[OT] PM support was Re: Stuffit problem

2003-06-09 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 07 6 2003 at 1:57 pm -0400, Marlyse Comte wrote:

yay, this is nifty! just checked it out and indeed! I never used this
option until now (knock on wood), but good to know it is there.

Although I've used this in the past, I didn't take time to pay attention
to the tracking number algorithm till now.  It's kind of neat; appears to
generate a random 6-char string, but with certain composition -- the 2,
4, 6 positions seem to always be vowels, thus creating a mnemonic word
which I suppose might be easier for internal tracking (hey, remember
that muhiny bug we were working on...):



I might just adopt this for use in my own product.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: Lag on view html

2003-06-09 Thread Barbara Needham

Jefferis Peterson on 6/9/03 said

I don't know what's wrong with the native VIEW HTML feature, but it probably
shouldn't be an option. I get the spinning cursor and even Safari becomes
unresponsive if I choose to view html with PM 4.1.3 instead of with a

From the PowerMail Manual:

HTML Reader

PowerMail can display HTML messages using Apple's HTMLRendering library.
This library does not display correctly certain HTML messages, and can
hang or crash PowerMail, so you might want to disable the HTML reader, or
to enable it only for messages that don't contain a plain text version of
the HTML data. Also, you can disable the download of external pictures in
HTML messages: they may be slow to download, and when you receive spam,
they can be used to inform the spammer that you have read the message.

Note that you can click the button with a globe icon, at the bottom of an
HTML message, to display it in your web browser. You can also press the
button to reveal a popup menu that let you switch between the plain text
or the HTML version, and download the external images manually

In my experience it is certain spam messages with incorrect HTML that
hangs up PowerMail and I find it easier to keep HTML turned off.
Barbara Needham

Lag on view html

2003-06-09 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I don't know what's wrong with the native VIEW HTML feature, but it probably
shouldn't be an option. I get the spinning cursor and even Safari becomes
unresponsive if I choose to view html with PM 4.1.3 instead of with a

## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of
type (regR/carP/x!bt)
Jun  9 07:18:54my-G4 /Applications/PowerMail 4.1.2 (Mac OS
X)/PowerMail.app/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail: *** Warning: Line option
kATSLineIsDisplayOnly has been deprecated. ***

Jun  9 07:20:04 Jeffs-G4 WindowServer[175]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates
disabled by connection 0xb407 for over 1.00 seconds

Also after a rebuild I had a crash on startup this AM
Console log:

2003-06-09 07:17:11.416 PowerMail[489] An uncaught exception was raised
2003-06-09 07:17:11.423 PowerMail[489] connection timeout: did not receive
2003-06-09 07:17:11.423 PowerMail[489] *** Uncaught exception:
NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
Jun  9 07:17:13 my-G4 crashdump: Crash report written to:


Date/Time:  2003-06-09 07:17:13 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:   my-G4.local.


Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x90844988 in _NSRaiseError
 #1   0x907ede28 in -[NSConnection sendInvocation:]
 #2   0x907f10b4 in -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation) forward::]
 #3   0x9068c130 in _objc_msgForward
 #4   0x931a247c in _NSLookupPBServer
 #5   0x931a20dc in +[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #6   0x93129250 in -[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #7   0x931a6fdc in -[NSSpellChecker init]
 #8   0x931a6e90 in +[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker]
 #9   0x02f14458 in SetIgnoredWords
 #10  0x0060093c in SetIgnoredWords__11CSpellCheckFPC9__CFArrayi
 #11  0x00601570 in Load__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFv
 #12  0x00600ecc in _ct__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFRC5FSRef
 #13  0x002e1978 in FinishCreateSelf__7CPMTextFv
 #14  0x00567040 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #15  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #16  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #17  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #18  0x0023498c in 0x23498c
 #19  0x0022efa4 in CreateMessageView__12CMailBrowserFv
 #20  0x0022f0e0 in SizerGetPane__12CMailBrowserFUl
 #21  0x004de684 in 0x4de684
 #22  0x004dde30 in
 #23  0x0022dfec in 0x22dfec
 #24  0x0021f8ac in
 #25  0x00221080 in LoadWindows__11CWindowListFP9CMASMsgDB
 #26  0x001ff800 in 0x1ff800
 #27  0x001fe70c in SwitchUserFiles__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #28  0x001fbbf0 in StartUpPM__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #29  0x001fb03c in StartUp__6CPMAppFv
 #30  0x00551e6c in
 #31  0x0055507c in
 #32  0x002084d0 in HandleAppleEvent__6CPMAppFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #33  0x00577ca0 in
 #34  0x005736c4 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #35  0x00574cd4 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
 #36  0x91b56570 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
 #37  0x91b590cc in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
 #38  0x91b56478 in aeProcessAppleEvent
 #39  0x96a83778 in AEProcessAppleEvent
 #40  0x00208690 in EventHighLevel__6CPMAppFRC11EventRecord
 #41  0x005581fc in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
 #42  0x005cbca8 in ProcessNextEvent__10LTSMDocAppFv
 #43  0x002080f0 in ProcessNextEvent__6CPMAppFv
 #44  0x0055160c in Run__12LApplicationFv
 #45  0x001f6948 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009190 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xcefc in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90034828 in semaphore_wait_trap
 #1   0x90034764 in pthread_join
 #2   0x01e3c214 in 0x1e3c214

