[proletar] Apakah Muhammad Diciptakan Sebelum Adam? http://indonesian.alisina.org

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik siap murtad
Apakah Muhammad Diciptakan Sebelum Adam?


Diposkan oleh Ali Sina pada tanggal 6 April 2011

Dear Mr Ali
Muslim percaya bahwa ada hadis-hadis yang mengatakan bahwa Muhammad 
diciptakan 14.000 tahun lalu, yaitu sebelum adam. Silahkan klik link ini.
Mohon komentar anda…
dengan Hadis adalah bahwa orang-orang Muslim bisa menerima atau 
menyangkali otentisitas sebuah Hadis, bergantung pada arah angin. Ketika sebuah 
Hadis tertentu cocok dengan situasi mereka, maka mereka 
menganggap Hadis itu sebagai Hadis yang otentik, namun jika tidak, maka 
mereka akan mengatakan bahwa Hadis itu tidak otentik. 
Ini adalah jenis Hadis yang bisa jadi otentik. Sebenarnya Hadis ini 
karakteristik Muhammad yang sering membuat klaim-klaim yang membesarkan dirinya 
sendiri. Namun demikian, klaim itu sepenuhnya sebuah kebohongan. Muhammad 
mengatakan ia tidak tahu bahwa ia adalah seorang nabi, hingga ‘malaikat 
Jibril’ menendang pinggangnya, mencekik dan menjatuhkannya ke tanah. 
Kemudian ia diperintahkan untuk membaca dalam nama Tuhannya.
Bahkan kemudian ia berpikir bahwa ia telah kerasukan roh setan. Isterinyalah 
(Khadijah) yang meyakinkannya bahwa yang ia lihat itu adalah seorang 
malaikat dan ia telah menjadi seorang nabi. Namun demikian, ketika 
halusinasi itu tidak terjadi lagi, pada beberapa kesempatan Muhammad 
mencoba untuk melakukan bunuh diri. Ia berpikir Allah telah 
mengabaikannya. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Muhammad tidak punya petunjuk 
bahwa ia adalah seorang nabi hingga halusinasi telah terjadi, dan karena itu 
klaim bahwa ia telah diciptakan sebelum Adam, adalah sebuah klaim 
yang palsu.
Lebih jauh lagi, Hadis ini berkontradiksi dengan Quran 18:110, “Katakanlah (O 
Nabi): Sesungguhnya aku ini manusia biasa seperti kamu…,”


* BAGIAN VII, BAB 5 FENOMENA ALAM (Tidak) Digunakan sebagai “TANDA” dan 
“bukti” Invalid dalam QURAN
* Bagian VII Bab 3 DARI Mana MUHAMMAD (atau ALLAH?) meminjam 
kisah-kisah DI QURAN?
* BAGIAN VII BAB 2 Adakah ALLAH Tuhan yang BAIK?
* Bagian VII Quran dan Allah
* Bagian VI Kehidupan Muslim di negara-negara Islam
* Bagian V – BAB 7 Klaim Masa Keemasan dari Koeksistensi ANTARA 
* Bagian V – Bab 6 Non-Muslim di Masa Depan dalam Dunia Muslim
* Bagian V – Bab 4 Banyak Hasutan dalam Quran untuk tidak menyukai, 
memandang rendah, diskriminasi dan benci non-Muslim
* Bagian V – Bab 3 Jangan Berteman dengan orang-orang Kafir
* Bagian V – Bab 1 Surah Baik untuk non-Muslim
* Bagian V – Bab 2 Muslim Lebih Baik daripada Orang Lainnya
* Bagian IV – Bab 3 Terorisme atas nama Islam dalam Quran
* Bagian IV – Bab 2: Perang dan Perang Suci – jihad – dalam Quran
* Bagian IV – Bab 1 Berbagai Hasutan, Tekanan dan Perintah untuk perang 
di Quran
* Bagian III – Bab 4 Quran tentang Yesus
* Bagian III – Bab 3 Tuntutan Islam untuk Bukti dari Agama Lain
* Bagian III – Bab 2 Kontradiksi Quran dibandingkan dengan Alkitab – 
Terlalu Banyak
* Bagian III – Bab 1 Alkitab menurut Quran telah Dipalsukan?
* Bagian II – Bab 9 134 Pembatalan dalam Quran. Allah mencoba dan 
gagal? Atau berubah pikiran?
* Bagian II – Bab 8 Kontradiksi Eksternal dalam Quran (Sambungan)
* Bagian II – Bab 8 350+ Kontradiksi dalam Quran
* Bagian II – Bab 6 Apakah Allah adalah Tuhan yang sama dengan Yahweh?
* Bagian II – Bab 5 Muhammad dalam Alkitab menurut Quran?
* Bagian II – Bab 4 Animisme dan Antropomorfisme dalam Quran
* Bagian II – Kesimpulan
* Bagian II – Sambungan 13
* Bagian II – Sambungan 12
* Bagian II – Sambungan 11
* Bagian II – Sambungan 10
* Bagian II – Sambungan 9
* Bagian II – Sambungan 8
* Bagian II – Sambungan 7
* Bagian II – Sambungan 6
* Bagian II – Sambungan 5
* Bagian II – Sambungan 4
* Bagian II – Sambungan 3
* Bagian II – Sambungan 2
* Bagian II – Beberapa Kesalahan Nyata (Sambungan)
* Bagian II – Beberapa Kesalahan Nyata Quran tentang Allah
* Bagian II – 5 Mega Kesalahan
* Bagian II – Manusia dan Binatang – Kesalahan penciptaan, kehidupan di 
Bumi dan kebangkitan
* Bagian II: Alam Semesta seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Quran
* Bagian II: Kesalahan dalam Quran
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 14)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 13)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 12)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 11)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 10)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 9)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 8)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 7)
* 1000 Kesalahan Quran (Bab 6)

[proletar] Komisi VIII ke Australia Bawa Anak Istri

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Wahyu Suluh

Komisi VIII bahkan tidak menjadwalkan untuk bertemu secara resmi
dengan parlemen federal maupun negara bagian di Australia.
VIII Dewan Per wakilan Rakyat (DPR) asal-asalan membuat jadwal
kunjungan kerja ke Australia pada 26 April-2 Mei mendatang.
Akibatnya, kunjungan Komisi VIII ke Australia lebih menyerupai
kunjungan wisata jika dibandingkan dengan maksud dan tujuan awalnya
sebagai kunjungan kerja.
 Hal itu diungkapkan Persatuan Pelajar
Indonesia di Australia dalam surat terbukanya kepada Ketua Komisi VIII
DPR Abdul Kadir Karding, yang dimuat pada situs http://www.

Surat terbuka itu dibuat Mochamad Subhan Zein dan Dirgayuza Setiawan
selaku ketua umum dan wakil ketua umum PPI Australia.
Berdasarkan jadwal yang diterima PPI Australia, delegasi Komisi VIII
tidak dijadwalkan untuk melihat langsung penanganan warga miskin
Australia di Sydney, Canberra, dan Melbourne. Misalnya kunjungan ke
rumah bersama (shared/public housing), kantor pelayanan Centerlink, dan
pusat pelayanan komunitas tertinggal. Delegasi Komisi VIII juga tidak
dijadwalkan untuk mengadakan diskusi dengan akademisi serta mahasiswa
Indonesia di Australia, dengan topik diskusi yang relevan dengan maksud
dan tujuan kunjungan kerja. 
karena jadwal kunjungan kerja Komisi VIII ke Australia bertepatan
dengan masa reses Paskah Parlemen Australia serta Parlemen Negara
Bagian New South Wales dan Victoria, tidak ada jadwal pertemuan dengan
perumus dan pengambil kebijakan pada tingkat federal dan negara bagian
di Australia pada jadwal tentatif kunjungan kerja itu. 
VIII yang diagendakan akan mengunjungi sekolah Malek Fadh Islamic
School dan Federation of Islamic Councils juga dinilai tidak terkait
kerjanya dalam pembahasan RUU Penanganan Fakir Miskin.
parah lagi, berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan PPI dari Senayan,
delegasi Komisi VIII itu juga membawa anak dan istri, dan menghabiskan
uang negara Rp811,8 juta. 
Pada surat terbuka itu, PPI Australia
mengusulkan agar rombongan Komisi VIII DPR mengunjungi daerah khusus
Northern Territory untuk melihat secara langsung langkah pemerintah
Australia dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan, perumahan,
dan keamanan untuk 15 komunitas paling miskin dan termarginalkan di
Australia. Termasuk mengunjungi kantor-kantor pelayanan Centerlink,
shared community housing, dan inisiatif lain pemerintah Australia untuk
warga miskin di Sydney dan Melbourne untuk melihat sendiri bagaimana
pelayanan untuk unlucky Australians dilakukan di kota-kota besar. 
Komisi VIII juga disarankan 
mengadakan diskusi dengan Australian permanent residency yang menerima
bantuan secara reguler dari Centerlink/ pemerintah Australia untuk
melanjutkan hidup karena pemutusan hubungan kerja, cacat fi sik, dan
alasan lainnya. Tidak optimal Anggota Komisi VIII dari Fraksi PKS Iskan
Qolba Lubis tidak memungkiri bahwa saat ini masih ada anggota dewan
yang mengajak anggota keluarganya saat melakukan kunjungan kerja ke
luar negeri.
"Memang sebetulnya jangan ikut. Tidak merugikan negara karena bayar
sendiri. Tetapi ini membuat kerja tidak optimal," ujarnya. Iskan
sendiri tidak ikut ke Australia.
Wakil Ketua Komisi VIII Gondo Radityo Gambiro tidak bersedia memberikan
penjelasan. "Jangan ditanyakan ke saya." (*/P-5)

 berita untuk semua

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] The David Headley Confessions: Part-II

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik kim
he following is a first-hand representation of what David Coleman Headley, a 
Pakistani-American terrorist in a US prison, confessed to the sleuths of 
India's National Investigation Agency in June this year. It was obtained by 
Dinesh Sharma of Zee News from highly placed sources in the agency and is being 
reproduced in a two-part series on the second anniversary of Mumbai terror 

"There is no doubt I am an LeT operative who was a part of the conspiracy to 
wage war against India.

The following LeT men were involved in the planning of 26/11: Hafiz Saeed 
(chief of LeT), Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi (LeT chief military commander). Middle 
level commanders like Sajid Mahid, Muzzammil, Abdur Rehman alias Pasha, Abu 
Alqama, Abu Qahafa, Abu Anas, Abdul Aziz, Abu Hamza (considered to be an India 
expert who took part in the Bangalore attack of 2005) and Yaqub.

Hafiz Saeed was in the complete know of Mumbai attacks plan which could be 
launched only after his go-ahead. He keeps abreast with each and every LeT 
activity, though does not show it in public. Sajid, Alqama and Qahafa 
controlled the Mumbai attackers from Karachi on GPS and mobiles. Sajid was in 
contact with the attackers of Chhabad House and told them to kill everybody 
there while Alqama directed the operations at Taj. Qahafa encouraged the 
attackers by repeatedly saying that the entire Muslim Ummah looked upon them.

I was also in direct contact with ISI officials Major Iqbal and Lt Col Hamza 
who have influence and control over LeT's top brass. I briefed Major Iqbal, my 
ISI handler, about each reconnaissance visit to Mumbai. I carried out certain 
exclusive reconnaissance tasks for him as well.

I arrived in India for the first time on September 14 in 2006 at the Mumbai 
airport. I stayed at Hotel Outram and never called my Pakistani contacts from 
my new cellphone. This was done for me by Tahawwur Rana in Chicago. Here I 
submitted a form with RBI to open an immigration office for which I even 
appointed a Parsi woman as my secretary. This was a cover for me as I was super 
secretive – no one in India could imagine what I was up to.

I made extensive photographs of places like the Brihan Mumbai Corporation 
building, Haji Ali, Gateway of India, Hotel Taj, State police HQs, Azad Maidan, 
Marine Drive, VT Railway Station, Mumbai Central Railway Station, Leopold Cafe 
etc. My reconnaissance videos were appreciated by ISI and LeT and were crucial 
in carrying out attacks in Mumbai in 2008. Qahafa and I did a serious study on 
Google Earth to conduct the reconnaissance of Hotel Taj. We plotted the entire 
route and spot that the attackers would use through GPS and Google Earth.

I have also made videos of targets in Delhi, Pune, Goa and Pushkar and these 
too will be used by LeT and al Qaeda to attack India in future. Even the Kumbh 
Mela is a target. I shot some things on a camera given to me by my Pakistani 
mother-in-law. But I mostly used my mobile's camera to do the recordings from 
April to June 2008 as well as in 2009 in India and Denmark. It has of course 
been seized by the FBI when they caught me from the Chicago Airport.

I think the LeT and ISI plotted the Mumbai attacks to shift the interest of the 
world from Afghanistan and to instill a new spirit among their own cadre which 
were getting restless to join jihad in that country.

Mumbai attacks were financed and supported by the ISI, pretty much like every 
other plan of the LeT is. Every important LeT member is handled by ISI 
officials. My handlers were Major Iqbal and Major Sameer Ali. Similarly Lakhvi 
was controlled by Brigadier Riyaz who is based in Muzaffarabad. Major Iqbal 
provided money for my surveillance in Mumbai. In fact the Rs 25 lakhs used to 
buy the first boat used to reach Mumbai was ISI money. This boat was used in 
September to reach Mumbai but that attempt failed and the boat was destroyed. 
Yes, there was a failed attempt by the LeT in September 2008. It was Ramzan and 
Lakhvi had gone to Mecca to pray for the operation's success but the boat hit a 
rock and the attackers had to be brought back in another one. The clearance of 
this boat at the end of the Pakistani government and was arranged by Sajid. 

I was the one who apprised the ISI officers of our complete plan to attack 
India in my first meeting Major Iqbal and his boss Lt Col Hamza. 

After 26/11, LeT has created a naval wing under Yaqub which will be used 
against targets in India. They even had a frogman – a trained diver who can be 
used for combat - called Abdur Rehman and I think he was from the Pakistan Navy.

Initially, it was planned to target only Hotel Taj. Till at least my sixth 
reconnaissance visit to the Taj, it was planned that 2-3 LeT men will attack 
the hotel and will enter through Nepal or Bangladesh. After March in 2008, 
something happened (I think it was the need of shifting attention to India from 
Pakistan's FATA area) and the plan of multiple attacks in Mumbai and the us

[proletar] The David Headley Confessions: Part-I

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik kim
`How I became a jehadi'

The following is a first-hand representation of what David Coleman Headley, a 
Pakistani-American terrorist in a US prison, confessed to the sleuths of 
India's National Investigation Agency in June this year. It was obtained by 
Dinesh Sharma of Zee News from highly placed sources in the agency and is being 
reproduced in a two-part series on the second anniversary of Mumbai terror 

"I am the son of a Pakistani man Syed Gilani and an American woman Serril 
Headley. I was born in 1960 in the US but we relocated to Pakistan after my 
birth. There I went to a military school, the Cadet College Hssan Abdal in the 
Attock district of Punjab. Soon my father divorced my mother and married a 
Pakistani woman. Two of my half-brothers from this marriage are civil servants 
in Pakistan, with Danyal being the Information Officer in the Prime Minister's 
Office there. 

In 1977 I returned to the US to stay with my mother who ran a pub called Khyber 
Pass in Philadelphia. Here I dabbled in the video business and ran the pub, 
apart from studying accounting at a college. I got married to Shazia Gilani, a 
Pakistani, in 1999 and have four children with her. They have nothing to do 
with my activities and live in Chicago.

On one of my trips to Pakistan I met Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) chief Hafiz Saeed 
in a public meeting in Model Town, Lahore where he was preaching jihad. I was 
quite impressed and touched and wanted to see this man more. It was in 2001 
that I decided to join the LeT and fight for the cause of jihad. Since my video 
business was not doing well, I rented it out and moved to Pakistan where my 
thoughts on jihad and Salafi Islam got strength.

Hafiz Saeed is the Ameer (chief) of LeT. He is very close to ISI and is well 
protected. In my meetings with Hafiz Saeed, he rued how Bal Thackeray had 
caused damage to the Muslim Ummah (nation). The Shiv Sena boss is a target of 

My training began in February 2002 when I went for the Daura-e-Sufa training of 
three weeks in Muridke. This was a training in philosophy. In August I went in 
for LeT's Daura-e-Aam in Muzaffarabad. There I was surprised to see a lad from 
New Zealand who was a recent convert and was having a tough time following the 
course. Once, Hafiz Saeed visited us at the training camp. In April 2003 I 
underwent the three month long Daura-e-Khas at Muzaffarabad where I saw 
suicidal squads being trained for attacks in India. I was also trained on how 
to keep in touch with my handlers in what was called Daura-e-Ribat.

I was taught unarmed, close quarter combat in September 2003 where I came 
across an officer from the Pakistan Army who was an expert at this form of 
fighting and imparted training. In yet another week of training on leadership 
which was addressed by LeT commander-in-chief Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, there were 
serious discussions on how to tackle the ban on LeT by Pakistani government. 
Sajid, my LeT handler, was apprehensive about taking the legal recourse as he 
was worried about the evidence India could present against the organization.

During my training with the LeT, I travelled to a host of countries like 
Britain, Germany, France, Maldives, Sri Lanka. I never came to India as Dawood.

About the LeT, it is an organization based on the Salahi faith of Islam and 
it's objective is to establish `Nizam-e-Mustafa' (Rule of God). It is more 
inclined towards jihad in Kashmir though now there is also a debate in the 
organization about expanding base in Afghanistan. This has led to several 
splits in terror organizations including the LeT. Lakhvi has just about held 
the LeT together on arguments like Kashmir was nearest to their camps and that 
LeT had better knowledge of the area. 

Moreover, this is also ISI's official line – keep Kashmiri and Afghanistan 
movements separate.

Hafiz Saeed' maternal cousin, Abdur Rehman Maki, is the foreign affairs 
in-charge of the LeT. My LeT controller, Sajid Majid, was his personal 
assistant. He is the son of an Indian from Punjab who shifted base to Pakistan 
in 1947. One of the oldest members of LeT, Sajid completed his Daura-e-Khas 
round of training when he a mere 18 years old. I started reporting to him from 
January 2005.

As my training ended, I started getting frustrated because the LeT was not 
ready to send me to fight in Kashmir due to my age. Finally they thought of 
using my service in another way. The LeT asked me to go to India and Mumbai was 
among other cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune etc. that were 
discussed as my base in India. The change of name, establishing an immigration 
office on behalf of my friend Tahawwur Hussain Rana (my Cadet College mate and 
a Pak Army deserter), using American passport to conceal identity etc. were all 
my ideas. For these formalities I visited the US in 2006 and obtained a visa 
from the Indian consulate on my US passport which had many stamps of my visits 
to Pakistan. 

There I videographed

[proletar] Membaca Bukan Menafsirkan Tapi Menyimpulkan !!!

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik muskitawati
Membaca Bukan Menafsirkan Tapi Menyimpulkan !!!

Setiap orang yang membaca akan secara otomatis mengolah apa yang dibacanya 
untuk dipahami sebagai kesimpulannya.

Bacaan yang tersusun dengan baik dan benar akan menghasilkan kesimpulan yang 
sama melalui proses otak dari pembaca yang ber-beda2.

Ada kalanya bacaan itu acak2an, tidak baik susunannya sehingga tidak bisa 
diambil kesimpulannya, oleh karena itu si pembaca berusaha menebaknya, 
spekulasi, berjudi dalam mengartikannya, dan proses tebak2an begini kita sebut 
sebagai tafsir.

Tafsir AlQuran adalah hadist, artinya Hadist itu adalah hasi tebak2an dari 
orang yang membaca Quran.

Hanya Al-Quran yang perlu ditafsir, sedangkan agama lain meskipun juga sama 
sama ditafsir, tapi menyangkalnya karena mereka paham kalo kitab suci mereka 
dikatakan ada tafsirnya merupakan penghinaan.

Celaka memang umat Islam, mereka tidak biasa membuat definisi sebelum membuat 
kata2, akibatnya belum juga kitab sucinya dibacapun dari tafsirnya saja sudah 
bisa disimpulkan isinya tidak benar.

Inilah salah satu bukti kuat yang pernah saya tulis, bahwa AlQuran itu 
diciptakan oleh pendeta2 Vatican untuk digunakan menyerang musuh2nya yaitu 
Yahudi dan Islam agar saling membunuh hingga musnah keduanya.  Tapi pembantaian 
sudah terjadi dimasa lalu, sekarang ada HAM sehingga kegiatan utama dalam 
beragama dengan saling membantai sudah dilarang oleh Amerika yang pemenang 
perang dunia kedua sehingga mampu mendominasi power menciptakan keamanan dunia 
sekarang ini.

> "sethiadi"  wrote:
> Menurut seorang pendeta yang
> bergelar Doktor, membaca adalah
> menafsirkan. Kalau ini benar,
> maka literal adalah juga
> menafsirkan, menafsirkan secara
> literal. Ini menurut Osama bin
> Laden adalah cara menfsirkan yang
> benar. Menurut Gus Dur dan Amin
> Rais apalagi menurut Nurcholis
> Majid itu adalah cara menafsirkan
> yang salah. Siapa yang benar dan
> siapa yang salah?

Osama bin Laden jelas salah karena menafsirkan itu tidak perlu membaca, dan 
literal itu bukan bahan untuk ditafsirkan.

Nurcholid, Gus Dur dan Amin Rais juga salah, karena tidak ada istilah 
menafsirkan yang salah dan menafsirkan yang benar.  Karena tafsir itu semacam 
tebak2an bisa saja salah tapi jarang sekali dan hampir selalu tidak ada yang 
benar.  Tafsir menafsir hanya untuk hiburan, entertainment seperti tebak2an 
dalam judi.

Disitulah salahnya ajaran agama, disatu pihak melarang judi, dilain pihak 
menafsirkan Quran dan Bible mereka masing2.  Karena menafsirkan Bible dan Quran 
juga sama dengan berjudi yang hasilnya saling menyalahkan sebelum berlanjut 
saling memusnahkan.

Jadi Semuanya salah, membaca bukan menafsirkan melainkan menyimpulkan karena 
kata "Tafsir" beda dari arti kata "Kesimpulan"

Tafsir itu artinya tebak2an, jadi kata literal kalo di-tebak2 menjadi kata 
apapun bisa.  Kata "teror" ditafsir sebagai "damai", itu bisa.  Kata "rampok 
Yahudi" bisa ditafsirkan sebagai "menyayangi Yahudi".

Demikianlah, kalo membaca dulu kemudian menarik kesimpulan, artinya setiap kata 
ada urut2an logisnya yang bisa divalidasi benar atau salahnya.  Kemudian 
setelah diurut atau diproses menjadi beberapa kalimat, maka setiap kalimat 
harus valid untuk kemudian dicari hubungannya atai tidak ada hubungannya dengan 
kalimat valid lainnya, barulah kemudian setelah keterkaitan antar kalimat2 ini 
terbukti atau eksis, barulah tercipta kalimat baru dengan kata2 yang lebih 
sederhana ringkas dan jelas, dan kalimat ini kita sebut sebagai kesimpulan 
BUKAN tafsiran.

Agama memang menggunakan tafsir, itulah sebabnya agama bukan ilmu pengetahuan, 
tapi semacam ilmu ramalan yang tidak pernah kena ditebak atau selalu 
ditafsirkan selalu kena ditebak.

Tafsir itu BOHONG.
Kesimpulan itu BUKTI ILMIAH.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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[proletar] hati2 provokator

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Abbas Amin
Baik dari golongan Islam, maupun golongan Kresten ada provokatornya.
Kita mengetahui, disetiap agama, ada golongan2nya; terbagi secara Umum :

1. Golongan keras - bermusuhan
2. Golongan Moderat - toleransi tingi
3. Golongan low profile - semua untuk pribadi

ketiga golongan ini berinteraksi dan bisa saling mempengaruhi; tapi yang 
menonjol adalah golongan KERAS mempengaruhi golongan lainnya.

Selain itu, ada pula segolongan yaitu PROVOKATOR; ini bisa dari mana saja; 
tugasnya adalah menyebar kebencian dimana mana.

Kita harus hati2 menanggapinya; kalau terpancing; maka kitalah yang GOBLOK dan 
TOLOL. Sehingga misalnya kita ikut2 maki agama orang lain. Padahal yang maki 
agama kita belum tentu dari golongan agama yang kita kira lawan kita.

Bisa juga orang yang beragama jadi provokator; sengaja makin membuat panas 
situasi, bukan meredam malah menyi5ramnya dengan bensin; akibatnya kesalah 
pahaman makin melebar; upaya untuk saling toleransi makin sulit.

Menjawab suatu kritik agama harus hati2; kalau tidak, kitapun akan masuk jadi 
provokator juga.Kalau tak bisa membuat suasana jadi dingin karena kemampuan 
kita yang kurang memadai, mendingan nggak usah bicara; itu lebih baik; dari 
pada cuap2 maki2 agama lain.

Yang tertawa terbahak bahak; yaaah provokator itu ! Senang mereka.
Saya melihat sekarang ini DUTA2 Islam yang ada di milis P4roletar kebanyakan 
ADU maki dengan yang dituduh Kresten; padahal belum TENTU. Setelah keluar 
maki2; maka yang benar2 Kresten jelas saja akan tersinggung; dan kalau mereka 
memaki balik, dan ikut ngeroyok duta2 Islam tersebut; sangat wajar.

Saya pribadi berharap toleransi tetap harus dijaga. Jadi ada rambu2 tersendiri 
dalam hal ini. Sembarang memaki agama lain orang, hanya akan buang2 waktu 
percuma saja; hasil tak ada. Bahkan makin lama makin sakit hati saja yang 
didapat. Padahal DAKWAH itu kan tujuannya menuntun kejalan yang baik, bukannya 
menuntun kearah permusuhan ! kalau tak mampu begitu, sudaqhi saja dakwah yang 
sia2 tersebut; kecuali memang masuk ke MILIS hanya untuk menyalurkan BAKAT 
memaki maki umat beriman.

Boleh anda protes dengan tulisan saya ini; terserah. Karena anda semua saya 
yakin punya logika yang dipegang.

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Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik widura
Betul...dlm perspektif semesta seakan ada bingkainya, tapi bebas dalam 
berinteraksi bukan seperti kebon binatang yg dikurung dan dipisah satu sama 
lain...asumsi dgn ikan hias yg paling mulia, dgn mengabaikan mahluk lain 
dibawahnya yg tidak menciptakan keributan hanya gara gara mau cari muka ke 
pemilik aquarium...
-Original Message-
From: "ajeg" 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 02:25:28 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

Bukannya Anda yang mula-mula mencontohkan kehidupan 
dengan sekotak aquarium? 

Kebun binatang jauh lebih beranekaragam. 
Lucu dong kalau demokrasi harus serba seragam. 

--- "widura"  wrote:

> Apakah manusia hidup dibumi dikotak2an/dikurung seperti di kebon 
> binatang ?..hehe...hewan buas bukan tandingan manusia, mahluk 
> tercerdas di bumicontoh sederhana aquarium itu cobalah untuk 
> dilihat dengan lebih seksamaikan paling mulia yg tau benar dan 
> salah ribut terus hanya untuk cari muka kepada sipemilik aquarium...
> -Original Message-
> From: Led Zeppelin 
> > Saya juga setuju
> > tapi tidak untuk contoh akuarium&warna-warni ikan2 itu
> > kenapa tidak kebon binatang saja,dimana pemangsa&mangsa
> > dipisahkan,saya kira terlalu kecil untuk melihat kehidupan
> > kita yang maha luas ini dengan sekotak akuarium
> >
> > --- ajeg  wrote:
> >   
> > > Kalau begitu cocok apa kata Teddy, manusia pun 
> > > banyak kelemahannya. Bahkan bisa lebih lemah 
> > > dari binatang dalam urusan mengendalikan diri. 
> > > 
> > > Karena itu agama pernah bilang, perang terdahsyat 
> > > adalah perang melawan diri sendiri. 
> > > 
> > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Tentu saja ikan hias tersebut sudah dipilih yg paling mulia 
> > > > diantara lainnya, yg tau benar dan salah..tapi diantara 
> > > > mereka malah sok cari muka ke saya, sebagai pemilik aquarium, 
> > > > dgn merasa paling hebat dan paling nurut ke saya...padahal 
> > > > semua yg saya pelihara disana saya harapkan bisa hidup 
> > > > damai...dan saya ngga 
> > perlu cari mukanya itu...jengkel memang menyaksikannya..udah coba 
> > saya "sentil" supaya gak ribut tapi masih aja ribut 
> > terus...akhirnya saya pisahkan yg arogan bersama kelompoknya agar 
> > tidak terjadi keributan...eh ternyata dikoloni mereka yg sudah 
> > dipisahkan tersebut, masih juga mereka ribut menyerang satu sama 
> > lain karena merasa mereka dan kelompoknya yg paling nurut sama 
> > saya...bener2 bikin repot... 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "ajeg" 
> > 
> > > Tergantung jenis ikannya. 
> > > Kalau warna-warni itu terkumpul di satu ekor ikan 
> > > cupang, ya berabelah dunia aquarium. Apalagi kalau 
> > > aquarium diisi ikan cupang semua. 
> > > 
> > > Lucu nih, kemarin ada yang jengkel sama guru agama, 
> > > sekarang ada yang jengkel sama ikan. Tapi yang dijadiin 
> > > sasaran pelampiasan malah agama. 
> > > 
> > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Saya punya aquarium dan saya isi dgn ikan hias sejenis beragam 
> > > > warna : hitam, merah, kuning, dan putih serta diberi hiasan 
> > > > natural agar lebih nyaman...harapan saya ikan tersebut hidup 
> > > > damai bersama dalam satu wadah...tapi ternyata ada yg merasa 
> > > > paling berkuasa lalu mengganggu yg lainnya yg asik mencari 
> > > > makan kesana kemarijengkel sekali saya melihat ikan seperti 
> > > > itu...tidak seperti yg diharapkan utk hidup dama bersama 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: "Teddy S." 
> > > 
> > > > Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan. 
> > > > 
> > > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan 
> > > > > gamblang dan jelas dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya 
> > > > > merusak nurani saja
> > > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ajeg

Bukannya Anda yang mula-mula mencontohkan kehidupan 
dengan sekotak aquarium? 

