Re: studies of naming?

2012-03-27 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 27/03/2012, at 10:14 PM, Steven Clarke wrote:

> Yes, you're right Richard. Our study was focused on languages like Java and 
> C# (and importantly, as they existed around 2006/2007). So as you say, we 
> wouldn't generalize the results to languages that have named parameters. We 
> described the two design choices we evaluated at the start of the paper:
> "There are two common design choices: provide only
> constructors that require certain objects (a "required
> constructor"). This option has the benefit of enforcing
> certain invariants at the expense of flexibility. An
> alternative design, "create-set-call," allows objects to
> be created and then initialized."

There are actually three design choices, and I've seen the third
one too often for comfort.  Please note that this is a *different*
choice from the one you endorsed:

Good Smalltalk design:

   Provide a variety of factory methods with keyword arguments,
   all of which provide fully initialised objects satisfying
   the class invariant; such objects often need little or no
   mutation afterwards.

   Good Eiffel design agrees in every respect except 'keyword arguments'.

Good create-set-call design:

   Ensure that the default 'new' constructor returns a fully
   initialised object satisfying the class invariant and
   offering meaningful default behaviour; such objects almost always
   require adjustment to get them into the state you really want but
   all states are meaningful.

   IN ADDITION make sure that all 'initialisation phase' methods
   can safely be called AT ALL TIMES.

   Ensure that every public method is *tested* with a default-
   initialised object.

Bad create-set-call design:

   Don't think about class invariants.
   Rely on default constructors that leave fields with default
   values (0, nil, &c) that satisfy types but not invariants.
   Allow objects to be named outside their class in partially
   initialised states that require 'initialisation phase' methods
   to be called before 'work phase' methods, but do not check
   that this has been done.

   Allow 'initialisation phase' methods to be called at any time
   without checking it it makes sense, allowing even well-initialised
   objects to subsequently be put into inconsistent states.

Much as I love Smalltalk, a lot of the code that I see using the
create-set-call pattern is actually doing the >bad< version.
Here's an example that took only 2 minutes to find.
In Pharo 1.1 (which is not the current version)
Url new
which is the equivalent of System.out.println(new Url())
raises an exception.  Url new created an uninitialised object.
That's _almost_ fair enough:  this is supposed to be an abstract
class, but it should have been caught in #new.  Go to a concrete
FileUrl new
also raises an exception, trying to print the elements of a nil

> However, I don't think our result is unsurprising,

All I can say is that it didn't surprise _me_.
Compare for example
f = fopen(x, y); /*C*/
s := FileStream read: x. "ST"

s = new FileStream(y, x); //C#

Smalltalk: obvious what it does.
C: which argument is which?  Compiler can't help.
C#: three different things it could be; the compiler
can tell them apart, but it's not so easy for people.
And when you get to

new FileStream(String, FileMode, FileSystemRights,
FileShare, Int32, FileOptions)

this is obviously going to be a lot harder for people to
read than
FileStream read: string rights: rights share: share
bufferSize: int32 options: options

If you *could* do
s = new FileStream()
that would be a lot clearer.

And that introduces a fourth design pattern, which the paper did
not investigate, call it "initializer object".

The general scheme for Initializer Object is
class X has a static Maker() method
returning an instance of X_Maker().

X_Maker() has methods like
returning the same X_Maker() object
and a completion method called something
or  Create()
that returns a fully initialised instance of X.

This requires a creation style like

s = FileStream.maker()
.FileName(string) &c as before

> You've highlighted the core of the debate when, referring to the people who 
> prefer the create-set-call pattern, you said " the idea of them writing any 
> code that might affect my life or the life of anyone known to me is not one 
> that's going to help me sleep at night ". This was also the initial reaction 
> of many people inside Microsoft when they heard the results of our study. 
> Our response in this debate has always been that different programmers 
> require

Re: studies of naming?

2012-03-27 Thread Simon Butler

Hi Raoul

As you rightly point out it is not easy to identify a link between 
software faults and identifier naming problems. Some have tried. See, 
for example,

Arnaoudova et al. Physical and Conceptual Identifier Dispersion: 
Measures and Relation to Fault Proneness. In Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on 
Software Maintenance - ERA Track, pages 1-5, 2010. IEEE Computer Society.

or our own work

Other research you might want to look at includes the link between poor 
identifier naming and program comprehension problems, which Brad Myers 
identifies elsewhere in this thread. As well as issues of overly long 
names and esoteric typography, concerns have been expressed about the 
semantic content of identifier names. Deissenboeck and Pizka Concise and 
Consistent Naming Software Quality Journal, 2006, 14, 261-282 is 
probably the best known source.

Einar Host's work on the connection between Java identifier method names 
and method functionality may also be of interest to you. The connection 
is strong enough for the functionality of methods to be used as an input 
to name refactoring. (Høst, E. W. & Østvold, B. M. Debugging Method 
Names Proc. of the 23rd European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, 
Springer-Verlag, 2009, 294-317).


On 03/26/2012 11:08 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:


Check out my paper from PPIG 2006:

Thanks, I just skimmed it. I probably haven't explained well at all
what I had in mind. I searched for "bug" and "error" with no hits. It
so far appears to me to be a review of how naming is used; doesn't get
into the resulting impacts of those uses and choices.

Now that I think about it, I guess the sort of thing I have in mind
is: has anybody somehow managed to study a bug database and the fixes
and figure out %ages of what caused the bugs, and if it is possible to
figure out that naming was a problem, how much was due to problems
with naming? I guess it would be quite hard to tease it out.

Presumably naming hasn't caused Arianne to crash or anything like that
( so I'm really probably
only ranting about my own little pet peeve. Apologies.


Simon Butler

"No set of mutually inconsistent observations can exist for which
some human intellect cannot conceive a coherent explanation,
however complicated."
Crabtree's Bludgeon

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

RE: studies of naming?

2012-03-27 Thread Kari Laitinen


A lot of discussion related to naming can be found in the
following documents.

I think the discussion is still valid although the
papers are not very 'fresh'. (We still communicate mostly
with the same words as we used to communicate 15 years ago.)


-Original Message-
From: Raoul Duke [] 
Sent: 27. maaliskuuta 2012 0:47
To: Ppig-Discuss-List
Subject: studies of naming?

(i googled, w/out much success.)

Wondering if anybody knows of research that tries to get the word out that 
naming is important. Or proves that naming isn't important! Maybe nobody makes 
still little mistakes the way I do. Anyway, there are things in the programming 
language world that make me cringe. They look to me like highway train wrecks, 
if you'll pardon the metaphor, sneaking around looking for a place to happen.

Picking two off the top of my head:
Scala: "val" vs. "var". One letter difference?!
Knockout JS: "viewmodel" instead of, gosh, say, just "model"?!

-Mr. Tempest in a Teapot.

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt 
charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).