[postgis-users] MULTIPOINT WKT - parentheses or no parentheses?

2011-01-08 Thread Mike Leahy
Hello list,

Hello all - does anyone know about whether the multipoint WKT format should 
have points separated with parentheses (e.g., "MULTIPOINT((1 2),(3 4))"), or 
should it not (e.g., "MULTIPOINT(1 2,3 4)")? PostGIS returns the latter (no 
parentheses), but if you look at the OGC doc linked from here here: 
http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfa, the example for MULTIPOINT on 
page 61 has parentheses - same thing on Wikipedia: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text - I'm not sure what the correct 
OGC reference for WKB is though.

I'm asking because the WKT parser in OpenLayers currently expects parentheses 
when its parser reads a multipoint, which is easy enough to work around. But 
should PostGIS be including parentheses if it is the accepted format (or is 
there a way to do this already?), or should we expect that any application 
that parses WKT must be able to pars both formats (e.g., like PostGIS does)?

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-31 Thread Mike Leahy

Thanks again for the suggestions.  The default values for join_collapse_limit 
and from_collapse_limit were set to 8 - I upped these both to 128, with no 
observable difference.

I guess this issue is better suited for the general PostgreSQL mailing 


On Wednesday 31 March 2010 15:51:14 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Mike,
> Couple of  thoughts.  Given you have so many joins, could be you are
> reaching the join collapse limit and the planner is kicking out before
> making an optimal plan.
> Try increasing the join_collapse_limit and from_collapse_limit
> As was detailed in this thread
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2009-04/msg00258.php
> Alternatively could be your actual and estimated costs are out of wack and
> might help upping your default targets and reanalyzing data. You can
> probably get a sense of this by doing a an explain analyze of your query
>  and comparing the actual cost/row count with the estimated cost/row count
>  where its doing a nested loop.
>  Admittedly this hasn't helped much for us.
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2009-02/msg00336.php
> Leo and Regina,
> http:///www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Mike
> Leahy
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:17 PM
> To: Mark Cave-Ayland
> Cc: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance
> Hi Mark,
> I set effective_cache_size to 3072mb, and shared_buffers to 1024mb (as my
> system has a total of 4gb).  This only slightly (if at all) improves the
> performance, maybe reducing the query by somewhere around 500 ms (down to
> ~14700 ms).  All other parameters in the postgresql.conf are defaults.  I
> don't recall exactly what I changed before (I was just tried increasing
> memory limits and other things pretty much without knowing what I was
> doing), but none of that really seems to have a significant impact on the
> performance.
> The challenge with trying to reduce this query is that the nested loop join
> only happens with the query as a whole (in general).  The briefest example
>  I could put together was presented in the thread last week (see the
>  attachment here:
>  http://postgis.org/pipermail/postgis-users/2010-March/026239.html). If I
>  pull any more parameters or parts out of the query, the nest loop (and the
>  resulting errors/crashes I was encountering at the time) would not happen.
> Regards,
> Mike
> On Wednesday 31 March 2010 04:40:09 Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> > Mike Leahy wrote:
> > > Mark/List,
> > >
> > > I just replaced my postgresql.conf with the default copy that
> > > appears in /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/ after a fresh install.  The
> > > performance is pretty much the same as before (maybe even about 400
> > > ms worse than before).
> > >
> > > Is there anything else I should try?
> > >
> > > Mike
> >
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > Which parameters did you change? effective_cache_size and
> > shared_buffers should be tweaked to suit the RAM available in your
> > machine but the rest of the defaults are fairly sensible.
> >
> > You probably want to set effective_cache_size to ~75% of your physical
> > RAM and shared_buffers to ~25%. Does that make any difference at all?
> >
> > Otherwise, you'll need to start breaking down your query into parts to
> > see which bit is causing the slowdown. Start with the innermost query
> > and then add one join at a time until you find the part which is
> > causing the slowdown.
> >
> >
> > ATB,
> >
> > Mark.
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-31 Thread Mike Leahy
Hi Mark,

I set effective_cache_size to 3072mb, and shared_buffers to 1024mb (as my 
has a total of 4gb).  This only slightly (if at all) improves the performance, 
maybe reducing the query by somewhere around 500 ms (down to ~14700 ms).  All 
other parameters in the postgresql.conf are defaults.  I don't recall exactly 
what I changed before (I was just tried increasing memory limits and other 
things pretty much without knowing what I was doing), but none of that really 
seems to have a significant impact on the performance.

The challenge with trying to reduce this query is that the nested loop join 
only happens with the query as a whole (in general).  The briefest example I 
could put together was presented in the thread last week (see the attachment 
here: http://postgis.org/pipermail/postgis-users/2010-March/026239.html).  If 
I pull any more parameters or parts out of the query, the nest loop (and the 
resulting errors/crashes I was encountering at the time) would not happen.


On Wednesday 31 March 2010 04:40:09 Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> Mike Leahy wrote:
> > Mark/List,
> >
> > I just replaced my postgresql.conf with the default copy that appears in
> > /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/ after a fresh install.  The performance is
> > pretty much the same as before (maybe even about 400 ms worse than
> > before).
> >
> > Is there anything else I should try?
> >
> > Mike
> Hi Mike,
> Which parameters did you change? effective_cache_size and shared_buffers
> should be tweaked to suit the RAM available in your machine but the rest
> of the defaults are fairly sensible.
> You probably want to set effective_cache_size to ~75% of your physical
> RAM and shared_buffers to ~25%. Does that make any difference at all?
> Otherwise, you'll need to start breaking down your query into parts to
> see which bit is causing the slowdown. Start with the innermost query
> and then add one join at a time until you find the part which is causing
> the slowdown.
> ATB,
> Mark.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-29 Thread Mike Leahy

I just replaced my postgresql.conf with the default copy that appears in 
/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/ after a fresh install.  The performance is pretty 
much the same as before (maybe even about 400 ms worse than before).

Is there anything else I should try?


On Monday 29 March 2010 17:35:29 Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I don't recall making any changes...at least not until the error I
>  encountered last week cropped up - but I think I reversed those changes (I
>  will double- check tonight).  But I think I have encountered performance
>  problems with this query before on other systems - I had originally
>  dismissed it as hardware limitations I was dealing in my testing system at
>  the time.  After recent hardware upgrades and after dealing with that
>  specific bug, that's when the slow performance of this query really stood
>  out.
> Mike
> On Monday 29 March 2010 07:53:50 Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> > Mike Leahy wrote:
> > > Is this something that should be looked into, or should I just
> > > incorporate the workaround of disabling nested loop joins into my code?
> >
> > I find that generally PostgreSQL is fairly good at its estimates unless
> > someone has already tried to tune the database. Have you changed any of
> > the settings in postgresql.conf from their defaults?
> >
> >
> > ATB,
> >
> > Mark.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-29 Thread Mike Leahy
Hi Mark,

I don't recall making any changes...at least not until the error I encountered 
last week cropped up - but I think I reversed those changes (I will double-
check tonight).  But I think I have encountered performance problems with this 
query before on other systems - I had originally dismissed it as hardware 
limitations I was dealing in my testing system at the time.  After recent 
hardware upgrades and after dealing with that specific bug, that's when the 
slow performance of this query really stood out.


On Monday 29 March 2010 07:53:50 Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
> Mike Leahy wrote:
> > Is this something that should be looked into, or should I just
> > incorporate the workaround of disabling nested loop joins into my code?
> I find that generally PostgreSQL is fairly good at its estimates unless
> someone has already tried to tune the database. Have you changed any of
> the settings in postgresql.conf from their defaults?
> ATB,
> Mark.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-28 Thread Mike Leahy
Sorry all...here's the explain output I promised in my previous message...

On Sunday 28 March 2010 11:57:01 Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hello list,
> Following up from the bug that was successfully resolved last week
> (http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/469), I've found that nested loop
>  joins are actually causing very bad performance with my queries.
> Thanks to the observations of Leo and Regina in that discussion, I have
>  found that I can work around this by setting enable_nestloop = off.  Once
>  that is specified, queries start working about as fast.  With
>  enable_nestloop = on, a query may take ~15000 ms, while enable_nestloop =
>  off returns the same query in ~90 ms.
> I have attached a textfile showing the different 'explain analzye' results
>  for the full query with/without nestloop enabled.  You could also refer to
>  the somewhat simplified queries I put together in discussion thread
>  related to bug #469 (see
>  http://postgis.refractions.net/pipermail/postgis-users/2010-
>  March/026235.html for some examples).
> Is this something that should be looked into, or should I just incorporate
>  the workaround of disabling nested loop joins into my code?
> Thanks,
> Mike
enable_nestloop = on:


 Sort  (cost=260.10..260.10 rows=1 width=385) (actual time=15084.727..15084.730 
rows=25 loops=1)
   Sort Key: cl.id
   Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 32kB
   ->  Limit  (cost=260.07..260.08 rows=1 width=360) (actual 
time=15084.700..15084.708 rows=25 loops=1)
 ->  Sort  (cost=260.07..260.08 rows=1 width=360) (actual 
time=15084.699..15084.704 rows=25 loops=1)
   Sort Key: cl.id
   Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 32kB
   ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=212.58..260.06 rows=1 
width=360) (actual time=68.629..15083.483 rows=204 loops=1)
 Join Filter: (csl1.chat_id = cl.id)
 ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=159.35..202.70 rows=1 
width=328) (actual time=68.070..10418.323 rows=204 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (csl2.chat_id = cl.id)
   ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=99.82..134.88 
rows=1 width=296) (actual time=7.868..18.477 rows=204 loops=1)
 Join Filter: (cl.id = chat_log.parent_id)
 ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=87.20..120.09 rows=1 
width=264) (actual time=0.040..1.787 rows=204 loops=1)
   Hash Cond: (cl.id = ctu.id)
   Filter: (((ctu.num_target_users IS NULL) 
AND (ctg.num_target_groups IS NULL)) OR ((ctu.num_target_users + 
ctg.num_target_groups) = 0) OR cl.username)::text = 'admin'::text) OR 
('admin'::text = ANY (ctu.target_users_array)) OR ('{admin,everyone}'::text[] 
&& ctg.target_groups_array)) AND (cl."time" > '2010-03-28 
10:54:44.382616-04'::timestamp with time zone)))
   ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=43.60..63.86 
rows=205 width=256) (actual time=0.030..1.302 rows=204 loops=1)
 Hash Cond: (cl.id = ctg.id)
 ->  Seq Scan on chat_log cl  
(cost=0.00..12.62 rows=205 width=184) (actual time=0.015..0.833 rows=204 
   Filter: ((NOT deleted) AND 
(id < 5090) AND (depth = 0))
 ->  Hash  (cost=41.10..41.10 
rows=200 width=76) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Subquery Scan ctg  
(cost=34.60..41.10 rows=200 width=76) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1)
 ->  HashAggregate  
(cost=34.60..39.10 rows=200 width=36) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on 
chat_target_groups  (cost=0.00..22.30 rows=1230 width=36) (actual 
time=0.001..0.001 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Hash  (cost=41.10..41.10 rows=200 

[postgis-users] Nested loop join = very bad performance

2010-03-28 Thread Mike Leahy
Hello list,

Following up from the bug that was successfully resolved last week 
(http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/469), I've found that nested loop joins 
are actually causing very bad performance with my queries.

Thanks to the observations of Leo and Regina in that discussion, I have found 
that I can work around this by setting enable_nestloop = off.  Once that is 
specified, queries start working about as fast.  With enable_nestloop = on, a 
query may take ~15000 ms, while enable_nestloop = off returns the same query in 
~90 ms.

