[proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, johny indon johny_in...@... wrote:

 lu pasti kecewa, karena jusfiq ngga mungkin berdampingan dgn reza.

Eloe yg be'gajul luh !
P'gimana orang mo bela arep haram jadah, mreka bilang
ok dah dame selama seminggu ama israel...baru dua hari
udah bilang gitu, eh...udah nyambit lagi tetangga !

Gua sih kasian aja sama si Jusfiq, ngapain gitu ngbela
si arep. Doi mo bisa apa kalo arep itu gak karuan. Boss
nya bilang begini, anak buahnya gak nurut.

Yg gua bikin mules klakuan si Sur itu, ni orang latah 
banget sih heh ?


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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Ni orang kayaknya beotak anjing juga...

Dalam perng penduduk sipil tidak boleh dikorbankan..

Akan halnya kitab suci taik kucing itu tidak berbukti isinya benar...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, jasadlelaki jasadlel...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, gsuryana gsuryana@ wrote:
  kepada pendukung Israel hanya karena nubuat dari alkitab taik kebo
  harus dibakar agar bau dan ajaranya tidak kemana mana ), sialan
  pendukung Israel.
 sur, pagi-pagi waktu amerika gini kok sdh marah-marah?
 siapa para pendukung israel itu?
 belumlah tentu semua orang2 Kristen.
 marah pun dikau gak akan pernah menyumbangkan solusi.
 apalagi kalau hanya menyalah-nyalahkan kitab kepercayaan orang lain
 termasuk kitab kepercayaanku sendiri.
 sedangkan dikau mempercayai kitab 'sgk' 
 yang isinya hanya canda dan gak jelas juntrungannya itu
 aku, atau kami orang2 Kristen ini tak mengejekmu.
 keadaan ini gak lebih hancur daripada pristiwa g30s pki.
 musuh yg membunuh rakyat sendiri, lempar batu sembunyi tangan.
 di dalam negeri sendiri(dari sdr sendiri).
 hal itu jauh lebih kejam...kejam...dan teramat licik
 dan teramat biadab...!!!
 kalau israel masih menyerang lawan, masih dianggap normal.
 mana ada pernah peperangan di bumi ini
 pilih2 bulu kalau mau menyerang?
 semuanya pastilah dihantam.
 kalau boleh kelincimu yang masih kecil,
 yang masih merah dan yg baru keluar dari pantat induknya
 pun di-embat habis2n.
 itu lah resiko perang,
 apa boleh buat...
 si jasad.

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[proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Ade Kim Hook itu emang manusia berotak binatang

Dia tidak tahu bahwa orang Arab itu juga adalah manusia...

Dan punya hak yang sama dengan orang lain...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, kim3hook kim3h...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, johny indon johny_indon@ wrote:
  lu pasti kecewa, karena jusfiq ngga mungkin berdampingan dgn reza.
 Eloe yg be'gajul luh !
 P'gimana orang mo bela arep haram jadah, mreka bilang
 ok dah dame selama seminggu ama israel...baru dua hari
 udah bilang gitu, eh...udah nyambit lagi tetangga !
 Gua sih kasian aja sama si Jusfiq, ngapain gitu ngbela
 si arep. Doi mo bisa apa kalo arep itu gak karuan. Boss
 nya bilang begini, anak buahnya gak nurut.
 Yg gua bikin mules klakuan si Sur itu, ni orang latah 
 banget sih heh ?

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[proletar] BBC : Israel to probe phosphorus claims

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Israel to probe phosphorus claims

The Israeli army is to investigate claims it used white phosphorus illegally 
during its three-week offensive in Gaza.

The move follows numerous allegations by rights groups and in media reports 
that the army fired phosphorus shells where they could harm civilians.

The UN said its headquarters were hit by three such shells causing a fire 
destroying much of its aid supplies.

White phosphorus is legal for making smokescreens on a battlefield.

The Israeli army says all its weapons in the Gaza offensive were entirely 
legal, but until now has refused to specify which weapons it used.

White phosphorus sticks to human skin and will burn right through to the bone, 
causing death or leaving survivors with painful wounds which are slow to heal. 
Its ingestion or inhalation can also be fatal.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2009/01/21 10:56:59 GMT


Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Omongan anjing Anjing Nasrani yang ingkar terhadap gereja mereka....

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Beberapa anjing Nasrani diberbagai mailing list yang saya ikuti menyamakan 
serangan Israel ke Gaza sebagai reaksi Israel terhadap tembakan roket Hamas 
seperti reaksi orang yang marah rumhnya disambitin.

Analogi taik anjing.

Omaongan manusia berotak anjing.

Pertama Israel itu didirikan enam puluh tahun yang lalu, tanpa seizin penduduk 
Palestina yang beragama Islam dan Nasrani dan sekarang orang Palestina itu 
menjadi pengungsi di Gaza atau negeri lain..

Mereka menuntut keadilan.

Kedua: Gaza itu diblokade oleh Israel, hingga Gaza itu lebih mirip dengan kamp 
konsentrasi (ini istilah Vatikan)...

Saya tidak mengatakan Hamas berlasan untuk meluncurkana roket, tapi analogi 
yang dipakai orang Nasrani berotak anjign itu adalah anologi taik anjing.

Dan bila blokade itu dihentikan Hamas juga tidak akan punya dalih untuk 
meluncurkan roketnya.

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Re: Siapa pun presidennya, takkan merubah wajah Palestina

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Lihatlah dulu tindakan Obama sebelum memberikan penilaian...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Hare Krishna haree.chri...@... wrote:

 Mencermati sikap politik luar negri Obama:
 *Siapa pun presidennya, takkan merubah wajah Palestina*
 date written: 21 Januari 2009, 01:17 WIB
 Gedung pusat politik Amerika Serikat (AS)  itu penuh sesak! Jutaan
warga AS
 dari seluruh pelosok memadati Capitol Hill, Washington, Selasa
(20/1) siang
 waktu setempat, menyaksikan parade inagurasi pelantikan terpilih AS,
 Hussein Obama. Obama resmi dilantik menjadi presiden ke-44 AS, sekaligus
 menjadi presiden pertama AS keturunan Afrika-Amerika.
 Dalam cuaca dingin mendekati nol derajat celcius, Obama diambil
sumpah, di
 tengah kekhawatiran memburuknya perekonomian AS dan tingginya harapan
 perubahan yang dibawanya. Puncak perayaan pelantikan Obama-Joe
Bidden adalah
 tradisi doa pagi di Gereja St. John's Espicopal, melintasi Taman
 yang terletak di belakang Gedung Putih, dan berakhir dengan pesta dansa
 dalam perayaan 10 bola inagurasi hingga larut malam. Setelah berdoa di
 Gereja St. John's Espicopal, Obama dan Istri, Michelle, diundang coffe
 morning bersama oleh Presiden George W Bush dan istri, Laura di Gedung
 Putih. Tepat pukul 12.00, Obama melangkah ke sisi barat Capitol untuk
 diambil sumpahnya.
 Dalam pidato perdananya setelah dilantik, Obama menyinggung soal Krisis
 ekonomi dalam negeri Amerika, yang saat ini membuat tingkat pengangguran
 meningkat. Dalam kesempatan itu Obama juga mengemukakan sikap
politik luar
 negerinya dengan menjanjikan perdamaian bagi Irak dan Afganistan.
Obama juga
 menyatakan bahwa, AS merupakan negara bagi semua agama, baik itu
 Islam, Yahudi, Hindu dan non-agama. Bagi dunia Muslim, kami ingin
 sebuah jalan baru, berdasarkan kepentingan bersama dan saling
 Akan tetapi, sungguh sangat disayangkan Obama tidak menyebutkan secara
 spesifik soal Gaza, meski pun sebelumnya Gaza menjadi isu sentral
 terpenting, dimana seluruh negara-negara di dunia mengecam tindakan
 Israel atas penduduk sipil Palestina. Ia hanya  menyatakan bahwa
siapa pun
 yang mencapai tujuannya dengan cara terror dan membunuh orang-orang tak
 berdosa, Kami katakan sekarang bahwa semangat kami lebih kuat dan tidak
 bisa dikalahkan. Anda tidak bisa menjatuhkan kami, dan kami akan
 Anda. Entah kepada siapa pernyataan Obama tersebut diarahkan: kepada
 Israelkah atau kepada rival-rival Amerika yang telah di-cap sebagai
 terroris selama pemerintahan presiden Bush?  Boleh jadi, lobi kaum
 yang berpengaruh di Capitol Hill, yaitu American Israel Public Affairs
 Commitee (AIPAC), awal Juni 2008 lalu, telah memperingatkan Obama
 ia harus tetap diam dalam hal konflik Gaza.
 Empat hari jelang acara pesta pelantikan itu, mesin-mesin perang Israel,
 yang mencerminkan kedekatan Israel dan AS - sebagian besar buatan AS -
 seperti F-15, F-16, rudal-rudal dan helikopter Apache, tiba-tiba
 meraung. Israel mengumumkan gencatan senjata sepihak pada Sabtu (17/1),
 untuk menghormati upacara pelantikan presiden AS terpilih itu.
 Selanjutnya, sangat mudah ditebak: perhatian dunia beralih ke negeri
 Sam, setelah belakangan seluruh mata dunia menyoroti parade
kekejaman Israel
 di Palestina selama tiga minggu yang membunuhi lebih dari 1,300
warga sipil
 Palestina dan melukai ribuan lainnya.
 Entah skenario apalagi yang bakal digelar oleh persekongkolan Zionis
 Israel-Amerika. Strategi jitu Zionis Israel untuk keluar dari
tekanan dunia
 internasional akibat ulahnya membunuhi ribuan rakyat sipil Palestina,
 nampaknya berhasil, yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan momentum penting
 Amerika! Skenario pengalihan perhatian dunia pada konflik Palestina yang
 dilakoni kaum Zionis ini nampaknya serupa dengan skenario pengalihan
 dunia atas kasus yang sama beberapa tahun silam; tatkala Zionis Israel
 menuai petaka di bumi Palestina tahun 2000 lalu. Kecaman dunia
 berhasil dialihkan kaum Zionis dengan membuat skenario pengeboman Gedung
 WTC, pada 11 September 2001.
 Segala upaya dilakukan Zionis Israel untuk melepaskan diri dari tekanan
 dunia internasional meski harus membuat skenario tragedi bagi bangsa
 Amerika. Masih segar dalam ingatan kita tatkala gedung kembar WTC
 Kehancuran salah satu gedung tertinggi di dunia tempat ribuan orang
 berlalu-lalang melakukan transaksi bisnis sehari-hari itu, mengundang
 kesedihan yang mendalam bagi rakyat Amerika. Setiap orang yang mempunyai
 perasaan sensitif terhadap rasa kemanusiaan langsung mengutuk keras aksi
 terorisme yang konon menelan ribuan jiwa itu. Miliyuner asal
Afganistan yang
 juga merupakan buronan no. 1 FBI, Osama bin Laden dituduh berada di
 aksi terrorisme itu. Skenario selanjutnya adalah negara-negara di dunia
 disatukan oleh tragedi bangsa Amerika itu di bawah komando Amerka, dalam
 rangka memerangi terrorisme Islam; 

[proletar] Siapa pun presidennya, takkan merubah wajah Palestina

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Hare Krishna
Mencermati sikap politik luar negri Obama:

*Siapa pun presidennya, takkan merubah wajah Palestina*

date written: 21 Januari 2009, 01:17 WIB

Gedung pusat politik Amerika Serikat (AS)  itu penuh sesak! Jutaan warga AS
dari seluruh pelosok memadati Capitol Hill, Washington, Selasa (20/1) siang
waktu setempat, menyaksikan parade inagurasi pelantikan terpilih AS, Barack
Hussein Obama. Obama resmi dilantik menjadi presiden ke-44 AS, sekaligus
menjadi presiden pertama AS keturunan Afrika-Amerika.

Dalam cuaca dingin mendekati nol derajat celcius, Obama diambil sumpah, di
tengah kekhawatiran memburuknya perekonomian AS dan tingginya harapan
perubahan yang dibawanya. Puncak perayaan pelantikan Obama-Joe Bidden adalah
tradisi doa pagi di Gereja St. John's Espicopal, melintasi Taman Lavayette
yang terletak di belakang Gedung Putih, dan berakhir dengan pesta dansa
dalam perayaan 10 bola inagurasi hingga larut malam. Setelah berdoa di
Gereja St. John's Espicopal, Obama dan Istri, Michelle, diundang coffe
morning bersama oleh Presiden George W Bush dan istri, Laura di Gedung
Putih. Tepat pukul 12.00, Obama melangkah ke sisi barat Capitol untuk
diambil sumpahnya.

Dalam pidato perdananya setelah dilantik, Obama menyinggung soal Krisis
ekonomi dalam negeri Amerika, yang saat ini membuat tingkat pengangguran
meningkat. Dalam kesempatan itu Obama juga mengemukakan sikap politik luar
negerinya dengan menjanjikan perdamaian bagi Irak dan Afganistan. Obama juga
menyatakan bahwa, AS merupakan negara bagi semua agama, baik itu Kristen,
Islam, Yahudi, Hindu dan non-agama. Bagi dunia Muslim, kami ingin mencari
sebuah jalan baru, berdasarkan kepentingan bersama dan saling menghormati,

Akan tetapi, sungguh sangat disayangkan Obama tidak menyebutkan secara
spesifik soal Gaza, meski pun sebelumnya Gaza menjadi isu sentral
terpenting, dimana seluruh negara-negara di dunia mengecam tindakan sadis
Israel atas penduduk sipil Palestina. Ia hanya  menyatakan bahwa siapa pun
yang mencapai tujuannya dengan cara terror dan membunuh orang-orang tak
berdosa, Kami katakan sekarang bahwa semangat kami lebih kuat dan tidak
bisa dikalahkan. Anda tidak bisa menjatuhkan kami, dan kami akan mengalahkan
Anda. Entah kepada siapa pernyataan Obama tersebut diarahkan: kepada
Israelkah atau kepada rival-rival Amerika yang telah di-cap sebagai
terroris selama pemerintahan presiden Bush?  Boleh jadi, lobi kaum Zionis
yang berpengaruh di Capitol Hill, yaitu American Israel Public Affairs
Commitee (AIPAC), awal Juni 2008 lalu, telah memperingatkan Obama sehingga
ia harus tetap diam dalam hal konflik Gaza.

