Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-24 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
What do I use as a workaround then? Do I have to incorporate all my other
actions into the Spam: actions filter?

What I did was create another filter based upon your example for removing
attachments. So now I have this filter with a condition [spam rating] and
the Spam: action filter with the [spam rating]

Andy Fragen

On Fri, Apr 23, 2004, PowerMail Engineering said:

Andy Fragen wrote.

Does that mean that I can't use [Spam rating] as a condition for anything

Yes. But keep in mind that the spam filter assistant will reflect and act
only on the first filter using [spam rating].

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   Counting in dollars and cents, CTM would have to start to charge me
their fee each week before I'd seriously consider changing over to -- that's how much PowerMail's filter and other features
saves me just in mail administration time compared to
  Max Gossell, PowerMail user

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Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Andy Fragen wrote.

Does that mean that I can't use [Spam rating] as a condition for anything

Yes. But keep in mind that the spam filter assistant will reflect and act
only on the first filter using [spam rating].

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   Counting in dollars and cents, CTM would have to start to charge me
their fee each week before I'd seriously consider changing over to -- that's how much PowerMail's filter and other features
saves me just in mail administration time compared to
  Max Gossell, PowerMail user

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Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Does that mean that I can't use [Spam rating] as a condition for anything

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, PowerMail Engineering said:

Andy Fragen

I get a dialog stating I have more than one filter set to act on spam.
Both filters seem to be active. Is this just a warning?

It's just a warning; as the spam filter assistant will act only on the
first one, it can be a bit confusing if you forget that you have another one.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   I wouldn't trade my MAC for anything, neither would I trade PowerMail
for anything.
  Steve Tarpin, PowerMail user

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Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I get a dialog stating I have more than one filter set to act on spam.
Both filters seem to be active. Is this just a warning?

It's just a warning; as the spam filter assistant will act only on the
first one, it can be a bit confusing if you forget that you have another one.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   I wouldn't trade my MAC for anything, neither would I trade PowerMail
for anything.
  Steve Tarpin, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I get a dialog stating I have more than one filter set to act on spam.
Both filters seem to be active. Is this just a warning?

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, PowerMail Engineering said:

Ben Kennedy wrote:

Ah... maybe I see what you mean.  If a msg contains attachments
virus.pif and legitfile.txt, then using the PM filter will cause both
to be discarded, when in reality you want to retain the second file.  Yes?

I was waiting for this one :-)
The filters are in fact a bit smarter. Some examples:

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.pif]
[any condition is met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all the attachments of spam messages will be trashed, but only .exe
and .pif will be trashed for non spam messages; all spam messages, and
all message that contain .exe or .pif files will be moved to the spam folder.

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[all conditions ar met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all spam messages that have a .exe attachment will be moved to the
spam folder; if a spam message contains a .exe and a .jpg attachment,
only the .exe attachment will be moved to the trash.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   Best email client onthe mac I've seen. Fabulous! I've been usign it
for years without issues in both OS9 and OSX. It runs flawlessly.
  PowerMail user comment on

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Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Thanks Jerome. I'll have to see if I can set this up to replace the
script. I assume that this will run significantly faster than my script?

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, PowerMail Engineering said:

Ben Kennedy wrote:

Ah... maybe I see what you mean.  If a msg contains attachments
virus.pif and legitfile.txt, then using the PM filter will cause both
to be discarded, when in reality you want to retain the second file.  Yes?

I was waiting for this one :-)
The filters are in fact a bit smarter. Some examples:

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.pif]
[any condition is met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all the attachments of spam messages will be trashed, but only .exe
and .pif will be trashed for non spam messages; all spam messages, and
all message that contain .exe or .pif files will be moved to the spam folder.

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[all conditions ar met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all spam messages that have a .exe attachment will be moved to the
spam folder; if a spam message contains a .exe and a .jpg attachment,
only the .exe attachment will be moved to the trash.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   Best email client onthe mac I've seen. Fabulous! I've been usign it
for years without issues in both OS9 and OSX. It runs flawlessly.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Ben Kennedy wrote:

Ah... maybe I see what you mean.  If a msg contains attachments
virus.pif and legitfile.txt, then using the PM filter will cause both
to be discarded, when in reality you want to retain the second file.  Yes?

I was waiting for this one :-)
The filters are in fact a bit smarter. Some examples:

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.pif]
[any condition is met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all the attachments of spam messages will be trashed, but only .exe
and .pif will be trashed for non spam messages; all spam messages, and
all message that contain .exe or .pif files will be moved to the spam folder.