Kebun binatang jauh lebih beranekaragam. 
Lucu dong kalau demokrasi harus serba seragam. 

--- "widura"  wrote:

> Apakah manusia hidup dibumi dikotak2an/dikurung seperti di kebon 
> binatang ?..hehe...hewan buas bukan tandingan manusia, mahluk 
> tercerdas di bumicontoh sederhana aquarium itu cobalah untuk 
> dilihat dengan lebih seksamaikan paling mulia yg tau benar dan 
> salah ribut terus hanya untuk cari muka kepada sipemilik aquarium...
> -Original Message-
> From: Led Zeppelin 
> > Saya juga setuju
> > tapi tidak untuk contoh akuarium&warna-warni ikan2 itu
> > kenapa tidak kebon binatang saja,dimana pemangsa&mangsa
> > dipisahkan,saya kira terlalu kecil untuk melihat kehidupan
> > kita yang maha luas ini dengan sekotak akuarium
> >
> > --- ajeg  wrote:
> >   
> > > Kalau begitu cocok apa kata Teddy, manusia pun 
> > > banyak kelemahannya. Bahkan bisa lebih lemah 
> > > dari binatang dalam urusan mengendalikan diri. 
> > > 
> > > Karena itu agama pernah bilang, perang terdahsyat 
> > > adalah perang melawan diri sendiri. 
> > > 
> > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Tentu saja ikan hias tersebut sudah dipilih yg paling mulia 
> > > > diantara lainnya, yg tau benar dan salah..tapi diantara 
> > > > mereka malah sok cari muka ke saya, sebagai pemilik aquarium, 
> > > > dgn merasa paling hebat dan paling nurut ke saya...padahal 
> > > > semua yg saya pelihara disana saya harapkan bisa hidup 
> > > > damai...dan saya ngga 
> > perlu cari mukanya itu...jengkel memang menyaksikannya..udah coba 
> > saya "sentil" supaya gak ribut tapi masih aja ribut 
> > terus...akhirnya saya pisahkan yg arogan bersama kelompoknya agar 
> > tidak terjadi keributan...eh ternyata dikoloni mereka yg sudah 
> > dipisahkan tersebut, masih juga mereka ribut menyerang satu sama 
> > lain karena merasa mereka dan kelompoknya yg paling nurut sama 
> > saya...bener2 bikin repot... 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "ajeg" 
> > 
> > > Tergantung jenis ikannya. 
> > > Kalau warna-warni itu terkumpul di satu ekor ikan 
> > > cupang, ya berabelah dunia aquarium. Apalagi kalau 
> > > aquarium diisi ikan cupang semua. 
> > > 
> > > Lucu nih, kemarin ada yang jengkel sama guru agama, 
> > > sekarang ada yang jengkel sama ikan. Tapi yang dijadiin 
> > > sasaran pelampiasan malah agama. 
> > > 
> > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Saya punya aquarium dan saya isi dgn ikan hias sejenis beragam 
> > > > warna : hitam, merah, kuning, dan putih serta diberi hiasan 
> > > > natural agar lebih nyaman...harapan saya ikan tersebut hidup 
> > > > damai bersama dalam satu wadah...tapi ternyata ada yg merasa 
> > > > paling berkuasa lalu mengganggu yg lainnya yg asik mencari 
> > > > makan kesana kemarijengkel sekali saya melihat ikan seperti 
> > > > itu...tidak seperti yg diharapkan utk hidup dama bersama 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: "Teddy S." 
> > > 
> > > > Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan. 
> > > > 
> > > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan 
> > > > > gamblang dan jelas dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya 
> > > > > merusak nurani saja
> > > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] lagi, mengkaji guru

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ajeg

--- Led Zeppelin  wrote:

> --- ajeg  wrote:
> > Begini, saya coba mengikuti pemikiran wawan tentang 
> > apa yang disebut 'agama' - yang rupanya terbatas hanya 
> > pada label-label terkenal terutama Kristen & Islam. 
> > Buat dia, jangankan dongeng, apapun yang berbau 'agama' 
> > seolah nggak bersisa setitik pun kebaikannya. 
> =Di Barat sejak zaman modern diskursus agama berpindah 
> dari tangan teolog ke tangan para filosof/pemikir bebas.
> pernyataan theology was subservient to philosophy 
> atau under the tutelage of philosophy adalah realitas 
> yang tidak disesali. Artinya teologi menjadi bulan-bulanan 
> para filosof. 
> Untuk sekedar menyebut beberapa nama; Sartre, Heidegger, 
> Jung, Ludwig Feurbach, William James Nietzsche, Kant dan 
> lain-lain, adalah filosof-filosof yang bicara soal agama 
> padahal mereka tidak punya otoritas untuk bicara teologi. 

Silakan saja pake pemikiran filsuf Barat yang mengacak-acak 
teologi Kristen. Tapi jangan pake pemikiran yang sama untuk menghadapi cewek 
yang berbeda.. 

Ini yang saya maksud, kenapa menyinyiri Islam hanya 
bermodalkan apa kata guru agama dan apa kata teroris. 
Guru agama tugasnya ya ngajar agama semampu dia, 
dan teroris jalankan agama ya sesuka bosnya. Tapi keduanya 
dijadikan modal buat jerit-jerit, "liat, itulah Islam". 

Lha kalu mau bicara pemikiran, kenapa nggak kunjung menyentuh 
apa kata filsuf-filsuf Islam? 
Kenapa menyinyiri Islam cuma dari "pemikiran" guru agama, kelakuan 
teroris, dan paling keren, filsafat Barat? 

Ngobrol pake cara yang sama ke setiap cewek atau membuka sekrup dengan pahat, 
itu mah cari gara-gara namanya. 

> > Ini jelas terlalu mengada-ada untuk orang yang katanya 
> > pernah nyantri di pesantren. Untuk apa membakar rumah 
> > yang sudah tidak kita sukai - apalagi kalau belum punya 
> > tempat berteduh lain. 
> =Terus terang saja maaf sebelum nya wawan itu kan pemeluk katolik 
> yang ekting seperti orang islam,padahal agama aslinya budhis.

Saya cuma pegang pengakuan. Kalau pengakuan / omongan nggak bisa 
dipegang, apa modal orang untuk bisa dipercaya? 

> > Nggak lain nggak bukan, saya mengajak wawan untuk nggak 
> > mbakar rumah yang pernah ditempati, seburuk apa pun 
> > pengalaman selama tinggal di sana. Kebiasaan bakar-bakar 
> > seperti itu akan terbawa ke mana pun dia "berteduh". 
> =Percuma toh rumah yang di bakar itu bukan rumah nya
> dia juga tidak ''pernah'' apalagi ''berada'' & menempati rumah tsb

Lebih-lebih bukan "rumah"nya. Jangan dibakar! 
Ada orang lain di rumah itu, ada orang lain yang 
butuh tempat bernaung. Itu yang harus dipikir. 
Jangan cuma menonjol-nonjolkan kecengengannya sendiri 
seolah yakin kalau semua orang sama cengengnya. 

> > Terbukti, wawan membangun analisis yang dengan sendirinya 
> > terbakar jadi abu. Tapi ya terserah kalau memang suka 
> > ngerjain hal yang sia-sia. 
> =Para pakar prol-pun ikut-ikutan membawa
> agama ke ranah mereka menggunakan teori evolusi
> Charles Darwin,untuk menjustifikasi adanya perubahan 
> dalam agama Herbert Spencer juga mengikuti. Friedrich 
> Max Muller,Emile Durkheim.
> Rudolf Otto&dan lain-lain mengaitkan agama dengan realitas 
> sosial. 

Mereka nggak tau apa yang mereka bicarain. Mereka nggak 
kenal Islam tapi sok menilai Islam. 

> > Soal tolol enggaknya suatu dongeng saya sependapat sama 
> > sampeyan. Tergantung bagaimana orang memahami posisi 
> > dongeng tersebut. Jadi, daripada meributkan benar-tidaknya 
> > dongeng itu terjadi, lebih baik melihat kegunaannya. 
> > Memberi inspirasikah, sekedar menghiburkah, atau justru 
> > meneror dsbkah. 
> =Akhirnya, wacana keagamaan mereka itu tidak lagi bisa disebut 
> teologi mereka lalu menciptakan apa yang mereka sebut  philosophy 
> of religion adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang metode dan basis 
> teorinya adalah filsafat Barat. 
> obyeknya adalah semua agama.
> maka ketika mereka membahas agama-agama itu
> worldview BARAT berada pada posisi bird-eye.
> Doktrin filsafat berada di atas doktrin agama-agama. 
> Di sini pembahasan agama berada pada zone bebas 
> agama tapi tidak bebas dari worldview Barat.

Mereka kelewat rajin memuji-muji bahkan berani menyuruh-
nyuruh orang lain untuk mengikuti etos Barat (yang memang 
doyan belajar itu). Tapi liat, mereka sendiri cuma 
ongkang-ongkang sambil meludah kiri-kanan bak cukong 
judi hwa-hwe. 

Sedangkan orang Barat sendiri sekarang buka buku-buku Islam. 
Belajar kenal, cari tau lebih dalam, tentang Islam. 

Lha para kuplik & koplok di sini cuma cah cih cuh sambil 
jilatin pantat menir-menir Barat yang lagi sibuk belajar itu. 
Para kuplik & koplok nggak mau ikut belajar sekalipun 
bolak-balik pentang bacot mereka beriman pada hal-hal ilmiah. 

> > Bagaimanapun, kitalah yang berhak menentukan posisi 
> > dongeng itu berdasarkan pengetahuan & pengalaman yang 
> > kita punya. Jangan malah mabuk, hilang kesadaran, lantas 
> > menempatkan si pendongeng seolah dia sedang berwahyu / 
> > berfirman sehingga kata-katanya p

Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik David Silalahi
heh ?

2011/4/25 PAREWA 

> Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia
> "pintar"
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:
> Dari: David Silalahi 
> Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM
> google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> untuk tambah bodoh.
> anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada
> jawabannya.
> demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Mautahu tukang perkosa? Paulus!!
KATEBE Ajaran Yesus dibilangnya susu. Padahal Yesus bilangnya yg
disampaikan adalah dari Bapa.

Mau tahu pembunuh? Paulus!!
KATEBE Yesus digantung di tiang jemuran sampai kering lalu mati 
berdasarkan kutukan Paulus

Mau tahu perampok? Paulus!!
KATEBE yg ditantang Yesus sbg pengembala umatnya adalah Petrus.

Mau tahu pendusta? Paulus!!
Silahkan periksa Rome 3:7

Mau tahu yg mencla-mencle? Paulus!!
Hari ini dia bilang orang anu mbesok orang anu

Paulus ini KATEBE 1/2 anjing (Yunani, kafir), 1/2 Yahudi.
Kalau kelak ketemu Yesus a.s termasuk yg bakalan diadili ga?

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Mau jadi tukang merkosa? Masuk islam aja, hehehe
> Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa.
> From: sunny ambon@...
> To: Undisclosed-Recipient@...
> Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:58:17 PM
> Subject: [proletar] Outrageous verdict
> http://arabnews.com/opinion/editorial/article369994.ece
> Editorial
> Apr 22, 2011 22:19
> Outrageous verdict
> The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself
and to its
> legal system
> The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men
charged with
> raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl
from their
> family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.
> This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international
> liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal
> The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by
> Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for,
according to
> the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence
> to life imprisonment.
> There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this
sordid and
> deplorable crime. The first is that such "punishments" are not
uncommon in a
> country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as
a result
> of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan,
the elders
> of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It
> important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in
> circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has
happened to her,
> has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of
> murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such
> The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran
Mai, an
> illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the
face of her
> enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing
so, the
> entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are
still being
> threatened with murder.
> She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and
failed to
> investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she
says, it
> could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of
> attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The
courts in
> which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a
distinct lack
> of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims
rather than
> challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their
> investigation.
> This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to
be. There
> can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the
majority there is
> a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever
take place
> and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and
reluctant to
> move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully nine
years ago.
> The impact of the case on the authorities is likely to bring about a
sea change
> in official attitudes. Next time that such a heinous crime is brought
to the
> attention of the police, it must be hoped that it will not just be the
> who are charged, but also the elders who ordered the depraved crime.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik rezameutia
dua orang bermental anjing, anjing tua dan anjing sipit sedang saling menjilati 
pantat dan berhalusinasi sambil ngeloco bareng.  orang2 bego bermental anjing 
kayak elu tuh bisanya cuman maki2 seperti anjing menggonggong.  

si anjing masuk ke milis katolik lalu berdusta dihadapan orang katolik sampe 
disumpahin orang katolik, lalu si anjing datang ke milis ini dan berdusta lagi 
dihadapan orang islam sehingga kepalanya dikeplakin dan pantatnya ditendang 
seperti anjing budug.   

memang bener si anjing sipit tipikal seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang demen 
berdusta.  kalo tuhan jesus menyebarkan kebaikan dan kasih sayang, maka si 
anjing sipit menyebarkan kebencian dan permusuhan.  cocok kan seperti muridnya 
tuhan jesus?!

kalian berdua emang sama aja, kalian orang2 frustasi yang hidupnya sudah dan 
sengsara yang perlu dikasihani.  menyedihkan...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Ada jg sih orang2 "Kristen" yg bejad, misalnya di milis lain ada orang 
> Katolik 
> yg bilang bhw gua akan dpt musibah sebelum Natal krn gua nunjukin kekonyolan 
> ajaran Katolik. Lalu ada jg yg maki2 ga keruan kayak kaing2 dr orang Islam 
> kejepit buntut.
> Tp emang cuma orang Islam aja sbg penganut agama yg benar yg secara serempak 
> jadi tukang fitnah, termasuk jg orang Islam ogah dimasukin ke dlm golongan 
> orang 
> islam kayak si habe dan ayub_yahya. Kelompok tukang fitnah yg disebut sbg 
> gerombolan  Islam plus.
> From: Jusfiq 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 6:43:59 PM
> Subject: [proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah 
> disini?
> Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?
> Sedangkan peserta yang menganut agama Islam itu rata-rata adalah bajingan 
> pendusta dan bangsta tukang fitnah.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik rezameutia
si anjing sipit udah kalap.

si anjing sipit seperti si junkie tua nggak sadar kalo emailnya di blok orang 
lain berarti tulisannya nggak bermutu sama sekali.  eh.., si anjing sipit 
saking gobloknya malahan ikut  'numpang' tulisan gw supaya tulisannya dibaca 

bego banget si anjing sipit...

udah gitu, si anjing sipit makin kalap.  si anjing sipit berdua sama sodaranya, 
sesama anjing yang tentunya pengencuk anak sendiri, si anjing sipit bilang gw 
najis kalo digigit.

wah..., gawat.  
makin kalap nih si anjing sipit.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Hehehe ocehan si rezameutia ini tentunya dibaca si suryana krn si suryana 
> ga 
> ngeblok posting si rezameutia.
> Uenaknya saling jilat pantat antara suryana dan orang2 islam, hehehe...
> Kalo gua sih, orang kayak si reza meutia ini kalo gua suruh anjing gua 
> ngegigit 
> jg gua ogah, krn bikin najis anjing gua.
> From: rezameutia 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:18:00 AM
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict
> mau ngentot anak sendiri?
> mau ngentot bini orang?
> mau menghina dan menyakiti ibu sendiri? 
> piara aja cabo yang namanya sama dengan ibu sendiri.
> semuanya hal kelakuan yang nista dan najis ini cuma ada di kristen. 
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> >
> > Mau jadi tukang merkosa? Masuk islam aja, hehehe
> > 
> > Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: sunny 
> > To: Undisclosed-Recipient@
> > Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:58:17 PM
> > Subject: [proletar] Outrageous verdict
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > http://arabnews.com/opinion/editorial/article369994.ece
> > 
> > Editorial
> > Apr 22, 2011 22:19
> > Outrageous verdict
> > The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself and to 
> > its 
> >
> > legal system
> > 
> > The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men charged 
> > with 
> > raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl from 
> > their 
> >
> > family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.
> > 
> > This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international 
> > women's 
> > liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal 
> > system. 
> > The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by 
> > Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for, according 
> > to 
> > the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence 
> > commuted 
> > to life imprisonment.
> > 
> > There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this sordid and 
> > deplorable crime. The first is that such "punishments" are not uncommon in 
> > a 
> > country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as a 
> > result 
> > of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan, the 
> > elders 
> > of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It is 
> > important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in 
> > similar 
> > circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has happened to 
> >her, 
> >
> > has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of attempted 
> > murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such behavior.
> > 
> > The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran Mai, an 
> > illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the face of 
> > her 
> > enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing so, 
> > the 
> > entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are still 
> > being 
> >
> > threatened with murder.
> > 
> > She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and failed 
> > to 
> > investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she says, 
> > it 
> > could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of her 
> > attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The 
> > courts in 
> >
> > which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a distinct 
> > lack 
> > of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims rather 
> > than 
> >
> > challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their 
> > investigation.
> > 
> > This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to be. 
> > There 
> > can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the majority 
> > there 
> >is 
> >
> > a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever take 
> > place 
> > and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and reluctant 
> > to 
> > move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully nine years 
> >ago. 
> >
> > The impact of the case on the authorities is likely t

[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik rezameutia
si anjing sipit sok ngomong dosa?!

si anjing sipit udah nggak bisa berdebat lalu bilang gw berdosa.  dia kira 
orang lain bego seperti dia dan diomongin dosa langsung takut.   bego.., bego...

si anjing sipit masuk ke milis ini dengan harapan yang segede gunung ternyata 
sekarang terkaing-kaing malahan ngomongin dosa.  dia pikir masuk milis ini 
seperti sampi bunting, ternyata sampe di milis ini dia cuman cecurut ekor 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Si rezameutia ini udah jadi tukang fitnah yg ga tau malu, tp masih ngaku ga 
> pernah ngefitnah. Lalu nambah dosa dgn fitnah baru.
> Ini tipikal Islam koq, tukang fitnah.
> Gua selalu bilang bhw orang Islam itu bejad, masuk ke milis borjuis ini dan 
> ketemu orang baru, ternyata, hehehe emang ga salah koq apa yg gua bilang.
> From: rezameutia 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:32:56 AM
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> >
> > Hehehe... apa di Alkitab tertulis si item abu ngencukin anak sendiri?
> > 
> > Gua punya anak aja kagak, jadi gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri? 
> > 
> ooo..., karena lu belum punya anak, kalo gitu lu pasti piara cabo yang 
> namanya 
> sama dengan nama ibu lu sendiri dong. 
> siapa nama cabo yang elu piara?
> > Si rezameutia ini emang betul2 brulyan dlm nunjukin betapa bejad dirinya, 
> > udah 
> > ngefitnah secara ga tau malu, lalu ngaku ga pernah ngefitnah secara ga tau 
> >malu. 
> >
> > Betul2 contoh yg baik dr orang islam yg soleh dan bertaqwa.
> > 
> nggak gitu lah orang islam.
> orang kristen diajarin untuk berbohong, fitnah, berkhianat, piara cabo sama 
> lah 
> seperti kelakuan jesus dan muridnya yang pengecut sialan dan tidak 
> bertanggung 
> jawab itu.
> jadi kalo gw ketemu orang kristen taat kayak elu, ya gw udah maklum dan 
> memahami 
> bahwa orang kayak elu akan berbohong, berkhianat, piara cabo sama seperti 
> kelakuan jesus dan muridnya.
> gitu aja kok
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: rezameutia 
> > To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:28:39 PM
> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal 
> > > jelas2 
> >dia 
> >
> > >
> > > ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
> > > 
> > 
> > gw nggak fitnah.
> > itu ada tertulis di alkitab.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 
> > > ngefitnah 
> >
> > > dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
> > > 
> > 
> > makin keliatan kan, orang kristen bego kalo udah nggak bisa debat lagi 
> > langsung 
> >
> > dah oot sambil ngacir terkaing-kaing dan langsung ngeloco untuk memuaskan 
> > diri 
> > sendiri.  biasalah itu tipikal kristen bego.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
> >hehehe...
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > si anjing sipit lagi ngacir terkaing-kaing sambil menggonggong dan 
> > berdusta, 
> > persis seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang ngacir terkaing-kaing dan berdusta 
> > ketika tuhan jesus disalib.
> > 
> > hehehe...
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > From: rezameutia 
> > > To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
> > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
> > > 
> > > 
> > > tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
> > > 
> > > lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
> > > 
> > > gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok 
> > > demen 
> > > banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  
> > > kenapa 
> >kalo 
> >
> > >
> > > elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
> > > 
> > > hehehe
> > > 
> > > kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 
> >anjing 
> >
> > >
> > > tua.
> > > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini 
> > > > berpihak 
> >ke 
> >
> > 
> > > > siapa?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > From: Led Zeppelin 
> > > > To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
> > > > Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
> >fitnah.
> > > > 
> > > > =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
> > > > kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita bela&beri perlindungan memadai
> > > > cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
> > > > golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
> > > > tidak s

[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik rezameutia

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Gua cukup ngeluarin tafsir yg bilang dgn jelas anak ingusan yg blm mens itu 
> hrs 
> dpt masa iddah yg berarti si anak yg blm mens itu udah pernah diembat 
> sebelumnya.


tipikal kristen tolol yang otaknya udah beku kayak zombie.  nggak bisa tuh 
tipikal kristen tolol bisa berdebat, seperti contohnya tulisan si item muke 
kontol diatas.

tipikal kristen tolol seperti si item muke kontol udah kebiasaan dicekokin 
dogma omong kosong di agama kristen ama pendetanya seperti tuhan jesus orang 
bule, tuhan jesus pecundang tolol yang modar disalib, sehingga kalo ngomong 
tentang quran makin tolol.

kenapa nggak lu ngomong sekalian masa iddah untuk laki2?  kan laki2 belum mens, 
bahkan nggak pernah mens.  

> Silakan aja orang Islam yg merasa lebih pintar dr yg bikin tafsir kaing2 
> kayak 
> anjing kejepit buntut. 

orang islam tuh baca quran selalu pake akal, nggak seperti zomboie kristen 
kayak elu yang baca alkitab nggak pernah pake akal.  makanya, oranng kristen 
kalo udah ngomong alkitab selalu ngacir terkaing-kaing kayak muridnya tuhan 
jesus yang lari terkencing-kencing meninggalkan tuhan jesus ketika dikejar 
tentara roma.

coba lu pake akal elu, kalo murid2nya tuhan jesus percaya dan beriman kepada 
tuhan jesus, lalu kenapa tuh murid2nya tuhan jesus lari ngacir 
terkencing-kencing kayak anjing meninggalkan tuhan jesus?

> From: rezameutia 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:14:46 AM
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> >
> > 65:4. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang tidak haid lagi (monopause) di antara 
> > perempuan-perempuanmu jika kamu ragu-ragu (tentang masa iddahnya), maka  
> > masa 
> > iddah mereka adalah tiga bulan; dan begitu (pula)  perempuan-perempuan yang 
> > tidak haid. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang hamil,  waktu iddah mereka itu 
> > ialah 
> > sampai mereka melahirkan kandungannya. Dan  barang siapa yang bertakwa 
> > kepada 
> > Allah, niscaya Allah menjadikan  baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya.
> > 
> ayat ini udah jelas mengatakan jika pada saat terjadi perceraian bagi 
> perempuan 
> menopause, atau bagi perempuan yang sedang mens ataupun tidak sedang mens, 
> maka 
> masa iddahnya 3 bulan dan kalo perceraiannya terjadi ketika perempuan itu 
> sedang 
> hamil, maka masa iddahnya menunggu sampai perempuan tersebut melahirkan 
> bayinya.
> nggak ada yang mengatakan tentang pedopil dengan ayat ini.
> > Ayat 65:4 ini bilang bhw cewek yg ga haid itu punya masa iddah 3 bln. Buat 
> > yg 
> >ga 
> >
> > tau, masa iddah itu adalah perioda dimana bini yg dicerai hrs nunggu 
> > sebelum 
> > bisa menikah lagi. Tapi kalo si bini belum pernah diembat, maka ga perlu 
> > nunggu 
> >
> > masa iddah, bisa langsung kawin lagi.
> > 
> > Artinya, semua cewek yg punya masa iddah itu sdh pernah diembat sebelumnya 
> > oleh 
> >
> > lakinya.
> > 
> wah.., udah mulai ngayal.
> elu ngayal bikin arti sendiri bininya belum pernah di entot.
> sekarang gini aja, bagaimana mungkin lu kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah 
> dientot?  
> jadi istri lu nggak pernah diembat dan cuman dijilatin doang sampe sekarang?
> gw baru denger ada orang kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah dientot seperti si 
> item 
> muke kontol ini.  kesian banget bini lu.
> hehehe
> > Tafsir bilang bhw, hehhe cewek yg belum mens itu jg termasuk yg dpt 
> > masa 
> > iddah di 65:4. Artinya, anak2 ingusan yg belum mens itu halal diembat.
> > 
> hehehe
> sekarang elu ngayalnya makin ngawur lagi.
> nggak ada ayat tersebut menyinggung masalah anak ingusan yang belum pernah 
> mens.  
> ini kan omongan dari elu sendiri yang emang pikirannya pedopil karena 
> keseringan 
> baca alkitab.
> si item anjing sipit bawa ayat qs al thalaaq 65:4 dan karena bacanya nggak 
> bener 
> karena matanya kerlalu sipit lalu ngayal sendiri tentang ayat tersebut, 
> bilang 
> ada bininya nggak pernah diembat dan nambahin anak ingusan yang belum mens.
> padahal, ayat itu sangat jelas membela kepentingan perempuan dengan 
> mengatakan 
> bahwa jika terjadi perceraian maka ada masa iddah selama 3 bulan dan jika 
> sedang 
> hamil maka masa iddahnya sampai kelahiran bayinya.
> hal ini jelas, jika perempuan tersebut kawin lagi dan mengandung maka tidak 
> terjadi keraguan bahwa anak yang dikandungnya adalah anak dari suami yang 
> baru. 
> gitu aja kok arti bunyinya ayat ini, plain anda simple.

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Re: [proletar] Liburan dan laki-laki

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin

Tak seperti biasanya kali ini

kami berangkat ke dusun kami lebih awal sehari. Kamis sore kami sudah meluncur

berhubung Jumat besok adalah hari perayaan kematian tuhan yang mati dibunuh.

Libur nasional. 

=Ini kisah cerita sungguhan asik,gaya ceritanya mirip buatan AA navis
+/-kalau tidak salah ingat judulnya disurau kami
 begitulah nasib umat kalau manusia/nabi dibilang tuhan.

Tiga hari dikampung memang

mengasyikan. Diluar kegiatan2 rutin bertandang kerumah sanak famili, hari-hari

saya isi dengan membawa anak saya yang masih lima tahun melihat-lihat alam 

Udara terasa segar memenuhi rongga paru-paru. Pada hari Jumat, saya membawa

anak saya shalat Jumat di Masjid yang agak jauh letaknya dari lokasi rumah 

kami. Masjid itu amat berkesan bagi saya. 

Umur masjid itu sudah tua. Dibangun pada akhir abad ketujuhbelas dan

tetap awet hingga sekarang. Entah sudah berapa generasi orang-orang shalat

didalamnya. Setiap kali berkunjung kesana, yang terasa adalah wibawa Masjid

yang mendamaikan hati. Disamping Masjid itu terdapat kolam ikan yang dialiri

air pegunungan.

=Ini hanya dugaan saya saja,keseluhan cerita anda mengambil kota padang sebagai
latar belakang,pernah sewaktu saya anak2 membaca kisah sebuah masjid 
di-sumatra barat yang dimukanya ada sebuah kolam dan banyak ikan2 turun temurun 
hidup damai dikolam itu  tampa diganggu.oleh manusia.
dan mereka yang datang kerap membawa umpan/makanan untuk ikan2

Pulang dari Masjid kami berdua

anak beranak sengaja berjalan agak memutar melewati pasar Jumat. Pasar 

itu sudah sepi karena waktu transaksinya yang hanya tiap Jumat pagi itu –makanya

disebut Pasar Jumat-- sudah ditutup. Amai-Amai pedagang tampak sudah mengemasi

barang dagangannya. Beberapa pedagang yang lain tampak bersenda gurau sesama

mereka. Seorang yang saya kenal melambaikan tangan mengharapkan saya mampir, 
yang segera saya balas dengan lambaian pula sembari menyahut “lain kali 
angku…”. Maklum,ikan bilih goreng balado sudah menunggu pula dirumah hehehe.

=Tentu bukan ikan2 yang hidup dipelataran kolam mesjid itu yang di baladokan?"

Disudut pasar tampak seorang

laki-laki tua –sekitar 70 tahun-- menggerutu tak habis2nya. Arah pembicaraannya

tak karuan. Menceracau saja mulutnya. Segala isi kebun binatang keluar dari

mulutnya: anjing, babi…... Jelaslah laki-laki tua itu sudah tak beres otaknya.

Wajahnya depresi. Celana training dekil yang dikenakannya sudah memudar. 

yang gondrong awut-awutan menggimbal tak pernah terkena shampo menambah jelas

gambaran penderitaan jiwanya. Tetapi yang paling menarik dari tingkah laku

laki-laki tua gila itu adalah jam tangan kebesaran yang dikenakannya. Tiap

sebentar jam tangan mati itu diliriknya, seolah-olah ada urusan penting yang

sedang memburunya. Lalu dia merepet-repet lagi. 