I have attached a textfile showing the different 'explain analzye' results for 
the full query with/without nestloop enabled.  You could also refer to the 
somewhat simplified queries I put together in discussion thread related to bug 
#469 (see http://postgis.refractions.net/pipermail/postgis-users/2010-
March/026235.html for some examples).

Is this something that should be looked into, or should I just incorporate the 
workaround of disabling nested loop joins into my code?


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds themaximumallowed(134217727)

2010-03-21 Thread Mike Leahy

Yes, I can confirm that the non-working queries work when enable_nestloop is 
off, and enable_hashjoin is on.

The opposite is not the case - setting enable_nestloop on and enable_hashjoin 
off does not make the 'working' variations of my query crash.

Nice catch - is there anything further I can do from my end to troubleshoot 


On Sunday 21 March 2010 23:01:34 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Mike and Paul,
> We took a quick look at the query plans.  Admittedly we suck at reading
>  text plans; always rely on the graphical explain.
> Anyrate -- one striking thing it seems between the ones that don't work and
> the ones that work are
> The ones that work never employ a nested loop scan
> Both the segfault one and the exceed max allowed employ nested loops.  So
> maybe its the interaction between nested loops and hash agg causing the
> problem.
> Could you two try disabling nested loop scan and run the crashing ones.
>  Also verify that the plan has indeed changed to not use nested loops.
> set enable_nestloop = off;
> set enable_hashjoin = on;
> run query
> --- If you can't disable nested loop, try disabling the hash_join to see if
> you can make the working queries crash
> set enable_hashjoin = off;
> set enable_nestloop = on;
> run query
> Leo and Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Leahy [mailto:mgl@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Mike Leahy
> Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 7:43 PM
> To: Paul Ramsey
> Cc: PostGIS Users Discussion; Paragon Corporation
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds
> themaximumallowed(134217727)
> Ok,
> I've attached the smallest version of this query I can make before the
>  error goes away.  It seems to be very particular, but at least I have been
>  able to take out some of the subqueries. Does this still produce the error
>  in your environments as well?
> Mike
> On Sunday 21 March 2010 18:28:59 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> > Suggests nothing in particular, I'm afraid, because this isn't my area
> > of expertise ;) It's probably an 8-hour bug, so it could be a while
> > before I can devote an entire day to tracking back into it. It would
> > be ideal to have a smaller query that does the same thing.
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Mike Leahy
> >
> >  wrote:
> > > Paul,
> > >
> > > Thanks for looking into it - at least I know it's not just me (for
> > > the array size limit at least).
> > >
> > > What does a cleanly trapped error like this suggest to you?  If you
> > > try different variations on the where condition at the end of the
> > > statement, are you able to get a segfault?
> > >
> > > Mike
> > >
> > > On Sunday 21 March 2010 12:57:03 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> > >> As I was installing KUbuntu, I realized I should try the query on
> > >> my own system, and under OS/X 10.6 I see the array error, though it
> > >> seems to be cleanly trapped, there is no segfault.
> > >>
> > >> crashdb=# \i ./crashing.sql
> > >> psql:./crashing.sql:36: ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum
> > >> allowed
> > >> (134217727)
> > >> crashdb=#
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> P.
> > >>
> > >> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Mike Leahy
> > >> 
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >> > Leo/Regina,
> > >> >
> > >> > In response to your earlier message, I did find that report of
> > >> > the identical error message.  However, as I'm sure you noticed,
> > >> > there is no apparent investigation that followed after it.  That
> > >> > was why I went to the PostgreSQL IRC channel first...they walked
> > >> > me through generating a core dump, which is what then pointed to
> > >> > it being a problem related to PostGIS.  So while it's certainly
> > >> > the same error being reported, the source of the problem in this
> > >> > case appears PostGIS-specific - likely due to the logic that you
> > >> > note was borrowed from the array_agg that caused the problem in the
> previous report.
> > >> > As for looking at the different query plans for
> > >> > working/non-working versions of the statement with different
> > >> > where conditions, I've attached several results in text files.
> > >> > Two example

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds themaximumallowed(134217727)

2010-03-21 Thread Mike Leahy

I've attached the smallest version of this query I can make before the error 
goes away.  It seems to be very particular, but at least I have been able to 
take out some of the subqueries. Does this still produce the error in your 
environments as well?


On Sunday 21 March 2010 18:28:59 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Suggests nothing in particular, I'm afraid, because this isn't my area
> of expertise ;) It's probably an 8-hour bug, so it could be a while
> before I can devote an entire day to tracking back into it. It would
> be ideal to have a smaller query that does the same thing.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Mike Leahy
>  wrote:
> > Paul,
> >
> > Thanks for looking into it - at least I know it's not just me (for the
> > array size limit at least).
> >
> > What does a cleanly trapped error like this suggest to you?  If you try
> > different variations on the where condition at the end of the statement,
> > are you able to get a segfault?
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On Sunday 21 March 2010 12:57:03 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> >> As I was installing KUbuntu, I realized I should try the query on my
> >> own system, and under OS/X 10.6 I see the array error, though it seems
> >> to be cleanly trapped, there is no segfault.
> >>
> >> crashdb=# \i ./crashing.sql
> >> psql:./crashing.sql:36: ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum allowed
> >> (134217727)
> >> crashdb=#
> >>
> >>
> >> P.
> >>
> >> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Mike Leahy
> >> 
> >
> > wrote:
> >> > Leo/Regina,
> >> >
> >> > In response to your earlier message, I did find that report of the
> >> > identical error message.  However, as I'm sure you noticed, there is
> >> > no apparent investigation that followed after it.  That was why I went
> >> > to the PostgreSQL IRC channel first...they walked me through
> >> > generating a core dump, which is what then pointed to it being a
> >> > problem related to PostGIS.  So while it's certainly the same error
> >> > being reported, the source of the problem in this case appears
> >> > PostGIS-specific - likely due to the logic that you note was borrowed
> >> > from the array_agg that caused the problem in the previous report.
> >> >
> >> > As for looking at the different query plans for working/non-working
> >> > versions of the statement with different where conditions, I've
> >> > attached several results in text files.  Two examples that worked, one
> >> > that segfaults, and one that produces the 'array size exceeds...'
> >> > error message.  All of these are the same query, just with variations
> >> > in the where condition.  The query plan is a but much for me to
> >> > interpret though - what does this look like to the experts?
> >> >
> >> > Mike
> >> >
> >> > On Saturday 20 March 2010 23:35:32 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> >> >> Mike,
> >> >> Another thought.  I suppose it could be the more or less two
> >> >> identical subselects both with array_aggs
> >> >> Just to give Paul something hopefully shorter to work with.  Does
> >> >> this fail too?
> >> >>
> >> >> SELECT csls.chat_id, csls.ugeom
> >> >> FROM  (
> >> >>
> >> >> SELECT '[stuff]' AS selection, st_union(geom) AS ugeom,
> >> >> csl1.chat_id FROM testdb.user_selections AS us1
> >> >> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl1 ON us1.id =
> >> >> csl1.selection_id
> >> >>   WHERE (not us1.user_drawing and not csl1.deleted)
> >> >> GROUP BY chat_id
> >> >>
> >> >>   ) AS csls
> >> >>
> >> >>   LEFT JOIN (
> >> >>
> >> >> SELECT '[stuff]' AS drawing, st_union(geom) AS ugeom,
> >> >> csl2.chat_id FROM testdb.user_selections AS us2
> >> >> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl2 ON us2.id =
> >> >> csl2.selection_id
> >> >>   WHERE (us2.user_drawing and us2.deleted and not csl2.deleted)
> >> >>GROUP BY chat_id
> >> >>
> >> >>   ) AS csld ON csls.chat_id = csld.chat_id
> >> >>
> >> >> Leo and Regina,
> >> >> http://www.postgis.us
> >> >>
> >> >

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds themaximumallowed(134217727)

2010-03-21 Thread Mike Leahy

Thanks for looking into it - at least I know it's not just me (for the array 
size limit at least).

What does a cleanly trapped error like this suggest to you?  If you try 
different variations on the where condition at the end of the statement, are 
you able to get a segfault?


On Sunday 21 March 2010 12:57:03 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> As I was installing KUbuntu, I realized I should try the query on my
> own system, and under OS/X 10.6 I see the array error, though it seems
> to be cleanly trapped, there is no segfault.
> crashdb=# \i ./crashing.sql
> psql:./crashing.sql:36: ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum allowed
> (134217727)
> crashdb=#
> P.
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Mike Leahy  
> > Leo/Regina,
> >
> > In response to your earlier message, I did find that report of the
> > identical error message.  However, as I'm sure you noticed, there is no
> > apparent investigation that followed after it.  That was why I went to
> > the PostgreSQL IRC channel first...they walked me through generating a
> > core dump, which is what then pointed to it being a problem related to
> > PostGIS.  So while it's certainly the same error being reported, the
> > source of the problem in this case appears PostGIS-specific - likely due
> > to the logic that you note was borrowed from the array_agg that caused
> > the problem in the previous report.
> >
> > As for looking at the different query plans for working/non-working
> > versions of the statement with different where conditions, I've attached
> > several results in text files.  Two examples that worked, one that
> > segfaults, and one that produces the 'array size exceeds...' error
> > message.  All of these are the same query, just with variations in the
> > where condition.  The query plan is a but much for me to interpret though
> > - what does this look like to the experts?
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On Saturday 20 March 2010 23:35:32 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> >> Mike,
> >> Another thought.  I suppose it could be the more or less two identical
> >> subselects both with array_aggs
> >> Just to give Paul something hopefully shorter to work with.  Does this
> >> fail too?
> >>
> >> SELECT csls.chat_id, csls.ugeom
> >> FROM  (
> >>
> >> SELECT '[stuff]' AS selection, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl1.chat_id
> >>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us1
> >> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl1 ON us1.id =
> >> csl1.selection_id
> >>   WHERE (not us1.user_drawing and not csl1.deleted)
> >> GROUP BY chat_id
> >>
> >>   ) AS csls
> >>
> >>   LEFT JOIN (
> >>
> >> SELECT '[stuff]' AS drawing, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl2.chat_id
> >>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us2
> >> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl2 ON us2.id =
> >> csl2.selection_id
> >>   WHERE (us2.user_drawing and us2.deleted and not csl2.deleted)
> >>GROUP BY chat_id
> >>
> >>   ) AS csld ON csls.chat_id = csld.chat_id
> >>
> >> Leo and Regina,
> >> http://www.postgis.us
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> >> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> >> Paragon Corporation
> >> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:29 PM
> >> To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> >> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds
> >> themaximumallowed(134217727)
> >>
> >> Mike,
> >> Actually scanning thru the archives that 13... is a common number so
> >>  suspect that is an OS limit.
> >>
> >> This could be very well a bug in PostgreSQL 8.4.
> >>
> >> Have you tried this on other PostgreSQL 8.4 installs on other your
> >> Fedoras - you mentioned trying on older installs?
> >>
> >> Your problem sounds exactly like this guy's and he wasn't using PostGIS
> >> at all but array_agg (which is logic that PostGIS borrowed from to
> >> implement the faster collecting ST_Union behavior)i
> >> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2009-06/msg01171.php
> >>
> >> If you haven't already probably good to check the plan difference
> >> between the two queries (one with addtional WHERE and one without).  It
> >> could be doing something nuts like runni

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds themaximumallowed(134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy

In response to your earlier message, I did find that report of the identical 
error message.  However, as I'm sure you noticed, there is no apparent 
investigation that followed after it.  That was why I went to the PostgreSQL 
IRC channel first...they walked me through generating a core dump, which is 
what then pointed to it being a problem related to PostGIS.  So while it's 
certainly the same error being reported, the source of the problem in this 
case appears PostGIS-specific - likely due to the logic that you note was 
borrowed from the array_agg that caused the problem in the previous report.

