[proletar] Filem dari Iran " A separation"

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik kim
Dilihat dari ketegangan dunia dengan masalah Iran, filem Iran
dengan judul "A separation" berangkali filem ini sudah berfungsi
sebagai diplomasi yang terbaik untuk mencerminkan bagaimana ke-
hidupan rakyat Iran yang sebenarnya:


Filem ini lolos dari sensor negaranya. Memang filem ini tidak
ada konotasi sebagai propaganda ataupun memojokkan tentang ne-
gara Iran itu sendiri. Filem ini hanya memperbincangkan soal
kehidupan di Iran.

Hal ini bisa disebut sebagai cerminan, cermin tentang satu
bangsa yang menganut hukum Syariah. Di adopsi oleh masyarakat
dan akibatnya ada dua type: yang satu modernis; mempunyai ke-
hidupan yag cukup dan terdidik. Dan yang satu lagi, miskin,
berpikiran kolot dan tidak terdidik.

Karya artistik ini, A separation, telah menggondol hadiah
Golden Bear di Berlin, bisa jadi akan meraih sebuah oscar di
Amerika Serikat.

Yang menjadi kendala pikiran, bagi kita-kita yang mengenal
bagaimana kehidupan dan tabiat sebagai orang Iran, maksudnya
dari segi kelakuan, kejujuran dan sebagai orang yang, sbg
orang yang tidak haram jadah, dirasakan alangkah sayangnya
jika negara ini dihantam hancur lebur oleh negara-negara

Jangan sampai seluruh negara menjadi korban dikarenakan oleh
kelakuan Ahmadinejad dan beberapa tokoh ulama di Iran. Mudah-
mudahan tidak terjadi.

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[proletar] Re: Indonesian tycoon makes $30m donation to NUS

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Teddy S.
Seperti bisa diduga, rupanya putra satu-satunya Tahir, Jonathan tadinya kuliah 
di UC Berkeley yang lalu oleh sang babeh dipindah ke NUS agar gampang diawasi 
karena dekatnya jarak dengan Jakarta.

He declined to reveal his net worth or the amount he has given to various 
causes throughout the years, but said he has given US$2million (S$2.9million) 
to universities in Indonesia over the last two years.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "johny_indon"  wrote:
> tahir adalah menantu mochtar riady, dan mochtar juga pernah nyumbang 
> duit ke NUS singapore sampe NUS bikinin dia gedung bernama "mochtar riady 
> building"
> http://www.nus.edu.sg/oed/services/development/mochtar-riady-building.htm
> dan ini bukan yg pertamakali engkoh tahir nyumbang sekolahan negara lain yg 
> kondisinya jauh lebih kaya dari indonesia.
> april 2011, dia nyumbang duit 1 juta dollar ke uc berkeley.
> biarpun dia ngeruk duit paling banyak di indonesia, tapi hasil 
> kerukannya lebih demen disumbangkan di negara lain, yg notabene 
> malah ngga butuh2 amat sumbangan karena sudah sangat kaya.
> http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/04/28/ri-tycoon-donates-1m-uc-berkeley.html

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[proletar] Re: Anak kecil

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Abbas
Smart juga kmu cha, dengan kisahmu ini. Happy new year.
May in the coming year  we are much more happy than before.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, cha6966@... wrote:
> Seorang bocah laki-laki masuk ke sebuah toko. Ia mengambil peti minuman dan 
> mendorongnya ke dekat pesawat telepon koin. 
> Lalu, ia naik ke atasnya sehingga ia bisa menekan tombol angka di telepon 
> dengan leluasa. 
> Ditekannya tujuh digit angka. Si pemilik toko mengamati-amati tingkah bocah 
> ini dan menguping percakapan teleponnya. 
> Bocah: 
> "Ibu, bisakah saya mendapat pekerjaan memotong rumput di halaman Ibu?" 
> Ibu (di ujung telepon sebelah sana): 
> "Saya sudah punya orang untuk mengerjakannya". 
> Bocah: 
> "Ibu bisa bayar saya setengah upah dari orang itu". 
> Ibu: 
> "Saya sudah sangat puas dengan hasil kerja orang itu". 
> Bocah (dengan sedikit memaksa): 
> "Saya juga akan menyapu pinggiran trotoar Ibu dan saya jamin di hari Minggu 
> halaman rumah Ibu akan jadi yang tercantik di antara rumah" yg berada di 
> kompleks perumahan ibu". 
> Ibu: 
> "Tidak, terima kasih. Saya sudah mendapatkan orang terbaik untuk pekerjaan 
> tersebut dan saya tidak mau ada orang lain yang menggantikannya". 
> Dengan senyuman di wajahnya, bocah itu menaruh kembali gagang telepon. 
> Si pemilik toko, yang sedari tadi mendengarkan, menghampiri bocah itu. 
> Pemilik Toko: 
> "Nak, aku suka sikapmu, semangat positifmu, dan aku ingin menawarkanmu 
> pekerjaan". 
> Bocah: 
> "Tidak Pak. Terima Kasih". 
> Pemilik Toko: 
> "Tapi tadi kedengarannya kamu sangat menginginkan pekerjaan tersebut". 
> Bocah: 
> "Oh, itu.. Pak. Saya cuma mau mengecek apa kerjaan saya sudah bagus. Sayalah 
> yang bekerja untuk Ibu tadi!"
> Seperti anak kecil dalam cerita di atas, sebaiknya kita mengevaluasi tentang 
> apa yang telah kita kerjakan di tahun 2011 kemaren untuk memastikan kualitas 
> kerja yang lebih baik di tahun 2012 ini.
> "Happy New Year 2012. Wish You all The Best. God bless all of you my friend".
> Ch@​​™
> Charles Asiku
> pin:21EF6D92
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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[proletar] Re: 87% of Afghan men misunderstand Islam, subject women to physical or sexual violence or forced marriage

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Abbas
Banyak memang manusia Islam yng tak mengerti Islamnya; akibatnya jadi salah 
kaprah. Ketemu dengan manusia anti Islam; mka jadilah BERITA BESAR dan dibesar 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu  wrote:
> Hehe 87% cewek ngalami kekerasan dlm rumah tangga di Afghanistan yg 
> sangat Islami itu.
> Ini tentunya krn auloh nyuruh nyiksa cewek2 yg dianggap ga patuh di Quran 4:34
> 87% of Afghan men misunderstand Islam, subject women to physical or sexual 
> violence or forced marriage
> Islamic spokesmen in the West constantly assure us that Islam respects women 
> -- I was not too long ago in a somewhat riotous debate with the Imam Moustafa 
> Zayed on just that topic. And so it is extremely odd that in Afghanistan, a 
> country where virtually everyone is Muslim, most Afghan men seem to 
> misunderstand this important principle, and treat their women shabbily. 
> Probably they misunderstand this Qur'an passage as providing some 
> justification for wife-beating: "Good women are obedientAs for those from 
> whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and 
> beat them" (4:34).
> "Afghan woman cuts off father-in-law's private part," from AFP, December 31, 
> 2011 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
> >An Afghan woman cut off her father-in-law's penis with a knife after he 
> >tried to have sex with her, a doctor in eastern Afghanistan's Ghazni 
> >province said on Saturday. 
> >"One day when the husband was away from home he attempted to have sex with 
> >his daughter-in-law and she cut off his penis with a knife," the doctor from 
> >a private hospital in Ghazni said on condition of anonymity.
> >The man went for treatment at the private hospital but was sent on to the 
> >capital Kabul for specialist treatment, he added. The incident took place 
> >two weeks ago but has only just come to light.
> >According to figures in an Oxfam report in October, 87 per cent of Afghan 
> >women report having experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence 
> >or forced marriage.
> > 
> Posted by Robert on January 1, 2012 3:24 PM | 3 Comments 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] From Sumatra to Papua, in 2011 Rule By Law Again Trumped the Rule of Law

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
>From Sumatra to Papua, in 2011 Rule By Law Again Trumped the Rule of Law
Nurkholis Hidayat | December 31, 2011

 'The law has become an instrument for the government to legitimize its 

The current state of Indonesian law prompts me to question once again whether 
the rulers (the investors, political oligarchy, the majority) are the law, or 
whether the law is the ruler. 

