Re: eyeball

2004-09-07 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 7/09/04 à 8:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>>It's that search window that I'm trying to get. It used to show up with
>>the eyeball. I can't seem to figure out how to get the search window.
>>Maximizing the browser didn't show it for me.
>Under PM 5.x, the search field is now in the toolbar running across the
>top of the browser window.  It is an oval shape with a magnifying glass
>and a default search value of "subject" written in it.
>You have to show your toolbar to see it.  You might even have to modify
>your toolbar, although I would imagine a search function would be part of
>the default set.

I think I read something (on this list) about a difference between
Panther and former OSX releases.
In one case, you had the eyeball, and a click on it opened the search box.
In the other case (10.3), the box is in the toolbar.

So maybe, the question and answers are not really related ... but I do
not have a better answer : I'm now on 10.3 and have no more eyeball.

Or am I saying silly things ?


Re: raw source issues

2004-07-01 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 1/07/04 à 12:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>anyone know the answer to this?

no ideas about spamcop, but for the full header and original message, I
collected this script on this list some months ago. It is a different way
than Alan's way.

tell application "PowerMail"
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set s to source of msg
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at the beginning of documents with 
properties {text:s}
end tell
end repeat
end tell

Could it partially help ?


>>>hey everyone. i'm evaluating PowerMail and so far i like what i see.
>>>after having tried and rejected four email client programs over the last
>>>few months, i might have found one that i can live with finally.
>>>however, the documentation and/or support is a bit...scanty. no
>>>downloadable manual, so i can't do a search for something. and no word
>>>from the developers on my question. so i thought i'd try the forum.
>>>thanks in advance for any help!
>>>how do i get to the raw source text in an email? i want to continue
>>>reporting spam to, and PowerMail doesn't want me to see what
>>>lies underneath.
>>>i know about the pop up menu at the bottom, where i can "show plain text
>>>with header". and then i can select "show full header" in the menu
>>>options. but here are my questions:
>>>- why isn't it showing me everything? PowerMail seems to abbreviate the
>>>email, especially emails that have been processed in one version of Spam
>>>Assassin. on one of my servers, Spam Assassin includes the spam email as
>>>part of another email, so there are two sets of headers. the second set
>>>of headers seems to make PowerMail lose the rest of the message, but i
>>>can't be sure.
>>>- why does PM sometimes put the headers at the end of the email, and
>>>other times at the beginning? i've found that i can display the full
>>>headers the first time, and they're put at the end. i hide and then show
>>>them again, and they're ate the beginning.
>>>- spamcop reports some problems being able to parse URLs in the body of
>>>the email. apparently this is due to PM inserting cr's where there
>>>shouldn't be any, instead of just wrapping. i don't know if that's the
>>>actual problem, but spamcop's faq lists that as a common source of trouble.
>>>so basically, any tips for using PM with spamcop?

Re: more html issues (text/html)

2004-06-30 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 29/06/04 à 11:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Stephane Terreaux wrote:
>>I receive from one person messages which source looks like this :
>This is probably because the message contains both an HTML and plain text
>parts, the text part being empty. PowerMail can't display both parts (or
>multiple HTML parts) simultaneously, when they are not alternative (ie,
>content-type is multipart/mixed and not multipart/alternative).


I missed the most important header line in my former message :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

It looks very pure html, encoded in b64.
What is it possible to do with that ? at least, could some applescript
"repair" it, I mean rebuild a message based from this one but with the
text in it ?

I can send you directly the complete source of one of these messages, if
you ask.


Re: more html issues

2004-06-28 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 28/06/04 à 13:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>- if you want to read an html encoded message, you can click onto the
>little globe you will find with such messages at the bottom left: it will
>present the message in your webbrowser

I receive from one person messages which source looks like this :

Header : among other stuff,
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Body : several lines of encoded data like this

PM displays correctly the text in html mode, and nothing in text mode.
When I reply, there is no quoted text.

Is that what you call "html encoded message" ?

Is there a way to get the original text in the reply, without going
through the inefficient process display-in-safari/copy/paste-in-PM ?

Thanks for any advice,

Re: new to powermail

2004-06-21 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 20/06/04 à 20:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Hi again,
>I appreciate the feedback.

I switched to PM two years ago. I've been using Claris Emailer for years
and found PM3 at least as pleasant but less buggy (french version of
emailer gave somme problems ...).

One other point which is really great for me is its flexibility in terms
of using multiple accounts. I get mail on 8 accounts, and also use 8
other pseudo-accounts (send only) to use different identities. With PM,
this is like kindergarten.
I'm currently trying to help some wintel-using persons to configure the
email-client-which-name-one-must-not-pronounce to use several accounts,
this is incredibly complicated and almost impossible. I'm amazed one can
make such bad software, it's so comfortable with PM ! Too bad for them
... and I'm happy when I come back home and open my good old powerbook !


Re: Import Failures

2004-06-07 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 7/06/04 à 13:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>I'm curious because I'm
>getting ready to reformat my internal hard drive now that my new external
>backup drive has finally arrived, so I want to be sure to backup
>everything required.

I suggest you have a look at Carbon Copy cloner

With this software, and with a comfortable external drive, you don't have
to think much about what you need to backup ...