Empat hari jelang acara pesta pelantikan itu, mesin-mesin perang Israel,
yang mencerminkan kedekatan Israel dan AS - sebagian besar buatan AS -
seperti F-15, F-16, rudal-rudal dan helikopter Apache, tiba-tiba berhenti
meraung. Israel mengumumkan gencatan senjata sepihak pada Sabtu (17/1),
untuk menghormati upacara pelantikan presiden AS terpilih itu.
Selanjutnya, sangat mudah ditebak: perhatian dunia beralih ke negeri Paman
Sam, setelah belakangan seluruh mata dunia menyoroti parade kekejaman Israel
di Palestina selama tiga minggu yang membunuhi lebih dari 1,300 warga sipil
Palestina dan melukai ribuan lainnya.

Entah skenario apalagi yang bakal digelar oleh persekongkolan Zionis
Israel-Amerika. Strategi jitu Zionis Israel untuk keluar dari tekanan dunia
internasional akibat ulahnya membunuhi ribuan rakyat sipil Palestina,
nampaknya berhasil, yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan momentum penting bangsa
Amerika! Skenario pengalihan perhatian dunia pada konflik Palestina yang
dilakoni kaum Zionis ini nampaknya serupa dengan skenario pengalihan opini
dunia atas kasus yang sama beberapa tahun silam; tatkala Zionis Israel
menuai petaka di bumi Palestina tahun 2000 lalu. Kecaman dunia Internasional
berhasil dialihkan kaum Zionis dengan membuat skenario pengeboman Gedung
WTC, pada 11 September 2001.

Segala upaya dilakukan Zionis Israel untuk melepaskan diri dari tekanan
dunia internasional meski harus membuat skenario tragedi bagi bangsa
Amerika. Masih segar dalam ingatan kita tatkala gedung kembar WTC runtuh.
Kehancuran salah satu gedung tertinggi di dunia tempat ribuan orang
berlalu-lalang melakukan transaksi bisnis sehari-hari itu, mengundang
kesedihan yang mendalam bagi rakyat Amerika. Setiap orang yang mempunyai
perasaan sensitif terhadap rasa kemanusiaan langsung mengutuk keras aksi
terorisme yang konon menelan ribuan jiwa itu. Miliyuner asal Afganistan yang
juga merupakan buronan no. 1 FBI, Osama bin Laden dituduh berada di belakang
aksi terrorisme itu. Skenario selanjutnya adalah negara-negara di dunia
disatukan oleh tragedi bangsa Amerika itu di bawah komando Amerka, dalam
rangka memerangi terrorisme Islam; dan ujung-ujungnya Zionis melalui Amerika
melakukan agresi militer besar-besaran terhadap Irak dan Afganistan dengan
dalih 'terrorisme'. Di sisi lain hal ini semakin mempermudah bagi kaum
Zionis menuai petaka atas rival-rival 

[proletar] kim3hook yang berotak anjing ....Re: Jadi apa hasilnya?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

kim3hook  yang berotak anjing ikut)-ikut pertanyaan orang nggak waras...

Kurang makan selama beberapa waktu itu tidak berarti jadi kurus...

Ni orang emang bangsat.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, kim3hook kim3h...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.allah@ 
 Jawab dong Fiq, jangan sumpah serapah doang.
 Kekurangan makanan tapi koq montok-montok ? 
 Itu yg musti dijawab, bukannya kaya si bonobo yg menta di
 entot jerapah, murang-muring mulu.
  Yang membunuh penduduk Gaza adalah serdadu israel..
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ki_sabdopalon ki_sabdopalon@
   Ngomong-ngomong, rakyat Palestina kan sedang menderita kekurangan 
   segala sesuatu termasuk bahan makanan. Tapi pemimpin-pemimpin hamas 
   kok gemuk-gemuk ya? Tidak terlihat sedikitpun mereka kekurangan 

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[proletar] پویش دعوت از خاتمی

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

به نام خدای بخشنده بخشاینده
لطفا این ایمیل را برای همه ی ایرانیانی که در میلینگ لیست شما قرار دارند
، فروارد کنید

هموطن عزیز!

طومار دعوت از خاتمی
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پویش (کمپین) دعوت از خاتمی
  حرکتی مستقل و با امکاناتی محدود است و سرمایه ای جز اعضا و مخاطبان خود
ندارد . به یاری شما ایرانیان ایران دوست و طالب اصلاح امیدواریم .

ورود به سایت برای مشاهده آخرین اخبار

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[proletar] پویش دعوت از خاتمی

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

به نام خدای بخشنده بخشاینده
لطفا این ایمیل را برای همه ی ایرانیانی که در میلینگ لیست شما قرار دارند
، فروارد کنید

هموطن عزیز!

طومار دعوت از خاتمی
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[proletar] kim3hook masih anggap serius Dipo yang ngak waras itu sRe: (CWN): AP:

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

kim3hook  masih anggap serius Dipo yang ngak waras itu 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, kim3hook kim3h...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar utusan.allah@ wrote:
  Saya bertanya-tanya: apakah bangsat Nasrani yang  saya temui di
 berbagai mailing list ini adalah pengikut salah satu gereja evangelist
 Tanya aja sama si Dipo, brangkali dia jehovahao apa gitu heu heu

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[proletar] Re: پویش دعوت از Ø®Ø §ØªÙ…ÛŒ

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Ini bukan saya yang mengirim.

Kayaknya ada yang membajak account saya.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.al...@... wrote:

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[proletar] پویش دعوت از خاتمی

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

به نام خدای بخشنده بخشاینده
لطفا این ایمیل را برای همه ی ایرانیانی که در میلینگ لیست شما قرار دارند
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هموطن عزیز!

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[proletar] The Independent: Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Sebuah kesaksian.,

Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'

Grieving Palestinian father says children were killed after family obeyed order 
from troops to leave Gaza home

By Donald Macintyre in Gaza City
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Khaled Abed Rabbo in the remains of his family house, destroyed during the 
three-week Israeli offensive


Khaled Abed Rabbo in the remains of his family house, destroyed during the 
three-week Israeli offensive

Related Articles

* Latest news from Al Jazeera - 21 January 2009
* Mark Steel: Now we've all seen through the Israeli government's excuses
* Israel 'completes Gaza troop withdrawal'
* Dialogue with Hamas is only path to peace, urges novelist
* Fares Akram's Gaza blog

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A Palestinian father has claimed that he saw two of his young daughters shot 
dead and another critically injured by an Israeli soldier who emerged from a 
stationary tank and opened fire as the family obeyed an order from the Israeli 
forces to leave their home.

Khaled Abed Rabbo said Amal, aged two and Suad, seven, were killed by fire from 
the soldier's semi-automatic rifle. His third daughter, Samer, four, has been 
evacuated to intensive care in a Belgian hospital after suffering critical 
spinal injuries which he said were inflicted in the attack early in Israel's 
ground offensive.

Mr Abed Rabbo stood near the wreckage off his subsequently destroyed home on 
the eastern edge of the northern Gaza town of Jabalya yesterday and described 
how a tank had parked outside the building at 12.50pm on 7 January and ordered 
the family in Arabic through a megaphone to leave building. He said his 
60-year-old mother had also been shot at as she left waving her white headscarf 
with her son, daughter in law and her three grandchildren.

Two soldiers were on the tank eating chips, then one man came out of the tank 
with a rifle and started shooting the kids, Mr Abed Rabbo, who receives a 
salary as a policeman from the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority in 
Ramallah said. The family say they think the weapon used by the soldier was an 
M16 and that the first to be shot was Amal. Mr Abed Rabbo said that Suad was 
then shot with what he claimed were 12 bullets, and then Samer.

The soldier who fired the rifle had what Mr Abed Rabbo thought were ringlets 
visible below his helmet, he said. The small minority of ultra-Orthodox Jews 
who serve in the army are in a unit which did not take part in the Gaza 
offensive and only a very small number of settlers who also favour that 
hairstyle serve in other units.

It has so far been impossible independently to verify Mr Abed Rabbo's claim and 
the military said last night Israeli Defence Forces does not target civilians, 
only Hamas terrorists and infrastructure. It added: The IDF is investigating 
various claims made with regard to Operation Cast Lead and at the end of its 
investigation will respond accordingly.

The district is named Abed Rabbo after the clan who live in most of it. The 
dense concrete roof of the house now hangs at more at more than a 45-degree 
angle, and at least three other substantial buildings have been flattened in 
the agricultural, semi-rural immediate neighbourhood. Khaled Abed Rabbo said 
that there had been a delay before the ambulance could reach the building 
because the road from the west had been made impassable by the churning of the 

The soldiers had in the end let the family leave on foot, he said. He added 
that they walked two kilometres before finding a vehicle to take them to Kamal 
Adwan Hospital. He said: I carried Suad, who was dead, my wife carried Amal 
and my brother Ibrahim carried Samer.

He added: We are not Hamas. My children were not Hamas. And if they were going 
to shoot anyone it should have been me. He added: I want the international 
community and the International Red Cross to ask Israel why it has done this to 
us. They talk about democracy but is it democracy to kill children? What did 
the kids do to them? What did my house do to them? They destroyed my life?

Gaza City is showing signs of returning to a form of normality as more shops 
reopen. The offices of the main Palestinian telephone company Jawwal reopened 
though this has not eased severe problems of connectivity on the Palestinian 
mobile network.

Some Hamas policemen were back directing traffic, though in smaller numbers 
than before the offensive. Unconfirmed figures are that 270 Hamas policemen 
were killed, mainly in the air attacks during the first week. In a victory 
rally in Gaza city yesterday, Hamas supporters converged on a square near the 
remains of the bombed parliament building..

'Heartbreaking': The ugly face of war

The UN secretary general, looking distressed, described the devastation of Gaza 

[proletar] The Independent: Dialogue with Hamas is only path to peace, urges novelist

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Saya heran bahwa ada anjing Nasrani Indonesia  yang belum melihat kekejaman 
serdadu Israel...

Dialogue with Hamas is only path to peace, urges novelist

Israeli writer who lost son in Lebanon accuses his countrymen of 'cruelty'

By Ben Lynfield in Jerusalem
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
David Grossman accused Israelis of using


David Grossman accused Israelis of using sophisticated defence mechanisms and 
self-righteousness to avoid recognising the scope of the killing and 
destruction wrought on Gaza

* Photos enlarge

Related Articles

* Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'
* Latest news from Al Jazeera - 21 January 2009
* Mark Steel: Now we've all seen through the Israeli government's excuses
* Israel 'completes Gaza troop withdrawal'
* Fares Akram's Gaza blog

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David Grossman, the renowned Israeli novelist, issued a pained rebuke to his 
countrymen over the Gaza invasion yesterday and called for the immediate 
opening of talks with the militant Hamas movement.

Embarking on what he conceded would be a daunting dialogue with Hamas, which 
refuses Israel's right to exist, will contribute more to our security than a 
hundred planes dropping bombs on a city and its inhabitants, the dovish author 
wrote in a front-page article in the daily Haaretz.

Grossman accused Israelis of using sophisticated defence mechanisms and 
self-righteousness to avoid recognising the scope of the killing and 
destruction the army has wrought on Gaza. When this subsides, perhaps Israelis 
will realise there is something deep and basic in our behaviour in the region, 
for time immemorial, that is mistaken, immoral and unwise and that time and 
again fans the flames that are consuming us, he wrote.

The writer has for many years been a voice of a humanistic Zionism that is 
often on the defensive in a militarised society. Yesterday was not the first 
time he has emerged as a statesman of the Israeli left. He lost his son Uri, 
20, a tank commander, in fighting viewed by some as unnecessary at the close of 
Israel's last war, with Hizbollah in 2006, a conflict that had striking 
parallels to the most recent one: overwhelming use of Israeli force that took a 
heavy toll on civilians and enemy rocket fire that in the minds of most 
Israelis justified such retaliation.

Two months after the 2006 war, Grossman accused the country's leadership under 
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of being hollow. A year later, he refused to shake 
Mr Olmert's hand as he received a prestigious writers' award. Palestinian 
civilian deaths and suffering received little coverage in the Israeli media, 
with news focusing on incoming rockets and many reports being aired of wounded 
soldiers anxious to rejoin their units in Gaza. At the height of the fighting, 
eight Israeli human rights organisations wrote a letter to Israeli newspapers 
and broadcast outlets complaining that space was not being given to items or 
opinions that did not support the army and government.

In an article on 30 December, three days after the war was launched, Grossman 
called for a unilateral ceasefire and warned against harm to the Palestinian 
civilian population Yesterday, he said the Palestinians could not be exempted 
of responsibility for Hamas's crimes of firing rockets and launching suicide 
attacks. But he stressed that Israel's leaders were oblivious to their own role 
in stoking violence with overwhelming military force.

The war has been depicted by Israeli politicians and military leaders as a 
correction of the 2006 conflict. This time, the army and home front worked well 
and Israel won, says the official version. Defence Minister Ehud Barak, in a 
self-congratulatory victory speech, said that bravery by the home front during 
the war had restored the beautiful land of Israel of yore.