Thread 3:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9029f79c in MPRemoteCall
 #3   0x01e3c29c in 0x1e3c29c

Thread 4:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x901489f0 in __CFRunLoopRun
 #3   0x90180f58 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #4   0x94d9c1c0 in _ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv
 #5   0x94d911b0 in _ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_
 #6   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x005501d4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
 #7   0x005c7624 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
 #8   0x005c74d0 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
 #9   0x0054e9fc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
 #10  0x005509b4 in 

Re: Latest releases unable to open Contents folder

2003-06-09 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from John Fields on 8/6/03 at 8:42 pm

Any reasons why the Contents folder will not open with 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and

I'm afraid that I can't duplicate the problem John; as you can see from
my sig below I'm using the latest version of PM and I can open the
package contents without any trouble. Try repairing permissions for your
Mac -- you can do this using Disk utility of the freeware app Cocktail.
It might sort out something behind the scenes that isn't immediately apparent.

Or it might not, in which case I'm stumped.

Hope this helps;

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS X 10.2.6  ::  768 MB RAM
PM 4.1.3  ::  3 pane mode

IMAP errors on Exchanger server

2003-06-09 Thread Ian Catlin

Dear all,

sorry if this is an old issue but I'm new to Powermail and can't get a
from the developers...  I have an Exchange server running IMAP that gives the
following error when fetching mail: Protocol Error: Specified message
list is

I get this it seems when a new message arrives in the mailbox after I've
connected.  Note that Powermail then hangs completely.  The server is a latest
pre-release version of Exchange server 2003.  Powermail works fine with other
IMAP servers, including the previous version of Exchnage (2000).  

has anyone seen this?  any ideas on how to troubleshoot?



Ian Catlin
IT Manager EMEA
Juniper Networks
+44 1372 385 606

Re: Archiving PM List (was Re: Upgrades and the value of time)

2003-06-09 Thread Mikael Bystr

So, what do others think? I am willing to take the idea up again and
build it and host it myself. I could start out with everything then have
information on the archive pages about how to contact me for changes,
edits to email addresses, etc. I would likely be doing the moving of
email from the list to the archive myself until I built the scripts to
take it directly from mail itself -- one archiving solution I found
actually has the PERL or whatever scripts to do this, I think. But at
that point I could likely modify them to account for special cases.
Whatever the case, I have just over 5000 PM List messages going back to
January 2002 which I could dump into the archive right away. (And remove
from my PM database :) )

Thoughts, ideas? doesn't matter?

Michael , I think most of the very real problems you mention can be
approached by:

1. persuade CTM to publish the archive address and additional information
regarding that in the headers or list byline and also on their website.
2. protecting archives with a password
3. obscuring email addresses, so that they could be retrieved as such
only one at a time.

2 and 3 would prevent robots collecting addresses. 1 would inform all
potential subscribers.
3 is perhaps not a standard solution, but I'm sure some in the open
source communities around a specific mail archive product, could be
convinced to cook something up, if it's not already existing. It would
mean people could get in touch with individuals when they read in the
archives. It could perhaps be made optional if you wanted to not be
requestable in the archive.

By the way, did you know there is a mail server product called Powermail
http://www.powerdns.com/powermail/? I haven't checked it out, but found
it googling.

Re: Stuffit problem

2003-06-09 Thread Mikael Bystr

Actually you don't need to start Disk Utilities as root, all you need do
is enter an administrative password.  DiskUtility appears to be just a
GUI for the unix diskutil.  Changing permissions in unix is done with
chmod, which doesn't care whether the files are in use or not.

OK, noted. So I take it then that the recommendation to boot of the CD in
order to repair permissions is some kind of consideration from the pre-X
era. Strange that Apple would write this if it's not needed. Though, it's
not like it's the first time users know more about the OS than do Apple.

Great, this means I probably fix my permissions more often, which is
probably very good for my OS.

Obviously, I also verified the operation with:

(sudo) diskutil verifyPermissions /

Just a guess that was the command.

However, I'd suggest that you give this excellent advice with the GUI
solution first. I'm not kidding when I say that I know quite a few Mac
users for whom, the very notion of having to use the terminal command
line interface would put them off OS X until the opposite have been
proven. I'm working very hard to make these people understand that you
don't *have to* use the terminal in order to fix things.

I certainly don't feel repugnance of the CLI, but I respect that some
people do.

OK, great tip. Charles!

Re: Stuffit problem

2003-06-09 Thread Mikael Bystr

Another option for general maintenance (slightly OT I know) is to grab
yourself a copy of the excellent freeware app Cocktail which can repair
permissions, redo prebinding, and a host of other neat tricks without the
need to reboot from the OS X CD. 

Thanks for the tip, Rick. I think I must update myself of all new
excellent tools available for OS X.