This question comes to the fore because a number of incidents and human rights 
cases in 2011 appear to show that the legal and political conditions in 
Indonesia have suffered a significant decline. 

To try to answer the question, I would first like to start with the defiance 
against the law that has taken place throughout the years — and that, 
ironically, has been one of the hallmarks of the government. 

Disobedience is usually thought of as a term used to describe citizens. While 
the motivation for defying the law may vary, it is often a conscious rejection 
of a legal system that has been deemed unfair or oppressive. In other words, it 
is a decision made by someone who has a critical legal consciousness and is not 
a result of ignorance of legal matters. 

In Indonesia, however, disobedience is often practiced by lawmakers and law 
enforcers themselves — the very people in the business of creating a society 
based on law and order. 

The mayor of Bogor refused to abide by the verdict of the Supreme Court in the 
case concerning the judicial review sought by the GKI Yasmin church. The 
president and the education minister both refused to respect the Supreme Court 
verdict that declared the National Examination as violating the right to 
education. The health minister, the Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) and the Bogor 
Institute of Agriculture all refused to comply with a Supreme Court verdict 
demanding that they announce the name of formula milk tainted by bacteria. 

This sort of defiance of the law is not a statement against injustice; it is an 
obstruction of justice. The supremacy of law is diminished, as is the trust 
people have in the legal system. The principles of a state of law are being 
held in contempt. 

Human rights have regressed in 2011, particularly in the areas of religious 
freedom, the right to organize, the right to housing and the right to a fair 

At the start of the year, we were jolted by the Cikeusik tragedy in which 
intolerance, hatred and violence prevailed over logic as mobs killed members of 
the Ahmadiyah community. All year, Ahmadis in Indonesia have continued to face 
threats, attacks, violence, the closure of places of worship, damage to 
property and forced evictions. All this while the government, the House and the 
judicial institutions have failed to protect them or their constitutional 

Other religious minorities face a similarly dangerous climate as groups 
preaching intolerance are free to spread their hatred through the media. 

In the labor sector, the dominant cases involved violation of the rights of 
workers and the freedom to organize. The Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH 
Jakarta) received reports of 12 cases of muzzling of labor unions. Labor union 
activists have been threatened with dismissals, suspension and transfer and 
their offices shut down. Workers at Carrefour, Asiatex, Perusahaan Listrik 
Negara, Dok dan Koja Bahari and Indofood Sukses Makmur were all hit by the 
criminalization of labor unions. 

Workers filed reports alleging criminal behavior by the entrepreneurs and labor 
supervisors they were fighting. The reports were pushed aside by police. 

This year has seen a rising number (24) of violations pertaining to fair trial. 
Arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and case manipulation are becoming a 
pattern. Violators include police, non-state actors such as intolerant groups 
and entrepreneurs, prosecutors, and the court system itself. 

Although the number of forced evictions decreased in 2011, there has been no 
fair settlement of disputes over urban spaces involving the poor. The 
government’s policy of taking inventory of its assets is implemented widely 
without consideration for state housing occupants, as guaranteed by law. 

A number of government ministries and state enterprises forcefully evicted 
occupants without providing an adequate or fair solution. Pawnshop operator 
Perum Pegadaian, train operator KAI, electricity provider PLN, a number of 
ministries such as home affairs and defense and the Indonesian Armed Forces 
were involved in forced evictions. 

Meanwhile, in Papua, arbitrary arrests, torture and killings continued 
unabated. The government and security personnel are muzzling the Papuan people 
by accusing anyone and everyone of plotting against the state. At least 29 
people have been sentenced for political reasons, with sentences ranging from 
11 months to life. Most were involved in the ra

[proletar] Analysts Look Abroad for Guide To Local Growth

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Refl: Satu gambar lebih berharga dari 1000 kata, demikian ucapan klasik 
Tiongkok. Gambar pada artikel dibawah ini terlihat bangunan-bangunan tinggi 
yang sudah selasai maupun yang sedang dibangun. Gamar ini tidak lain tentang 
pembangunan di Jakarta bukan di daerah. Jadi tidak mencerminkan “boom" 
pembangunan di berbagai daerah dalam wilayah Indonesia. 
Mungkin saja beleid politik ekonomi yang diaplikasikan oleh pihak berkuasa 
ialah yang disebut “spil over economy”, yaitu jika tempat dikonsentrasi 
aktivitas ekonomi pada suatu wilayah dan bila wilayah ini telah benar-benar 
kaya akan tertumpah kelebihannya dan merambat ke berbagai wilayah dan 
kemakmuran pun bisa dicapai. Jadi kalau diterjemahkan ialah kalau Jakarta 
termasuk pulau Jawa sudah kaya raya maka kelebihan kekayaan akan memperkaya 
daerah-daerah. Bisakah demikian? Bagaimana komentar para pakar terhadap asumsi 
yang dikemukan? Silahkan dikoreksi bila keliru.

Analysts Look Abroad for Guide To Local Growth
Muhamad Al Azhari | January 01, 2012

 Indonesia was last month upgraded to investment grade by Fitch Ratings, a move 
expected to boost investment. (Reuters Photo) Indonesia’s economy in 2012 will 
be affected by the movement of financial tides off-shore. But opinions differ 
on the extent of the foreign influence, which one analyst says could wipe 
nearly one-third off the size of the nation’s economic growth. 

The archipelago’s economy is driven by consumption, and Trimegah Securities, 
one of the largest brokerages in the country, proposed three scenarios for 
economic growth. 

In its best-case scenario, where Indonesia’s economy will face “negligible 
impact from recession in developed markets,” Trimegah forecast growth at 6-6.5 
percent, with inflation at 6-6.5 percent. 

In its worst-case scenario, with Indonesia’s “economy deteriorating heavily as 
developed markets’ sovereign-debt crisis causes its banking system to stop 
working, hence influencing global demand,” Trimegah projected Indonesia’s 
economy to grow at 4.5-5.5 percent, driven mainly domestic consumption. 
Household spending accounts for around two-thirds of Indonesia’s economic 
activity. Inflation of 4-5 percent is anticipated under this scenario, the 
broker said. 

Lastly, in a so-called “base case” scenario, Trimegah said that Indonesia’s 
economy won’t be completely shielded from the impact of economies in developed 
nations. Under this the island nation’s growth is expected at 5.5-6 percent, 
with inflation at 5-6 percent, according to Trimegah. 

Still, UBS Investment Research said in a December report that the negative 
impact of the crisis in Europe is likely to be noticeable in the first quarter 
through weaker foreign-currency loans and lower income in commodity-producing 
regions. Demand for commodities will be down in Europe, and falling commodity 
prices will affect Indonesia’s economy, it said. 

