Re: A Tad More Feedback

2008-11-22 Thread listes
Lyle D. Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1. I am happy to pay for an upgrade. I could care less if it is 6.0  
 or I want CTM Development to continue seeing PowerMail
 as something worth putting time into (and for them to stay in the  
 black). The upgrade cost is about what it costs me to take my sons  
 out to lunch, and a good email client is a very important tool to me.

Cound't agree more. Times are hard for mailreader makers in a world
where Apple's is free and quite mature now... I paid before
even downloading. 

And in addition, maybe with thread handling this is the last
contribution I make to this list via MacSOUP (which did threading for
years ;-)


remove .listes and add a dot after fh please
enlevez .listes et ajoutez un point après fh

Thoughts at random - V6.0 public beta

2008-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, All - 

First, I am coming at this from a different direction.  I stopped using
PowerMail about 6 months ago in favor of Apple Mail, thinking that I
would 'turn over' my PowerMail license to my wife, who is still using
Claris Emailer on a Quadra 650 under System 7.6.1 (but is getting more
and more HTML stuff, which is getting problematic).  I have an iMac all
set up for her to use PowerMail under Mac OS X, but she is in no hurry
to make the switch.  So, when the public beta became available, I bought
an upgrade license.  I am basically 'starting over' while waiting for
Lady Technophobe (her self-appointed title) to decide to make the
change, so am looking at the new version from perhaps a different
perspective than some list members might have.

I am using a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) with Mac OS X 10.4.11, completely updated.

So, here go some of my observations:

I started out with a new user identity, and imported my database from
Apple Mail.  There were a few minor glitches:

a) I have a folder in Mail named 'Mailing Lists' with some messages in
it, but also some subfolders containing messages.  The import created
'Mailing Lists' with the messages, plus a folder 'Mailing Lists 2'
containing no messages, but containing the subfolders.  

b) My 'Drafts' folder in Mail is empty, but the imported 'Drafts' folder
(s) contained (partial or previously saved) versions of messages that I
had already sent. 

c) I had a 'Duplicate Messages' folder as a result of using Mail Scripts
with Apple Mail.  In Mail, the folder is empty.  The imported folder
contained numerous messages.  

Unfortunately, I cleaned all this up before thinking to check more
thoroughly, but I suppose I could start with a new user environment to
see if it is repeatable.

d) I was viewing a message in HTML format, and tried clicking on a link
in the message when the cursor changed to a hand.  Nothing happened
except that the link changed color in response to my click (as if the
click was accepted).  I tried Command-clicking, and also trying to use
the contextual menu.  No functional response.  I was able to open the
link by switching to plain text view, but some HTML mails don't have a
'functionally equivalent' plain text part.  I know I can open the
message in a web browser and go from there, but it is really, REALLY
counterintuitive to display a non-functioning link cursor and/or show a
non-functional contextual menu.  This sort of issue is a deal-breaker
for my wife.

e) Printing HTML mail is _badly_ broken.  In the 3-pane view, If I
highlight the message in the list and choose 'Print...', I am shown the
print dialog.  Looking at the Preview, only the subject would print.  If
I click on the message preview portion of the window, or open a message
pane window and choose 'Print...', the message is printed immediately,
with no intermediate print setup dialog, and there are no headers
printed.  While the latter is bad enough (and a long-standing issue on
this list), direct printing from the File/Print.. menu without an
intermediate dialog is just plain WRONG.   

f) We _still_ have the issue of saved drafts with no visible indication
in the folder list pane display that there is an unsent draft in the Out Tray.

g) I also see the attachment highlighting issue that Ben noted in his
message.  Click on one attachment name, it is highlighted.  Click on a
second adjacent name, the first remains highlighted.  Click on a third,
and after a second or two, the previous two names are un-highlighted. 
Does not happen when Finder-like lists are used.

h) I appreciate the ability to view a thread.  Implemented more like a
search than a change in the view as in other clients I've tried.

i) The Finder-like lists are a nice addition, but so far as I can see,
purely cosmetic.  There are other functional issues to address...

j) I like to queue all messages before sending, then initiate sending
manually.  Adding this command to the Dock menu is a small, but good,
functional improvement.

k) It has always bugged me that the Window menu doesn't indicate when
one of the setup menu windows is open, or if one of the windows
selectable in the Windows menu is open.  I may have missed it before,
but I just noticed that all open windows are listed in the Dock menu,
and the frontmost window is checked.  I have really missed this
functionality, and if it is new, appreciate the addition, but why is
this information not shown in the Window menu?

Well, that's a starter list.  As I find more, or verify others'
observations, I'll try to chime in.

 - Don

Re: PM 6 beta (4574)

2008-11-22 Thread Tim Lapin
On   Friday, November 21, 2008,   Derry Thompson   sent forth:

Jeremy Hughes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:43:56 +

I tried that a while back, and it wasn't a good solution.

Ahh. Ok.

In any case, I don't want bigger and bigger databases. I want separate
databases for each email folder (like in Apple Mail). It's fine if these
have a 2 GB limit. What isn't fine is a single monolithic database with
a 2 GB limit.

Yep, agreed.

I agree, almost.  Having a 2 GB limit per account somehow implies that
email will be distributed normally between all accounts.  What about the
situation of 1 account getting, say, 90% of the email?  How does having
separate databases per account help there?  How about the case of a
single account?