Sesekali ia senyum tersengeng sembari sedikit menganggukan kepala kepada

setiap orang yg melintas didepannya seolah2 ia seorang gentleman. Begitu terus

berulang-ulang. Laki-laki tua yang malang.

=Dikisah AA navis orang tersebut bertugas sebagai peng-asah pisau warga 
setempat juga sebagai jagal/pemotong ayam tugas harian nya


Konon kabarnya, laki-laki tua itu

dimasa mudanya normal-normal saja walau kadang-kadang menyebalkan juga lantaran

banyak cakap. Kualitas otaknya biasa-biasa saja untuk ukuran dusun kami, kalau

tak hendak dikatakan dibawah rata-rata. Tetapi entah kenapa dia berambisi pula 

seorang intelektuil terpandang seperti Bung Hatta,  maka jadilah ia merantau 
hendak melanjutkan

pendidikan. Nasib baik, ia bisa masuk perguruan tinggi di negeri orang. Entah

apa kemudian yang terjadi, mungkin karena otaknya tak sanggup menerima ilmu

pengetahuan atau karena memang sudah bakat, tiba-tiba ia pulang kekampung dalam

kondisi kejiwaan yang semakin lama semakin menyedihkan. Ah, begitulah nasib

orang kalau tak pandai-pandai mengukur bayangan sepanjang badan.
=Malah di akhir cerita orang tersebut membabi buta menggorok warga2 setempat.

--- On Sun, 4/24/11, PAREWA  wrote:

Subject: [proletar] Liburan dan laki-laki
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011, 8:06 PM




Tak seperti biasanya kali ini

kami berangkat ke dusun kami lebih awal sehari. Kamis sore kami sudah meluncur

berhubung Jumat besok adalah hari perayaan kematian tuhan yang mati dibunuh.

Libur nasional. 


Tiga hari dikampung memang

mengasyikan. Diluar kegiatan2 rutin bertandang kerumah sanak famili, hari-hari

saya isi dengan membawa anak saya yang masih lima tahun melihat-lihat alam 

Udara terasa segar memenuhi rongga paru-paru. Pada hari Jumat, saya membawa

anak saya shalat Jumat di Masjid yang agak jauh letaknya dari lokasi rumah 

kami. Masjid itu amat berkesan bagi saya. 

Umur masjid itu sudah tua. Dibangun pada akhir abad ketujuhbelas dan

tetap awet hingga sekarang. Entah sudah berapa generasi orang-orang shalat

Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik widura
Apakah manusia hidup dibumi dikotak2an/dikurung seperti di kebon binatang 
?..hehe...hewan buas bukan tandingan manusia, mahluk tercerdas di 
bumicontoh sederhana aquarium itu cobalah untuk dilihat dengan lebih 
seksamaikan paling mulia yg tau benar dan salah ribut terus hanya untuk 
cari muka kepada sipemilik aquarium...
-Original Message-
From: Led Zeppelin 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 15:30:03 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

Saya juga setuju
tapi tidak untuk contoh akuarium&warna-warni ikan2 itu
kenapa tidak kebon binatang saja,dimana pemangsa&mangsa
dipisahkan,saya kira terlalu kecil untuk melihat kehidupan
kita yang maha luas ini dengan sekotak akuarium

--- On Mon, 4/25/11, ajeg  wrote:

From: ajeg 
Subject: Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, April 25, 2011, 11:12 AM




Kalau begitu cocok apa kata Teddy, manusia pun 

banyak kelemahannya. Bahkan bisa lebih lemah 

dari binatang dalam urusan mengendalikan diri. 

Karena itu agama pernah bilang, perang terdahsyat 

adalah perang melawan diri sendiri. 

--- "widura"  wrote:

> Tentu saja ikan hias tersebut sudah dipilih yg paling mulia 

> diantara lainnya, yg tau benar dan salah..tapi diantara mereka 

> malah sok cari muka ke saya, sebagai pemilik aquarium, dgn merasa 

> paling hebat dan paling nurut ke saya...padahal semua yg saya 

> pelihara disana saya harapkan bisa hidup damai...dan saya ngga 

> perlu cari mukanya itu...jengkel memang menyaksikannya..udah coba 

> saya "sentil" supaya gak ribut tapi masih aja ribut 

> terus...akhirnya saya pisahkan yg arogan bersama kelompoknya agar 

> tidak terjadi keributan...eh ternyata dikoloni mereka yg sudah 

> dipisahkan tersebut, masih juga mereka ribut menyerang satu sama 

> lain karena merasa mereka dan kelompoknya yg paling nurut sama 

> saya...bener2 bikin repot... 

> -Original Message-

> From: "ajeg" 


> > Tergantung jenis ikannya. 

> > Kalau warna-warni itu terkumpul di satu ekor ikan 

> > cupang, ya berabelah dunia aquarium. Apalagi kalau 

> > aquarium diisi ikan cupang semua. 

> > 

> > Lucu nih, kemarin ada yang jengkel sama guru agama, 

> > sekarang ada yang jengkel sama ikan. Tapi yang dijadiin 

> > sasaran pelampiasan malah agama. 

> > 

> > --- "widura"  wrote:

> > 

> > > Saya punya aquarium dan saya isi dgn ikan hias sejenis beragam 

> > > warna : hitam, merah, kuning, dan putih serta diberi hiasan 

> > > natural agar lebih nyaman...harapan saya ikan tersebut hidup 

> > > damai bersama dalam satu wadah...tapi ternyata ada yg merasa 

> > > paling berkuasa lalu mengganggu yg lainnya yg asik mencari 

> > > makan kesana kemarijengkel sekali saya melihat ikan seperti 

> > > itu...tidak seperti yg diharapkan utk hidup dama bersama 

> > -Original Message-

> > From: "Teddy S." 

> > 

> > > Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan. 

> > > 

> > > --- "widura"  wrote:

> > >

> > > > Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan 

> > > > gamblang dan jelas dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya 

> > > > merusak nurani saja

> > > 

> > 


> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




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Re: [proletar] 3 New Parties Registered for 2014 Elections

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
DPR itu bukan Dewan Pemberi Rejeki, tapi Dewan Perampok Rakyat.

From: sunny 
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, April 26, 2011 5:39:35 AM
Subject: [proletar] 3 New Parties Registered for 2014 Elections

Refleksi : Ayo, ayo, mari ramai-ramai calonkan diri menjadi anggota Dewan 
Pemberi Rejeki (DPR), bila dipilih rakyat datang rejeki nomplok, gaji besar, 
uang lauk pauk, uang bawah mejah, uang dalam envelop, dapat mobil baru, laptop 
baru,  tamasya ke luarnegeri dengan alasan studi banding  dan gaji jalan terus 
tanpa perlu hadir pada pekerjaan. 


3 New Parties Registered for 2014 Elections
Markus Junianto Sihaloho | April 25, 2011

Three new political parties on Monday officially registered themselves to be 
able to participate in the 2014 elections. The three parties are the National 
Unity Party, the National Democrat (Nasdem) Party and the National Republic 
(Nasrep) Party.   JG Photo/Yudhi Sukma Wijaya 

Three new political parties officially registered themselves on Monday to 
participate in the 2014 legislative and presidential polls, an official said. 

Asyari Sihabudin, the Justice and Human Rights Ministry's director of state 
administrative affairs, identified the latest additions to the political 
landscape as the National Unity Party, the National Democrat Party and the 
National Republic Party. 

Although the National Democrat Party used a similar logo as an organization 
founded by Golkar Party senior executive and media magnate Surya Paloh - the 
National Democrats (Nasdem) - the party registered Patrice Rio Capella as its 
chairman and Ahmad Rofik as its secretary general. 

"They will submit more documents to us before we further verify their status," 
Asyari said. 

The National Republic Party first moved into the spotlight on Friday when one 
its senior executives, retired Maj. Gen. Edi Waluyo, said the party's founders 
had discussed the need for a new political party in Indonesia with the youngest 
son of longtime ruler Suharto, Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra. 

The National Republic Party 's inaugural meeting in Jakarta that day was 
dominated by pictures of a sunglasses-wearing Tommy. 

Tommy's efforts to re-enter politics through the chairmanship of Golkar - which 
was long the political vehicle of his father - failed to materialize because of 
a lack of support in 2009. 

Nothing was immediately known of the other new party, the National Unity Party. 

A senior member of Paloh's National Democrats, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, 
that Patrice and Rofik were members of the organization. 

Patrice ran as a legislative candidate for the National Mandate Party (PAN) 
during the last election, while Rofik is a former secretary general of the 
National Sun Party (PMB). 

However, the secretary general of Nasdem, Syamsul Muarif, said Paloh and his 
organization had nothing to do with the National Democrat Party 's official 
registration on Monday. 

"I have never signed any documents that are required to establish a new 
political party because the result of our national congress was clear - that 
Nasdem will not take part in the coming elections as a political party," 

However, he added that Paloh and other Nasdem leaders never prohibited members 
of the organization from privately forming a new political party to contest the 
2014 elections. 

Almost half of the Nasdem membership wanted the organization to turn into a 
political party, he said. 

"They don't need our permission to use a similar name and symbol to register a 
new political party. Even though the name is similar to ours, [the party] is 
our Nasdem," he said. 

Syamsul also stressed that it was impossible for Paloh, himself and the 
organization's other key officials to become members of the new political 

"We are still members of the Golkar Party. The law forbids anyone from being a 
member of two political parties at the same time," he said. 

Golkar secretary general Idrus Marham said he was not afraid the three new 
parties would threaten Golkar's stability. 

"Rather than thinking about them, it's better for us to focus on working for 
people, implementing the policies the people expect from the government," Idrus 

However, Idrus warned any Golkar members planning to join new political parties 
to first resign from Golkar, as that was required by law.

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Re: [proletar] Shia mosque demolitions raise tension in Bahrain

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
A religious book lies on top of stones next to a carpet, branches of a  palm 
tree and parts of a gate of a mosque, one of three reduced to  rubble next in a 
residential area.

Itu sih Quran, bukan sekedar a religious book. Jadi ngehina Quran tuh. 

Ayo, bantai aja orang2 Kristen krn ngehina Quran di Bahrain. Eh salah, maksud 
ane, orang2 Sunni.

From: sunny 
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, April 26, 2011 4:36:27 AM
Subject: [proletar] Shia mosque demolitions raise tension in Bahrain

Refleksi : Allah berada di pihak siapa, Shia ataukah Sunni? 


Shia mosque demolitions raise tension in Bahrain

April 22.2011

NUWAIDRAT: Two bulldozers and two large trucks are busy removing a large pile 
stones, wood and prayer carpets on a large square - all that remains of a small 
Shia mosque in the Sunni-ruled kingdom of Bahrain.

"Do you see this? This was a mosque until this week. They destroyed it," said a 
Shia man, stopping his car in this poor Shia village outside the capital Manama 
to point to another heap of masonry, where residents say another mosque once 

A religious book lies on top of stones next to a carpet, branches of a palm 
and parts of a gate of a mosque, one of three reduced to rubble next in a 
residential area.

"It was an old mosque," said the driver, who like other residents declined to 
give his name for fear of reprisals.

Last month the royal family in Bahrain, home to the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, 
quelled mainly Shia protests inspired by Arab revolts elsewhere, declaring 
martial law and calling in troops from Saudi Arabia and other Sunni-ruled Gulf 

Hundreds of Shia have been detained and others fired from public sector jobs, 
the opposition says. The government says it targets only people who committed 
crimes in the unrest.

Now majority Shia say the authorities have begun pulling down their mosques, a 
policy likely to inflame sectarian tensions further among the island's 600,000 

The Justice Ministry acknowledges that what it calls illegally built 
which it does not refer to as mosques, are being torn down. "The ministry will 
provide legal alternatives for buildings with a license for those cabins and 
facilities being removed," it said on its website.

A Shia mosque administrator, who gave his name only as Ali, said the religious 
authorities "didn't have a clue" when he called them to inquire about the 

"The next day another mosque was gone here," he said, drinking tea with other 
residents in the shade of a house wall.

"Security troops and civil defence personnel came in the night with bulldozers 
and removed this mosque."

Faisal Fulad, of the Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society, a Sunni politician 
close to government thinking, denied the policy was discriminatory. Large or 
mosques were not affected.

"These are small mosques, buildings built there without papers," he said. "If 
you want to build a church in Germany or England you need to apply for a 
license," he said.

Angry Shia 

But villagers in Nuweidrat, a decrepit place a half-hour's drive from Manama 
a world away from its fancy hotels and bars, feel the demolitions typify 
anti-Shia prejudice.

"They destroyed the mosques because we are Shia," said one man, sitting on the 
ground with a circle of friends.

Majority Shia have long complained of sectarian discrimination in a country 
where the hardline Sunni prime minister, the king's uncle, has held his post 
four decades.

"The destroyed mosques all had electricity and were registered with the proper 
authority," said a man in his 40s.

The main opposition group Wefaq, which withdrew its 18 deputies in protest 
against the crackdown, said some 25 Shia mosques had been razed since then.

"Some mosques were 20 or 30 years old, some had an older heritage," said a 
leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, adding that some might have existed before the 
government required licences.

Daniel Williams at New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said he was 
by the government's sudden interest in mosque licences when it was busy with 
security issues.

"The government knew about these mosques. They tolerated them for a long time," 
Williams said. "The sudden action makes it suspicious. This is not an isolated 

On Thursday, Amnesty International said government opponents faced a 
and violent crackdown" in Bahrain.

Checkpoint abuses 

The Shia mosque demolitions are taking place while the government is trying to 
show that life has returned to normal.

Pro-government media quote officials, businessmen and expatriates thanking 
security forces for ending the unrest.

The king has ordered compensation for soldiers and security staff wounded in 
protests, including housing and other benefits for their families, state me

Re: [proletar] Jpordan Times: At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Coba kalo Amrik atau Israel yg ngelakukan, orang Islam udah akan kaing2 kayak 
anjing kejepit buntut. Tp krn yg ngebunuh itu orang Islam, maka orang Islam 
tutup mulut selamanya, doa besar tuh ngomongin keburukan sesama islam. 

Dan jg, auloh itu ketawa2 ngeliat orang islam bunuh2an, jadi kan hrs ngehibur 

Jadi, kapan nih orang islam di Indonesia bunuh2an jg antar sesama Islam?

From: Jusfiq 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, April 26, 2011 4:19:09 AM
Subject: [proletar] Jpordan Times: At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm 

At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

DAMASCUS (AFP) - Thousands of Syrian troops backed by tanks stormed the 
flashpoint town of Daraa on Monday killing at least 25 people, witnesses said, 
as a leading rights activist accused Damascus of opting for a "military 
solution" to crush dissent.

Troops also launched assaults on the Damascus suburbs of Douma and Al 
Maadamiyeh, witnesses said, as the head of the UN human rights agency slammed 
what she called the security forces' disregard for human life.

A military official later said that troops entered Syria's flashpoint southern 
town of Daraa on Monday at the request of citizens to hunt "extremist terrorist 

"In response to calls for help from the inhabitants of Daraa, who urged the 
armed forces to intervene and the killings and destruction by extremist 
terrorist groups, units entered Daraa this morning to restore calm and 
security," state television quoted a military official as saying.

"The army is now pursuing these groups with the help of the security forces and 
has arrested several of them and seized large quantities of weapons and 
ammunition," a statement said.

"As a result of the confrontations there were a number of martyrs in the ranks 
of the army and the security forces," it said, adding that an unspecified 
of suspects were "killed and wounded".

The United States, which has repeatedly denounced Syria's repression of the 
protests, was considering sanctions against Damascus, an official in Washington 

Activist Abdullah Abazid told AFP by telephone from Daraa that Syrian forces 
were pounding the southern town near the border with heavy artillery and that 
"at least 25 martyrs have fallen".

"There are still bodies sprawled in the streets," he said, with the sound of 
loud explosions and gunfire in the background.

A group of activists said in a statement to media that "more than 25 people 
but no one could reach them because of the heavy shelling" and that only seven 
bodies were retrieved.

They were identified by name and included a father and his two sons, said the 
statement which accused Syrian troops of firing indiscriminately with 
anti-aircraft guns.

"The commander of the Third Army Corps, Kamal Ayyash, a citizen of Daraa, was 
arrested because he protested against the killings," the statement said.

A resident earlier said he witnessed five people killed when their car was 
with fire in Daraa, where Syria's unprecedented anti-regime protests erupted 
weeks ago.

Abazid said Daraa was "like being in a battlefield".

The army seized at least two mosques in the town as well as the cemetery where 
scores of people killed in anti-regime protests have been buried, activists 

The assault began at dawn when 3,000 to 5,000 army and security forces swooped 
down on Daraa, with tanks taking up position in the town centre and snipers 
deploying on rooftops, activists said.

"The minarets of the mosques are appealing for help. The security forces are 
entering houses. There is a curfew and they fire on those who leave their 
They even shot at water tanks on roofs to deprive people of water," said a 

A massive crackdown was also under way in Douma, a large suburb in northern 
Damascus, and nearby Al Maadamiyeh, said activists reached by telephone.

"The situation is dramatic. Patrols man each alleyway and prevent people from 
going out even to buy bread," one resident reached by AFP said.

"Even funerals of youths killed on Friday and Saturday were not held," he 
Schools stayed closed and civil servants were unable to go to work.

An activist from Douma said security forces "surrounded a mosque and are firing 
indiscriminately. Streets are cut off from each other and Douma is isolated 
the outside world".

There have been sweeping arrests in Douma since Sunday, he added.

Some 390 people have been killed in security crackdowns since the protests 
erupted, rights activists and witnesses say.

Rami Abdel Rahman, a prominent rights activist, told AFP that Monday's 
showed Damascus had decided to crush the protests militarily.

"It is clear that the Syrian authorities have taken a decision for a military 
and security solution," Abdel Rahman, head of the London-based Syrian 
Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP.

In Washington, US National Security 

Re: [proletar] Re: Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Orang Islam itu jg senang dikibuli koq, mereka akan nelan mentah2 apa aja yg 
dicekoki ke mereka oleh ustad selama bunyinya enak dan ngejilat pantat nabi, ga 
mikir sama sekali ocehan itu benar atau cuma kibulan.

Makin hebat ngejilat pantat nabi, makin tinggi keIslamannya, hehehe...

From: Jusfiq 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, April 26, 2011 4:14:11 AM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang 


Salah satu masaalah besar dengan adab Islam adalah bahwa mereka TIDAK  mengenal 
"golden rule"..

Misalnya, mereka tidak senang dikibuli dan didustai, tapi mereka rata-rata 
ngibul dan berdusta...

Mereka menolak difitnah, tapi rata-rata mereka rajin memfitnah...

Jadi mereka tidak berkesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri mereka dan hingga 
sekarang adab islam itu tetap saja buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas dan biadab.. 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Ada jg sih orang2 "Kristen" yg bejad, misalnya di milis lain ada orang 
> Katolik 

> yg bilang bhw gua akan dpt musibah sebelum Natal krn gua nunjukin kekonyolan 
> ajaran Katolik. Lalu ada jg yg maki2 ga keruan kayak kaing2 dr orang Islam 
> kejepit buntut.
> Tp emang cuma orang Islam aja sbg penganut agama yg benar yg secara serempak 
> jadi tukang fitnah, termasuk jg orang Islam ogah dimasukin ke dlm golongan 
> islam kayak si habe dan ayub_yahya. Kelompok tukang fitnah yg disebut sbg 
> gerombolan  Islam plus.
> From: Jusfiq 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 6:43:59 PM
> Subject: [proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah 
> disini?
> Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?
> Sedangkan peserta yang menganut agama Islam itu rata-rata adalah bajingan 
> pendusta dan bangsta tukang fitnah.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[proletar] 3 New Parties Registered for 2014 Elections

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Ayo, ayo, mari ramai-ramai calonkan diri menjadi anggota Dewan 
Pemberi Rejeki (DPR), bila dipilih rakyat datang rejeki nomplok, gaji besar, 
uang lauk pauk, uang bawah mejah, uang dalam envelop, dapat mobil baru, laptop 
baru,  tamasya ke luarnegeri dengan alasan studi banding  dan gaji jalan terus 
tanpa perlu hadir pada pekerjaan.  


3 New Parties Registered for 2014 Elections
Markus Junianto Sihaloho | April 25, 2011

Three new political parties on Monday officially registered themselves to be 
able to participate in the 2014 elections. The three parties are the National 
Unity Party, the National Democrat (Nasdem) Party and the National Republic 
(Nasrep) Party.   JG Photo/Yudhi Sukma Wijaya 

Three new political parties officially registered themselves on Monday to 
participate in the 2014 legislative and presidential polls, an official said. 

Asyari Sihabudin, the Justice and Human Rights Ministry's director of state 
administrative affairs, identified the latest additions to the political 
landscape as the National Unity Party, the National Democrat Party and the 
National Republic Party. 

Although the National Democrat Party used a similar logo as an organization 
founded by Golkar Party senior executive and media magnate Surya Paloh - the 
National Democrats (Nasdem) - the party registered Patrice Rio Capella as its 
chairman and Ahmad Rofik as its secretary general. 

"They will submit more documents to us before we further verify their status," 
Asyari said. 

The National Republic Party first moved into the spotlight on Friday when one 
of its senior executives, retired Maj. Gen. Edi Waluyo, said the party's 
founders had discussed the need for a new political party in Indonesia with the 
youngest son of longtime ruler Suharto, Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala Putra. 

The National Republic Party 's inaugural meeting in Jakarta that day was 
dominated by pictures of a sunglasses-wearing Tommy. 

Tommy's efforts to re-enter politics through the chairmanship of Golkar - which 
was long the political vehicle of his father - failed to materialize because of 
a lack of support in 2009. 

Nothing was immediately known of the other new party, the National Unity Party. 

A senior member of Paloh's National Democrats, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, 
confirmed that Patrice and Rofik were members of the organization. 

Patrice ran as a legislative candidate for the National Mandate Party (PAN) 
during the last election, while Rofik is a former secretary general of the 
National Sun Party (PMB). 

However, the secretary general of Nasdem, Syamsul Muarif, said Paloh and his 
organization had nothing to do with the National Democrat Party 's official 
registration on Monday. 

"I have never signed any documents that are required to establish a new 
political party because the result of our national congress was clear - that 
Nasdem will not take part in the coming elections as a political party," 
Syamsul said. 

However, he added that Paloh and other Nasdem leaders never prohibited members 
of the organization from privately forming a new political party to contest the 
2014 elections. 

Almost half of the Nasdem membership wanted the organization to turn into a 
political party, he said. 

"They don't need our permission to use a similar name and symbol to register a 
new political party. Even though the name is similar to ours, [the party] is 
not our Nasdem," he said. 

Syamsul also stressed that it was impossible for Paloh, himself and the 
organization's other key officials to become members of the new political 

"We are still members of the Golkar Party. The law forbids anyone from being a 
member of two political parties at the same time," he said. 

Golkar secretary general Idrus Marham said he was not afraid the three new 
parties would threaten Golkar's stability. 

"Rather than thinking about them, it's better for us to focus on working for 
the people, implementing the policies the people expect from the government," 
Idrus said. 

However, Idrus warned any Golkar members planning to join new political parties 
to first resign from Golkar, as that was required by law.

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[proletar] Iranian ayatollah: Saudis are as bad as Terry Jones for destroying Shi'ite mosques in Bahrain

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe jadi orang Islam yg soleh dan bertaqwa dr Saudi itu ngebakar Quran 
dan mesjid Shia

Kapan nih orang Islam Indonesia jadi sama solehnya ngebakar Quran dan mesjid 
Shia, kan Ahmadiyah udah dibantai, Shia nunggu giliran.

Iranian ayatollah: Saudis are as bad as Terry Jones for destroying Shi'ite 
mosques in Bahrain
"Today Masjids are razed and Qur'ans are burnt by those  who claim they respect 
and defend Islam and Qur'an...the heinous act is  not acceptable at all."
Sunni-Shi'ite Jihad Update: "Grand Ayatollah Golpaigani Slams Sacrilegious Acts 
in Bahrain," from the Ahlul Bayt News Agency, April 25:
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi  Golpaigani has 
condemned burning Quran and demolishing Masjids by  Al-Khalifa Regime and Saudi 

>“Today Masjids are razed and Qur'ans are burnt by those who claim  they 
>and defend Islam and Qur'an,” the Grand Ayatollah said,  adding that "the 
>heinous act is not acceptable at all."
>The senior Shia Cleric called these sacrilegious acts rare in the  history and 
>underlined,” those who claim to have defended Qur'an now are  rebelling 
>“These groups are following what the American Pastor [Terry Jones]  did and 
>committing the same sacrilegious act which is too rare in  the history,” the 
>Grand Ayatollah underscored.
>“Al-Khalifa Regime and Saudi ruler sold out their humanity and today they show 
>the world their real nature and no doubt they will pay for their 
>wrong-doings.”...Posted by Robert on April 25, 2011  8:13 AM  | 6 Comments 

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Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Saya juga setuju
tapi tidak untuk contoh akuarium&warna-warni ikan2 itu
kenapa tidak kebon binatang saja,dimana pemangsa&mangsa
dipisahkan,saya kira terlalu kecil untuk melihat kehidupan
kita yang maha luas ini dengan sekotak akuarium

--- On Mon, 4/25/11, ajeg  wrote:

From: ajeg 
Subject: Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, April 25, 2011, 11:12 AM




Kalau begitu cocok apa kata Teddy, manusia pun 

banyak kelemahannya. Bahkan bisa lebih lemah 

dari binatang dalam urusan mengendalikan diri. 

Karena itu agama pernah bilang, perang terdahsyat 

adalah perang melawan diri sendiri. 

--- "widura"  wrote:

> Tentu saja ikan hias tersebut sudah dipilih yg paling mulia 

> diantara lainnya, yg tau benar dan salah..tapi diantara mereka 

> malah sok cari muka ke saya, sebagai pemilik aquarium, dgn merasa 

> paling hebat dan paling nurut ke saya...padahal semua yg saya 

> pelihara disana saya harapkan bisa hidup damai...dan saya ngga 

> perlu cari mukanya itu...jengkel memang menyaksikannya..udah coba 

> saya "sentil" supaya gak ribut tapi masih aja ribut 

> terus...akhirnya saya pisahkan yg arogan bersama kelompoknya agar 

> tidak terjadi keributan...eh ternyata dikoloni mereka yg sudah 

> dipisahkan tersebut, masih juga mereka ribut menyerang satu sama 

> lain karena merasa mereka dan kelompoknya yg paling nurut sama 

> saya...bener2 bikin repot... 

> -Original Message-

> From: "ajeg" 


> > Tergantung jenis ikannya. 

> > Kalau warna-warni itu terkumpul di satu ekor ikan 

> > cupang, ya berabelah dunia aquarium. Apalagi kalau 

> > aquarium diisi ikan cupang semua. 

> > 

> > Lucu nih, kemarin ada yang jengkel sama guru agama, 

> > sekarang ada yang jengkel sama ikan. Tapi yang dijadiin 

> > sasaran pelampiasan malah agama. 

> > 

> > --- "widura"  wrote:

> > 

> > > Saya punya aquarium dan saya isi dgn ikan hias sejenis beragam 

> > > warna : hitam, merah, kuning, dan putih serta diberi hiasan 

> > > natural agar lebih nyaman...harapan saya ikan tersebut hidup 

> > > damai bersama dalam satu wadah...tapi ternyata ada yg merasa 

> > > paling berkuasa lalu mengganggu yg lainnya yg asik mencari 

> > > makan kesana kemarijengkel sekali saya melihat ikan seperti 

> > > itu...tidak seperti yg diharapkan utk hidup dama bersama 

> > -Original Message-

> > From: "Teddy S." 

> > 

> > > Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan. 

> > > 

> > > --- "widura"  wrote:

> > >

> > > > Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan 

> > > > gamblang dan jelas dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya 

> > > > merusak nurani saja

> > > 

> > 


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Re:[proletar] lagi, mengkaji guru

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin

Begini, saya coba mengikuti pemikiran wawan tentang 

apa yang disebut 'agama' - yang rupanya terbatas hanya 

pada label-label terkenal terutama Kristen & Islam. 

Buat dia, jangankan dongeng, apapun yang berbau 'agama' 

seolah nggak bersisa setitik pun kebaikannya. 

=Di Barat sejak zaman modern diskursus agama berpindah 
dari tangan teolog
 ke tangan para filosof/pemikir bebas.
pernyataan theology was subservient to 
atau under the tutelage of philosophy adalah realitas 
tidak disesali. Artinya teologi menjadi bulan-bulanan 
para filosof. 
Untuk sekedar menyebut beberapa nama;
Sartre, Heidegger, Jung, Ludwig 
Feurbach, William James
Nietzsche, Kant dan lain-lain, adalah 
filosof-filosof yang bicara 
soal agama padahal mereka tidak punya 
otoritas untuk bicara teologi. 

Ini jelas terlalu mengada-ada untuk orang yang katanya 

pernah nyantri di pesantren. Untuk apa membakar rumah 

yang sudah tidak kita sukai - apalagi kalau belum punya 

tempat berteduh lain. 

=Terus terang saja maaf sebelum nya wawan itu kan pemeluk katolik 
yang ekting seperti orang islam,padahal agama aslinya budhis.

Nggak lain nggak bukan, saya mengajak wawan untuk nggak 

mbakar rumah yang pernah ditempati, seburuk apa pun 

pengalaman selama tinggal di sana. Kebiasaan bakar-bakar 

seperti itu akan terbawa ke mana pun dia "berteduh". 
=Percuma toh rumah yang di bakar itu bukan rumah nya
dia juga tidak ''pernah'' apalagi ''berada'' & menempati rumah tsb

Terbukti, wawan membangun analisis yang dengan sendirinya 

terbakar jadi abu. Tapi ya terserah kalau memang suka 

ngerjain hal yang sia-sia. 
=Para pakar prol-pun ikut-ikutan membawa
 agama ke ranah mereka
menggunakan teori evolusi
 Charles Darwin,untuk menjustifikasi 
adanya perubahan dalam 
agama Herbert Spencer
juga mengikuti. Friedrich Max Muller,Emile Durkheim.
Rudolf Otto&dan 
lain-lain mengaitkan agama dengan realitas sosial. 