“We expect the external environment for 2012 to be worse than in 2011,” UBS 
said in its report released before Indonesia had its sovereign debt raised by 
Fitch Ratings on Dec. 15 to investment grade, the first time in 14 years. 

Such concerns prompted UBS analysts to put a 5.5 percent growth forecast for 
Indonesia this year. Its 2012 forecast is lower than the 6.3 percent growth 
estimate by Bank Indonesia. It is also lower than the government’s forecast of 
6.7 percent, as set in the 2012 budget. However, UBS sees economic growth 
accelerating in 2013 to 6.1 percent due to fiscal and monetary easing. 

Remaining optimistic, Suryo Bambang Sulistyo, chairman of the Indonesian 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), projects the economy expanding 7 
percent this year with food, mining and energy sector becoming the backbone of 

“It is very possible. We have enormous potential. I am optimistic that 7 
percent growth is reachable,” he said on Friday.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Indonesian tycoon makes $30m donation to NUS

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik johny_indon

tahir adalah menantu mochtar riady, dan mochtar juga pernah nyumbang 
duit ke NUS singapore sampe NUS bikinin dia gedung bernama "mochtar riady 


dan ini bukan yg pertamakali engkoh tahir nyumbang sekolahan negara lain yg 
kondisinya jauh lebih kaya dari indonesia.
april 2011, dia nyumbang duit 1 juta dollar ke uc berkeley.

biarpun dia ngeruk duit paling banyak di indonesia, tapi hasil 
kerukannya lebih demen disumbangkan di negara lain, yg notabene 
malah ngga butuh2 amat sumbangan karena sudah sangat kaya.


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[proletar] 87% of Afghan men misunderstand Islam, subject women to physical or sexual violence or forced marriage

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehe 87% cewek ngalami kekerasan dlm rumah tangga di Afghanistan yg sangat 
Islami itu.
Ini tentunya krn auloh nyuruh nyiksa cewek2 yg dianggap ga patuh di Quran 4:34
87% of Afghan men misunderstand Islam, subject women to physical or sexual 
violence or forced marriage
Islamic spokesmen in the West constantly assure us that Islam respects women -- 
I was not too long ago in a somewhat riotous debate with the Imam Moustafa 
Zayed on just that topic. And so it is extremely odd that in Afghanistan, a 
country where virtually everyone is Muslim, most Afghan men seem to 
misunderstand this important principle, and treat their women shabbily. 
Probably they misunderstand this Qur'an passage as providing some justification 
for wife-beating: "Good women are obedientAs for those from whom you fear 
disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them" (4:34).
"Afghan woman cuts off father-in-law's private part," from AFP, December 31, 
2011 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
>An Afghan woman cut off her father-in-law's penis with a knife after he tried 
>to have sex with her, a doctor in eastern Afghanistan's Ghazni province said 
>on Saturday. 
>"One day when the husband was away from home he attempted to have sex with his 
>daughter-in-law and she cut off his penis with a knife," the doctor from a 
>private hospital in Ghazni said on condition of anonymity.
>The man went for treatment at the private hospital but was sent on to the 
>capital Kabul for specialist treatment, he added. The incident took place two 
>weeks ago but has only just come to light.
>According to figures in an Oxfam report in October, 87 per cent of Afghan 
>women report having experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence or 
>forced marriage.
Posted by Robert on January 1, 2012 3:24 PM | 3 Comments 

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Re: [proletar] Antagonisme Penerapan Ajaran Islam di Indonesia (2)

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik item abu
"Namun, pertanyaan yang kemudian dimunculkan oleh Rehman dan Askari bukan 
semarak ritual, melainkan seberapa jauh ajaran Islam itu membentuk kesalehan 
sosial berdasarkan ajaran Alquran dan Hadis. Contoh perilaku sosial di 
Indonesia yang sangat jauh dari ajaran Islam adalah maraknya korupsi, sistem 
ekonomi dengan bunga tinggi, kekayaan tidak merata, persamaan hak bagi setiap 
warga negara untuk memperoleh pelayanan negara dan untuk berkembang, serta 
banyak aset sosial yang mubazir. Apa yang dikecam ajaran Islam itu ternyata 
lebih mudah ditemukan di masyarakat muslim ketimbang negara-negara Barat."

Korupsi,  diskriminasi, dll itu justru merupakan ajaran Islam, jadi ga aneh 
sama sekali kalo di negara2 bersyariat iblis itu kita temukan korupsi gede2an, 
penindasan thd golongan lain, kesenjangan sosial dll.
Nabinya yg disebut sbg orang yg paling mulia akhlaknya dan hrs dijadikan contoh 
tauladan semua orang itu ternyata adlah perampok dan tukang bunuh yg gila sex 
dan pedophile. Ga aneh kalo orang2 Islam itu banyak yg bejad spt nabinya, bukan?


From: Sunny 
>To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com 
>Sent: Monday, January 2, 2012 10:58 AM
>Subject: [proletar] Antagonisme Penerapan Ajaran Islam di Indonesia (2)
>Depan › 
>Senin, 26 Desember 2011 
>Antagonisme Penerapan Ajaran Islam di Indonesia (2) 
>H. Munawar M. Saad
>Dosen STAIN Pontianak dan sedang menyelesaikan program doktor di UGM Yogyakarta
>Kesimpulan penelitian di atas tak jauh berbeda dari pengalaman dan pengakuan 
>beberapa ustaz dan kiai sepulang dari Jepang setelah kunjungan selama dua 
>minggu di Negeri Sakura. Program ini sudah berlangsung enam tahun atas kerja 
>sama Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dengan 
>Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Jakarta.
>Para ustaz dan kiai itu difasilitasi untuk melihat dari dekat kehidupan sosial 
>di sana dan bertemu sejumlah tokoh. Setiba di tanah air, hampir semua mengakui 
>bahwa kehidupan sosial di Jepang lebih mencerminkan nilai-nilai Islam 
>ketimbang yang mereka jumpai, baik di Indonesia maupun di Timur Tengah. 
>Masyarakat terbiasa antre, menjaga kebersihan, kejujuran, suka menolong, dan 
>nilai-nilai Islam lain yang justru makin sulit ditemukan di Indonesia.
>Pernyataan serupa pernah dikemukakan Muhammad Abduh, ulama besar Mesir, 
>setelah berkunjung ke Eropa. “Saya lebih melihat Islam di Eropa, tetapi kalau 
>orang muslim banyak saya temukan di dunia Arab,” katanya.
>Kalau saja yang dijadikan indikator penelitian untuk menimbang keberislaman 
>masyarakat itu ditekankan pada aspek ritual-individual, saya yakin Indonesia 
>menduduki peringkat pertama menggeser Selandia Baru.
>Namun, pertanyaan yang kemudian dimunculkan oleh Rehman dan Askari bukan 
>semarak ritual, melainkan seberapa jauh ajaran Islam itu membentuk kesalehan 
>sosial berdasarkan ajaran Alquran dan Hadis. Contoh perilaku sosial di 
>Indonesia yang sangat jauh dari ajaran Islam adalah maraknya korupsi, sistem 
>ekonomi dengan bunga tinggi, kekayaan tidak merata, persamaan hak bagi setiap 
>warga negara untuk memperoleh pelayanan negara dan untuk berkembang, serta 
>banyak aset sosial yang mubazir. Apa yang dikecam ajaran Islam itu ternyata 
>lebih mudah ditemukan di masyarakat muslim ketimbang negara-negara Barat.
>Di Indonesia, penyimpangan perilaku sosial terjadi di tengah kehidupan 
>masyarakat yang secara individual sangat taat beragama. Namun kesalehan 
>individu justru tidak berdampak pada kehidupan sosial. Misalnya, sering kita 
>jumpai dalam kehidupan keluarga, muncul berbagai tindakan kekerasan. Seperti 
>misalnya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, pelecehan seksual, penganiayaan 
>terhadap pembantu, anak kandung tega menghabisi nyawa orang tuanya sendiri.
>Dalam kehidupan antarumat beragama masih sering muncul masalah yang berujung 
>konflik. Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kata jujur sudah semakin sulit kita 
>jumpai, budaya antre sudah semakin langka, budaya gotong royong dan kerja sama 
>antarwarga terasa semakin jauh. Padahal salatnya taat dan sudah melaksanakan 
>haji. Puasa dan zakatnya tidak pernah ketinggalan.
>Demikian pula saat ini berkembang tindakan kriminalitas, seperti tindakan 
>perampokan, pemerkosaan, pembunuhan, dan teror. Kerusuhan dan tawuran 
>antarwarga telah terjadi di berbagai daerah. Dalam kehidupan berpolitik 
>menjelang pemilukada, atmosfer bumi pertiwi semakin panas. Pertikaian 
>antarparpol semakin tajam dan berakhir dengan jatuhnya banyak korban. 
>Sementara itu tindakan pelanggaran moral sudah sampai pada titik kritis. 
>Misalnya gejala prostitusi yang berakhir dengan aborsi, termasuk seksualitas 
>yang bisa jadi komoditas.
>Mengapa semarak dakwah dan ritual keagamaan di Indonesia tidak mampu mengubah 
>perilaku sosial dan birokrasi sebagaimana yang diajarkan Islam, yang justru 
>dipraktikkan di negara-negara sekuler? Tampaknya keberagaman kita lebih senang 
>di le