Grossman painted a very different picture. Alongside the satisfaction over 
correcting the failures of the second Lebanon war, it is desirable to listen to 
a voice which says that the gains of the Israel Defence Forces are not decisive 
proof that Israel was right in launching such an operation of vast scale and 
certainly do not justify the way Israel behaved during its course. The gains 
only confirm that Israel is simply stronger than Hamas and in some situations 
she can be adamant and very cruel, in her way.

David Grossman: 'Mistaken, immoral, unwise'

When the guns becomecompletely silent, and the full scope of the killing and 
destruction becomes known, to the point where even the most self-righteous and 
sophisticated of the Israeli psyche's defence mechanisms are overcome, perhaps 
then some kind of lesson will imprint itself on our brain. Perhaps then we will 
finally understand how deeply and fundamentally wrong 

[proletar] Guardian: Israel admits troops may have used phosphorus shells in Gaza

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

Israel admits troops may have used phosphorus shells in Gaza
Amnesty warns Israel could be guilty of war crimes

* Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem
* guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 21 January 2009 11.58 GMT

White phosphorus shells

Israeli soldiers prepare white phosphorus 155mm artillery shells (light green) 
as troops keep position on the Israel-Gaza border. Photograph: Jack 
Guez/AFP/Getty Images

Israel has admitted – after mounting pressure – that its troops may have used 
white phosphorus shells in contravention of international law, during its 
three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip.

One of the places most seriously affected by the use of white phosphorus was 
the main UN compound in Gaza City, which was hit by three shells on 15 January. 
The same munition was used in a strike on the al-Quds hospital in Gaza City the 
same day.

Under review by Colonel Shai Alkalai is the use of white phosphorus by a 
reserve paratroop brigade in northern Israel.

According to army sources the brigade fired up to 20 phosphorus shells in a 
heavily built-up area around the Gaza township of Beit Lahiya, one of the worst 
hit areas of Gaza.

The internal inquiry – which the army says does not have the status of the full 
investigation demanded by human rights groups including Amnesty International 
and Human Rights Watch – follows weeks of fighting in which Israel either 
denied outright that it was using phosphorus-based weapons, or insisted that 
what weapons it was using were in line with international law.
Dr Ahmed Almi from the al-Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis describes serious 
injuries and chemical burns, with victims covered in a white powder that 
continues to burn long after initial exposure Link to this video

Phosphorus is a toxic chemical agent that burns on contact with air and creates 
thick white smokes in order to hide troop movements. However phosphorus shells 
are largely indiscriminate scattering large numbers of fragments over a large 
area, which can cause severe damage to both human tissue and property.

As the Guardian reported yesterday, Palestinian doctors have reported treating 
dozens of cases of suspected phosphorus burns.

According to senior IDF officers, quoted today in the Ha'aretz newspaper, the 
Israeli military made use of two different types of phosphorus munitions.

The first, they insisted, was contained in 155mm artillery shells, and 
contained almost no phosphorus except for a trace to ignite the smoke screen.

The second munitions, at the centre of the inquiry by Col Alkalai, are standard 
phosphorus shells – both 88mm and 120mm – fired from mortars.

About 200 of these shells were fired during Israel's Operation Cast Lead in 
Gaza, and of these – say the IDF – 180 were fired on Hamas fighters and rocket 
launch crews in northern Gaza.

Alkalai is investigating the circumstances in which the remaining 20 shells 
were fired, amid compelling evidence on the ground that phosphorus munitions 
were involved in the attack on a UN warehouse and a UN school.

The mortar system is guided by GPS and according to Israel a failure of the 
targeting system may have been responsible for civilian deaths. However, 
critics point out the same explanation was used for mis-targeting deaths in 
Beit Hanoun in Gaza in 2006.

The brigade's officers, however, added that the shells were fired only at 
places that had been positively identified as sources of enemy fire.

The use of phosphorus as an incendiary weapon as it now appears to have been 
used against Hamas fighters – as opposed to a smoke screen – is covered by the 
Convention of Certain Conventional Weapons to which Israel in not a signatory.

However, Israel also is obliged under the Geneva Conventions and customary 
international humanitarian law to give due care to protecting the civilian 
population when deciding on appropriate military targeting and response to 
hostile fire, particularly in heavily built up areas with a strict prohibition 
on the use of indiscriminate force.

They obviously could not have gone on denying the use of phosphorus, 
Donatella Rovera, Amnesty researcher for Israel and the Occupied Territories, 
told the Guardian yesterday. There are still phosphorus wedges burning all 
over Gaza including at the UN compound and at the school.

It is clear they are not using it as smoke screen as they claimed. They used 
it in areas where they had no forces, and there are much less problematic smoke 
screens that they could have used.

Amnesty on Monday warned that Israel could be guilty of war crimes, saying the 
use of the shells in a civilian areas was clear and undeniable.

Rovera demanded too that Israel produce clear evidence that there were fighters 
in the areas it says its troops were fired upon when the phosphorus munitions 
were fired.

The admission that the shells may have been used improperly follows yesterday's 
demand by the UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon for an investigation into the 
targeting of 

[proletar] The Independent: Massacre of innocents as UN school is shelled

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Massacre of innocents as UN school is shelled

Obama breaks silence to express deep concern over civilian casualties

By Donald Macintyre and Kim Sengupta in Jerusalem
Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Related Articles

* Gaza clashes resume after truce
* Fares Akram's Gaza blog
* Robert Fisk: Why do they hate the West so much, we will ask
* Donald Macintyre: So what will it take for Israel to stop fighting?
* Deborah Orr: There wouldn't have been Gaza rockets without the blockade
* Clegg urges Israel arms exports ban
* Fares Akram: I heard the news... it's time to evacuate my pregnant wife
* Brown calls for international action over Gaza crisis

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Hundreds of Palestinians had fled their homes for the refuge of the al-Fakhoura 
school, hoping the blue and white flag of the UN flying over the impromptu 
shelter would protect them from the Israeli onslaught. The UN had even given 
the Israeli army the co-ordinates for the building to spare it from the shells 
and air strikes raining down on the Gaza strip. But yesterday afternoon tank 
shells exploded outside the school, sending shrapnel into the crowds, killing 
at least 40 and wounding another 55.

It was the worst confirmed bloodshed of Israel's attack on Gaza and sparked 
outrage and condemnation around the globe, with the US President-elect Barack 
Obama breaking his 11-day silence, the UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon calling the 
incident totally unacceptable and Gordon Brown describing the conflict as 
the darkest moment yet for the Middle East.

Within hours of the strike on the school, with the Palestinian death toll 
topping 600 and pressure mounting on Israel to stop its crushing military 
campaign, Egypt proposed an immediate ceasefire and talks with Israel and Hamas 
on a long-term settlement, including an end to the Gaza blockade.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was in Cairo on the latest stop of a 
two-day tour of the Middle East, said that his Egyptian counterpart, Hosni 
Mubarak, was inviting notably the Israeli side to discuss the issue of border 
security without delay.

Arriving in New York for an emergency UN Security Council meeting, David 
Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, welcomed the statement by Mr Mubarak saying it 
underlined the fast-moving nature of events. The world, Mr Miliband told the 
Council, was witnessing in Gaza, the horror of war piled upon months of 

At the meeting, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas voiced support for the 
Sarkozy-Mubarak ceasefire initiative. The killings at the school in Gaza 
confirmed the heinous crime being committed against our people, he said.

Israel had yet to respond to the initiative last night. However, a statement 
was issued late in the evening anncouncing Israel's willingness to set up a 
humanitarian corridor into Gaza for the safe delivery of emergency supplies 
to prevent a humanitarian crisis there.

The US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, said Washington backed Mr 
Mubarak's ceasefire proposal. We need urgently to conclude a ceasefire that 
can endure and that can bring real security, she told the Security Council. 
In this regard we are pleased by and wish to commend the statement of the 
President of Egypt and to follow up on that initiative.

With Israeli troops moving further south into the cities of one of the world's 
most crowded territories, the Palestinian death toll is beginning to rival that 
in Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Yesterday, the UN demanded an immediate 
independent investigation into the latest school killings.

The emergency room of northern Gaza's Kamal Adwan hospital was packed to 
overflowing after the carnage. We have become quite used to noises of 
explosions but then they started bringing in all those who had been caught in 
the attack and it was a very bad sight, Dr Bassam Abu Warda told The 

It was terrible, really terrible. We are living at a very difficult time but 
even as doctors it is always hard to see children being hurt and we had a lot 
of them today and we are not really equipped to deal with this type of 
emergency here.

Majed Hamdan, a photographer, said he rushed to the scene shortly after the 
attacks, which happened just as many of the refugees had ventured outside for 
fresh air. I saw women and men – parents – slapping their faces in grief, 
screaming, some of them collapsed to the floor, he said. They knew their 
children were dead.

Gruesome footage on Hamas's al-Aqsa TV showed medics starting to unload the 
bodies of men who had been stacked up in the back of an ambulance, three high, 
and were dragged out without stretchers. The blood-caked stumps of one man's 
legs bumped along the ground as he was pulled from the ambulance.

Responding to criticism of its hit on the school in the Jabalya refugee camp, 
the Israeli military accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. It 
said that the results of its initial 

[proletar] The Independent: Mark Steel: What creationists really hate is that we emerged by accident

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Mark Steel: What creationists really hate is that we emerged by accident

Independent.co.uk Web

Charles Darwin would probably love the fact that the 200th anniversary of his 
birth is being celebrated with radio shows, documentaries and exhibitions, but 
he might not have enjoyed the way that furious Christians still despise his 
theories and try to prove the Bible is more reliable.

For example, the Discovery Institute has announced that: We want students 
everywhere to speak out... for the right to debate the evidence against 
evolution and turn 'Darwin Day' into 'Academic Freedom Day'.

But they're lucky Darwin isn't forced on us the way religion has been, 
otherwise the national anthem would start: Our Gracious Queen will be saved or 
not according to a series of factors that are sod-all to do with God, and once 
a week school assemblies would start with everyone singing: All things 
biological/ All matter sweet or frightening/ Are Godless, real and logical/ See 
– where's the bleeding lightning?

The creationists demand that biblical theories are taught alongside Darwin's 
theories of natural selection, which might sound reasonable except that 
creationism depends not on evidence but on faith. If all theories are given 
equal status, teachers could say: Your essays on the cause of tornadoes were 
very good. Nathan's piece detailing the impact of warm moist air colliding with 
cool air, with original sources from the Colorado Weather Bureau, contained 
some splendid detail. But Samatha's piece that went Because God is cross was 
just as good so you all get a B+.

To improve their standing the anti-Darwin lobby have changed their tactics, so 
now instead of arguing for creationism they call their theory intelligent 

Mostly this consists of trying to illustrate how species are too complex to 
have been formed by nature. But then they can't help themselves, so you get 
articles such as the one by prominent advocate of intelligent design, David 
Berlinski, that starts: Charles Darwin says, 'In the struggle for survival, 
the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals.' Another man, Adolf Hitler 
says 'Let us kill all the Jews of Europe.' Is there a connection? Yes is the 
obvious answer. So there we are – study the differences between finches and 
you're half way to organising a holocaust.

The founders of intelligent design are nearly all creationists, and one of 
their books, Of Pandas and People, is identical to a book used by creationists. 
Except that, after a ruling in the US Supreme Court that creationism couldn't 
be taught in schools, the word creationist was deleted throughout, and 
replaced with intelligent design.

The new theory, where it is new, states there are many species that can't have 
become the way they are through gradual evolution, because if you remove any 
one part of them the whole structure would collapse. So they must have been 
created whole, as they are now, without changing. But this ignores the beauty 
of Darwin's discovery, which is that species change not because they're on a 
march towards perfection but by accident.

What may be ideal for survival one day is no good once the environment has 
changed. For example if it gets colder, or the colour of the surroundings 
changes, the individuals in a species best suited to the new conditions will be 
the ones to last, and the species becomes altered.

Survival of the fittest means those accidentally matching the requirements of a 
new situation, not the creatures most prone to winning a scrap. Otherwise by 
now the only hamsters to survive would be those ones who could pick up the 
wheel and smash it over their mate's head, and the only surviving parrots would 
be the ones squawking: Who wants some? Who wants some?

And this dominance of the accidental is the most damning argument against 
intelligent design, because if all species were designed, it was hardly done by 
someone intelligent. If it was, how do you account for the parasitic wasp that 
lays eggs on its prey so they hatch and eat its victim while it's still alive?

More to the point, why are your most sensitive nerves at the end of your toe, 
where they're most likely to get walloped? Why are men's nuts in such a 
vulnerable location, ay? Bloody vindictive design that is. Why do dogs do the 
squashiest, most unpleasant turds that hide in the grass and spread themselves 
in the indentations on the bottom of your shoe, but don't start smelling until 
you get indoors and then render the place uninhabitable until you've left every 
window open for a month? Why, why, why?

Come on intelligent design people, the questions you have to answer have barely 

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] پویش دعوت از خاتمی

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik ali_36751

به نام خدای بخشنده بخشاینده
لطفا این ایمیل را برای همه ی ایرانیانی که در میلینگ لیست شما قرار دارند
، فروارد کنید

هموطن عزیز!

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ورود به سایت برای مشاهده آخرین اخبار

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[proletar] پویش دعوت از خاتمی

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik ali_36751

به نام خدای بخشنده بخشاینده
لطفا این ایمیل را برای همه ی ایرانیانی که در میلینگ لیست شما قرار دارند
، فروارد کنید

هموطن عزیز!