Soal tolol enggaknya suatu dongeng saya sependapat sama 

sampeyan. Tergantung bagaimana orang memahami posisi 

dongeng tersebut. Jadi, daripada meributkan benar-tidaknya 

dongeng itu terjadi, lebih baik melihat kegunaannya. 

Memberi inspirasikah, sekedar menghiburkah, atau justru 

meneror dsbkah. 

=Akhirnya, wacana keagamaan mereka itu tidak lagi bisa disebut teologi
mereka lalu menciptakan apa yang mereka sebut  philosophy of religion
adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang metode 
dan basis teorinya
 adalah filsafat Barat. 
obyeknya adalah semua agama.
maka ketika mereka membahas agama-agama itu
worldview BARAT berada pada posisi 
Doktrin filsafat berada di atas doktrin agama-agama. 
Di sini 
pembahasan agama berada pada zone bebas 
agama tapi tidak bebas dari 
worldview Barat.

Bagaimanapun, kitalah yang berhak menentukan posisi 

dongeng itu berdasarkan pengetahuan & pengalaman yang 

kita punya. Jangan malah mabuk, hilang kesadaran, lantas 

menempatkan si pendongeng seolah dia sedang berwahyu / 

berfirman sehingga kata-katanya pun harus ditelan dengan 

patuh, dan menjadikan kata-katanya (dongeng itu) sebagai 

satu-satunya kebenaran, betapapun tololnya dia mendongeng. 

=Jadi ini hanya akan menambah badut2 barisan 
penggugat fatwa MUI
artinya dari prodi ini akan banyak pluralis yang akan percaya 
bahwa semua agama itu sama/theosopi
dan Islam
 bukan yang paling benar

Tegesipun, nggih cekap semanten rumiyin. Dumugi kraos, 

mangertos, ngantos ngemut mentos, adios amigos.. 

--- On Mon, 4/25/11, ajeg  wrote:

From: ajeg 
Subject: Re:[proletar] lagi, mengkaji guru
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, April 25, 2011, 11:53 AM




Begini, saya coba mengikuti pemikiran wawan tentang 

apa yang disebut 'agama' - yang rupanya terbatas hanya 

pada label-label terkenal terutama Kristen & Islam. 

Buat dia, jangankan dongeng, apapun yang berbau 'agama' 

seolah nggak bersisa setitik pun kebaikannya. 

Ini jelas terlalu mengada-ada untuk orang yang katanya 

pernah nyantri di pesantren. Untuk apa membakar rumah 

yang sudah tidak kita sukai - apalagi kalau belum punya 

tempat berteduh lain. 

Nggak lain nggak bukan, saya mengajak wawan untuk nggak 

mbakar rumah yang pernah ditempati, seburuk apa pun 

pengalaman selama tinggal di sana. Kebiasaan bakar-bakar 

seperti itu akan terbawa ke mana pun dia "berteduh". 

Terbukti, wawan membangun analisis yang dengan sendirinya 

terbakar jadi abu. Tapi ya terserah kalau memang suka 

ngerjain hal yang sia-sia. 

Soal tolol enggaknya suatu dongeng saya sependapat sama 

sampeyan. Tergantung bagaimana orang memahami posisi 

dongeng tersebut. Jadi, daripada meributkan benar-tidaknya 

dongeng itu terjadi, lebih baik melihat kegunaannya. 

Memberi inspirasikah, sekedar menghiburkah, atau justru 

meneror dsbkah. 

Bagaimanapun, kitalah yang berhak menentukan posisi 

dongeng itu berdasarkan pengetahuan & pengalaman yang 

kita punya. Jangan malah mabuk, hilang kesadaran, lantas 

menempatkan si pendongeng seolah dia seda

[proletar] Militants wanted to film Indonesian church bomb

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Militants wanted to film Indonesian church bomb
NINIEK KARMINI, Associated Press
Updated 07:31 a.m., Friday, April 22, 2011 

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Islamic militants involved in a plot to bomb an 
Indonesian church ahead of Easter celebrations wanted to film and broadcast the 
inferno, which would have occurred as thousands of people were arriving for 
services, police said Friday.

The plot, uncovered Thursday, has put the nation in a state of high alert with 
hundreds of thousands of police deployed at churches, 20,000 in the capital 

Maj. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam, spokesman for the national police, said the 19 
suspects who led authorities to bombs planted beneath a gas pipeline near the 
Christ Cathedral Church just outside of Jakarta did not appear to be part of 
any large, existing terrorist organization.

Other bombs were left in bags not far from the entrance.

"At this moment, it looks like a new cell," Alam told reporters Friday, adding 
that the suspects, all in their 30s and many of them university graduates, told 
police they had been planning to film the fiery explosion.

"They wanted to make a movie and then broadcast it ... that was the plan," he 

Indonesia, a secular nation with more Muslims than any other in the world, has 
been battling extremists since 2002 when al-Qaida-linked militants attacked two 
nightclubs on Bali island, killing 202 people, many of them foreign tourists. 
Several attacks since then targeted glitzy hotels, restaurants and an embassy, 
but have been much less deadly and the last occurred two years ago.

In recent months, militants have shifted their focus.

In seeking to carve out a Muslim state, their main enemies now are security 
forces who have spearheaded the anti-terror fight, the country's moderate 
Muslim leaders, members of "deviant" sects, and Christians.

Individual "jihadis" and small cells with little or no directive from larger 
terror groups have attacked police posts, sent mail bombs and carried out the 
country's first suicide bombing at a mosque.

Alam said the terror suspects arrested Thursday - including some who were 
allegedly involved in earlier attacks - said they got their inspiration and 
bomb-making skills from books and other hard-line literature.

He said they had tested some explosives - including bombs weighing up to 175 
pounds (80 kilograms) - last month.

The bombs, safely diffused after a painstaking 10 hours on Thursday, had been 
rigged to go off at 9 a.m. Friday, just as services at the 3,000-seat Catholic 
church were beginning.

Worshippers were not deterred, filing into the targeted Christ Cathedral Church 
in Serpong and others nationwide on Friday.

"If we didn't come today ... the terrorists would just be laughing happily," 
said Grace Lianawati, who was accompanied by her family.

"We're just grateful that the government foiled this plot," she added. "Just 
imagine how bad it could have been."

Ninety percent of Indonesians are Muslim, with most practicing a moderate form 
of the faith and abhorring violence. A small, extremist fringe has become more 
vocal, and violent, in recent years

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[proletar] Capturing bin Laden 'would unleash hell'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Capturing bin Laden 'would unleash hell' 
April 26, 2011 - 12:55AM 
The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear 
bomb in Europe which will unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is 
captured, leaked files reveal.

The terror group also planned to make a 9/11 style attack on London's Heathrow 
airport by crashing a hijacked airliner into one of the terminals, the files 

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators the terror group would 
detonate the nuclear device if the al-Qaeda chief was captured or killed, 
according to the classified files released by the WikiLeaks website.

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Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the September 11, 2001 
attacks on the United States, has been held at Guantanamo since 2006 and is to 
be tried in a military court at the US naval base on Cuba over the attacks.

His nuclear threat was revealed in Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper, one of 
several media outlets which have published the classified assessments of 
detainees at Guantanamo.

The German weekly Der Spiegel, also citing WikiLeaks, said that Sheikh Mohammed 
had told his interrogators he had set up two cells for the purpose of attacking 
Heathrow in 2002.

The aim was to seize control of an airliner shortly after take-off from 
Heathrow, one of the world's busiest aiports, turn it around and crash it into 
one of the four terminals.

Sheikh Mohammed said one cell had been formed with the aim of taking flying 
lessons in Kenya, while the other had been tasked with recruiting participants.

He said the plot had been discussed several times at the highest level of 
al-Qaeda. One component had involved the infiltration of ground staff at the 
airport, according to Der Spiegel.

Another attack given the green light in late 2001 would have targeted "the 
tallest buildings in California" with hijacked airliners, Der Spiegel reported.

The attackers would have gained access to the airliner cockpits by setting off 
small bombs hidden in their shoes, it said.

Sheikh Mohammed, captured in 2003 in Pakistan, also claims to have personally 
beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 with his "blessed right hand" and 
to have helped in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing that killed six people.

Der Spiegel noted that his "confessions" should have be treated with caution as 
they could have been extracted through torture. Sheikh Mohammed is known to 
have undergone the method known as "waterboarding".

Former US president George Bush claimed in his memoirs published last year that 
using the interrogation technique - which simulates drowning - helped prevent 
planned attacks on Heathrow and London's Canary Wharf business district.

He also told the London Times newspaper in November that it was "damn right" 
that he had authorised use of the method on Sheikh Mohammed.


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[proletar] 500 Taliban escape jail

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

500 Taliban escape jail 
April 26, 2011 
Nearly 500 Taliban prisoners have escaped from Kandahar prison in southern 
Afghanistan through a tunnel hundreds of metres long, officials say. The 
Taliban said they were behind it and all those who escaped were members of the 
militant Islamist organisation.

''A tunnel hundreds of metres long was dug from the south of the prison into 
the prison and 476 political prisoners escaped last night,'' said prison 
director General Ghulam Dastageer Mayar.

The acting police chief of Kandahar, Shair Shah Yousufzai, confirmed the escape.

It is the second major escape in three years from Kandahar prison. In 2008, 
1000 prisoners, including Taliban militants, escaped after the Taliban used a 
truck bomb to blow open the gates.

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[proletar] Shia mosque demolitions raise tension in Bahrain

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Allah berada di pihak siapa, Shia ataukah Sunni? 


Shia mosque demolitions raise tension in Bahrain

April 22.2011

NUWAIDRAT: Two bulldozers and two large trucks are busy removing a large pile 
of stones, wood and prayer carpets on a large square - all that remains of a 
small Shia mosque in the Sunni-ruled kingdom of Bahrain.

"Do you see this? This was a mosque until this week. They destroyed it," said a 
Shia man, stopping his car in this poor Shia village outside the capital Manama 
to point to another heap of masonry, where residents say another mosque once 

A religious book lies on top of stones next to a carpet, branches of a palm 
tree and parts of a gate of a mosque, one of three reduced to rubble next in a 
residential area.

"It was an old mosque," said the driver, who like other residents declined to 
give his name for fear of reprisals.

Last month the royal family in Bahrain, home to the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, 
quelled mainly Shia protests inspired by Arab revolts elsewhere, declaring 
martial law and calling in troops from Saudi Arabia and other Sunni-ruled Gulf 

Hundreds of Shia have been detained and others fired from public sector jobs, 
the opposition says. The government says it targets only people who committed 
crimes in the unrest.

Now majority Shia say the authorities have begun pulling down their mosques, a 
policy likely to inflame sectarian tensions further among the island's 600,000 

The Justice Ministry acknowledges that what it calls illegally built 
structures, which it does not refer to as mosques, are being torn down. "The 
ministry will provide legal alternatives for buildings with a license for those 
cabins and facilities being removed," it said on its website.

A Shia mosque administrator, who gave his name only as Ali, said the religious 
authorities "didn't have a clue" when he called them to inquire about the 

"The next day another mosque was gone here," he said, drinking tea with other 
residents in the shade of a house wall.

"Security troops and civil defence personnel came in the night with bulldozers 
and removed this mosque."

Faisal Fulad, of the Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society, a Sunni politician 
close to government thinking, denied the policy was discriminatory. Large or 
old mosques were not affected.

"These are small mosques, buildings built there without papers," he said. "If 
you want to build a church in Germany or England you need to apply for a 
license," he said.

Angry Shia 

But villagers in Nuweidrat, a decrepit place a half-hour's drive from Manama 
but a world away from its fancy hotels and bars, feel the demolitions typify 
anti-Shia prejudice.

"They destroyed the mosques because we are Shia," said one man, sitting on the 
ground with a circle of friends.

Majority Shia have long complained of sectarian discrimination in a country 
where the hardline Sunni prime minister, the king's uncle, has held his post 
for four decades.

"The destroyed mosques all had electricity and were registered with the proper 
authority," said a man in his 40s.

The main opposition group Wefaq, which withdrew its 18 deputies in protest 
against the crackdown, said some 25 Shia mosques had been razed since then.

"Some mosques were 20 or 30 years old, some had an older heritage," said a 
Wefaq leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, adding that some might have existed before the 
government required licences.

Daniel Williams at New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said he was 
surprised by the government's sudden interest in mosque licences when it was 
busy with security issues.

"The government knew about these mosques. They tolerated them for a long time," 
Williams said. "The sudden action makes it suspicious. This is not an isolated 

On Thursday, Amnesty International said government opponents faced a 
"relentless and violent crackdown" in Bahrain.

Checkpoint abuses 

The Shia mosque demolitions are taking place while the government is trying to 
show that life has returned to normal.

Pro-government media quote officials, businessmen and expatriates thanking 
security forces for ending the unrest.

The king has ordered compensation for soldiers and security staff wounded in 
the protests, including housing and other benefits for their families, state 
media said on Friday.

Sunni rights activists acknowledge some violations by security forces that 
should be investigated, but say the crackdown was needed to stop chaos after 
radical Shia parties called for the overthrow of the ruling Khalifa family.

"Like in any other country you need to restore stability," said Fulad. "The 
radical parties stole the demands of others."

Moderate Shia also accept that some Sunnis had suffered some Shia violence 
which should be investigated, but point to what they say is random sectarian 
mistreatment of Shia.


[proletar] Toilet gas' blast damages Peshawar police station

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

'Toilet gas' blast damages Peshawar police station

The explosion took place inside Gulbahar police station in Peshawar. - AP (File 

PESHAWAR: A seemingly accidental blast that Pakistani police blamed on "toilet 
gases" damaged a police station in the city of Peshawar on Monday, injuring at 
least five people.

A police official initially said the blast occurred in a room used to store 
ammunition in the station in the neighbourhood of Gulbahar in the main city in 
Pakistan's Taliban-infested northwest.

But the Peshawar police chief later told incredulous reporters on television 
that dodgy sewers were responsible for the collapse of one room and the partial 
damage of two others.

Television footage showed civilians and policemen carrying injured people out 
on stretchers and ambulances rushing to the scene.

Northwestern Pakistan is frequently hit by bomb attacks blamed on Islamist 
militants opposed to the government's alliance with the United States that have 
killed more than 4,200 people across the country since July 2007.

But Peshawar city police chief Liaqat Ali blamed Monday's blast on "gases in 
the toilets".

Asked if gases could be strong enough to demolish two rooms of a police 
station, he insisted: "It happens in many cases."

Local administration official Muhammad Siraj Khan told AFP that a natural gas 
leak in the sewars within the police station caused the blast.

"The blast triggered a fire in a nearby room which had electricity controls," 
he said.

"Five people, including four policemen and one prisoner, were injured," he 

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[proletar] BBC: Libya: Berlusconi backs Nato strikes by Italy jets

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 25 April 2011 Last updated at 20:25 GMT

Libya: Berlusconi backs Nato strikes by Italy jets
Silvio Berlusconi, file pic from 22 April 2011 Mr Berlusconi informed US 
President Barack Obama of his government's decision in a phone call

Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has approved the use of his country's air force in 
Nato's Libya mission.

Italy was ready to allow its jets to take "targeted military action", he said 
in a statement.

Earlier, a Nato air strike badly damaged buildings in Libyan leader Col Muammar 
Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli.

Nato is enforcing a UN resolution to protect civilians in Libya amid a revolt 
that began in February, inspired by other uprisings in the Arab world.

Mr Berlusconi announced the decision after a telephone call with US President 
Barack Obama, and would also call other European leaders to brief them 
personally, said his statement.

Italy had previously said it would not take part in Nato-led air strikes, 
citing its 40-year colonial rule of Libya.
Nato split

The UK has for weeks called for more commitment from Nato members to the 
operation in Libya, but on Monday Russia said the Western military intervention 
risked fanning a series of civil wars across the Middle East.

image of Duncan Kennedy Duncan Kennedy BBC News, Rome

For weeks Italy has resisted joining the Nato-led air missions over Libya. It 
argued that, as the former colonial power in Libya, the political cost of 
causing casualties was too high.

Last week the head of the rebel Transition National Council visited Rome to 
plead for a change of mind. Italy responded by saying it would join Britain and 
France in sending military advisers, but would do no more.

Now Mr Berlusconi has signalled a major shift in policy, saying that Italy 
would take action against what he called specific military objectives in order 
to help protect the civilian population.

The move is likely to be welcomed by Nato planners who had asked its members to 
offer additional resources to keep up the pressure on Col Gadaffi.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Western nations had sided with the 
Libyan rebels, leading to an expectation among rebel groups in the Middle East 
that foreign countries would help them to overthrow their governments.

"This creates a very dangerous mood," said Mr Lavrov.

"Unfortunately, it is probably contagious and it's popping up amongst 
protesters in other countries of this region with the hopes that they just need 
to aggravate the situation and then the international community will come to 
help, will take their side."

Russia abstained from March's UN resolution authorising a no-fly zone to 
protect civilians, and correspondents say the Kremlin feels Nato's bombing 
campaign has gone beyond what the resolution is designed to do.

Italy, France and Britain last week agreed to send military advisers to assist 
the Benghazi-based rebel Transitional National Council (TNC) in its battle 
against pro-Gaddafi forces.

The US launched its first Predator drone strikes pro-Gaddafi military positions 
over the weekend, which the Libyan government denounced as crimes against 
'Agents, traitors and spies'

In some of the latest air raids by Nato jets, at least two missiles reportedly 
struck the Libyan leader's sprawling Bab al-Azizia compound early on Monday.
Mourners attend the funeral of a group of family members killed by shelling in 
Misrata, Libya, 25 April Human rights groups say more than 1,000 people have 
been killed in Misrata

Correspondents said the blasts they caused were among the biggest explosions in 
the capital so far.

Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said Col Gaddafi was in a safe place and 
that his morale remained after what he called "an attempt to assassinate the 
leader and other political leaders of this country".

Mr Ibrahim said the air strike - which he described as "an act of terrorism" - 
killed three people and wounded 45.

Col Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, condemned the "cowardly" attack.

"You, Nato, are surrounded by agents, traitors and spies, while Muammar Gaddafi 
is surrounded by millions," he said.

"So I tell you now that you are losing the battle. History has proved that no 
state can rely on them to win."

The BBC's Ian Pannell in Tripoli said the damaged buildings appeared to be the 
same ones that Col Gaddafi used to host a recent visit by an African Union 
peace mission.

The attack prompted three Libyan TV stations to go off-air for a brief period.

Nato says it has been actively targeting command and control positions in Libya

Three more loud blasts were reported in the capital on Monday night, although 
further details were not available.

Monday saw further fighting in the rebel-held city of Misrata, which has been 
besieged by government forces for two months.

At the weekend, the regime claimed to have suspended operations in the western 
coastal city, and its forces withdrew in places, says the BBC's Orla Guerin.


[proletar] Jordan Times: At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

DAMASCUS (AFP) - Thousands of Syrian troops backed by tanks stormed the 
flashpoint town of Daraa on Monday killing at least 25 people, witnesses said, 
as a leading rights activist accused Damascus of opting for a "military 
solution" to crush dissent.

Troops also launched assaults on the Damascus suburbs of Douma and Al 
Maadamiyeh, witnesses said, as the head of the UN human rights agency slammed 
what she called the security forces' disregard for human life.

A military official later said that troops entered Syria's flashpoint southern 
town of Daraa on Monday at the request of citizens to hunt "extremist terrorist 

"In response to calls for help from the inhabitants of Daraa, who urged the 
armed forces to intervene and the killings and destruction by extremist 
terrorist groups, units entered Daraa this morning to restore calm and 
security," state television quoted a military official as saying.

"The army is now pursuing these groups with the help of the security forces and 
has arrested several of them and seized large quantities of weapons and 
ammunition," a statement said.

"As a result of the confrontations there were a number of martyrs in the ranks 
of the army and the security forces," it said, adding that an unspecified 
number of suspects were "killed and wounded".

The United States, which has repeatedly denounced Syria's repression of the 
protests, was considering sanctions against Damascus, an official in Washington 

Activist Abdullah Abazid told AFP by telephone from Daraa that Syrian forces 
were pounding the southern town near the border with heavy artillery and that 
"at least 25 martyrs have fallen".

"There are still bodies sprawled in the streets," he said, with the sound of 
loud explosions and gunfire in the background.

A group of activists said in a statement to media that "more than 25 people 
fell but no one could reach them because of the heavy shelling" and that only 
seven bodies were retrieved.

They were identified by name and included a father and his two sons, said the 
statement which accused Syrian troops of firing indiscriminately with 
anti-aircraft guns.

"The commander of the Third Army Corps, Kamal Ayyash, a citizen of Daraa, was 
arrested because he protested against the killings," the statement said.

A resident earlier said he witnessed five people killed when their car was 
raked with fire in Daraa, where Syria's unprecedented anti-regime protests 
erupted six weeks ago.

Abazid said Daraa was "like being in a battlefield".

The army seized at least two mosques in the town as well as the cemetery where 
scores of people killed in anti-regime protests have been buried, activists 

The assault began at dawn when 3,000 to 5,000 army and security forces swooped 
down on Daraa, with tanks taking up position in the town centre and snipers 
deploying on rooftops, activists said.

"The minarets of the mosques are appealing for help. The security forces are 
entering houses. There is a curfew and they fire on those who leave their 
homes. They even shot at water tanks on roofs to deprive people of water," said 
a witness.

A massive crackdown was also under way in Douma, a large suburb in northern 
Damascus, and nearby Al Maadamiyeh, said activists reached by telephone.

"The situation is dramatic. Patrols man each alleyway and prevent people from 
going out even to buy bread," one resident reached by AFP said.

"Even funerals of youths killed on Friday and Saturday were not held," he 
added. Schools stayed closed and civil servants were unable to go to work.

An activist from Douma said security forces "surrounded a mosque and are firing 
indiscriminately. Streets are cut off from each other and Douma is isolated 
from the outside world".

There have been sweeping arrests in Douma since Sunday, he added.

Some 390 people have been killed in security crackdowns since the protests 
erupted, rights activists and witnesses say.

Rami Abdel Rahman, a prominent rights activist, told AFP that Monday's 
crackdown showed Damascus had decided to crush the protests militarily.

"It is clear that the Syrian authorities have taken a decision for a military 
and security solution," Abdel Rahman, head of the London-based Syrian 
Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP.

In Washington, US National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor said his 
government could respond to the "brutal violence" with sanctions.

"The United States is pursuing a range of possible policy options, including 
targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown and make clear that this 
behaviour is unacceptable," said Vietor.

"The Syrian people's call for freedom of expression, association, peaceful 
assembly, and the ability to freely choose their leaders must be heard."

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said the killings must stop.

"Just a few days after the announcement of sweeping and important re

[proletar] Jpordan Times: At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
At least 25 killed as Syrian tanks storm Daraa'

DAMASCUS (AFP) - Thousands of Syrian troops backed by tanks stormed the 
flashpoint town of Daraa on Monday killing at least 25 people, witnesses said, 
as a leading rights activist accused Damascus of opting for a "military 
solution" to crush dissent.

Troops also launched assaults on the Damascus suburbs of Douma and Al 
Maadamiyeh, witnesses said, as the head of the UN human rights agency slammed 
what she called the security forces' disregard for human life.

A military official later said that troops entered Syria's flashpoint southern 
town of Daraa on Monday at the request of citizens to hunt "extremist terrorist 

"In response to calls for help from the inhabitants of Daraa, who urged the 
armed forces to intervene and the killings and destruction by extremist 
terrorist groups, units entered Daraa this morning to restore calm and 
security," state television quoted a military official as saying.

"The army is now pursuing these groups with the help of the security forces and 
has arrested several of them and seized large quantities of weapons and 
ammunition," a statement said.

"As a result of the confrontations there were a number of martyrs in the ranks 
of the army and the security forces," it said, adding that an unspecified 
number of suspects were "killed and wounded".

The United States, which has repeatedly denounced Syria's repression of the 
protests, was considering sanctions against Damascus, an official in Washington 

Activist Abdullah Abazid told AFP by telephone from Daraa that Syrian forces 
were pounding the southern town near the border with heavy artillery and that 
"at least 25 martyrs have fallen".

"There are still bodies sprawled in the streets," he said, with the sound of 
loud explosions and gunfire in the background.

A group of activists said in a statement to media that "more than 25 people 
fell but no one could reach them because of the heavy shelling" and that only 
seven bodies were retrieved.

They were identified by name and included a father and his two sons, said the 
statement which accused Syrian troops of firing indiscriminately with 
anti-aircraft guns.

"The commander of the Third Army Corps, Kamal Ayyash, a citizen of Daraa, was 
arrested because he protested against the killings," the statement said.

A resident earlier said he witnessed five people killed when their car was 
raked with fire in Daraa, where Syria's unprecedented anti-regime protests 
erupted six weeks ago.

Abazid said Daraa was "like being in a battlefield".

The army seized at least two mosques in the town as well as the cemetery where 
scores of people killed in anti-regime protests have been buried, activists 

The assault began at dawn when 3,000 to 5,000 army and security forces swooped 
down on Daraa, with tanks taking up position in the town centre and snipers 
deploying on rooftops, activists said.

"The minarets of the mosques are appealing for help. The security forces are 
entering houses. There is a curfew and they fire on those who leave their 
homes. They even shot at water tanks on roofs to deprive people of water," said 
a witness.

A massive crackdown was also under way in Douma, a large suburb in northern 
Damascus, and nearby Al Maadamiyeh, said activists reached by telephone.

"The situation is dramatic. Patrols man each alleyway and prevent people from 
going out even to buy bread," one resident reached by AFP said.

"Even funerals of youths killed on Friday and Saturday were not held," he 
added. Schools stayed closed and civil servants were unable to go to work.

An activist from Douma said security forces "surrounded a mosque and are firing 
indiscriminately. Streets are cut off from each other and Douma is isolated 
from the outside world".

There have been sweeping arrests in Douma since Sunday, he added.

Some 390 people have been killed in security crackdowns since the protests 
erupted, rights activists and witnesses say.

Rami Abdel Rahman, a prominent rights activist, told AFP that Monday's 
crackdown showed Damascus had decided to crush the protests militarily.

"It is clear that the Syrian authorities have taken a decision for a military 
and security solution," Abdel Rahman, head of the London-based Syrian 
Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP.

In Washington, US National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor said his 
government could respond to the "brutal violence" with sanctions.

"The United States is pursuing a range of possible policy options, including 
targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown and make clear that this 
behaviour is unacceptable," said Vietor.

"The Syrian people's call for freedom of expression, association, peaceful 
assembly, and the ability to freely choose their leaders must be heard."

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said the killings must stop.

"Just a few days after the announcement of sweeping and important re

[proletar] Re: Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Salah satu masaalah besar dengan adab Islam adalah bahwa mereka TIDAK  mengenal 
"golden rule"..

Misalnya, mereka tidak senang dikibuli dan didustai, tapi mereka rata-rata 
rajin ngibul dan berdusta...

Mereka menolak difitnah, tapi rata-rata mereka rajin memfitnah...

Jadi mereka tidak berkesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri mereka dan hingga 
sekarang adab islam itu tetap saja buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas dan biadab.. 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Ada jg sih orang2 "Kristen" yg bejad, misalnya di milis lain ada orang 
> Katolik 
> yg bilang bhw gua akan dpt musibah sebelum Natal krn gua nunjukin kekonyolan 
> ajaran Katolik. Lalu ada jg yg maki2 ga keruan kayak kaing2 dr orang Islam 
> kejepit buntut.
> Tp emang cuma orang Islam aja sbg penganut agama yg benar yg secara serempak 
> jadi tukang fitnah, termasuk jg orang Islam ogah dimasukin ke dlm golongan 
> orang 
> islam kayak si habe dan ayub_yahya. Kelompok tukang fitnah yg disebut sbg 
> gerombolan  Islam plus.
> From: Jusfiq 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 6:43:59 PM
> Subject: [proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah 
> disini?
> Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?
> Sedangkan peserta yang menganut agama Islam itu rata-rata adalah bajingan 
> pendusta dan bangsta tukang fitnah.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Student appeals expulsion over deviant relationship

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

Student appeals expulsion over deviant relationship 

Published: Apr 24, 2011 23:20 Updated: Apr 25, 2011 10:10 

JEDDAH: A Saudi woman expelled from her college for having a lesbian 
relationship with her hostel supervisor has urged authorities to review the 
decision and allow her to continue her education.

Speaking on a radio program recently, the girl who introduced herself as Sarah 
from Turaif who was in the final year of her course, said it was the hostel 
supervisor who started the relationship.

"Unfortunately, the investigating committee did not take any action against the 
supervisor, who sent more than 1,000 love texts to my mobile in addition to 
written letters," she told the program.

She admitted the relationship to the investigating committee while swearing by 
the Qur'an, but the supervisor denied it.

"They rusticated me while I was in the final year of my studies. It is a harsh 
punishment. They should have imposed a softer punishment so that I could 
continue my studies," Sarah said.

Abdul Qader Tankal, supervisor of safety and security at King Abdulaziz 
University, said the committee should have dealt with the issue more sensibly 
and provided the girl with necessary counseling with the help of educators and 

He said expelling the girl created a new problem instead of resolving the 
issue. He said action should also be taken against the supervisor by college 
authorities on the basis of the girl's statement. He said lesbian relationships 
are quite common among girls in recent years because of the influence of 
satellite channels and the Internet.

"When we observed a few cases in our university we dealt with them by providing 
necessary counseling. We also hold a number of lectures and other programs to 
protect girls from having such deviant relationships," he said.