[proletar] Tangan Pendek Pemerintah di Bidang Kesehatan

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Ref: Tangan pendek di bidang kesehatan, tetapi tangan panjang di bidang 
keuangan adalah harga mati merdeka-merdeka selama lebih dari setengah abad.


   Tangan Pendek Pemerintah di Bidang Kesehatan  
pembangunan kesehatan kita belum selesai. Kita melihat penyelesaian masalah 
kesehatan rakyat yang sudah kecukupan makan saja masih menggantung. Di kalangan 
rakyat yang belum tuntas melawan kemiskinan strukturalnya, apalagi. Belum tentu 
setiap kali sakit mereka mampu berobat. Kondisi mereka masih membuat miris. 
Ketika sehat, mereka menunggu sakit. Dan ketika sakit, mungkin tinggal menunggu 
Kebanyakan penyakit--kalau bukan semua--sebetulnya tak perlu terjadi kalau 
masyarakat diberi penyuluhan. Ketika anggaran kesehatan masih menjadi dalih 
beratnya membuat rakyat jadi sehat, upaya pencegahan penyakit sejatinya ada di 
barisan paling depan pembangunan kesehatan kita.
Memberdayakan masyarakat Ambil contoh kasus diare. Masih tingginya angka diare 
menimbulkan dampak sosial yang luas. Selain pada tingkat keluarga, pada 
pencapaian target MDGs (millennium development goals), dan sudah barang tentu 
pada kualitas indeks manusia (human development index). Angka diare belum 
selesai ditekan dalam hitungan sekian dasawarsa. Kita tahu diare urusan 
sederhana. Tapi, kalau angkanya masih tak masuk akal, sementara pembangunan 
kesehatan berjalan sudah begitu lama, di mana letak salahnya?
Solusi menekan angka diare pada beberapa kasus sesungguhnya adalah penyuluhan 
hidup bersih, tentang sanitasi, dan implementasi ketersediaan air bersih.
Tengok rendahnya perilaku hidup bersih anak sekolah, higiene penjaja makanan, 
dan kebiasaan salah memilih minuman, yang merupakan penyebab tak terpisahkan 
masih tingginya angka diare kita.

Ongkos penyuluhan tak lebih tinggi dibanding apabila pemerintah harus memikul 
ongkos berobat diare, selain dampak buruknya terhadap kesehatan keluarga serta 
tingginya kematian anak.
Paling sedikit sepuluh penyakit mengintai bila kebiasaan mencuci tangan 
masyarakat tidak terbentuk. Ini juga urusan penyuluhan.

Kemunculan kanker banyak disebabkan masyarakat salah mengkonsumsi. Kelebihan 
makan daging sama buruknya dengan membanjirnya polusi udara, air, dan cemaran 
zat aditif dalam jajanan. Radiasi gelombang elektromagnetik peralatan 
elektronik kini sama jahatnya dengan jamu nakal, produk herbal berbahaya, dalam 
memicu kemunculan kanker.

Menu masyarakat berkecukupan didominasi menu berprotein tinggi, misalnya 
kelebihan daging. Ini menjadi bagian dari gaya makan orang sekarang. Tanpa 
disadari, pola makan seperti itu lebih sering mencetuskan kanker. Anak sekarang 
lebih memilih ayam goreng, bistik, burger, dan sosis ketimbang ikan, tempe, 
tahu, serta sayur asam yang lebih menyehatkan. Jenis menu “tiger diet“ semacam 
inilah yang menjadikan generasi sekarang memiliki pola makan yang kian 
mencemaskan, termasuk “westernisasi“ dalam pola makan. Hal ini tidak hanya 
bikin anak lebih tambun, tapi juga menyimpan “bom waktu“ bakal meledaknya ragam 
penyakit orang modern.
Itu sebabnya, penyakit metabolisme, komplotan darah tinggi, kencing manis, asam 
urat, ginjal, dan komplikasinya, selain kanker, kian banyak menimpa serta 
merenggut kaum berusia muda (premature death).

Pengawasan pemerintah terhadap jajanan nakal dan segala yang merugikan 
masyarakat tak cukup panjang untuk menjangkau begitu luas serta jauhnya wilayah 
kita. Di kota-kota besar pun masih bebas beredar warung makan, bahkan restoran, 
dan kedai yang menjajakan makanan yang belum tentu seluruhnya menyehatkan, 
nyaris tanpa pengawasan.
Minyak goreng yang tak menyehatkan, serta cara olah, cara penyajian, dan bahan 
bakunya yang buruk, dalam jangka panjang, berpotensi merusak kesehatan konsumen.

Kalau tangan pemerintah begitu pendek untuk mengawasi segala yang merugikan 
masyarakat, cara mudah dan sederhana menyelamatkan masyarakat dari bahaya laten 
menu serta jajanan tak menyehatkan adalah dengan memberi penyuluhan agar 
masyarakat hidup cerdas (sehat). Cerdas memilih makanan sehat. Cerdas bergaya 
hidup sehat. Untuk itu, penyuluhan juga menjadi kunci pamungkasnya.