As for looking at the different query plans for working/non-working versions of 
the statement with different where conditions, I've attached several results in 
text files.  Two examples that worked, one that segfaults, and one that 
produces the 'array size exceeds...' error message.  All of these are the same 
query, just with variations in the where condition.  The query plan is a but 
much for me to interpret though - what does this look like to the experts?


On Saturday 20 March 2010 23:35:32 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Mike,
> Another thought.  I suppose it could be the more or less two identical
> subselects both with array_aggs
> Just to give Paul something hopefully shorter to work with.  Does this fail
> too?
> SELECT csls.chat_id, csls.ugeom
> FROM  (
> SELECT '[stuff]' AS selection, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl1.chat_id
>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us1
> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl1 ON us1.id =
> csl1.selection_id
>   WHERE (not us1.user_drawing and not csl1.deleted)
> GROUP BY chat_id
>   ) AS csls
> SELECT '[stuff]' AS drawing, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl2.chat_id
>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us2
> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl2 ON us2.id =
> csl2.selection_id
>   WHERE (us2.user_drawing and us2.deleted and not csl2.deleted)
>GROUP BY chat_id
>   ) AS csld ON csls.chat_id = csld.chat_id
> Leo and Regina,
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paragon
> Corporation
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:29 PM
> To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds
> themaximumallowed(134217727)
> Mike,
> Actually scanning thru the archives that 13... is a common number so
>  suspect that is an OS limit.
> This could be very well a bug in PostgreSQL 8.4.
> Have you tried this on other PostgreSQL 8.4 installs on other your Fedoras
>  - you mentioned trying on older installs?
> Your problem sounds exactly like this guy's and he wasn't using PostGIS at
> all but array_agg (which is logic that PostGIS borrowed from to implement
> the faster collecting ST_Union behavior)i
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2009-06/msg01171.php
> If you haven't already probably good to check the plan difference between
> the two queries (one with addtional WHERE and one without).  It could be
> doing something nuts like running the sub select for each record you have
>  in the outer only when your extra WHERE condition is added and doing more
>  or less the sane thing when you take it out.
> We've had some odd behavior in 8.4 with the planner doing strange things
> that we haven't been able to pin down and had to implement workaround for.
> As we described in this article.. Its probably unrelated though but just a
> thought to throw out at the wind.
> http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/index.php?/archives/149-Forcing-the-p
> l anners-hand-with-set-enable_seqscan-off-WTF.html
> Leo and Regina,
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
> Ramsey
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 8:23 PM
> To: mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca; PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the
> maximumallowed(134217727)
> Mike
> Well, if you can reduce it to a small db dump and query that exercises it,
>  I can install a 64bit ubuntu VM and see if it happens here too.
> P
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Mike Leahy 
> wrote:
> > FWIW,  if I remove the entire where clause at the end of the
> > statement, it works again (with st_union()) and is virtually
> instantaneous.
> > On Saturday 20 March

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds themaximumallowed(134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy

That query there does not crash.  I'll try to follow up on your suggestions in 
the prior email.


On Saturday 20 March 2010 23:35:32 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Mike,
> Another thought.  I suppose it could be the more or less two identical
> subselects both with array_aggs
> Just to give Paul something hopefully shorter to work with.  Does this fail
> too?
> SELECT csls.chat_id, csls.ugeom
> FROM  (
> SELECT '[stuff]' AS selection, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl1.chat_id
>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us1
> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl1 ON us1.id =
> csl1.selection_id
>   WHERE (not us1.user_drawing and not csl1.deleted)
> GROUP BY chat_id
>   ) AS csls
> SELECT '[stuff]' AS drawing, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl2.chat_id
>   FROM testdb.user_selections AS us2
> INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl2 ON us2.id =
> csl2.selection_id
>   WHERE (us2.user_drawing and us2.deleted and not csl2.deleted)
>GROUP BY chat_id
>   ) AS csld ON csls.chat_id = csld.chat_id
> Leo and Regina,
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paragon
> Corporation
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:29 PM
> To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds
> themaximumallowed(134217727)
> Mike,
> Actually scanning thru the archives that 13... is a common number so
>  suspect that is an OS limit.
> This could be very well a bug in PostgreSQL 8.4.
> Have you tried this on other PostgreSQL 8.4 installs on other your Fedoras
>  - you mentioned trying on older installs?
> Your problem sounds exactly like this guy's and he wasn't using PostGIS at
> all but array_agg (which is logic that PostGIS borrowed from to implement
> the faster collecting ST_Union behavior)i
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2009-06/msg01171.php
> If you haven't already probably good to check the plan difference between
> the two queries (one with addtional WHERE and one without).  It could be
> doing something nuts like running the sub select for each record you have
>  in the outer only when your extra WHERE condition is added and doing more
>  or less the sane thing when you take it out.
> We've had some odd behavior in 8.4 with the planner doing strange things
> that we haven't been able to pin down and had to implement workaround for.
> As we described in this article.. Its probably unrelated though but just a
> thought to throw out at the wind.
> http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/index.php?/archives/149-Forcing-the-p
> l anners-hand-with-set-enable_seqscan-off-WTF.html
> Leo and Regina,
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
> Ramsey
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 8:23 PM
> To: mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca; PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the
> maximumallowed(134217727)
> Mike
> Well, if you can reduce it to a small db dump and query that exercises it,
>  I can install a 64bit ubuntu VM and see if it happens here too.
> P
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Mike Leahy 
> wrote:
> > FWIW,  if I remove the entire where clause at the end of the
> > statement, it works again (with st_union()) and is virtually
> instantaneous.
> > On Saturday 20 March 2010 18:10:38 Mike Leahy wrote:
> >> Hey,
> >>
> >> The query (when it works) is virtually instantaneous when I use
> >>  st_memunion() (or when I took out part of the where clause -
> >> although now
> >>  I can't even get that to work, so maybe it was just lucky).  Each of
> >> the
> >>  subqueries also work fine without any obvious problem.
> >>
> >> To me, it seems to be a combination of things that somehow add up to
> >> this limitation...I don't see what settings could affect the array
> >> size limit
> >>  (in postgresql.conf).  Can anyone point to a config option that
> >> might make
> >>  a difference, or maybe point to another place with settings I can
> >> tinker
> >>  with?
> >>
> >> Mike
> >>
> >> On Saturday 20 March 2010 17:53:24 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> >> > Mike,

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed(134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy
FWIW,  if I remove the entire where clause at the end of the statement, it 
works again (with st_union()) and is virtually instantaneous.

On Saturday 20 March 2010 18:10:38 Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hey,
> The query (when it works) is virtually instantaneous when I use
>  st_memunion() (or when I took out part of the where clause - although now
>  I can't even get that to work, so maybe it was just lucky).  Each of the
>  subqueries also work fine without any obvious problem.
> To me, it seems to be a combination of things that somehow add up to this
> limitation...I don't see what settings could affect the array size limit
>  (in postgresql.conf).  Can anyone point to a config option that might make
>  a difference, or maybe point to another place with settings I can tinker
>  with?
> Mike
> On Saturday 20 March 2010 17:53:24 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> > We apologize, didn't notice this was in a subquery and that you have a
> >  limit statement in your query.   So we presume regardless of your WHERE
> >  only 26 records are being selected.
> >
> > So Paul could be right that you do have data that is hitting some
> > compiled or variable limit.
> >
> > Does running the subquery alone work or you didn't try because it takes a
> > long time?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Leo and Regina
> > http://www.postgis.us
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mike Leahy [mailto:mgl@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Mike Leahy
> > Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:01 PM
> > To: Paragon Corporation
> > Cc: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
> > Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> > allowed(134217727)
> >
> > Hi Leo/Regina,
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestion.  I tried adding the clause 'not geom is null'
> > to the where statement in each of the two sub-queries that have the
> > st_union(geom) functions are used, but it still segfaults.
> >
> > I also tried this on a fresh database with very little data, and it
> > doesn't seem to cause problems.  But I have two databases with live data
> > where I can cause this.  I have been able to pare one of these down to
> > remove personal information and reduce unnecessary data, while still
> > generating the crash with
> > that query.   Would someone be interested in a dump of this db?  Of
> > course, that someone would ideally be able to test this on a 64-bit
> > (K)ubutnu system, in the hopes that the problem can be replicated.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On Saturday 20 March 2010 11:32:35 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> > > Paul,
> > > I doubt array size limit is the issue.  He said when he left the where
> > > condition out it worked.  I would think it would definitely blow up in
> > > that case.
> > >
> > > Mike,
> > > The issue from before was that array aggregate functions did not
> > > handle NULLs correctly.  64-bit systems were more likely to segfault
> > > or give strange Errros in this case.
> > >
> > > To rule out that we still have some of these issues in the code base,
> > > can you add a
> > >
> > > geom IS NOT NULL
> > >
> > > Condition to your WHERE filter.  If that works, then the NULL issue is
> > > probably still lurking somewhere.
> > >
> > > Leo and Regina
> > > http://www.postgis.us
> > >
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> > > [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> > > Paul Ramsey
> > > Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:56 AM
> > > To: PostGIS Users Discussion; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> > > Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> > > allowed(134217727)
> > >
> > > Actually, memunion does the opposite, it passes the resultant and
> > > preserves mem. The default behavior is fast-but-memory-hungry. And has
> > > been for some time, though in different forms. There were some bugs in
> > > the array handling code, but Mark CA killed most of them, so the
> > > latest 1.5 and 1.4 streams should be good. If it's possible that the
> > > issue is one of array size, maybe Mike could find the dial that
> > > controls that maximum, and turn it up and  down and see if it makes his
> >
> > problem go away/happen sooner.
> >
> > > P.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, strk  wrote:

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed(134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy

The query (when it works) is virtually instantaneous when I use st_memunion() 
(or when I took out part of the where clause - although now I can't even get 
that to work, so maybe it was just lucky).  Each of the subqueries also work 
fine without any obvious problem.

To me, it seems to be a combination of things that somehow add up to this 
limitation...I don't see what settings could affect the array size limit (in 
postgresql.conf).  Can anyone point to a config option that might make a 
difference, or maybe point to another place with settings I can tinker with?