A number of psychologists told Arab News that lesbian relationships happen in 
schools and universities for many reasons, including a sexual identity crisis 
suffered by some girls. Some of them were victims of sexual abuse during their 
childhood and most of them do not want treatment to change their lesbian 
attitudes, they added.

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[proletar] Orang Islam udah pada terkapar dihadapan orang kafir seperti "item abu"

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Orang Islam udah pada terkapar dihadapan orang kafir seperti "item abu"..

Pada nggak bekutik lagi..

Kaing-kaing kayak anjing budug kena pentungpun tidak banyak lagi yang sanggup...

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Re: [proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Ada jg sih orang2 "Kristen" yg bejad, misalnya di milis lain ada orang Katolik 
yg bilang bhw gua akan dpt musibah sebelum Natal krn gua nunjukin kekonyolan 
ajaran Katolik. Lalu ada jg yg maki2 ga keruan kayak kaing2 dr orang Islam 
kejepit buntut.

Tp emang cuma orang Islam aja sbg penganut agama yg benar yg secara serempak 
jadi tukang fitnah, termasuk jg orang Islam ogah dimasukin ke dlm golongan 
islam kayak si habe dan ayub_yahya. Kelompok tukang fitnah yg disebut sbg 
gerombolan  Islam plus.

From: Jusfiq 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 6:43:59 PM
Subject: [proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah 


Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

Sedangkan peserta yang menganut agama Islam itu rata-rata adalah bajingan 
pendusta dan bangsta tukang fitnah.


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Re: [proletar] KS Sebut 'Merah Putih' Itu Kain, Bukan Bendera +Penjelasan Tifatul Soal Insiden Merah Putih

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Apa orang itu begitu tololnya shg ga bisa bedain antara kain dgn bendera?

Kalo ada yg bisa anggap bhw itu adalah bendera yg diinjak, artinya itu memang 
bendera, bukan sekedar kain.

PKS ini emang bajingan pengkhianat bangsa, musuh negara RI.

From: sunny 
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 2:56:24 PM
Subject: [proletar] KS Sebut 'Merah Putih' Itu Kain, Bukan Bendera +Penjelasan 
Tifatul Soal Insiden Merah Putih

Refleksi : Tentu hasrat PKS  bendera negara harus dasarnya hijau seperti 
Arab Sauda dengan tulisan huruf arab dan gambar pedang. Masih lumayan dibilang 
Merah Putih itu kain, bukan kain kafir.
Tetapi bagaimana kalau Merah Putih itu dibuat dari besi, apakah juga dibilang 
bukan bendera tetapi sekeping besi?

Taiful Sembiring dan sobat-sobat PKS cs harus berikan contoh baik nan bagus 
yakni bukan saja mengenai masalah bendera , tetapi juga cara berpakain, tutup 
aurat alias garabeya atau jubah agar cocok dengan  bendera yang dikehendaki. 
Buanglah jauh-jauh dasi dan jas model bintang film kafir. Lihat kaum wanita, 
sebahagian dari mereka sudah berpakaian  tutup aurat, koq yang laki-laki 
petinggi negara masih tertinggal dengan  berpakain a la kafir. .


PKS Sebut 'Merah Putih' Itu Kain, Bukan Bendera 
Senin, 25 April 2011 | 00:54 WIB

TEMPO/Fahmi Ali

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) menegaskan, insiden 
teatrikal di peringatan ulang tahun (Milad) ke-13 partai mereka di Tasikmalaya, 
Jawa Barat, Ahad (24/4) berlangsung pada sehelai kain, bukan simbol negara 
bendera Merah Putih. 

"Karena spontan, maka tarian dilakukan dilakukan di luar gedung GOR. Namun, tak 
disangka di ujung tarian ada kain seperti bendera merah putih terinjak peserta 
tari." kata Wakil Sekjen PKS Mahfudz Siddiq dalam keterangan tertulisnya kepada 
wartawan, Ahad (24/4). 

Mahfudz menegaskan, aksi teatrikal itu tak bermaksud melecehkan bendera merah 
putih sebagai simbol negara. Aksi itu tak lebih dari upaya sumbangan spontan 
para siswa SMU Muttaqien yang diundang ke acara itu. "Ini mengejutkan. Atas 
inisiatif panitia, Ketua Panitia saudara Tono yang juga Ketua DPD PKS 
Tasikmalaya akhirnya memberikan keterangan di kantor polisi," kata Mahfudz.

Atas insiden tersebut, polisi setempat setidaknya telah memeriksa 10 penari.

Selain memeriksa para penari, polisi juga menyita kain merah putih sepanjang 2 
6 meter dan alat peraga lain. Polisi mendapat penjelasan, aksi itu dilakukan 
untuk seni dan tidak ada maksud melecehkan simbol negara. 

Kepolisian, kata Mahfudz lagi, sudah bisa menerima penjelasan itu. " Kapolres 
bisa menerima penjelasan panitia," kata Mahfudz. " Kami pun demikian dengan 
penyumbang tarian, juga meminta maaf."




Penjelasan Tifatul Soal Insiden Merah Putih 

Senin, 25 April 2011 | 05:50 WIB

Tifatul Sembiring. TEMPO/Imam Sukamto

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Anggota Majelis Syuro Partai Keadilan Sejahtera 
(PKS) Tifatul Sembiring meminta maaf atas terjadinya insiden merah putih di 
Tasikmalaya. Lewat akun Twitter-nya @tifsembiring, PKS berjanji akan lebih 
mengontrol acara-acara sensitif yang bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman masyarakat.

Sebuah insiden terjadi di peringatan ulang tahun (Milad) ke-13 PKS di 
Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, pada Minggu (24/4). Sebanyak 8 siswi SMA Al Muttaqin 
menginjak-injak kain merah putih berukuran 2 x 6 meter ketika sedang melakukan 
aksi teatrikal. 

Polisi kemudian menghentikan Milad tersebut dan meminta keterangan para siswi, 
termasuk panitia penyelenggara. Setelah itu, mereka dilepas. Polisi mendapat 
penjelasan, aksi itu dilakukan untuk seni dan tidak ada maksud melecehkan 

"DPD PKS Tasikmalaya dan DPW PKS Jawa Barat telah menyampaikan permohonan maaf 
karena kekeliruan sumbangan acara tersebut," tulis Tifatul Sembiring, mantan 
Presiden PKS di akun Twitter-nya 9 jam lalu. 

Berikut 6 poin penjelasan Tifatul soal insiden kain Merah Putih tersebut lewat 
akun Twitter-nya. 

1. Ini sedikit penjelasan panitia soal bendera: setiap tahun selalu diadakan 
acara Milad, termasuk di DPD PKS #Tasik. #MiladPKS

2. Pada acara Milad kali ini DPD PKS #Tasik juga melibatkan masyarakat selain 
kader PKS seperti pelajar SMU, anak jalanan, pengamen, dan sebagainya.

3. Salah satunya putri-putri SMU At Muttaqien menyumbang tarian teatrikal 
membawa kain besar, yang dibimbing para guru mereka. #MiladPKS #Tasik

4. Dalam teatrikal tersebut, bendera besar tadi terinjak-injak. Melihat 
tersebut, polisi menyetop acara tersebut dan memeriksa PJ-nya. #Tasik

5. DPD PKS Tasikmalaya dan DPW PKS Jawa Barat telah menyampaikan permohonan 
karena kekeliruan sumbangan acara tersebut

Re: [proletar] Re: lagi, mengkaji guru

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik item abu
Pernah dengar cerita Sulaiman yg punya tentara manusia, binatang dan jin? 
Sulaiman itu dongengnya bisa ngerti bahasa binatang termasuk bisa mendengar 
omongan semut, padahal semut itu komunikasinya pake bau, bukan suara.

Ada ratu Sheba yg begitu tololnya sampe mikir lantai di istana Sulaiman itu 
kolam, lalu si ratu ini ngangkat gaunnya spy ga basah dan kliatan kakinya yg 

Ada jg jin2 tolol yg terus kerja buat Sulaiman setelah Sulaiman mati krn si 
Sulaiman terus duduk nongkrong di kursinya sekian lama, jin2 itu baru sadar bhw 
Sulaiman udah mati setelah tongkat yg dipegang Sulaiman itu jatuh.

Ini dongeng yg bagus di Quran, cuma aja dongeng ini cuma hasil contekan dr 
dongeng orang lain.

Tp yg gua anggap dongeng paling lucu di Quran itu adalah kisah auloh jadi 
di langit, ceritanya ada yg lagi ngadain meeting di sorga, lalu jin2 pengen 
nguping, maka jin2 itu salling berdiri di atas jin lain dr bumi sampe ke langit 
(ini ada di hadis) spy bisa nguping meeting. Maka auloh jadi satpam dgn 
ngelemparin meteor ke jin2 tsb, spy meetingnya bisa terus jalan. 

Sampe sekarang auloh masih sibuk jadi satpam ngelemparin meteor buat ngusir 
jin2, mungkin meetingnya masih terus berlangsung hehehe

Ga heran tuh kalo si Muhammad dibilang tukang dongeng, tukang nyontek dan orang 
gila, baca aja dongeng2 di Quran.

From: Wong 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 12:57:21 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: lagi, mengkaji guru

Bukan begitu, masalahnya sampeyan menunjuk ada guru ngaji yang mengajar dengan 
dongengan tolol, nah saya minta klarifikasi apa yang sampeyan maksud dengan 
dongengan tolol tsb

Dongeng tentang Israk Miraj dan Musa saya maksudkan hanya sebagai pintu masuk 
agar kita bisa ada obrolan yang mengalir. Karena nyatanya memang kisah dari 
kitab suci sering dijadikan landasan untuk mengambil keputusan. Ndak usah jauh 
jauhlah, di milis prol ini saja, pak Tawang (di manakah beliau sekarang) sering 
menilai bangsa Yahudi sebagai bangsa yang mrusal, hanya karena dalam kitab suci 
AlQuran bangsa Yahudi sering dikisahkan melakukan pembangkangan dan mbalelo 
terhadap perintah Tuhan. Apakah kisah dalam kitab suci itu benar benar terjad?, 
menurut pamahaman saya,  menganggap kisah dalam kitab suci adalah kisah yang 
betul betul terjadi adalah perbuatan tolol, tentu akan menjadi super mega tolol 
apa bila kisah2 tsb dijadikan landasan untuk menghaikimi suatu kaum.

Tapi kalo ternyata dongengan tolol yang sampeyan maksud bukan seprti itu, atao 
sampeyan punya pengertian atao versi lain tentang  dongengan tolol, ya silahkan 
ditulis saja. Monggo dipun babar, kulo lenggah midangetaken.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "ajeg"  wrote:
> Jadi betul, kesel sama guru agama dulu? :) 
> Bicara kalao, taruhlah sampeyan murid dan saya gurunya. 
> Taruhlah saya cerita Isra Miraj Israel ulet bulu kidul persis 
> seperti maunya sampiyan di bawah. Lalu apa sampeyan percaya 
> cuma saya satu-satunya sumber cerita tsb di dunia ini? 
> --- "Wong"  wrote:
> > Bagaimanakah seharusnya guru agama mengajar? Kalao sampeyan menjadi 
> > guru ngaji bagaimanakah sampeyan akan mengajari para santri tentang 
> > Israk Miraj dimana di kisahkan bahwa nabi Muhammad melakukan 
> > perjalanan dalam sekejap naik Buroq dari Masjidil Haram ke 
> > Masijidil Aqso terus ke Sidratul muntaha bertemu dengan Alloh untuk 
> > menerima perintah solat. Apakah ini yang sampeyan maksud sebagai 
> > dongengan tolol. Karena sesungguhnya cerita hanyalah sebuah cerita 
> > fiksi yang jelas tidak masuk akal
> > 
> > Atau sampeyan akan membuat rasionalisasi, misalnya dengan 
> > mengatakan, Buroq itu memang hanya kiasan, Buroq itu bermakna mlebu 
> > sak jroning rok atao masuk kedalam baju wanita, yang berarti nabi 
> > Muhammad sesungguhnya tidak kemana mana tetapi berdiam di rumah 
> > istrinya, tapi nabi Muhammad melamun dan menghayal bisa terbang 
> > kemana mana. Namanya juga menghayal maka tidak heran dalam sekejap 
> > dia bisa berada di Masjidil Harom kemudian sekejap berikutnya ke 
> > Masjidil Aqso dan seterusnya, wong namanya juga melamun.
> > 
> > Jika sampeyan menjadi guru ngaji, bagaimanakah sampeyan akan 
> > menjelaskan kepada para santri tentang eksodus bangsa Israel dari 
> > Mesir menuju tanah perjanjian yang dipimpin oleh Musa. Dimana 
> > dikisahkan dalam pelarian itu Musa memukulkan tongkatnya ke laut 
> > kemudain laut itu terbelah menjadi seperti daratan sehingga bangsa 
> > Israel bisa menyeberang dengan selamat. Inikah kisah dongengan 
> > tolol yang sampeyan maksudkan?
> > 
> > Apakah sampeyan akan mengatakan kepada para santri bahwa kisah ini 
> > hanyalah fiksi, sebab mana mungkin ada tongkat yang ajaib seperti 
> > tongkat Musa.  Keajaiban tongkat Musa hanya bisa ditandingi oleh 
> > senjata yang fiktif juga milik prabu Kresna yaitu sebuah senjata 
> > Cakra,   keajaiban Cakra sungguh ngedab ngedabi, saking hebatnya 
> > senjata ini b

Re: [proletar] pertanda, alamat, sign

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ajeg

Begitulah. Orang kadang terjebak jadi caveman untuk 
menelusuri lagi langkah-langkah yang pernah terjadi. 
Tetirah ke masa lalu. 

Sisi lain dari DWL awal April itu adalah intronya 
yang ngingetin ma'e pada intro Allways Have yang bikin 
do'i bernapsu 'nembakin' gua pake The Sign + Someone dll. 
Rentetan retreat yang bawa kami berdua tetirah ke luka 
lama dengan tenang & senang.. bisa ngetawain diri sendiri 
sampe malemnya bisa nebus Cavatina yang tertunda.. ;) 

Ngomong soal sign yang lain, itu piala raja yang kegiles bus 
pertanda apa kira-kira? hehe..

Oke deh, slamet ngetight & fight (kalo butuh Luger atau 
Magnum kontak omar aja) 

* np: The Juvenile 

telling us the right to choose
if we have no choice 
it's so explosive 
any day will burst into a fire
come down and guide us
before it is too late

--- "liver_duke"  wrote:

> hmmm .. begini toh, dance with lion ;o)
> tapi untuk sementara ini blum bisa ditanggapi, maka
> posting ini untuk ngasih tanda (marked) aja dulu yag.
> kudu bikin telaahan dulu untuk besok yg dua kabupaten
> mo asistensi buat kelarin perda rtrw-nya (uu 26 / 2007).
> taon 2011 ini kayaknya bakal terus tight, termasuk persiapan
> ambil brevet penyidik sekaligus lisensi buat nenteng bareta ;o)
> --- "ajeg"  wrote:
> > Trims. 
> > 
> > Tadi sore pas lagi nggak ada acara dan kebetulan 
> > ujan gede pula, jadi sempet kejebak suasana tol tempohari, 
> > dan.. mumpung belom kena tagih duke nih, hehe.. 
> > 
> > Ayo dong bagi-bagi setorinya sama lagu ini atau sama 
> > lagu lain. Atau yang tanpa lagu juga boleh. 
> > 
> > --- "rezameutia"  wrote:
> > 
> > > tulisan cakeep...
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- "ajeg"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Purbaleunyi menuju Bandung disiram hujan. Semakin ke sana
> > > > semakin deras dan akhirnya lebat berdebam, 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Sebuah perjalanan yang mirip tarian bersama kucing. 
> > > > Mengandung bahaya namun indah menyenangkan. 
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5fRVm3k1aY
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Buat yang pernah (atau masih) doyan dugeman pasti punya 
> > > > setori dengan ini lagu. Ayo dibagi-bagi ceritanya. Yang 
> > > > derita kek, yang ceria kek, pokoknya berceritalah seolah 
> > > > besok matahari nggak terbit lagi, hehe.. 
> > > > 
> > > > catetan, 
> > > > untuk dapetin sensasinya biarkan suara bas meledak-ledak di 
> > > > ruangan - kalau bisa ya pas ujan juga.. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --
> >

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[proletar] France24: Yemeni forces open fire on protesters in deadly crackdown

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Latest update: 25/04/2011 

Yemeni forces open fire on protesters in deadly crackdown

Yemeni forces shot at demonstrators Monday, killing at least 2, as thousands 
gathered in several cities across the country, rejecting a plan for a gradual 
transition of power and demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh's immediate 
By News Wires (text)

AFP - Yemeni security forces and loyalists of embattled President Ali Abdullah 
Saleh shot dead two protesters and wounded scores in separate demonstrations on 
Monday, medics and witnesses told AFP.

"Security forces shot dead a protester and wounded 30 others, eight of them by 
live rounds," a medical source in Ibb, south of Sanaa, told AFP.

At least 30 others needed treatment for tear gas inhalation, witnesses said.

In the southeastern province of Al-Baida, gunmen "belonging to the ruling 
party" opened fire at a sit-in, killing one protester, according to a witness.

Another witness identified the victim as Salem Abdullah.

In Taez south of the capital, police and "gunmen in civilian clothes" opened 
fire with live rounds and tear gas, wounding 50 protesters, 25 with bullets, 
and leaving at least 250 suffering from breathing problems, witnesses said.

They said hundreds of thousands of people had gathered in the flashpoint city 
to pressure Saleh to step down immediately despite a US-backed Gulf plan for a 
transition of power.

The protesters, who have been demonstrating across Yemen since late January, 
rallied against a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plan under which Saleh would 
quit in 30 days with immunity from prosecution.

"No rest, no respite for the executioner," they shouted.

The witnesses said security forces erected concrete barriers to block roads 
leading to the Taez governor's office and also deployed armoured vehicles.

In Sanaa, where demonstrators calling for Saleh's ouster have staged a sit-in 
at a square since February, thousands of teachers -- both men and women -- 
marched on the education ministry.

"No studying, no teaching until the downfall of the president," they chanted.

Witnesses said thousands of people also protested in Mukalla in southeast Yemen 
and in the Red Sea city of Al-Hudaydah. However, no clashes were reported in 
Sanaa or the other two cities.

Residents in Al-Hudaydah said troops from the Republican Guard, which is headed 
by Saleh's son Ahmed, surrounded the local air base of a dissident unit led by 
General Ahmed al-Sanhani.

Anti-Saleh protests, in which more than 130 people have been killed since 
January, have led to defections and clashes within the army. But the Republican 
Guard has remained loyal to Saleh.

The latest flare-up of violence came as the United States urged a peaceful 
transition after Saleh's ruling General People's Congress said on Saturday it 
accepted the GCC transition plan drawn up by Yemen's oil-rich Gulf neighbours.

But demonstrators on Monday carried banners reading "No negotiations, no 

They also held Bahraini flags in a show of solidarity with pro-democracy 
demonstrators in the kingdom, who were the target of a bloody crackdown by 
security forces in mid-March.

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[proletar] CNN: UAE detains 5 said to oppose government

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
UAE detains 5 said to oppose government
>From Jenifer Fenton, CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 1605 GMT (0005 HKT)


* NEW: Elections to a national advisory board have been scheduled for 
* NEW: UAE authorities recently dissolved the board of a prominent 
non-governmental organization
* The five are being held in "preventative custody," a state-run news 
agency said
* They face accusations including opposing the government

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- Authorities in the United Arab 
Emirates have arrested a prominent human rights activist and four others on 
accusations that include opposing the government, the state-run WAM news agency 
reported Monday.

The five were "held in preventative custody" on accusations that they committed 
crimes that include undermining the public order, opposing the government 
system and insulting the president, vice president and crown prince of Abu 
Dhabi, the news agency said.

It identified one of the five as Ahmed Mansour Ali Abdullah Al Abd Al Shehi, 
more commonly known as Ahmed Mansour. He is a "leading human rights activist 
who had publicly called for political freedoms and an elected parliament," 
Human Rights Watch said. Mansour also is a member of Human Rights Watch's 
Middle East advisory committee.

Attorney General Salim Saeed Kubaish said the five "were arrested on order of 
the public prosecution and questioned in the presence of their lawyers," the 
news agency said.

The others who were arrested are Nasser Ahmed Khalfan bin Gaith, Fahad Salim 
Mohammed Salim Dalk, Hassan Ali Al Khamis -- all of the United Arab Emirates -- 
and Ahmed Abdul Khaleq, who "does not carry identification papers," the news 
agency reported.

The arrests came on the heels of a recent decision by the UAE's government to 
dissolve the elected board of directors of the Jurist Association, a prominent 
civil rights organization in that country, and replace it with state 
appointees, according to Human Rights Watch.

The Jurist Association was one of four non-governmental organizations that sent 
a petition last month to UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and 
other authorities asking for direct elections. The petition also requested 
greater legislative power in the small Persian Gulf country, which is comprised 
of seven emirates, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Authorities said the association violated a law banning non-governmental 
organizations from interfering "in politics or in matters that impair state 
security and (the) ruling regime."

Joe Stork, the deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, blasted UAE 
authorities on Friday for "reacting to domestic criticisms by banning websites, 
detaining peaceful activists, and intensifying its chokehold on civil society."

Analysts say government officials in the UAE appear to be adopting a two-track 
approach to political activity -- clamping down on dissent while promising 
reform and taking a limited number of steps to stave off potential unrest.

In March, the government ordered a 70% increase in pensions for retired 
military personnel. It also approved the construction of hundreds of new villas 
for citizens, and announced new initiatives to increase employment 

New elections to the Federal National Council -- a national advisory board -- 
have been scheduled for September. The last elections for the board were held 
in 2006.

The country has not faced street protests, but authorities are sensitive to the 
unrest sweeping the Arab world. Long-standing regimes in Tunisia and Egypt were 
toppled earlier this year, and Damascus has launched a violent crackdown 
against protesters in Syria. Libya is currently in the midst of a full-blown 
war involving supporters and opponents of strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia recently sent troops to nearby Bahrain to help 
quell an uprising there.

While concerned with rising ethnic and sectarian strife in the region, 
authorities in the UAE also have to contend with potentially explosive 
immigration concerns. More than 8 million people live in the UAE, but Emiratis 
account for only 11.5% of that total. Migrant workers comprise the bulk of the 
population in the country.

CNN's Alan Silverleib contributed to this report 

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Re:[proletar] lagi, mengkaji guru

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ajeg

Begini, saya coba mengikuti pemikiran wawan tentang 
apa yang disebut 'agama' - yang rupanya terbatas hanya 
pada label-label terkenal terutama Kristen & Islam. 
Buat dia, jangankan dongeng, apapun yang berbau 'agama' 
seolah nggak bersisa setitik pun kebaikannya. 

Ini jelas terlalu mengada-ada untuk orang yang katanya 
pernah nyantri di pesantren. Untuk apa membakar rumah 
yang sudah tidak kita sukai - apalagi kalau belum punya 
tempat berteduh lain. 

Nggak lain nggak bukan, saya mengajak wawan untuk nggak 
mbakar rumah yang pernah ditempati, seburuk apa pun 
pengalaman selama tinggal di sana. Kebiasaan bakar-bakar 
seperti itu akan terbawa ke mana pun dia "berteduh". 
Terbukti, wawan membangun analisis yang dengan sendirinya 
terbakar jadi abu. Tapi ya terserah kalau memang suka 
ngerjain hal yang sia-sia. 

Soal tolol enggaknya suatu dongeng saya sependapat sama 
sampeyan. Tergantung bagaimana orang memahami posisi 
dongeng tersebut. Jadi, daripada meributkan benar-tidaknya 
dongeng itu terjadi, lebih baik melihat kegunaannya. 
Memberi inspirasikah, sekedar menghiburkah, atau justru 
meneror dsbkah. 

Bagaimanapun, kitalah yang berhak menentukan posisi 
dongeng itu berdasarkan pengetahuan & pengalaman yang 
kita punya. Jangan malah mabuk, hilang kesadaran, lantas 
menempatkan si pendongeng seolah dia sedang berwahyu / 
berfirman sehingga kata-katanya pun harus ditelan dengan 
patuh, dan menjadikan kata-katanya (dongeng itu) sebagai 
satu-satunya kebenaran, betapapun tololnya dia mendongeng. 

Tegesipun, nggih cekap semanten rumiyin. Dumugi kraos, 
mangertos, ngantos ngemut mentos, adios amigos.. 

--- "Wong"  wrote:

> Bukan begitu, masalahnya sampeyan menunjuk ada guru ngaji yang 
> mengajar dengan dongengan tolol, nah saya minta klarifikasi apa 
> yang sampeyan maksud dengan dongengan tolol tsb
> Dongeng tentang Israk Miraj dan Musa saya maksudkan hanya sebagai 
> pintu masuk agar kita bisa ada obrolan yang mengalir. Karena 
> nyatanya memang kisah dari kitab suci sering dijadikan landasan 
> untuk mengambil keputusan. Ndak usah jauh jauhlah, di milis prol 
> ini saja, pak Tawang (di manakah beliau sekarang) sering menilai 
> bangsa Yahudi sebagai bangsa yang mrusal, hanya karena dalam kitab 
> suci AlQuran bangsa Yahudi sering dikisahkan melakukan 
> pembangkangan dan mbalelo terhadap perintah Tuhan. Apakah kisah 
> dalam kitab suci itu benar benar terjad?, menurut pamahaman saya, 
> menganggap kisah dalam kitab suci adalah kisah yang betul betul 
> terjadi adalah perbuatan tolol, tentu akan menjadi super mega tolol 
> apa bila kisah2 tsb dijadikan landasan untuk menghaikimi suatu kaum.
> Tapi kalo ternyata dongengan tolol yang sampeyan maksud bukan 
> seprti itu, atao sampeyan punya pengertian atao versi lain tentang 
> dongengan tolol, ya silahkan ditulis saja. Monggo dipun babar, kulo 
> lenggah midangetaken.
> Rahayu
> --- "ajeg"  wrote:
> > Jadi betul, kesel sama guru agama dulu? :) 
> > 
> > Bicara kalao, taruhlah sampeyan murid dan saya gurunya. 
> > Taruhlah saya cerita Isra Miraj Israel ulet bulu kidul persis 
> > seperti maunya sampiyan di bawah. Lalu apa sampeyan percaya 
> > cuma saya satu-satunya sumber cerita tsb di dunia ini? 
> > 
> > --- "Wong"  wrote:
> > 
> > > Bagaimanakah seharusnya guru agama mengajar? Kalao sampeyan 
> > > menjadi guru ngaji bagaimanakah sampeyan akan mengajari para 
> > > santri tentang Israk Miraj dimana di kisahkan bahwa nabi 
> > > Muhammad melakukan perjalanan dalam sekejap naik Buroq dari 
> > > Masjidil Haram ke Masijidil Aqso terus ke Sidratul muntaha 
> > > bertemu dengan Alloh untuk menerima perintah solat. Apakah ini 
> > > yang sampeyan maksud sebagai dongengan tolol. Karena 
> > > sesungguhnya cerita hanyalah sebuah cerita fiksi yang jelas 
> > > tidak masuk akal
> > > 
> > > Atau sampeyan akan membuat rasionalisasi, misalnya dengan 
> > > mengatakan, Buroq itu memang hanya kiasan, Buroq itu bermakna 
> > > mlebu sak jroning rok atao masuk kedalam baju wanita, yang 
> > > berarti nabi Muhammad sesungguhnya tidak kemana mana tetapi 
> > > berdiam di rumah istrinya, tapi nabi Muhammad melamun dan 
> > > menghayal bisa terbang kemana mana. Namanya juga menghayal maka 
> > > tidak heran dalam sekejap dia bisa berada di Masjidil Harom 
> > > kemudian sekejap berikutnya ke Masjidil Aqso dan seterusnya, 
> > > wong namanya juga melamun.
> > > 
> > > Jika sampeyan menjadi guru ngaji, bagaimanakah sampeyan akan 
> > > menjelaskan kepada para santri tentang eksodus bangsa Israel 
> > > dari Mesir menuju tanah perjanjian yang dipimpin oleh Musa. 
> > > Dimana dikisahkan dalam pelarian itu Musa memukulkan tongkatnya 
> > > ke laut kemudain laut itu terbelah menjadi seperti daratan 
> > > sehingga bangsa Israel bisa menyeberang dengan selamat. Inikah 
> > > kisah dongengan tolol yang sampeyan maksudkan?
> > > 
> > > Apakah sampeyan akan mengatakan kepada para santri bahwa kisah 
> > > ini hanyalah fiksi, sebab mana mungkin ada tongkat yang

Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik ajeg

Kalau begitu cocok apa kata Teddy, manusia pun 
banyak kelemahannya. Bahkan bisa lebih lemah 
dari binatang dalam urusan mengendalikan diri. 

Karena itu agama pernah bilang, perang terdahsyat 
adalah perang melawan diri sendiri. 