“Bom waktu“ bagi generasi sekarang bukan cuma akibat mereka tercemar begitu 
banyak zat berbahaya yang timbul dari tak sehatnya menu harian, tapi juga makin 
gampangnya anak ataupun orang dewasa menjadi gemuk. Kegemukan juga “bom waktu“ 
buat munculnya banyak penyakit orang sekarang, selain terkait dengan 
tercetusnya kanker. Tugas pemerintahlah, dan peranan setiap ibu, untuk 
menginsafi bahwa gemuk itu penyakit. Dan tidak gemuk tidak juga kurus adalah 
target membangun keluarga dan generasi berkualitas.
Pembodohan masyarakat Fokus masalah kesehatan kita ada dua. Masalah terbesar 
ada pada empat perlima masyarakat yang masih perlu diberdayaka

[proletar] Peace talks aborted to give International Quartet plan “a chance” – Israeli President

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny

Peace talks aborted to give International Quartet plan “a chance” – Israeli 

By Nazir Majali

Tel Aviv, Asharq Al-Awsat – Israeli President Shimon Peres is the elder 
statesmen of Israeli politics. He has served as Israeli Prime Minister three 
times in his career, and has been a member of 12 cabinets in a political career 
spanning more than half a century. He was first elected to the Knesset in 
November 1959, and barring a three-month-long hiatus in early 2006, served 
continuously until 2007, when he was appointed President. Peres is widely 
respected within Israel, as well as the Arab world, and was a recipient of the 
1994 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, for the 
peace talks he participated in – as Israeli Foreign Minister – which produced 
the Oslo Accords. 
In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Israeli President Shimon Peres 
talks about the future of Palestinian – Israeli peace negotiations, the Arab 
Spring, and the threat of Iran.

The following is the full text of the interview:

[Asharq Al-Awsat] I met with you a few months ago just prior to your trip to 
Jordan to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, to complete talks 
aimed at resuming the peace negotiations. At the time, you said that you were 
extremely optimistic about the chances of resuming peace negotiations, but 
nothing was achieved on the ground. What happened?

[Peres] The situation in Egypt became more complicated, whilst there was [also] 
rapprochement between Hamas and Fatah. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] However, isn’t it true that you were the one who contacted 
Abbas at the last moment, informing him that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu was not granting you permission to pursue the talks? 

[Peres] Yes, things were impeded on that day, but I did not give up.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] On that day, did you reach any agreement with Abbas? Did this 
meeting achieve any serious progress? 

[Peres] We made a lot of progress.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What progress? Whose ideas were implemented or agreed upon; 
your own ideas, those of Abbas, those of Netanyahu? 

[Peres] Everything was in coordination with Prime Minister [Netanyahu]. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Could this “progress” have resulted in a serious agreement?

[Peres] It could have been very serious, if we were not forced to stop.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What forced you to stop?

[Peres] The International Quartet submitted its new proposals, and Tony Blair 
and US officials arrived and offered to conduct direct meetings focusing on the 
issues of borders and security. They asked each party to put forward its 
proposals [on these issues] within three months…this is what halted our 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] So you are saying that it was the International Quartet – not 
Prime Minister Netanyahu – that halted your most recent efforts to reach an 
agreement with Abbas? 

[Peres] Netanyahu told me that he wanted to give the International Quartet’s 
proposal a chance.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] However since that there have been no direct Israeli – 
Palestinian contacts. In this case, how would you characterize the 
International Quartet’s intervention? 

[Peres] This [Israeli – Palestinian communication] has not been cut off 
completely, but it is less than before. This period will end on 14 January.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you mean to say that the International Quartet’s proposal 
is doomed to failure, and the negotiations will return to their previous track?

[Peres] Yes, this is what I believe.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] The International Quartet has asked each party to put forward 
its proposal regarding the issue of borders and security. As far as I know, the 
Palestinians have done this, putting forward their own initiative regarding the 
border issue, and supporting the initiative that was previously put forward by 
the US regarding security. However the Israelis have so-far failed to put 
forward any initiative, is this true? 

[Peres] Since the Americans put forward their initiative regarding the security 
issue, new developments have occurred in the region. There is a lack of 
security in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, whilst the 
situation in Syria and Lebanon is unclear. Even in Egypt, the situation is 
obscure, but we must not fall victim to despair.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] However didn’t the Ehud Olmert government agree to the US 
proposal on the security issue? 

[Peres] The present Israeli government does not see itself as being bound to 
accept what was agreed by Olmert.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Why?

[Peres] This is because this was a proposal, not an agreement. Abbas did not 
sign any agreement with Olmert, so this is not binding to the next government. 

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Is there any hope in the current hardline Netanyahu 
government reaching an agreement with the Palestinians? 

[Peres] I believe in direct negotiations. The International Quartet is not

[proletar] Stunning show at Burj Khalifa overwhelms New Year revellers

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Refl: Di Indonesia perayaan Natal dan Tahun Baru menjadi pokok pembicaraan pro 
& kontra, tetapi di Dubai, tahun baru dirayakan dengan kembang api dari Burj 

Stunning show at Burj Khalifa overwhelms New Year revellers
Display of fireworks wows residents and tourists alike

By Janice Ponce de Leon, Staff Reporter
  a.. Published: 00:00 January 2, 2012 

  a.. 11 
  a.. Image Credit: Hadrian Hernandez/Gulf News 
  a.. Streaks of colour light up the Burj Khalifa past midnight on January 1, 
2012 in a pyrotechnic show to ring in the new year.Image 1 of 5 
Dubai: Hundreds of thousands of people ushered in the New Year at Downtown 
Dubai as the colours of the UAE national flag lit the night sky and brilliantly 
draped the Burj Khalifa in an eight-minute fireworks display yesterday. 

Standing 828 metres above the ground, the world's tallest building was 
illuminated in white, red, and green hues from top to bottom for the first 
time. The spectacular fireworks display was themed as a salute to the UAE for 
its 40 years of nationhood. 

"The New Year's Celebrations 2012 is our tribute to the cosmopolitan spirit of 
Dubai. The spectacle has reiterated this global city's position as one of the 
most sought after destinations for New Year's celebrations," Ahmad Al 
Matroushi, Managing Director, Emaar Properties, said. 

Residents and tourists alike revelled in the sea of light, with many saying 
last night's show was the best they had seen so far. 

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[proletar] Defense bolstered with $29.4bn arms deal with America

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Ref: Kira-kira negara mana yang akan menyerang Arab Saudia atau negara mana 
yang akan diserang oleh Arab Saudia?
Defense bolstered with $29.4bn arms deal with America
A F-15S fighter jet of Saudi Arabian Air Force.


Published: Dec 31, 2011 00:13 Updated: Dec 31, 2011 00:13 

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia has boosted its defense capabilities with a $29.4 billion 
arms deal with the United States. 

The Kingdom confirmed on Friday that it has signed the deal to purchase 84 
F-15SA fighter jets.

A Defense Ministry spokesman said the deal includes 70 Apache attack 
helicopters, 72 Black Hawk helicopters, 36 AH-6i helicopters and 12 MD-530F 
helicopters as well as upgrading of 70 existing F15 jets.

“The agreement also includes munitions, spare parts, training, maintenance and 
logistics for several years to ensure high level of defense capabilities for 
the Kingdom to safeguard its people and land,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted 
the spokesman as saying.

He said the deal came in line with the desire of Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques King Abdullah, supreme commander of the armed forces, to strengthen the 
defense capabilities of Saudi forces.

In a previous statement, Defense Minister Prince Salman emphasized the need to 
modernize the Kingdom’s armed forces and bolster its defense capabilities in 
the face of growing challenges and threats.

In a similar statement, Chief of Staff Gen. Hussein Al-Qubail warned against 
the dangerous developments surrounding the Kingdom and had called for quick 
action to modernize the armed forces.

