On 11/29/2010 03:15 PM, Schwalbe, Oliver wrote:
Hi community,
i have set up a windows based GFI faxserver to send and receive fax and sms messages. the fax and sms connectors (faxmaker.com and smsmaker.com) for this faxserver are hostet on a other external exchange server.
fax and sms messages are sended with smtp protocol.
every time my suse mailserver (11.0) received a mail from a user account for the following domains xx...@faxmaker.com <mailto:xx...@faxmaker.com> or xx...@smsmaker.com <mailto:xx...@smsmaker.com> (xxxxx are fax- or celltel.-numbers)
this mails must be redirected to the exchange server.
How can i implement this function?
redirect-table is only an information tool.
kind regards
Assuming you are using Postfix, you can use transport maps to do this .
See :

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