On Saturday 20 March 2010 17:53:24 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Mike,
> We apologize, didn't notice this was in a subquery and that you have a
>  limit statement in your query.   So we presume regardless of your WHERE
>  only 26 records are being selected.
> So Paul could be right that you do have data that is hitting some compiled
> or variable limit.
> Does running the subquery alone work or you didn't try because it takes a
> long time?
> Thanks,
> Leo and Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Leahy [mailto:mgl@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Mike Leahy
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:01 PM
> To: Paragon Corporation
> Cc: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> allowed(134217727)
> Hi Leo/Regina,
> Thanks for the suggestion.  I tried adding the clause 'not geom is null' to
> the where statement in each of the two sub-queries that have the
> st_union(geom) functions are used, but it still segfaults.
> I also tried this on a fresh database with very little data, and it doesn't
> seem to cause problems.  But I have two databases with live data where I
>  can cause this.  I have been able to pare one of these down to remove
>  personal information and reduce unnecessary data, while still generating
>  the crash with
> that query.   Would someone be interested in a dump of this db?  Of course,
> that someone would ideally be able to test this on a 64-bit (K)ubutnu
> system, in the hopes that the problem can be replicated.
> Mike
> On Saturday 20 March 2010 11:32:35 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> > Paul,
> > I doubt array size limit is the issue.  He said when he left the where
> > condition out it worked.  I would think it would definitely blow up in
> > that case.
> >
> > Mike,
> > The issue from before was that array aggregate functions did not
> > handle NULLs correctly.  64-bit systems were more likely to segfault
> > or give strange Errros in this case.
> >
> > To rule out that we still have some of these issues in the code base,
> > can you add a
> >
> > geom IS NOT NULL
> >
> > Condition to your WHERE filter.  If that works, then the NULL issue is
> > probably still lurking somewhere.
> >
> > Leo and Regina
> > http://www.postgis.us
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> > [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> > Paul Ramsey
> > Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:56 AM
> > To: PostGIS Users Discussion; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> > Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> > allowed(134217727)
> >
> > Actually, memunion does the opposite, it passes the resultant and
> > preserves mem. The default behavior is fast-but-memory-hungry. And has
> > been for some time, though in different forms. There were some bugs in
> > the array handling code, but Mark CA killed most of them, so the
> > latest 1.5 and 1.4 streams should be good. If it's possible that the
> > issue is one of array size, maybe Mike could find the dial that
> > controls that maximum, and turn it up and  down and see if it makes his
> problem go away/happen sooner.
> > P.
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, strk  wrote:
> > > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:49:42AM -0400, Mike Leahy wrote:
> > >> Hello again,
> > >>
> > >> It might be of interest to point out that substituting st_union()
> > >> with
> > >> st_memunion() seems to have worked around this.  I'm curious
> > >> though, because there is not a great deal of data being processed,
> > >> and I am running this on a fairly sturdy system that that has more
> > >> capacity than some of the Fedora systems I'm running.
> > >
> > > st_memunion builds a big array with all geometries in it..
> > > you were hit

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy

I have tried booting into the following kernels, all exhibiting the same 


I believe 2.6.31-14-generic is the original kernel installed with this version 
of Ubuntu, so unless the change to the kernel you're thinking occurred 
previous to the 9.10 Karmic release, it's not the culprit here.


On Saturday 20 March 2010 15:03:47 Mike Leahy wrote:
> Chris,
> Sorry for not catching this one sooner (I'm subscribed to the digest)...but
> thanks for pointing this out. The system is completely up to date.  I could
> reboot into an older kernel to see if that solve the problem.  I'll report
> results a bit later today.
> Mike
> --
> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:03:13 -0700
> From: Chris Hermansen 
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> allowed (134217727)
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion 
> Message-ID: <4ba4ffd1.9020...@timberline.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Very recently there was a kernel patch in Ubuntu regarding - if memory
> serves - memory copying.  How up to date is the system in question?
> strk wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 07:56:14AM -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> >> Actually, memunion does the opposite, it passes the resultant and
> >> preserves mem.
> >
> > Oops, sorry for the confusion. Not-so-intuitive name :P
> >
> > --strk;
> >
> >   ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
> >   /\   http://strk.keybit.net/services.html
> > ___
> > postgis-users mailing list
> > postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> > http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy

Sorry for not catching this one sooner (I'm subscribed to the digest)...but 
thanks for pointing this out. The system is completely up to date.  I could 
reboot into an older kernel to see if that solve the problem.  I'll report 
results a bit later today.



Message: 7
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:03:13 -0700
From: Chris Hermansen 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
allowed (134217727)
To: PostGIS Users Discussion 
Message-ID: <4ba4ffd1.9020...@timberline.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Very recently there was a kernel patch in Ubuntu regarding - if memory 
serves - memory copying.  How up to date is the system in question?

strk wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 07:56:14AM -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>> Actually, memunion does the opposite, it passes the resultant and
>> preserves mem.
> Oops, sorry for the confusion. Not-so-intuitive name :P
> --strk;
>   ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
>   /\   http://strk.keybit.net/services.html
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed(134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy
Hi Leo/Regina,

Thanks for the suggestion.  I tried adding the clause 'not geom is null' to 
the where statement in each of the two sub-queries that have the 
st_union(geom) functions are used, but it still segfaults.

I also tried this on a fresh database with very little data, and it doesn't 
seem to cause problems.  But I have two databases with live data where I can 
cause this.  I have been able to pare one of these down to remove personal 
information and reduce unnecessary data, while still generating the crash with 
that query.   Would someone be interested in a dump of this db?  Of course, 
that someone would ideally be able to test this on a 64-bit (K)ubutnu system, 
in the hopes that the problem can be replicated.


On Saturday 20 March 2010 11:32:35 Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Paul,
> I doubt array size limit is the issue.  He said when he left the where
> condition out it worked.  I would think it would definitely blow up in that
> case.
> Mike,
> The issue from before was that array aggregate functions did not handle
> NULLs correctly.  64-bit systems were more likely to segfault or give
> strange
> Errros in this case.
> To rule out that we still have some of these issues in the code base,  can
> you add a
> geom IS NOT NULL
> Condition to your WHERE filter.  If that works, then the NULL issue is
> probably still lurking somewhere.
> Leo and Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> -Original Message-
> From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
> Ramsey
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:56 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion; mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum
> allowed(134217727)
> Actually, memunion does the opposite, it passes the resultant and preserves
> mem. The default behavior is fast-but-memory-hungry. And has been for some
> time, though in different forms. There were some bugs in the array handling
> code, but Mark CA killed most of them, so the latest 1.5 and 1.4 streams
> should be good. If it's possible that the issue is one of array size, maybe
> Mike could find the dial that controls that maximum, and turn it up and
>  down and see if it makes his problem go away/happen sooner.
> P.
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, strk  wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:49:42AM -0400, Mike Leahy wrote:
> >> Hello again,
> >>
> >> It might be of interest to point out that substituting st_union()
> >> with
> >> st_memunion() seems to have worked around this.  I'm curious though,
> >> because there is not a great deal of data being processed, and I am
> >> running this on a fairly sturdy system that that has more capacity
> >> than some of the Fedora systems I'm running.
> >
> > st_memunion builds a big array with all geometries in it..
> > you were hitting a limit of the array type.
> > st_union should behave better.
> >
> > --strk;
> >
> >  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
> >  /\   http://strk.keybit.net/services.html
> > ___
> > postgis-users mailing list
> > postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> > http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy
Hello again,

It might be of interest to point out that substituting st_union() with 
st_memunion() seems to have worked around this.  I'm curious though, because 
there is not a great deal of data being processed, and I am running this on a 
fairly sturdy system that that has more capacity than some of the Fedora 
systems I'm running.


On Saturday 20 March 2010 05:17:50 Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have an interesting error that's coming up on an Ubuntu 64-bit system,
> running PostgreSQL 8.4.2, and PostGIS 1.5.1 (packaged by me) as well as
>  1.4.0 (from Ubuntu repos).  The query itself is somewhat complex (I'm sure
>  it could be optimized better - but it's been working well for quite some
>  time).  I've attached two files - one is a dummed-down version of the
>  query I am running (crashing.sql).  After discussing this with some folks
>  in the postgresql IRC channel, it seems that the st_geom(), or something
>  PostGIS-related is causing the error.
> Running this query on various data will produce one of two results.  One is
> the error mentioned in the subject (ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum
> allowed (134217727)).  I can find very little information on this error. 
>  The other outcome is that it often causes the PostgreSQL backend to
>  segfault (see gdboutput.txt).
> I can attest that this query works fine on many installations of PostgreSQL
> 8.2+, and PostGIS 1.3+.  The only main difference I can see in this case
>  where I'm getting errors and segfaults is that I'm running this on Ubuntu,
>  whereas all of my successful cases are on Fedora (7 through 12).
> If I replace the st_union() function in the query with accum(), it still
> produces the error/segfaults.
> Also, strangely, if I remove one of the where conditions near the end of
>  the query (e.g., "  AND (cl.depth = 0)"), it suddenly works fine without
>  any issues (except that I actually need that condition).
> Does this sort of problem look familiar to anyone?  I can try to put
>  together an example if that would be of any use, but since the same
>  data/query works on other Fedora systems that I am running, I'm not sure
>  how easy it is to replicate.
> Regards,
> Mike
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] ERROR: array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

2010-03-20 Thread Mike Leahy
Hello list,

I have an interesting error that's coming up on an Ubuntu 64-bit system, 
running PostgreSQL 8.4.2, and PostGIS 1.5.1 (packaged by me) as well as 1.4.0 
(from Ubuntu repos).  The query itself is somewhat complex (I'm sure it could 
be optimized better - but it's been working well for quite some time).  I've 
attached two files - one is a dummed-down version of the query I am running 
(crashing.sql).  After discussing this with some folks in the postgresql IRC 
channel, it seems that the st_geom(), or something PostGIS-related is causing 
the error.

Running this query on various data will produce one of two results.  One is 
the error mentioned in the subject (ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum 
allowed (134217727)).  I can find very little information on this error.  The 
other outcome is that it often causes the PostgreSQL backend to segfault (see 

I can attest that this query works fine on many installations of PostgreSQL 
8.2+, and PostGIS 1.3+.  The only main difference I can see in this case where 
I'm getting errors and segfaults is that I'm running this on Ubuntu, whereas 
all of my successful cases are on Fedora (7 through 12).

If I replace the st_union() function in the query with accum(), it still 
produces the error/segfaults.

Also, strangely, if I remove one of the where conditions near the end of the 
query (e.g., "  AND (cl.depth = 0)"), it suddenly works fine without any issues 
(except that I actually need that condition).

Does this sort of problem look familiar to anyone?  I can try to put together 
an example if that would be of any use, but since the same data/query works on 
other Fedora systems that I am running, I'm not sure how easy it is to 

SELECT tdesc.* FROM (
  SELECT cl.id, cl.parent_id, cl.username, cl.type, cl.text, cl.time, cl.flags, cl.depth, '[stuff]' as extent, csls.selection, csld.drawing, round(date_part('epoch',time)*1000.0) AS epoch_ms, csls.selection, csld.drawing, ctu.target_users, ctg.target_groups, clr.replies, case when (num_target_users>0 or num_target_groups>0) then true else false end AS private FROM testdb.chat_log AS cl

SELECT '[stuff]' AS selection, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl1.chat_id FROM testdb.user_selections AS us1
INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl1 ON us1.id = csl1.selection_id WHERE (not us1.user_drawing and not csl1.deleted) GROUP BY chat_id

  ) AS csls ON csls.chat_id = cl.id


SELECT '[stuff]' AS drawing, st_union(geom) AS ugeom, csl2.chat_id FROM testdb.user_selections AS us2
INNER JOIN testdb.chat_selection_links AS csl2 ON us2.id = csl2.selection_id WHERE (us2.user_drawing and us2.deleted and not csl2.deleted) GROUP BY chat_id

  ) AS csld ON csld.chat_id = cl.id


SELECT chat_target_users.id, count(*) AS num_target_users, '[stuff]'::varchar AS target_users, ARRAY['stuff']::text[] AS target_users_array FROM testdb.chat_target_users GROUP BY id

  ) AS ctu ON cl.id = ctu.id

SELECT chat_target_groups.id, count(*) AS num_target_groups, '[stuff]'::varchar AS target_groups, ARRAY['stuff']::text[] AS target_groups_array FROM testdb.chat_target_groups GROUP BY id

  ) AS ctg ON cl.id = ctg.id


SELECT chat_log.parent_id AS id, '[stuff]' AS replies FROM testdb.chat_log GROUP BY parent_id
  ) AS clr ON cl.id = clr.id WHERE ((num_target_users is null and num_target_groups is null) or (num_target_users+num_target_groups)=0 or ((cl.username = 'admin' or 'admin' = any(target_users_array) or ARRAY['admin','everyone'] && target_groups_array) and (time>'2010-03-20 00:52:57.230968-04'::timestamptz))) AND (not deleted) AND (cl.depth = 0) ORDER BY cl.id desc LIMIT 25

) AS tdesc ORDER BY tdesc.id asc;GNU gdb (GDB) 7.0-ubuntu
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.   
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later    
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"  
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".  
For bug reporting instructions, please see: 
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/postgres...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done. 