The defense spokesman did not say how much the deal would cost but the US said 
it is worth $29.4 billion and would support more than 50,000 US jobs and give 
the American economy a $3.5 billion annual boost.

The announcement came with tensions between Iran and the US on the rise after 
Tehran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to oil tankers if Washington 
imposes a new raft of sanctions over its nuclear program.

“This agreement reinforces the strong and enduring relationship between the 
United States and Saudi Arabia, and demonstrates the US commitment to a strong 
Saudi defense capability as a key component to regional security,” said White 
House spokesman Josh Earnest on Thursday in Honolulu.

According to one report, the Saudi-US deal — the single priciest US arms sale 
to a foreign country — was signed on Saturday in Riyadh. It was first unveiled 
in October 2010 as part of a $60 billion US arms sale to Saudi Arabia. The 
delivery of the whole package will unfold over 15 to 20 years, US officials 

First deliveries of the aircraft will be made in early 2015, while the 
modernization of existing planes will start in 2014 and the first payments for 
the deal are expected in the coming weeks and months. Administration officials 
described the sale of advanced F-15s as designed to bolster overall Saudi 
defenses in an uncertain region. “In the Middle East right now, there's a 
number of threats," said Andrew Shapiro, assistant US secretary of state for 
political-military affairs.

“Clearly one of the threats that they face, as well as other countries in the 
region, is Iran,” he said. But the sale was "not solely directed" toward Iran, 
Shapiro said. “This is directed toward meeting our partner Saudi Arabia's 
defense needs,” he said.

The Obama administration in October 2010 notified Congress of the proposed F-15 
sale as part of a potential package valued at up to $60 billion over 10 to 15 
years, including the 84 advanced Boeing F-15SA fighters with cutting-edge 
Raytheon Co radar equipment and digital electronic warfare systems for which 
BAE Systems Plc is the key supplier.

The head of Boeing's military business, Dennis Muilenburg, told Reuters the 
deliveries would take about five years to complete, extending the F-15 
production line toward the end of this decade.

Senior Pentagon official James Miller said the new F-15s "will be the most 
capable and versatile aircraft in the Royal Saudi Fighter inventory." He added: 
"The F-15SA will have the latest generation of computing power, radar 
technology, infrared sensors and electronic warfare systems."

Saudi Arabia was the biggest buyer of US arms from Jan. 1, 2007 through the end 
of 2010, with signed agreements totaling $13.8 billion, followed by the United 
Arab Emirates, with $10.4 billion, according to a Dec. 15 Congressional 
Research Service report.

— With input from agencie

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[proletar] CNN: Pakistan, India swap lists of nuclear sites - CNN.com

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Bukan Pedanda

Langkah untuk denuklirisasi Asia selatan dan langkah untuk mengakhiri  
perseteruan India Pakistan?



Pakistan, India swap lists of nuclear sites - CNN.com
By the CNN Wire Staff


Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Nuclear rivals India and Pakistan exchanged lists 
of their nuclear sites Sunday in accordance with a 1988 agreement that 
prohibits the neighboring countries from attacking the locations, officials in 
Islamabad said.

Pakistan's foreign ministry confirmed that it turned in its list to the Indian 
High Commission, and received the same from New Delhi. There was no immediate 
comment from Indian officials.

Both countries recently returned to talks on conventional and nuclear weapons, 
Indian officials have said.

No major developments were expected from the high-level talks, which were held 
in Islamabad last week. The discussions were aimed at building confidence 
between the two nuclear powers, according to a December statement from the 
Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

Dialogue will help the countries understand each other's nuclear doctrine, 
Pakistan's state-run news agency cited foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit as 

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since the partition of the Asian 
subcontinent in 1947. Two of them were over Kashmir, which is claimed by both 

In 2004, the nations agreed to negotiations that cover eight issues, including 
Kashmir, terrorism and Pakistan's concerns over river dams on the Indian side 
of the border, which it sees as a threat to its water supplies.

Earlier this year, New Delhi and Islamabad agreed to resume peace talks frozen 
by the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. India blamed Pakistani militants for the 
strike on its financial capital, which killed more than 160 people.

In July, both nations vowed they would not allow their relationship to slide 
backward again.

Journalist Wajahat S. Khan contributed to this report.
© 2012 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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[proletar] A Maya culpa on end of world

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
A Maya culpa on end of world 
Matthew Restall and Amara Solariare
January 2, 2012 
A Mayan priest taking part in a ceremony. Photo: AP

THE last New Year's Day in human history has come.

You may not believe it, but millions do. They are convinced that ancient Maya 
priests calculated December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. The only problem 
is, the ancient Maya predicted no such thing.

In its heyday, circa AD250 to 900, the Mayan civilisation produced a dazzling 
legacy of literature and learning, art and architecture. But they weren't 
preoccupied with apocalypse.

The Maya perceived time as a set of infinite cycles, not a clock ticking 
towards doomsday. One of these cycles, known by scholars as the Maya Long 
Count, consists of more than 5000 years. In our calendrical system, it began in 
August 3114BC and is due to end on December 21, 2012 - or, in Maya numerology,

But there is nothing to suggest the Maya believed this date would be the 
world's last.

One text that records the date, a carved stone plaque from the 
Mexican site of Tortuguero, was ambiguously read by Maya scholars in 1996 as 
possibly predicting an ominous event - the ''descent'' of a deity associated 
with the underworld. The scholars posted their interpretation online and that 
reading spread rapidly across the internet in the years that followed, promoted 
as evidence of a specific Mayan prophecy.

The consensus today is that the text refers to a future commemoration of that 
date, when the local ruler will impersonate or represent that deity. It is not 
a doomsday prophecy but a bold assertion that the seventh-century building once 
marked by the plaque would still stand in 2012.

If the evidence for Mayan doomsday predictions is so flimsy, why are so many 
people willing to believe it is true?

All societies are drawn to knowledge that seems time- worn, mysterious, coded - 
and to the magic of its decoding.

Another explanation lies deep within our own Western traditions, which include 
teachings about the end of the world. In stark contrast to the Maya, mediaeval 
Europeans generated a vast body of literature and artwork predicting and 
describing the world's end. Nobody questioned that it would come; the issue was 
how and when. AP

Restall and Solariare are the authors of 2012 and the End of the World: The 
Western Roots of the Maya Apocalypse. They teach art history, history and 
anthropology at Pennsylvania State University. 

Read more: 

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[proletar] Anak kecil

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik cha6966
Seorang bocah laki-laki masuk ke sebuah toko. Ia mengambil peti minuman dan 
mendorongnya ke dekat pesawat telepon koin. 
Lalu, ia naik ke atasnya sehingga ia bisa menekan tombol angka di telepon 
dengan leluasa. 
Ditekannya tujuh digit angka. Si pemilik toko mengamati-amati tingkah bocah ini 
dan menguping percakapan teleponnya. 

"Ibu, bisakah saya mendapat pekerjaan memotong rumput di halaman Ibu?" 

Ibu (di ujung telepon sebelah sana): 
"Saya sudah punya orang untuk mengerjakannya". 

"Ibu bisa bayar saya setengah upah dari orang itu". 

"Saya sudah sangat puas dengan hasil kerja orang itu". 

Bocah (dengan sedikit memaksa): 
"Saya juga akan menyapu pinggiran trotoar Ibu dan saya jamin di hari Minggu 
halaman rumah Ibu akan jadi yang tercantik di antara rumah" yg berada di 
kompleks perumahan ibu". 

