Re: PM6 hopes.. was:: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-26 Thread Dave N
Please add to my list of Hopes for PM6:
 * Ability to highlight  copy text in a html message.

Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Dave N's message of 10:40 AM, 8/24/08

Since I have (finally) started to use the 3 pane view, I noticed that PM
doesn't allow you to edit unsent emails in the 3rd pane. Even if you
save an email  reopen it in the 3rd pane later, you may view, but not
edit there. Sort of odd that you must open the unsent email in a
separate window to work on it. This is a minor complaint, but one easily
fixed in PM6 perhaps.

Along with the usual feature requests of:
*Normal Printing (with a print dialog box, message headers, choice of
html or text versions, etc)
* the infamous html issues
* Find/Replace function in the email being edited.
* Smart folders (saved searches)
* Pop-up menu to file incoming emails AND outgoing emails.
* More choices of toolbar functions.
* Lift the 2 gb db limit.
* Even more robust Filter criteria, to include IF this AND that, OR IF
the other thing, then...
* Continued support for the existing great features of PM for Power users.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Bill Schjelderup's message of 9:54
AM, 8/24/08

I sure hope Powermail v6 is a real product and not vaporwareand that
one of it's major enhancements is better integration of HTML email.

reset used keychain?

2008-08-26 Thread MB

PowerMail insists to use my login keychain even though I don't have any
info for a mail account there. Theyre in my user accounts keychain. This
keychains password is different from the account password. 
How can I affect what keychain PowerMail wants to use? Can I reset this


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-26 Thread MB
C. A. Niemiec suggested:

1. view plain text portion
2. view HTML portion
3. view HTML portion scrubbed to plain text

#3 is HTML part minus tags. Links reduced to PowerMail's usual angle-
bracketed plain text style.

The 3rd alternative is usually possible with PM since some time, if
there is no pure text part. If there is a pure text part, usually it
makes sense to default to that. I'd consider it feature though to be
able to view any HTML-message to text only, even if there was a pure
text part. 

However, some HTML-messages end up as attachments only, which is a big
problem IMHO.  Some problems with this:

? The PM built-search index won't contain the data as it's only
available in an external file. Thus, information in these attached files
won't turn up in any searches.
? The information is fragile. If the external file is moved or deleted
only an empty message will be what's left.
? The information can only be read, copied and treated in the web
browser, which is quite inconvenient.
? It's likely that forwards or redirects will keep the message as
attachment only, which will expand the problem to users of other more
HTML-capable email clients. 

Friends (sic), family, co-workers all get their HTML mail via the client
of their choice. PowerMail users can send back plain text replies.
PowerMail users with a grudge against HTML mail can send back plain text
with maniacal glee.

Hehe, this sounds nice.

Would this really take more than some regex? 
Why? It's much better to let an HTML interpreter do its stuff and use
the result, which is text after all (and media obviously, but that would
have to be scrapped I think). Which is what PM does now.


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

Re: reset used keychain?

2008-08-26 Thread Rene Merz
MB wrote:

PowerMail insists to use my login keychain even though I don't have any
info for a mail account there. Theyre in my user accounts keychain. This
keychains password is different from the account password. 
How can I affect what keychain PowerMail wants to use? Can I reset this

Have a look at your keychain access (service application) of your mac.


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-26 Thread C. A. Niemiec
However, some HTML-messages end up as attachments only, which is a big
problem IMHO.  Some problems with this:

? The PM built-search index won't contain the data as it's only
available in an external file. Thus, information in these attached files
won't turn up in any searches.
? The information is fragile. If the external file is moved or deleted
only an empty message will be what's left.
? The information can only be read, copied and treated in the web
browser, which is quite inconvenient.

I would envision an HTML importer that would squeeze the content of
.html attachments sans tags into a message that would be indexed and
placed in the database as normal (heh, as a normal message).


Mail  Import HTML attachment as text

... and a corresponding action for filter purposes. If message is [ not
evaluated as spam || from sender in address book || etc ], make a plain
text part from HTML attachment.

? It's likely that forwards or redirects will keep the message as
attachment only, which will expand the problem to users of other more
HTML-capable email clients.

Forwarding with attachments -- didn't think of that.

Would this really take more than some regex?