طومار دعوت از خاتمی
PatitionList.php  برای نامزدی در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری را از اینجا
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پویش (کمپین) دعوت از خاتمی
  حرکتی مستقل و با امکاناتی محدود است و سرمایه ای جز اعضا و مخاطبان خود
ندارد . به یاری شما ایرانیان ایران دوست و طالب اصلاح امیدواریم .

ورود به سایت برای مشاهده آخرین اخبار

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[proletar] Jadi anjing Nasrani itupengkut gereja apa?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Jadi anjing Nasrani itu pengkut gereja apa? 

Vatikan dan WCC telah menyalahkan Israel yang menyerang Gaza..

Lalu anjing Nasrani yang masih membenarkan serangan Israel itu pengikut gereja 

Atau orang Nasrani dungu berotak anjing yang  tidak berperi kemanusiaan?

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.al...@... wrote:

 Ni orang kayaknya beotak anjing juga...
 Dalam perng penduduk sipil tidak boleh dikorbankan..

Satuju Fiq !
Anak-anak dan ibu-ibu jangan dijadiin tameng dalam perang.
Gak kaci lah. Ente damprat ajah Hamas, Fiq. Ente sumpah
serapahin ajah jangan kepalang edun !

Ternyata Hamas itu cuma kampret doang sbg pejuang taek kucing.
Badan aja dipamerin, pake lares, pake pakean loreng, kumis
baplang, godeg byarrr, muka serem. Pas dar der dor, sluuup
ajah ngumpet di baju gombrang perempuan be'jilbeb.

Gak 'aci lah perang gituan sih.

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[proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.al...@... wrote:
Ade Kim Hook itu emang manusia berotak binatang
Dia tidak tahu bahwa orang Arab itu juga adalah manusia...
Dan punya hak yang sama dengan orang lain...

Wah ini sih gak satuju lah. Emang bener arep itu manusia,
tapi...nah ini dia, tapi ada manusia dan manusia, Fiq.
Karna kalo jadi manusia itu, musti ada yg dilakonin :


hiduplah yg baek ama tetangga. Jangan nyambit rumah
tetangga, karna itu tak bae'

'ua : 
mulailah belajar bekerja, singkilkan lengan baju dan mulai
nyangkul tanah. Nanem apa keq, ubi, pisang, takokak...
Sehat koq kerja itu.


Mulai sekarang hentiin mengangakan congor buat di
kasih makanan. Malu atuh ujang !

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Re: [proletar] what is jablay?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik gsuryana
Jauh dari di belai...alias gak ada yang mau neg belai. kasihan kan ?
- Original Message - 
From: Habe Proletar prolet...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:38 PM
Subject: [proletar] what is jablay?

 whats that?
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Re: [proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik gsuryana
From: kim3hook kim3h...@yahoo.com

 Yg gua bikin mules klakuan si Sur itu, ni orang latah
 banget sih heh ?
Sejak aku aktif di Baguna, dan masuk kedaerah bencana, aku menjadi bisa 
merasakan bagaimana sulitnya hidup secara teratur.
Sebelumnya aku hanya bisa prihatin dan hanya mampu membayangkan.

Mau beol saja bingung nyari tempat beol nya, padahal beol salah satu 
kebutuhan pokok yang setiap hari harus dilakukan, belum lagi mau makan, dan 
minum, jangan bicara tempat tinggal secuil tenda sudah menjadi terasa 
istana, dan tetap saja MCK mebuat situasi dan kondisi menjadi tidak baik, 
silahkan anda coba untuk menahan beol tibang 2 hari
Jangan kepikiran dengan ditambah kondisi luka, baik luka patah tulang maupun 
yang lainnya, anda renungkan saja.


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[proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah
Betu:l berotak anjing ni orang...

Gaza itu di blokade oleh Israel hingga jadi kamp konsentrasi (ini
istilah Paus).

Dab tu Israel juga dibikin diatas rumah dan kampung orang Palestina 
yang sekarang jadi pengungsi di Gaza..

Mereka menuntut keadilan.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, kim3hook kim3h...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.allah@ wrote:
 Ade Kim Hook itu emang manusia berotak binatang
 Dia tidak tahu bahwa orang Arab itu juga adalah manusia...
 Dan punya hak yang sama dengan orang lain...
 Wah ini sih gak satuju lah. Emang bener arep itu manusia,
 tapi...nah ini dia, tapi ada manusia dan manusia, Fiq.
 Karna kalo jadi manusia itu, musti ada yg dilakonin :
 hiduplah yg baek ama tetangga. Jangan nyambit rumah
 tetangga, karna itu tak bae'
 'ua : 
 mulailah belajar bekerja, singkilkan lengan baju dan mulai
 nyangkul tanah. Nanem apa keq, ubi, pisang, takokak...
 Sehat koq kerja itu.
 Mulai sekarang hentiin mengangakan congor buat di
 kasih makanan. Malu atuh ujang !

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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah
Ni anjing bertubuh manusia serta pedebat kusir...

Hingga sekarang tidak ada bukti Hamas memakai penduduk sipil sebagai

Betul-betul berotak anjing ni orang..

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, kim3hook kim3h...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.allah@ wrote:
  Ni orang kayaknya beotak anjing juga...
  Dalam perng penduduk sipil tidak boleh dikorbankan..
 Satuju Fiq !
 Anak-anak dan ibu-ibu jangan dijadiin tameng dalam perang.
 Gak kaci lah. Ente damprat ajah Hamas, Fiq. Ente sumpah
 serapahin ajah jangan kepalang edun !
 Ternyata Hamas itu cuma kampret doang sbg pejuang taek kucing.
 Badan aja dipamerin, pake lares, pake pakean loreng, kumis
 baplang, godeg byarrr, muka serem. Pas dar der dor, sluuup
 ajah ngumpet di baju gombrang perempuan be'jilbeb.
 Gak 'aci lah perang gituan sih.

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[proletar] Re: Jadi anjing Nasrani itupengkut gereja apa?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik hadingrh
sadarlah fiq!
gak ada gunanya ente teriak2 sampe bikin kimhook mewek.
israel ntu bangsa yg mulia (ngkali, menurut kimhook, muski dll).
israel itu bangsa jablay alias bangsa yg seringkali tertindas oleh
bangsa lain mangkanya kudu sering2 di belay, dan disayangi se-edun
mereka ngakunya 6juta korban holokus, tapi sejarawan lain kayak
faurisson bilang gak segitu..
biarin dah, mereka korupsi angka..
emang tabiatnya dari dulu begitu.

jadi, salah atau bener, kudu dianggap bener!
kejam kah atau berperikemanusiaan kah, tetep bangsa israel jangan
sampe dikutuk!
bisa kualat kalo miliser nasrani ikut ngomong ngantemin israel.
(kalo kualat ntar bisa masuk neraka, yah?)
gak percaya? cobain deh ente desek tuh si grepe.

jadi, gak ada guna ente maksa2 kayak orang kesurupan..
biarin aja, kita2 sudah tau koq tabiat beberapa member milis di
apakabar atau di prol.
toh miliser muslim juga gak nagih reaksi macem2 dari mereka, spt aksi
demo, apalagi tulisan2 yg mengutuk israel.

kesimpulan yg bisa ente tarik sudah jelas, kan? .. bahwa israel itu
bangsa biadab, tukang jagal perempuan dan anak2, bahkan rumah sakitpun
gak tedeng aling2 dibom pake fosfor. 

jelas, kan, bahwa posisi mereka sbg negara teroris?
(gw jadi inget amerika yg demen promosiin perang terhadap teror, tapi
malah gak berani sama israel.. hehe ironis, malah disupport gak
kepalang tanggung)
tapi simpan saja kesimpulan itu buat ente sendiri..
bikin kimhook patah hati aja... LOL..LOL

mending kita terusin aja soal kompositor ... heuheuheu .. (gak bosen,
kan, beh ?)
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar utusan.al...@... wrote:

 Jadi anjing Nasrani itu pengkut gereja apa? 
 Vatikan dan WCC telah menyalahkan Israel yang menyerang Gaza..
 Lalu anjing Nasrani yang masih membenarkan serangan Israel itu
pengikut gereja apa?
 Atau orang Nasrani dungu berotak anjing yang  tidak berperi kemanusiaan?
 Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
 Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
hanyalah Allah fiktif.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik hadingrh
tadi selepas maghrib, sambil nyari angin gw mabur ke jalan panatayuda.
tujuannya cuma satu,... 
nikmatin bakmi jogja lagi.. yg... alaa maakk ... maknyus!!

bayangin aja, mana murah, tapi enaknya bisa kerasa berhari2.
suer...!! jadi ngiler lagi kalo dibayang2in.

kimhook.. coba elu bayangin .. boleh sambil ngiler, tapi ntu gigi
tongosnya digulung dikit yah..

mienya lembut.
telornya gak anyir.
kuahnya serasa mantap..
baunya harum.
porsinya pas.
gak ada duanya dah..

mungkin ada juga bakmi jogja lain yg rasanya enak. tapi dari beberapa
bakmi yg pernah dicoba, kayaknya yg di sana rasanya lebih spesial.

dan satu hal lagi yg bikin mereka lebih spesial adalah, air teh seduhnya.
eit .. jangan salah kimhook..
jangan elu pikir ini haratis...
tetep kudu dipesen jadi gak cuma2 dikasih..

pemanisnya bukan nutra-sweet, bukan sakarin, apalagi gula jawa.
tapi dari gula batu.
diseduh sendiri di cangkir tanah liat.
panas2 diserupuuutt 

bayangin deh sendiri!!!

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[proletar] Re: Jadi anjing Nasrani itupengkut gereja apa?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah
Ni orang jelas nggak normal...

Asal cuap-cuap.

Pertama, bagusnya, tidak semua orang Nasrani punya otak anjing,
Suryana jelas tidak sendirian.

Lalu Vatikan dan WCC sudah dari mula menyatakan menentang serangan 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:

 sadarlah fiq!
 gak ada gunanya ente teriak2 sampe bikin kimhook mewek.
 israel ntu bangsa yg mulia (ngkali, menurut kimhook, muski dll).
 israel itu bangsa jablay alias bangsa yg seringkali tertindas oleh
 bangsa lain mangkanya kudu sering2 di belay, dan disayangi se-edun
 mereka ngakunya 6juta korban holokus, tapi sejarawan lain kayak
 faurisson bilang gak segitu..
 biarin dah, mereka korupsi angka..
 emang tabiatnya dari dulu begitu.
 jadi, salah atau bener, kudu dianggap bener!
 kejam kah atau berperikemanusiaan kah, tetep bangsa israel jangan
 sampe dikutuk!
 bisa kualat kalo miliser nasrani ikut ngomong ngantemin israel.
 (kalo kualat ntar bisa masuk neraka, yah?)
 gak percaya? cobain deh ente desek tuh si grepe.
 jadi, gak ada guna ente maksa2 kayak orang kesurupan..
 biarin aja, kita2 sudah tau koq tabiat beberapa member milis di
 apakabar atau di prol.
 toh miliser muslim juga gak nagih reaksi macem2 dari mereka, spt aksi
 demo, apalagi tulisan2 yg mengutuk israel.
 kesimpulan yg bisa ente tarik sudah jelas, kan? .. bahwa israel itu
 bangsa biadab, tukang jagal perempuan dan anak2, bahkan rumah sakitpun
 gak tedeng aling2 dibom pake fosfor. 
 jelas, kan, bahwa posisi mereka sbg negara teroris?
 (gw jadi inget amerika yg demen promosiin perang terhadap teror, tapi
 malah gak berani sama israel.. hehe ironis, malah disupport gak
 kepalang tanggung)
 tapi simpan saja kesimpulan itu buat ente sendiri..
 bikin kimhook patah hati aja... LOL..LOL
 mending kita terusin aja soal kompositor ... heuheuheu .. (gak bosen,
 kan, beh ?)
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar utusan.allah@ wrote:
  Jadi anjing Nasrani itu pengkut gereja apa? 
  Vatikan dan WCC telah menyalahkan Israel yang menyerang Gaza..
  Lalu anjing Nasrani yang masih membenarkan serangan Israel itu
 pengikut gereja apa?
  Atau orang Nasrani dungu berotak anjing yang  tidak berperi
  Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
  Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
 al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
 hanyalah Allah fiktif.

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Jadi anjing Nasrani itupengkut gereja apa?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik hadingrh
yup,... saya tau itu
saya sangat menghargai pendirian kang suryana...
suryana memang oche...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.al...@... wrote:

 Ni orang jelas nggak normal...
 Asal cuap-cuap.
 Pertama, bagusnya, tidak semua orang Nasrani punya otak anjing,
 Suryana jelas tidak sendirian.
 Lalu Vatikan dan WCC sudah dari mula menyatakan menentang serangan 
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadingrh@ wrote:
  sadarlah fiq!
  gak ada gunanya ente teriak2 sampe bikin kimhook mewek.
  israel ntu bangsa yg mulia (ngkali, menurut kimhook, muski dll).
  israel itu bangsa jablay alias bangsa yg seringkali tertindas oleh
  bangsa lain mangkanya kudu sering2 di belay, dan disayangi se-edun
  mereka ngakunya 6juta korban holokus, tapi sejarawan lain kayak
  faurisson bilang gak segitu..
  biarin dah, mereka korupsi angka..
  emang tabiatnya dari dulu begitu.
  jadi, salah atau bener, kudu dianggap bener!
  kejam kah atau berperikemanusiaan kah, tetep bangsa israel jangan
  sampe dikutuk!
  bisa kualat kalo miliser nasrani ikut ngomong ngantemin israel.
  (kalo kualat ntar bisa masuk neraka, yah?)
  gak percaya? cobain deh ente desek tuh si grepe.
  jadi, gak ada guna ente maksa2 kayak orang kesurupan..
  biarin aja, kita2 sudah tau koq tabiat beberapa member milis di
  apakabar atau di prol.
  toh miliser muslim juga gak nagih reaksi macem2 dari mereka, spt aksi
  demo, apalagi tulisan2 yg mengutuk israel.
  kesimpulan yg bisa ente tarik sudah jelas, kan? .. bahwa israel itu
  bangsa biadab, tukang jagal perempuan dan anak2, bahkan rumah sakitpun
  gak tedeng aling2 dibom pake fosfor. 
  jelas, kan, bahwa posisi mereka sbg negara teroris?
  (gw jadi inget amerika yg demen promosiin perang terhadap teror, tapi
  malah gak berani sama israel.. hehe ironis, malah disupport gak
  kepalang tanggung)
  tapi simpan saja kesimpulan itu buat ente sendiri..
  bikin kimhook patah hati aja... LOL..LOL
  mending kita terusin aja soal kompositor ... heuheuheu .. (gak bosen,
  kan, beh ?)
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar utusan.allah@ wrote:
   Jadi anjing Nasrani itu pengkut gereja apa? 
   Vatikan dan WCC telah menyalahkan Israel yang menyerang Gaza..
   Lalu anjing Nasrani yang masih membenarkan serangan Israel itu
  pengikut gereja apa?
   Atau orang Nasrani dungu berotak anjing yang  tidak berperi
   Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
   Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
  al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
  hanyalah Allah fiktif.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Wiro di apakabar pakai argumen taik kucing....