"Tidak, terima kasih. Saya sudah mendapatkan orang terbaik untuk pekerjaan 
tersebut dan saya tidak mau ada orang lain yang menggantikannya". 

Dengan senyuman di wajahnya, bocah itu menaruh kembali gagang telepon. 
Si pemilik toko, yang sedari tadi mendengarkan, menghampiri bocah itu. 

Pemilik Toko: 
"Nak, aku suka sikapmu, semangat positifmu, dan aku ingin menawarkanmu 

"Tidak Pak. Terima Kasih". 

Pemilik Toko: 
"Tapi tadi kedengarannya kamu sangat menginginkan pekerjaan tersebut". 

"Oh, itu.. Pak. Saya cuma mau mengecek apa kerjaan saya sudah bagus. Sayalah 
yang bekerja untuk Ibu tadi!"

Seperti anak kecil dalam cerita di atas, sebaiknya kita mengevaluasi tentang 
apa yang telah kita kerjakan di tahun 2011 kemaren untuk memastikan kualitas 
kerja yang lebih baik di tahun 2012 ini.

"Happy New Year 2012. Wish You all The Best. God bless all of you my friend".

Charles Asiku

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[proletar] CNN: 4 killed as violence persists in Pakistan

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Bukan Pedanda

4 killed as violence persists in Pakistan - CNN.com
By the CNN Wire Staff


An explosion outside the home of a former lawmaker in Quetta killed 13 people 
and injured several others on December 30, 2011.
An explosion outside the home of a former lawmaker in Quetta killed 13 people 
and injured several others on December 30, 2011.

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Explosions in western Pakistan killed four people 
Sunday, including a young boy, authorities said.

A blast in Pakistan's volatile Balochistan province left three members of the 
country's security forces dead, and two more wounded, military and police 
officials said. The victims were part of a convoy escorting civilians through 
the Zain Koh area of Dera Bugti, said Ghulam Muhammad Baloch, a police official.

The Dera Bugti attack came just two days after an explosion outside the home of 
a former lawmaker in the provincial capital of Quetta killed 13 people.

Also Sunday, a 7-year-old boy died in a roadside bombing in Pakistan's tribal 
Bajaur agency, said Islam Zeb, a government official. Three others were wounded 
in that attack.

Journalists Wajahat S. Khan and Saboor Khattak contributed to this report.
© 2012 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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[proletar] 2012, DPR Bertekad Tingkatkan Kinerja

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Refl: Selama ini malas-malas jadi sekarang dirajinkan?

2012, DPR Bertekad Tingkatkan Kinerja

Minggu, 01/01/2012 - 18:24 
JAKARTA, (PRLM).- Ketua DPR RI Marzuki Alie mengajak semua partai yang ada di 
DPR untuk mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa. Oleh karena itu, seluruh jajaran DPR 
bertekad meningkatkan kinerja pada 2012.

Marzuki menyampaikan hal itu di sela-sela acara menyambut tahun baru dan 
harapan tahun 2012, di kediaman pribadinya, di kawasan Halim Perdanakusuma, 
Jakarta, Minggu (1/1) dini hari.

Dikemukakan, DPR periode sekarang punya waktu 2,5 tahun untuk menyelesaikan 
semua tugasnya. "Tahun 2012 harus jadi kinerja terbaik," kata Wakil Ketua Dewan 
Partai Demokrat ini.

Marzuki menyebutkan, kinerja yang baik dapat dilihat dari penyusunan anggaran 
yang berpihak pada rakyat dan pengawasan serta legislasi ditingkatkan.

Dia menilai, dalam kurun waktu dua tahun DPR terpuruk dan ada perilaku yang 
tidak beretika dan tidak disiplin. Karena itu dia berharap 2012 DPR akan lebih 
berdisiplin. Dengan demikian, rakyat tidak terlalu menyesal. "Masyarakat jangan 
sampai kecewa," katanya.

Untuk mendisiplinkan anggota, kata Marzuki, akan diberlakukan absensi 
elektronik. "Mudah-mudahan akan mempengaruhi. Kemarin lapor ke partai isi 
penuh. Demokrat absen penuh semua," katanya.

Kegiatan menyambut tahun baru yang diselenggarakan Ketua DPR menghadirkan musik 
jalanan. Grup musik itu terdiri atas empat orang sehari-hari tampil di kereta 

Beberapa anggota DPR termasuk Ketua Fraksi PD DPR Jafar Hafsah, anggota FPD DPR 
Syofwatillah Mohzaib dan Haryanto. Tidak ada pidato resmi dalam kegiatan ini 
dan diselenggarakan atas ide Marzuki yang disampaikan melalui Grup DPR 1. 

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[proletar] SBY Dituduh Abaikan Kompolnas

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
ref : Mungkin tidak diabaikan, tetapi anggota keluarga masih dalam proses 
persiapan untuk jabatan 

Terkait Calon Kapolri
SBY Dituduh Abaikan Kompolnas
Selasa, 05/10/2010 - 08:59 
JAKARTA, (PRLM).- Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (Kompolnas) mengatakan Presiden 
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) mengabaikan masukan soal calon Kapolri dengan 
mengajukan nama Komjen Timur Pradopo. Kepastian pencalonan Timur Pradopo 
disampaikan oleh ketua DPR Marzuki Alie yang Senin (4/11) malam mengatakan dia 
sudah menerima surat dari Presiden.

Anggota Kompolnas La Ode Husein mengatakan pihaknya dan Polri sudah melakukan 
penilaian sehingga merekomendasikan nama Komjen Nanan Soekarna dan Komjen Imam 
Sudjarwo sebagai calon kapolri kepada presiden.

La Ode Husein mengatakan tidak memahami mengapa presiden mengabaikan 
pertimbangan Kompolnas dan Polri. "Pertimbangan itu mempunyai makna yuridis 
kalau kita lihat dalam undang-undang. Seharusnya pertimbangan Kompolnas tidak 
bisa diabaikan," kata La Ode Husein kepada "BBC".

Timur Pradopo baru Senin (4/10) dilantik menjadi jenderal bintang tiga sebagai 
kepala badan pemeliharaan keamanan. Sebelumnya dia adalah Kapolda Metro Jaya 
dengan pangkat inspektur jenderal atau jenderal bintang dua.

Namun juru bicara presiden Julian Aldrin Pasha mengatakan pencalonan Timur 
Pradopo sudah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang nomor 2 tahun 2002 tentang kepolisian 
negara. Julian Pasha secara khusus menyebut pasal 11 yang pada dasarnya 
mengatakan kapolri diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh presiden dengan persetujuan 

Langkah selanjutnya dalam proses pencalonan Timur Pradopo adalah uji kelayakan 
yang akan dilakukan oleh Komisi III DPR yang menangani masalah hukum.

Anggota Komisi III dari PDI-Perjuangan Trimedya Panjaitan mengatakan partainya 
akan menyoroti peran Timur Pradopo dalam peristiwa Trisakti-Semanggi. "Karena 
Pak Timur Pradopo ini pernah dipanggil Pansus Trisakti-Semanggi, mungkin kita 
meminta Komnas HAM meneliti secara komperhensif sejauh mana keterelibatan Pak 
Timur Pradopo soal Trisakti-Semanggi," kata Trimedya.

Trimedya juga akan menanyai rekam jejak Timur Pradopo sebagai Kapolda Metro 
Jaya yang ditandai dengan kericuhan soal Gereja HKBP di Bekasi dan pembunuhan 
di Jln. Ampera, Jakarta Selatan, akhir bulan September.

