PowerMail suddenly crashing

2007-10-24 Thread John Payne

Hello everyone,

This is my first post to this discussion group and I have done my  
best to search for whether my problem has already been discussed. My  
apologies if I’ve missed it.

Suddenly one day with no warning, Power Mail 5.5.2 would download a  
couple of messages and then crash with the “The application Power  
Mail has unexpectedly quit...” message. This happens now every time I  
try to retrieve mail. I’ve tried all of the usual techniques:  
upgraded to 5.5.3, trashed prefs, run fsck -y, repaired permissions,  
everything I’m aware of. I can provide the crash log if anyone  
requests it. There was no new software installed, no new anything to  
change the configuration of the machine. All other software is  
functioning perfectly. It is inexplicable.

I tried writing to CTM but there was, of course, no response.

My Mac:
Mac Book Pro, 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo
OS 10.4.8
POP mail account
No Safari beta

This is very disappointing because I’ve been forced to begin using  
Apple’s Mail which I rather dislike. I began using Power Mail because  
it was very close to Claris Emailer which I loved.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!  John

Gotham Graphix

Re: PowerMail suddenly crashing

2007-10-24 Thread C. A. Niemiec
Power Mail 5.5.2 would download a  
couple of messages and then crash with the The application Power  
Mail has unexpectedly quit... message. This happens now every time I  
try to retrieve mail.

Do you have webmail access to the account? Via webmail or even another
mail program, clear off a few messages (delete or move to a subfolder),
then retry PowerMail. I've had a few crashers in the past... the usual
suspects. :)

If you can already launch PowerMail and view your messages (as it seems
from your post), then try and take a look at the most recent message you
downloaded. Then you have idea of what offending message to target.

In the unlikely event of... database problems, emergency recovery for
PowerMail is holding down command and option keys when you launch the
program. You get a list of options, though I don't think you need that
just yet. Good luck.

Maybe forward that crasher to CTMDev before deleting so they can figure
out how to fix it! :)


Re: PowerMail suddenly crashing

2007-10-24 Thread Matthias Schmidt
Am/On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:36:42 -0400 schrieb/wrote John Payne:

Suddenly one day with no warning, Power Mail 5.5.2 would download a  
couple of messages and then crash with the “The application Power  
Mail has unexpectedly quit...” message. This happens now every time I  
try to retrieve mail. I’ve tried all of the usual techniques:  
upgraded to 5.5.3, trashed prefs, run fsck -y, repaired permissions,  
everything I’m aware of. I can provide the crash log if anyone  
requests it. There was no new software installed, no new anything to  
change the configuration of the machine. All other software is  
functioning perfectly. It is inexplicable.

My Mac:
Mac Book Pro, 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo
OS 10.4.8
POP mail account
No Safari beta

how big is your message database?
PM can't handle more than 2GB in the moment?
Is html viewer switched on or off?
did you try to make a low level rebuilt of the PM database?
in the low level rebuilt you have a option to switch off automatic mail
retrieval, try this.

Thanks and all the best


Re: PowerMail suddenly crashing

2007-10-24 Thread John Payne
Suddenly one day with no warning, Power Mail 5.5.2 would download a
couple of messages and then crash

First of all, thanks to everyone who responded to my problem.

Jerome at CTM read my crash log and determined that the search index was
corrupted. I repaired it and everything seems to be working fine again,
fingers crossed.

Cheers.  John

Gotham Graphix