missing icons

2004-07-01 Thread Perstr

Good morning. I use 5.01 and sometimes icons are missing. Right now for
example my In Tray-icon in the browser-window is missing and the little
cross in the lower right corner when I'm connected to an IMAP-account is
missing. However I can click on where it use to sit and disconnect. It
also happens to the Out Tray which has had a stamp-icon as well (or was
that a previous version). I have never tried to change or customize icons.



2004-04-20 Thread Perstr

When I mark a message as good that was labeled spam by SS the color is
still red. Is it possible to get it in black after marked as good? Maybe
there is a preference I've missed?

You should no longer use the SpamSieve AppleScripts with PM5; the
integrated SpamSieve filter will set the spam rating column, instead of
labeling the message in red.

I wasnt using the applescripts. I had modified the Spam: actions-script
to also label the message red if its spam in the Setup  Mail Filter-
settings (to make the spam even more visible. And that color didnt go
away after I marked the message as good.

/per å


2004-04-20 Thread Perstr

The new mark as good / mark as spam toolbar buttons (and menu items) will
train SpamSieve, when you have activated SpamSieve from the spam filter
assistant. They will also set the spam rating of the message, and do
whatever action is configured in the new mark as spam preference pane.

When I mark a message as good that was labeled spam by SS the color is
still red. Is it possible to get it in black after marked as good? Maybe
there is a preference I've missed?

/per å

problem with To, CC

2004-01-29 Thread Perstr

I am on two different email-lists (with the same account), lets call them
A and B. If I send an email to both lists, like this, To: A, CC: B I will
recieve two mails, the one from list

A is
To: A

B is:
To: B

I consider this to be wrong since I actually sent the email CC:d to B.

Have I described this good enough so that anyone understands? Anyone else
noticing the same behaviour? (The server with the lists is running
Communigate Pro.)

/per å

Re: Default Mail in Panther (slightly OT rant)

2003-11-09 Thread Perstr

Try this:


/per å

Panther Internet System Preferences:
Web preferences (such as Default Web Browser) are now buried in Safari
Preferences. Default Mail Application is buried in Apple's Mail app

What I found particularly annoying was that Mail app forced me to
configure it with (more or less) valid configuration information before
it would let me look at its Preferences to make sure that PowerMail was
still the default. (Which it was.)

For as long as I recall part of what Apple meant to computing was ease
of use and choice. I see a trend now toward doing things not because
they're easy, or intuitive, or even because they make sense, but either
because that's what Windows users are used to or because it's our OS
and our Apps and we'll do as we please.

Does that mean that every mail client is going to have to include an
option in it's own Prefs to make itself the Default Mail App? Is Apple
going to allow 3rd party apps to do that? Or will we all be coerced into
setting up Mail just so we can have the choice not to use it? I'm trying
to get a little reality check here, because I think they've stepped over
the line on this one. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems like we've gone back
about 10 years. Back before Internet Config put all the Internet
configuration in one place, at the System level, outside of applications.
Are these system level Preferences available anywhere else, or has the OS
really been this Microsoftized?

- Chris Plummer

check the UNPREDICTABLE archive - http://www.unpredictablemac.com


2003-10-10 Thread Perstr

Look at the Connect Again-button on the toolbar. Isnt it rather OS9-
ish? In fact, arent all the buttons retro-looking!

/per å

Re: recent mail doesn't display new mail *again*

2003-09-03 Thread Perstr

Not a bad idea David -- not so much for the seeing them in folders part
(a folder's contents is only visible if that folder is selected, after
all, and I don't want to have to go through selecting each of my hundred-
odd folders one by one), but for the dearch by Label thing; something
that I wouldn't have thought of as I'm not using the beta (I don't feel
like exposing my email database to the 'bleeding edge' just at the moment).

Still, I think my original idea of being able to have mail 'stick' in the
RMW is a good one; it would let me see my things that need acting upon
list without having to perform a search. Nevertheless, once 4.2 is
finalised and I switch my message database over to it I may find that
your label-based solution is perfectly adequate.

I use the search-function alot now since its so much better and faster.
But i lack the possibility to save search-patterns, for example I often
make the search: priority 2, last 2 weeks. I would prefer to have that
search saved in a folder in the folder-view (as a virtual folder) so that
when marked it performs the search and displays it in the message window.
The powermail-people propably can think of a nice solution and make even
more use of the fast search-engine(*).

(* = 76261 messages, 269MB database and still very fast searches)

/per å

little red envelopes

2003-09-03 Thread Perstr

Hi, I cant see the little red envelopes in the message-view (havent been
able to since I removed them using resedit in OS9 in version
3.something). Can I get them back?

/per å


2003-08-25 Thread Perstr

Hi, is it possible to search messages by attachment-name? That would be

/per å


2003-08-13 Thread Perstr

I'm in threepane-view and click somewhere in the left pane but not on a
folder-name. The two right panes are/become empty. If I perform a search
now (in all local mailfolders) I get No item found. If I click on a
folder name and do the same search I get plenty of find messages.

I get the impression that its required to have a folder marked in order
to make search work?

/per å

first impressions of 4.2b1

2003-08-12 Thread Perstr



Install PowerMail 4.2b1 and launch it; as a default, a fresh folder named
PowerMail files 4.2 will be created in your User folder. If you wish to
convert a copy of your 4.1 database (see point 2 above), use
Switch user environments in the Database submenu of the File menu

On my computer the PowerMail Files 4.2b was created in:
/Users/per/Mail/PowerMail Files 4.2b

I would prefer to have it placed in

The new search-engine is incredible! Fast and easy. Would be cool if I
could save different search-patterns for easy access (as you could in
Sherlock when it was still used for file-search).

Is it possible to get the same speedy search when using the View

/per å