Assuming you are using Postfix, you can use transport maps to do this .
See :

Re: [OT]

2010-11-26 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 11/27/2010 01:06 PM, Victor Duchovni wrote:

Postfix is perhaps more modular than Exchange, and with just two or so
developers looking at the code, reports of a similar bug in the Postfix
smtpd(8) probably would result in a fix by Monday. :-)

Then Postfix is doing it wrong! :P

Re: Aggregating/rate-limiting emails

2010-09-08 Thread Mihira Fernando

 On 09/08/2010 12:33 PM, Yang Zhang wrote:

Are there any extensions to Postfix that can aggregate multiple
outgoing emails into a single email within some time window?

We're developing an application that runs on multiple hosts and emails
notifications to us (the developers whenever something
goes wrong, via a postfix server.  However, we've run into issues
where the application spews hundreds of such errors in rapid
succession, leading Gmail to bounce our messages.  This is why we're
interested first and foremost throttling messages, but ideally also
aggregating messages together into a periodic digest that is emitted
at most once per minute.  Any other (low-effort) solution ideas would
be appreciated as well.
Yang Zhang

how about writing the errors to a log and email the log via a cron job ?

Re: Thanks to wietse and the distribution list a new web console is born

2010-08-07 Thread Mihira Fernando
On 08/07/2010 05:35 PM, David Touzeau wrote:
> Dear all
> I would like to thanks to the postfix users that answers me better
> than a professional support (who said that Open Source products have
> support problems ?).
> I would like to thanks to wietse that accomplish the best SMTP server
> used in the world.
> Postfix/weitse are now a part of the Internet History and participate
> actively of the Internet growth during this century.
> I use postfix for 4 years and I also wanted to participate in the
> postfix improvement, not to change the postfix code but helps newbees
> using postfix easly.
> My Open Source project is not totally finish but everybody can use it
> and test it.
> This project is called Artica and it's a web Ajax interface front-end
> for Postfix.
> My target is to provide a mail/relay Postfix service including all
> standards requests including :
> 95% of Postfix features.
> Postfix multiple instances support
> Queue monitoring.
> Postfix Events realtime monitor.
> Charts/Graphs statistics.
> Aliases, virtual alisases, virtual domains support.
> Users/Databases
> LDAP support
> Users support.
> Filters
> Full support of milter-greylist, Spamassassin,clamav, amavisd-new,
> SMTP backup on the fly support
> Quarantine support
> end-users quarantine support.
> SMTP Hacks / Iptables support.
> Cyrus-imap,Zarafa, imapsync,fetchmail support.
> Administration web
> Administrators delegations.
> End-users Interface including Roundcube,OpenGoo...
> I'm waiting the new 2.8 version in order to support new major weitse
> feature called "postcreen"
> You can download ISO that install for you a debian system in
> sourceforge here
> Or install yourself your distribution and download/execute a setup
> available here :
> Once again, many thanks and have a holidays
> Best regards
This looks very interesting. I assume that SASL backend is also using
cyrus ?
Can I suggest/request you add options for Dovecot IMAP and SASL backend
as well ?

Great work and all the best.


Re: Send mail thru a certaing interface

2010-08-05 Thread Mihira Fernando
On 08/06/2010 01:00 AM, Arthur Titeica wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to "convince" Postfix to send mail only thru a specific
> interface/IP address (only one would be nice, many but not all would
> be better).
>- inet_interfaces isn't suited for the job as it seems to be for
> "The network interface addresses that this mail system receives mail
> on" [1]
>- I've tried setting in something like:
>  inet  n   -   -   -   30  
> smtpd
> but that doesn't do it either (it seems it's for the receiving part too).
> At the same I'd need to have postfix smtp listen on all interfaces.
> Any other ideas please?
> [1]
> -- 
> Arthur Titeica
use smtp_bind_address in either or

Re: recipient_bcc_maps + kav = problem

2010-06-29 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 06/29/2010 01:30 PM, Arek Czereszewski wrote:


I try to use recipient_bcc_maps for one user to copy emails to another.
In I have:

recipient_bcc_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/wakacje

In wakacje:

But user2 always get 2 the same messages when user1 get only one.