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Wiro di apakabar pakai argumen taik kucing

Dia tunjukkan dua video untuk membuktikan bahwa Hamas memakai human

Video pertama dibikin tahun 2008.

Ini video yang dipakai oleh Ade Kim Hook, manusia berotak anjing
beberapa hari yang lalu.

Video kedua tidak saya lihat kapan dibikin, bicara tentang orang yang
berkumpul memepertahankan rumah mereka, rumah penduduk sipil yang mau
diruntuhkan oleh serdadu Israel atau rumah pemimpin Hamas yang mau
diserang serdadu israel.

Semua ini tetap hanya sedar omongan dan bukan bukti matarial.

Agar jelas: hanya peneliatian atau angket dari badan yang imparsial
yang bisa dipakai sebagai bukti dalam berargumen.

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[proletar] Re: bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:
 dan satu hal lagi yg bikin mereka lebih spesial adalah, air teh
 eit .. jangan salah kimhook..
 jangan elu pikir ini haratis...
 tetep kudu dipesen jadi gak cuma2 dikasih..

Oh ! Mustinya dikasih iga babi biar lebih enak, trus sabari nenggak
anggur merah, nah itu baru enak. Kalo gak percaya, tanya tuh
Jusfiq yg gituan sih.

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Re: [proletar] Re: bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Leo Susanto
bakmi iga babi? paired with anggur merah?
elo kok norak banget seh ni hari?

2009/1/21 kim3hook kim3h...@yahoo.com:
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:
 dan satu hal lagi yg bikin mereka lebih spesial adalah, air teh
 eit .. jangan salah kimhook..
 jangan elu pikir ini haratis...
 tetep kudu dipesen jadi gak cuma2 dikasih..

 Oh ! Mustinya dikasih iga babi biar lebih enak, trus sabari nenggak
 anggur merah, nah itu baru enak. Kalo gak percaya, tanya tuh
 Jusfiq yg gituan sih.


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Re: [proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik gsuryana
From: jasadlelaki jasadlel...@yahoo.com

 itu lah resiko perang,
 apa boleh buat...

Perang ?, perang taik kucing, Hamas tidak memiliki persenjataan sekuat 
Israel, dan anda mengatakan Perang ?, sudahkan anda membuka google map dan 
melihat luas dari Gaza Strip ?
Itu bukan perang.
Bila anda mengaminkan kitab suci sialan karena Palestina adalah milik 
Israel, maka suku Indian di Amerika harus duduk di white house, demikian 
juga di Australia, suku Aborigin harus menjadi pemilik Australia.

Mempercayai kitab suci secara leterik adalah sebuah kebodohan yang tiada 
tara, cepatlah anda berusaha untuk menjadi pintar, masih keburu koq.


 si jasad.

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[proletar] The Guardian: Demands grow for Gaza war crimes investigation

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

Saya garis bawahi:

Rovera has also collected evidence that the Israeli army holds Palestinian 
families prisoner in their own homes as human shields. 

tapi mari kita tunggu konfirmasi alegasi ini.


Demands grow for Gaza war crimes investigation

* Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
* The Guardian, Tuesday 13 January 2009
* larger | smaller
* Article history

A freelance filmmaker in Gaza shot this material for Save the Children at a 
UN-supported school for pupils displaced from their homes by the Israeli 
bombings Link to this video

Israel is facing growing demands from senior UN officials and human rights 
groups for an international war crimes investigation in Gaza over allegations 
such as the reckless and indiscriminate shelling of residential areas and use 
of Palestinian families as human shields by soldiers.

With the death toll from the 17-day Israeli assault on Gaza climbing above 900, 
pressure is increasing for an independent inquiry into specific incidents, such 
as the shelling of a UN school turned refugee centre where about 40 people 
died, as well as the question of whether the military tactics used by Israel 
systematically breached humanitarian law.
Link to this audio

The UN's senior human rights body approved a resolution yesterday condemning 
the Israeli offensive for massive violations of human rights. A senior UN 
source said the body's humanitarian agencies were compiling evidence of war 
crimes and passing it on to the highest levels to be used as seen fit.

Some human rights activists allege that the Israeli leadership gave an order to 
keep military casualties low no matter what cost to civilians. That strategy 
has directly contributed to one of the bloodiest Israeli assaults on the 
Palestinian territories, they say.

John Ging, head of the UN Palestinian refugee agency in Gaza, said: It's about 
accountability [over] the issue of the appropriateness of the force used, the 
proportionality of the force used and the whole issue of duty of care of 

We don't want to join any chorus of passing judgment but there should be an 
investigation of any and every incident where there are concerns there might 
have been violations in international law.

The Israeli military are accused of:

• Using powerful shells in civilian areas which the army knew would cause large 
numbers of innocent casualties;

• Using banned weapons such as phosphorus bombs;

• Holding Palestinian families as human shields;

• Attacking medical facilities, including the killing of 12 ambulance men in 
marked vehicles;

• Killing large numbers of police who had no military role.

Israeli military actions prompted an unusual public rebuke from the 
International Red Cross after the army moved a Palestinian family into a 
building and shelled it, killing 30. The surviving children clung to the bodies 
of their dead mothers for four days while the army blocked rescuers from 
reaching the wounded.

Human Rights Watch has called on the UN security council to set up a commission 
of inquiry into alleged war crimes.

Two leading Israeli human rights organisations have separately written to the 
country's attorney general demanding he investigate the allegations.

But critics remain sceptical that any such inquiry will take place, given that 
Israel has previously blocked similar attempts with the backing of the US.

Amnesty International says hitting residential streets with shells that send 
blast and shrapnel over a wide area constitutes prima facie evidence of war 

There has been reckless and disproportionate and in some cases indiscriminate 
use of force, said Donatella Rovera, an Amnesty investigator in Israel. There 
has been the use of weaponry that shouldn't be used in densely populated areas 
because it's known that it will cause civilian fatalities and casualties.

They have extremely sophisticated missiles that can be guided to a moving car 
and they choose to use other weapons or decide to drop a bomb on a house 
knowing that there were women and children inside. These are very, very clear 
breaches of international law.

Israel's most prominent human rights organisation, B'Tselem, has written to the 
attorney general in Jerusalem, Meni Mazuz, asking him to investigate suspected 
crimes including how the military selects its targets and the killing of scores 
of policemen at a passing out parade.

Many of the targets seem not to have been legitimate military targets as 
specified by international humanitarian law, said Sarit Michaeli of B'Tselem.

Rovera has also collected evidence that the Israeli army holds Palestinian 
families prisoner in their own homes as human shields. It's standard practice 
for Israeli soldiers to go into a house, lock up the family in a room on the 
ground floor and use the rest of the house as a military base, as a sniper's 
position. That is the absolute textbook case of human shields.

It has been practised by the Israeli army for many 

[proletar] Ibu Michelle Gak Perlu Minder...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik jasadlelaki
Iba juga hati ini rasanya melihat gaya dan tampang ibu Michelle Obama.
Mungkin bisa saja dalam benaknya ada segumpal keminderan. Tapi untung
saja dia punya background yang lumayan untuk ukuran sesama kita,
mahluk-mahluk najis yang sudah berdosa di seluruh jagad raya ini. Tak
lain dan tak bukan bahwa dia juga adalah seorang Prof dan staff
teaching yang pernah mengajar di Harvard dan Obama sendiri suaminya
itu pernah menjadi salah seorang muridnya di sana.

Aku pernah melihat ibu Michelle diwawancarai oleh Larry King di CNN.
Kelihatannya Michelle juga tidak kalah smart dengan Hillary untuk
standard the first lady in the world. Bahkan bisa saja dia juga adalah
salah satu sosok iron women sebagai istri yang akan berkerja keras di
balik layar tampang sang suami yang getol menaikkan dagunya ke atas itu.

Agak beda dengan si manja Laura Bush, yang hanya tau menulis buku The
Pleasures of Masturbation . Aneh kan?, sempat-sempatnya dia
menuliskan hal itu di samping dunia yg sedang kacau balau dan
tertimpah oleh berbagai macam bencana. Padahal buku tersebut tak
bermamfaat sama sekali untuk meringankan beban moral dunia bogel dan
berbagai macam problem di muka bumi ini.

Kembali kepada ibu Michelle yang terkesan memiliki segumpal
keminderan. Mengapa? Cobalah anda-anda renungkan. Pasangan suami istri
itu adalah pasangan yang dalam urutan ke 44 dari 43 pasang
mahluk-mahluk manusia ganteng-ganteng dan cantik-cantik yang pernah
mendudukan pantat-pantat mereka at The Kingdomg of The White House.

Lihat saja caranya berpakaian. Walau gaun yang terkesan cukup anggun
didisain sedemikian rupa, namun tetap saja Michelle terlihat agak
kekar, tomboi dan sesekali ngangkat gaun yang berwarna broken white
itu agar jangan nyangkut di tumit sepatunya yang cukup tinggi kalau
dia sedang bergerak. Dan dia sesekali coba tersenyum, sesekali menutup
mulut. Pemandangan itu memang serba salah dan selalu berulang-ulang
kalau dia dalam syutingan close up. Mengapa? Memang kalaupun dia
tersenyum tetap tidak cantik, dan tutup mulutpun tetap juga tidak
cantik. Kemungkinan besar hal itu telah dia coba-coba latih di depan
cermin. Dan kelihatannya dia memang sama sekali tidak menyukai
syutingan yang close up. 

Bagi saya pribadi sejujurnya bahwa, tampang ganteng atau pun cantik
tidaklah merupakan major event dalam tolak ukur untuk menjadi kriteria
manusia-manusia yang sedang memegang dedikasi pada semua para pemimpin
pemerintahan, lembaga, departemen atau apa saja yang dipimpin dari
tanggun jawab yang terkecil hingga yang terbesar sekalipun. The most
important point is...,bagaimana nanti hasil dari program-program atau
juga agenda-agenda yang telah mereka rencanakan selama ini. Akan kan
berhasil sukses dan mampu melegahkan jiwa-jiwa yang tertindas di
seluruh jagad raya ini? 

Hopefully better than Bush and the gangs lah...

PS : 

Hanya orang-orang yang mewarisi gaya pikir sistem rakyat jelata, haus
publikasi dan serba kurang-kurang sajalah yang getol menggunakan
istilah-istilah ganteng atau pun cantik secara lahiriah.


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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik jasadlelaki
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, gsuryana gsury...@... wrote:
 Mempercayai kitab suci secara leterik adalah sebuah kebodohan yang
 tara, cepatlah anda berusaha untuk menjadi pintar, masih keburu koq.

kog bisa-bisanya kamu ini sur
mengetahui diriku memahami kitabku secara leterik?

jangan terlalu asbun dikau, sur...

manusia seperti anda, aku yakin sekali...
kalau indonesia itu mayoritas di kuasai Kristen.
maka anda pun akan berubah jadi bengkarung.

lekaslah benahin jati dirimu sur..., keburu belum terlambat kog..?

si jasad.

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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik jasadlelaki
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.al...@... wrote:

 Ni orang kayaknya beotak anjing juga...
 Dalam perng penduduk sipil tidak boleh dikorbankan..

mana lebih baik berotak anjing atau berotak babi?

dalam undang-undang perang memang selalu tertulis begitu, fig..
namun dalam kenyataannya banyak yang melanggar.

 Akan halnya kitab suci taik kucing itu tidak berbukti isinya benar...

memang bagi manusia-manusia yang berotak babi,
dimohon dengan segala kerendahan hati dan kehormatan yang teramat

si jasad.

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[proletar] Re: BBC : Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah
Ni orang jelas juga nggak begitu waras..

Ngomong asal ngaco begini..

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, jasadlelaki jasadlel...@... wrote:

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, utusan.allah utusan.allah@ wrote:
  Ni orang kayaknya beotak anjing juga...
  Dalam perng penduduk sipil tidak boleh dikorbankan..
 mana lebih baik berotak anjing atau berotak babi?
 dalam undang-undang perang memang selalu tertulis begitu, fig..
 namun dalam kenyataannya banyak yang melanggar.
  Akan halnya kitab suci taik kucing itu tidak berbukti isinya benar...
 memang bagi manusia-manusia yang berotak babi,
 dimohon dengan segala kerendahan hati dan kehormatan yang teramat
 si jasad.

