>Not a bad idea David -- not so much for the "seeing them in folders" part
>(a folder's contents is only visible if that folder is selected, after
>all, and I don't want to have to go through selecting each of my hundred-
>odd folders one by one), but for the dearch by Label thing; something
>that I wouldn't have thought of as I'm not using the beta (I don't feel
>like exposing my email database to the 'bleeding edge' just at the moment).
>Still, I think my original idea of being able to have mail 'stick' in the
>RMW is a good one; it would let me see my "things that need acting upon"
>list without having to perform a search. Nevertheless, once 4.2 is
>finalised and I switch my message database over to it I may find that
>your label-based solution is perfectly adequate.

I use the search-function alot now since its so much better and faster.
But i lack the possibility to save search-patterns, for example I often
make the search: priority 2, last 2 weeks. I would prefer to have that
search saved in a folder in the folder-view (as a virtual folder) so that
when marked it performs the search and displays it in the message window.
The powermail-people propably can think of a nice solution and make even
more use of the fast search-engine(*).

(* = 76261 messages, 269MB database and still very fast searches)

/per å

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