Re: [ppiindia] Fw: [issuesonline] In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still find a space

2007-04-29 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Untuk beragama memang ada kebebasan.
Cuma jika kaum Yahudi berusaha memonopoli
ekonomi/kekuasaan dengan berbagai cara, itu cerita

--- Kartono Mohamad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ---Original Message---
 A Synagogue amid mosques: A Jewish man at the
 Yousefabad Synagogue last
 month in Tehran, Iran. Some 25,000 to 30,000 Jews
 live relatively freely
 among the country's majority Shiite Muslims.
 Scott Peterson/Getty Images
 In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still find a space
 Some 25,000 Jews still live in Iran and many say
 that President Mahmoud
 Ahmadinejad's fiery anti-Israeli rhetoric is about
 politics, not religion. 
 By Scott
 B4B6url=/2007/0427/p01s03-wome.html Peterson |
 Staff writer of The
 Christian Science Monitor 
 Reporters on the Job
 We share the story behind the story
 TEHRAN, Iran - Enmity runs deep between arch-foes
 Iran and Israel. And that
 confrontation complicates the lives of Iranian Jews,
 who make up the largest
 community of Jews in the Middle East outside the
 Jewish state. 
 Iran's Jews are buffeted by inflammatory rhetoric
 from President Mahmoud
 Ahmadinejad about wiping Israel off the map and
 denying the Holocaust, and
 a politically charged environment that often equates
 all Jews with Israel
 and routinely witnesses the burning of the enemy
 But despite what appears to be a dwindling minority
 under constant threat of
 persecution, Iranian Jews say they live in relative
 freedom in the Islamic
 Republic, remain loyal to the land of their birth,
 and are striving to
 separate politics from religion. 
 They caution against comparing Iran's official and
 visceral opposition to
 the creation of Israel and Zionism with the regime's
 acceptance of Jews and
 Judaism itself. 
 If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is
 like thinking Islam and the
 Taliban are the same, and they are not, says Ciamak
 Moresadegh, chairman of
 the Tehran Jewish Committee. We have common
 problems with Iranian Muslims.
 If a war were to start, we would also be a target.
 When a missile lands, it
 does not ask if you are a Muslim or a Jew. It
 The continuous Jewish presence in Iran predates
 Islam by more than a
 millennium. One wave came when Jews sought to escape
 Assyrian king
 Nebuchadnezzar II around 680 BC; others were freed
 from slavery by Cyrus the
 Great with the conquest of Babylon some 140 years
 Anti-Semitism historically 'rare'
 Historically, say Jewish leaders, anti-Semitism here
 is rare, a fact they
 say is often lost on critics outside, especially in
 Israel, where many
 Iranian Jews have relatives. Still, the Jewish
 community has thinned by more
 than two-thirds since Iran's 1979 Islamic
 revolution, to some 25,000; the
 largest exodus took place soon after the Islamic
 Republic was formed, though
 a modest flow out continues. 
 Our problem is that the Israel issue is not solved,
 and that affects us
 here, says one Iranian Jew who asked not to be
 But that does not affect every Iranian Jew. Surgeon
 Homayoun Mohaber
 measures his nationalism in blood, and bits of metal
 – the kind of support
 that Iranian Jews say has defined their small
 community's ties to Iran. 
 During the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, as an Iranian
 military surgeon, Dr.
 Mohaber conducted more than 900 frontline
 operations, was himself wounded,
 and gave blood twice to save fellow Iranian
 Today, in his Tehran clinic, he keeps a jar full of
 bullets and shrapnel
 fragments, extracted during the war from wounded
 The relations between Jews and Muslims, between 70
 million Muslims and
 30,000 Jews, are very good, says Mohaber. In
 Israel, the situation for
 Iranian Jews is quite misunderstood. 
 [The Islamic regime] made very good respect for me
 all the time, and did
 not care about my religion after the revolution,
 says Mohaber, who avoided
 a general purge of Jews from the officer ranks after
 Iran's 1979 Islamic
 But some episodes have shaken those who remain. In
 1999, charges of spying
 for Israel were brought against 13 Jews in Shiraz
 and Isfahan, sparking a
 new exodus and widespread fear. 
 Amid a welter of international criticism, 10 of
 those charged were handed
 sentences – later shortened – that ranged from four
 to 13 years in prison. 
 Jews in Tehran at the time told the Monitor of their
 fears that Zionist
 groups connected with the US were hurting their
 cause by using the issue
 against Iran. Today, all 13 are free, and remain
 living in Iran. 
 The effect [of the Shiraz cases] was very bad,
 recalls Mohaber. But they
 have rectified it. I think it was a political case
 between Iran and Israel.
 Fine line between faith and politics
 The saga underscored the delicate line Iranian Jews
 draw daily 

Re: [ppiindia] Fw: [issuesonline] In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still find a space