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[proletar] Obama dan Indonesia

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik heri latief
Obama dan Indonesia

obama itu politik histeria 
orang indonesia mau apa?
obama dibilang eks anak betawi segala
doi pernah tinggal kampung jakarta
apa kau kira doi bisa lupa?
bangsa indian yang punya amerika
penobatan obama tak ada wakilnya sitting bull?
obama pangkatnya presiden amerika
bukan obama jagoan menteng dalam
segala harapan orang miskin tenggelam
cuma kenangan di masa silam
sekarang lain lagi ceritanya
obama itu adalah merika
jangan lupa 
indonesia bukan amerika
kapal bocor tenggelam tak mau
semuanya mesti ditambal sulam
dalam badai panik krisis ekonomi
jangan salah sangka
obama kerja buat kesejahteraan amerika

heri latief
amsterdam, 21/01/2009



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[proletar] Re: Ibu Michelle Gak Perlu Minder...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, jasadlelaki jasadlel...@... wrote:

Bukan dari sana yg saya lihat sih, bukan rupawan ato
tidak. Cuma dia itu kayak aliran black panther an

Apalagi si ref. Jeremyah Wright sbg think tank nya.

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[proletar] Anjing vs Babi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik jasadlelaki
Binatang yang cepat tanggap.
Penciumannya amat tajam.
Penampilannya sering lucu.
Setia-nya minta ampun pada tuan-nya.
Binatang yang amat tau berterima kasih.
Suka menolong seluruh keluarga pemiliknya,
dengan segenap tenaga dan kemampuannya pabila
pemiliknya dirugikan secara fisik oleh pihak2 lain.

Binatang yang menurut perintah pemiliknya.
Kekuatanya sama dengan pagar-pagar kayu yang di pekarangan belakang
rumah kami. Melindungi, menggongongi dan mengejar habis sampai tetes
darah yang penghabisan pabila ada orang2 yang datang mengganggu dan
melempar anjing itu karena gondok tak berhasil.

Bisa diajarkan berdisiplin...

Hanya dua kekurangannya...

Mau menjilat muntahnya kembali dan
enggak bisa mengendalikan rasa konak-nya yang tak ketulungan.

Tapi inget, anjing kan cepat tanggep, pastilah dia bisa diajar untuk
tidak menjilat setiap muntah2 yang dia sudah muntahkan.

Oleh karna itu banyak orang yang mengkebirinya, termasuk aku.

Beda dengan babi...

Selain ndut,
biar sehat apalagi sakit, tetaplah penebar penyakit cacing pita,
kolesterol tinggi dan obesitas dan lain-lain.

Suka makan taik orang, apalagi kalau taiknya sendiri.
Kurang cepat tanggap. Harus diajar take time setengah mati,
barulah agak-agak pinter.

Babi hanya lucu kalau dalam bentuk pilem muffet show
yang berperan sebagai peggy , kalau tidak..!, sungguh benar-bener
menjijikkan dan eneg kalau dipandang lama-lama, apalagi hidung dan
kedua lobangnya yang gede-gede banget itu.

Bisa dihitung dengan jari, orang-orang yang memelihara babi kalau
hanya untuk lucu-lucu. Dan itu pun hanya dipelihara oleh orang-orang
yang memiliki kelainan-kelainan jiwa saja.

Nah, pilih mana yang lebih mendingan?

Walau kedua-duanya sama-sama binatang harem masih mendingan anjing, bukan?

Berbahagialah kalau anda difitnah seperti anjing, atau berotak
anjing, apalagi anjing yang sudah dikebiri, ketimbang seperti babi
apalagi berotak babi...

si jasad.

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[proletar] Aljazeera: Obama contacts Middle East leaders

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Pertanda bahwa KObama akan menjadikan masaalah Palestina sebgi salah satu 

Tapi tidak disinggungnya korban yang berjatuhan memang mengecewakan.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009
23:20 Mecca time, 20:20 GMT  
News Americas
Obama contacts Middle East leaders
Obama was said to have expressed his commitment to resolving the Israel-Arab 
dispute [AFP]

Barack Obama, the US president, has contacted four Middle Eastern leaders on 
his first full day in office.

Among the first leaders he contacted on Wednesday was Mahmoud Abbas, the 
Palestinian president, who has been under intense political pressure since 
Israel launched its 22-day war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Obama went on to hold telephone conversations with Ehud Olmert, the Israeli 
prime minister, and Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president. He also spoke to 
King Abdullah of Jordan.

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said: He used this opportunity 
on his first day in office to communicate his commitment to active engagement 
in pursuit of Arab-Israeli peace from the beginning of his term, and to express 
his hope for their continued co-operation and leadership.

Obama was sworn in as US president two days after Israel and Hamas called 
separate unilateral ceasefires after a three-week Israeli offensive in the 
Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Prior to his inauguration, Obama was criticised for remaining silent on the 
conflict, in which more than 1,300 Gazans and 13 Israelis died.

Egypt and Jordan both have diplomatic relations with Israel and Abbas is 
considered to be Israel's and the West's partner in peace. Obama did not speak 
to the overthrown Hamas government, nor other Arab leaders who support the 
group's armed struggle against the Jewish state.

'Warm conversations'

During the warm telephone calls, Obama emphasised his determination to work 
to help consolidate the ceasefire by establishing an effective anti-smuggling 
regime to prevent Hamas from re-arming, and by working with the Palestinian 
leadership to help create a a major reconstruction effort for Palestinians in 
Gaza, Gibbs said.

Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, said that Obama 
highlighting the need to stop the smuggling of weapons into Gaza would be 

If this is the tone of voice of which Barack Obama is speaking to the leaders 
in the Middle East, it is going to be disappointing to a lot of people in Gaza.

There is nothing about his understanding and sympathy to the suffering of 
those people who were under shelling and bombardment for more than three weeks, 
and hence no true approach that reflects a sincerity and change in the American 
approach to Israel-Palestine.

However, Bishara said that Obama's speedy contact with the Middle Eastern 
leaders is positive and showed a responsiveness and a responsibility for the 
events in the region.
 Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Yahoo: 7/7 suspect 'arrested in Pakistan'

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

7/7 suspect 'arrested in Pakistan'

Wednesday, January 21 07:01 pm
Press Assoc.

* Print Story

British officials are investigating reports that an al Qaida leader wanted over 
the July 7 bombing attacks on London has been arrested in Pakistan. Skip 
related content
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The Arab suspect was among seven militants detained by Pakistani security 
forces in the city of Peshawar this morning, an unnamed official told the AFP 
news agency.

A Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesman said: We are investigating the 

Reports suggested the arrested suspect was from Saudi Arabia, but his alleged 
role in the attacks was not immediately clear.

The July 7 2005 suicide bombings on London's public transport network killed 52 
innocent people and injured more than 700.

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Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Aljazeera: Gaza war munitions investigated

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
20:51 Mecca time, 17:51 GMT  
News Middle East
Gaza war munitions investigated
Human rights groups and UN agencies have criticised suspected white phosphorus 
use in Gaza [Reuters]

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says it will open an 
investigation into Israel's alleged use of depleted uranium during the 22-day 
offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Wednesday's announcement came after Arab nations sent a letter to Mohammed 
ElBaradei, the IAEA director-general, asking the UN agency to investigate 
whether the controversial munitions were used in the war, which left more than 
1,300 Palestinians dead.

Depleted uranium is added to munitions because its density allows them to 
penetrate armour more easily.

It is thought that the dust left at blast sites after the weapons have hit 
could pose a health risk, but a definitive link has not yet been proven. 

We are circulating the letter to member states and will investigate the matter 
to the extent of our ability, Melissa Fleming, an IAEA spokeswoman, said after 
the UN agency received the letter from the Saudi Arabian ambassador.

The exact course of action will be decided after member states have been 
consulted, the UN agency said.

Israel has been criticised by human rights groups and foreign officials over 
its suspected use of a number of weapons during its aerial, naval and ground 
assault on the Palestinian territory.

Phosphorus investigation

The Israeli army has launched an internal investigation into the use of white 
phosphorus, a highly incendiary substance that can burn away flesh to the bone. 


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On Wednesday, Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported that the inquiry would focus 
on the alleged firing of about 20 phosphorus shells around the northern town of 
Beit Lahiya by Israeli paratroopers.

Amnesty International, a London-based human rights group, has said that its use 
in Gaza's densely populated urban neighbourhoods was awar crime.

International law does not outlaw white phosphorus, an obscurant used to 
create smoke screens to cover troop movements of illuminated targets, but human 
rights groups have said that its use could be illegal in civilian areas if all 
feasible precautions are not taken.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, along with the United Nations 
relief agency in Gaza, have said there is widespread evidence of Israel's use 
of the controversial chemcial munition during the Gaza war.

Israel has previously refused to confirm that white phosphorus was used in the 
territory, but said that all weapons were legal under international law.

Haaretz reported that the Israeli military fired a total of 200 white 
phosphorus shells during the three-week Gaza offensive.

'Rebuilding tunnels'

There have also been accusations that the Israeli military used Dense Inert 
Metal Explosive (Dime) weapons in urban areas causing horrific abdominal and 
leg injuries.

When detonated, a Dime device expels a blade of charged tungsten dust that 
burns and destroys everything within a four-metre radius.

One of Israel's stated aims of their offensive was to stop weapons being 
smuggled into the Gaza Strip. However, Al Jazeera on Wednesday received footage 
apparently showing the rebuilding of weapons smuggling tunnels into the Strip.

Mark Regev, the spokesman for the Israeli prime minister, told Al Jazeera: We 
said we didn't want Hamas to re-arm when this is over ... But what we've got in 
place, which we didn't have before this campaign, is a broad international 
coalition ... who are committed to making sure Iranian missiles don't reach the 
Gaza Strip.

Regev said this would be ensured by more intense border security between Gaza 
and Egypt and stepping up efforts to intercept rockets on transport routes from 
Iran to the Gaza Strip.
 Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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[proletar] Re: Obama dan Indonesia

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik jasadlelaki
memang adalah kekeliruan besar
pabila obama dijadikan seolah-olah pahlawan juga untuk indonesia.

salah kan saja beberapa tabloid-tabloid
yang pernah menulis judul, Obama Menang Dunia Senang
seolah-olah Obama dijadikan mahadewa di seluruh jagad raya ini.
kecuali jagad raya amerika bolehlah, itu pun masih dalam  ???
asal jangan mahadewa thd prubahan-prubahan yang aneh-aneh saja.

yah, kita tunggu dan kita lihat saja nantinya...

si jasad.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, heri latief herilat...@... wrote:

 Obama dan Indonesia
 obama itu politik histeria 
 orang indonesia mau apa?
 obama dibilang eks anak betawi segala
 doi pernah tinggal kampung jakarta
 apa kau kira doi bisa lupa?
 bangsa indian yang punya amerika
 penobatan obama tak ada wakilnya sitting bull?
 obama pangkatnya presiden amerika
 bukan obama jagoan menteng dalam
 segala harapan orang miskin tenggelam
 cuma kenangan di masa silam
 sekarang lain lagi ceritanya
 obama itu adalah merika
 jangan lupa 
 indonesia bukan amerika
 kapal bocor tenggelam tak mau
 semuanya mesti ditambal sulam
 dalam badai panik krisis ekonomi
 jangan salah sangka
 obama kerja buat kesejahteraan amerika
 heri latief
 amsterdam, 21/01/2009
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[proletar] CNN.: Analysis: After the war, an uneasy peace

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

Analysis: After the war, an uneasy peace

* Story Highlights
* Hamas militants hold parade in Gaza City to mark victory over Israeli 
* Israel ended three-week offensive last weekend; more than 1,300 
Palestinians killed
* Hamas still controls Gaza despite Israeli claims to have crippled 
militant group
* Issues that prompted Israeli offensive still unresolved; fighting likely 
to flare up again

From CNN Senior International Correspondent Ben Wedeman

GAZA CITY (CNN) -- Just a few hours before President Barack Obama rode in a 
triumphal parade from Capitol Hill to the White House, in Gaza City there was 
another triumphal parade.

Thousands of people, carrying Hamas' green flag and the banners of other 
Palestinian factions, converged on the now demolished Palestinian parliament.

There, the usual bombastic speeches were made over a makeshift sound system 
about victory over the Zionist enemy and the need to resist Israeli aggresion 
and liberate all Palestinian territory from Israeli occupation.

I've covered dozens of such victory celebrations in Gaza -- and what struck 
me as I watched the smiling, chanting crowd go by was that despite everything 
that has happened here since 27 December 2008, when Israel launched its version 
of shock and awe, little has actually changed.

Despite Israel's intense bombardment of Gaza, the deaths of more than 1,300 
people (a majority of whom appear to have been civilians), the wounding and 
maiming of more than 5,000 more, the destruction of thousands of buildings, 
including ministries, hospitals, U.N. facilities, even Gaza's American 
International School, Hamas is still in business. VideoWatch Hamas supporters 
celebrate in Gaza »

The morning after Israel's unilateral ceasefire went into effect, 
Hamas-controlled police were back on the streets directing traffic. Hamas 
fighters were walking around central Gaza City with their AK-47 assault rifles 
slung casually over their shoulders, workers from the electricity company had 
begun the mammoth task of repairing the damage, and government bulldozers were 
busy clearing rubble off the streets.

That same morning I was on the northern edge of Beit Lahiya, close to the 
border with Israel, and saw two rockets streak into the sky in the direction of 
Israel. The rockets were a message to Israel: We are still here. Later Sunday 
Hamas announced its own ceasefire.

Israeli officials insist they have successfully crippled Hamas, but no one in 
Gaza -- not even those who would like to see Hamas disappear off the face of 
the earth -- shares that opinion.

