Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Barbara Needham

Larry Samberg on 4/12/03 said

2. A way to toggle between REPLY and REPLY ALL after I have selected
reply. I keep my default as REPLY in order to avoid the annoying habit of
responding to everybody for trivial things. But then when I do need to do
a REPLY ALL I don't seem to have much choice but to close the REPLY and
do it again.

Again the option key does it. Hold it down and click on the little girl
with the left arrow in the toolbar and you will have a choice.

This one doesn't work. The girl is greyed out with or without the option key.

You have to have a message selected. Also just holding down the mouse
brings up the same two choices.
Barbara Needham

Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Larry Samberg

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 508-861-0261

On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:46:32 -0700 Leonard Morgenstern wrote:

On 4/12/03 10:24 AM Larry Samberg wrote:

.so these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

Dear Larry:

Several of the things you want are already there. What PowerMail REALLY
needs is a good users' manual so starters like you don't get so frustrated.

LSS That would help :)

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

Pressing the option key adds garbage cans to the arrowheads in the upper
right corner. Click on one and the message is deleted and you go to the
next or previous message. This is a little extra effort if you are
looking at a single message, but is very handy when you have opened a
bunch of them. You can delete them one by one by holding one finger on
the option key and clicking the mouse with the other hand.


2. A way to toggle between REPLY and REPLY ALL after I have selected
reply. I keep my default as REPLY in order to avoid the annoying habit of
responding to everybody for trivial things. But then when I do need to do
a REPLY ALL I don't seem to have much choice but to close the REPLY and
do it again.

Again the option key does it. Hold it down and click on the little girl
with the left arrow in the toolbar and you will have a choice.

This one doesn't work. The girl is greyed out with or without the option key.

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

There is a very good script for this called Purge Old Trash (I think --
I may have renamed it) I have set it to delete all trash more than 9 days
old. It is necessary to have the messages sorted by date, oldest first.
And, of course, it's not automatic. You have to remember to use it.

Actually, I hadn't thought of writing an Applescript for that. H.

I hope this helps.

Leonard Morgenstern

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Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Larry Samberg

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 508-861-0261

On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:12:38 -0700 Barbara Needham wrote:

Larry Samberg on 4/12/03 said

Now that I have been using PM for a few days I can put a few suggestions
on the table for future releases. I realize that there are always
cultural and intentional differences from program to program, and I
haven't been using PM long enough to understand the culture and intent of
the these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

If you don't mind the keyboard, command-delete will do this.

Ah, true 'nuf...

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

I don't think you are going to get hours but the request has been made
for some kind of a purge function after so many days. It wouldn't be
automatic, I don't think, but a called action. Of course I don't know if
CTMDev is going to DO it, but others have asked for it.

Hours, daysdoesn't matter. If it was hours I prolly would have chosen
48 or 72 anyway.

Barbara Needham

Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 4/12/03 10:24 AM Larry Samberg wrote:

.so these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

Dear Larry:

Several of the things you want are already there. What PowerMail REALLY
needs is a good users' manual so starters like you don't get so frustrated.

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

Pressing the option key adds garbage cans to the arrowheads in the upper
right corner. Click on one and the message is deleted and you go to the
next or previous message. This is a little extra effort if you are
looking at a single message, but is very handy when you have opened a
bunch of them. You can delete them one by one by holding one finger on
the option key and clicking the mouse with the other hand.

2. A way to toggle between REPLY and REPLY ALL after I have selected
reply. I keep my default as REPLY in order to avoid the annoying habit of
responding to everybody for trivial things. But then when I do need to do
a REPLY ALL I don't seem to have much choice but to close the REPLY and
do it again.

Again the option key does it. Hold it down and click on the little girl
with the left arrow in the toolbar and you will have a choice.

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

There is a very good script for this called Purge Old Trash (I think --
I may have renamed it) I have set it to delete all trash more than 9 days
old. It is necessary to have the messages sorted by date, oldest first.
And, of course, it's not automatic. You have to remember to use it.

I hope this helps.

Leonard Morgenstern

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Via e-mail
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Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Barbara Needham

Larry Samberg on 4/12/03 said

Now that I have been using PM for a few days I can put a few suggestions
on the table for future releases. I realize that there are always
cultural and intentional differences from program to program, and I
haven't been using PM long enough to understand the culture and intent of
the these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

If you don't mind the keyboard, command-delete will do this.

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

I don't think you are going to get hours but the request has been made
for some kind of a purge function after so many days. It wouldn't be
automatic, I don't think, but a called action. Of course I don't know if
CTMDev is going to DO it, but others have asked for it.

Barbara Needham

Re: Import error in 4.1.2

2003-04-12 Thread Larry Samberg

I just imported from OS X Mail this week with no problem. My biggest
folder was about 6000 messages

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 508-861-0261

On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:51:48 -0700 Noah Allen wrote:

I have recently downloaded the new version of
PowerMail (4.1.2) and tried to import from Apple's  Most folders are imported with no problem,
however when the import utility gets to the sent
items folder which contains over 11,000 emails, it
crashes the entire program.  This is reproducible, but
doesn't always happen at the same place in the sent
items folder.