Timur Pradopo dicalonkan sebagai pengganti Jeneral Bambang Hendarso Danuri yang 
masa jabatannya habis akhir bulan Oktober. (A-147)***

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[proletar] Re: Antagonisme Penerapan Ajaran Islam di Indonesia (1)

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik kim
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Sunny"  wrote:
>Akan tetapi penulis kaget membaca hasil penelitian sosial 
>bertema "How Islamic are Islamic Countries"yang dilakukan
>oleh Scheherazade S Rehman dan Hossein Askari dari The George >Washington 
>University, yang menyimpulkan bahwa negara yang 
>paling Islami (menerapkan nilai-nilai keislaman dalam kehidupan 
>>bermasyarakat) justru negara non-Islam.

Berkutat setengah mati !
Kedua orang yg disebutkan diatas itu keukeuh tidak mau
melihat fakta bahwa justru spirit Islam itu bikin mandeg.

Ibarat meloco, memutarkan keadaan negara yg maju dan di-
siplin digiring kedalam lingkungan Islam yg sebenarnya.
Ini bukan satu dua orang yang pernah ngomong spt demikian.

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[proletar] Orang Bugis Tak Mengenal Ucapan Terimakasih

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny

Orang Bugis Tak Mengenal Ucapan Terimakasih
Tribun Timur - Rabu, 28 Desember 2011 13:38 WITAShare | 
Dr Darwis, MA DpsMAKASSAR, TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM - Dialog budaya kini sedang 
berlangsung di kediaman seniman Asdar Muis di Kompleks Bukit Hartaco Indah, 
Daya Makassar. Dialog ini menampilkan pembicara Dr Darwis, Dr Syahriar Tato, 
Asdar Muis, dan Asia Ramli Prapanca. Sementara peserta dialog juga dihadiri 
hampir 10 orang seniman dari Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah. Hadir pula 
pemerhati seni lainnya Bahar Merdhu, Anis Kaba, Mega Atu Retnoningtyas dari 
Surabaya dan lainnya.

Dalam dialog Darwis mengatakan seniman sangat berperan besar dalam 
merekonsiliasi konflik di masyarakat. Lewat pertunjukkan teater misalnya, 
seniman dapat mempengaruhi dan menumbuhkan kesadaran warga untuk bersatu dan 
hidup dalam suasana damai.

Sosiolog Darwis juga mengatakan orang Bugis Makassar tidak pernah mengenal kata 
terima kasih. Tetapi itu bisa dilakukan dalam simbol simbol. Misalnya ada 
tetangga yang datang membawa kue ke rumah seseorang, biasanya piring pembawa 
kue tadi tidak pulang kosong tetapi diisi dengan pemberian pula. Itu termasuk 
simbol ucapan terima kasih yang menerima pemberian tadi. Sampai sekarang dialog 
masih berlangsung. (*/tribun-timur.com)
Penulis : Tasman Banto
Editor : Muh. Irham

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[proletar] Indonesian tycoon makes $30m donation to NUS

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik holy uncle
Indonesian tycoon makes $30m donation to NUS 

Sunday, Jan 01, 2012 

SINGAPORE - A wealthy Indonesian businessman and philanthropist has made a $30 
million gift to the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Yong Loo Lin 
School of Medicine (YLLSoM).

With a matching grant made by the government, the gift is expected to amount to 
an estimated $75 million, NUS said on its website.

The donor is Dr Tahir, a 1976 graduate of Nanyang University, which later 
merged with the University of Singapore to form NUS.

The NUS alumnus - who is the founder and executive chairman of the Indonesian 
conglomerate Mayapada Group - has made previous gifts to NUS but none as large 
as this recent one.

Over the period between 2006 and 2010, Dr Tahir gave a total of $3 million to 
set up scholarships and bursaries at NUS Business School and University Town.

His gift this round will help to advance medical education and research in 
YLLSoM, NUS President Prof Tan Chorh Chuan said on the varsity's website.

When interviewed by The Straits Times (ST), Dr Tahir, 59, was hesitant to talk 
about the $30 million pledge he had made but instead discussed his philosophy 
of philanthropy.

He mentioned investor George Soros, an example of what he called "corporate 
raiders" - those who "take countries down and leave their people without jobs, 
then become philanthropic".

"Would you call him a good man?" Dr Tahir asked in the ST interview. Dr Tahir 
said he would rather be a Bill Gates than a George Soros.

"It's not about how many cars you have, how rich you are. That's disgusting," 
he was quoted as saying in ST. This incisive quote, incidentally, became the 
headline of ST's story about him.

Dr Tahir said education was one of the most important causes one could support, 
and he hoped his actions would inspire other alumni and friends to do likewise.

Prof Tan said on the NUS website, "As an alumni donor of the University, Dr 
Tahir inspires us with his passionate belief in the University's ability to 
influence the future and positively impact the lives around us."

http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BN ... 19334.html

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[proletar] Warga Syiah di Pengungsian Gelisah

2012-01-01 Terurut Topik Sunny
Refl: Mengapa tidak sekaligus NKRI menyatakan perang kepada Iran yang adalah 
pusat aliran Syjah dan hanya berani menyerang umat di Madura. 


  Warga Syiah di Pengungsian Gelisah  
  Jumat, 30 December 2011 17:52  

  PENGUNGSI SYIAH. Sejumlah perempuan dan anak-anak pengikut aliran Syiah 
berada di tempat pengungsian di lapangnan tenis indoor, Sampang, Madura, Jatim, 
Jumat (30-12).FOTO/ANTARA 

  MADURA (Lampost.com): Meski sudah dievakuasi ke Kota Sampang, Madura, 
Jawa Timur, kegelisahan masih menyelimuti ratusan warga Syiah pascapembakaran 
pesantren dan rumah warga pengikut Tajul Muluk, Jumat (30-12).

  Ratusan warga Syiah sebelumnya sempat diungsikan ke kantor Kecamatan 
Omben, namun tak berapa lama kemudian mereka dibawa ke kompleks Lapangan Tennis 
Indoor Kota Sampang.

  Data sementara jumlah pengungsi sebanyak 253 orang. Kebanyakan dari 
mereka adalah anak-anak. Mereka gelisah karena memikirkan kondisi rumah di Desa 
Karang Gayam yang ditinggalkan.

  Mereka khawatir tidak bisa lagi pulang ke kampung halaman yang menjadi 
sasaran amuk warga. Tempat pengungsian yang tidak layak juga semakin membuat 
mereka tidak nyaman.

  Salah seorang pengungsi, Muti'ah, mengaku saat kejadian nyaris dibunuh 
massa yang bersenjatakan celurit.

  “Orang-orang itu bilang, pergi sana semua perempuan. Terus saya diancam 
mau dibunuh, leher saya dikalungi celurit. Padahal waktu itu saya hanya 
duduk-duduk melihat kejadian. Saya bilang, 'sudah bunuh saja saya. Wong saya 
tidak salah apa-apa ke kalian. Saya loh cuma mau lihat'.” kata dia dengan logat 
Maduranya yang kental, Jumat (30-12).

  Sementara itu, sekira 800 personel polisi bersenjata lengkap masih 
bersiaga di Desa Karang Gayam. Sebagian besar adalah personel Brimob. Polisi 
menetapkan siaga satu. (OZ/L-1)


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