Hamas was shaken by the Israeli offensive, but is still standing. Among many in 
the Arab world -- though not necessarily the region's rulers- -- Hamas and its 
fighters are now heroes.

Like Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006, Hamas did not raise a white flag nor did its 
fighters surrender en masse to Israeli forces.

Compare that with the utter humiliation and defeat suffered by the combined 
regular armies of Jordan, Syria and Egypt in just six days of fighting with 
Israel in June 1967.

A pattern may be emerging where the Israeli military -- by far the best 
equipped in the region -- simply cannot defeat its enemies on the battlefield. 
And, as any student of the Middle East knows, to survive is to triumph.

Also unchanged is Israel's determination to maintain its stranglehold on Gaza, 
put in place in January 2006 following Palestinian parliamentary elections that 
brought Hamas to power.

It will almost certainly not ease its strict control on what and how much goods 
enter and exit through Gaza's crossings. Israel is equally determined not to 
open a dialogue with Hamas, and will do its best to bend sympathic ears in 
Washington and European capitals to ensure no one else talks to them either.

Western warships may soon be deployed to ensure nothing -- weapons but also 
non-military goods -- reaches Gaza by sea. Officials of the European Union have 
said no aid will go to Gaza as long as Hamas is in control.

Likewise, Israel and the U.S., during the final days of the Bush 
administration, signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at stopping 
smuggling from Egypt to Gaza (never mind that Egypt was neither a signatory nor 
was consulted).

It all adds up to a continuation of the policy best summed up by Dov Weisglass, 
an advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who said: The idea is to put 
the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.

In short, all the factors that led up to Israel's offensive -- the rockets, the 
siege, Hamas' political isolation -- are unchanged. After the war, Hamas needs 
a respite, the Israeli government probably would like some relief from the 
harsh international criticism of its actions, and the people of Gaza are 
desperate for peace and quiet, as are the Israelis who live around Gaza.

There may indeed be a period of relative quiet, but another flare up -- perhaps 

[proletar] halo...mau tanya

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kg.pamungkas
Halo...mau tanya

Aku peserta milis baru,
Aku bingung nih apakah peserta milis 
Jusfiq Hadjar [utusan.al...@yahoo.co.uk] sama dengan utusan.allah
Kalau tidak sama, koq bisa ya alamat emailnya sama.


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Re: [proletar] halo...mau tanya

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Sunny

Banyak orang mau jadi utusan Alloh atau Alloh, dan oleh karena itu  dunia kacau 
balau, karena  umat tidak bisa membedakan mana yang asli dan mana yang palsu.

  - Original Message - 
  From: kg.pamungkas 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:25 PM
  Subject: [proletar] halo...mau tanya

  Halo...mau tanya

  Aku peserta milis baru,
  Aku bingung nih apakah peserta milis 
  Jusfiq Hadjar [utusan.al...@yahoo.co.uk] sama dengan utusan.allah
  Kalau tidak sama, koq bisa ya alamat emailnya sama.



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[proletar] Israel's Accidental YouTube War

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Leo Susanto
Piq, have fun


By Noah Shachtman EmailJanuary 21, 2009 | 1:25:23 PM Categories: Info
War, Sabras, Video Fix

JERUSALEM — From afar, it seemed like a well-crafted propaganda plan,
plotted out long in advance. Turns out Israel's three-phased push to
shape the images coming out of the Gaza war had a healthy dose of
improvisation and happy accident, too.

The Israeli Defense Forces had largely shut the foreign press out of
Gaza  for most of its fight with Hamas that left more than 1,300 dead.
At the same time, the military filmed its own videos and posted them
on YouTube. It seemed to many observers — including this one — like an
attempt to use the new, social media to do an end run around the
old-school press. Well, not exactly.

Yes, the IDF made a deliberate effort to tightly control what the
world saw of the conflict. Yes, the Israelis carefully documented
their operation, to defend themselves in the court of public opinion
(and maybe in criminal court, too). But the YouTube part? That was
more off-the-cuff than thought-out plan.

Shortly before the start of the war, a group of twenty-something IDF
soldiers wanted some way to share their story of the conflict online.
So they got their bosses' blessing to roll out a YouTube channel. Spy
drones' cameras were already recording the war zone from on high,
after all. IDF video teams were trained — and ready to embed with the
infantry — once the ground invasion began. The footage was meant to be
shared with the press, anyway. So why not let everybody see it?

Little did they know that their the site would garner international
attention and rack up more than two million views. Spokesmen are now
video-blogging in English and in Arabic. And there's talk in the IDF
of a crafting a real-life master plan to invade social media.

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[proletar] Re: Israel's Accidental YouTube War

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Leo Susanto leosusa...@... wrote:

 Piq, have fun

Wah dasar haram jadah ! Koq bisa gitu ya, sekolah jadi
timbunan bomb dan roket. Terus digang yg nuju kesekolah
itu jadi timbunan makanan dari PBB yg di embat oleh Hamas.

Dasar arep ! Sengaja nyambit deket sekolah, nanti kalo
disambit balik :

 Tuh liat, sekolah aja diembat Yahud ! 

Babi bukan ?
Bajingan bukan ?
Haram jadah bukan ?

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[proletar] Re: bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik johny indon
sama bak-jog yg di jl bengawan atau bak-jog pak karso jl abc enak mana?

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:

 tadi selepas maghrib, sambil nyari angin gw mabur ke jalan panatayuda.
 tujuannya cuma satu,... 
 nikmatin bakmi jogja lagi.. yg... alaa maakk ... maknyus!!
 bayangin aja, mana murah, tapi enaknya bisa kerasa berhari2.
 suer...!! jadi ngiler lagi kalo dibayang2in.
 kimhook.. coba elu bayangin .. boleh sambil ngiler, tapi ntu gigi
 tongosnya digulung dikit yah..
 mienya lembut.
 telornya gak anyir.
 kuahnya serasa mantap..
 baunya harum.
 porsinya pas.
 gak ada duanya dah..
 mungkin ada juga bakmi jogja lain yg rasanya enak. tapi dari beberapa
 bakmi yg pernah dicoba, kayaknya yg di sana rasanya lebih spesial.
 dan satu hal lagi yg bikin mereka lebih spesial adalah, air teh
 eit .. jangan salah kimhook..
 jangan elu pikir ini haratis...
 tetep kudu dipesen jadi gak cuma2 dikasih..
 pemanisnya bukan nutra-sweet, bukan sakarin, apalagi gula jawa.
 tapi dari gula batu.
 diseduh sendiri di cangkir tanah liat.
 panas2 diserupuuutt 
 bayangin deh sendiri!!!

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[proletar] great.pretender2000 itu Nasrani munafik.....(wRe: Bangsa Israel itu memang

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik johny indon
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, gsuryana gsury...@... wrote:
 Jangan kepikiran dengan ditambah kondisi luka, baik luka patah
tulang maupun 
 yang lainnya, anda renungkan saja.

berharap kimhook untuk merenung?
merenung itu artinya berpikir dgn mendalam.
sejak kapan kimhook bisa mikir?

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Re: [proletar] Re: Israel's Accidental YouTube War

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Leo Susanto
saya pikir semuanya itu haram jadah, enggak Israel, enggak Hamas.

gue stay out of this shit - gue cuman pengen setel tu timbangan
keadilan dan fakta.

2009/1/21 kim3hook kim3h...@yahoo.com:
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Leo Susanto leosusa...@... wrote:

 Piq, have fun


 Wah dasar haram jadah ! Koq bisa gitu ya, sekolah jadi
 timbunan bomb dan roket. Terus digang yg nuju kesekolah
 itu jadi timbunan makanan dari PBB yg di embat oleh Hamas.

 Dasar arep ! Sengaja nyambit deket sekolah, nanti kalo
 disambit balik :

  Tuh liat, sekolah aja diembat Yahud ! 

 Babi bukan ?
 Bajingan bukan ?
 Haram jadah bukan ?

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[proletar] Re: Hari ini loo yaa ^_^

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Ocha
Re: Hari ini loo yaa ^_^

Hari ini adalah waktu yang paling sempurna untuk memulai. Dari semua hari yang 
tersisa di sepanjang hidup anda, tidak ada waktu yang lebih tepat daripada hari 
Mau mulai kalau persiapannya sudah sempurna? Waa… bakalan nggak mulai-mulai 

Mulai aja dari apapun yang anda anggap tidak sempurna. Perbaiki satu demi satu 
sepanjang jalan dan apa yang anda inginkan akan terwujud. Sebuah masterpiece 
atau karya besar tidak tercipta dengan sekali jalan.

Memulai sesuatu itu sangat mudah. Semuanya ada di dalam jangkauan anda, 
termasuk hari ini. Jadi tunggu apalagi? Yang paling penting adalah mulai 
sekarang juga karena andalah pemilik hari ini.

Tetap Semangat!!

Rosa S Rustam (Ocha)

PS:  Buat rekan-rekan yang mau sharing atau sekedar say hello, kontak langsung 
yaa ke o...@adexindo.com

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Re: [proletar] Re: Jadi anjing Nasrani itupengkut gereja apa?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Habe Proletar

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Re: [proletar] halo...mau tanya

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik gsuryana
Lha selama alamat mail nya sama, sudah jelas orangnya sama.
Mengenai nama yang menjadi berbeda itu sih tinggal settingannya saja.
Sekarang anda perhatikan tulisannya saja, mana yang untuk berbantahan dan 
mana yang sekedar informasi..ide yang bagus tuh bisa memakai alamat mail 
yang sama dengan nama yang berbeda, jadi gak bikin pusing pembacanya.

- Original Message - 
From: kg.pamungkas kg.pamung...@gmail.com

 Halo...mau tanya

 Aku peserta milis baru,
 Aku bingung nih apakah peserta milis
 Jusfiq Hadjar [utusan.al...@yahoo.co.uk] sama dengan utusan.allah
 Kalau tidak sama, koq bisa ya alamat emailnya sama.


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[proletar] Re: bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik putudjajadiwangsa
Mie Mang Dadang yang selalu lewat depan rumah juga uenak...

Doski jualan di tanggung, ogut kadang mikir Rambo atawa arnold 
suwardeneger dari amrik ajah belon tentu mampu menanggung beban 
keliing kampung sambil nanggung tanggungan baksho yang pasti 
beratnya nggak akan lebih ringan daripada berat badan Jusfiq ;-)

Saosnya saos kampung. Aku nggak ngarti dibuatnya bener-bener dari 
cabe merah atau dari pepaya atau cuma pakai pewarna merah dan asal 
pedes ajah, yang pasti tetep ajah enak 

Tadi malem saya ditraktir temen buat nyicipin Mie di Cafe di 
perempatan depan gedung propelat. Tapi nggak mood  terlanjur 
sayang dan jatuh cinta sama bakso mang dadang sajah ... pokoknya 
hidup mang dadang ! 

Jadi tadi malem cuma basahin bibir ama espreso ajah.

Notes :
Mie yang di jalan ABC Porsinya ogut nggak kuat. Kebanyakan coy !
Perut ogut nggak muat ;-)

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, johny indon johny_in...@... 

 sama bak-jog yg di jl bengawan atau bak-jog pak karso jl abc enak 
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, hadingrh hadingrh@ wrote:
  tadi selepas maghrib, sambil nyari angin gw mabur ke jalan 
  tujuannya cuma satu,... 
  nikmatin bakmi jogja lagi.. yg... alaa maakk ... maknyus!!
  bayangin aja, mana murah, tapi enaknya bisa kerasa berhari2.
  suer...!! jadi ngiler lagi kalo dibayang2in.
  kimhook.. coba elu bayangin .. boleh sambil ngiler, tapi ntu gigi
  tongosnya digulung dikit yah..
  mienya lembut.
  telornya gak anyir.
  kuahnya serasa mantap..
  baunya harum.
  porsinya pas.
  gak ada duanya dah..
  mungkin ada juga bakmi jogja lain yg rasanya enak. tapi dari 
  bakmi yg pernah dicoba, kayaknya yg di sana rasanya lebih 
  dan satu hal lagi yg bikin mereka lebih spesial adalah, air teh
  eit .. jangan salah kimhook..
  jangan elu pikir ini haratis...
  tetep kudu dipesen jadi gak cuma2 dikasih..
  pemanisnya bukan nutra-sweet, bukan sakarin, apalagi gula jawa.
  tapi dari gula batu.
  diseduh sendiri di cangkir tanah liat.
  panas2 diserupuuutt 
  bayangin deh sendiri!!!

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[proletar] Re: bakmi...

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik duke
bandung salah satu kota kuliner terutama bakmi (dan bihun).
mulai dari sepanjang jalan sudirman sampe tempat kost2an kayak
di ciumbuleuit misalnya. bahkan bakminya sendiri memiliki aroma
dan rasa, sehingga si kuahpun berkesan hanya jadi suplemen aja.

masih tetangga bandung, bogor juga beken lantaran lo mi-nya.

sementara di jogja, kayaknya gak seenak bakmi jogja yg kesohor.
juga bakmi di bali, balikpapan, sampe menado yg penuh cakalang,
rasanya gak karuan apalagi kalo udah ditambah menu yg aneh2.

ba' - mi .. bukannya singkatan dari babi + mie?


--- hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:

 tadi selepas maghrib, sambil nyari angin gw mabur ke jalan
 tujuannya cuma satu,... 
 nikmatin bakmi jogja lagi.. yg... alaa maakk ... maknyus!!
 bayangin aja, mana murah, tapi enaknya bisa kerasa berhari2.
 suer...!! jadi ngiler lagi kalo dibayang2in.