The method I thought they should have pursued is that used by
Thunderbird, combined with archiving:  every parent folder has a
database of 4 GB.  A parent folder refers to folders such as Inbox,
Sent and so on.  That implies that each account could have multiple 4
GB databases.  The size limitation per database doesn't really matter
under this method; it could be 2, 4 or any number since the email is now
split into much more manageable chunks, especially given most users'
desire to filter their mail into many folders.

Add archiving to that and you got a permanent solution with almost
limitless growth up to the size of your hard drive.   In the interim,
archiving by itself is an excellent solution.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMacOS 10.5.1PowerMail 5.6.1 1 GB RAM 250 GB HD

powermail-discuss Digest #2904 - 11/22/08

2008-11-22 Thread PowerMail discussions
powermail-discuss Digest #2904 - Saturday, November 22, 2008

  Help! Erased account-how to avoid massive re-download?
  by Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Help! Erased account-how to avoid massive re-download?
  by Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A Tad More Feedback
  by Lyle D. Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: A Tad More Feedback
  by Ben Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: A Tad More Feedback
  Re: A Tad More Feedback
  by listes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Thoughts at random - V6.0 public beta
  by Don Zahniser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: PM 6 beta (4574)
  by Tim Lapin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Help! Erased account-how to avoid massive re-download?
From: Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:22:01 -0500

I had two versions of the account information for my main email account
in Mail Accounts. The older one was set up for receiving mail, the newer
one for sending. Yesterday I deleted the older account and now have set
the newer one to check for mail.

Now PowerMail wants to re-download all previously downloaded mail. I
keep 2 months of mail on web mail as a backup.

I assume that when I deleted the older settings in Mail Accounts
PowerMail lost the log of what mail it had already downloaded.Is there
any way to keep PowerMail from re-downloading the email it has already

Thanks for any help.

- Winston

(This happened because my internet company moved to authenticated SMTP
which required different SMTP settings. I discovered that the PM List-
Unsubscribe button on some emails ignored the setting to use the newer
account settings and instead used the older settings, which no longer
work for sending mail. So I deleted the older settings, not realizing
that this would mess up PowerMail's tracking of what mail it had already


Subject: Re: Help! Erased account-how to avoid massive re-download?
From: Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 09:55:33 +0900

Am/On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:22:01 -0500 schrieb/wrote Winston Weinmann:

I had two versions of the account information for my main email account
in Mail Accounts. The older one was set up for receiving mail, the newer
one for sending. Yesterday I deleted the older account and now have set
the newer one to check for mail.

Now PowerMail wants to re-download all previously downloaded mail. I
keep 2 months of mail on web mail as a backup.

I assume that when I deleted the older settings in Mail Accounts
PowerMail lost the log of what mail it had already downloaded.Is there
any way to keep PowerMail from re-downloading the email it has already

I believe this has nothing to do with PM, but the server pushes these
mails again 

So, I'd setup a filter for these mails, so that they get collected in
one folder and redownload them and delete the whole folder after downloading.
Or you use IMAP and delete them from the server.

Thanks and all the best



Subject: A Tad More Feedback
From: Lyle D. Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 19:39:56 -0700

I'm sort of the opposite of some of the opinions expressed here.

1. I am happy to pay for an upgrade. I could care less if it is 6.0
or I want CTM Development to continue seeing PowerMail
as something worth putting time into (and for them to stay in the
black). The upgrade cost is about what it costs me to take my sons
out to lunch, and a good email client is a very important tool to me.

2. I can live with one big, hairy database. More messages simply
means more records. Archiving messages will make it easier to keep
them backed up elsewhere.

3. Simple styled text will make the difference between having
PowerMail around to use once in a while and being the email client I
use all the time. Because of this feature, I'll be able to reply to
people who like the sort of emphasis that styled text makes possible.
And will prevent loss of any styles they may have applied to text I
include in a reply.

I have not followed this list closely enough to know what problems
there are with IMAP accounts, but maybe because of that I will have
an open mind.

Open mind or not, though, I backed up my mail database before I
installed the betta! :-)



Subject: Re: A Tad More Feedback
From: Ben Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 18:51:54 -0800

Lyle D. Gunderson wrote at 7:39 PM (-0700) on 11/21/08:

1. I am happy to pay for an upgrade. I could care less if it is 6.0
or I want CTM Development to continue seeing PowerMail
as something worth putting time into (and for them to stay in the
black). The upgrade 

Re: Thoughts at random - V6.0 public beta

2008-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser

d) I was viewing a message in HTML format, and tried clicking on a link
in the message when the cursor changed to a hand.  Nothing happened
except that the link changed color in response to my click (as if the
click was accepted).  I tried Command-clicking, and also trying to use
the contextual menu.  No functional response.  I was able to open the
link by switching to plain text view, but some HTML mails don't have a
'functionally equivalent' plain text part.  I know I can open the
message in a web browser and go from there, but it is really, REALLY
counterintuitive to display a non-functioning link cursor and/or show a
non-functional contextual menu.  This sort of issue is a deal-breaker
for my wife.

Hmmm... I turned the HTML reader off and tried clicking on some links in
messages after displaying the HTML through the menu at the bottom of the
frame, and suddenly I was able to get links to open in my default
browser.  I turned the HTML browser back on, and it continued to work.  

The contextual menu that appears when I control-click on a link
continues to be non-functional, however.

 - Don