Re: [postgis-users] undefined symbol GEOSPreparedCovers on Ubuntu 9.04

2009-09-18 Thread Mike Leahy
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the tip.  I had actually copied the source from another machine 
that I had compiled on (with a newer geos), and 'make clean' didn't do its job 
for some reason.  A fresh source solved it...thanks.


(sorry for the off-list reply Paul)

On September 18, 2009 12:58:37 Paul Ramsey wrote:
> At root, your postgis is compiled against a more recent version of
> GEOS than your system is finding. Track down that old geos and remove
> it.
> P
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Mike Leahy  
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I've just attempted installing PostGIS 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 9.04 (i386).
> > Everything seems to work okay up until I try loading PostGIS into a test
> > database:
> >
> > postg...@mgleahy-dev:~$ psql -f
> > /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql test
> > psql:/usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql:53: NOTICE:  type
> > "spheroid" is not yet defined
> > DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
> > psql:/usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql:53: ERROR:  could not
> > load library "/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/postgis-1.4.so":
> > /usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/postgis-1.4.so: undefined symbol:
> > GEOSPreparedCovers
> >
> > A quick search on the web didn't turn up anything that looked applicable.
> >  Has anyone got an idea what might be wrong?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Mike
> > ___
> > postgis-users mailing list
> > postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> > http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] undefined symbol GEOSPreparedCovers on Ubuntu 9.04

2009-09-18 Thread Mike Leahy
Hello list,

I've just attempted installing PostGIS 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 9.04 (i386).  
Everything seems to work okay up until I try loading PostGIS into a test 

postg...@mgleahy-dev:~$ psql -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql 
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql:53: NOTICE:  type 
"spheroid" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.  
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/8.3/contrib/postgis.sql:53: ERROR:  could not load 
library "/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/postgis-1.4.so": 
/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/postgis-1.4.so: undefined symbol: 

A quick search on the web didn't turn up anything that looked applicable.  Has 
anyone got an idea what might be wrong?

Best regards,
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Compiling 1.4.0 SVN

2009-03-21 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I'm trying to compile the latest SVN snapshot, but I'm getting an error 
I haven't seen before.  I'm on a relatively new F10 setup, which I 
haven't done much compiling on...so maybe I'm missing a requirement of 
some sort.  But I'm able to configure/compile 1.3.5 without any obvious 
problem.  Here's the output at the end:

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating liblwgeom/Makefile
config.status: creating liblwgeom/cunit/Makefile
config.status: creating postgis/Makefile
config.status: creating postgis/sqldefines.h
config.status: creating loader/Makefile
config.status: creating topology/Makefile
config.status: creating regress/Makefile
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: creating postgis_config.h
config.status: executing libtool commands
sed: can't read ./ltmain.sh: No such file or directory
sed: can't read ./ltmain.sh: No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `libtoolT': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `libtoolT': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `libtool': No such file or directory

Any guesses about where I'm going wrong?

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex geometries

2009-02-21 Thread Mike Leahy
Sorry...forgot the link: 

Mike Leahy wrote:
Ok...the issue is posted here.  There's sample geometries there if you 
want to give it a shot Marco.

Mike Leahy wrote:

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay - I've been on the road a bit.  I've got 
postgresql-8.3.6, and postgis-1.3.5, both installed from the Fedora 10 

I'll report this as a bug sometime in the next few days when I have a 
bit of time to put a sample together...unless anyone has any other 


Message: 22
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 14:18:16 +
From: Mark Cave-Ayland 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex
To: mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca,PostGIS Users Discussion

Message-ID: <499d6a28.5080...@siriusit.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Mike Leahy wrote:

> Hello list,
> > I'm wondering if anyone has run into issues with st_assvg 
locking up > postgresql.  I have an application that generates svg 
from unioned sets > of geometries.  So far it has been working 
pretty well, except I just > tested it with very large sets of 
geometries, and it invariably locks up > the backend database 
without any errors etc.  I could send a sample > geometry if that 
would help, but I think this can probably be done with > any 
dataset.  I've verified that the problem is not with st_union, as it 
> outputs a geometry just fine...it's only when it gets to st_assvg 
does > it freeze things...there is no CPU activity.  I do see this 
in the pg_log:
> > *** glibc detected *** postgres: postgres testdb [local] SELECT: 
> realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0220f410 ***
> > Am I just expecting too much of the st_assvg function, or is 
this > something that might be fixable?

> > Thanks for any advice,
> Mike

Hi Mike,

Yeah, that sounds like a bug. What versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS are 
you using? You may want to open a bug with a sample geometry on the 
PostGIS bugtracker.



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex geometries

2009-02-21 Thread Mike Leahy
Ok...the issue is posted here.  There's sample geometries there if you 
want to give it a shot Marco.

Mike Leahy wrote:

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay - I've been on the road a bit.  I've got 
postgresql-8.3.6, and postgis-1.3.5, both installed from the Fedora 10 

I'll report this as a bug sometime in the next few days when I have a 
bit of time to put a sample together...unless anyone has any other 


Message: 22
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 14:18:16 +
From: Mark Cave-Ayland 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex
To: mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca,PostGIS Users Discussion

Message-ID: <499d6a28.5080...@siriusit.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Mike Leahy wrote:

> Hello list,
> > I'm wondering if anyone has run into issues with st_assvg locking 
up > postgresql.  I have an application that generates svg from 
unioned sets > of geometries.  So far it has been working pretty 
well, except I just > tested it with very large sets of geometries, 
and it invariably locks up > the backend database without any errors 
etc.  I could send a sample > geometry if that would help, but I 
think this can probably be done with > any dataset.  I've verified 
that the problem is not with st_union, as it > outputs a geometry 
just fine...it's only when it gets to st_assvg does > it freeze 
things...there is no CPU activity.  I do see this in the pg_log:
> > *** glibc detected *** postgres: postgres testdb [local] SELECT: 
> realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0220f410 ***
> > Am I just expecting too much of the st_assvg function, or is this 
> something that might be fixable?

> > Thanks for any advice,
> Mike

Hi Mike,

Yeah, that sounds like a bug. What versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS are 
you using? You may want to open a bug with a sample geometry on the 
PostGIS bugtracker.



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex geometries

2009-02-20 Thread Mike Leahy

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay - I've been on the road a bit.  I've got 
postgresql-8.3.6, and postgis-1.3.5, both installed from the Fedora 10 

I'll report this as a bug sometime in the next few days when I have a 
bit of time to put a sample together...unless anyone has any other 


Message: 22
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 14:18:16 +
From: Mark Cave-Ayland 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex
To: mgle...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca,PostGIS Users Discussion

Message-ID: <499d6a28.5080...@siriusit.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Mike Leahy wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm wondering if anyone has run into issues with st_assvg locking up 
> postgresql.  I have an application that generates svg from unioned sets 
> of geometries.  So far it has been working pretty well, except I just 
> tested it with very large sets of geometries, and it invariably locks up 
> the backend database without any errors etc.  I could send a sample 
> geometry if that would help, but I think this can probably be done with 
> any dataset.  I've verified that the problem is not with st_union, as it 
> outputs a geometry just fine...it's only when it gets to st_assvg does 
> it freeze things...there is no CPU activity.  I do see this in the pg_log:
> *** glibc detected *** postgres: postgres testdb [local] SELECT: 
> realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0220f410 ***
> Am I just expecting too much of the st_assvg function, or is this 
> something that might be fixable?
> Thanks for any advice,

> Mike

Hi Mike,

Yeah, that sounds like a bug. What versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS are 
you using? You may want to open a bug with a sample geometry on the 
PostGIS bugtracker.



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] ST_AsSVG crashes with large/complex geometries

2009-02-19 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I'm wondering if anyone has run into issues with st_assvg locking up 
postgresql.  I have an application that generates svg from unioned sets 
of geometries.  So far it has been working pretty well, except I just 
tested it with very large sets of geometries, and it invariably locks up 
the backend database without any errors etc.  I could send a sample 
geometry if that would help, but I think this can probably be done with 
any dataset.  I've verified that the problem is not with st_union, as it 
outputs a geometry just fine...it's only when it gets to st_assvg does 
it freeze things...there is no CPU activity.  I do see this in the pg_log:

*** glibc detected *** postgres: postgres testdb [local] SELECT: 
realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0220f410 ***

Am I just expecting too much of the st_assvg function, or is this 
something that might be fixable?

Thanks for any advice,
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Strange behaviour with st_difference

2009-01-13 Thread Mike Leahy

Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Mike Leahy wrote:

Hello list,

I'm having a problem with st_difference, where two overlapping 
geometries will return an empty geometrycollection, as if the do not 
overlap.  However, if I use st_difference on the same geometries, but 
converted to EWKT, then back, then using st_difference yields the 
expected output.  Basically, this is what I'm getting (minus the 
output coords):

# select st_astext(st_difference(g1,g2)), 
st_astext(st_difference(st_asewkt(g1),st_asewkt(g2))) from temp;

st_astext |  st_astext
(1 row)

The resulting (correct) polygon is very small (a total area of 
0.00048828125, using UTM coordinates), so maybe there's a problem with 
that?  The result of st_overlaps(g1,g2) is true for the same data that 
cause this problem.

I could email someone the geometries if that would help.


Hi Mike,

I think you'll have to post the geometries if you want someone to help 
you. If they are large then place them in a text file and send it to the 
list as a zipped/gzipped attachment.

Oh, and don't forget the output of "SELECT postgis_full_version()" while 
you're at it :)



Here they are attached - both as text and as binary within an sql 
statement that replicates the results of the example describe above.

postgis_full_version (from the yum repo on Fedora 10, x86_64):

 POSTGIS="1.3.5" GEOS="3.0.3-CAPI-1.4.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Strange behaviour with st_difference

2009-01-13 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I'm having a problem with st_difference, where two overlapping 
geometries will return an empty geometrycollection, as if the do not 
overlap.  However, if I use st_difference on the same geometries, but 
converted to EWKT, then back, then using st_difference yields the 
expected output.  Basically, this is what I'm getting (minus the output 

# select st_astext(st_difference(g1,g2)), 
st_astext(st_difference(st_asewkt(g1),st_asewkt(g2))) from temp;

st_astext |  st_astext
(1 row)

The resulting (correct) polygon is very small (a total area of 
0.00048828125, using UTM coordinates), so maybe there's a problem with 
that?  The result of st_overlaps(g1,g2) is true for the same data that 
cause this problem.

I could email someone the geometries if that would help.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Re: Restoring db with indexes using PostGIS functions

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Leahy


I'm using 8.3.3 (and 8.3.4 on another machine).  I'm not quite sure this 
is a bug with pg_dump...though maybe it is.