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[proletar] muski ... ngomong lu

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik hadingrh
heran gw ... email ini gw kirim sampe 4x tapi gak nyampe2 ...
kenapa ? 
heran gw...

jadi memang ada kebingungan di posting ini :

jadi penasaran juga .. siapa sih si feifei sebenernya...

eeh nemu nih ...
Tgl Kirim   :   Nov.29,2008-04:12
Nama:   Feifei_fairy
E-Mail  :   duladi...@yahoo.com
Komentar:   Dasar kepercayaan iman muslim dibangun diatas
dusta,kebohongan dan teror pembunuhan yang biadab dimana saat zaman
dan waktu sudah berubah kebenaran yang ada diungkapkan dan tidak bisa
dihalangi ataupun dibendung serta kejahatan pembunuhan sudah dapat
diantisipasi dan diminimalkan maka saat itu juga ambang kehancuran
islam akan terjadi dan pada saatnya islam akan lenyap dan ini pasti
terwujud. \r\nFeifei_fairy

namanya feifei tapi pake email duladi_cs@

bentar ... nyari petunjuk lain ...
... nemu lagi nih :


si feifei malah ngasih testi di blognya duladi ...
something fishy ...
makin menguatkan dugaan bahwa si feifei punya hubungan dgn si duladi..
atau, confirmed bahwa si feifei adalah si duladi itu sendiri..

dan soal si mus...
ke-3nya punya kelakuan yg sama di milis2...
mus... ente kudu ngasih penjelasan ... jangan cuma berani ngacak2
ngejelekin orang2 tionghoa

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[proletar] Re: muski ... ngomong lu

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik duke
nyangkut di folder spam (milis)

--- hadingrh hadin...@... wrote:

 heran gw ... email ini gw kirim sampe 4x tapi gak nyampe2 ...
 kenapa ? 
 heran gw...

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[proletar] Re: Israel's Accidental YouTube War

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik utusan.allah

Fakta taik kucing...

Emang nggak ada yang namanya perang psikologis atau propaganda?

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Leo Susanto leosusa...@... wrote:

 saya pikir semuanya itu haram jadah, enggak Israel, enggak Hamas.
 gue stay out of this shit - gue cuman pengen setel tu timbangan
 keadilan dan fakta.
 2009/1/21 kim3hook kim3h...@...:
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Leo Susanto leosusanto@ wrote:
  Piq, have fun
  Wah dasar haram jadah ! Koq bisa gitu ya, sekolah jadi
  timbunan bomb dan roket. Terus digang yg nuju kesekolah
  itu jadi timbunan makanan dari PBB yg di embat oleh Hamas.
  Dasar arep ! Sengaja nyambit deket sekolah, nanti kalo
  disambit balik :
   Tuh liat, sekolah aja diembat Yahud ! 
  Babi bukan ?
  Bajingan bukan ?
  Haram jadah bukan ?

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[proletar] BBC: 'Israeli strike' on school filmed

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Gaza father finds out child survived

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Gaza father finds out child survived


Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Masih ada anjing yang belum melihat kebiadaban seredadu israel?

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar

Masih ada anjing Nasrani yang belum melihat  kebiadaban  serdadu Israel?

Masih ada anjing bertubuh manusia  seperti Ade Kim Hook yang masih bilang Arab 
haram jadah dihadapan kebiadaban serdadu israel dan begitu banyak manyat manuia 
bergbelimpangan di Gaza?

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Felix Siauw: Aku Menemukan Islam

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Haryo Penangsang

Felix Siauw: Aku Menemukan Islam 


Sunday, 21 December 2008 

Sangat sedikit manusia yang menggunakan akalnya untuk menemukan Tuhannya dan 
jati dirinya. Padahal kalau mau jujur dan jernih berpikir siapapun akan 
menemukan kebenaran Islam. Pengalaman Felix Siauw (24 tahun) bisa menjadi 
pelajaran. Berikut kisahnya.
Jika kamu masih mempunyai banyak pertanyaan, maka kamu belum dikatakan beriman, 
Iman adalah percaya apa adanya, tanpa reserve”. Begitulah kira-kira pernyataan 
yang akan selalu aku ingat di dalam hidup ini. 
Waktu itu aku masih seorang penganut Kristen Katolik. Di usiaku yang masih 12 
tahun, banyak pertanyaan tentang kehidupan yang belum terjawab. Ada tiga 
pertanyaan yang paling besar yang muncul dalam benakku, yaitu darimana asal 
kehidupan ini, untuk apa adanya kehidupan ini, dan akan seperti apa akhir 
kehidupan ini. Lalu, “Kenapa tuhan pencipta kehidupan ini ada tiga, yakni ada 
tuhan bapa, tuhan putra dan roh kudus? Darimana asal tuhan bapa?”, atau 
“Mengapa tuhan bisa disalib dan dibunuh lalu mati, lalu bangkit lagi?” Aku 
diskusikan itu dengan orang tuaku atau dengan rohaniawan, tapi jawabannya 
mengambang dan tak memuaskan.
Ketidakpuasan itu lalu mendorongku  untuk mencari jawaban langsung dari Alkitab 
yang katanya datang dari tuhan. Betapa terkejutnya aku, aku baru tahu jika  14 
dari 27 surat di Injil perjanjian baru ternyata ditulis oleh manusia, yaitu 
Santo Paulus. Lebih terkejut lagi ketika mengetahui bahwa sisa kitab yang 
lainnya juga merupakan tulisan tangan manusia yang dibuat setelah wafatnya 
Yesus. Konsep trinitas yang menyatakan tuhan itu tiga dalam satu dan satu dalam 
tiga ternyata adalah hasil konggres di kota Nicea pada tahun 325 M.
Setelah mengetahui itu, kuputuskan bahwa agama yang kuanut tidaklah pantas 
untuk dipertahankan.  Aku pun memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang tidak 
beragama, tetapi tetap percaya kepada Tuhan. Aku berkesimpulan bahwa semua 
agama tidak ada yang benar, karena sudah diselewengkan oleh penganutnya. Tanpa 
sadar waktu itu aku sudah  menjadi manusia yang sinkretis dan pluralis. 

Bertemu Ustad Muda
Waktu terus bergulir. Ketika aku kuliah di IPB memasuki semester ketiga, 
pemahamanku mulai berubah.  Itu bermula dari perdebatanku dengan seorang teman 
tentang kebenaran. Syamsul Hadi, demikian nama temanku itu, mengatakan bahwa 
kebenaran hanya akan ditemukan di dalam Alquran.  Aku pun berusaha mencarinya. 
Aku lalu dipertemukan dengan Ustad Fatih Karim, aktivis Islam. Lewat 
pertemuanku dengannya di Masjid Kampus itulah,  perkenalanku  dengan Alquran 
Kepadanya, aku menceritakan tentang pengalaman hidupku termasuk berbagai 
pertanyaan besar yang belum terjawab tentang kehidupan. Kami lalu berdiskusi 
hingga mencapai suatu kesepakatan tentang adanya Tuhan pencipta alam semesta. 
Aku pun akhirnya paham bahwa adanya Tuhan, atau Sang Pencipta memanglah sesuatu 
yang tidak bisa disangkal dan dinafikan bila kita benar-benar memperhatikan 
sekeliling kita. 
Tapi masalahnya ada lima agama yang mengklaim mereka punya petunjuk bagi 
manusia untuk menjalani hidupnya. Yang manakah yang bisa kita percaya? tanyaku 
saat itu.  
Apapun diciptakan pasti mempunyai petunjuk tentang caranya bekerja,  jawab 
Ustad Fatih. Lalu ia menambahkan, Begitupun juga manusia, masalahnya, yang 
manakah kitab petunjuk yang paling benar dan datang dari Sang Pencipta atau 
Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa? Lalu dibacakanlah ayat dalam Alur'an: ”Kitab (Al Quran) 
Ini tidak ada keraguan padanya; petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertaqwa” (TQS 
al-Baqarah [2]:2)
Mendengar ayat itu, aku terpesona dengan ketegasan, kejelasan serta ketinggian 
maknanya. ”Mengapa penulis kitab itu berani menuliskan seperti itu?” pikirku. 
Seolah membaca pikiranku, Ustad Fatih  melanjutkan, Kata-kata ini adalah hal 
yang sangat wajar bila penulisnya bukanlah manusia, ciptaan yang terbatas, 
Melainkan pencipta. Not creation but The Creator. Bahkan Alquran menantang 
manusia untuk mendatangkan yang semacamnya!
Pikiranku saat itu bergejolak. Dalam hatiku berkata, Mungkin inilah kebenaran 
yang selama ini aku cari!. Tetapi ada beberapa keraguan di benakku. ”Mengapa 
agama yang sedemikian hebat malah terpuruk, menjadi pesakitan, hina dan 
menghinakan dirinya sendiri? tanyaku. 
Ustad itu menjelaskan bahwa Islam tidak sama dengan Muslim. Islam sempurna, 
mulia dan tinggi, tidak ada satu pun yang tidak bisa dijelaskan dan dijawab 
dalam Islam. Islam adalah sistem kehidupan. Sangat luar biasa penjelasannya.  
Sesuatu yang belum pernah aku dengar sebelumnya. Aku pun mulai sadar akan 
kelebihan dan kebenaran Islam. Keraguanku mulai luntur.

Masuk Islam
Aku pun akhirnya bisa menemukan jawaban sempurna atas ketiga pertanyaan 
besarku.  Ternyata aku ini berasal dari Sang Pencipta dan itu adalah Allah SWT. 
Aku hidup untuk beribadah kepada-Nya  sesuai dengan perintah-Nya yang tertulis 
di dalam Alquran. Alquran itu dijamin datang dari-Nya.  Setelah hidup ini 
berakhir, kepada Allah lah aku akan 

[proletar] Aljazeera: Outcry over weapons used in Gaza

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Monday, January 19, 2009
22:44 Mecca time, 19:44 GMT  
News Middle East
Outcry over weapons used in Gaza

One doctor described the injuries as 'new' and 'much more dramatic' than 
landmine wounds [AFP]

Medics working in the Gaza Strip have condemned Israel's use of suspected new 
weapons that inflict horrific injuries they say most surgeons will not have 
seen before.

Dr Jan Brommundt, a German doctor working for Medecins du Monde in the south 
Gazan city of Khan Younis, described the injuries he had seen as absolutely 

Speaking to Al Jazeera on Tuesday, Brommundt said surgeons had reported many 
cases where casualties had lost both legs rather than one, prompting suspicions 
that the Israelis were using some form of Dense Inert Metal Explosives (Dime).

When detonated, a Dime device expels a blade of charged tungsten dust that 
burns and destroys everything within a four-metre radius.

Brommundt also described widespread but previously unseen abdominal injuries 
that appear minor at first but degenerate within hours causing multi-organ 

It seems to be some sort of explosive... that disperses tiny particles... that 
penetrate all organs

Dr Jan Brommundt
Initially everything seems in order... but they will present within one to 
five hours with an acute abdomen which looks like appendicitus but it turns out 
on operation that dozens of miniature particles can be found in all of their 
organs, he said.

It seems to be some sort of explosive or shell that disperses tiny particles 
at around 1x1 or 2x1 millimetres that penetrate all organs, these miniature 
injuries, you are not able to attack them surgically.

The doctors said many patients succomb to septicaemia and die within 24 hours.

Dr Erik Fosse, a Norwegian surgeon who worked at the Al-Shifa hospital in 
northern Gaza during the Israeli offensive in Gaza, also told Al Jazeera there 
was a significant increase in double amputations.

We suspect they [Israel] used Dime weapons because we saw cases of huge 
amputations or flesh torn off the lower parts of the body, he said.

The pressure wave [from a Dime device] moves from the ground upwards and 
that's why the majority of patients have huge injuries to the lower part of the 
body and abdomen.

Cancer fears

Fosse described the injuries as extreme and much more dramatic than those 
inflicted by landmines as legs are blown off to the groin, it's like they have 
been cut to pieces.


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He described them as new injuries that most doctors will not have come 
across, although he noted similar wounds were reported in the 2006 Lebanon war.

Noting that Dime explosives are precision weapons that are supposed to minimise 
civilian casualties, Fosse said: The problem is that most of the patients I 
saw were children. If they [the Israelis] are trying to be accurate, it seems 
obvious these weapons were aimed at children. 

Fosse called on the UN to establish a body in Gaza to monitor survivors to see 
if they developed cancer, following claims Dime devices contain radioactive 

Medics and observers have also accused the Israelis of using white phosphorus - 
banned from use near civilians under international law - in the densely 
populated Gaza Strip.

Human rights organisation Amnesty International (AI) said on Monday that 
delegates it sent to Gaza had found indisputable evidence of widespread use of 
white phosphorus in densely populated residential areas in Gaza City and in the 

We saw streets and alleyways littered with evidence of the use of white 
phoshorus, including still burning wedges and the remnants of the shells and 
canisters fired by the Israeli army, Christopher Cobb-Smith, a weapons expert 
touring Gaza as part of AI's four-person delegation, said.

White phosphorus is a toxic chemical that causes severe burns and sparks fires 
that are difficult to extinguish.

It is dispersed in artillery shells, bombs and rockets and burns on contact 
with oxygen and is used to create a smokescreen to hide the movement of troops.

War crimes?

Israel fiercely denies using weapons in such a way as to contravene 
international law.

Major Avital Leibovich, a spokeswoman for the Israeli military, reiterated 
Israel was using munitions that other militaries in the world are using and 
that weapons were deployed according to international law .

Pressed on the number of civilian and child casualties in Gaza, she accused 
Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls the territory, of hiding fighters 
within civilian areas and using ordinary Gazans as human shields.

Israelis in responsible positions, as well as Palestinians ... are going to be 
looking over their shoulders in the days and weeks to come

Mark Taylor, international law expert
Leibovich also said the international community needed to ask itself whether