Le 23/02/04 à 14:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>Hello Anthony
>>I've often wondered about this because sometimes it seems to happen.
>>When I get a message that has attachments, the attached files are
>>automatically downloaded into a "DownLoads" folder in my Home Directory.
>> Downloads from Safari also go to this folder.
>>If I get a message with attached files and then delete the message, are
>>the already downloaded files also deleted?
>Yes. Unless you first move the attachment(s) to a different folder.

I'm really surprised with this answer. Is it a setup in the Preferences
of the program ?

On my system, the attachments are not deleted when I delete a message. As
I got a lot of SPAM (with sometimes silly or infected attachments) on one
of my acounts, I have made a script to remove message+attachments :

tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                set lesPJ to attachments of msg
                repeat with laPJ in lesPJ
                        delete laPJ
                end repeat
                delete msg
        end repeat
end tell

I don't even know if its optimised but it works.

... but in fact I would prefer the attachments to be deleted automatically !


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