From what I can tell, the reason that constraints are not a problem 
(i.e., those typically created by the addgeometrycolumn() function) are 
because they generally use geometrytype(), not st_geometrytype() - the 
latter calls the former.  So in my dump file, for the constraints, I'll 
see something like this in a table's definition:

CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_extent CHECK (((public.geometrytype(extent) = 
'POLYGON'::text) OR (extent IS NULL))),

This is fine.  But for the indexes that I had created, I have the 
following pairs of statements, where 'mytable' is in 'myschema':

SET search_path = myschema, pg_catalog;
CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON mytable USING btree 

It seems that pg_dump knows to put the 'public' schema in front of the 
function names in the constraint or index statements.  However, the 
'CREATE FUNCTION' statement for the st_geometrytype() function does not 
refer to public.geometrytype(), but only geometrytype().  I think this 
is where the problem lies - because once the search path is set to 
something other than 'public', then executing public.st_geometrytype() 
causes an error since it can no longer find geometrytype() in the 
current schema.

To make a long story short, if I edit the st_geometrytype() function in 
my dump file so that it points to public.geometrytype(), then the 
problem I encountered goes away.

If we assume pg_dump is at fault here, then either it's strategy would 
have to be rewritten so that it explicitly includes schema names instead 
of setting the search path throughout the output script (I don't imagine 
I could make a persuasive argument for this to the PostgreSQL 
developers), or it has to somehow know to add the 'public' schema to any 
references to functions inside other functions, such as in 
st_geometrytype() (should it actually be able to do this?).

Alternatively, PostGIS could have explicit schema references where any 
functions are referenced inside other functions.  My guess is this might 
be the simpler solution.  Though for my case, now that I understand the 
problem, it's easy to work around.

Thanks for your help,



I wonder if it's a bug in PostgreSQL 8.3.  I'm running both 8.2.5 and 8.3.
8.2.5 on a Windows 2003 and 8.3.3 on Linux. Which point version of 8.3 are
you running?
  I vaguely recall a couple of fixes being done to the dump restore between
8.3.0 and 8.3.3, but I could be wrong.  Anyrate sounds like a pg_dump bug.

 I wouldn't notice your particular problem since all my indexes are gist
indexes which are in pg_catalog anyway and I don't think I have any btree
indexes I can think of that use public functions.  They all use pg_catalog
functions or no functions.  Its strange constraints are not an issue and
indexes are.  I would have thought the same problem would arise.


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Re: Restoring db with indexes using PostGIS functions

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello Regina,

There's no problems with table constraints or anything like that...the 
only issue is with the indexes that use st_geometrytype.  I can give the 
compressed format a try...what version of PostgreSQL are you using? 
I've got 8.3 on the machines I'm using, and I think the dump format has 
changed slightly from one version to the next (though I'm not 100% sure 
about that).

I don't normally set the search path either.  As you recommend, I 
explicitly reference the schema.table names in all of the SQL that I've 
been writing myself.  It's only when restoring the database that I've 
encountered this.


Paragon Corporation wrote:


I'm a bit puzzled about your problem.  Are you saying that you use multiple
schemas for tables and have your postgis functions in public and when you
restore your indexes
they are not being created because of the search path thing.  I use multiple
table schemas too and as far as I can remember all my spatial constraints
and indexes come back and I don't see any prefixing of public in the

Although sounds like you are dumping to sql format and I always dump to
compressed format.  Perhaps they behave differently.

Is it just your indexes that are missing or the constraints as well?  Your
indexes seem a little out of the ordinary, but I would expect you would have
the same issue
With postgis generated constraints.  Do your table indexes actually show
without the schema qualification on them when you look at them.

Mine always show as 
CREATE INDEX sometable_idx
  ON someschema.sometable  
USING btree


But then again I always explicitly put in the schema prefix when creating
indexes.  How would you be able to create the indexes otherwise unless you
are setting the search path before you create your indexes

Set search_path = schemaname
CREATE INDEX ... ON sometable

Is that how you create your indexes or do you explicitly reference the table
schema name in the CREATE? 

Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:00 PM
To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] Re: Restoring db with indexes using PostGIS

Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Mike Leahy wrote:

Hello list,

I ran into a problem today when restoring a database of mine - I'm not 
sure if this is anything new, or if I'm doing something I shouldn't be 
doing.  I have in my db a variety of tables that are stored in separate 
schemas.  Some of these tables have geometry columns that I am using to 
store variable geometry types, but since most of the queries on these 
tables generally focus on one geometry type at a time, I added indexes 
to them as follows:

CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON schemaname.mytable USING btree 

However, when I dump the database, the resulting sql sets search paths 
rather than explicitly naming schema.table in each statement. 
Effectively, this is what happens when the dumped sql is loaded into a 
new database:

mydb=# SET search_path = schemaname, pg_catalog;
mydb=# CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON mytable USING btree 

ERROR:  function geometrytype(public.geometry) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might 
need to add explicit type casts.

QUERY:  SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "st_geometrytype" line 6 during statement 
block local variable initialization


It seems that setting the search path has undesirable effects with the 
st_geometrytype function (I don't know if the same happens with other 
functions).  I suspect 'geometrytype( $1 )' would have to be substituted

with 'public.geometrytype( $1 )' for this to work.

Is this just something I should be aware of?  It's not a show-stopper 
for me at the moment, but it means that I'd have to manually recreate 
any indexes like the one above if performance became an issue after 
restoring the database (not in my current situation, but maybe down the 


Hi Mike,

If you are using newer PostgreSQL releases, there was an issue a while 
back where the use of search_path within stored procedures was 
restricted to stop people from overriding in-built stored procedures. 
Otherwise it could simply be that the dump ordering is wrong, and 
altering the restore order so that geometrytype() is restored *before* 
ST_geometrytype should resolve the issue.



Hello Mark,

I don't think it is a problem with the order of restoration of the 
geometrytype() vs. st_geometrytype() functions, because those are loaded 
and working fine before anything else happens in the restore script. 
The problem is w

[postgis-users] Re: Restoring db with indexes using PostGIS functions

2008-09-30 Thread Mike Leahy

Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hello list,
> I ran into a problem today when restoring a database of mine - I'm not 
> sure if this is anything new, or if I'm doing something I shouldn't be 
> doing.  I have in my db a variety of tables that are stored in separate 
> schemas.  Some of these tables have geometry columns that I am using to 
> store variable geometry types, but since most of the queries on these 
> tables generally focus on one geometry type at a time, I added indexes 
> to them as follows:
> CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON schemaname.mytable USING btree 
> (st_geometrytype(geom));
> However, when I dump the database, the resulting sql sets search paths 
> rather than explicitly naming schema.table in each statement. 
> Effectively, this is what happens when the dumped sql is loaded into a 
> new database:
> mydb=# SET search_path = schemaname, pg_catalog;

> mydb=# CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON mytable USING btree 
> (public.st_geometrytype(geom));

> ERROR:  function geometrytype(public.geometry) does not exist
> LINE 1: SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
> ^
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might 
> need to add explicit type casts.

> QUERY:  SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "st_geometrytype" line 6 during statement 
> block local variable initialization

> mydb=#
> It seems that setting the search path has undesirable effects with the 
> st_geometrytype function (I don't know if the same happens with other 
> functions).  I suspect 'geometrytype( $1 )' would have to be substituted 
> with 'public.geometrytype( $1 )' for this to work.
> Is this just something I should be aware of?  It's not a show-stopper 
> for me at the moment, but it means that I'd have to manually recreate 
> any indexes like the one above if performance became an issue after 
> restoring the database (not in my current situation, but maybe down the 
> road).
> Regards,

> Mike

Hi Mike,

If you are using newer PostgreSQL releases, there was an issue a while 
back where the use of search_path within stored procedures was 
restricted to stop people from overriding in-built stored procedures. 
Otherwise it could simply be that the dump ordering is wrong, and 
altering the restore order so that geometrytype() is restored *before* 
ST_geometrytype should resolve the issue.



Hello Mark,

I don't think it is a problem with the order of restoration of the 
geometrytype() vs. st_geometrytype() functions, because those are loaded 
and working fine before anything else happens in the restore script. 
The problem is when indexes are being restored for the tables inside my 
schemas - the dump script will set the search path for one schema, 
create the indexes, then repeat for any other schemas.  It does this 
throughout from what I can tell.

This problem, from what I can tell, is not limited to the restore 
scripts.  The problem occurs just by setting the search path to 
something other than 'public', then calling public.st_geometrytype(), 
which in turn calls geometrytype().  Since st_geometrytype() isn't 
calling public.geometrytype(), it can't find the function in the current 
search path.  At least, this is what I think the issue is.

The only way for me to get around this as things are now would be to 
edit the restore script so that it uses 'public' for the search path, 
then rewrite all the create index statements to refer to schema.table.

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Restoring db with indexes using PostGIS functions

2008-09-29 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I ran into a problem today when restoring a database of mine - I'm not 
sure if this is anything new, or if I'm doing something I shouldn't be 
doing.  I have in my db a variety of tables that are stored in separate 
schemas.  Some of these tables have geometry columns that I am using to 
store variable geometry types, but since most of the queries on these 
tables generally focus on one geometry type at a time, I added indexes 
to them as follows:

CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON schemaname.mytable USING btree 

However, when I dump the database, the resulting sql sets search paths 
rather than explicitly naming schema.table in each statement. 
Effectively, this is what happens when the dumped sql is loaded into a 
new database:

mydb=# SET search_path = schemaname, pg_catalog;
mydb=# CREATE INDEX mytable_geomtype_idx ON mytable USING btree 

ERROR:  function geometrytype(public.geometry) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might 
need to add explicit type casts.

QUERY:  SELECT  geometrytype( $1 )
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "st_geometrytype" line 6 during statement 
block local variable initialization


It seems that setting the search path has undesirable effects with the 
st_geometrytype function (I don't know if the same happens with other 
functions).  I suspect 'geometrytype( $1 )' would have to be substituted 
with 'public.geometrytype( $1 )' for this to work.

Is this just something I should be aware of?  It's not a show-stopper 
for me at the moment, but it means that I'd have to manually recreate 
any indexes like the one above if performance became an issue after 
restoring the database (not in my current situation, but maybe down the 

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Query that locks up system memory/disk usage

2008-07-14 Thread Mike Leahy


Perhaps I can cause the same situation (maybe tomorrow when the server 
isn't occupied) and give this a try.  But I think I have already ruled 
this out as an option.  When I would hit ctrl+c in the psql terminal, 
I'd see a message that the query was being cancelled...then it would 
just sit there and continue grinding away - unless there's a possibility 
that maybe the ctrl+c command didn't actually reach the postgres 
process, my guess is that maybe the attempt to rollback gracefully is 
just as intensive.


Kevin Neufeld wrote:
Paul, while "kill -9" will undoubtedly stop the current running query, 
it will also crash the entire database cluster since the shared memory 
will become corrupt. 

I recommend using a "kill -2" instead which is the same thing as issuing 
a ctrl^c while in the terminal program.  It may take longer since it has 
to rollback the transaction, but it will do so gracefully.

-- Kevin

Paul Ramsey wrote:

Break yourself of the subquery habit:

select a.* from a join b on (st_dwithin(a.the_geom,b.the_geom,5))
where b.gid = 10;

On your process:

ps ax | grep postgres

Find the process id that is using all the CPU and just kill -9 it. The
glory of running a proper ACID database like PgSQL is that if you
don't like what it's doing, you can rip the power cord out of the
wall, and it'll still start up clean. (Do not try this with MySQL.)


buffer((select b.the_geom

where gid = 10),50000));

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Mike Leahy  

Hello list,

I've run into some situations where running certain queries end up locking
up all of my system's ram memory, with constant disk access.  I can't cancel
the query by hitting ctrl+c in the psql terminal, by restarting the service,
or even killing the postmaster.  I'm running on a fairly high end system, so
it's not an issue with CPU power or available ram.  Here's an example of
what I did today that caused this:

Table A is a table I imported from a tile index shapefile.