2007-04-29 Terurut Topik Kartono Mohamad
Apakah sikap (umat Islam) Indonesia demikian? Akan memberi kebebasan
beragama kepada orang Yahudi seandainya ada yang ingin mendirikan sinagog di
sini? Lha wong gereja yang sudah secara resmi diakui pemerintah saja sulit.
Tentang monopoli ekonomi. Bagaimana sikap umat Islam Indonesia dengan
keturunan Tiong Hoa yang pada umumnya menguasai ekonomi dengan berbagai cara
 Sebagian melakukan dengan cara yang baik sesuai aturan tetapi gigih
sehingga berhasil, sebagian memang dengan menyuap pejabat? Melarang?
Marilah kita konsisten dalam ucapan dan perbuatan. Supaya tidak munafik.
---Original Message---
From: A Nizami
Date: 30-04-2007 8:22:19
Subject: Re: [ppiindia] Fw: [issuesonline] In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still
find a space
Untuk beragama memang ada kebebasan.
Cuma jika kaum Yahudi berusaha memonopoli
ekonomi/kekuasaan dengan berbagai cara, itu cerita

--- Kartono Mohamad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ---Original Message---
 A Synagogue amid mosques: A Jewish man at the
 Yousefabad Synagogue last
 month in Tehran, Iran. Some 25,000 to 30,000 Jews
 live relatively freely
 among the country's majority Shiite Muslims.
 Scott Peterson/Getty Images
 In Ahmadinejad's Iran, Jews still find a space
 Some 25,000 Jews still live in Iran and many say
 that President Mahmoud
 Ahmadinejad's fiery anti-Israeli rhetoric is about
 politics, not religion. 
 By Scott
 B4B6url=/2007/0427/p01s03-wome.html Peterson |
 Staff writer of The
 Christian Science Monitor 
 Reporters on the Job
 We share the story behind the story
 TEHRAN, Iran - Enmity runs deep between arch-foes
 Iran and Israel. And that
 confrontation complicates the lives of Iranian Jews,
 who make up the largest
 community of Jews in the Middle East outside the
 Jewish state. 
 Iran's Jews are buffeted by inflammatory rhetoric
 from President Mahmoud
 Ahmadinejad about wiping Israel off the map and
 denying the Holocaust, and
 a politically charged environment that often equates
 all Jews with Israel
 and routinely witnesses the burning of the enemy
 But despite what appears to be a dwindling minority
 under constant threat of
 persecution, Iranian Jews say they live in relative
 freedom in the Islamic
 Republic, remain loyal to the land of their birth,
 and are striving to
 separate politics from religion. 
 They caution against comparing Iran's official and
 visceral opposition to
 the creation of Israel and Zionism with the regime's
 acceptance of Jews and
 Judaism itself. 
 If you think Judaism and Zionism are one, it is
 like thinking Islam and the
 Taliban are the same, and they are not, says Ciamak
 Moresadegh, chairman of
 the Tehran Jewish Committee. We have common
 problems with Iranian Muslims.
 If a war were to start, we would also be a target.
 When a missile lands, it
 does not ask if you are a Muslim or a Jew. It
 The continuous Jewish presence in Iran predates
 Islam by more than a
 millennium. One wave came when Jews sought to escape
 Assyrian king
 Nebuchadnezzar II around 680 BC; others were freed
 from slavery by Cyrus the
 Great with the conquest of Babylon some 140 years
 Anti-Semitism historically 'rare'
 Historically, say Jewish leaders, anti-Semitism here
 is rare, a fact they
 say is often lost on critics outside, especially in
 Israel, where many
 Iranian Jews have relatives. Still, the Jewish
 community has thinned by more
 than two-thirds since Iran's 1979 Islamic
 revolution, to some 25,000; the
 largest exodus took place soon after the Islamic
 Republic was formed, though
 a modest flow out continues. 
 Our problem is that the Israel issue is not solved,
 and that affects us
 here, says one Iranian Jew who asked not to be
 But that does not affect every Iranian Jew. Surgeon
 Homayoun Mohaber
 measures his nationalism in blood, and bits of metal
 – the kind of support
 that Iranian Jews say has defined their small
 community's ties to Iran. 
 During the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, as an Iranian
 military surgeon, Dr.
 Mohaber conducted more than 900 frontline
 operations, was himself wounded,
 and gave blood twice to save fellow Iranian
 Today, in his Tehran clinic, he keeps a jar full of
 bullets and shrapnel
 fragments, extracted during the war from wounded
 The relations between Jews and Muslims, between 70
 million Muslims and
 30,000 Jews, are very good, says Mohaber. In
 Israel, the situation for
 Iranian Jews is quite misunderstood. 
 [The Islamic regime] made very good respect for me
 all the time, and did
 not care about my religion after the revolution,
 says Mohaber, who avoided
 a general purge of Jews from the officer ranks after
 Iran's 1979 Islamic
 But some episodes have shaken those who remain