Re: Dummy messages

2004-04-29 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 29/04/04 à 7:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Look in the Setup > Mail Accounts... menu. There is an option under the
>'Receiving' tab. Make sure that PM's not set to 'Leave messages on server'

Thanks for the tip, but there is no doubt on that point : all messages
are deleted except these no-subject-no-from-messages !
Jerome contacted me directly, we'll do some test.


>On Thu, Apr 29, 2004, Stephane Terreaux said:
>>Could it be possible to PM to handle it correctly, thus deleting it
>>automatically ?

Dummy messages

2004-04-29 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Hello PM users,

I observe a small issue with PM, any version :
I receive, in one of my mailboxes (, owned by,
some strange messages : no from, no subject.

On every connection, PM tells me it downloads the messages, but they
never appear in the browser.

The only way to delete these messages is by means of the webmail.

Here are two different samples :

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ( by (6.5.036)
id 407CDDCD022387E3; Wed, 28 Apr 2004 20:29:49 +0200
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (derived from envelope by
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 20:29:49 +0200 (added by [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Received: from by; Wed, 28 Apr 2004 12:28:45
Received: from ( by (6.5.036)
id 4083C04000F793D2; Mon, 26 Apr 2004 01:00:08 +0200
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (derived from envelope by
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 01:00:08 +0200 (added by [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (added by
X-Message-Info: B[1

Could it be possible to PM to handle it correctly, thus deleting it
automatically ?



Attachments filtering and other stuff

2004-04-20 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Hello everybody,

very happy to test the new version ...

I noticed something which could be an odd behaviour :
I set up a filter which says
if the attachment's name ends with pif, com, scr, do something.

It seems not to work on partially retrieved mails, although the
attachment's name is known, because it is displayed (grayed) in the
message window.

On PM4, I used to do that with an AppleScript, which was not so efficient
as an internal filter. The AppleScript did however work on partial messages.

Any idea about that ?

Other stuff :
- I use a "delete mail" AS, to quickly remove the spams. It seems to be
much faster than on PM4, on my good old powerbook FW 400 !
- I found some mistakes in the french translation, where should I send
the suggestions ?

Thanks for the work,


Re: Trashed Email?

2004-04-19 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 19/04/04 à 10:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Also, in the release notes for PM5 there was an item about configuring to
>delete trash after "n" days ... where do you configure that?

Wops, I just set that that preference to 30 days, saved the preferences
and exited PM5.
The trash was 100% emptied ...

Did anyone else have the same odd behavior ?


Re: switching from and Eudora

2004-04-01 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 31/03/04 à 18:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Also, it's my understanding that PowerMail doesn't have a spam
>filter.  What is everyone using as a "fix" for this?

Well I tried SpamSieve and it's a great stuff !

OK for me spam filtering is easier to do than for english people : spams
are 99,9% in english, and for me normal messages are 99,99% in french.
But it seems to be very efficient even in "single language" email accounts ...

(I tried it after reading some times the powermail discussion list)


Re: Wishlist: attachments

2004-04-01 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 31/03/04 à 9:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>I wish that PM would elegantly handle reattaching attachments to messages.
>I want to be able to rename or move attachments and keep/update the link
>in the message.

Great, as would be great a better handling of the long file names
suggested by Ron.

Waooo, I'm afraid all that wishes would make the app perfect beyond the
perfection !


Wishlist : auto trashed messages deletion

2004-03-31 Thread Stephane Terreaux


my contribution to the wishlist will be the following :

It would be great if the messages in the trash would disappear by
themselves after a delay setup in the preferences. For example, I may
decide the messages to stay in the trash for 1 week or 1 month or whatever.

This is inherited from the good old Claris Emailer, which proposed this
feature. It deleted the "too old" messages at startup or exit, I don't

What do you think about it ?


HTML enclosure

2004-02-25 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Hi there,

I would like an advice on how to handle some special messages I receive.
These messages are empty, all the usefull information is enclosed in an
enclosure.html attachment that Powermail do not want to display. I don't
even know what is the mailer, there is no such info in the header.
The header says
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Is there a way (through some AppleScripts ?) to ...
- force the insertion of the attachment's content in the body of the message ?
- rename the attachment to a chosen name, which I would be able to
distinguish into the "Attachments" folder ?

Thank you in advance,

Re: Delete Message = Delete Attachments?

2004-02-25 Thread Stephane Terreaux

Le 23/02/04 à 14:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Hello Anthony
>>I've often wondered about this because sometimes it seems to happen.
>>When I get a message that has attachments, the attached files are
>>automatically downloaded into a "DownLoads" folder in my Home Directory.
>> Downloads from Safari also go to this folder.
>>If I get a message with attached files and then delete the message, are
>>the already downloaded files also deleted?
>Yes. Unless you first move the attachment(s) to a different folder.

I'm really surprised with this answer. Is it a setup in the Preferences
of the program ?

On my system, the attachments are not deleted when I delete a message. As
I got a lot of SPAM (with sometimes silly or infected attachments) on one
of my acounts, I have made a script to remove message+attachments :

tell application "PowerMail"
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set lesPJ to attachments of msg
repeat with laPJ in lesPJ
delete laPJ
end repeat
delete msg
end repeat
end tell

I don't even know if its optimised but it works.

... but in fact I would prefer the attachments to be deleted automatically !