Table B has several fairly large irregular polygons of different study

To get all of the polygons in Table A within a certain distance (50km) of
one of the polygons in Table B, without giving it much thought I did the

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,buffer((select b.the_geom
where gid = 10),5));

I realize how wrong that is, as calculates the buffer for every tile it
compares to...I should have done something like:

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where gid
= 10)) or st_distance(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where gid = 10))<=5;

The problem is...I'm still waiting for the first query to either finish, or
cancel, or something.  In the meantime, postmaster is still using 99% of my
memory, and the disk is still thrashing away (though CPU usage pretty much
at 0).  What's the best strategy to kill the previous query without having
to shut down the entire server?

Keep in mind that is just an example of how this can happen for me - I've
had it happen in other more complex situations where it was less obvious
what I was doing wrong in the logic of the query.  I'm just wondering how I
can recover from these sorts of mistakes without potentially damaging the


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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Query that locks up system memory/disk usage

2008-07-14 Thread Mike Leahy


Thanks for the help.


Paul Ramsey wrote:

Break yourself of the subquery habit:

select a.* from a join b on (st_dwithin(a.the_geom,b.the_geom,5))
where b.gid = 10;

On your process:

ps ax | grep postgres

Find the process id that is using all the CPU and just kill -9 it. The
glory of running a proper ACID database like PgSQL is that if you
don't like what it's doing, you can rip the power cord out of the
wall, and it'll still start up clean. (Do not try this with MySQL.)


buffer((select b.the_geom

where gid = 10),5));

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Mike Leahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello list,

I've run into some situations where running certain queries end up locking
up all of my system's ram memory, with constant disk access.  I can't cancel
the query by hitting ctrl+c in the psql terminal, by restarting the service,
or even killing the postmaster.  I'm running on a fairly high end system, so
it's not an issue with CPU power or available ram.  Here's an example of
what I did today that caused this:

Table A is a table I imported from a tile index shapefile.

Table B has several fairly large irregular polygons of different study

To get all of the polygons in Table A within a certain distance (50km) of
one of the polygons in Table B, without giving it much thought I did the

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,buffer((select b.the_geom
where gid = 10),5));

I realize how wrong that is, as calculates the buffer for every tile it
compares to...I should have done something like:

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where gid
= 10)) or st_distance(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where gid = 10))<=5;

The problem is...I'm still waiting for the first query to either finish, or
cancel, or something.  In the meantime, postmaster is still using 99% of my
memory, and the disk is still thrashing away (though CPU usage pretty much
at 0).  What's the best strategy to kill the previous query without having
to shut down the entire server?

Keep in mind that is just an example of how this can happen for me - I've
had it happen in other more complex situations where it was less obvious
what I was doing wrong in the logic of the query.  I'm just wondering how I
can recover from these sorts of mistakes without potentially damaging the


postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Query that locks up system memory/disk usage

2008-07-14 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I've run into some situations where running certain queries end up 
locking up all of my system's ram memory, with constant disk access.  I 
can't cancel the query by hitting ctrl+c in the psql terminal, by 
restarting the service, or even killing the postmaster.  I'm running on 
a fairly high end system, so it's not an issue with CPU power or 
available ram.  Here's an example of what I did today that caused this:

Table A is a table I imported from a tile index shapefile.

Table B has several fairly large irregular polygons of different study 

To get all of the polygons in Table A within a certain distance (50km) 
of one of the polygons in Table B, without giving it much thought I did 
the following:

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,buffer((select b.the_geom 
where gid = 10),5));

I realize how wrong that is, as calculates the buffer for every tile it 
compares to...I should have done something like:

select * from a where st_intersects(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where 
gid = 10)) or st_distance(a.the_geom,(select b.the_geom where gid = 

The problem is...I'm still waiting for the first query to either finish, 
or cancel, or something.  In the meantime, postmaster is still using 99% 
of my memory, and the disk is still thrashing away (though CPU usage 
pretty much at 0).  What's the best strategy to kill the previous query 
without having to shut down the entire server?

Keep in mind that is just an example of how this can happen for me - 
I've had it happen in other more complex situations where it was less 
obvious what I was doing wrong in the logic of the query.  I'm just 
wondering how I can recover from these sorts of mistakes without 
potentially damaging the database.


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [Plr-general] [postgis-users] Pl/R

2008-05-02 Thread Mike Leahy
Just to make sure nobody's waiting on me for anything...I did give this 
a try a few weeks ago.  At the moment, I can't get it to compile against 
PostgreSQL 8.3 on windows, so I haven't updated the installer (that's 
all I was really doing anyway).  Whatever the problem is within the code 
is beyond my current skill/available time to fix.  I think Joe Conway 
may be working on a fix, but there's no anticipated date that he will 
have it ready as far as I know.  Maybe someone else might be able to 
offer some help?

If you really need something that works on windows, and if you're not 
dependent on your current PostgreSQL installation, then you may be just 
as well off to go with PostgreSQL 8.2, and use PostGIS & PL/R with 
that...at least for the time being until PL/R is updated.


Obe, Regina wrote:


Unfortunately I don't think so.  I think Mike Leahy was working on one,
but I think he is still working out some outstanding issues with it.

Anyrate I am cc'ing plr group so perhaps someone can provide an update.

Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
George R. C. Silva
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 1:56 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: [postgis-users] Pl/R

Hello everyone.

I was following bostongis website (http://www.bostongis.com/blog/) and 
tried to install PL/R in my machine. (Windows XP - i know, i know)..

My postgres version is 8.3.

I couldnt install it. Is there a version out there for 8.3?

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Plr-general mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] st_union says geometries have different srids

2008-03-16 Thread Mike Leahy

Hello list,

I seem to be having trouble with st_union as an aggregate function. 
Sorry if this is a known issue, but a quick search didn't turn anything 
up similar.  Below is an example where I have two polygons next to each 

test=# create table test (gid serial primary key);
test=# select 
test=# insert into test (test_geom) values ('srid=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((1 
1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1)))');
test=# insert into test (test_geom) values ('srid=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((2 
1,3 1,3 2,2 2,2 1)))');

The following will fail no matter what shapes/srid I'm using:

test=# select st_union(test_geom) from test;
ERROR:  Operation on mixed SRID geometries

But this works fine:

test=# select st_memunion(test_geom) from test;



Is there something in particular that I'm doing wrong?  This only seems 
to be an issue with st_union as an aggregate, if I use 
st_union(geometry,geometry), the result looks fine.  This is on a 
Fedora-7 (x86_64) machine with PostgreSQL 8.3, PostGIS 1.3.2, 
Proj-4.5.0, GEOS-3.0.0 - I have a similar setup on another machine 
running F8-x86_64 (except for Proj-4.6.0), and the failure is worse (the 
postgresql server segfaults with 'signal 11').  Would this be a bug, or 
have I committed some kind of user error?  Is there anything I should 
try to figure out where the source of my problem is?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] A function for using PL/R with deldir to produce voronoi polygons in PostGIS

2007-06-19 Thread Mike Leahy

Attached is a PL/R-based function that I put together based on Jan
Hartmann's help in the PotGIS list about a year ago for generating
voronoi polygons using the deldir library.  Now that I've started with
PL/R, I was able capture this in a single function that will take in the
points from a table or query, produce the voronoi polygons, and return a
list of the polygon geometries along with the id's of their originating

I'm not sure if the approach I used in this example is ideal; it hasn't
been tested on large datasets yet, and I'm sure someone can probably
find a different way to do this (there is also the tripack library in R,
which I haven't tried yet). However, it seems to work fine from what I
can tell.  I just thought this might serve as an example of how PL/R can
be handy alongside PostGIS.


P.S.: I did notice the same problem as Regina - once I started trying to
execute this script directly from the text file, I had to make sure it
was in UNIX format for PL/R to parse it properly...even though
everything I'm doing is on Windows at the moment.
--This function uses the deldir library in R to generate voronoi polygons for 
an input set of points in a PostGIS table.

--  R-2.5.0 with deldir-0.0-5 installed
--  PostgreSQL-8.2.x with PostGIS-1.x and PL/R- installed

--Usage: select * from voronoi('table','point-column','id-column');

--  'table' is the table or query containing the points to be used for 
generating the voronoi polygons,
--  'point-column' is a single 'POINT' PostGIS geometry type (each point 
must be unique)
--  'id-column' is a unique identifying integer for each of the originating 
points (e.g., 'gid')

--Output: returns a recordset of the custom type 'voronoi', which contains the 
id of the
--  originating point, and a polygon geometry

drop function voronoi(text,text,text);
drop type voronoi;

create type voronoi as (id integer, polygon geometry);

create or replace function voronoi(text,text,text) returns setof voronoi as '
# select the point x/y coordinates into a data frame...
points <- pg.spi.exec(sprintf("select x(%2$s) as x, y(%2$s) as y from 

# calculate an approprate buffer distance (~10%):
buffer = 

# get EWKB for the overall buffer of the convex hull for all points:
buffer <- pg.spi.exec(sprintf("select 
buffer(convexhull(geomunion(%2$s)),%3$.6f) as ewkb from 

# the following use of deldir uses high precision and digits to prevent 
slivers between the output polygons, and uses 
# a relatively large bounding box with four dummy points included to 
ensure that points in the peripheral areas of the  
# dataset are appropriately enveloped by their corresponding polygons:
voro = 
tiles = tile.list(voro)
poly = array()
id = array()
p = 1
for (i in 1:length(tiles)) {
tile = tiles[[i]]

curpoly = "POLYGON(("

for (j in 1:length(tile$x)) {
 curpoly = sprintf("%s %.6f 
curpoly = sprintf("%s %.6f 

# this bit will find the original point that corresponds to the 
current polygon, along with its id and the SRID used for the 
# point geometry (presumably this is the same for all 
points)...this will also filter out the extra polygons created for the 
# four dummy points, as they will not return a result from this 
ipoint <- pg.spi.exec(sprintf("select %3$s as id, 
intersection(''SRID=''||srid(%2$s)||'';%4$s'',''%5$s'') as polygon from %1$s 
if (length(ipoint) > 0)
poly[[p]] <- ipoint$polygon[1]
id[[p]] <- ipoint$id[1]
p = (p + 1)
' language 'plr';

--An example of how this function can be used:

--create a table with some random (but unique) points:
create table geo (id serial primary key);
select addgeometrycolumn('','geo','pt',4326,'POINT',2);
insert into geo (pt) values ('SRID=4326;POINT(1 -4)');
insert into geo (pt) values ('SRID=4326;POINT(3.5 5)');
insert into ge

Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR

2007-06-19 Thread Mike Leahy
That might have something to do with it.  I've generally been using psql
- give it a try and see if it works.