I am running 10.2.5, with 1.5Gb RAM, and tons of hard
drive space.

Has anyone else had this issue with the PowerMail
import utility?

Thanks in advance.

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Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

semi-OT: cool as pie

2003-04-12 Thread Marlyse Comte

computers are just plain cool - well, more specifically the people coding
and coming up with all these neat ideas, which makes using computers real

since upgrading to osx I missed the freeware iScriptLite which was set to
daily backup my PM address book and my PM database plus to check my (oh
so many) secondary accounts. With the ability to set various schedules
for various accounts, the last script was not so important anymore, but
the automated daily backup I miss. 

now I found a way to automate this - right out of iCal! 

I found it on VersionTracker and it is called iCal_Script_Integrator.
this allows you to activate AppleScript as a timed event, and as a
repeating timed event my daily backups again happen, gone the hassle of
trying to remember daily to do it. 

I have now created a calendar especially and only for scripts in iCal to
make full use of this b/c next to this usage, there are so many other
possible uses when integrating AppleScript into ical, it's just plain
cool, imagine, by using a published calendar (which can be published on
any FTP server with another small iCal utility) I could even activate
specific AppleScripts on an external drive to control that drive!

now, tell me this is not cooler than pie!


p.s. and another total fun gadget are widgets which are built on java and
to be used with Konfabulator - 250 such widgets (some really useful, many
just plain fun or nice to look at) can be found at - for
example right now I have 3 weather locations (2 in the US plus 1 in
Switzerland) and 2 world time units (nicely styled) entertain my idle eye
- constantly updating and showing time, temperature, day/night and
weather condition all (if you get hooked, you'll be double glad having a
big cinema display) - me a visual geek? no way!! :)

we too have been infected:

Import error in 4.1.2

2003-04-12 Thread Noah Allen

I have recently downloaded the new version of
PowerMail (4.1.2) and tried to import from Apple's  Most folders are imported with no problem,
however when the import utility gets to the sent
items folder which contains over 11,000 emails, it
crashes the entire program.  This is reproducible, but
doesn't always happen at the same place in the sent
items folder.

I am running 10.2.5, with 1.5Gb RAM, and tons of hard
drive space.

Has anyone else had this issue with the PowerMail
import utility?

Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Larry Samberg

Now that I have been using PM for a few days I can put a few suggestions
on the table for future releases. I realize that there are always
cultural and intentional differences from program to program, and I
haven't been using PM long enough to understand the culture and intent of
the these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

2. A way to toggle between REPLY and REPLY ALL after I have selected
reply. I keep my default as REPLY in order to avoid the annoying habit of
responding to everybody for trivial things. But then when I do need to do
a REPLY ALL I don't seem to have much choice but to close the REPLY and
do it again.

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

4. Drag and drop of attachments from a received email -- or at least a
SAVE AS in the contextual menu for an attachment.

5. I really need INCOMING SERVER to be writable from Applescript and it
doesn't seem to be.

6. Probably a few more things, but that's all I can think of now.

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 508-861-0261

Re: OSX10.2.5

2003-04-12 Thread Rucastle

At 6:35 AM Fri, Apr 11, 2003 Rucastle said:

After the upgrade to 10.2.5 PM works fine, with the exception of being
extremely slow during the log in or timing out before it can.  Any ideas?


PM 4.1.2 , G4, OS X 10.2.5, ADSL

I do believe I have been had by a universal slowdown.  Right now we seam
to be flying, must have been a case of me blaming 

Re: Powermail will not open

2003-04-12 Thread Norman Kronenberg

Hello Mr. Greene

Fixed it by starting it up while holding down Option+Apple as you suggested.

The repair option that did it was: low level database rebuild.

Thanks much.  


have you tried starting it up while holding down Option+Apple... You can
run some repair options that way.

Man becomes the master of difficult situations by refusing
the assistance of weak men.  He relies on his own strength  
of character.   

I Ching (B.C. 1150?)

on Fri, 11 Apr 2003 20:02:58 -0400 / Norman Kronenberg said: 

Have been using Powermail for several months on a G4 with OS 10.2.

Powermail will not launch  I get error messages:

an error occurred while opening user's files
database error 100 in 9DB get record
low level error 69

Any help would be appreciated

Norm Kronenberg

Re: Powermail will not open

2003-04-12 Thread Jonathan Greene

have you tried starting it up while holding down Option+Apple... You can
run some repair options that way.

Man becomes the master of difficult situations by refusing
the assistance of weak men.  He relies on his own strength  
of character.   

I Ching (B.C. 1150?)

on Fri, 11 Apr 2003 20:02:58 -0400 / Norman Kronenberg said: 

Have been using Powermail for several months on a G4 with OS 10.2.

Powermail will not launch  I get error messages:

an error occurred while opening user's files
database error 100 in 9DB get record
low level error 69

Any help would be appreciated

Norm Kronenberg

Powermail will not open

2003-04-12 Thread Norman Kronenberg

Have been using Powermail for several months on a G4 with OS 10.2.

Powermail will not launch  I get error messages:

an error occurred while opening user's files
database error 100 in 9DB get record
low level error 69

Any help would be appreciated

Norm Kronenberg