I have Kaspersky AV for postfix
content_filter = kav4lms_filter:

In master I have for kav:
kav4lms_filter   unix-   -   n-  10  smtp
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes   -   n   -   10  

-o content_filter=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o mynetworks=,[::1]/128
-o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=,[::1]/128


All users and domains are virtual in pgsql.
Postfix: postfix-2.7.1,1
OS: FreeBSD 7.3
KAV: kav4lms-5.6_38

Any idea what can I do with this problem?

Kind regards

Isnt this the expected behaviour when the mail in question is sent to 
both user1 and user2 ?

User1  - 1 copy - original copy to user1
User2 - 1 copy  - original copy to user2
User2 - 1 copy  - from the bcc map


Re: dyndns adsl port forward

2010-06-28 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 06/28/2010 01:16 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Mihira Fernando put forth on 6/28/2010 2:20 AM:


you can use the free account for email by using the dyndns
FQDN allocated for the server in  your domain's MX entry.

May not be the perfect way but it works.

What domain MX entry?

Why would someone pay for DNS hosting for a single domain, and a domain
registration, when the combined cost of both may likely be about the same as
just paying for the DynDNS mail forwarding service?  On top of that, by using
your suggestion, one would have to use a CNAME for the MX, no?.  Ask Wietse
about using CNAME for MX.


Hey, I told you its not perfect.
Also its not CNAME that you use. Its the A record.
DynDNS client takes care of updating the IP for it.
Besides, most domain registrars provide DNS hosting for the same price 
so there's only the cost of registration.


Re: dyndns adsl port forward

2010-06-28 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 06/28/2010 12:14 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Basanta shrestha put forth on 6/27/2010 11:26 PM:

Dear Stan,
I doubt it is absolutely necessary to pay for that service.
Please refer

Yes, it is necessary.  You can't host a mail server without paying someone
some amount of money.  If you actually _read_ my previous email and followed
the links, you will see the page on that sells the mail forwarding
service for $49.95/year.  You can't get your email routed to your mail server
_through_ without paying for one of their mail forwarding services,
the cheapest one being $49.95/year.

Using TZO and your own domain is an alternative.  It costs a little more per
year but you don't have to have TZO or anyone else forward your mail to you.
Because you have your own domain, TZO let's you create an MX record, which does not allow.

There are other options available, other providers of these services.  Some
services are free, some are not.  Email is one that is not.  Not for, not for any free dynamic dns provider.

None of the suggestions in that forum thread are true.  The guy who said he
had it working simply by "not checking the box on their site" is full of crap.
  Lying, pure and simple.  Why?  Go ask him.

If you're on the postfix list you should already know by now the basics of
mail routing for domains.  If users want to get mail to their
subdomain routed through dyndns primary domains, they _must_ pay for it.  Why?
Because it has to be manually programmed into's MTAs.  If it's not,
your mail doesn't get to your MTA.  This is very very simple.

you can use the free account for email by using the dyndns 
FQDN allocated for the server in  your domain's MX entry.

May not be the perfect way but it works.


Re: Postfix (Ubuntu 9.10 x64) said: 421 4.4.1 Connection timed out (in reply to end of DATA command)

2010-05-28 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Fri, 28 May 2010 14:41:46 +0300
"Ioannis Tsouvalas"  wrote:

> reply
> Stan Hoeppner put forth on 5/28/201 5:42 AM:
> >The vmxnet 'NIC' is a virtual device, strictly a software driver.
> >The vmxnet driver communicates with the ESX kernel at the speed of
> >system memory, which on modern servers is over 10x faster than the
> >10 Gbe signaling rate.  There is no such thing as "link speed" in
> >this scenario as the interfaces are all software.  Ethernet link
> >speed, more correctly called a link pulse synchronization, is
> >generated by hardware devices called PHYs.  Link pulse is a hardware
> >phenomenon.  It doesn't exist in phantom software drivers, in this
> >case the vmxnet drivers.
> >Your issue is unrelated to the vmxnet "link speed" settings, unless 
> >there is a bug in the vmxnet driver code.  If you send an email from
> >an instance of Postfix running on a Linux guest to an instance of
> >Exchange running on a Windows guest, both guests running on the same
> >ESX physical machine, any communication between the two MTAs will
> >occur via direct memory copy.  The data will never be sent to the
> >physical NIC in the server.  The communication takes place through
> >the ESX virtual ethernet switch, which again is strictly software.
> >
> >--
> >Stan
> Stan thanks for the reply, as well as the insight regarding the
> difference between soft and hard nic devices. The only reason I'm
> pointing out the link pulse as well as the MTU, is that my search so
> far points me towards that direction. Now if there is a bug within
> the driver, then I guess more communication errors would have
> occurred, and the issue wouldn't be isolated on the smtp
> communication. That unfortunately, leads me back to where I started,
> without even some hope on getting closer to the solution. 
> Looking forward to further insight,
> -
> Ioannis 

Are there any firewalls between the Postfix and Exchange Server ?


Re: multi instances and multi interfaces

2010-04-24 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:08:22 +0300
Patrick Chemla  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running a smtp relay for different domains, and I want to
> separate all traffic.
> I would like to bind for each domain  the same IP address to receive
> and send messages, and it should be for each domain its own public IP
> address.
> I understand that with postfix 2.7.0 multi-instances feature I can 
> handle separate inbound queues on one system, so each queue can have
> its own IP address, but what about the outbound messages ?
> When users will post messages to relay outside, will the sending
> process bind the output on the same IP interface from where it got
> the message? I wonder it will be routed according to the route table
> through the default interface.
> Is there a way to send through separate interfaces ?
> Thanks for help
> Patrick

For each instance, set the smtp_bind_address to the desired IP. 

see for


Re: Mail Box

2009-08-24 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:28:20 -0400
Roman Gelfand  wrote:

> How does roundcube compare with exchange outlook web access?

As a webmail client, its pretty good. Follows some traits as the Gmail
web interface. However it does not have all the bells and whistles
Exchange has.

Re: user local domain remote

2009-07-20 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Monday 20 July 2009 07:56:54 pm Clunk Werclick wrote:
> Helo,
> Is somebody able to guide me?
> I have Postfix as gateway machine. It is mixed and has some
> local virtual mailboxes for domains, and for others it acts as an incoming
> relay forwarding to an internal Postfix.
> The working is very good but now I have a tiny hitch. Until now I have been
> able to cope with the simple set up as local domains on the gateway are not
> the same as the domains on the internal server. Now I have a need to keep a
> couple of email addresses on the gateway for one of the domains that is on
> the internal Postix server.
> Perhaps a diagram will help?
> Current
> Trying to configure
> Perhaps is possible somehow to have recipient on gateway Postfix
> and rest of domain relayed to internal Postfix box?
> ---

I believe you can use transport_maps and send the mail for to the 
relevant server.

Re: OT: Multiple Queues

2009-07-04 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Friday 22 May 2009 01:38:30 am Steve wrote:
> The real question I guess I am asking - is it possible to have three
> instances of Postfix running on the same box, listening on different
> ports, with separate queue directories? Actually, it would be more
> accurate to ask HOW someone would implement this and what benefits it
> could give in production?

Postfix has multiple instance capability, each instance with its own queue.

Re: Spam attacks

2009-03-04 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Wednesday 04 March 2009 20:18:18 Paweł Leśniak wrote:
> Sure. I'm sending myself emails sometime. But I'm using server which is
> permitted to send with address from my domain. So that's surely not 100%
> spam when sender eq recipient. But then we come to definition of spam. It's 
in simple words unwanted message. And when someone spoofs my email address, 
it's certainly not obeying with my image of legit mail

Have you ever tried sending an e-greeting to someone via or 
some other similar site ?