Why? It's much better to let an HTML interpreter do its stuff and use
the result, which is text after all (and media obviously, but that would
have to be scrapped I think). Which is what PM does now.

For PowerMail to create a tagless, plain text version of the HTML part
would take more than regex? Or take the results of the HTML interpreter
and make plain text of that? Same end: text I can select from within
PowerMail for quoting or whatnot.

I guess my point was I wouldn't have to use/look at the HTML interpreter
unless the conversion ended up too scrambled. I honestly don't get
enough HTML messages to know how often this would be.


powermail-discuss Digest #2875 - 08/26/08

2008-08-26 Thread PowerMail discussions
powermail-discuss Digest #2875 - Tuesday, August 26, 2008

  Re: PM6 hopes.. was:: reason for HTML-only?
  reset used keychain?
  Re: reason for HTML-only?
  Re: reset used keychain?
  by Rene Merz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: reason for HTML-only?
  by C. A. Niemiec [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: PM6 hopes.. was:: reason for HTML-only?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:08:56 -0700

Please add to my list of Hopes for PM6:
 * Ability to highlight  copy text in a html message.

Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Dave N's message of 10:40 AM, 8/24/08

Since I have (finally) started to use the 3 pane view, I noticed that PM
doesn't allow you to edit unsent emails in the 3rd pane. Even if you
save an email  reopen it in the 3rd pane later, you may view, but not
edit there. Sort of odd that you must open the unsent email in a
separate window to work on it. This is a minor complaint, but one easily
fixed in PM6 perhaps.

Along with the usual feature requests of:
*Normal Printing (with a print dialog box, message headers, choice of
html or text versions, etc)
* the infamous html issues
* Find/Replace function in the email being edited.
* Smart folders (saved searches)
* Pop-up menu to file incoming emails AND outgoing emails.
* More choices of toolbar functions.
* Lift the 2 gb db limit.
* Even more robust Filter criteria, to include IF this AND that, OR IF
the other thing, then...
* Continued support for the existing great features of PM for Power users.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Bill Schjelderup's message of 9:54
AM, 8/24/08

I sure hope Powermail v6 is a real product and not vaporwareand that
one of it's major enhancements is better integration of HTML email.


Subject: reset used keychain?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:06:41 +0200

PowerMail insists to use my login keychain even though I don't have any
info for a mail account there. Theyre in my user accounts keychain. This
keychains password is different from the account password.
How can I affect what keychain PowerMail wants to use? Can I reset this


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB


Subject: Re: reason for HTML-only?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:06:41 +0200

C. A. Niemiec suggested:

1. view plain text portion
2. view HTML portion
3. view HTML portion scrubbed to plain text

#3 is HTML part minus tags. Links reduced to PowerMail's usual angle-
bracketed plain text style.

The 3rd alternative is usually possible with PM since some time, if
there is no pure text part. If there is a pure text part, usually it
makes sense to default to that. I'd consider it feature though to be
able to view any HTML-message to text only, even if there was a pure
text part.

However, some HTML-messages end up as attachments only, which is a big
problem IMHO.  Some problems with this:

? The PM built-search index won't contain the data as it's only
available in an external file. Thus, information in these attached files
won't turn up in any searches.
? The information is fragile. If the external file is moved or deleted
only an empty message will be what's left.
? The information can only be read, copied and treated in the web
browser, which is quite inconvenient.
? It's likely that forwards or redirects will keep the message as
attachment only, which will expand the problem to users of other more
HTML-capable email clients.

Friends (sic), family, co-workers all get their HTML mail via the client
of their choice. PowerMail users can send back plain text replies.
PowerMail users with a grudge against HTML mail can send back plain text
with maniacal glee.

Hehe, this sounds nice.

Would this really take more than some regex?
Why? It's much better to let an HTML interpreter do its stuff and use
the result, which is text after all (and media obviously, but that would
have to be scrapped I think). Which is what PM does now.


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB


Subject: Re: reset used keychain?
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:40:05 +0200

MB wrote:

PowerMail insists to use my login keychain even though I don't have any
info for a mail account there. Theyre in my user accounts keychain. This
keychains password is different from the account password.
How can I affect what keychain PowerMail wants to use? Can I reset this

Have a look at your keychain access (service application)