--- "widura"  wrote:

> Tentu saja ikan hias tersebut sudah dipilih yg paling mulia 
> diantara lainnya, yg tau benar dan salah..tapi diantara mereka 
> malah sok cari muka ke saya, sebagai pemilik aquarium, dgn merasa 
> paling hebat dan paling nurut ke saya...padahal semua yg saya 
> pelihara disana saya harapkan bisa hidup damai...dan saya ngga 
> perlu cari mukanya itu...jengkel memang menyaksikannya..udah coba 
> saya "sentil" supaya gak ribut tapi masih aja ribut 
> terus...akhirnya saya pisahkan yg arogan bersama kelompoknya agar 
> tidak terjadi keributan...eh ternyata dikoloni mereka yg sudah 
> dipisahkan tersebut, masih juga mereka ribut menyerang satu sama 
> lain karena merasa mereka dan kelompoknya yg paling nurut sama 
> saya...bener2 bikin repot... 
> -Original Message-
> From: "ajeg" 
> > Tergantung jenis ikannya. 
> > Kalau warna-warni itu terkumpul di satu ekor ikan 
> > cupang, ya berabelah dunia aquarium. Apalagi kalau 
> > aquarium diisi ikan cupang semua. 
> > 
> > Lucu nih, kemarin ada yang jengkel sama guru agama, 
> > sekarang ada yang jengkel sama ikan. Tapi yang dijadiin 
> > sasaran pelampiasan malah agama. 
> > 
> > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > 
> > > Saya punya aquarium dan saya isi dgn ikan hias sejenis beragam 
> > > warna : hitam, merah, kuning, dan putih serta diberi hiasan 
> > > natural agar lebih nyaman...harapan saya ikan tersebut hidup 
> > > damai bersama dalam satu wadah...tapi ternyata ada yg merasa 
> > > paling berkuasa lalu mengganggu yg lainnya yg asik mencari 
> > > makan kesana kemarijengkel sekali saya melihat ikan seperti 
> > > itu...tidak seperti yg diharapkan utk hidup dama bersama 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: "Teddy S." 
> > 
> > > Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan. 
> > > 
> > > --- "widura"  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan 
> > > > gamblang dan jelas dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya 
> > > > merusak nurani saja
> > > 
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] CNN: Syria launches bloody new crackdown as U.S. threatens sanctions

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Syria launches bloody new crackdown as U.S. threatens sanctions
>From Rima Maktabi, CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 1715 GMT (0115 HKT)

(CNN) -- The Syrian government launched a major military operation Monday, 
sending thousands of troops into the town where the country's uprising began, 
to carry out what witnesses described as a brutal, wider-scale crackdown.

The United States threatened sanctions against the country, calling for a halt 
to Syria's "deplorable" actions. At the United Nations, a draft statement 
condemning the violence was being circulated among security council members, a 
U.N. diplomat said.

Between 4,000 and 5,000 members of the Army and security forces raided the 
southern city of Daraa just after 4 a.m. equipped with seven tanks, and began 
shooting indiscriminately, in some cases shooting into homes as people slept, 
according to an activist with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Seven people were confirmed killed in the city, the activist said.

Other witnesses described a trail of dead bodies in the streets.

"Ambulances could not help the injured because of the snipers and army officers 
who are deployed all over the city," one witness in Daraa said. "They shoot on 
anything that moves."

A military official -- the second commander in a brigade that entered Daraa -- 
defected over the violence, the activist with the Syrian Observatory for Human 
Rights and another opposition source said. The commander was then arrested, the 
activist said.

In the city of Douma, security forces took to the streets and arrested numerous 
people, a witness said, comparing the city to a prison.

Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council, issued a 
statement condemning Syria's "brutal violence" against its citizens, calling it 
"completely deplorable."

"The United States is pursuing a range of possible policy options, including 
targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown and make clear that this 
behavior is unacceptable," Vietor said in the statement. "The Syrian people's 
call for freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and the ability 
to freely choose their leaders must be heard."

The United States is preparing new sanctions against members of Bashar 
al-Assad's regime who are overseeing the violent crackdown, according to 
several senior U.S. officials with knowledge of the action. A new Treasury 
Department executive order targeting senior officials accused of human rights 
abuses would involve an asset freeze and travel ban, as well as prohibiting 
them from doing business in the United States.

A U.N. diplomat said a draft security council statement sponsored by France, 
Portgual, and the United Kingdom condemned the violence and called for 
restraint. It also supported Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's call for an 
independent investigation on the matter. The draft was to be formally 
introduced Monday, and a final statement could be agreed upon by Tuesday, the 
diplomat said.

U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay issued a statement saying Syria has offered 
"paper reforms followed by violent crackdowns on protesters."

"The international community has repeatedly urged the Syrian Government to stop 
killing its own people, but our calls have gone unheeded," Pillay said. Her 
office has received a list naming 76 people killed on Friday during evidently 
peaceful marches, but the number may be much higher, Pillay's office said. The 
office is also looking into reports of 13 people killed in funeral processions 

The Syrian government, meanwhile, said 12 "martyrs" killed "by armed criminal 
groups" around the country -- including several near Daraa -- were buried. The 
government has been arguing that its security forces are cracking down on such 
groups wreaking havoc on the nation.

Fear and panic coursed through Daraa on Monday.

Anti-government protests that have taken hold in many parts of Syria began in 
Daraa last month following a violent crackdown by security forces on peaceful 
demonstrators protesting the arrests of youths who scribbled anti-government 
graffiti. Protesters have asked for freedom and regime reform. Public 
discontent with al-Assad's government has mounted.

Activists also want the easing of the ruling Baath Party's power and a law that 
would permit the establishment of independent political parties.

In recent days, witnesses in Syria had told CNN they want the security 
apparatus, which includes Syria's secret intelligence operatives, dissolved, 
and would rather see the army take to the streets. They believed the army would 
be friendlier to protesters -- as was the case in the Egyptian uprising. But on 
Monday, video from Syria showed what appeared to be members of the army 
carrying out al-Assad's crackdown.

As another witness spoke to CNN by phone, the sound of gunfire could be heard 
in the background, along with people screaming, "Allahu Akbar" -- meaning "God 
is great."

"There are around 3,000 s

Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Begini jadinya kalau orang sudah mempertuhankan luling dan luxemberg.  
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:40 PM
> Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.
> Bajingan pendusta.
> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang
> > dungu 
> > 
> > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation
> > masin 
> > 
> > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 
> > 
> > yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa
> > istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bajingan pendusta.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 
> > 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 
> > 
> > > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 
> > 
> > > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > 
> > > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > 
> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya 
> > > pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius 
> > > dan mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan 
> > > hingga mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > *
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
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> > > 
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> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
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> > 
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> > 
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> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

[proletar] Karena dungu PAREWA PAREWA itu menyembah Allah yang tidak berbukti ada..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Karena dungu kayak babi, walaupun sudah dibuktikan oleh orang kafir di mailng 
list ini bahwa buku taik anjing al-Mushaf itu TIDAK berisi wahyu Allah, tapi 
PAREWA PAREWA itu tetap saja menyembah Allah yang tidak berbukti ada lima kali 


PAREWA PAREWA itu sungguh-sungguh dungu.

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

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[proletar] al-Mushaf & PAREWA PAREWA yang dungu kayak babi..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Orang kafir di mailing list ini, seperti "great pretender" dan "sebuah 
kenyataan" sudah membuktikan secara telak bahwa buku taik anjing al-Mushaf yang 
dijadikan kitab suci oleh PAREWA PAREWA itu TIDAK berisi wahyu Allah.

Tapi karena PAREWA PAREWA itu dungu kayang babi, terus aja buku taik anjing itu 
dijadikannya kitab suci.

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Kerak kenistaan itu adalah tabiat anda PAREWA PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan penipu.

Bangsat tukang kibul.

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Ooo anda.
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 8:03 PM
> Kerek kenistaan itu adalah tabiat anda PAREWA  PAREWA.
> Anda itu bajingan penipu.
> Bangsat tukang kibul.
> Tukang palsukan posting orang.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > siapa yg kerak kenistaan?
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:38 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> > 
> > Anda itu bangsat PAREWA PAREWA.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Anda itu bajingan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tukang palsukan posting orang.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Anda itu adalah manusia bertabiat nista.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kerek kenistaan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > 
> > > Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> > 
> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Saya menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > "PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi 
> > > menjijikkan
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > pendapatnya..."
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
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> > >  
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> > > 
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> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Ooo anda.

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 8:03 PM




Kerek kenistaan itu adalah tabiat anda PAREWA  PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan penipu.

Bangsat tukang kibul.

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> siapa yg kerak kenistaan?


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:38 PM




















> Anda itu bangsat PAREWA PAREWA.




> Anda itu bajingan.




> Tukang palsukan posting orang.




> Anda itu adalah manusia bertabiat nista.




> Kerek kenistaan.




> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> >


> > OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap


> > 


> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> > 


> > Dari: Jusfiq 


> > Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..


> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com


> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> >   


> >   PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Saya menulis:


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > "PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi 
> > menjijikkan


> > 


> > bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi


> > 


> > pendapatnya..."


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > > Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> >























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Seperti PAREWA PAREWA, orang Islam itu rata-rata takut tahu, takut pinter..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Seperti PAREWA PAREWA, orang Islam itu rata-rata takut tahu, takut pinter..

Mereka rata-rata takut membaca hasil kajian ilmiah seperti tulisan Luling dan 

Atau buku Dawkins...

Beraninya berdusta dan memfitnah...

Rata-rata peserta mailing list ini yang beragama Islam adalah bajingan pendusta 
dan bangsat tukang fitnah.

Orang Nasrani yang suka berdusta dan suka memfitnah di mailing list ini, 
seingat saya hanyalah Suryana.

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Beda PAREWA PAERWA dari Rchan Situmorang...

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Rchan Situmorang yang meganut agama Nasrani itu TIDAK takut membaca buku 
Dawkins  ...

Sedangkan PAREWA PAREWA takut baca buku Luling dan Luxenberg..


Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] PAREWA PAREWA nggak berani baca buku Luling dan Luxenberg...

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

PAREWA PAREWA nggak berani baca buku Luling dan Luxenberg...

PAREWA PAREWA itu takut tahu.

Takut pinter.

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menji

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Jadi anda berdusta PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Bangat penipu.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Ya kalau anda baca secara harafiah. Itulah satu bukti anda super dongok.
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah 
> yang busuk, nista lagi menji
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 8:01 PM
> Jadi anda itu BANGSAT penipu PAREWA PAREWA.
> Anda itu bajingan tukang fitnah.
> Jadi, tidak ada saya bilang bahwa "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > Memang tak ada anda bilang secara langsung. Tapi selama-lamanya yang jadi 
> > referensi anda kalau sudah kepepet kan selalu google, dan internet secara 
> > umum. Dan anda jelas dengan pongahnya selalu membangga-bangga ilmu yg anda 
> > timba dari internet itu. Jelaslah google lah yg bikin anda "pintar". 
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang 
> > busuk, nista lagi menji
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> > 
> > Bangsat penipu..
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bajingan  pendusta.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tidak ada saya bilang "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia 
> > > "pintar"
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Dari: David Silalahi 
> > 
> > > Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
> > 
> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > untuk tambah bodoh.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada 
> > > jawabannya.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > > 
> > 
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> > >  
> > 
> > > 
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> > > 
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> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
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> > 
> >  
> > 
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> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
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Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Kerek kenistaan itu adalah tabiat anda PAREWA  PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan penipu.

Bangsat tukang kibul.

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> siapa yg kerak kenistaan?
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:38 PM
> Anda itu bangsat PAREWA PAREWA.
> Anda itu bajingan.
> Tukang palsukan posting orang.
> Anda itu adalah manusia bertabiat nista.
> Kerek kenistaan.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Saya menulis:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi 
> > menjijikkan
> > 
> > bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi
> > 
> > pendapatnya..."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menji

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Ya kalau anda baca secara harafiah. Itulah satu bukti anda super dongok.

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang 
busuk, nista lagi menji
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 8:01 PM




Jadi anda itu BANGSAT penipu PAREWA PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan tukang fitnah.

Jadi, tidak ada saya bilang bahwa "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> Memang tak ada anda bilang secara langsung. Tapi selama-lamanya yang jadi 
> referensi anda kalau sudah kepepet kan selalu google, dan internet secara 
> umum. Dan anda jelas dengan pongahnya selalu membangga-bangga ilmu yg anda 
> timba dari internet itu. Jelaslah google lah yg bikin anda "pintar". 


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang 
> busuk, nista lagi menji

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:21 PM




















> Bangsat penipu..




> Bajingan  pendusta.




> Tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan.




> Tidak ada saya bilang "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"




> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> >


> > Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia "pintar"


> > 


> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:


> > 


> > Dari: David Silalahi 


> > Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)


> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com


> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> >   


> >   google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun


> > 


> > untuk tambah bodoh.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",


> > 


> > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"


> > 


> > ... apa saja yang anda mau.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> >























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menji

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Jadi anda itu BANGSAT penipu PAREWA PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan tukang fitnah.

Jadi, tidak ada saya bilang bahwa "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Memang tak ada anda bilang secara langsung. Tapi selama-lamanya yang jadi 
> referensi anda kalau sudah kepepet kan selalu google, dan internet secara 
> umum. Dan anda jelas dengan pongahnya selalu membangga-bangga ilmu yg anda 
> timba dari internet itu. Jelaslah google lah yg bikin anda "pintar". 
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang 
> busuk, nista lagi menji
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> Bangsat penipu..
> Bajingan  pendusta.
> Tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan.
> Tidak ada saya bilang "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia "pintar"
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: David Silalahi 
> > Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> > 
> > untuk tambah bodoh.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> > 
> > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> > 
> > ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
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[proletar] CNN; Bahrain government accuses Hezbollah of aiding opposition groups

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Bahrain government accuses Hezbollah of aiding opposition groups
By Elise Labott, CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 0914 GMT (1714 HKT)


* New: Opposition denies claims of outside help
* Bahrain's government claims Iranian-backed Hezbollah has been training 
opposition figures, report says
* The report details meetings between Hezbollah senior officials and Shiite 
opposition groups
* Bahrain's ruling Khalifa family is Sunni Muslim, while about two-thirds 
of the country are Shiite

Washington (CNN) -- The militant group Hezbollah is actively plotting with the 
opposition in Bahrain to overthrow the country's ruling family, the government 
said in a confidential report to the United Nations.

"Evidence confirms that Bahraini elements are being trained in Hezbollah camps 
specifically established to train assets from the Gulf," the report reads. 
Bahrain has long made claims that Iran and Hezbollah have sought to fuel 
instability in the nation.

In the report sent to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Bahrain's government 
claims Iranian-backed Hezbollah has been training opposition figures at its 
camps in Lebanon and Iran, in an effort to destabilize the Khalifa monarchy. 
The report also says the militant group has trained militants for activities in 
neighboring Gulf countries, according to diplomats who have reviewed it.

The government report urges the United Nations to curb Iran and Hezbollah's 
interference in the country.
Rights group alleges torture in Bahrain

* Bahrain
* Hezbollah
* Iran

Both Iran and Hezbollah have previously denied involvement in the protests. The 
Bahraini government has launched a violent crackdown against the protesters and 
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have deployed troops to Bahrain to 
support the regime.

The report details meetings between Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and other 
senior officials of the group with members of Shiite organizations in Bahrain, 
such as al Wefaq, one of the country's major opposition parties and the banned 
al Haq group.

In the report, Bahrain alleges Shiite groups coordinated political strategy 
inside the country and used Hezbollah's television channel, al Manar to 
mobilize opposition protests.

Abdul-Jalil Khalil, an al Wefaq member of parliament, denied the claims.

"We believe the problem is a political issue and an internal issue and we have 
no support from the outside," he said, adding al Wefaq has no formal or 
informal relationship with Hezbollah and does not use al Manar to aid the 

"The movement is a peaceful movement," according to Khalil, who said al Wefaq 
is interested in serious political reform and not in overthrowing the ruling 

Hassan Mushaimaa, the secretary general of Haq has been detained, and was 
unavailable to comment on the report.

Bahrain's ruling Khalifa family is Sunni Muslim, while about two-thirds of the 
country are Shiite.

The State Department has said it believes Iran's role in Bahrain has been 
minimal, and that the protests in Bahrain were the product of home-grown 
frustrations of the country's Shiia, who want greater economic and political 

The Obama administration has criticized the Bahraini crackdown and called for 
the government to enter into political dialogue with the opposition.

CNN's Jenifer Fenton contributed to this report

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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menji

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Memang tak ada anda bilang secara langsung. Tapi selama-lamanya yang jadi 
referensi anda kalau sudah kepepet kan selalu google, dan internet secara umum. 
Dan anda jelas dengan pongahnya selalu membangga-bangga ilmu yg anda timba dari 
internet itu. Jelaslah google lah yg bikin anda "pintar". 

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang 
busuk, nista lagi menji
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:21 PM




Bangsat penipu..

Bajingan  pendusta.

Tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan.

Tidak ada saya bilang "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia "pintar"


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:


> Dari: David Silalahi 

> Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM


















>   google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.




> anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun


> untuk tambah bodoh.




> anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.




> demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",


> "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"


> ... apa saja yang anda mau.




> semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?




> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





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Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
siapa yg kerak kenistaan?

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:38 PM




Anda itu bangsat PAREWA PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan.

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

Anda itu adalah manusia bertabiat nista.

Kerek kenistaan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM


















>   PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..




> Saya menulis:




> "PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan


> bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi


> pendapatnya..."




> Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:




> "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:




> > Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





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Re: Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda itu bangsat PAREWA PAREWA.

Anda itu bajingan.

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

Anda itu adalah manusia bertabiat nista.

Kerek kenistaan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM
>   PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
> Saya menulis:
> "PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan
> bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi
> pendapatnya..."
> Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:
> "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:
> > Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] MII: Ba'asyir Dukung Negara Islam Indonesia

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 Ba'asyir Dukung Negara Islam Indonesia
Penulis : Fario Untung
Senin, 25 April 2011 19:21 WIB 

JAKARTA--MICOM: Terdakwa kasus terorisme Abu Bakar Ba'asyir kembali 
mengeluarkan seruannya terkait Negara Islam Indonesia (NII). Ia menyatakan 
secara tegas bahwa Islam wajib menguasai negara ini, bukan sebaliknya yakni 
dikuasai oleh pihak-pihak lain.

Pernyataan tersebut dilontarkan oleh Ba'asyir saat ditemui wartawan di 
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Senin (25/4). Ia menyebut, selama 
Indonesia merdeka, Islam di Indonesia selalu dikuasai oleh pihak tertentu.

"Sejak pemerintahan Presiden Soekarno sampai sekarang, Islam di Indonesia 
selalu dikuasai dan ditindas. Islam wajib berkuasa dan tidak boleh dikuasai," 
ucap Ba'asyir.

Tidak hanya itu, Ba'asyir juga mengatakan bahwa tujuan utama dari Jamaah 
Anshorut Tauhid (JAT) adalah daulah Islamiah yang memiliki pengertian bahwa 
Islam adalah penguasa dan tidak boleh dikuasai oleh siapapun.

"Tidak boleh Islam dikuasai, seperti halnya di Indonesia sekarang ini," tegas 

Lebih lanjut, Ba'asyir juga mengutarakan pendapatnya yakni jika suatu negara 
tidak diatur oleh hukum Islam, sudah dapat dipastikan bahwa keadaan negara 
tersebut akan hancur dan rusak. Pasalnya hukum Islam merupakan perintah dari 

Oleh karenanya, Baasyir setuju dengan adanya Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) 
karena orang Islam wajib diatur dengan hukum Islam. Namun, Baasyir mengatakan 
saat ini belum mampu memuwujudkan NII. Namun sudah ada kemauan dari umat Islam.

"Orang yang mengaku Islam tetapi tidak menjalankan hukum Islam dianggap 
murtad," tutup Ba'asyir. (*/OL-9) 

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Bls: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
OOO maksudnya anda mengorek pantatnya. Maap

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: [proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 7:03 PM



  PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

Saya menulis:

"PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan

bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi


Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:

"...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:

> Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener




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[proletar] PAREWA PAREWA sudah kalap..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

PAREWA PAREWA sudah kedodoran...

Lalu kalap.

Lalu dia memalsukan posting orang.

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[proletar] PAREWA PAREWA ikon manusia berotak busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

PAREWA PAREWA ikon manusia Islam tipikal, artinya berotak busuk, nista lagi 

Tukang palsukan postign orang.

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[proletar] PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
PAREWA PAREWA tukang palsukan posting orang..

Saya menulis:

"PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan
bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi

Lalu dipalsukannya menjadi:

 "...mengoreksi pantatnya..." dan dia berkomentar:

> Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Bls: Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA PAREWA bangsat penipu...)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Bangsat penipu.

Bajingan pendusta..

Tukang palsukan posting orang.

Saya menulis:

"PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan
bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi

Dan bukan  "mengoreksi pantatnya..."

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA PAREWA yang 
> sudah gila...)
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:53 PM
> PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan 
> bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi 
> pantatnya...
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > jilaaat teru pantat kudisan si david yg denial
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost 
> > yang omong asal ngaco.)
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:37 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   Coba anda baca tulisan "ndeboost" yang anda komentari..
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Masaalahnya bukan google atau bukan, tapi dengan otaknya yang busuk dia 
> > menghubungkan kejahatan seksual dengan "Crosstian Pauline"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
> > 
> > w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
> > 
> > penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
> > 
> > maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
> > 
> > kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Terlepas dari itu:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dalam membaca berita, di internet atau di media cetak diperlukan pertama 
> > kebiasaan untuk mengecek kesahihan fakta yang disampaikan dan menelusuri 
> > logika yang diturutkan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Di contoh yang sekarang dibicarakna itu  "ndeboost" jelas berkomentar tanpa 
> > menggunakan logika, karena tidak ada hubungan antara  "Crosstian Pauline" 
> > dengan kejahatan seksual yang diberitkan oleh sumber yagn dikutipnya.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> > 
> > > untuk tambah bodoh.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada 
> > > jawabannya.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> > 
> > > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> > 
> > > ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Bangsat penipu.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada Luling dan Luxenbrg bicara tentang taik...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Taik kata luling dan luxember, taik pula kata anda. Kali kalau tuh dua orang 
> yg anda peraja kan itu nyuruh anda makan taik kambing, barangkali akan anda 
> telan bulat2 pula tuh taik tampa berpikir lagi. Pake otak kek, kritis kek
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:47 PM
> Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.
> Bajingan pendusta.
> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > Begini jadinya kalau orang sudah mempertuhankan luling dan luxemberg.  
> > 
> > --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:40 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> > 
> > Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bajingan pendusta.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang
> > 
> > > dungu 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation
> > 
> > > masin 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa
> > 
> > > istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > 
> > > Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > 
> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Bajingan pendusta.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > >
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > > 
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> > > 
> > 
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> > > > 
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> > > > 
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> > > > 
> > 
> > > 

Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA PAREWA yang sudah gila...)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Anda "mengoreksi pantatnya..."? Gile bener

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA PAREWA yang sudah 
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:53 PM




PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan 
bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi pantatnya...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> jilaaat teru pantat kudisan si david yg denial


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost 
> yang omong asal ngaco.)

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:37 PM


















>   Coba anda baca tulisan "ndeboost" yang anda komentari..




> Masaalahnya bukan google atau bukan, tapi dengan otaknya yang busuk dia 
> menghubungkan kejahatan seksual dengan "Crosstian Pauline"




> "Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,


> w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n


> penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara


> maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun


> kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat."




> Terlepas dari itu:




> Dalam membaca berita, di internet atau di media cetak diperlukan pertama 
> kebiasaan untuk mengecek kesahihan fakta yang disampaikan dan menelusuri 
> logika yang diturutkan.




> Di contoh yang sekarang dibicarakna itu  "ndeboost" jelas berkomentar tanpa 
> menggunakan logika, karena tidak ada hubungan antara  "Crosstian Pauline" 
> dengan kejahatan seksual yang diberitkan oleh sumber yagn dikutipnya.




> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:


> >


> > google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.


> > 


> > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun


> > untuk tambah bodoh.


> > 


> > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.


> > 


> > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",


> > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"


> > ... apa saja yang anda mau.


> > 


> > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?


> > 


> > 


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> >























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA PAREWA yang sudah gila...)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

PAREWA PAREWA yang otaknya sudah rusak dan jadi busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan 
bilang saya menjilat pantat David Silalahi pada hal saya mengoreksi 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> jilaaat teru pantat kudisan si david yg denial
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost 
> yang omong asal ngaco.)
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:37 PM
>   Coba anda baca tulisan "ndeboost" yang anda komentari..
> Masaalahnya bukan google atau bukan, tapi dengan otaknya yang busuk dia 
> menghubungkan kejahatan seksual dengan "Crosstian Pauline"
> "Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
> w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
> penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
> maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
> kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat."
> Terlepas dari itu:
> Dalam membaca berita, di internet atau di media cetak diperlukan pertama 
> kebiasaan untuk mengecek kesahihan fakta yang disampaikan dan menelusuri 
> logika yang diturutkan.
> Di contoh yang sekarang dibicarakna itu  "ndeboost" jelas berkomentar tanpa 
> menggunakan logika, karena tidak ada hubungan antara  "Crosstian Pauline" 
> dengan kejahatan seksual yang diberitkan oleh sumber yagn dikutipnya.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:
> >
> > google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> > 
> > anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> > untuk tambah bodoh.
> > 
> > anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.
> > 
> > demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> > "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> > ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> > 
> > semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Taik kata luling dan luxember, taik pula kata anda. Kali kalau tuh dua orang yg 
anda peraja kan itu nyuruh anda makan taik kambing, barangkali akan anda telan 
bulat2 pula tuh taik tampa berpikir lagi. Pake otak kek, kritis kek

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:47 PM




Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> Begini jadinya kalau orang sudah mempertuhankan luling dan luxemberg.  


> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:40 PM




















> Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.




> Bajingan pendusta.




> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.




> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> >


> > 


> > 


> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang


> > dungu 


> > 


> > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 


> > 


> > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation


> > masin 


> > 


> > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 


> > 


> > yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa


> > istilah sampaisme


> > 


> > Menyedihkan.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> > 


> > Dari: Jusfiq 


> > Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..


> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com


> > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >  


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> >   


> >   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Bajingan pendusta.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> > 


> > >


> > 


> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 


> > 


> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 


> > 


> > > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 


> > 


> > > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 


> > 


> > > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > Menyedihkan.


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > Dari: Jusfiq 


> > 


> > > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..


> > 


> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com


> > 


> > > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > >  


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > >   


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > >   


> > 


> > >   


> > 


> > >   


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya 
> > > pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius 
> > > dan mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan 
> > > hingga mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > Menyedihkan.


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > *


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > >  


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


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> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > > 


> > 


> > >   


> > 


> > > 


> > 


[proletar] PAREWA PAREWA takut berobat.

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

PAREWA PAREWA takut berobat.

Jadi, saya ulang: otak PAREWA PAREWA itu jelas sudah rusak...

Dia bukan manusia normal lagi.

Dia sudah gila.

Saya rentang

PAREWA PAREWA itu adalah korban kedunguan orang tuanya yang
dungu-dungu kayak anjing dan yang tidak memberikan pendidikan yang memadai untuk
dia: dia juga dungu kayak anjing seperti mereka.

Dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya buat berfikir, dia tidak dilatih untuk
berfikir kritis.

Dia tidak dilatih untuk mempertanyakan apa yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya.

Dia dilatih buat biasa bersikap seperti anjing budug lapar dihadapan taik angat:
diajar untuk melahap apa saja yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya.

Makanya, dia sama-sama tidak punya harga diri seperti orang tuanya yang dungu
kayak anjing itu dan sama-sama bersedia menjadi korban kibulan orang Arab

Lalu, berkat kemajuan teknologi, dia punya akses ke internet dan sempat melihat
kenyataan lain yang pahit lagi menyilaukan yang ditunjukkan orang lain di
internet: ajaran agama Islam yang dianutnya dan yang dikiranya berdasarkan
kebenaran dan berdasarkan wahyu dari Allah itu ternyata cuman berdasarkan omong
kosong dan kibulan hasil khayalan orang Arab primitif.

Karena dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya untuk berfikir dan untuk
mempertanyakan apa yang dia yakini selama ini maka dia bingung dihadapan
kenyataan itu: groggy.

Dia jadi gila.

Gila dan lantas kalap.

Lalu dia jadi tukang fitnah dan penyebar dusta.

Seperti halnya hampir semua peserta Islam yang hadir disini yang seperti dia
tidak terlatih untuk memakai otak mereka buat berfikir, untuk berfikir secara

Untuk kembali menemukan keseimbangan, hanya psikiater yang bisa menolongnya.

Tapi PAREWA PAREWA takut berobat.

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

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Bls: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost yang omong asal ngaco.)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
jilaaat teru pantat kudisan si david yg denial

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: [proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost yang 
omong asal ngaco.)
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:37 PM



  Coba anda baca tulisan "ndeboost" yang anda komentari..

Masaalahnya bukan google atau bukan, tapi dengan otaknya yang busuk dia 
menghubungkan kejahatan seksual dengan "Crosstian Pauline"

"Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,

w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n

penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara

maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun

kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat."

Terlepas dari itu:

Dalam membaca berita, di internet atau di media cetak diperlukan pertama 
kebiasaan untuk mengecek kesahihan fakta yang disampaikan dan menelusuri logika 
yang diturutkan.

Di contoh yang sekarang dibicarakna itu  "ndeboost" jelas berkomentar tanpa 
menggunakan logika, karena tidak ada hubungan antara  "Crosstian Pauline" 
dengan kejahatan seksual yang diberitkan oleh sumber yagn dikutipnya.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:


> google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.


> anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun

> untuk tambah bodoh.


> anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.


> demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",

> "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"

> ... apa saja yang anda mau.


> semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com
List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com
Homepage:  http://proletar.8m.com/Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Begini jadinya kalau orang sudah mempertuhankan luling dan luxemberg.  
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, 
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:40 PM
> Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.
> Bajingan pendusta.
> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang
> > dungu 
> > 
> > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation
> > masin 
> > 
> > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 
> > 
> > yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa
> > istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bajingan pendusta.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 
> > 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > 
> > > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 
> > 
> > > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 
> > 
> > > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > 
> > > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > 
> > > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > >   
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu 
> > > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya 
> > > pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius 
> > > dan mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan 
> > > hingga mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > *
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > >  
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
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[proletar] CNN: Bahrain in the shadow of Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Bahrain in the shadow of Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States
By Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Special to CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 1032 GMT (1832 HKT)


* Bahrain's fate is bound to regional politics, says Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
* Saudi Arabia's suspicion of Iran is a key factor, he says
* Iran has a vested interest in what happens in Bahrain
* "Is it not impossible to keep Iran out of what is happening in the area?" 
asks Adib-Moghaddam

Editor's note: Arshin Adib-Moghaddam is University Lecturer in Comparative and 
International Politics at SOAS, University of London. He is the author of "Iran 
in World Politics: the Question of the Islamic Republic," and his most recent 
book, "A metahistory of the clash of civilizations: Us and them beyond 
Orientalism" has just been published by Columbia University Press and Hurst.

