Re: [Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: postfix, dovecot auth and rip/lip]

2009-02-10 Thread Nate

At 03:53 PM 3/18/2008, you wrote:

Wietse Venema wrote:
> There is no reason why this can't be implemented, but I want to
> avoid chaos in Postfix. So I don't want to keep adding more and
> more ad-hoc parameters to the Postfix-to-SASL library interface.
> This interface is also used by Cyrus SASL and may be used for other
> non-Cyrus implementations later. Changes to this API should be
> carefully designed.

> I understand. It's have to wait unless it can really be necessary for
> more users and could be part of 'official' API.
> I wrote about it as "for not near future" wish. As for 'some day'.

In the case of the Postfix TLS library we ran into a similar problem,
when APIs kept growing with more and more function call parameters.

To maintain some level of elegance I introduced function calls with
named parameters:

 ctx = smtpd_tls_ctx,
 stream = state->client,
 log_level = var_smtpd_tls_loglevel,
 timeout = var_smtpd_starttls_tmout,
 ...more stuff...);

C does not have named parameter lists, but they can be emulated
with a little bit of C preprocessor fu. This looks like a usable
approach for extending the Postfix-to-SASL library interface.

Another approach is using a call-back function that queries Postfix
for specific information. This is the approach taken with the
Postfix Milter client, but it is probably over-kill for SASL.


I'll throw my request in for this feature to be prioritized.  We're 
using SMTP AUTH in postfix, querying the dovecot auth socket which 
works well; however, in our virtual hosted environment it requires 
that customers login with their full email address.  Great in 
practice, but impractical when a hosting account moves over and has 
300, or 3000 subscribers all using username only authentication.  In 
that case, with dovecot currently the query is written to compare 
full email (if exists to the database) and if not, it compares the 
local_ip value of the connection to the database to do a domain match 
so the full domain is not required and then concatenates the domain 
which was just looked up by local_ip to the username for a full match.

As the dovecot auth socket does not receive the local_ip information 
from postfix currently, this is not an option.  It would help us out 
a lot if this feature were in there.

I noticed somebody wrote a patch for postfix-2.3.8.  I'm not a C 
programmer myself, so I'm not sure of it's quality or if this code 
could be used or committed to the postfix source tree.  Found at

- Nathan

Re: [Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: postfix, dovecot auth and rip/lip]

2009-02-10 Thread Nate

At 06:45 PM 2/10/2009, wrote:

At 07:22 PM 2/10/2009, Nate wrote:

At 03:53 PM 3/18/2008, you wrote:

Wietse Venema wrote:
We're using SMTP AUTH in postfix, querying the dovecot auth socket 
which works well; however, in our virtual hosted environment it 
requires that customers login with their full email 
address.  Great in practice, but impractical when a hosting 
account moves over and has 300, or 3000 subscribers all using 
username only authentication.  In that case, with dovecot 
currently the query is written to compare full email

Couldn't you just change the sql query to compare the login passed 
in to the left side of the User ID/email address?


Unfortunately not, because the server runs multiple domains, so if it 
compared r...@% for instance in the query it would likely return 
multiple results, and dovecot will reject on multiple results, as it should.

- Nate 

Set outgoing IP address based on sender e-mail address?

2009-02-14 Thread Nate Carlson

Hey all,

Sorry if this is a FAQ, I can't find anything about it online.

Is it possible to set the outgoing IP address of a locally-generated 
message based on the sender's e-mail address?

IE, if a message is submitted via 'pickup' with the sender address of 
'', use the IP '' for the outgoing IP 

If a message is submitted via 'pickup' with the sender address of 
'', use the IP '' for the outgoing IP 

Basically, in a virtual hosting environment, I'd like to ensure that mail 
sent via one user cannot affect another user's IP's 'reputation', and I'd 
also like the outgoing mail server to match the incoming MX record for the 



Do not include first 'Received' header when received via 465/587?

2009-03-05 Thread Nate Carlson


I have a client that I have set up the submission port and 465 (for 
submission over raw SSL). They use many different internet connections, 
and a few of them (Panera Bread in particular) have their IP on 
blacklists. Because the IP gets included in the first Received header from 
Postfix, some sites are catching the mail as spam (apparently some sites 
scan all 'Received' headers for DNSBL's? Sigh.)

I've found tricks to remove or edit Received headers for specific IP's via 
'header_checks'; however, what I'd like to be able to do is either remove 
the header altogether or modify the IP to one of the IP's that we own for 
all authenticated users that submit mail via 465/587. I'm not finding a 
clean way of doing this; hoping someone has been down this road before so 
I don't have to reinvent the wheel.  ;)

Appreciate any advice - thanks much!


Re: Do not include first 'Received' header when received via 465/587?

2009-03-05 Thread Nate Carlson

On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Wietse Venema wrote:

I've found tricks to remove or edit Received headers for specific IP's via
'header_checks'; however, what I'd like to be able to do is either remove
the header altogether or modify the IP to one of the IP's that we own for
all authenticated users that submit mail via 465/587.

$ man header_checks | less +/IGNORE
$ man header_checks | less +/REPLACE

Thanks.. I've got that, but I'm not finding a way to only match mail that 
comes in via Submission, and not via regular SMTP. Is there a way to tell 
Postfix to only apply the header_checks to certain mail processes?

I suppose I could do something like 'no_header_body_checks' on the main 
SMTP process, but it'd be nice to be able to do some checks there in the 
future too.


Re: Do not include first 'Received' header when received via 465/587?

2009-03-06 Thread Nate Carlson

On Fri, 6 Mar 2009, Noel Jones wrote:

Victor Duchovni wrote:

Probably want a ":" in there to make it a valid header:

if /^Received:/
/\n\tby (smtp\.example\.com \(Postfix\) with ESTMPS?A id \w+)/
REPLACE X-Submitted: to $1

Yes, thanks.

I extrapolated from this, and got something that works perfectly - thanks 
so much!

if /^Received:/
/.*by (hostname \(Postfix\) with ESMTPS?A).*/
REPLACE X-Submitted: to $1

My servers do additional processing, and add received headers after this, 
so no issues with spam filters (as mentioned later in this thread.)

Appreciate the help!