If the filter is:
[spam rating]
[attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
[all conditions ar met]
[move attachments to trash]
[move message into folder] [spam]

then all spam messages that have a .exe attachment will be moved to the
spam folder; if a spam message contains a .exe and a .jpg attachment,
only the .exe attachment will be moved to the trash.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   Best email client onthe mac I've seen. Fabulous! I've been usign it
for years without issues in both OS9 and OSX. It runs flawlessly.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 22 4 2004 at 1:32 pm -0400, Andy Fragen wrote:

Yes, but I can't specify which attachments as I can in the script.

Ah... maybe I see what you mean.  If a msg contains attachments
virus.pif and legitfile.txt, then using the PM filter will cause both
to be discarded, when in reality you want to retain the second file.  Yes?

That's a valid observation.  I guess it's not a big deal for me since I
don't expect to get any crap sent along with legit files (if someone is
spamming or virusing me, then their entire message -- incl all
attachments -- is as good as garbage to me).


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Yes, but I can't specify which attachments as I can in the script. All I
do is set my spam script to label spam then run the Remove Listed
Attachments script on everything.

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, Ben Kennedy said:

On 22 4 2004 at 12:37 pm -0400, Andy Fragen wrote:

I've written the following script to remove all sorts of attachments. I
call it from a filter set as Always

In PM 5 you can now do this using the built-in filters, no applescript req'd.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 22 4 2004 at 12:37 pm -0400, Andy Fragen wrote:

I've written the following script to remove all sorts of attachments. I
call it from a filter set as Always

In PM 5 you can now do this using the built-in filters, no applescript req'd.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

I've written the following script to remove all sorts of attachments. I
call it from a filter set as Always

--Remove Listed Attachments by Andy Fragen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

property badAttachment : {winmail.dat, .exe, signature.asc,
IMSTP, smime.p7s, PGP.sig}
property spamAttachment : {.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pif, .scr,
.zip, Enclosure}
property spamlabel : 7

tell application PowerMail 5.0b12
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
if exists (attachments of msg) then
my stripAttachment(badAttachment, msg)
--if (name of storage of msg as string = Spam) or 
(label of msg is
spamlabel) then
if label of msg is spamlabel then
my stripAttachment(spamAttachment, msg)
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell

on stripAttachment(propList, msg)
tell application PowerMail 5.0b12
repeat with attach in every attachment of msg
repeat with i from 1 to the number of items of propList
ignoring case
--if (name of attach begins with item i 
of propList) or (name of
attach ends with item i of propList) then
if (name of attach contains item i of 
propList) then
--display dialog (Found match: 
  name of attach  :  id of msg)
set f to file of attach
tell application Finder
move f to trash
end try
end tell
end if
end ignoring
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end stripAttachment

Watch for line breaks.

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, Rick Lecoat said:

Here's a questions that I've wondered about for ages but never got around
to asking:
When HTML messages arrive, I sometimes get a file in the attachments
folder called Enclosure.html, sometimes one called PowerMail HTML
message.html, and sometimes the HTML message does not create a file at
all AFAIK.

What determines the different behaviour?

Also, is there any way to avoid having to retain these created files in
order to read the message later? I keep my email for years, and I hate
the ideas that in order to be sure of being able to read an HTML message
received 9 months ago I have to have a vast reservoir of files called
Enclosure.1.html, Enclosure.2.html, Enclosure.875.html, etc.

Thanks; Rick

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 22 4 2004 at 9:23 am -0400, PowerMail Engineering wrote:

HTML messages are normally not stored as attachments; however when you
click the globe icon (view in web browser) a temporary PowerMail HTML
message.html file is created with a copy of the HTML data, and opened in
your web browser. This file is overriten when you click the globe button
for another HTML message.

I suggested some months ago that this temp file be created in /tmp
instead of in the user's attachmetns folder.  Since PM5 no longer runs on
Mac OS 9 (which had no concept of unix pathnaming or the /tmp dir), could
this become a reality?


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: files that HTML messages create

2004-04-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Rick Lecoat wrote:

When HTML messages arrive, I sometimes get a file in the attachments
folder called Enclosure.html, sometimes one called PowerMail HTML
message.html, and sometimes the HTML message does not create a file at
all AFAIK.

What determines the different behaviour?

HTML messages are normally not stored as attachments; however when you
click the globe icon (view in web browser) a temporary PowerMail HTML
message.html file is created with a copy of the HTML data, and opened in
your web browser. This file is overriten when you click the globe button
for another HTML message.
Some messages however contain multiple HTML parts, or both a text part
and an HTML one (with a content type: multipart/mixed, which means that
the text part is not equivalent to the HTML part); in this case,
PowerMail handle the HTML part(s) as an attachment, so you can view it in
addition of the text part. Maybe I could use a better name than
Enclosure.html, based on the message's subject...

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   PowerMail 4.2 is really, really fast. It is designed with a nice,
simple interface and lots of options. Searching through literally
thousands of messages and addresses takes only an instant and the
import from worked like a charm.
  Daniel M. East, President of the The Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups

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