(CNN) -- There are disturbing accounts from major human rights organizations 
about abuses in Bahrain and the systematic state violence that has been 
unleashed on the opposition movement against the monarchy of the Al-Khalifa 

And yet Bahrain has not become the story because the movement for social 
justice, government accountability and independence is being violently 
suppressed, but because of wider strategic calculations that bind the fate of 
the island to the future of regional politics.

There are at least three strategic issues at stake when it comes to the 
political present and future of the country. First, Bahrain hosts a major naval 
base for the U.S. fifth fleet, and the ruling Al-Khalifa family has been a 
trusted ally of the United States for several decades.

Yet Bahrain's rulers have not taken advantage of the security guarantees 
provided by successive U.S. governments in order to open up the political 
system or to sponsor a rather more equitable social and economic order.

According to the constitution of Bahrain the king appoints all members of the 
upper house of the parliament, while the lower house was voted into office in 
In the absence of a strong legitimacy of the state, systematic violence has 
functioned as a short cut to safeguard the regime.
--Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

But this has not lead to real political representation of the majority Shia 
population or to a system of wealth distribution that is equitable. In fact, 
Bahrain continues to be one of the few hereditary monarchies of the world.

In the absence of a strong legitimacy of the state, systematic violence has 
functioned as a short cut to safeguard the regime. Hence, the current 
crackdown, which has not drawn much criticism from the United States and the 
European Union, who were/are by far louder about the situation in Libya (and 
indeed about anything that happens in Iran).

The second strategic factor is the involvement of Saudi Arabia. After Yemen, 
Bahrain is the second country in which the Saudis have intervened militarily in 
support of long-standing allies battling restive societies.

In Bahrain, military forces dispatched from Saudi Arabia have helped suppress 
the protest, and for pragmatic reasons: From the perspective of the Saudi 
state, a Shia-dominated Bahrain could be a potential ally of Iran, and the 
downfall of a tribal monarchy that rests on a comparably absolute mandate to 
rule could trigger a domino effect throughout the Arabian peninsula.

After all, demonstrators in both Saudi and Bahrain have made it clear that 
political power should be shared, that hoarding the political process and the 
wealth of their countries around a family clique is not acceptable anymore.

The Saudi suspicion toward Iranian motives brings us to the third strategic 
factor. Ultimately, all major protests by Shia in Saudi Arabia or Bahrain, both 
during the rule of the Shah and even more so after the Islamic revolution of 
1979, have been blamed in one way or another on Iran.

It is true that Iran has a vested interest in what is happening in Bahrain and 
that the country has a degree of cultural and political influence throughout 
the wider Persian Gulf area. But in Bahrain, as elsewhere in the Arab world, 
the demonstrations are not driven by sectarian motives. The revolts are 
primarily about government accountability, social justice and human rights.

These demands cross religious, ethnic, tribal and class lines. The sectarian 
card was played by the hardliners in the Al-Khalifa family in order to divert 
attention away from the demands of the people by blaming Iran for the uprising.

And yet, none of the movements in the region have been about Iran. The model of 
an "Islamic Republic" is very unique to the modern history of the country and 
not really transferable to anywhere else, certainly not in the same format.
Is it not irrational and ultimately impossible to keep Iran out of what is 
happening in the area?
--Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
Explain it to me: Mideast/African unrest

* Bahrain
* Saudi Arabia

Bls: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Begini jadinya kalau orang sudah mempertuhankan luling dan luxemberg.  

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: [proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA 
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 6:40 PM




Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:




> Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang

> dungu 


> kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 


> bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation

> masin 


> menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 


> yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa

> istilah sampaisme


> Menyedihkan.




> --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM


















>   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.




> Bajingan pendusta.




> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.




> Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.




> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> >


> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 


> > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 


> > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 


> > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 


> > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Menyedihkan.


> > 


> > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> > 


> > Dari: Jusfiq 


> > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..


> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com


> > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > 


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> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> >   


> >   


> >   


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu kayak 
> > babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya pake 
> > kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius dan 
> > mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga 
> > mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.


> > 


> > 


> > 


> > Menyedihkan.


> > 


> > *


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> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> >























> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Selain Suryana, apa ada orang Nasrani yang tukang fitnah disini?

Sedangkan peserta yang menganut agama Islam itu rata-rata adalah bajingan 
pendusta dan bangsta tukang fitnah.


Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Re: Bucaille...oh Bucaille.. Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAREWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang
> dungu 
> kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation
> masin 
> menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 
> yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa
> istilah sampaisme
> Menyedihkan.
> --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> Dari: Jusfiq 
> Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM
>   Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.
> Bajingan pendusta.
> Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.
> Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> >
> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 
> > kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 
> > bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 
> > menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 
> > sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:
> > 
> > Dari: Jusfiq 
> > Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
> > Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
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> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu kayak 
> > babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya pake 
> > kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius dan 
> > mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga 
> > mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Menyedihkan.
> > 
> > *
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (David Silalahi & ndeboost yang omong asal ngaco.)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Coba anda baca tulisan "ndeboost" yang anda komentari..

Masaalahnya bukan google atau bukan, tapi dengan otaknya yang busuk dia 
menghubungkan kejahatan seksual dengan "Crosstian Pauline"

"Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat."

Terlepas dari itu:

Dalam membaca berita, di internet atau di media cetak diperlukan pertama 
kebiasaan untuk mengecek kesahihan fakta yang disampaikan dan menelusuri logika 
yang diturutkan.

Di contoh yang sekarang dibicarakna itu  "ndeboost" jelas berkomentar tanpa 
menggunakan logika, karena tidak ada hubungan antara  "Crosstian Pauline" 
dengan kejahatan seksual yang diberitkan oleh sumber yagn dikutipnya.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, David Silalahi  wrote:
> google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> untuk tambah bodoh.
> anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.
> demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) (PAREWA tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menji

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Bangsat penipu..

Bajingan  pendusta.

Tukang fitnah yang busuk, nista lagi menjijikkan.

Tidak ada saya bilang "google lah yg bikin saya "pintar"

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:
> Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia "pintar"
> --- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:
> Dari: David Silalahi 
> Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM
>   google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.
> anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
> untuk tambah bodoh.
> anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.
> demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
> "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
> ... apa saja yang anda mau.
> semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] WikiLeaks discloses new details on whereabouts of al-Qaeda leaders on 9/11

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny

WikiLeaks discloses new details on whereabouts of al-Qaeda leaders on 9/11

View Photo Gallery - The Obama's administrations plans to close the detention 
center at Guantanamo have been undermined by political miscalculations and 
timidity in the face of congressional opposition, officials say.

By Peter Finn, Sunday, April 24, 9:13 PM
On Sept. 11, 2001, the core of al-Qaeda was concentrated in a single city: 
Karachi, Pakistan.

At a hospital, the accused mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole was 
recovering from a tonsillectomy. Nearby, the alleged organizer of the 2002 
bombing in Bali, Indonesia, was buying lab equipment for a biological weapons 
program. And in a safe house, the man who would later describe himself as the 
intellectual author of the Sept. 11 attacks was with other key al-Qaeda members 
watching the scenes from New York and Washington unfold on television.

Within a day, much of the al-Qaeda leadership was on the way back to 
Afghanistan, planning for a long war.

A cache of classified military documents obtained by the anti-secrecy 
organization WikiLeaks presents new details of their whereabouts on Sept. 11, 
2001, and their movements afterward. The documents also offer some tantalizing 
glimpses into the whereabouts and operations of Osama bin Laden and his 
Egyptian deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The documents, provided to European and U.S. news outlets, including The 
Washington Post, are intelligence assessments of nearly every one of the 779 
individuals who have been held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since 2002. In them, 
analysts have created detailed portraits of detainees based on raw 
intelligence, including material gleaned from interrogations.

Detainees are assessed "high," "medium" or "low" in terms of their intelligence 
value, the threat they pose while in detention and the continued threat they 
might pose to the United States if released.

The documents tend to take a bleak view of the detainees, even those who have 
been ordered released by the federal courts because of a lack of evidence to 
justify their continued detention. And the assessments are often based, in 
part, on reporting by informants at the military detention center, sources that 
some judges have found wanting. 

In a statement, the Pentagon, which described the decision to publish some of 
the material as "unfortunate," stressed the incomplete and snapshot nature of 
the assessments, known as Detainee Assessment Briefs, or DABs.

"The Guantanamo Review Task Force, established in January 2009, considered the 
DABs during its review of detainee information," said Pentagon press secretary 
Geoff Morrell and Ambassador Daniel Fried, the Obama administration's special 
envoy on detainee issues. "In some cases, the Task Force came to the same 
conclusions as the DABs. In other instances the Review Task Force came to 
different conclusions, based on updated or other available information. Any 
given DAB illegally obtained and released by Wikileaks may or may not represent 
the current view of a given detainee."

Regardless of how detainees are currently assessed, many of the documents shed 
light on their histories, particularly those of the 14 high-value detainees 
whose assessments were made available. When pieced together, they capture some 
of the drama of al-Qaeda's scattering in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. They 
also point to tensions between certain members of the terrorist group.

Among other previously unknown meetings, the documents describe a major 
gathering of some of al-Qaeda's most senior operatives in early December 2001 
in Zormat, a mountainous region of Afghanistan between Kabul and Khost. There, 
the operatives began to plan new attacks, a process that would consume them, 
according to the assessments, until they were finally captured.

A hectic three months

According to the documents, four days after the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden 
visited a guesthouse in Afghanistan's Kandahar province. He told the Arab 
fighters gathered there "to defend Afghanistan against the infidel invaders" 
and to "fight in the name of Allah."

It was beginning of a peripatetic three months for bin Laden and Zawahiri. 
Traveling by car among several locations in Afghanistan, bin Laden handed out 
assignments to his followers, met with some of the Taliban leadership and 
delegated control of al-Qaeda to the group's Shura Council, presumably because 
he feared being captured or killed as U.S. forces closed in.

At some point, bin Laden and Zawahiri used a secret guesthouse in or relatively 
near Kabul. The al-Qaeda leader welcomed a stream of visitors and issued a 
series of orders, including instructions to continue operations against Western 
targets. He dispersed his fighters from training camps and instructed women and 
children, including some of hi

[proletar] Re: pertanda, alamat, sign

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik liver_duke
hmmm .. begini toh, dance with lion ;o)

tapi untuk sementara ini blum bisa ditanggapi, maka
posting ini untuk ngasih tanda (marked) aja dulu yag.
kudu bikin telaahan dulu untuk besok yg dua kabupaten
mo asistensi buat kelarin perda rtrw-nya (uu 26 / 2007).

taon 2011 ini kayaknya bakal terus tight, termasuk persiapan
ambil brevet penyidik sekaligus lisensi buat nenteng bareta ;o)

--- "ajeg"  wrote:
> Trims. 
> Tadi sore pas lagi nggak ada acara dan kebetulan 
> ujan gede pula, jadi sempet kejebak suasana tol tempohari, 
> dan.. mumpung belom kena tagih duke nih, hehe.. 
> Ayo dong bagi-bagi setorinya sama lagu ini atau sama 
> lagu lain. Atau yang tanpa lagu juga boleh. 
> --- "rezameutia"  wrote:
> > tulisan cakeep...
> > 
> > 
> > --- "ajeg"  wrote:
> > 
> > > Purbaleunyi menuju Bandung disiram hujan. Semakin ke sana
> > > semakin deras dan akhirnya lebat berdebam, 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Sebuah perjalanan yang mirip tarian bersama kucing. Mengandung 
> > > bahaya namun indah menyenangkan. 
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5fRVm3k1aY
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Buat yang pernah (atau masih) doyan dugeman pasti punya setori 
> > > dengan ini lagu. Ayo dibagi-bagi ceritanya. Yang derita kek, 
> > > yang ceria kek, pokoknya berceritalah seolah besok matahari nggak
> > > terbit lagi, hehe.. 
> > > 
> > > catetan, 
> > > untuk dapetin sensasinya biarkan suara bas meledak-ledak di 
> > > ruangan - kalau bisa ya pas ujan juga.. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --

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[proletar] Re: The Special One...

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik liver_duke
sayangnya gw gk ikut nonton el clasico jilid tiga alias
final piala raja kemarin, karena lagi bulak-balik di tengah
kepulauan kecil yg tersebar di natuna perkara penyu illegal.

spesifik about mou, ni orang kudu makin diakui as a special,
as the one, the special one setidaknya bagi gw yg selama ini
skeptis terhadap doi berbanding reputasi utk bacot gedenya.
serta subjektifnya adalah puncak keberhasilan di piala raja.

pertama, mou sanggup membangkitkan "macan tidur" dari bayang2
kebesaran los galacticos namun selama ini nyaris ompong ketika
mereka dihadapkan pada superior para catalans di 5 taon akhir.
mou sbg motivator ulung mulai nampak hasilnya lewat strategi
"resek" yg menugaskan sang terminator "pepe" yg liar, bertenaga
dan "buas" (ingat waktu pepe pernah menendang bahkan menginjak2
striker lawan dgn sadis -lupa klub mana- sekitar dua musim lalu?),
lalu mengacak2 trisula xavi-iniesta-messi pada el clasico 2011
dgn hasil imbang. itulah eksperimen teranyar versi mou dan ok
secara strategi dan keputusan pelatih, bukan via kaka ato ozil.
bahkan casillas yg biasanya santun dan gak banyak bunyi, kini
berubah nyinyir dan intimidatif terutama buat melawan barca.

kedua, mou amat sadar bahwa gak ada celah sekecil apapun yg
patut membuat real madrid jadi minder apalagi kalah terutama
untuk el clasico. maka mou dianggap sosok "the only one" yg
memang punya misi khusus menghadapi lalu menundukkan catalans.
maka mou coba bereksperimen, masalahnya bukan pada barcelona
yg memang biang masalah bagi tiap klub pada lima taon terakhir
di tiap ajang, tapi gimana memadukan ego bintang los galacticos.

mungkin agak beresiko bahkan fatal, saat el clasico 2010 sbg
jilid satu yg malah "menampar" wajah (bukan lagi pipi) sang mou
dgn lima jari alias 0 - 5, yg lalu dikenal sebutan "la manita".
sbg konseptor dan pendendam ulung, mou menerima hinaan itu dgn
bibir terkatub seraya dijadikan batu loncatan utk jangka panjang.

sbg konseptor, mou menerima hinaan utk ditimpakan kepadanya tapi
ia balikkan menjadi kondisi traumatis bagi sergio ramos yg jelas
paling terpukul saat itu dgn mendorong muka puyol, casillas yg
seharusnya melupakan sentimentil "sesama anggota tim world cup"
pada rekannya yg mayoritas catalans lalu menjadi musuh terbesar,
terutama sang super ego lainnya aka mr. belagu sedunia : ronaldo.

jadi mou perlu mengadu domba sesama spanyol dulu utk bisa merusak
kemapanan tim la furia roja, kembali ke castilans vs catalans ala
jendral franco. sisanya? biarkan si ronaldo marah dan makin brutal
(termasuk pepe, dua porto yg selalu merasa portugis lebih senior
ketimbang espanol) termasuk menjadikan messi sbg target personal.

mungkin salah satu percakapan fiksi di ruang ganti setelah 45 mnt
tanpa gebrakan striker di piala raja, kira2 begini bunyinya :
"kalian udah pernah kena gampar 0 - 5, lalu kemaren pas2an bisa
draw di menit akhir tapi maknanya sama : you're nothing at all.
maka nasib dan pamor kalian, bukan lagi real madrid, ada di 45 mnt
berikutnya dan semua terserah kalian. dunia akan mencatat semua!"
(mirip sabda benitez di istambul, di film dokumenter "15 minutes
that shock the world" saat ia sbg pelatih baru buat liverpool).

sbg pendendam ulung, sudah jelas mou termasuk biang di dalamnya.
walau dari skenario lima el clasico, ia cuma cukup satu sejarah
utk membalikkan bangku kemapanan el barca dan ia pilih di ajang
spesialisasinya yakni piala lokal sekaligus meneruskan reputasi.
namun mou sudah mulai menikmati hasil racikkan racunnya, casillas
dan ramos makin lapar meladeni xavi dan puyol. sementara pepe dan
ronaldo makin beringas dan menular kepada ozil, maria, khedira
juga benzema yg notabene "kencur" dlm tradisi dunia plus kisruh
derbi maha dahsyat dalam ratusan tahun yg bernama el clasico. 

yep .. oknum itu bernama mou .. the special one

--- "ajeg"  wrote:
> Pertandingan yang betul-betul ketat. Mourinho menerapkan 
> strategi "tawuran" model perang jaman Romawi. Permainan jadi 
> super ketat, super rapat, sehingga bisa ada 15 pemain berkumpul 
> di lapangan tengah saling tusuk saling cegat mirip Bharata 
> Yudha. Rupanya strategi ini cukup ampuh untuk mematikan
> kecepatan tik-tak anak-anak Barca. Walhasil, mati kutulah
> "King David" & sang "Messias". 
> Entah kenapa Mourinho lebih memilih mengganti Ozil ketimbang
> mengembangkan serangan lewat sayap kiri. Seolah dia mau bilang 
> ke Pep, "ini baru pake satu sayap lho," hehe.. 
> Di Maria, kutunggu golmu. Sanggupkah gol-golmu mencopot 
> hatiku dari Barca..? 
> Enggaklah. 
> Paling cuma bikin bergetar doang. 
> Tapi tetep gua tunggu. 
> --- "rezameutia"  wrote:
> > Jose Mourinho memang hebat dan layak mendapat julukan
> > 'The Special One'.  Selama karir sebagai manager sepak bola
> > dari mulai Porto sampe Real Madrid, Jose Morinho selalu
> > mendapatkan gelar juara.
> > 
> > Ditambah lagi, selama karirnya Jose Mourinho rekor 149 tidak
> > pernah kalah dikandang dan baru terkalahkan ketika dipukul
> > Sporting Gijon 0-1 kemarin. 
> > 

Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
Denial politics. Sebaliknya kata si jusfiq, google lah yg bikin dia "pintar"

--- Pada Sen, 25/4/11, David Silalahi  menulis:

Dari: David Silalahi 
Judul: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 25 April, 2011, 4:54 PM



  google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.

anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun

untuk tambah bodoh.

anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.

demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",

"dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"

... apa saja yang anda mau.

semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?

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Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Allah menjadi penggangur bila tidak ada setan. Setan memberi pekerjaan kepada 
Allah dan manusia yang menyembahNya.

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Silalahi 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 11:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

  google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.

  anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
  untuk tambah bodoh.

  anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.

  demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
  "dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
  ... apa saja yang anda mau.

  semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik David Silalahi
google saat ini memang dewa untuk segala jawaban.

anda bisa mencari apa saja, entah pencarian untuk tambah pintar ataupun
untuk tambah bodoh.

anda juga bisa mencari "child rape" melalui google, langsung ada jawabannya.

demikian pula kalau menambahkan kata "america", "arab", "iraq", "iran",
"dubai", "turkey" ataupun menambahkan kata "Christian", "moslem", "muslim"
... apa saja yang anda mau.

semua langsung ada jawabannya, tapi apakah itu membuat anda pintar?

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Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA

Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang

kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 

bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation

menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling dan Luxenberg 

yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa
istilah sampaisme


--- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:

Dari: Jusfiq 
Judul: Re: Bls: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 7:22 PM



  Anda itu bangsat penipu, PAREWA PAERWA.

Bajingan pendusta.

Tidak ada ilmuwan yang mentertawakan tulisan Luling.

Sebaliknya malah, tulisan dilengkapi dan disempurnakan oleh Luxenberg.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, PAREWA  wrote:


> Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, jusfiq yang memang dungu 

> kayak babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma 

> bisanya pake kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin 

> menganggap serius dan mempercayai tulisan Luling yang jadi tertawaan 

> sejumlah ilmuwan hingga mereka tempa istilah sampaisme




> Menyedihkan.


> --- Pada Rab, 20/4/11, Jusfiq  menulis:


> Dari: Jusfiq 

> Judul: [proletar] Bucaille...oh Bucaille..

> Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com

> Tanggal: Rabu, 20 April, 2011, 6:21 PM






















> Tahun 2011 dan punya akses ke internet, rezameutia yang memang dungu kayak 
> babi dan yang otaknya sudah rusak berat dan mikir juga cuma bisanya pake 
> kontol yang menderita premature ejaculation masin menganggap serius dan 
> mempercayai tulisan Bucaille yang jadi tertawaan sejumlah ilmuwan hingga 
> mereka tempa istilah bucaillisme.




> Menyedihkan.


> *























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Bls: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik PAREWA
seperti biasa

--- Pada Sab, 23/4/11, ndeboost  menulis:

Dari: ndeboost 
Judul: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)
Kepada: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 23 April, 2011, 5:53 PM



  Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,

w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n

penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara

maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun

kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.

Primary teacher charged with child rape

Robert Stringer, 56, of Hertfordshire, will appear at Uxbridge Magistrates 

The drama and class teacher was sacked earlier this year from Canonbury Primary 
School in Islington, north London, whose pupils include one of London Mayor 
Boris Johnson's children and a child of Transport Minister Lord Adonis.

Stringer was sacked after it emerged he was being investigated for showing the 
film Shakespeare in Love, including sex scenes, to children at another school.

The school's headteacher Jay Henderson was sacked this month after being caught 
watching pornography on the internet at work.

The majority of governors at the school resigned earlier this year after claims 
that teachers were not properly vetted. An inquiry is under way. 




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[proletar] Aljazeera: 'No humanity left' in Syria

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

'No humanity left' in Syria
By Cal Perry in 

on April 24th, 2011.

Every other journalist is trying to get into Syria, but on Saturday I was 
trying to get out. The government had made it perfectly clear: My visa was 
expiring and unless I left on April 23, I would "face the full force of the 

I had agreed the night before with my cameraman, Ben Mitchell, over a drink 
that neither of us wanted to discover what "full force of the law" meant. So 
the debate was really whether I should fly out from Damascus or drive to Amman, 
Jordan, and fly from there.

The decision was made that he would fly out from Damascus, the Syrian capital, 
with the gear and I would drive to Amman. I had left my second passport there 
with a friend. One for Arab countries and the other for Israel. Welcome to 21st 
century diplomatic relations.

I decided to wait until after noon prayers before setting out south to the 
border. If the roads were going to be blocked with various pieces of burning 
detritus, as they had the day before, I wanted to know first. It's about 125km 
from Damascus to the Jordanian border - a drive that should only take an hour 
or so, especially with the way Syrian drivers tend to step on the gas.

I was in a really bad mood on this particular morning as I was by default being 
expelled from the country. I said very little to the driver as we set out, 
which is unusual for me. I've been grilled in the old school style of 
journalism: I can still hear the voice of one of my mentors saying "eyes and 
ears Mr Perry ... eyes and ears".

The only two questions I asked my driver as we left Damascus were his name, and 
where he was from. "Abdel … from Daraa," he told me.

"Beautiful city," I responded.

Truth was: I didn't know if it was beautiful or not. It was less than four 
weeks ago when I tried to access the city (which lies right against the 
Jordanian border in the South) and was turned back by the army. It was my first 
week in Syria when we tried to cover the initial protests in Daraa. I remember 
coming across that army checkpoint and two machine-gun positions had been 

'Kill zone'

An old military technique that I learned from the US Marine Corps about after 
years in Iraq: Soldiers will simply take two posts, put them at approximately 
"two o'clock and ten o'clock" as your eyes would scan the horizon: a certain 
distance out -  fire off a few rounds until you hit the post. Then mark that 
spot on the machine guns sightings - and just like that ... you've got yourself 
a "pre-sighted kill zone".

A kill zone. The name says it all. US marines have a particular knack for 
naming things that describe exactly what they really are.

I knew that day, seeing those posts and that "kill zone" that the government 
was taking these small demonstrations (at the time) very seriously. Syria up 
until these past five weeks had been a quiet country, while the rest of the 
region seemed to continue to burn.

Of course it became clear the day before, on April the 22nd, that the 
government would no longer stand for the type of dissent that had spread: clear 
opposition to the regime. Over a hundred people were killed across the country 
on a bloody Friday, the bloodiest since the protests began.

I tried to get out of the hotel and around the country as best I could 
throughout my month there. But as I told a colleague: "I don't blend in really 
well - and this government is rounding up journalists."

It was really that, and a few bad incidents I had come across while trying to 
get out and about. Be it my camera being wrested away from me outside the main 
mosque in Damascus or my drive through the neighbourhood of Barza in Damascus 
the previous week.

Barzah: A bad neighbourhood to begin with ... it had gone from bad to worse the 
Friday I decided to drive through and take a look. Men with metal pipes were in 
the middle of the street beating people.

At least a dozen walking wounded were headed away from the main mosque there, 
some bleeding from the head; others had their hands bandaged. Clearly there had 
been a hand-to-hand brutal battle. Ambulances raced away from the scene - and 
each time I would have the driver circle back they would wave the pipes as if 
to say: "We dare you to get out of that car."

Gunfire raining into crowd

My grumpy attitude, Abdel [the driver] and I were approaching the city of Izraa 
when something immediately clearly horrible was unfolding down the road 
directly in front of us. People, mostly truck drivers, were standing on the 
highway ... yelling at the cars approaching - telling them to pull over.

Screaming and waving widely. I saw one making signs with his hands. He was 
mimicking the motion of a machine gun firing. I got my bearings, noticing right 
away two road signs: one pointing to the right that read "Izraa: 1km" and the 
other pointing to the left that read "Daraa".

It dawned on me at that moment that I had been here before. We 

[proletar] BBC: Wikileaks: Many at Guantanamo 'not dangerous'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 25 April 2011 Last updated at 07:23 GMT

Wikileaks: Many at Guantanamo 'not dangerous'
Guantanamo Bay detention facility President Obama pledged in January 2009 to 
close the prison within a year

Files obtained by the whistleblowing website Wikileaks have revealed that the 
US believed many of those held at Guantanamo Bay were innocent or only 
low-level operatives.

The files, published in US and European newspapers, are assessments of all 780 
people ever held at the facility.

They show that about 220 were classed as dangerous terrorists, but 150 were 
innocent Afghans and Pakistanis.

The Pentagon said the files' release could damage anti-terrorism efforts.

The latest have been published in the Guardian, New York Times and other 
newspapers. It was not clear whether the papers had co-operated with Wikileaks 
in their release. The Times said they received the files through "another 

The Detainee Assessment Briefs (DABs) also give details of alleged plots, 
revealed under interrogation, against US and European targets.

They included unverified claims that al-Qaeda had hidden a nuclear weapon in 
Europe for detonation should Osama Bin laden be captured.

Other alleged plots include plans to put cyanide into the air conditioning 
systems of US public buildings and attempts by al-Qaeda to recruit workers at 
London's Heathrow Airport.

But the files give little information on the allegations of harsh treatment and 
interrogation techniques at the camp.

There are now just under 180 detainees at the US naval base in Cuba, which 
President Barack Obama has pledged to shut down.

Most of those remaining are deemed to pose a high risk threat to the US if 
released without adequate rehabilitation and supervision.

The files show that US military analysts considered only 220 of those ever 
detained at Guantanamo to be dangerous extremists.

Another 380 were deemed to be low-ranking soldiers who had travelled to 
Afghanistan or were part of the Taliban.

At least another 150 people were innocent Afghans or Pakistanis - including 
drivers, farmers and chefs - rounded up during frantic intelligence gathering 
in war zones.
Mistaken identity

These were then detained for years due to mistaken identity or because they 
were in the wrong place at the wrong time, the memos say.

Among them were a cameraman for the al-Jazeera news network, Sami al-Hajj, who 
was held for six years, and Abdul Badr Mannan, an anti-extremist author who 
told US officials he had been framed by the Pakistani security services, the 
Guardian reports.

In many cases, US commanders concluded there was "no reason recorded for 

The memo relating to Mukhibullo Abdukarimovich Umarov, a Tajik man arrested in 
Karachi in 2002 who spent almost two years at Guantanamo (GTMO) cites: "It is 
undetermined as to why the detainee was transferred to GTMO."

The Pentagon said the leak was "unfortunate" and described the assessments as 
snapshots that may now be outdated.

Officials said they and the office of former President George W Bush had "made 
every effort to act with the utmost care and diligence in transferring 
detainees from Guantanamo", adding that the document disclosure could damage 
efforts to protect US citizens.

The BBC's Jonny Dymond in Washington says many of the details have been known 
about, but not from an official US source.

The 779 documents were part of a cache of secret memos leaked to Wikileaks last 

The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, is currently battling extradition 
from the UK to Sweden, where he is wanted over allegations of sexual assault.

His supporters say the case is politically motivated because his organisation 
has antagonised the US authorities - they fear he will be handed over to the US 
if extradited.

The Guantanamo Bay detention facility was set up in 2001 under the Bush 
administration - President Obama pledged in January 2009 to close it within a 

However, in March this year he announced he was lifting a two-year freeze on 
new military trials for detainees there.

The White House says Mr Obama remains committed to the eventual closure of 
Guantanamo Bay.

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[proletar] Orang Islam udah pada terkapar dihadapan orang kafir seperti "item abu"..

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Orang Islam udah pada  terkapar dihadapan orang kafir seperti "item abu"..

Pada nggak bekutik lagi..

Kaing-kaing kayak anjing budug kena pentungpun tidak banyak lagi yang sanggup...