Obe, Regina wrote:
> Were you doing it from psql or PgAdmin III?  I'm thinking that when you cut 
> and paste via PgAdmin III that it keeps in whatever linebreaks are in there 
> and maybe psql strips it?
> Actually its weird because when I did it the first time it worked, but for 
> some reason consecutive times I couldn't recreate my success (but then I was 
> directly cutting and pasting from the web page), until I discovered that if I 
> stripped the line breaks it seemed to work consistently.
> Thanks,
> Regina
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Leahy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:43 AM
> To: Obe, Regina
> Cc: PostGIS Users Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR
> Regina,
> I'm copying this to the plr-general list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> I can't say that I'm getting the same error.  I've installed the version
> from David's installer, and I did the exact same example from the PL/R
> docs that you're trying and it's working for me too.  Maybe there's an
> encoding problem in your case?
> Mike
> Obe, Regina wrote:
>> Unfortunately I'm not in the PL/R newsgroup yet and I don't have Joe's email 
>> address, so can someone pass this message along. I'm updating my  
>> instruction docs accordingly to reflect this issue and still writing up some 
>> followup tutorials.
>> When testing creating the median function as described in the docs using 
>> PgAdmin, I would get parse R errors when using it.  After some research 
>> (googling - others had the same problem) and refollowing my tracks (since I 
>> was able to get it right a couple of times, but not consistently).  I 
>> discovered it was the line breaks in the function that was causing the 
>> problem.
>> I had to do this
>> create or replace function r_median(_float8) 
>>  returns float as 'median(arg1)' language 'plr';
>> instead of what is mentioned in the docs - this
>> create or replace function r_median(_float8) returns float as '
>>   median(arg1)
>> ' language 'plr';
>> Evidentally R parser chokes when it runs into line breaks.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Regina
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TECHER David
>> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:16 PM
>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PostGIS Users Discussion
>> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR
>> Mike Leahy a écrit :
>>> Hey all,
>>> I'm just wondering if this thread should move back to the plr-general
>>> list.  In particular, I think it would be good if Joe is able to add a
>>> link to the installer on the PL/R web page.  I just tried the installer,
>>> and it works great - nice work David.
>>> I did notice, however, that it claims to be installing PgRouting in the
>>> welcome screen, and it appears as PgRouting in the Windows uninstall
>>> list.  
>> Well I did the installer, last Saturday night and I was hurry.
>> You know when you haven't slept all a night, you don't see errors
>> thanks.
>>> Also, I think more than is needed is being added to the Path
>>> variable.  In my case, this is what gets added after the installer is done:
>>> "\;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin;C:\Program
>>> Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib"
>> I reduced it to
>> \;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin
>>> When I had installed PL/R manually, I seemed to be able to get away with
>>> adding just ";C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin".  
>> Yes it is, you're right. But if you use a function like
>> select load_r_typenames();
>> pl/r needs to know what it you R_HOME environment variable.
>>> Also, if I happen to
>>> re-install PL/R, the entire string above will appear multiple times in
>>> the Path variable.  Is it possible for the installer to check for that?
>> I've only been able to detect if R directory is present in PATH variable 
>> for the moment!
>> Not able to remove it for the moment from a previous install

Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR

2007-06-19 Thread Mike Leahy

I'm copying this to the plr-general list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

I can't say that I'm getting the same error.  I've installed the version
from David's installer, and I did the exact same example from the PL/R
docs that you're trying and it's working for me too.  Maybe there's an
encoding problem in your case?


Obe, Regina wrote:
> Unfortunately I'm not in the PL/R newsgroup yet and I don't have Joe's email 
> address, so can someone pass this message along. I'm updating my  instruction 
> docs accordingly to reflect this issue and still writing up some followup 
> tutorials.
> When testing creating the median function as described in the docs using 
> PgAdmin, I would get parse R errors when using it.  After some research 
> (googling - others had the same problem) and refollowing my tracks (since I 
> was able to get it right a couple of times, but not consistently).  I 
> discovered it was the line breaks in the function that was causing the 
> problem.
> I had to do this
> create or replace function r_median(_float8) 
>   returns float as 'median(arg1)' language 'plr';
> instead of what is mentioned in the docs - this
> create or replace function r_median(_float8) returns float as '
>   median(arg1)
> ' language 'plr';
> Evidentally R parser chokes when it runs into line breaks.
> Hope that helps,
> Regina
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:16 PM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR
> Mike Leahy a écrit :
>> Hey all,
>> I'm just wondering if this thread should move back to the plr-general
>> list.  In particular, I think it would be good if Joe is able to add a
>> link to the installer on the PL/R web page.  I just tried the installer,
>> and it works great - nice work David.
>> I did notice, however, that it claims to be installing PgRouting in the
>> welcome screen, and it appears as PgRouting in the Windows uninstall
>> list.  
> Well I did the installer, last Saturday night and I was hurry.
> You know when you haven't slept all a night, you don't see errors
> thanks.
>> Also, I think more than is needed is being added to the Path
>> variable.  In my case, this is what gets added after the installer is done:
>> "\;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin;C:\Program
>> Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib"
> I reduced it to
> \;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin
>> When I had installed PL/R manually, I seemed to be able to get away with
>> adding just ";C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin".  
> Yes it is, you're right. But if you use a function like
> select load_r_typenames();
> pl/r needs to know what it you R_HOME environment variable.
>> Also, if I happen to
>> re-install PL/R, the entire string above will appear multiple times in
>> the Path variable.  Is it possible for the installer to check for that?
> I've only been able to detect if R directory is present in PATH variable 
> for the moment!
> Not able to remove it for the moment from a previous install
> If you want, my Inno Setup script is available at
> http://www.davidgis.fr/download/plr-
> If someone is used here to using Inno SetUp, no problem to improve it.
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>> TECHER David wrote:
>>> Hi Regina,
>>> Many thanks for these interesting link! Very excellent!
>>> I will wait for the next series of your articles!
>>> --david;
>>> Obe, Regina a écrit :
>>>> Since Dave was doing his part, I figured I would help out the cause a
>>>> little. R is pretty new to me too but looks like it could be very useful.
>>>> I drafted up a quick getting started and included David's link in there.
>>>> http://www.bostongis.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?content_name=postgresql_plr_tut01
>>>> Let me know any parts that seem unclear or where I went wrong. The
>>>> steps seemed to work for me.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Regina
>>>> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
>>>> TECHER David

Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR

2007-06-18 Thread Mike Leahy
Hey all,

I'm just wondering if this thread should move back to the plr-general
list.  In particular, I think it would be good if Joe is able to add a
link to the installer on the PL/R web page.  I just tried the installer,
and it works great - nice work David.

I did notice, however, that it claims to be installing PgRouting in the
welcome screen, and it appears as PgRouting in the Windows uninstall
list.  Also, I think more than is needed is being added to the Path
variable.  In my case, this is what gets added after the installer is done:

"\;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin;C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib"

When I had installed PL/R manually, I seemed to be able to get away with
adding just ";C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\bin".  Also, if I happen to
re-install PL/R, the entire string above will appear multiple times in
the Path variable.  Is it possible for the installer to check for that?


TECHER David wrote:
> Hi Regina,
> Many thanks for these interesting link! Very excellent!
> I will wait for the next series of your articles!
> --david;
> Obe, Regina a écrit :
>> Since Dave was doing his part, I figured I would help out the cause a
>> little. R is pretty new to me too but looks like it could be very useful.
>> I drafted up a quick getting started and included David's link in there.
>> http://www.bostongis.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?content_name=postgresql_plr_tut01
>> Let me know any parts that seem unclear or where I went wrong. The
>> steps seemed to work for me.
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
>> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
>> TECHER David
>> *Sent:* Sun 6/17/2007 2:53 AM
>> *To:* PostGIS Users Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR
>> Dear Jan,
>> I begun to use PL/R. As you know, I'm not a expert in R
>> Compiling with PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on win32 ...no problem!
>> These release is available at
>> http://www.davidgis.fr/download/plr-
>> I've tryed to see here if
>> first R 2.5.0 is available on the computer where you want to install it.
>> else it stop!
>> The installer updates the R_HOME environment variable
>> and update the PATH in order to adding 'R_HOME'/bin directory
>> Let me know if it works for you
>> createdb testR
>> psql -d testR -f / "path/to/your/postgresql/dir"/share/contrib/plr.sql
>> psql testR
>> select load_r_modules();
>> select * from plr_environ();
>> and so on
>> --david;
>> Jan Hartmann a écrit :
>> > I agree. A separate installer for PL/R would be the first thing to
>> > create. Am I right that that would not be very difficult? After that,
>> > though, I would very much like to have a *combined* version, with PL/R
>> > and PostGIS both enabled. I am not sure how difficult that would be,
>> > but, as I said, it would be a marvelous example of Open Source
>> > software cooperation. The additional packages Mike mentioned don't
>> > have to be installed prior to installing PL/R; you can install them in
>> > the regular way in R (R INSTALL), and an existing PostgreSQL database
>> > with PL/R will recognise them after a restart.
>> >
>> > BTW: deldir was a major reason for me to experimnt with a combined
>> > version: the power of voronoi diagrams in a PostGIS database!
>> >
>> > Jan
>> >
>> > Mike Leahy wrote:
>> >> David/Jan:
>> >>
>> >> Although PostGIS and PL/R can be complimentary tools, I think a
>> separate
>> >> installer (for now at least) would make the most sense for PL/R. At
>> >> least that way there is still the option for other users to install
>> PL/R
>> >> without PostGIS, and vice-versa.
>> >>
>> >> At the same time, however, I can see how a including PL/R as an option
>> >> in the PostGIS installer could be useful - particularly if a set of
>> >> pre-defined functions were included with the setup that made use of
>> PL/R
>> >> for spatial statistical operations within PostGIS. But this might
>> get a
>> >> bit complicated, considering the requirements involved (e.g., having R
>> >> installed, as well as packages installed in R - such as deldir for

Re: [postgis-users] Combined Windows version of PostGIS/P-LR

2007-06-15 Thread Mike Leahy

Although PostGIS and PL/R can be complimentary tools, I think a separate
installer (for now at least) would make the most sense for PL/R.  At
least that way there is still the option for other users to install PL/R
without PostGIS, and vice-versa.

At the same time, however, I can see how a including PL/R as an option
in the PostGIS installer could be useful - particularly if a set of
pre-defined functions were included with the setup that made use of PL/R
for spatial statistical operations within PostGIS. But this might get a
bit complicated, considering the requirements involved (e.g., having R
installed, as well as packages installed in R - such as deldir for
making voronoi polygons).


TECHER David wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Before I made a mistake, all you want is only a win32-installer for PL/R?
> because I think you know that's postgis win32-installer already exist?
> See http://www.postgis.org/download/windows/
> --david;
> Jan Hartmann a écrit :
>> Hi folks (sorry for crossposting),
>> Joe Conway just announced that PL/R will soon be available for
>> Windows. See the thread starting at:
>> http://gborg.postgresql.org/pipermail/plr-general/2007-June/000235.html
>> PL/R is an implementation of the statistical package R within
>> PostgreSQL. See:
>> http://www.joeconway.com/plr/
>> http://www.r-project.org
>> It's installed the same way as postGIS, but until now only a Linux
>> version was available. I have them both enabled on my server at SARA
>> computing center, and the functionality is unbelievable. My own
>> organisation, however, doesn't allow me to install Linux servers, and
>> even if they did, neither staff nor students would be willing or even
>> able to work with them. I guess this is not a unique situation, so
>> this Windows port is really important. Moreover, a PostgreSQl
>> implementation with full GIS and statistical functionality is
>> something that doesn't exist in the commercial world as far as I know.
>> An easy installable Windows version would IMO really be a showpiece
>> for Open Source software. I would really appreciate if people in the
>> know on both these lists would put their heads together to implement
>> this. I don't really know much about Windows installers, but my
>> feeling is that it is not enormously difficult.
>> Regards,
>> Jan Hartmann
>> Dr. J. Hartmann
>> Department of Geography
>> University of Amsterdam
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