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[proletar] CNN: WikiLeaks reveals details about Guantanamo detainees

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
WikiLeaks reveals details about Guantanamo detainees
By Tim Lister, CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 0644 GMT (1444 HKT)
The documents obtained by WikiLeaks provide details on almost all of the 779 
detainees held at Gitmo since 2002.
The documents obtained by WikiLeaks provide details on almost all of the 779 
detainees held at Gitmo since 2002.

* The documents paint a portrait of how al Qaeda prepared for the 9/11 
* They also provide insights into bin Laden's thinking after the attacks
* The detainees accounts were cross-checked against each other, the papers 
* Documents: Operatives travel through Iran to get into Afghanistan

(CNN) -- Nearly 800 classified U.S. military documents obtained by WikiLeaks 
reveal extraordinary details about the alleged terrorist activities of al Qaeda 
operatives captured and housed at the U.S. Navy's detention facility in 
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The secret documents have been made available to several news organizations, 
including the New York Times and the Washington Post - and some have been 
published by WikiLeaks, an organization that facilitates the anonymous leaking 
of secret information.

CNN was not among the news organizations granted early access to the latest 

101: WikiLeaks revealed Video

The documents shed light on the way detainees behaved while at Guantanamo, and 
on how they were assessed in terms of their danger to the United States. They 
are intelligence assessments of nearly every one of the 779 individuals who 
have been held at Guantanamo since 2002, according to the Post.

The classified files described some of the detainees as being compliant while 
others threatened violence against guards. One stated he would fly planes into 

WikiLeaks releases trove of diplomatic messages

They also paint in great detail a portrait of al Qaeda as it grew stronger in 
Afghanistan in the 1990s, prepared for the 9/11 attacks and scattered in their 

Among the files already published by WikiLeaks and examined by CNN is that of 
Ahmed Khalfan Gailani, recently convicted by a New York court of taking part in 
the bombing of the U.S. embassy in Tanzania in 1998. The file, from 2006 when 
Gailani was transferred to Guantanamo, includes details of his time as a 
bodyguard and cook to Osama bin Laden shortly before the 9/11 attacks. Gailani 
is cited as telling interrogators that the al Qaeda leader had a "normal diet" 
and usually ate with about 15 bodyguards.

The document says that Gailani later became one of al Qaeda's few forgers of 
travel documents. He also opted for training in using explosives to avoid 
front-line combat.

A document from July 2008 profiles another bodyguard for bin Laden, Sanad 
Yislam al Kazimi, who stated that he "would have been willing to die for UBL" 
(the shorthand used for the al Qaeda leader.) It says that al Kazimi may have 
had knowledge of al Qaeda's nuclear and chemical programs.

Al Kazimi escaped from Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2001 and 
returned to Yemen, where he continued to train for terrorist attacks, according 
to the document.

He was arrested in 2002 after being lured to Dubai while planning an attack on 
Port Rashid in the United Arab Emirates. It adds that while at Guantanamo, al 
Kazimi made "numerous threats against U.S. personnel including the President."

Al Kazimi reportedly said "he would like to tell his friends in Iraq to find 
the interrogator, slice him up, and make a shwarma (a type of sandwich) out of 
him, with the interrogator's head sticking out of the end of the shwarma."

Another Yemeni, Abdu Ali Sharqawi, is described as a "senior al Qaeda 
facilitator" with links to the 9/11 plotters.

He was allegedly responsible for arranging the travel of Yemeni jihadists to 
Afghanistan in the 1990s, and when he also moved to Afghanistan he became a 
confidant of bin Laden.

The 11-page document about his activities says that "on occasion detainee hiked 
mountain trails with UBL, who hiked them on a daily basis."

Sharqawi told his interrogators that bin Laden had been in good health, even 
though he had one kidney. The document suggests al Qaeda had plenty of money in 
the aftermath of 9/11, asserting that "detainee received and passed on over 
$500,000" while helping jihadists to escape Afghanistan.

According to the Washington Post, the documents provide detailed insight into 
Osama bin Laden's thinking and movements immediately after 9/11.

"Among other previously unknown meetings, the documents describe a major 
gathering of some of al Qaeda's most senior operatives in early December 2001 
in Zormat, a mountainous region of Afghanistan between Kabul and Khost," the 
newspaper reports. "There, the operatives began to plan new attacks, a process 
that would consume them, according to the assessments, until they were finally 

The documents show that detainees' accounts were extensively cross-checked 
against e

[proletar] France24: (Reuters) Gaddafi compound hit in fresh NATO air strikes

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 Gaddafi compound hit in fresh NATO air strikes

A building inside Muammar Gaddafi's Tripoli compound was hit by NATO air 
strikes early Monday in what the regime says was an attempt on the Libyan 
leader's life. NATO forces have appeared to step up the pace of strikes on 
Tripoli in recent days.
By William EDWARDS (video)
News Wires (text)

REUTERS - NATO forces flattened a building inside Muammar Gaddafi's Bab 
al-Aziziyah compound early on Monday, in what a press official from Gaddafi's 
government said was an attempt on the Libyan leader's life.

Firefighters were still working to extinguish flames in a part of the ruined 
building a few hours after the attack, when foreign journalists were brought to 
the scene in Tripoli.

The press official, who asked not to be identified, said 45 people were hurt in 
the strike, 15 of them seriously, and some were still missing. That could not 
be independently confirmed.
Syndicate contentReporter's notebook in Libya

  A rap song for the revolution
  Reporter's notebook in Libya
  A rap song for the revolution
  Benghazi: The long, loud road to revolution
  Reporter's notebook in Libya
  Benghazi: The long, loud road to revolution

Gaddafi's compound has been struck before, but NATO forces appear to be 
stepping up the pace of strikes in Tripoli in recent days. A target nearby, 
which the government called a car park but which appeared to cover a bunker, 
was hit two days ago.

The United States, Britain and France say they will not stop their air campaign 
over Libya until Gaddafi leaves power.

Washington has taken a backseat role in the air war since turning over command 
to NATO at the end of March but is under pressure to do more. This week it sent 
Predator drone air craft, which fired for the first time on Saturday.

Government troops bombarded the western rebel bastion of Misrata again on 
Sunday, a day after announcing their withdrawal following a two month siege. A 
government spokesman said the army was still carrying out its plan to withdraw 
from the city, but had fired back when retreating troops were attacked.

"As our army was withdrawing from Misrata it came under attack by the rebels. 
The army fought back but continued its withdrawal from the city," Mussa Ibrahim 
told reporters.

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Rebels fear that Qaddafi forces, contrary to their official announcement, had 
never had any real intention to withdraw from Misrata
Cyril Vanier, FRANCE 24's special correspondent reporting from Benghazi, Libya.
The government says its army is withdrawing from the city and sending in armed 
tribesmen instead. Rebels say the announcement may be part of a ruse to mask 
troop movements or stir violence between rebels and locals in nearby towns.

Rebel leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil told a news conference in Kuwait that the Gulf 
state had agreed to contribute 50 million Kuwaiti dinars ($177 million) to his 
rebel council to help pay workers in the east of the country under its control.

"This amount will help us a lot in paying the salaries of employees who did not 
receive their little salaries for two months," he said. "We are capable of only 
covering 40 percent of this amount. We are in need of urgent aid."

The rebels have been seeking international recognition as well as material 
support from the west and the Arab world.

They have been unable to advance from eastern Libya as they fight back and 
forth with Gaddafi's troops on the coastal road between the towns of Ajdabiyah 
and Brega, hampered by their lack of firepower, equipment and training.

Abdel Jalil also said the rebels had received weapons from "friends and 
allies", but did not specify which countries or organisations had donated them.

Restarting oil production in rebel-held areas would be a huge boost to the 
insurgents. A rebel oil official said companies could resume work as soon areas 
are secure.

"For Sirte Oil and Zueitina, we have people ready to move in as soon as they 
are safe to move, » Wahid Bugaighis, head of the National Oil Company, said in 
Benghazi. He said rebels had made about $129 million from their only shipment 
of crude oil so far — exported this month with the help of Gulf Arab state 
Qatar — but had had to pay $75 million for a single cargo of gasoline.

Misrata bombarded

In Misrata, a mood of victory was short-lived and the prospect of a turning 
point in the conflict dimmed on Sunday.

"The situation is very dangerous," rebel spokesman Abdelsalam said by telephone 
from the city. "Gaddafi's brigades started random bombardment in the early 
hours of this morning. The bombardment is still going on."

Captured government troops said on Saturday they had been ordered to retreat 
after a siege of nearly two months, but rebels now say they believe it was a 
government ruse.

"I don't think this is a real withd

[proletar] BBC: Libya crisis: Nato strike hits Gaddafi compound

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 25 April 2011 Last updated at 03:01 GMT

Libya crisis: Nato strike hits Gaddafi compound

Nato says it's been actively targeting command and control positions

A Nato air strike on the Libyan capital Tripoli has badly damaged buildings in 
Col Muammar Gaddafi's compound.

Reports said at least two powerful missiles struck the Libyan leader's 
sprawling Bab al-Azizia compound early on Monday.

Three TV stations briefly went off the air following the explosions.

The blasts were among the biggest to hit Tripoli so far, correspondents said. 
Nato is targeting Col Gaddafi's forces as he tries to quell a revolt.

The BBC's Ian Pannell in Tripoli said the damaged buildings appeared to be the 
same ones that Col Gaddafi used to host a recent visit by an African Union 
peace mission.

Reports said Libyan Television and the Jamahiriya and Shababiya TV stations 
were off air for about half-an-hour following the blasts.

On Sunday, forces loyal to the Libyan leader bombarded areas of the western 
city of Misrata, despite the regime saying it had halted attacks to allow local 
tribes to negotiate with rebels.
Continue reading the main story
At the scene
image of Ian Pannell, Ian Pannell, BBC News, Tripoli

Shortly after midnight there were at least two huge explosions in the capital.

The target appears to have been office buildings that make up part of Col 
Gaddafi's compound. The devastation is significant with walls blown out, roofs 
caved in and debris spread over a wide area.

Smoke rose from the shattered building as firemen sprayed foam on to the 
rubble. Some officials at the scene said there had been some injuries, others 
contradicted that.

Nato says it has been actively targeting command and control positions, but it 
is impossible to know whether this site did have a military purpose. There 
certainly didn't seem to be any obvious evidence of it.

For supporters of the regime rallying in front of the wreckage this was a 
personal attack against Col Gaddafi himself and they vowed to stay at the site 
despite Nato warnings to leave.

At least six people were reported killed in the latest bombardment, which 
reportedly hit the city centre and three residential districts.

A captured pro-Gaddafi soldier told AFP news agency that loyalist forces were 
losing the battle for Misrata.

"Many soldiers want to surrender but they are afraid of being executed [by 
rebels]," said Lili Mohammed, a Mauritanian hired to fight the insurgents.

On Sunday, Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said the army was pausing 
to allow local tribes to settle the battle "peacefully and not militarily".

But Col Omar Bani, military spokesman for the rebels' Transitional National 
Council (TNC), said Col Gaddafi was "playing a really dirty game" in an attempt 
to divide his opponents.

"It is a trick, they didn't go," Col Bani said in the eastern city of Benghazi. 
"They have stayed a bit out of Tripoli Street but they are preparing themselves 
to attack again."

British Journalist James Hider, who is in Misrata for The Times newspaper, told 
the BBC that although pro-Gaddafi forces encircled Misrata, their forces inside 
the city were themselves surrounded by rebel fighters.
Supporters of Col Gaddafi on a bomb-damaged building. 25 April 2011 Supporters 
of Col Gaddafi chanted defiance from the ruins of a building hit by the air 

He said their supplies were cut off and Nato air strikes were starving the main 
force outside the city of supplies from elsewhere.

Mr Hider said rebels hoped they would be able to regain control of the city 
centre soon but didn't think they would be able to defeat all the government 
forces until Nato strikes destroyed their biggest weaponry.

Human rights groups say more than 1,000 people have been killed in Misrata and 
many more wounded. Ships have been ferrying the wounded to hospitals in 

The revolt against Col Gaddafi began in February, inspired by uprisings 
elsewhere in the Arab world.

Rebel leaders received a financial boost on Sunday when Kuwait announced it was 
giving 50m dinars (£110m, $180m) to the Transitional National Council.

Nato is carrying out air strikes against Libyan state forces under a UN mandate 
to protect civilians. 

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[proletar] The Siasat Daily: Bombing destroys presidential building in Tripoli

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Bombing destroys presidential building in Tripoli
Monday, 25 April 2011

Tripoli, April 25: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's office in his immense 
Tripoli residence was destroyed in an air strike today, an AFP journalist said.

A Libyan official accompanying journalists at the scene said 45 people were 
wounded, 15 seriously, in the bombing. He added that he did not know whether 
there were victims under the rubble.

"It was an attempt to assassinate Gaddafi," he affirmed.

A meeting room facing Gaddafi's office was badly damaged by the blast.

NATO warplanes had already late Friday targeted the Bab Al-Aziziya district, 
where the presidential compound is located.

Heavy explosions shook the centre of Tripoli today as warplanes overflew the 
Libyan capital. The blasts, the strongest to have hit the city so far, shook 
the hotel in which foreign correspondents here are staying not far from 

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[proletar] KS Sebut 'Merah Putih' Itu Kain, Bukan Bendera +Penjelasan Tifatul Soal Insiden Merah Putih

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tentu hasrat PKS  bendera negara harus dasarnya hijau seperti 
bendera Arab Sauda dengan tulisan huruf arab dan gambar pedang. Masih lumayan 
dibilang Merah Putih itu kain, bukan kain kafir.
Tetapi bagaimana kalau Merah Putih itu dibuat dari besi, apakah juga dibilang 
bukan bendera tetapi sekeping besi?

Taiful Sembiring dan sobat-sobat PKS cs harus berikan contoh baik nan bagus 
yakni bukan saja mengenai masalah bendera , tetapi juga cara berpakain, tutup 
aurat alias garabeya atau jubah agar cocok dengan  bendera yang dikehendaki. 
Buanglah jauh-jauh dasi dan jas model bintang film kafir. Lihat kaum wanita, 
sebahagian dari mereka sudah berpakaian  tutup aurat, koq yang laki-laki 
petinggi negara masih tertinggal dengan  berpakain a la kafir. .


PKS Sebut 'Merah Putih' Itu Kain, Bukan Bendera   
Senin, 25 April 2011 | 00:54 WIB

  TEMPO/Fahmi Ali

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) menegaskan, insiden 
teatrikal di peringatan ulang tahun (Milad) ke-13 partai mereka di Tasikmalaya, 
Jawa Barat, Ahad (24/4) berlangsung pada sehelai kain, bukan simbol negara 
yaitu bendera Merah Putih. 
"Karena spontan, maka tarian dilakukan dilakukan di luar gedung GOR. Namun, tak 
disangka di ujung tarian ada kain seperti bendera merah putih terinjak peserta 
tari." kata Wakil Sekjen PKS Mahfudz Siddiq dalam keterangan tertulisnya kepada 
wartawan, Ahad (24/4). 

Mahfudz menegaskan, aksi teatrikal itu tak bermaksud melecehkan bendera merah 
putih sebagai simbol negara. Aksi itu tak lebih dari upaya sumbangan spontan 
para siswa SMU Muttaqien yang diundang ke acara itu. "Ini mengejutkan. Atas 
inisiatif panitia, Ketua Panitia saudara Tono yang juga Ketua DPD PKS 
Tasikmalaya akhirnya memberikan keterangan di kantor polisi," kata Mahfudz.

Atas insiden tersebut, polisi setempat setidaknya telah memeriksa 10 penari.

Selain memeriksa para penari, polisi juga menyita kain merah putih sepanjang 2 
x 6 meter dan alat peraga lain. Polisi mendapat penjelasan, aksi itu dilakukan 
untuk seni dan tidak ada maksud melecehkan simbol negara. 

Kepolisian, kata Mahfudz lagi, sudah bisa menerima penjelasan itu. " Kapolres 
bisa menerima penjelasan panitia," kata Mahfudz. " Kami pun demikian dengan 
penyumbang tarian, juga meminta maaf."



Penjelasan Tifatul Soal Insiden Merah Putih 

Senin, 25 April 2011 | 05:50 WIB

 Tifatul Sembiring. TEMPO/Imam Sukamto

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Anggota Majelis Syuro Partai Keadilan Sejahtera 
(PKS) Tifatul Sembiring meminta maaf atas terjadinya insiden merah putih di 
Tasikmalaya. Lewat akun Twitter-nya @tifsembiring, PKS berjanji akan lebih 
ketat mengontrol acara-acara sensitif yang bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman 

Sebuah insiden terjadi di peringatan ulang tahun (Milad) ke-13 PKS di 
Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, pada Minggu (24/4). Sebanyak 8 siswi SMA Al Muttaqin 
menginjak-injak kain merah putih berukuran 2 x 6 meter ketika sedang melakukan 
aksi teatrikal. 

Polisi kemudian menghentikan Milad tersebut dan meminta keterangan para siswi, 
termasuk panitia penyelenggara. Setelah itu, mereka dilepas. Polisi mendapat 
penjelasan, aksi itu dilakukan untuk seni dan tidak ada maksud melecehkan 
simbol negara.

"DPD PKS Tasikmalaya dan DPW PKS Jawa Barat telah menyampaikan permohonan maaf 
karena kekeliruan sumbangan acara tersebut," tulis Tifatul Sembiring, mantan 
Presiden PKS di akun Twitter-nya 9 jam lalu. 

Berikut 6 poin penjelasan Tifatul soal insiden kain Merah Putih tersebut lewat 
akun Twitter-nya. 

1. Ini sedikit penjelasan panitia soal bendera: setiap tahun selalu diadakan 
acara Milad, termasuk di DPD PKS #Tasik. #MiladPKS

2. Pada acara Milad kali ini DPD PKS #Tasik juga melibatkan masyarakat selain 
kader PKS seperti pelajar SMU, anak jalanan, pengamen, dan sebagainya.

3. Salah satunya putri-putri SMU At Muttaqien menyumbang tarian teatrikal 
membawa kain besar, yang dibimbing para guru mereka. #MiladPKS #Tasik

4. Dalam teatrikal tersebut, bendera besar tadi terinjak-injak. Melihat 
kejadian tersebut, polisi menyetop acara tersebut dan memeriksa PJ-nya. #Tasik

5. DPD PKS Tasikmalaya dan DPW PKS Jawa Barat telah menyampaikan permohonan 
maaf karena kekeliruan sumbangan acara tersebut. #MiladPKS #Tasik

6. Pengurus PKS setempat berjanji akan lebih ketat mengontrol acara-acara 
sensitif yang bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman masyarakat. #MiladPKS #Tasik


Berita terkait
  a.. PKS Minta Maaf Atas Insiden Injak Merah Putih 
  b.. PKS Bantah Penginjak Merah Putih Kader Partai 
  c.. Polisi Periksa 10 Penginjak Merah Putih di HUT PKS   
  d.. Insiden Injak Merah Putih di Milad PKS 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[proletar] CNN: Moroccan protesters reject king's draft constitution

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Moroccan protesters reject king's draft constitution

>From Martin Jay, For CNN
April 25, 2011 -- Updated 0520 GMT (1320 HKT)

In a peaceful demonstration Sunday in Casablanca, thousands called for an 
overhaul of Morocco's governance.
In a peaceful demonstration Sunday in Casablanca, thousands called for an 
overhaul of Morocco's governance.

Casablanca, Morocco (CNN) -- Thousands of Moroccans held a peaceful 
demonstration nationwide Sunday, calling for a radical overhaul of the 
country's governance before a new constitution is unveiled in June by King 
Mohammed VI.

The march was organized by the Facebook youth movement Fevrier 20. The group 
said its members would not accept the present draft constitution because it was 
written by the king's own people. It denounced his decision to refer the new 
constitution to a committee he appointed.

King Mohammed announced last month he would give up some of his wide-scale 
powers and make the judiciary independent -- the latter a particularly hot 
subject in Morocco.

Protesters in Casablanca demanded much more and openly rejected the moves.

"We are not believing these speeches anymore. We are tired of this," said 
medical student Meryum, 17, who did not want to give her full name. "We are 
telling those who defend these speeches that we are sick of them. We only 
believe in real people today, like this, in taking part in real politics in 
Morocco. We are not going to stop until they hear us and get back our lost 

Many believe that bribery in Morocco needs to be tackled before any reforms can 
actually take place. The central theme of the march -- corruption -- was 
reiterated by most groups at the rally.

Morocco was recently ranked the 89th most corrupt country in the world by 
Transparency International.

Corruption accounts for a loss of about 2% of Morocco's GDP, officials have 
said. More important, it deters vital foreign direct investment from flowing 
into Morocco, they say.

Calls for an end to political detention and questions about the king's personal 
business activities were also on protesters' banners. There was visible 
resentment at the royal family's business operations, controlled by its holding 
company SNI. There were also groups protesting the prices of basic household 

"I came here today because we are Moroccans and we want a democratic state ... 
we are not in a democratic state and we want democracy, liberty and dignity," 
said engineering student Tehani, 20, who did not want to give her full name and 
is a member of Fevrier 20. "We want a new constitution but a constitution who 
comes from 'la masse populaire,' not from one person," she told CNN at the 
rally in Casablanca. "We want a committee which represents all the Moroccans, 
we want a committee of a constitution which we choose."

"This manifestations of Morocco is a real message to the king that people 
really need real change in this country," added a young male student. He said 
he wished to remain anonymous when plainclothes policemen moved closer as 
demonstrators photographed his being interviewed by CNN.

According to local media, most large towns in Morocco had peaceful protests, 
with Casablanca's the biggest. Groups included unions, women, the unemployed, 
students, victims of human rights violations and Islamists.

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[proletar] BBC: Syrian army 'attacks protest city of Deraa'

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 25 April 2011 Last updated at 07:26 GMT

Syrian army 'attacks protest city of Deraa'
Photo from an amateur video of protests in Deraa, 22 April 2011 Deraa has been 
at the epicentre of recent protests in Syria

Syria's army has launched an attack on the southern city of Deraa, with tanks 
being used to back troops, according to activists and unverified video footage.

One activist was quoted as saying that security forces were "firing in all 
directions", and there were unconfirmed reports of casualties.

Deraa is where Syrian anti-government protests began five weeks ago.

News of the assault follows reports of crackdowns and arrests in other parts of 
the country.

A human rights campaigner told Reuters news agency that security forces had 
also stormed the Damascus suburb of Douma on Monday, opening fire on civilians 
and arresting scores of people.

Security forces are said to be rounding up suspected protest organisers despite 
the lifting of the state of emergency last week.

Protesters began calling for political reforms last month, but many are now 
demanding that President Bashar al-Assad step down.

At least 350 people are reported to have been killed.
'Electricity cut'

Activist Abdullah al-Harriri told AFP news agency that hundreds of security 
personnel had entered Deraa on Monday, supported by tanks and other armoured 
Continue reading the main story
image of Owen Bennett Jones Owen Bennett Jones BBC News, Beirut

Opposition activists in recent days have been describing Deraa as liberated 
territory, and two members of parliament and a local religious official 
resigned on Saturday to protest against the killing of demonstrators there.

By sending in troops the government has shown its determined to win back 
control of the city. Elsewhere in Syria, armed security personnel in uniform 
and in plain clothes have been patrolling through the street of cities and 

Last week in an attempt to appease the protesters the government lifted the 
state of emergency. That failed to stop the protests and ever since the 
government has been using force to suppress the demands for greater freedom.

"The men are firing in all directions and advancing behind the armour which is 
protecting them," he said.

"Electricity is cut off and telephone communications are virtually impossible."

One resident told Arabic broadcaster al-Jazeera that five people had been 

Foreign journalists have been prevented from entering the country, making 
information hard to verify.

But the BBC's Owen Bennett-Jones in neighbouring Lebanon says the use of tanks 
has not been reported elsewhere in Syria, and would mark a scaling up in the 
government's response to protests.

It appears from the latest reports that the government is absolutely determined 
to use force to suppress the protest movement, he says.
Deaths in Jabla

In recent days opposition activists have been describing Deraa as liberated 
territory, and two members of parliament and a local religious official 
resigned on Saturday to protest against the killing of demonstrators there.
BBC map

Deraa has had the highest death toll of any town in Syria.

Earlier, at least four people were reported to have been killed in Jabla, a 
north-western town of 80,000, after security forces opened fire there late on 

At least 95 people were reported killed across Syria on Friday and a further 12 
on Saturday, as mourners came under fire.

The authorities have reacted erratically to demonstrations - sometimes 
promising to allow more democracy and freedoms, and other times opening fire on 

Campaign group Human Rights Watch called for a UN inquiry and international 
sanctions against Syria following Friday's killings.

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[proletar] Kuwait Times :7 wounded in bombing outside Baghdad church

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

7 wounded in bombing outside Baghdad church

Published Date: April 25, 2011
BAGHDAD: At least seven people were injured when a bomb outside the entrance of 
a Baghdad church exploded on Easter Sunday, an Iraqi police official said. The 
blast took place just yards (meters) from the Sacred Heart Church in Baghdad's 
Karradah neighborhood. Shrapnel from the bomb struck the outside of the 
building, and at least four of the church's windows were shattered. Shards of 
broken glass lay on the street in front of the building. Like many Baghdad 
houses of worship, the church is surrounded by
blast walls to protect it from such attacks. The officer said no parishioners 
were inside and services had not been held in the building.

Four policemen and three civilian bystanders were wounded, said the official, 
who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to brief the media. 
Iraqi Christians have faced a recent wave of violence, including an attack last 
year against a Baghdad church that killed 68 people. Before Christmas services, 
Al-Qaeda-linked militants threatened a wave of violence against Christians, 
forcing many to tone down their ceremonies.

There was no such threat ahead of this Easter Sunday but authorities 
nonetheless stepped up security in the capital and two main northern provinces 
where Christians live, tightening hundreds of checkpoints that already dot the 
streets and snarling traffic for hours. About 700 Christians attended Easter 
services at Baghdad's St Joseph's Chaldean church where security forces closed 
off the roads leading to it, laid razor wires and searched all worshippers 
before entering the church.

Our life in Iraq is fill of fear," Father Hanna Saad Sirop told worshippers. 
"But we have to live in faith and trust ... we have to trust almighty God," 
Hanna added. Christians also marked Easter peacefully in the northern cities of 
Kirkuk and Mosul. Since the 2003 US-led invasion, Iraqi Christians have 
suffered repeated violence and harassment from Sunni Muslim extremists who view 
them as infidels and agents of the West, forcing many of them to flee the 
country either to the safer northern Kurdish self-
ruled region or abroad. - AP

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[proletar] Khaleej Times: Syrian forces open fire in Deraa

2011-04-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Syrian forces open fire in Deraa

25 April 2011, 6:57 AM
AMMAN - Syrian troops in armoured vehicles poured into the restive town of 
Deraa overnight and opened fire, residents said on Monday, the latest crackdown 
on protests that has escalated sharply in recent days.

Syrian writers issued a declaration denouncing the crackdown, a sign of outrage 
surging through the intellectual elite over the violence.

Rights groups say security forces have killed more than 350 civilians since 
unrest began last month. A third of the victims were killed in the past three 
days as the scale and breadth of a popular revolt against President Bashar Al 
Assad grew.

Residents in Deraa, where the protest movement against Asaad first erupted last 
month, said hundreds of troops had arrived.

"They were firing. Witnesses have told me that there have been five deaths so 
far and houses have become hospitals," a Deraa resident named Mohsen told Al 
Jazeera by telephone.

Foreign journalists have mostly been expelled from the country, making it 
impossible to verify the situation on the ground. Grisly footage posted on the 
Internet by demonstrators in recent days appears to show troops firing on 
unarmed crowds.

In some of the latest violence, activists said government troops and gunmen 
loyal to Assad shot dead at least nine civilians on Sunday in the Mediterranean 
coastal town of Jabla, where troops deployed following a protest the previous 

Rights campaigners said they feared Assad's forces were preparing for an attack 
on the town of Nawa after reports of bulldozers and military vehicles heading 
there. Thousands of people in the town called for the overthrow of Assad on 
Sunday at a funeral for protesters killed by security forces.

Electricity and communications were cut off in parts of Nawa by the evening and 
residents, some armed, erected barriers in the streets in preparation to defend 
against attack.

"Long live Syria. Down with Bashar!" mourners chanted during the funeral in 
Nawa, 25 km (15 miles) north of Deraa.

"Leave, leave! The people want the overthrow of the regime."

In Banias, south of Jabla, protest leaders said they would cut the main coastal 
highway unless the siege on Jabla was lifted.
Barrier of fear

Monday's declaration was signed by 102 writers and journalists, in Syria and in 
exile, representing all the country's main sects, a sign that shock at the 
violence is crossing Syria's lines of sectarian division.

It called on Syrian intellectuals "who have not broken the barrier of fear to 
make a clear stand.

"We condemn the violent, oppressive practices of the Syrian regime against the 
protesters and mourn the martyrs of the uprising."

Signatories included Alawite figures such as former political prisoner Loay 
Hussein; female writers Samar Yazbek and Hala Mohammad; Souad Jarrous, 
correspondent for Al Sharq Al Awsat pan-Arab daily; writer and former political 
prisoner Yassin al-Haj Saleh and filmmaker Mohammad Ali Al Attassi.

Mansour Al Ali, a prominent Alawite figure from the city of Homs, was arrested 
in his home city after he spoke out against the shooting of protesters, an 
activist in Homs said.

At least 100 people were killed across Syria on Friday, the highest toll of the 
unrest, when security forces shot protesters demanding political freedoms and 
an end to corruption in their country, ruled for 41 years by the Assad dynasty.

Another 12 people were killed on Saturday at mass funerals for slain 
protesters. Rights campaigners said secret police raided homes near Damascus 
and in the central city of Homs on Sunday, arresting activists. 

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